The Ten Words עשרת הדברות Part 1

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Hey Shalom Shalom from your Dutch uncle John still in Kyrgyzstan on near the beautiful eastern shores of Lake is a call in a small village on a farm I'm loving it here I'm not having to face all that crazy coronavirus nonsense that the rest of the world is experiencing all right so today we're gonna go deeper into God's 10 words the ascetic hug Dubrow you've never heard of this sure you have it's the 10 commandments all right and there's just some some deeper stuff hidden in there and I thought we'd spend an hour or so talking about it okay I also wrote else erect is 10 then you have the hey is the debar the bar is the Hebrew word for word right massive how do we get the word debarring the words that's the fifth deuteronomy and hebrew is deb arene and then you have a feminine plural ending the oat so a Sarat hot dip wrote now you know only two verses in the torah in the Tanakh have seven words and 28 letters the first one we have covered and covered and covered it's Genesis 1:1 Bereshit bara Elohim at hashamayim vittatus in beginning god created the heavens and the earth seven words 28 letters the other verse that has this is Exodus 20 verse 1 and it says and God spoke all these words saying in Hebrew you can count them seven words 28 letters all right so what's so famous and special about that well every time you see a verse with seven words and 28 letters it is followed by ten commands in Genesis 1:1 we have creator week right he said be light let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters let the waters below the heavens be gathered into one place and let dry land appear let the earth sprout vegetation let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens let the waters swarm with living creatures let birds fly above the earth in open expanse be fruitful and multiply let the earth bring forth living creatures and let us make man in our image according to our likeness how clever okay well the other time that do you have a verse with seven words in 28 letters is Exodus 20 verse 1 and what follows that are God's 10 words what we in the Christian community call the Ten Commandments alright reading them quickly Here I am the Lord your God you shall have no other gods before me number 2 you shall not make any graven images number 3 you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain number 4 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy number 5 honor your father and your mother number 6 you shall not murder number 7 you shall not commit adultery number 8 you shall not steal number 9 you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor and number 10 you shall not covet now God gave a whole bunch of Commandments ok laws or mitzvahs or whatever you want to call them alright in the Torah in fact who was it Rambam he was a famous rabbi and around the 1200 AD Rambam sat and enumerated them and he came up with 613 commandments and that's kind of the generally accepted number of Commandments in the Torah all 613 of those Commandments can be derived from the ten commandments and all 10 commandments can be derived from the first two Commandments I am the Lord your God and you shall have no other gods before me and do not make any graven images for yourself and the first two commandments can be derived from the first commandment I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of slavery and that first commandment can be derived from the first word of the ten commandments which is an Okie in Hebrew I and the first word the Ten Commandments can be derived from the first letter of the Ten Commandments which is Aleph and as we knew studied Aleph represents the head of the Ox strength Olaf is God's letter how cool is that so let's go ahead and get started here we go commandment number one number one you shall have no other gods before me I am the Lord your God now the first commandment this one when Moses went up on the mountain and the people were all down below this commandment was given in a loud voice the fire and the smoke on the mountain and God's voice thundered over the people and he said I am the Lord your Elohim I am Yahweh your Elohim this this first phrase here has three words in it alright by the way that would that is really not so much of a commandment I am the Lord your Elohim that's a step this is how we we miss miss named these as Commandments but in Hebrew remember they are the had about the words so these are the ten words of God alright so this was not so much a commandment as just he's stating a fact I am Yahweh your Elohim alright and then that phrase it has three words well three that should not surprise us that's his complex unity all right it has 13 letters again my surprise one and three he's one God in three persons okay if you put the Dom archery of Al use in for this verse it comes out to 173 there again is your one three and seven right he's one God in three persons and the perfection the seven is his completion perfection okay and seven also can represent the spirit okay because there's the seven spirits of God so that first commandment came directly from God from the mountain the second commandment commandment number two number two says you shall not make for yourself any graven image this one also came thundering from the mountain okay you can find this in Exodus 20 verses three through six let's go ahead and read the whole thing you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the