Battle: Los Angeles Aliens Explored | How the Landsharks Biology has been Altered and Changed

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apart from aliens dropping a mega virus on the planet completely overwhelming us like in war of the worlds or just in general releasing a super predator that would quickly take over the planet as the top species because nothing works on them a lot of people have probably wondered what would happen if an alien invasion took place during our current era and scale of technology and how would our militaries actually fare against such creatures well one of the interesting aspects of this is what exactly do you do against them humans have gotten extremely efficient in taking one another out over the last hundred thousand years from hand to hand to spears to arrows to swords to muskets to splitting the atom to vaporize everything we pretty much mastered it at this point and we really do just like destroying one another but during the events of battle la after a meteor shower takes place all over the world and then those meteors actually end up hitting near coastal cities an invasion would arrive on the shores of specifically california and then numerous other countries to annihilate the native population and take earth's most precious resource the question the militaries would face however is how do you stop these things hailing from a different planet means different physiology bodily needs and in general a lack of organs that we have come to know to be important to life so in today's episode we will be discussing the movie battle la and the aliens that have descended from the sky along with their possible origins and why they chose earth a heavily populated planet of all places to attack so as per usual up on screen you will see a time stamp if you want to head there you can bypass a summary of this movie and then head straight into sort of like the lore and science of this but for everyone else let's find out why sergeant johnson's statement of we've all run the simulations they're tough but they ain't invincible applies to these alien bastards we open up our story to a bunch of chatter from the media because you know as they always do nowadays they just can't seem to shut up about anything but it's clear from what we are seeing that the military is engaging with something cities across the planet are under siege a military officer talks about how this is a textbook military invasion but a group of soldiers are sent in a helicopter across an open war zone as los angeles does not appear to be doing so hot 24 hours earlier than this we meet staff sergeant michael nance running along the beach as he does he starts getting passed by younger soldiers he heads to his car to ice his knees and oh god i felt that so just for your information avoid 400 pound plus squats in high school you will be feeling it around your 30s anyways it's clear that he's older and likely about three weeks from retirement as he drives along in his i'm fairly certain this is a 1965 mustang pretty quality year he's hearing reports about the meteorites touching down in the oceans tomorrow morning as he heads in nance has done his 20 years in the military and he's ready to get out at this point so actually he's like an hour from retirement so now things are picking up about the meteors the scientists of earth didn't detect them until recently despite usually them being able to detect these things months or even years out so not important but we get to meet a ton of soldiers who likely won't make it locket goes out to visit his brother's gravesite and in general the soldiers are really just getting ready for like some sort of wedding before their deployment to iraq the next morning the meteors have landed off the coast of 20 different countries and the united states is up on the chopping block too out at the desert military training area a few humvees arrive to pull all the soldiers back to base nance is supposed to be getting out of there but then is dragged back with them despite his protesting as the whole base is being mobilized to deal with the meteors off the coast nance is being assigned to a new platoon as the original staff sergeant is on leave already the group doesn't trust him because during his last tour in iraq it really just kind of went bad and also i know i'm supposed to say i rock but it's just my accent it's iraq apart from that everyone is getting geared up to go out there as the meteors begin landing in the water they're all brief that the objects are slowing down before impact and that they are mechanical not natural meaning that something is touching down on the planet apart from normal rock as they watch footage of the impacts ships are being destroyed and as they continue to look at the destroyers being just turned over creatures begin attacking the beaches and civilians one of the soldiers hypothesizes that these are extraterrestrial while another talks about how they are from canada i mean obviously a fair summation so the helicopter ride over is pretty turbulent mainly because there's an entire battle going on below them as they arrive at santa monica airport this is going to be their ford operating base as they are brief the platoon is told that most of the civilians have been evacuated but there are still some inside a police station and their job is to get them out there is a defensive line a mile from the ocean which will be definitely held as for now the aliens do not appear to have air support because of this at 19 30 or 7 30 pm santa monica will be leveled by a bombardment to destroy the invaders their main goal is to take out anything not human because humanity number one baby as they run past the civilians the entire city is now engulfed in smoke and aliens and they can hear something in the distance but doesn't sound like human tech walking down the street they begin to hear movement around them along with guttural noises as well the dog runs out of the smoke and they assume oh it's just a dog but not really because then the aliens open up on them as now you might have guessed a massive firefight ensues that presumably annihilated the civilians not long ago and man some of these things are like brutal they start grabbing soldiers and then pulling them into foliage but before they can get completely overwhelmed they move into a nearby house for cover and