WolfBound Season 1 [MOVIE Minecraft Roleplay]

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long ago there were two species who lived amongst each other in peace the humans and the wolves all was well the humans and the wolves coexisted between now two worlds however some humans did not like the wolves being in the human territory one of these people being the human king although the king did not like the ones he tolerated them that is until the day his daughter fell enough with the wolf elders son the King forbid his daughter from speaking to the wolf boy however she didn't listen her and the wolf boy would sneak out together and plan to run away to be together the King found out about their plan and in turn killed the wolf in order to punish his daughter the wolf elder had found out about his son's death and declared war on the humans the wolves and the humans fought for years one day the princess went to the wolf founder and begged him to end the war the elder new ending the war for her would be what his son wanted so he agreed in order to stop the war the Wolves went back to the enchanted forest and the elder lost the door with the spell never to be opened again anyways that's enough for two Jerry why don't you all run along now and go home hmm what is it Percy good question however even I do not know the answer to that I assume the only ones who would know would be the humans so I can ask that would be something however the story is merely just a legend nobody knows if it is true or not well it's true I'm gonna do it well good luck with that young one you don't want to meet a human Percy why because they'll cook you up no they won't your brother is right Percy be careful humans according to legend are dangerous I'm a human I'm gonna cut you Percy is such a good pup you'll be a great pack leader someday [Music] [Music] back here you little mine alone Dorian [Music] I told you not to eat all those fish I can't help it oh I love fish do you hear that yeah what I'm going to kill you looks like Percy messed the durian again good luck Percy what is going on here I Percy snuck up behind me and pulled my tail again is this true Percival yeah now what do you have to say to your brother I'm sorry fine now Dorian can you give Percy in our moment nah fine so ah what do you want to talk about your future Percy you are to be the pack leader someday you need to mature someday this entire pack will look up to you you can't keep goofing off and irritating your brother like this wait why am I supposed to be the pack leader Dorian's older Dorian does not have the qualities to be a leader he gets frustrated far too easily you on the other hand you're pure your understanding you're likable your brother is just unstable I go home now and do not tell your brother about this conversation so what did you two talk about oh nothing really I'm heading out now I'll be back later oh all right hey Percy stop Percy hey guys what's up you so I'm stressed nothing just well in the feelings come on let's eat well hello I can't believe this what's wrong that stupid little mud is wrong Percy yes Percy everything is always about Percy alright calm down and tell me what's wrong or get out my stupid little brother he's getting everything I've always wanted what do you mean pack leader he's he's gonna be pack leader well good for him why do you even want to be a pack leader anyways it's so much responsibility because of the power being in charge please amber if anyone can help me get what's rightfully mine it's you and why should I help you it's not like you're very nice to me no please I know you're only with me because I was supposed to be the leader you're gonna help me whether or not because you also want that power good point hmm well there is one way but I don't even know if it'll work what is it I'm willing to try anything well according to ancient legends every hundred years the stars align above the goddess statue and the doorway opens at the foot of a statue so I should lure him there and push him in if that's really what you want you'll have to do it tonight otherwise you won't get another chance hmmm it's perfect there won't be a body it'll be as if he just disappeared if you're gonna do this legend says that the doorway opens when the moon is at its highest and only one person can enter it before it closes perfect if you do this you'll lose your brother forever the only family you have left Percy is not my brother it's just a pest in my life I'll do anything to get what's mine that's why I love you but you better get going the moon will be at its highest soon you oh hey d'Or hey Percy do you mind following me so we can talk ah we're here look at the moon it's beautiful yeah it's so high up yeah it'll be at its highest in the moment it's my favorite part of the night mine too especially tonight what uh it's beautiful it sure is Wow so earlier today I heard what you and the elder talked about what you betrayed me and then you lied about it to my face Dorian I am so sorry I would have told you but the elder told me not to it's all right little brother I understand yeah you do yes we're brothers of course I understand oh I guess the elder was wrong so what is this exactly [Laughter] goodbye brother you you what happened what where am I where's the statue you Dorian where are you you you I must have fallen into the water you this doesn't look like the enchanted forest where am I you you this is definitely not the enchanted forest where am i what is this place how did I get here I need to get back huh what was that they're dressed funny there's their ears and tail I better put this on just in case their arrival pack perfect ah but not very comfortable have to tuck my tail and okay now I can walk around and not be so noticeable Liza mmm Liza wake up you have school Oh wha okay I'll be down in a minute [Music] [Music] what did something happen at school yesterday oh I get it don't actually keep don't already know you got in another fight I thought we talked about this already it's not my fault she just walked into my fist this is serious Liza the principal called he said if this keeps up they'll have no choice but to expel you so let them it's not like school isn't he used to me anyways the only class even remotely useful to me is mythology and that's only because Harry is cool please don't refer to your teacher as Harry it's just weird he is mr. Crandall do you know he is Harry whatever we still need to talk about this I don't want to see you get kicked out of school I care about you I want to see you have a successful future you don't even know the full story Alex whatever happened is no excuse for you to beat up that poor girl Liza oh really not even the fact that she was bullying someone that was the case then you should have gone to a teacher the teachers at school don't listen Alexander oh you know what I'm done with this conversation lyza get back here when you learn [Music] you oh you'll never get me with that you know sure I will someday when you're not expecting it yeah well you've done it so much I always expect it from you then I'll just have to come up with a new strategy go ahead and try but you know I don't scare easy fine you got me there anyway so let's talk about that fight there's nothing to talk about sure there is you beat up Helga price you put her in her place like you're like a hero now I'm not a hero I just gave her what she deserved well you're definitely a hero too Rebecca she has to take Helga scrap every day it's about time someone stood up for her Rebecca's a good person I'm glad at least you understand why I did it Alex on the other hand has tried to lecture me before school really you did a good thing go right and now the principal's talking about having me expelled why should I get expelled if anyone gets expelled it should be Helga true that yeah well we better get to class well hello class how are you all doing today sucky well I'm sorry to hear that Liza but hopefully today's lesson cheers you up because today we're going to start talking about mythical beasts what kind of beasts you know monsters legends myths ancient folklore oh like vampires I'm glad you bring up