water under the earth you shall worship them or serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's on the children on the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but showing loving kindness I said to thousands to those who love me and keep my Commandments okay so after these first two were given the next six hundred and eleven were given through Moses to the people all right the what happened was the people were afraid they were scared to death this mountains thundering and burning and smoking and haze and Moses listen no more please tell God to tell you and you tell us they just ever I can understand right you're in the presence of God Almighty and this is a pretty amazing thing that they're having to experience so the first two were given directly to the people by God the next six hundred and eleven were given through Moses to the people number three you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes his name in vain and number four remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Yahweh your Elohim now you know we said that there's 611 that were given through Moses and the word Torah is a tough love rash hey Torah table is 400 of August 6 rs200 hey is five Torah adds up to 611 there's no kind of a coincidence there all right no it's a God incidence there all right so 611 were given through Moses - were given directly by God that adds up to 613 total commandments which is the number that Rambam got okay number three says you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain alright what does this mean you know first of all his name is something that's extremely precious to him and he is extremely protective of it alright Ezekiel 36 starting in verse 20 it says when they came to the nations where they went he's talking about the Jews who've been scattered right when they came to the nations where they went they profaned my holy name because it was said of them these are the people of Yahweh yet they have come out of his land but I had concern for my holy name which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations where they went therefore say to the house of Israel thus say the Lord Yahweh it's not for your sake o house of Israel that I'm about to act but for my Holy Name which you have profaned among the nations where you went notice what he considered profaning his name he looking at the verse in verse 20 there he was worried that the people in the nation's where they were scattered were saying oh these are the people of Yahweh yet they have come out of his land you see it we always think of don't don't use the name of the Lord your God in vain as swearing you know you hit your thumb with a hammer and and you say JC Jesus Christ and you said in a profane way or you say oh my oh my oh my god you know that that I do believe is profaning his name but I think it's even more your behavior if you're claiming to be a follower of Yahweh the follower of Yeshua and you're going out and living a life that is not very pleasing to him and people are going to say yeah and these are the people of Yahweh here look at John here he claims to be a person of God and look he he's a B or C or whatever whatever you're doing that's not correct you understand that could be profaning his name not could be that is profaning his name he's upset that the nation Serb or talking about the Jews who you know hey if they're if they're the the chosen people and his people why aren't they in his land that profanes his name okay but notice how often my holy name my holy name my holy name he's very protective of that verse 23 of Ezekiel 36 I will vindicate the holiness of my great name which has been profaned among the nations which you have profaned in their midst then the nations will know that I am Yahweh declares the Lord Yahweh when I prove myself holy among you in their sight you know here it is the juice is prophesied that he's going to bring all the Jews back in the end days and you know why he's going to do that for his holy name for his great name he's going to prove himself holy look I took these people and that they were scattered everywhere but I am God and I can do anything and I'm gonna show you I can do anything I'm gonna go and pick up all the Jews all of them and bring them back to my holy land how cool is that verse 24 I would for I will take you from the nation's gather you from all the lands that bring you into your own land then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols very nice okay Ezekiel 39 7ma Holy Name I will make known in the midst of my people Israel and I would not not let my holy name be profaned any more and the nations will know that I am Yahweh the Holy One in Israel hallelujah amen woo I'm gonna drink to that praise God okay um zechariah 14:9 the Lord will be king over all the earth in that day Yahweh will be the only one and his name the only one very nice okay and isn't in the Brit had to show the New Testament we get hints not hints it comes right out and says Inman asked Jesus how do you pray and he said in Matthew 6 so in verse 9 after this manner therefore pray ye our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name what is hallowed hallowed means make holy to make holy well you did well with God's name is holy why are we praying God make your name holy when use when you save this prayer what you're saying is God make your name holy and there's only one way he says he's going to make his name holy he's going