with all the wounded they can grab one soldier is then shot in the leg as he hobbles along into a laundry room locking himself in he calls back to his platoon but as he does one of the creatures walks past him nance then gathers up a few others to go and find him as a soldier exits the laundry room one of the creatures comes up from the pool but its weapon jams before it can get a shot off as the others in the group arrive the alien bursts out of the water again and they drop a grenade in it and blow up the alien but not before the laundry soldier freaks out saying that they don't die they do they're just tough back out on the road the platoon ends up spotting what's left of a strike group from the air force and a few other army national guard finding the police station they burst in to find the civilians but it's looking pretty screwed overall the place was obviously already attacked but they do manage to find a few hiding in the corner as the chopper lands to evacuate the wounded they try to get the civilians on it but now it's just overweight so they can't really do anything but here's the problem the aliens now have air support and it's faster than the chopper all the soldiers on the helicopter were decimated and one hit from the alien tech the soldiers at this point are starting to break down a bit seeing as the platoon is being systematically destroyed the plan now is to fall back to the fob the media says that it's the safest place for now but is it though guess we will find out as the soldiers on the roof are watching from afar on the police station a few of the aliens are being dropped onto rooftops back in the station a doctor is talking about how they are here for resources as no demands have been made so the aliens are really just there to annihilate the local population that being humanity they now devise a plan no chopper is coming for them so they will need to commandeer a bus to get the civilians out of there while two run out to accomplish this another soldier runs back in and says they found an alien's body as they approach it they can hear the military's radio chatter seeing that these things have been listening for the whole time why they wouldn't suspect an advanced form of life would know about radio signals is beyond me as they look at it they find that the weapons have been surgically attached and it seems to be wearing some sort of exo suit as it moves they put a round in its presumed head but it does absolutely nothing dragging it back inside the staff sergeant has an idea rather than waste all their ammo they need to figure out where to hit these things to bring them down for good luckily for them one of the civilians is a vet so the idea is maybe like the same rules of life apply out there as they apply here as they pull back its chest plays it doesn't look like anything they have ever seen checking for a brain they can't find anything within the brain case either and considering it just took a round to the brain case there's obviously nothing there that's controlling the body as they continue to cut into the creature the aliens for the roof have now moved down into the street the two soldiers and the bus are getting it running and the aliens are now breaching the police station things move fast the two soldiers then get the bus moving and are headed back towards the police station eventually nance is able to find something that looks like a heart and then stabs it and he's able to take out the creature so basically where the heart is on a human fire right there although it is encased in like a crazy amount of bone and flesh but now that they know this they can actually do some damage to these creatures everyone gets loaded onto the bus but they are forced to take side roads to avoid major conflict but they figure they can get into the fob in about 30 minutes but the air force is leveling the area in 40 minutes so they're cutting it rather close as they drive along they begin to hear the noise that sounds different from the rest of the random alien noises they've been hearing as one soldier calls in with the radio the ships that were flying overhead has one of them stopped and then is able to listen to the broadcast of the soldier talking realizing the bus is going to be found nance then runs off to the gas station to attract the ship as the ship goes to investigate the radio noise he blows up the gas station which destroys the ship in the process but as nance goes to check on the pilot of the ship to see if it is being piloted he realizes that there is no pilot it's all automated warfare apart from ground troops as the back roads are blocked due to basically cars being in the way in rubble their only option now is to take the highway as they drive along they're ambushed again but there is a tank drawing fire from the enemies so wrong place wrong time i mean probably those enemies would have just not even noticed had the tank not been there but the tank gets blown up leaving them to fight the aliens the plan now is to get everyone off the bridge while they hold off the aliens so this firefight just so you know goes on for like a long long time but eventually the aliens bring in the heavy firepower which ends up completely decimating a large portion of the platoon that was left the lieutenant at this point is also injured and then he elects to stay behind with the c4 to detonate it using his radio to attract the creatures and then blowing them up so now the staff sergeant's in control of this entire operation they are still inside of the area that is supposed to be destroyed and there's no way they're getting to the fob in time now also not mega important but one of the civilians picked up a rifle during the fight and actually ended up taking some out but then got shot in the guts not an ideal hit something like that gives you about i don't know 20 30 minutes of life the media though is still somehow functional thank god it comes out that the aliens are there for the water and that they are using it for fuel the ocean levels all over the planet are dropping already which is like an insane amount of water as everyone sits there crowding in the basement of the building they are waiting for the air force to level the area but nothing happens they wonder if they are winning or maybe if the whole air force was taken out getting to the fob yep the whole air force was taken out