vampires actually because that is where we're going to start today what is there to learn about vampires that we don't already know well there's a lot actually like vampires are actually technically real people in certain cultures drink human blood due to the lack of nutrients in their system these people grow sensitive to sunlight they might not grow fangs or anything but the vampire is very much a real concept Oh scary yes indeed very scary the idea of someone capable enough to consume the blood of a human it's practically cannibalism why do they do that good question nobody really knows it could be because they enjoy the taste or perhaps they think it will grant them some sort of special power I drink blood if it could turn me invisible you I wouldn't drink blood even if you paid me [Laughter] let's go to the cafe alright you you so what'd you think of today's lesson it was interesting these stories I don't know what it is I got them but they just intrigued me you know most people would call you after being obsessed with this kind of stuff yeah yeah whatever Marcus was totally checking you out during class what no he wasn't he was he didn't even take his eyes off you all of class shut up why don't you just I talking to him it's obvious to you to like each other no we're just friends sure we are whatever you say today's lesson hmm don't you think it would be cool if things that we learn about we're true like if we could go on an adventure and meet a vampire or werewolf um no I am NOT ready to have my beautiful face to run apart just because some monster was hungry I for one believe that a monster would only do that if it was a bad person on the inside otherwise I think they'd be pretty much like us see obsessed oh whatever I've told these stories my whole life of course I'm going to show more interest in the subject than most people obsess hush you literally kill me alright see you later see ya maybe now would be a good time to go to the park [Music] what is all of this what are they eating whoa this is also amazing is that girl all right why is she laying on the ground like that that can't be comfortable on her tail ah getting away from all my troubles feels nice wait what time is it oh crap I'm late alex is gonna be so mad I'm so sorry yeah no it's my fault I um are you okay your head I you that that that's a great costume costume oh really yeah costume Thanks how did you get them to look so real oh you know um just crafty yeah I guess whoa they look really good uh Thanks well I better get going now uh-huh I have somewhere to go nice tail yeah wow that's really on there why did you know don't touch my ears why uh because it's uh disrespectful sorry ouch why won't it oh my god it's real hey wait what are you please don't eat me what's so funny it's you you think I want to eat you you you mean you're not no I just want to know what you are and where you came from I can assure you here in no danger so answer my question alright ask away alright first off what are you I'm a wolf you mean a werewolf no I mean a wolf what's a werewolf a werewolf is a human wolf hybrid thing that transforms into a monster under a full moon well I'm not half human and I don't transform I'm just a wolf but you look half human and you look like an earless wolf Touche all right where do you come from I'm from the tree tribe in the enchanted forest enchanted forest I've heard of that before but it's always been in movies and stories you know like fairy tales well I can assure you it's very much a real place are there like ogres and fairies and stuff there's tons of creatures I've only ever seen fairies though I don't travel out too far into the forest because it's dangerous Wow how did you end up here I don't know exactly I was at the fountain under the statue and the water changed it looked like a million beautiful stars and I guess I just fell in because after that all I remember is waking up here hmm well how do you plan to get back I don't know if there's even a way to get back well if there is I'll help you find it you will yeah I've always wanted a little adventure in my life this is exactly what I've been waiting for thank you so much whoa whoa whoa one thing you should know people don't just hug random people they just met oh sorry it's fine you didn't know things probably work differently where you come from it would seem so anyways why don't you stay with me until we can figure out how to get you back really of course obviously you don't have anywhere to stay already you'd be right all right I'll stay with you great follow me oh but first I'm Liza what's your name I'm Percy it's nice to meet you Eliza nice to meet you too Percy you [Music] Liza where have you been you're an hour late for dinner I was uh helping my friend here I don't work no well in that case you were forgiven [Music] I don't believe we've met before I'm Alexander but you can call me Alex grab his hand and shake it I'm Percy well we're just gonna go upstairs and study oh and Percy's parents are gonna be out of town for a little while is it cool if he stays in the spare room sure thanks Alex no shutting the door with a boy in there whatever [Music] you're awake yeah I have school what school you know a place you learn about stuff oh we had that only we called it session yeah I'm gonna go now all right have fun Thanks hmm I don't want to see this school you good morning class today we are going to ah hello what is he doing here hello young lad are you lost um I don't think so hmm well I wasn't informed of any new students he's with me oh he's my cousin he's staying with my brother and I for now and he was so sad he'd have to miss school I told him he could come with me he loves mythology and you're cool so I figured it wouldn't be an issue hmm you're lucky I'm cool all right I'll just add him to the student roster for while he's here however that means he will have to attend other required classes thank you so much you're welcome you may take a seat Percy Percy like the demigod uh yeah I like it anyways class today we will continue our discussion about beasts by moving on to the subject of werewolves and wolf people what's the difference between a werewolf and a wolf person I'm glad you asked Amanda werewolf is a human who has been changed and turns into a monster during a full moon however a wolf person is considered to be something that was never human they've always been a wolf they both some practically the same though they're scary yeah werewolves are scary they kill people I don't think they're scary go on Percy explain I don't think they'd be scary I think they would have feelings that they would be kind almost human in a sense just with a little extra interesting views Percy I respect that you're thinking outside the box I agree with Percy I feel like a werewolf would only be scary if they had bad intentions interesting well that's all the time we have for today enjoy your weekends everybody Congrats you got yourself into school I don't mind I'll be able to learn about this world some more don't be a nerd hey you two hey hello hey Percy right yep that's me I'm Amanda Eliza's BFF hey Percy why don't you go to the cafeteria over there and get a lunch here's the money all right I'm starving Wow your cousin is cute what he's cute is he single you probably shouldn't try he might be going back to his hometown soon so I can at least try till then who knows maybe someday we'll be kinda related doubt it he's a picky about dating what are you two talking about oh nothing all right hey Amanda I just want to let you know that you're very beautiful whoever you meet with will be a lucky man oh my god Percy excuse me you're beautiful you'll probably create beautiful offspring oh thanks no problem well I better get going now see you both later see ya her thing can I speak to you for a second sure you cannot just say things like that why not because it's creepy it isn't human I'm not human yeah well to fit in more you better start acting human oh I'm sorry no I'm sorry I know you'll have trouble because you're not from here I promise I won't say things like I did anymore all right good now we should head to the library see if there's any book