to go and take all the Jews who have been scattered and he's going to bring them back to their land to his land to prove to the world that he is holy how cool is that you if you don't like Israel if you don't like Jews if you don't like this concept you need to stop saying this prayer because there are people who work six days a week against Israel boycott Israel sanction Israel divest from Israel and then they go to church on Sunday and pray God hallowed be thy name what they're praying is God bless Israel bring those Jews back ha that's nice nice nice nice okay also this taking his name in vain you know that is the third commandment the third commandment remember three is Dima Dima represents a camel and we've talked about what does camel representing the Bible the first three letters Aleph bet gimel olive is the father bet is the son and giemo is the Holy Spirit the ruach ha'qodesh right so the Holy Spirit is the demon and when it says do not black take my name in vain you know I've heard people blaspheme the father in times of stress or pain or whatever and I've heard them take Yeshua's name in vain but you never hear anybody taking the Holy Spirit's name in vain well in Mark 329 it says but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven he is guilty of eternal sin so what is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit I don't think it's it's limited to hitting your thumb and yelling Holy Spirit in some vain way I think a true blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit is sent to earth Jesus sent the Holy Spirit 40 days after he's crucified and that Holy Spirit came to earth and he invites us he entreats us to to come to know the Son the Holy Spirit is always pointing at Yeshua Jesus right and if we ignore those invitations and we spend our entire life and we die without accepting that invitation that is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit just totally ignoring him and then you go to hell forever you do not pass go you do not collect $200 and you know furthermore not just that but I think it's even deeper than that or not deeper but a different a different take on that is if you attribute something that the Holy Spirit is doing to Satan or his demons that is blaspheming the Holy Spirit that happened in the New Testament when when the the leaders are somebody who they were they were accusing Jesus ah he because Jesus did some great miracle and they he must have a demon in him they're taking something that is pure and from God and precious and they're attributing it to Satan I think that is blaspheming the holy spirit as well okay so there really only is one unforgivable sin and it's blaspheming the Holy Spirit ignoring his invitation now you may have heard of the seven deadly sins right okay this is some Catholic an invention of Pope Gregory the first in 598 come up with these pride Envy gluttony lust anger greed and sloth I just want to tell you those are not deadly sins that is a creation of man you will not find those in the Bible as deadly unforgivable sins okay f.y.i and speaking of the Catholic Church if you look at the Catholic Church's list of Ten Commandments they differ from other lists of Ten Commandments the first one looks the same the second one the second one thou shalt not take the name the LORD thy God in vain that's number three on most lists but here they've moved that one up which means they've taken one out and the one that they've taken out is you shall not make for yourself any graven images and you notice if you've ever been in a Catholic Church there are graven images statues all over and people are praying to them okay so if you're moving if you're moving that up well that's going to only leave nine Commandments so the way they solve that is they take the last commandment thou shalt not covet and they break it into two you shall not covet your neighbor's wife is number nine and you shall not covet your neighbor's Goods is number 10 I think that's that's pretty bad just my opinion all right and by the way praying to a statue praying to Mary I had a friend who lost their keys and they prayed to Saint Joseph apparently he's the patron saint of lost things and finding things let me tell you that is just crap you only pray to God Almighty through Yeshua Jesus he is our intercessor he is the mediator you pray to God in the name of Jesus you're declaring to God I realized who Yeshua Jesus is and I'm praying to you in his name that's how you get your prayers answered if you're praying to Mary or you're praying to any statue that prayer is bouncing off your ceiling and coming right back down it's not going any higher than that Mary does not she's not our mediator none of these Saints are f.y.i okay let's move on [Applause] commandment number four number four says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy um alright what this is this got something to talk about here in Exodus 20 verse 8 is where it says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy you know there were actually two sets of Ten Commandments the first ones were here in Exodus chapter 20 then years passed and they're wandering in the wilderness for forty years okay and in that time remember they had to wander for 40 years because they were skeptical about going in to the promised land when the first you know they sent the spies in and ten of the spies came back and said oh the people are big and the people were vicious and we'll never be able to live if we go