entering the base they start looking for maps or really anything they can find to where everyone went also the civilian has been in the dust at this point so morale is getting kind of low because of this locket finally makes his move on the staff sergeant the whole platoon is upset at nance because of iraq nance then rectifies this misconception by repeating who every person was that was lost to show that he still does remember them then you know that finally shuts up lockett which i mean i get it but anyways it doesn't really matter because it affirms his role as leader nance gets on the radio and calls out which definitely does alert the aliens but then they get out of there but he gets information on where to fall back to they get into an lav 25 because apparently during the tomorrow war video calling a c-130 a b-52 is likened to like heresy of the highest order so there you go you absolute machine nerds regardless of that they enter a tunnel full of aliens and then just straight start running down everything with the lov25 or is it lav25 somebody in the comments is gonna say something i already know it anyways they meet up with the chopper and get the civilians out or then they are told that they are abandoning los angeles as they fly along though an emp blast hits they don't know what it is but something has been screwing with the power all day as they are told by the pilots looking down they see a blacked out area amongst all the powered areas nance requests the land but they don't have the power to take off again he then just asks to hover at 40 feet and goes down to recon and then is joined by the rest of his platoon probably because of his amp up speech from earlier nansen asks air force where she thinks that this thing would be hidden and she says that it's supposed to be underground seeing as the surface is crawling with aliens they then move into the sewer system a firefight ensues for just a few seconds because it was just a small patrol as nance looks through a hole in the wall he finds the alien's forward operating base and how they've been coordinating their attacks and keeping their ships air moving back to the surface they now devise a plan to destroy it one of the soldiers ascends a destroyed building to call in the strike on the control center he gets confirmation that it will take about three minutes as he turns around to get off the tower though a ship blows up the tower taking him out so again a firefight ensues as they keep the target painted for the airstrike as one of the shots comes in it knocks out the top of the control center and this makes the rest of the control center upsetting spaghetti as it attempts to nope out of there as it does they call in another strike while the attack continues on them as another missile comes in it's taken out by some cannon fodder nance then goes in to aim it with a painter as i don't know what that thing is called and then gets a direct hit on the control center blowing it out of the sky as he does this nothing is controlling the drones anymore but the ground troops are still up they are able to then drive them back and then take the remnants of the control center giving the military a chance to take back los angeles as everyone is then brought back to base they are told that they are good to rest now nance then begins reloading to head back out and beat some alien cheeks or whatever equivalent that they have i mean this really is sort of like an all hands on deck scenario although i wonder if they have like something floating around in space that might just totally jack up the planet if they lose so i believe the first place we should start with these creatures is to first understand what their goal even is and where they are from in the events of battle la we are told very little about these invaders what they're doing where they are from why they are here and why they chose earth of all places there was a postulation that they were here using our liquid water for fuel but i mean come on now is that really it you could literally like if you're using water as fuel why not stop at one of the moons around jupiter and just take all that water then they're like oh it's because it's liquid water well there's supposedly liquid water underneath the ice but because honestly we're seeing them spit up water when nasa was trying to stab it to figure out how to like actually end these creatures kind of suggest something else so let's start from the beginning because believe it or not there actually is extensive lore on these creatures it honestly could have been a better movie if they kind of just dove into this a little more first thing to know about the alien menace is that they are basically unnamed but that never stopped humanity from naming the unnamed they get referred to as grays which is clearly a call back to what we call every alien ever pretty much you know big eyes short stature gray skin something that humans have been writing about for a very long time we also call them chiggs aquoids and land sharks as well now i think the name that fits them the best is land sharks simply because they're creepy and on land and they sort of look like sharks too so that's going to be the name i stick with throughout this video concerning the landshark's reason for spreading amongst the cosmos this is pure lore portion because we see it nowhere in the movie but it explains their motives they are a highly intelligent species with varying members and casts they are said to not be the dominant force on their planet either so much so that another force that exists has really driven them into a losing war and they are being pushed off the planet due to their need for water and their biology which we will be gonna going over shortly it's assumed that they hail from a watery planet and are dependent upon water as well because of their war and the watery planet it is soon to be rather war-torn and they are being pushed to the fringes of their last oceans and seas from whatever the more dominant forces on their planet which considering how smart these aliens are on their own is an interesting aspect to think about concerning a planet producing two possible sapien creatures or possibly it could be something else but that is unless it is simply within their own species there are just two warring factions both coming from this group which if humanity's anything to