that might help us find a way to get you home all right you lead the way [Music] you Percy Percy are you home he must not be home let's go look for him maybe he's in the town center yeah me me you I can't believe the legend was true where do you think it sent him don't know don't care all I care about now is becoming pack leader tomorrow night under the full moon how do you know getting rid of him will actually make you pack leader no Percy means nobody to be leader and that is except from me the rightful heir they could always choose to hold off until they find Percy they won't find him you're probably right no I am definitely right if Percy comes back it could ruin everything I can't allow that to happen he won't come back all the legends say it's a one-way trip it better be Percy Percy Percy Dorian do I know you uh yes we're literally at your house every day hmm oh you're Percy's little friends yeah you haven't seen Percy around have you no are you sure I mean you're his brother and I said I haven't seen him all right sorry sorry to shout I was with amber last night I haven't been home since oh I understand sorry to bother you thanks anyway oh they're adorable looking for their friend they're pathetic they're seeking something that'll never be found oh let them have their fun if I let them they could possibly find something what will you do if that happens well I'll just have to take care of the problem too bad you're fresh out of magical doorways you don't mind getting my hands a little dirty to get what I want come on let's go back to my place you Percy where are you come out come out wherever you are mm what are those - of tune Percy hello youtube hello elder hey sir what are you two doing we're looking for Percy you haven't seen him have you don't sorry that I have have you our story in' yeah we've asked everybody in town no one has seen him hmm that's boring very worrying we saw him last night for a little bit but we haven't seen him since I will have a look around and do some investigating perhaps see just taking a stroll through the forest what person doesn't like the forest he doesn't like risking the danger I know I know so I'm hoping this just happened to be the day he decided to change that what if something bad happened to him I'm sure he's fine yeah Percy is tough hope you're right Percy is resourceful if something did happen he'd be able to get himself out of it no you're right but I'm still worried Hey I promise you I will do everything in my power to find him thank you now you two run along keep looking he's got to be around here somewhere alright sure thing where would you be Percy I should probably call a meeting later tonight you you thank you thank you everyone for coming here today as you all know I don't call meetings often what's this about this is about one of our own tell me have any of you seen Percy today none of us have exactly and that is very worrying he needs to be found before tomorrow night before the next pack leader is named which will be me I want everyone to keep an eye out for Percy if anyone finds any clues please report them to me right away thank you so much for calling this meeting yeah hopefully with everyone looking we can find him Percy is very important to me and to the future of this pack what do you think could have happened to him [Music] no clue but I can assure you he will be found but how can you be so sure beam optimistic we will find him but what if he's don't even say it he has to be around okay you're right he's probably just wandering the forest he'll probably be home tomorrow keep thinking like that we need hope why don't you two go home now if he's not back tomorrow you can continue looking then run along now and get some sleep good night elder good night you two mmm you ah I can't believe there were no clues as to how I could get home don't worry Percy we'll find a way how can you be so sure we just have to hope things always work out trust me you're right if I lose hope now I'll never get home that's the spirit [Music] I miss my friends my pack my family we'll get you back to them now we should go to bed tomorrow we can do more research yeah all right good night Liza good night Percy what if I told you about disturbing me oh I'm sorry sir but it's important it better be it is there's been a sighting [Laughter] so what's your next plan hmm maybe we should go to the place you initially woke up could lead to some clues maybe but Haller remember being there is a forest and you were also freaking out right I guess so so there's a good chance that you just didn't see something it's possible but I don't even know if I'll be able to find exactly where I woke up I'm sure when you get there you'll be able to find it it's a long trip we have all day can we at least eat first do you want to get home or not I do it's just just what I'm hungry yeah fine eat yay are we there yet no how about now not yet now how much farther I think this is it finally there's nothing here gosh you barely even looked you dummy well what's there to look at exactly well there's a tree and another tree yes of course there's our answer the trees brought me here shut up you dork [Laughter] you know know what I was supposed to become pack leader pack leader yeah but honestly yeah I'm a bit relieved that it can't be me now you're relieved yeah I never wanted it in fact I only recently found out it was supposed to be me why don't you want it if you don't mind me asking the pack leader before was my father was my father was so obsessed with being the pack leader he was so obsessed with it he let it become his primary focus in life Percy you don't have to he he didn't care about me her my brother he would Percy my father was not a good man I I hated him never want to be like him you can never become like him Percy he was a good man once the power corrupted him Liza Howard does horrible things to people what if I become like him what if I Percy you're a good person sure you say stupid things sometimes but you have a good heart you've good intentions I believe in you Percy I thought people don't randomly hug other people this is a case where a hug is needed besides we're friends friends can hug thanks Liza I really needed that now let's keep looking for clues yeah [Music] Percy still isn't back hey calm down no I won't calm down my friend is missing hey calm down I'm I'm sorry freaking out is not going to find Percy any faster you're right I'm sorry oh you understand how upset you are as am I however the choosing ceremony must still go on tonight and Percy isn't there then the next in line we'll have to become Park leader wait Percy was going to be pack leader yes [Music] there is a reason Dorian can't be perc leader one that you do have no business and knowing understandable I wouldn't like him is leaner anyways now the two of you run off and never speak of this conversation this conversation never happened see you later sir hmm I should have been more careful about what I said [Laughter] the ceremony is happening tonight I will have everything I've ever wanted I'm so happy for you it's so close so close I can almost taste it in the power you will finally be in charge so what's the first thing you'll do as pack leader the first thing I'll do is prove my power to the rest of the forest what do you mean the rival packs we're gonna face them you yep you'll start a war which is exactly what I want to prove my power to everyone Dorian the other packs are so much stronger than us they have armies and we have me with me as leader we can win you're gonna get people killed do I look like I care you you're insane don't you dare talk to me like that again I I hoped you become a monster you helped me as much as you could but now you won't get away with this oh but I will Dorian what are you I have no use for you anymore Dorian please sorry amber but now you're just a liability the moon will be at its highest soon then we get a new pack leader I will now announce who it is so he can prepare for the ceremony atop the tree the new pack leader is Percy Percy still isn't here sir Percy then I am sorry to say but the ceremony must continue without him this means that next in