in and just their doubt caused God to stay fine you're not going in 40 years this generation that doubted you're gonna wander for 40 years and so now these 40 years later or 38 years later after wandering and now all that original generation they've died off and there's a new generation growing up and they weren't there at Sinai to hear the first giving of the law when Moses came down off the mountain so Moses is going to reiterate the Ten Commandments in Deuteronomy deberían chapter 5 and in verse 12 is commandment number 4 and it says observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy as the Lord your God commanded you notice the difference in Exodus 20 it says remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy in Deuteronomy 5:12 it says observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy as the Lord your God commanded you so did he change it that he changed his mind that he the added you know he doesn't want you just remembering it although that's a great start every Friday night I remember hey it's the Sabbath I'm looking forward to this I got a huh oh I can just stop and relax in the the hectic life all week which my life's not that hectic god bless thank you but some people your life is hectic right and it's just nice to stop and slow down and and get back to the covenant that he gave us that's remember the Sabbath so what do you do but remembering it okay hey yeah it's the Sabbath okay let's go bowling no hey you know you got to remember it and he wants you to observe it so which which does he want you to do the Jews claim that that he wants you to do both in fact in this in this command God does something that no other human can do he says remember and observe and he says those two words together who can say two words at the same time only God so he wants you to remember and observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy nice that is that's cool okay and there's some other little distinctions here between the two in Exodus 20 it says six days you shall labor and do all of your work and in Deuteronomy 5 version six days you shall labor and do all of your work it says 20 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to Yahweh your Elohim in it you shall not do any work you or your son or your daughter your male or your female servant or your cattle or your Sojourner who stays with you the Deuteronomy version says but the seventh day is the Sabbath Shabbat of Yahweh your Elohim in it you shall not do any work you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant or your or your donkey or any of your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you so that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you so he adds a few extras here the Ox the donkey okay the Sojourner very nice and the exodus 20 version verse 11 of 20 says for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day therefore Yahweh blessed the Shabbat and made it holy so the reason he brings it up the next to his twenty is because that's the day he rested the Deuteronomy 5 version says you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and Yahweh your Elohim brought you out of there by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm therefore Yahweh your Elohim commanded you to observe the Sabbath day so the reason we're told to observe the Sabbath day is not because God rested on the seventh day it's because this is for the Jews they were brought out of slavery the slavery of Egypt we as Christians if we're keeping the Ten Commandments and do we have to keep them we will talk about that later in the talk but those who are trying and wanting to keep the Ten Commandments we are keeping them because he brought us out of the slavery of sin got it nice nice nice okay in the Deuteronomy 5 version there was no mention of God's Shabbat related to the act of creation instead is based on the redemption from Egypt and play that forward the redemption from sin nice nice nice by the way the word Sabbath in Hebrew is Shabbat is spelled shin bette tov the first two letters Shin Bet is the word shove which means return Tov if you remember it's ancient picture was to cross sticks representing a covenant right I buy your ox I pay you this much money and we've made a deal you put your mark in the dirt I put my mark in the dirt cross marks we've made a covenant we've made an agreement those cross marks represent the cross the ultimate covenant between God and man I will come down and be your perfect core bone your perfect sacrifice if you put faith in that and that alone I will consider you righteous okay and you will have eternal life that's the picture so Shabbat is actually returned to the Covenant and that is so important in life you know you skip Church one week then then you skip Church two weeks the next thing you know you haven't gone in a month and you haven't gone in a year and you haven't gone in 20 years he wants every 7 days stop come back get back let's start anew refresh nice picture ok I like the Jewish the this the their concept you know hey listen if you need anything give me a call on available 24 6 nice picture ok moving on commandment number five number five says honor your father and your mother I think God set the precedence of this he honored a father a mother let's look at this fella Abram I remember him this is the God God picked and he made lots of great promises to his name Abram starts out olive bed all of that is Abba Father the next two letters is the bed