go off of is definitely a possibility within the military there are varying casts which can be seen throughout the battle for los angeles if you look close enough these range from combative roles to non-combat roles the first cast that we have seen and are the first to arrive from the oceans which is going to be your standard infantry cast this cast stands roughly 8 feet 1 inches tall or about 2.4 meters but as a result they are thinner their mechanical components are more aggressive concerning their bodies which is a fair indicator as to why they are as tall as they are on top of this their body appears to be stretched out over these mechanical pieces which has made them thinner in the process it is hypothesized that roughly about 25 million of these warriors are in existence within the meteorite cluster that led the invasion of earth this particular cast has a large amount of redundancies concerning biology such as arteries bones different sensory organs because they have been bred for war with almost any species which we will go into later in greater detail because as this specific cast the human warriors spend most of their time fighting them these creatures have also had their original hands replaced with a cannon for explosive tactics and a fast repeating force multiplier but it's also fairly inaccurate the one who leads the warriors is known as the officer cast these ones are easier to distinguish from others due to their sheer size while being incredibly lanky and frail looking they stand at 9 ft 4 inches or roughly about 2.8 meters these officers are said to have more developed brains than the warriors and also excellent eyesight allowing them to spot human soldiers on the rooftops above the police station easily and direct their warriors to begin the attack it is hypothesized that roughly 2 million of these creatures exist within the invasion force the bodies of these creatures are even more so altered than those of the warrior cast implanting in their bodies they have access to radios which gives them an edge over humans as they can tune into our radio frequencies to discover where a soldier may be hiding based on signal strength essentially it's entirely possible they may actually feel the radio signals in their body concerning alterations to their body their legs have been completely replaced and are equipped with thrusters allowing them to hover and move about without the need for physical contact with the ground this will give them a bird's eye view of the battlefield and this coupled with their eyesight allows them to direct effectively these thrusters also allow them to move quickly at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour or roughly 40 kilometers per hour their upper limbs have also been replaced with their right hand becoming a new cannon for more focused accurate fire and their left hand becoming a mechanical claw the third cast is known as the operations cast and is a blending of the two aforementioned casts this creature is specifically chosen to take on specialized tasks and strike missions standing at 6 feet 11 inches or 2.1 meters they are not as strong as warriors nor are they as intelligent as officers however they are stronger than officers and more intelligent than warriors giving them the ability to understand who's a target plan ambushes on their own and lure human soldiers into protracted combat it is hypothesized that roughly 2 million to 8 million exist of this landshark variant on their right arm they have a force multiplier that can be used for greater accuracy purposes as they appear to prefer rooftops and the cover of smoke along with this their left hand has been unchanged which allows them to signal to one another to not give away their positions to humans who are likely below them the final combat cast role is known as the intelligence cast and likely is the closest to the original version of this species this creature averages about 5 feet 10 inches or roughly 1.7 meters and are the most normal looking variant of this species while clearly changed in a lot of mechanical ways like the rest of them they are the shortest and stockiest of the landsharks whose intelligence is quite high they do not have the integrated force multiplication system and as a result they have both of their original hands used for grasping they can operate machinery and vehicles due to their ability to grasp objects and likely have toned down versions of redundancies in their bodies as compared to the warrior cast as with combat there are non-combative roles as well which give us some idea of how these creatures may actually form ideas and opinions on one another they do not by any means appear to be calloused drones doing the bidding of some queen but instead appear to be a society of some sort which cares about one another much like how humans do no more apparent is this than with the medic cast it is hypothesized that possibly this may be actually just a crossing over of the intel class but should one of their own get injured in combat they will drag their wounded away to safety but this opens up an interesting idea that also gives us some explanation on possibly the evolution of these creatures with just a simple act of these creatures helping they're wounded with bred organisms specifically bred for combat it's easy to get the idea that they're just mindless beasts out there fighting for some unknown gold otherwise why wouldn't they have just you know tried to talk to us first well this indicates that these creatures are likely desperate for resources and have no option but to invade and use shock and awe tactics concerning their evolution it looks like they may have actually evolved under the same principles as homo sapiens did it's not all that common believe it or not for a species to actually individually care for one another of its own kind sure there are examples here and there that we see sort of like a lion facing off against a group of hyenas where other lions come to its aid or dogs staying near their owners who are injured and then growling at people trying to actually help or bears defending their cubs from other bears or other predators but the reality is most animals are really only concerned with their own well-being for the most part homo sapiens is strange in that aspect we have taken care of our injured and sick more often than not it's shown in