line will become pack leader Dorian looks like you are next in line it's an honor sir go get ready I'm sure you already know what to do up there I do sir you you Oh Dorian now what Percy will return in this position of yours is only temporary temporary when Percy returns I promise you he will take his rightful position when Percy what is so funny [Laughter] Percy isn't going to return I've made sure of that what what did you do Dorian do you know the legend what legend about the planets aligning every hundred years you are you didn't oh but I did does anyone else know no amber was the only one who knew was what did you do let's just say she won't be telling anyone I knew you were messed up and what I didn't think you were a monster oh and I didn't think you were a liar what do you mean you told Percy not to tell me you made him betray me you're the reason he's gone no you're the monster that's it I'm canceling the ceremony you will never be pack leader as long as I'm alive well then I guess you'll just have to die you won't get away Twitter's I already did you will now where was I [Music] you [Music] where is the elder we need him to help find Percy no idea last anyone saw him he was at the choosing ceremony maybe he's in the big tree let's hit there yeah probably [Music] [Music] elder I up here elder my god [Music] no no no please wake up please he he's dead [Music] Fei he looks like he was stabbed elder please you can't be dead please wake up what oh right in the body what is going on here the older he's he's dead he has a stab wound in his chest murdered who would want to murder the elder Fei I'm so sorry I know he was like a father to you he he raised me I had no parents no family except for him Fei I we will do everything we can to find out who did this thank you sir I have some what what happened I'm taking care of it what did you want to tell me it's amber what about amber we found her in her home sir she is she dead no sir she's alive but but what she is unconscious unresponsive we don't know what's wrong with her whoever did this to the altar must have gotten to her we have to find the monster who did this we will and when we do I'll kill him myself [Music] you hey manda hey brucey hey Liza hey Percy can I ask you something mm-hmm yeah sure well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime you mean outside no like I mean on a date what's a date is he serious I think so oh you poor socially awkward child do you have much to learn I'll come pick you up from Liza's house this weekend Liza you show them the dating basics me excuse me just like act like you and Percy are going on date to teach him me and birth E on a date why just do it before I consume your soul hey anyways I have to help set up stuff in the lobby so I'll be missing class today bye [Music] should I be scared probably hello class my name is mr. Walker who the heck is this how the heck would I know I'm sure you're wondering who I am and what I'm doing here yeah kinda well your teacher is going to be out the rest of the year so I'm here to take over what why is he gonna be out your teacher was transferred to another school somewhere none of his choice so sadly he couldn't let you all know before he left that's so unlike him oh well it's a shame but the class must go on anyways today we are going to introduce ourselves you there state your name and one thing about yourself me yes you uh okay my name is Percy and I'm new to town oh really where are you from I'm uh he's from Canada huh is that so uh yes Canada beautiful place it is very nice let's move on you next my name is Liza and this is my favorite class really yep I love everything about this class very well let's move on you I wonder who that could be hello sir can I help you yes actually have you seen this boy No are you sure about that we got reports he was around here look I said I haven't seen him very well I guess we can play the hard way I want you to leave now Hey you should have just told the truth now now I'm sorry for the amount of pain you're about to go through [Music] [Music] thank you everyone for being here today the elder was a good man and it would be so happy to see all of you here for him you may not have heard all the details of his death so for those of you who haven't the elder was murdered I know it's tragic and we will find whoever did it but for now we all need to stay strong where is he they had better find it the elder was a good man when I was a baby my family was killed by another tribe the older took me in as his own he raised me he fed me he taught me he he gave me a family he became my family the elder was family to us all he helped us get through the worst of times I don't know what kind of sick person would ever want to hurt him but when I find him I will bring them down I think what she means is she will lock them up and make sure this monster never sees the light of day again they won't be seeing anything ever again when I'm done with them I've just gotten word that it looks like another tribe is responsible for the elders death footprints were found leading out into the forest in the direction of the mountain tribe the mountain tribe it doesn't surprise me they hate the way the elder led us we can't confirm anything yet but if this is true we're going to war but that is only if we can confirm this for now Fay would you like to do the honors you you can you tell me what happened to her well we found traces of a potion around her a potion what kind of potion very dangerous one this potion found correct for said I want to live out their worst fears in their head it is powerful enough to writer the person unconscious you're saying that in her head she's experiencing a fear that powerful yes can you wake her up perhaps if she were conquer her fear your weak you'll never face your fear can I spit you outside ah sure you what's up if the same person who killed the elder did this to Amber then that means she's the only one who might know who it is true but I don't think she'll be telling us anytime soon if we don't do anything about it that is what do you mean I mean I may know how to wake her really yes but it's not a guarantee what is it we could tell the doctor in you can't tell the doctor why not just trust me tell me what your idea is I may know someone who to make a potion a potion to wake her No a potion to be pushed into what a potion again her head what does that mean it would connect me to her and put my mind inside hers and how would that help exactly if I could get in her head I could help her face her fears and wake her up so she could tell us that could work why don't you want to tell the doctor because there's no way he'd allow it why wouldn't he there's a chance I wouldn't wake up my mind got lost in hearse or even killed no Archie I I said no it's too dangerous too much of a risk and it may be our only chance Fay just just promise me you won't do it Archy promised me I I promise thank you just give her a few days chance to wake up on her own if she doesn't then we can consider the ocean I can agree to that good now let's go back inside I'm sure they're wondering why we've been out here so long you you valeera am i what what help help help me somebody glad to see you're awake who are you and why am I here you're here because you're going to help us help you with what you're going to help capture the boy of course the boy Percy oh so you have seen him why do you want him so bad because he is very important to our plan and that would be I'm not stupid enough to tell you that information yet what's so special about Percy that you want him have you seen his ears yet his ears or perhaps the tail he keeps tucked away what are you talking about you didn't realize you've had a wolf living right under your nose I don't know what you're talking about you sound crazy he is very special he isn't like you and I not even the same species okay now you really sound crazy you're going to help us get him in fact you're going to hand him to us on a silver platter and why would I do that tell me have you ever heard of brainwashing brainwashing I don't know please please don't Percy wake up what Emma wake him up are you okay