rash that rash in Hebrew spells Bar Sun it's also Aramaic just for those who want to comment and comment and comment on my page about that so he neighbors name he's got father he's got son and the last two letters is rash mem rich mem is its own word room we'll talk about in a second but notice the first and last letter of Ruach elohim ruoff begins with a rash elohim ends in a ma'am it's kind of a hidden Holy Spirit the Ruach Halim is hidden in Abraham's name and by the way the Holy Spirit if you remember he does not draw attention to himself the Holy Spirit always points to the son and that's what we see here it's not Abba bar Holy Spirit he's not big and his name's not there but it's there it's there in the first and last letters of of rule hello him very nice and those last word letters room is a word you put a verb in it and room means exalted so Abraham is the father of exalted sons and he had exalted sons Ishmael and even more so it's a hawk now why am I telling you all this okay Genesis 17:5 says no longer shall your name be called Abram but your name shall be Abraham for I have made you the father of a multitude of Nations he changed his name and Abram had a wife named Sarai and Yahweh changed Sarai's name also well y'all way we know is your Dave of a he changed Sarai's name to Sarah Shin rush Hey he put a hey in there and Abram he changed to Abraham he put a hey in there well he's got two days in his name he can afford to give each one one and what is hey hey hey it's up it's the breath it's the blessing no it's the open window no it's the something is going to be revealed it's the one letter that you really just can't capture in a word right it's God's outpouring of blessings and those blessings his his grace maybe his grace right and he look his name Jude hey Bobe he's full of grace and he gave one to each abram and sarai and they became heir abram hence Abraham and Sarah all right so Abraham and Sarah they are like the original father and mother God Himself honored Abram and Sarai if God is honoring the father and the mother and he's telling us to honor the father and the mother okay and by the way it says honor them it doesn't say you have to love them it doesn't even say you have to like him he wants you to honor them and we'll discuss this later in this talk why okay moving on a man number six number six says you shall not murder okay number six was father Bob is a nail and upright man and we know of an upright man who was murdered they nailed him to a cross so it's easy to remember what number six is okay in the Hebrew its lo rut suck load turret suck and that means murder that's different than hog which means to kill okay so those of you were saying oh we shouldn't we should not have the death penalty or we shouldn't do it whatever we shouldn't go to war no that's not what it says it says you shall not murder there's nothing to do with killing in fact there are exceptions to commandment number six one of them is capital punishment okay Exodus 22 12 says he who fatally strikes a man shall be put to death there are various non violent crimes that are exceptions look at this one Exodus 22 17 he who insults his father or his mother shall be put to death there goes back to honor your father and your mother right don't be dishonouring them the sentence is death war is an exception to this Deuteronomy 20 verses 10 starting when you approach a town to attack it you shall offer it terms of peace if it responds peaceably and lets you in all the people present there shall serve you at forced-labor if it does not surrender to you but would join battle with you you shall lay siege to it and when the Lord your God delivers it into your hand you shall put all its males to the sword okay so war is okay an exception is on here's one looking back at number four commandment exodus 35:2 says for six days work may be done but on the Shabbat day you shall have a holy day a Shabbat of complete rest to the Lord whoever does any work on it shall be put to death well okay so there are exceptions too you shall not murder right and by the way you shall not do any work on that day what does work consists of here's where you gotta just use your common sense and your logic okay because the Jews they take these Commandments and they expand on them to levels that will make your head explode right if you have a cold and you have a tissue in your pocket and you're gonna walk to the synagogue on the Sabbath and you have that tissue in your pocket that's carrying something they consider that to be work okay so you don't keep your keys with you you don't have your wallet or your money or you don't carry anything you know it gets a bit ridiculous I don't know if anybody's been to Israel and I don't know if I want to go off on two minutes of this but I'm going to in Israel on the Sabbath you're staying in a big fancy hotel or a cheap hotel like I usually say but no matter what either one they've got elevators a bank of elevators and one of those elevators off on the side is the shabbat elevator has a little sign marking ship Sabbath elevator and that elevator they program it to stop at every floor all the way up and then all the way back down why do they do this well in the commandment it says don't even so much as light a fire on the Sabbath and they consider if you walk up and push an elevator button that's going to create some kind spark which sends a signal to the elevator to come to pick you up and that spark is igniting a fire