combat that we will drag our wounded or even dead away from enemies and if it goes with our morals we typically stick our necks out for one another all in all while we may be complete asses to each other sometimes as a species we do try and then cue the naysayers who go actually given our current kind which nah brah despite there being lines drawn which is like every person ever and this is always going to be the case with humans as a species we still do have loyalties to some who we would do stuff like this for so the whole idea has been ingrained in us for quite some time ever since we picked up a rock and hurled it at larger predators that may be attacking our own this idea has turned the tides on stronger animals because as we band together we are able to more effectively defend our species the same idea can be applied to the land sharks which has resulted in their own success on their own planet and coming from a water planet there is likely no shortage of predators in their ocean because of this for them to become as technologically successful as they have they would need to band together to give themselves enough strength to resist predators to allow them to grow and be viable on their planets and given what we do know about their biology they certainly are not the strongest nor most capable on their planet given what's in our own oceans as sort of like a comparison which means they would be forced to socially interact to move forward but speaking of biology what do we know about them well surprisingly very little from the under fire autopsy that they did on that one warrior that they brought back from the outside of the police station but we do know what the original species is supposed to look like and based on that we can more accurately see how aggressively they have changed themselves likely out of desperation the original species is technically quadripedal having six limbs in total on the lower portion of their bodies they have four limbs two that bend in the front to form front legs and two that bend in the back to form back legs this would be imperative having you know being in the ocean considering that strong currents exist and this would allow them to walk within the water and plant themselves in place to resist the effects of strong currents whereas with humans you would basically just be swept away because you can't provide enough counter pressure effectively with two legs the top two limbs form grasping limbs which likely early in their evolution would have been a great boon to their species much like with hours for crafting things like spears or generally using tools which because these creatures are water-based organisms having four limbs would allow them to be able to push water to the side and also swim internally the biology of these creatures would match the warrior cast in a lot of ways but likely there are some stark differences concerning survivability the land sharks do not exist with the same structuring of organs that we have their heads are really just sensory organs which report to the brain further down the head consists of eyes the ability to hear and also communicate their mouths are actually just structures that vibrate which allow them to speak to one another which also gives queens to the fact that they exist on a water planet as vibrational waves sent out in this way would travel further and better in water than it would in air but they are still able to make noise in air but then you have to wonder does it sound distorted and strange sort of like when people talk underwater regardless this is the reason why head shots seem ineffective against the warrior cast because while you are taking away their ability to sort of like sense around them if hit directly you haven't really destroyed the brain or the heart yet the head is also altered by the presence of a metal enclosure in some areas which would presumably house the radios for them to communicate and protection of those sensory organs on top of the metallic structure seen throughout the body we also know that they have exoskeletons these exoskeletons may hint at an insectoid evolutionary pathway that over time resulted in these creatures on our own planet the permian triassic extinction event almost wiped out the insects along with pretty much almost everything in the ocean and given time on another planet without this extinction event it's possible that insects may have evolved to the level of intellect that humans have obtained and this resulted in the land sharks this exoskeleton allows them to survive direct shots and has been noted to be on par with kevlar vests which also makes it very difficult to pierce with the bayonet which we have seen in close quarters fighting at the control center but internally they also seem to possess many stem cells and with that the ability to grow limbs and this also points to the insectoid lineage as on this planet if insects lose a leg a larval leg will then sprout and mature over time allowing them to regain functionality again making these creatures incredibly successful combatants but back to the internals further down into the chest is where the brain and heart are housed which ever since i was a kid i've always wondered why we didn't like have our brains center mass considering it's such an important organ being close to the heart would sort of be like a no-brainer but instead our head is located on like a delicate outcropping of bone and muscle that can be just straight hit i've just always thought it was sort of bizarre but land sharks do not struggle with this problem sensory neurons then run down through their necks likely indicating that there is a vertebral column which means that these are chordate animals and this is what makes the creature so difficult to put down not likely in the original version of this species there is a chamber center mass that will house the brain of these creatures which considering that they do not need lungs like humans do would allow room for this to exist and within this sac exists the heart as well or at least within the thoracic cavity and this would allow for the outer body to protect this cavity and within this cavity another layer of protection would protect the brain and important organs this is why the ammo used by human soldiers has such a tough time penetrating it on the original species it likely would have been