get dressed and then come downstairs I made pancakes good I'm starving so today I was thinking we could go to the mall and get you ready for your date what's the mall the mall is this big place where there hundreds of shops a place where you can find anything in everything to buy um I don't know if you know this but I don't have any money oh right well I guess I can pay I couldn't ask you to do that for me I insist you need a new pair of clothes I mean it looks like you found those just lying around actually I'm pretty sure I stole them all the more reason to get you some fresh clothes but I like these clothes they're cozy well too bad fine good now eat your pancakes yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum so are you nervous about your date of course mostly because I don't even know what a date is well a date is when two people like each other so they go out together somewhere to learn about each other so we're just gonna talk about ourselves basically but don't tell her the truth about you what should I tell her tell her things you like to do and if she asks you about your past just remember you're from Canada what if she asks more then lie but she cannot know you're wolf yeah yeah I get it I'm not just gonna whip my tail out in front of her don't get smart with me so are we almost to the mall yeah we should be there in a few minutes so what kind of clothes are we gonna be getting me well Amanda told me she wants to take you to a movie and dinner so nothing super fancy maybe a few button-up shirts and some nicer pants then I also want to get you a few more hoodies or maybe some hats so you can hide your ears still sounds like a playa race you the rest of the way uh you're on you wow this place is huge this is where dreams come true where do we even start there now that's a lot of clothes hello welcome to some pies if you need any help finding something specific feel free to ask thanks no problem there's the men's section see anything that interests you hmm I guess I'll try these on changing rooms are right over there you almost done in there almost hurry all right I'm coming out here let me fix your tie well how do I look you you look handsome and I'm sure I mean old think so too alright huh oh hope so so uh what kind of things does Amanda like well Amanda likes Liza Marcus I thought that was you how are you I'm good we're just here shopping you know how it is yeah you're her cousin right oh that's silly why why yeah we kinda just told everyone that so you could come to school oh whoa all right you look beautiful today Liza so do you I mean handsome you look handsome well there's something I wanted to ask you anything well you go out with me sometime me what with you yeah I've seen you staring at me in class before and I think you could I'd really had to get you know anymore um okay so is that a yes yeah awesome it could be a double date with you you and me and Percy and Amanda sweet I know it sounds fun sir sir sir you have to pay for those oh right uh uh sorry what was that about that woman standing over there what woman she was right there watching us trying to some crazy old cat lady anyways I'll see you around alright I'll text you the details later bye Marcus you maybe I'm just seeing things what oh nothing let's continue shopping you you we got so much stuff yeah I don't even know that's hurt Percy wait you where did she go I have no clue it's like she just vanished do you think she knows something I don't know I I just feel like I've seen her before how could you possibly have seen her before you weren't even in the same world as her until a few weeks ago I don't know she just looks familiar well we have to find her then agreed she might know something the way she looked at me it was like she knew me let's keep looking around she's old she couldn't have gotten far all right let's look you we've been walking around for hours we don't even know what to look for yeah I was hoping just maybe we could see the lady again just walking around I tell we'll find her at this point probably not which sucks I really like to know she knows something me too I really want to know why she looks so familiar to me maybe we should head home now we can look again tomorrow after school yeah I'm pretty tired now you come in [Music] how may I be of service uh I need a potion I hear you're the one I should come for that told you that um my friend Faye Faye sweet girl I suppose you're here for the Lazarus potion then is that the one that you and fade is cursed yes one potion that gives a single person the ability to transfer their mind into that of another then yes that's what I'm here for very well there it is take it I would advise you not to use it however I am sure he has warned you of the risk it brings she has good now to use the potion you first drink some to establish you will be the one to transfer then you put a few drops into the mouth of the host then you simply fall asleep i I understand also could you not tell Fay I was here very well thank you hey Archie over here what took you so long sorry I had to make a quick stop on the way here alright well check this out um what am I looking at exactly it's a story well no duh but why are you showing me this this book talks about a legend a legend about what a legend about a portal that links two worlds are you talking about the story of the human realm no in fact I forgot all about that but this legend could possibly be talking about the portal from the story hmm every hundred years the doorway opens at the foot of the statue what exactly does this have to do with Percy it's just a theory of mine but if this book is true that portal could possibly be opened that night that Percy might lose soon hey it's just a legend legends aren't true and even if it was what are the chances the portal was opened at night I don't know Archie but at this point I'm willing to believe anything I'm doing everything I can to find him and what if he can't be found what do you mean did you ever think about that fate what if we haven't found him yet because there is nothing to find are you trying to imply that he's dead Fay the mountain tribe probably slaughtered him the same way they did the elder hey I he's not dead Archie you don't just get to decide that he's too out there I can feel it if you don't want to help look for him then fine just go away they I said go away okay you're not dead mercy I know you're not the doorway opens at the foot of the statue you we have to gather up our strongest men and begin training them sir are you sure that's a good idea of course they killed the elder we need to attack them first before they get the chance to strike again but we don't even know if it was actually them or not the only evidence we have is a footprint that's all the evidence we need you're an idiot if you think that I am the pack leader you do as I say yes sir one more thing if you ever call me an idiot again well let's just say I hope you don't have to find out what I'll do to you they say I just I want to apologize I shouldn't have said what I did it was wrong of me no it wasn't wrong of you you were just saying how you felt and for all I know you could be right no I'm not right you are Percy is alive out there I can feel it the same way as you well if he is this book could be bringing us closer to finding him I hope we find him I do too I'm right here can't you hear me I'm right here I am sure we'll find him do you think he knows we're looking for him I do now I'm sure he does I wish she was here right now I'm right here Fay Percy hey Percy are you all right yeah just just a nightmare do you want to talk about it I I don't know come on let's go downstairs and I'll make us some hot cocoa then you can tell me all about it if you want you so you saw your friends in your dream yeah but that's not all what do you mean I mean I think they saw me too or at least they could sense I was there do you think you were really seeing them I think so it felt like I was actually there so I believe I wasn't really seeing what they're doing at that moment well this is amazing it means you can possibly try to get a message to them maybe but I don't even know how