and pushing that button would be igniting a fire and that would be breaking the commandment and so they have sofas couches out in the hallway where people the Jews will sit there and wait and you might have to wait 15 minutes till it goes all the way up it comes all the way down stopping at every floor you understand I leave my room go out run downstairs get something in the shop go to the store come back go back up and they're still sitting there waiting it's mind boggling ok and they go to such extremes like this right they unscrew the light bulb in the refrigerator so they can open the refrigerator without the light coming on because if that light comes on a fire was ignited from that spark and you'd understand I don't think God sitting up there I know he's not sitting up there marking down AHA seeing you open the refrigerator on the Sabbath that is not Yahweh Elohim that I serve and I hope that's not the Yahweh Elohim that you serve and worship alright we're moving on commandment number seven number seven says you shall not commit adultery okay and Zion Zion represents the number seven Zion is a sword or an axe and remember you commit adultery it's like taking a sword or an axe to the heart of those who you love right my spouse okay and there's lots of verses on this we can start with Genesis 2:24 for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his why and they will become wine the flesh so when a husband and wife and they get married they are now one and if you start cheating on your spouse you're bringing in a third and that is you guys are one you can't be bringing in a third and Yahweh he don't like this one because adultery is tied very close to idolatry the worship of idols remember God wants to be the husband Jesus Yeshua he is our husband the church the believers we are his bride he wants us to remain faithful to him well how do you cheat on Jesus well you go over here and you bow down to some rock and you're praying to a stone or you're worshiping a tree or you're in touch with Gaia the earth goddess or any of those you are making these false idols right that really is not happy that does not make y'all right you understand okay Ezekiel 23 37 for they have committed adultery and blood is on their hands they have committed adultery with their idols they have even sacrifice their children whom they bore to me in the fire as food for their idols here you see God Himself is equating the behavior of his people he's equating it to adultery that they're worshipping idols all right and you know Yeshua Jesus he referenced these Matthew 5:27 28 and he he takes these rules and he really expounds on them look at again Matthew 5 so in 27 you have heard it said do not commit adultery 28 but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart so it's not just going and sleeping with it's actually just lusting after someone okay the same with commandment number six Matthew five starting in verse 21 you have heard that the ancients were told you shall not commit murder and whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court but I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court and whoever says to his brother you good for nothing shall be guilty before the Supreme Court and whoever says you fool shall be guilty enough to go into a fiery hell so Jesus he keeps these Commandments he only keeps them he expounds on them to truly the true meaning of them not you can't open the refrigerator door or you can't carry a tissue in your pocket the nonsensical interpretations okay Hebrews 13:4 says marriage is to be held in honor among all and the marriage bed is to be undefiled for fornicators and adulterers God will judge okay that phrase there are merit the marriage bed is to be undefiled I have an uncle who takes that as a challenge he doesn't take it with with other women or other he takes it with his spouse let's let's have fun okay by the way proverbs 5 it gives lots of great warnings you know Solomon the wise one he wrote the Proverbs and just I'll leave this on the screen I'm gonna read a couple of them and but it really addresses adultery verse 3 for the lips of an adulteress drip honey and smoother than oil is her speech but in the end she is bitter as wormwood sharp as a two-edged sword her feet go down to death her steps take hold of Sheol she does not ponder the path of life her ways are unstable she does not know it verse eight keep your way far from her and do not go near the door of her house or you will give your vigor to others and your years to the cruel one and strangers will be filled with your strength and your hard-earned Goods will go to the house of an alien verse fifteen drink water from your own cistern and fresh water from your own well how poetic is that beautiful eighteen let your fountain be blessed and rejoice in your wife of your youth as the loving hind and a graceful doe let her breasts satisfy you at all times be exhilarated always with her love for why should you my son be exhilarated with an adulteress and embrace the bosom of a foreigner how beautifully poetic Solomon put this as the loving hind and a graceful doe but remember though it was a shakespeare poem sonnet if a heart should lag behind tell him to seek Rosalind I forget where it's from but it's all so beautiful okay commandment number eight number eight says you shall not steal remember the eighth letter is a pet pet is a wall or a fence right and that would keep you from stealing and besides the obvious