Science Confirms the Bible
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Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 847,139
Rating: 4.5985909 out of 5
Keywords: Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, science, Bible, science confirms the bible, science and the bible, science and the bible do they contradict, science and the bible agree, does science contradict the bible, science in the bible, modern science in the bible, biblical science, biblical science facts, bible and science, can christians do science, do christians believe in science, creation apologetics, creation science, creation museum
Id: CFYswvGoaPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
What is the claim? I refuse to listen or support these things.
If it's that DNA is information and only intelligence creates information, then he really is an idiot.
Didn't make it past the splash screen. Knowing it came from Ken Ham's den of liars is all I need to know to decide this is complete bullshit.
"observational science proves the Bible"...this guy....
Wrong sub.
/r/evolution /r/askevolution /r/genetics
If this video is claiming that DNA is too perfect or works to well to have formed naturally. Let em know how much of an individuals DNA appears to have no purpose. Its nicknamed junk DNA.
Sure it does. Just like medicine confirms homeopathy and long hair confirms being bald.