I saw them in the first place hmm where were you in the dream we were in front of the goddess statue where I was last before I ended up here well maybe that's it maybe you have a connection to that place it's possible [Music] look who finally decided to show his face again where were you exactly is it like another one of your little vacations vacations he used to just up and leave and not tell anyone where he was oh yeah one of my vacations where at none of your business what crawled up your butt and died nothing just tired well then on that note Percy and I are going to school have fun by the way we'll only be home for a few minutes after school we have dates Liza [Music] [Music] [Music] hany to hey guys sup yo so what were you two up to just they ganging up my hot date tonight hot yep total stud my date ain't so bad either yes stop it hey Percy yeah why do you always wear that hood what do you mean I mean we're in school and I'm pretty sure school policy puts down my ears or something not at all they just get cold easy if you say so anyways but I better get going farting late for class All Right see you Marcus bye see ya I should get going too I'll see you both at the restaurant at 8:00 tonight see Amanda bye Eliza bye Percy volume it well on that note we should probably get going - can't go on a date if we get detention [Music] Amanda you look beautiful Thanks you're amazing lifer Thanks so do you well let's go and get our table [Music] you so what do y'all think of class today boring I don't especially like this new teacher yeah this new guys pretty dull and honestly he's kind of creepy how so well I feel like he's always looking at me he's looking at all of us Percy I know but I feel like he looks at me more than anyone else maybe he just doesn't like your hood always being on maybe hey it's not my fault my ears get no cold I think your hood is adorable Thanks but I must admit you're really rocking that hat I had to force him to buy it well you have great taste my friend Thanks hey I'm gonna go to the restroom real quick try and eat all the breadsticks can't make any promises you friends with Liza yeah why do you care I'm her brother oh well nice to meet you I guess you too well I'm gonna go back to them now wait I need you to do something for me like what I need you to get Percy's hat off uh-oh I just do it I'll pay how much $50 so you're just gonna give me 50 bucks to take off Percy's dumb hat that's the deal mmm fine I don't know why you want me to do this but 50/50 now go get it done hey Percy why don't you take that hat off he doesn't have to Marcus yeah it's fine well it's impolite to wear a hat in a restaurant like this and it's impolite to force someone to take their hat off if they don't want to what are you even hiding under there Percy are you balding or something quit being a jerk Marcus what's going on with you nothing I'm just trying to show Percy here some manners well I'd rather not take my hat off why not brought friends here he said he doesn't want to take it off so leave him alone or we're leaving Oh for cryin out loud just take the stupid hat off No get off of him leave him alone take it off Oh for crying out loud just take the stupid hat off No get off of him leave him alone take it off I can explain explain what exactly my Percy your ears aren't there ah you are saying ah nothing come on tell me let's go Percy yeah I'll come too guys please let me explain please I why did you do that I tell me okay okay it was your brother what about my brother he was in the bathroom yes we take priests hat off he paid me he wouldn't do that well I'm telling the truth my brother wouldn't do that why would he want to do that I don't know all I know is he gave me 50 bucks for his hat off you're lying I'm not lying yes you are just admit it Liza I'm not lying leave either I said leave okay okay and don't bother trying to talk to me at school why on earth would Marcus stood up to Percy no idea let's go home now alright I'll come with you make sure Marcus isn't try to catch up to you you what happened uh what happened purse easier sir the thing weren't there what do you mean they weren't there I don't know sir I got my sister's friend to take off his hat but there were no ears underneath it that isn't possible you must have gotten the wrong person it it was Percy sir very well looks like we'll have to move along with Plan B which is you will bring him to my office but don't let your sister know where you're taking him what do you plan to do with him and that isn't anything you need to know you're not going to hurt him are you you shouldn't care whether I do or not sir what if you're wrong about him do as I say but Sir do as I say or I may just have to involve your little sister no you can't I can but I can't guarantee she won't be harmed unless you do as I say okay I'll do it good bring them in when you can but you'd better not take too long I won't sir I promise you have failed me once Alexander don't fail me again well that was a crazy night definitely a date I'll always remember I'm so sorry that it ended the way it did don't apologize it's not your fault that Mario's are being a jerk Liza are you all right huh yeah just annoyed with Marcos but I'll get over it that's good well it's getting late I'd better be going alright see ya bye Amanda see you two tomorrow [Music] so where are your ears I honestly have no idea I'm kind of freaking out here well they couldn't have just fallen off I think I'd notice if they did here let me take a look you you have human ears what you have human ears who's that possible how the hell should I know I don't know you can still hear at least which is good yeah it's weird it's like I can still feel my ears there but they're not well they must still be there try bringing them back maybe all right they're back this is amazing it means you don't have to worry your hood anymore in public definitely makes things a whole lot easier way easier here let me try to make them disappear again it isn't working it's okay we know you can do it we'll just have to practice yeah I'll help you try to figure it out you will yes I would do anything for you Percy I'm here for you you [Music] I'll always be here for you too [Music] um you forgot your hat Amanda we can explain I thought you two were cousins yeah that was a lie I guess I kind of figured I would have heard about him before if he was you're not freaking out why would I is the coolest thing I've ever seen now really yeah it's not every day you get to meet a real werewolf uh wolf not we're one two totally different things well either way I expect you to tell me everything yeah we can do that but you might want to sit down it's a long story and that's what brings us to where we are now so let me get this straight you're from another dimension called the enchanted forest and you come real wolfpack known as the tree tribe that you were supposed to become the leader of correct and you're trying to find this stalkerish old lady because you think she might hold the answers you're looking for yep wait so if Alex really paid Marcus to take your hat off do you think he knows what you are I didn't think about that maybe we should find out well we can't just ask him if he knows I'm a wolf why not because what if he doesn't that's true but let's just agree not to mention it unless he either tries something else or if he brings it up agreed agreed and I promise not to tell anyone about you you're my friend so you're not mad about our kiss of course not you know more about him and you've known him longer honestly it's our more perfect for each other anyways I have just one more question for you Percy what is it can you eat chocolate of course I can why wouldn't I be able to I mean you're a wolf and wolves around here can't kind of like dogs well there's almost nothing physically different between you and I besides the ears and tail that's a relief this chocolate is live true so you have any more questions hmm actually yes ask away you you Faye PHA huh why did you just say Percy's name because he's right here Yeah right did you hit your head to her something I'm serious he was right here how did you not see him because