you know and there break into someone's house oh I'm gonna go rob a bank those are obvious ones but there are other ways of stealing that maybe not come to mind as much you know if you're a business and you are misleading advertising and you know you make shoddy products or give bad service I think that's a form of stealing okay if you're an employee I think you're stealing from your employ if you're wasting time or padding the bill or doing personal things on company time that could be stealing okay not could be it is stealing lazy people who try to take advantage of the goodness of others I think that is stealing Paul addressed this instead of Thessalonians 4 even when we were with you we commanded you this if anyone will not work neither shall he eat for we hear there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner not working at all but are busybodies now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread now this does not apply to widows orphans a handicapped right if people used to be over giving these people right but if you're able to work work okay you know Yeshua Jesus addressed this a couple of times he answered and said to them in Luke 3:11 he who has two tunics let him give to him who has none and he who has food let him do likewise Matthew 5:40 to give to him who asks you and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn him away 2nd Corinthians 9:7 so let each one give as he proposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful Giver in acts 20 verse 35 Jesus Christ summoned up the benefits of God's way of give of God's Way of give this way it is more blessed to give than to receive it isn't that true I love I love doing and you gotta be careful also that you're not stealing from God remember it all belongs to okay Psalm 24:1 the earth is Yahweh's and all its fullness the world and those who dwell therein job 41 God says who has preceded me that I should pay him everything under heaven is mine Haggai 2:8 the silver is mine and the gold is mine says the long way of Hosts okay everything belongs to God he asks you to give him ten percent you know that's less than the government asks and we're like oh no I worked for it I'm not giving it arrow listen listen it's his and there's a couple things you should think about one it's his - he doesn't really need you to give it to him he wants you to give it to him he could go create all the gold he wants he wants you to be a cheerful giver to him as well and keep this one in mind if he really wanted to he could just reach down and pinch your head off and take everything that's not beyond the realm of possibility be a cheerful Giver to others and to God okay move into the next one [Music] commandment number nine number nine says you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 9 is the Tet Tet is the coiled serpent the serpent lie lie right and you see this is the shape of the tent looks like a serpent right it's got a head and it's got tail goes up around there all right by the way in the tour there are three hundred four thousand eight hundred five letters the tent is the least used letter of the Torah coming in at 1,800 two times okay so what is that worth well I'm gonna tell you this is interesting in the exodus 20 version of the Ten Commandments you can read down through here there is no letter Tett it's the only letter not used in the exodus 20 version every other letter is used okay it kind of reminds me there's no sonic in creator week why did he leave sonic out of Crater week watch the video I think it's in the the gods garden and yeah God's garden and Eden I addressed that it's it's really cool really cool why there's no Sonic in creator week but here there's no tech in the exodus version and that's no lie in the Deuteronomy version of the Ten Commandments there is tenth it actually shows up twice okay now why and what does that represent okay well in the exodus version there are 172 words in Hebrew and as I said there's no tenth low Ted in the Deuteronomy 5 version of the and Commandments there's 189 words and there is a tent now remember when Moses originally went up and got the Ten Commandments the exodus version and he came down and they were all worshiping the golden calf and he was furious and he took those tablets and he smashed them and then he had to go back up later and get a second set okay and in Deuteronomy when this is not 40 years later okay but that that picture of he smashed them and then he had to go get a second set is showing if there are gonna be these two versions okay and Deuteronomy is a the second version that he gives out okay the second covenant and that's even going to go into a bigger example which we're talk about later we keep talking about things later what are we gonna talk about now okay so there's 172 words in the Exodus Ten Commandments there's 189 in the Deuteronomy and in the Deuteronomy version there is the letter ket it's in the word heat ov and it means it may be well or it may be good you hear a toad in there Tove toab is the Hebrew word for good okay it's spelled Tet love bet Tet is a nine come on Trina Vava six bet is to the word Tove good adds up to seventeen and notice the difference between the exodus 172 words if you add 17 words you get the Deuteronomy 189 words the hunters the deuteronomy version that is that word that version has Tove in it that were is good that word that version has 17 words more very clever how he did that okay moving out of this one commandment