The Tale of Moonlight - Episode 1

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my dear children perk up your ears and listen well to a vital code that I shall tell for where the walls are with a loan or pack their bloodthirsty creatures with hearts of the black you must turn away and never look back before their bare their teeth and lunged Natak alluring they may be with angelic eyes we can all agree charming made me see was a crooked grin as if from a dream you must realize the truth beneath for beyond that sweet tone lies a bed of sharp for years we are wronged by these morbid creatures and an endless bloody battle a world of woods his harsh place one language but wolves can't be that bad can they [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm so tired he's Twilight can't we just rest here don't worry moonlight just follow me and we'll be okay but but do you really have to be running so much I'm so tired my legs hurt but remember what mother said we had to travel as far as we can to the raging river before the wolves catch us but we don't even know what wolves look like they could be anywhere so let's keep walking until we have a place to rest yeah [Music] I think the rabbits that lived in his home left we could sleep here for the night but what about mommy and daddy why can't they be with us everything would be a lot better if we didn't run away from them but we had no choice look sister mother did tell us to leave the wolves have killed them haven't they not sure but they could have survived you know maybe they're going to meet us here at the raging river well that's true Oh Twilight I'm so happy to have a brother like you Thanks I'm happy to have a sister like you even though you bow it all the time anyway we should try and get some sleep yeah okay I don't like being without mommy and daddy especially when the wolves are around me neither I just hope they'll come and find us soon don't worry moonlight we can get through this nothing bad is going to happen to us hey hey Twilight hmm did you hear something like what mommy and daddy their hair are you sure they're coming closer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] are you kids all right I think so what about you little pop you look shaken I know death is frightening but I'm afraid it's a natural part of life once you get older you will soon accept the fact that all living things must come and to go from this world that also means loved ones from our own worlds to like this unfortunate creature for example this old bird will make a hearty meal for you too if it wasn't for me you should feast on this bird while you can hey mister is this creature you killed a wolf a wolf that is anything but a wolf this is an owl but they can be very dangerous creatures especially for little pups like yourselves so what tools really look like well well shut up else well it helps T for you bed why haven't you reported to the camp yet my full apologies beta those pups were about to be attacked by this owl so I've brought it down to them mmm this is quite the impressive kill shut up else I see this winged assassin of the Knights was no match for you but nonetheless you have broken the conduct of my pack and so I will use this bird to feed everyone else but you however will be unsatisfied shut up else you never told me you had pops review and this little boy here is like a bad spirit it seems so much potentials waiting to burst out of its body tell you what if you pups are so willing to sink your teeth into this juicy flesh what you rested our camp then you can eat as much me as their little mouths can hold really oh thank you so much mr. a pleasure well then wish you're probably gonna move on I'll deal with you later you know I really don't think we should trust these guys anyway I mean most of them have nasty scars all over their bodies and that white one with the huge scar overs I really could hey denna mommy used to say that you would never judge people on their first appearance I'm saying is that these guys just might be the wolves what oh don't be silly Twilight those current wolves that are jackals like us but still hey look there are more kids over there I bet they're all going back to their parents as well should we go play with them no just just stay here with me please well alright Mia good cuz I don't want to talk to them anymore I don't trust these guys you two must be hungry you'll need some strength for a long trek tomorrow thanks mister hey did that white one tell us you would give us as much food as we want that doesn't matter right now as of now food is food no matter how small the portion is still your name shadow palette right yes that's my name my name is small my and this is my brother Twilight well moonlight Twilight it's been a pleasure meeting you I've never really talked to nice people like yourselves so does that mean you don't have any friends no not really people I know tend to boss me around and they punish me for the accidents that I make but our mommy says everyone has accidents exactly that's why the way they treat me is so unfair [Music] what happened oh you need to get out of here as far as you can tops but if you stay here your lives will be a complete misery listen to me tonight you to Twilight some of those jackals you saw in the pack we're in fact wolves Wow what I don't understand and I too no it is my duty along with many others to capture innocent canines and claim them for a pet we treat them as slaves and with great discipline but the weakest slaves are given the most brutal punishment possible and I don't want that to happen to you too so you're letting us go yes but you must hurry before the others find out why can't you come with us shadow if I do they will surely find me now go run as far as you can forget [Music] shoud our belt don't ever call your being with two silver jackal pups recently no Scarface you must be mistaken by someone else oh don't act dumb a me shut up belt if you had the audacity to let those pups escape right under my nose by hell's teeth I will rip you to shreds and serve you as a next meal to pack like all those sicne slaves and you wouldn't want that would you yeah how dare you even think about Linda's pups go I'll make Shaun King ha phone has a good punishment for you when we return to the pack needle rod way to superbug puzzle escape I need you to follow me retrieve them back to camp [Music] we can't stop now you heard what shadow Coates said you might run down there after us due to fast [Music] it's too late boy I can smell you what do you want my sister what are you capturing and punishing innocent jackals ha ha ha the youthful side of a simmering passion from a spouting warrior it's such spectacular music to my withering ears burn it up and find the other pup so you want to know why we're capturing chuckles well your mother has done something terrible something very terrible and disgraceful indeed and so our pack leader has sworn to punish every single jackal in existence because of her foolishness did I mention that a pack leader just so happens to be the great and almighty wolf King in the eyes of a measly jackal is everything a wolf should be menacing the most beastly creature you'll ever lay your eyes on you can say anything you can say anything you want but I'll never join your pack [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Aurie
Views: 1,352,104
Rating: 4.9000058 out of 5
Keywords: animated series, wolf series, animation, episode 1, jackal, wolf, dog animation, wolf animation, animated wolf series
Id: 3e0NZJUnVRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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