I'm not crazy he was here he hold my shoulders and said he was right here huh do you think it was a ghost no because for it to be a ghost he'd have to be dead and besides it this didn't seem like a ghost well I believe you saw something Thanks what do you trying to tell me Percy I'm gonna do it do what I'm going to use the potion I need to wake up amber no Fahey you promised me you wouldn't I know and I'm sorry but I have to do this I need to get close to finding Percy their person killed the elder and put amber to sleep could have something to do with Percy I really don't want you to do this but I know nothing I say will stop you thank you I'm going to get the potion tomorrow all right you better get some sleep you'll need your strength you're right I'll see you tomorrow Archie I want you to be here when I do it see be there for me so I have some the wakeup - of course I would never let you do it alone you're a good friend Archie I know which is exactly why I'm not letting you do this come in hello say what is it that you need I need the potion now I gave the potion to your friend my friend Archie Faye Archie Oh someone help me please why do you do it Archie you're so stupid it was supposed to be me please wake up I can't lose you too Archie please you're all I have left Soho this is Amber's mind it's pretty empty amber are you round here amber amber is that you Dorian Archie don't worry Archie I'm here I'll get you help he definitely isn't in the girls mind anymore so he will be fine are you sure he woke up gasping for air the reaction from waking up thank goodness I hope you at least got the answers he wanted I'm sure he did it would have been much harder to wake up if he hadn't hopefully he dad you should go now get some rest I will contact you when he wakes up all right Percy I really need you right now you all right Percy yeah I just Percy Hey Percy you're here I'm not going crazy I don't know how but yeah I'm here Percy where are you what happened it's a long story you might want to sit down for this so you're telling me you're in another dimension yeah that's exactly what I'm saying so the story of the portal is real we really are connected to another world it's like the stories of the humans we heard his kids except the humans are a lot less scary and this girl that you met what was her name again her name is Liza Liza she is helping you try to get back here yeah but now that I can get a message to you you could tell the elder where I am I'm sure he could help what is it Percy there's something you should know about the elder um what is it the night of the choosing ceremony the elder the elder what what happened the elder he he's dead Percy what no he can't be it's true he was stabbed in the chest her see he can't be dead he's the only one who might have had some clue on how to help me he wish it wasn't true Percy what it is you have to find out who did this we are Percy Dorian is doing everything as power as pack leader and Archie wait Dorian is pack leader he was chosen since you weren't here what is it Dorian he's the last one I was with before I ended up here what he told us he hasn't seen you then he lied and he knew I was supposed to be pack leader you don't think Dorian did all this deal I'd like not to think that but the elder told me Dorian was unstable it all makes sense Percy Archie Archie you're awake where were you what happened I promise I'll tell you the whole story but there's something you need to know there's something need to know too this whole thing is because of Dorian we know you know we kind of pieced it all together but how do you know already I saw it in Amber's head I saw Dorian bloody and holding a sword he scared me Percy I can't believe this we trusted him I had no idea my own brother was such a monster a monster indeed it's you hello Percy my name is Ethel it's good see you again hello Percy it's you but how are you here you are in this world with me wait what there is so much I wish to tell you Percy but I can't do it here why not you only have a short amount of time left here what do you mean your conscience can only pass over for so long before it kills you so how am I supposed to find you on the other side wait there's so much I need to percy he's waking up Percy what happened give him some space he's still out of it are you all right yeah I think so what exactly just happened I went there again the enchanted forest yeah that's the fountain again what happened when you were there my friends were there we we think we figured out what happened figured out what happened yeah the reason I'm here that's amazing what's the reason I'll tell you but there's something else that happened first what happened the old woman the stalker yeah she was there that's not possible but that's what happened are you sure it was the same lady positive so she can cross through the realms as far as I can tell but she didn't give me a chance to ask her anything what else did she say that she would find me that couldn't be heard the door could it it's only been a few minutes it wouldn't be possible huh who's there nobody there's no one out here hello Percy how did you get in the house the door was unlocked oh whoa wait how are you already here I just saw you a minute ago in the enchanted forest time doesn't work the same between realms Percy oh it's just weird so should I go or you can stay if you like oh okay totally not creepy that I never told you my name but you still know it and you thank you for taking care of Percy no problem anyway you should all sit down there's a lot to explain [Music] now where'd you start how about you tell us how you were me and chanted forest that's a very difficult thing to explain tell us more about Percy's brother then now that is something I can do but to tell Thorian story must first tell the story of Talia's my father yes dahlias was once a good man he had a wife friends people who cared about him and respected him as a pack leader him and his wife had two children two brothers the newborn baby you Percy and a seven year old son wait Dorian has been 7 years older than me he's only a year older I am getting to that they all lived happily leading the tree tribe to greatness but greatness comes an amis the tree tribe was attacked but Melton try Bani houses were burned people were wounded people were killed including his wife and oldest son how you had another brother Percy real brother what do you mean by that I will carry on Talia's had lost almost everything it filled him with hatred he wanted revenge he had gathered up the entire tribe and marched to the mountains when he got there he saw the many terrified faces of innocent women and children but he didn't care as they had shown no mercy to his tribe he ordered his army to kill everyone women and children included and they had no choice but to listen to him there was slaughter your father wanted revenge of the Mountain tribe pack Libre Gabriel he marched to Gabriel's house only to find him ready to fight and so they did your father's pure hatred for Gabriel was enough to defeat him but as he was about to end his life he heard a noise from the floor upon further investigation he discovered what Gabriel had been hiding a son your father decided the spare Gabriel's life but take his son as he knows losing a son is far worse than losing your life he wanted to hurt Gabriel as much as Gabriel had hurt him your father had left with the child and ordered the army to spare the rest of the tribe he had decided to raise the child as if it was son he had lost he had decided to name the child Dorian so durian durian is not your real brother Percy that is why he cannot be pack leader your father for he could change durian raisin to be good the mountain wolves they're aggressive by nature not by choice durian was your father's biggest regret that is why your father left he was not the same since battle his pure heart had been hated by darkness his hatred only grew he didn't want to hurt either of you so he felt leaving was his only option so he left because he cared about us he left because you cared about you how do you know all of this I knew your father very well I was there when he was