number ten number ten you shall not covet Exodus 20 verse 17 you shall not covet your neighbor's house you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor you know this one is interesting because you know I understand the first Commandments were between man and God and then you get some commandments that are between man and man don't be stealing and lying and adultery and murdering okay this one actually is an internal sin versus the external acts of lying and stealing and adultery and murder okay and internal sin is just a wish or a desire that you have in your brain you understand it's kind of a crime of thought wow this is what you think that can be a sin well it depends I mean it's okay to look at something say oh that's nice not like to have that I don't think that's a sin if you are just constantly dwelling oh my goodness my neighbor you got that new-car oh my goodness there he is in that new car why don't I have a new car I want a new car I want that car why does he get that you understand that when it just becomes an obsession this is the coveting okay and by the way who is the victim in this is covet this is because if it's just an internal in your mind you're not harming anybody else are you are you so the question is is coveting a victimless sin no there is a victim and you are the victim you know if you have greed for more I want more I want more more you know what that you know what that exemplifies that you're obviously ungrateful for what you do have and if you're ungrateful for what you do have you start becoming apathetic toward what you have because you're always focused on what you want and if you're apathetic toward what you have you don't care about what you have and you don't take care of what you have and you still end up losing what you have and because of coveting you end and greed for more you end up with less in the end and not more so there is a victim you're the victim all right okay so there's a quick rundown a quick rundown of the ten commandments whatever today's talk is brought to you by so Nick Smith no so nuts mean so next me peach nectar the pride of Kyrgyzstan so make sure you serve so Nina peach nectar at your table okay well that's gonna wrap up part one of the ten words to God be the glory to God be the honor to God be the praise and let me tell you part two is really cool so tune in for that god bless we'll see you soon bye life wait we have a bonus okay here's the bonus you know years ago and this is probably 25 years ago I thought I'm gonna rewrite the Bible in poetry okay I got a lot of it done but I never did finish but some of it is pretty fine so that's pretty bad and I just chose different forms of poetry somewhere in Spencerian sonnets some were in higgledy-piggledy 's and we did the book of Exodus in limericks and since the ten commandments are in Exodus I thought I'd share with you half the poem now and half the poem on part two so let us begin the book of Exodus Joseph brought his kin to Goshen twelve tribes grew like sand in the ocean when much time had passed new Pharaoh alas said to make slaves of Jews by the notion from Pharaoh was scared one supposes that he could be toppled and shows this by having it will boy babies be killed which was done but they missed baby Moses Moses mom floats him in Niles water and who shows up but Pharaoh's daughter while taking her swim in reeds she spots him and Moses sis offers nursemaid then got her Moses who's raised son of Pharaoh one day sees Egyptian beats slave so he stays the Egyptian the King has conniption and Moses flees town before they know in Midian he stopped for a short spell and helped seven maidens at their well he drew their flocks water so dad gave one daughter and Moses and she into love fell while tending sheep there's a bush burning so Moses walks over for learning why it's not consumed bush says you've been groomed to help the Jews bad luck start turning tell Pharaoh you're on the Lord's mission then Moses brings up speech condition God sends him another so Moses and brother tell Pharaoh of their great ambition and just as he thought Pharaoh said no he told Moses your people can't go and here's my new law I won't provide straw now the people hate Moses and say so but Moses has tricks up his sleeve and tells Pharaoh let the Jews leave but Pharaoh's hard-hearted so Moses get started to send plagues you just can't conceive the first is that blood fills the Nile then frogs gnats and flies stay a while in Egypt boils rise hail falls from the skies and their livestock lay dead in a pile then Pharaoh said no more provoke us changed mind and got great swarms of locusts after three days in dark Moses said hark this last one will make favor focus the last plague to fall upon Egypt a firstborn son each home will be stripped unless on the jam there's blood of the lamb in which case that family would be skipped well that's more than Pharaoh could stand he says from here Hebrews o band with Egyptian gold as Moses had told the Jews head for their promised land thanks for listening thanks for watching spread these videos around the world god bless we'll see you soon bye bye
Channel: John Kostik
Views: 10,312
Rating: 4.9358716 out of 5
Keywords: Ten Commandments, Sinai, Moses, Moshe, משה, Pharaoh, Egypt, Hebrew, alef, bet, Exodus
Id: 7kc-VB1Nn5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 39sec (3939 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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