easier to put down these creatures but the warrior cast was likely bred with desirable trace for combat and this has been instilled in them making them tougher to put down this is also why for things like intelligence and likely officers they are more easily downed in combat as the covering isn't quite as thick an operation specifically the one that jumps out of the pool his arm forced multiplier jammed allowing the soldiers to get a shot off but these likely miss the brain of this creature until the whole platoon showed up and then lit the alien up destroying the brain in the process the warriors again have the same set as all the others but when nance was trying to crack into it the creature began spitting up water until they pulled back the covering to reveal a beating organ in the brain now the question is why did this creature spit water up well seeing as this landshark again is from a water planet the gills would have been for filtering oxygen which may be the apparatus that we see on its back which serves as a cooling system as well it would be pretty clear that the oxygen is from the air which it likely is oxygen that it is using because nitrogen is a chemically inert gas meaning that it doesn't react with other gases making it borderline useless for metabolism so if it is going to be on this planet it must be playing by this planet's rules and then using the oxygen available and this water then starts running through the body and this is what's being pumped through its body as well meaning that it may not have blood in a conventional sense to carries oxygen but is actually utilizing dissolved oxygen and water to power its cells and destroying this pump just like destroying the heart would stop oxygen from getting to the brain which in turn ends the landshark the bodies apart from the internal changes are also heavily altered as well and we can see in a lot of them their meat suits are quite literally stretched to capacity depending on need which leads to a more slender looking landshark and then all the way to those who are actually similar to their original forms and are much more stockier as a result as seen with the intelligence class but likely these added exoskeletons are quite important this may have actually been their downfall however or it contributed to their downfall this may explain why they were pushed out of their planet in the first place judging by their prowess towards altering their own bodies this would be necessary for them to do to not only invade other worlds due to their differences in gravity or even supporting their own bodies considering living in water doesn't necessarily transfer to standing on land but it may also show what they are fighting now take this with a grain of salt because this isn't confirmed but considering that they are a sapient species on a planet while a species can cohabitate on that planet at the same time such as homo sapiens did with homo neanderthalensis usually one wins out over the other as technological levels increase possibly in one before the other and at a faster rate this may indicate that these creatures with their technology have been yeted off their planet but possibly bear with me due to what we see with their bodies and machines altering they may have actually just created machines in general considering the links they are going to actually alter their own physiology to fight something on their planet must mean that this is likely a extinction level event and i just don't see how another species existing over where the land sharks have this much tech such as with space travel capabilities what i do see is them being the masters of their own downfall sort of like the path that we are on if we don't stop screwing around with ai so then they have to abandon their planet and seek out water resources elsewhere to survive knowing that they have nothing to go back to and this would explain the aggression that they have towards any other planet with water and a native population of course they must not know humanity very well because this invasion would ultimately be a dismal failure while using the shock and awe technique to overwhelm the primate race humans are cunning and rather than specializing like the land sharks did we're actually sort of a jack of all trade species destroying the control center allowed for the military to re-enter los angeles and also let us relay to the rest of the world pretty much how to take out the land sharks after 18 months of fighting disorganized land sharks humanity eliminated the threat from the west coast or ended up just capturing the rest of their enemies leading to a better understanding of these creatures along with their technology you know had they kind of just shown up and asked to swim around the ocean probably nobody would have really cared as long as they didn't overfish or hell just set up the colony on the coast and trade but showing up and getting your face stomped in is another great option to conclude i believe this species is one that is insectoid in origin over time it was able to adapt better to its surroundings and due to its social ability would band together with its own species to create a technology also take a shot every time i said species you'll die but this is why they had to flee their home planet and why they are so aggressive now in such low numbers because they are knowing that they are about to go extinct and this may be because either there was a rival species on their home planet or because they created a machine race which is giving them complete hell either way in the immortalized words of will smith when he punches an alien in the face in independence day welcome to earth
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 1,005,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle LA arrival, Battle LA movie, Battle LA Aliens, Aliens Battle LA, Roanoke Gaming, BATTLE LA MOVIE, battle los angeles ending, battle los angeles full movie, battle los angeles aliens, battlle los angeles movie, battle los angeles invasion scene, battle los angeles ambush, battle los angeles alien autopsy, battle los angeles military, battle los angeles tunnel, battle los angeles helicopter, Roanoke gaming, Battle los angeles review, battle los angeles bridge scene
Id: UMUQz7K4ayc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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