born I was there when he left do you know where he is no if he really cared he would come back it is can't be that simple you don't see me just going around branding everything that I care about no Amanda she's right huh I don't want him to come back at this point in the short time I had known him I I wish he would have left sooner from what you told me he sounded like a real jerk he was but now knowing what he went through just think about what I told you here today Percy I will well I'd better get going now it's been a long night wait there's one more thing I wanted to ask what is it are you a wolf yes I am then how do you hide your ears and tail the same way you did at the restaurant but I don't know how I did it you just have to truly not want them to be seen by anyone only then will they hide themselves hmm it worked no I really must get going one more thing thank you you're very welcome Percy you all right Percy yeah just thinking about your father kinda but mostly about my older brother I wonder what he was like if we would have gotten along even what his name was well you can ask Ethel the next time you see her I should have asked before she left she seemed like she was in a rush oh sure it's that late I gotta go guys All Right see ya good night well we should get to bed yeah I could use some sleep merci merci wake up huh get up why we need to go somewhere can't I just sleep until tomorrow no now get up fine we have to go to the store all right [Music] what do we have to go to the store for to get Lisa birthday present it's her birthday tomorrow it is huh she never mentioned it she hates bringing it up to people understandable let's go she'll be awake soon all right lead the way [Music] you it's at Percy and Alex I wonder what they're doing so where are we we're at the mall right so what are we waiting for we're just waiting for someone uh-huh Alex what's really going on Alex do you know I'm sorry Percy sorry for what good job Alex the boss would be pleased that you've delivered as long as he leaves my sister alone yes as promised the girl will not be harmed and Percy we have bigger plans for the boy now leave before our end of the deal expires down here you you Percy time to wake up Percy huh maybe he's in the kitchen eating already [Music] uh where am I where's Alex Alex where are you Alex isn't here right now who said that someone who wants to know the truth or more like a person who wants you to know the truth the truth the truth about what the truth about our two realms and how they are connected but I know that history already yes but you don't know the whole truth over time history gets changed and twisted to one sides like ink and you expect me to believe you know the whole truth no not even I know the whole truth but if we combine our stories then the truth is bound to be somewhere in there why should I trust you because I know how to get to the enchanted forest no you're lying oh but it's true Percy we've had a way to the enchanted forest for over a thousand years but we need your help to get there you are the keeper see I might feel a little more comfortable about helping you if I knew who you were mr. Walker I must give you credit Percy you made it quite difficult to confirm that you were a wolf seeing as you learned how to hide your ears and tail that was just pure luck but now I'm gonna need you to show them to me okay unstrap me so I can pulled out my pants and show you my tail you and I both know that's not how it works Percy now why don't you cooperate with us so we can get this over with I still don't fully trust you because you don't seem like the trustworthy type fine then let me introduce myself my name is Harold Walker I'm from the long lineage of King Harold the fourth the very same King from the story now that I know who you are how does that pertain to be showing you my ears and tail because the only way to get to the Enchanted Forest is to get the essence of the wolf which we could only get if you have your ears and tail out essence of the wolf yes part of what makes you well you don't worry though it doesn't hurt and it doesn't change who you are you just need to pluck a piece of fur or take some blood it's a bit more complicated than that but you can get me home we can open the portal to the enchanted forest well alright then let's do it good know if you will follow me to the extraction chamber extraction chamber sounds pleasant enough it will extract your essence and bottle it up then we can use the essence to open the gate why do you want to open it so badly I merely want to help you get home Percy and I wish to study the forest you might say I'm curious why kidnap me resum just asking nicely I didn't think he'd be so easily persuaded give me one moment prepare the extraction chamber also get a body bag ready we'll need it no follow me Percy we'll get you prepared you Percy Percy are you here [Music] Percy Percy where are you this isn't funny anymore what are you doing I'm looking for Percy you haven't seen him anywhere have you nope are you sure he's not in his room that's the first place I looked you dummy well I'm sure he's around here somewhere I hope though I hope he's doing all right I'm positive he's all right what makes you say that are you sure you don't know where he is he was in the bathroom yes we take his hat off he paid me did you pay Marcus to take Percy's hat off when we had our date no what would make you think that just something Marcus said he said you were in the bathroom when you approached him I don't know why he would say that I've never even been in that restaurant before oh okay [Music] wait I never said we went to a restaurant oh are you sure I'm pretty sure you said you were going to a restaurant no I said we were going on a date I never said we're well I'm pretty sure you said where's Percy Alex let go of me or you're grounded around me all you want but tell me where Percy is Elizabeth Marie waters let go of me and go to your room you don't use my full name Alexander let go of me and I won't anymore just tell me where he is Alex I know something is up with you so you need to start explaining I don't know where he is so stop asking fine I'll go find him myself come in [Music] hey Liza what's up I'm freaking out here why is it that time what you know Oh then what's wrong I'm trying to find Percy but I've looked everywhere and don't know where he is well why don't you just ask Alex I already did he claims he hasn't seen him oh well I saw him with Percy in the city earlier today what I saw Alex and Percy walking together in the city I thought it was just weird that you weren't there Alexandr you better tell me where he is I don't lie to me I can't tell you where he is why not just trust me how could I possibly trust you after you just lied to my face please Liza calm down don't tell me to calm down Percy's missing my brother is lying to me I don't know what the hell is going on anymore there's no need to yell at me Liza yeah you're you're right I'm sorry Amanda good now let's go get Percy but we don't know where he is and Alex won't stay I saw the building that they went into I can take you there thank you you're a lifesaver as for you I'll deal with you when I get back please don't go shut your mouth Alex you've no right to speak with me anymore let's go Amanda let go of me you don't know what you're dealing with I can take care of myself I don't want you to get hurt you already hurt me Alex you were my brother you're supposed to be the one person who's always there for me but instead you would trade me I'm sorry if you're sorry then tell me what you're dealing with I wish I knew but they wouldn't tell me what they wanted Percy for who some man he calls himself Walker he needed a wolf or something but I didn't know what what wait you know Percy's the wolf yes I know oh great just another thing you lied about I was just trying to protect you they said they'd hurt you if I didn't listen if you wanted to protect me then you should have told us what was going on but now you've put Percy in danger who knows what they'll do to him let's go Liza we're wasting time all right take me where they were please be safe you [Music] you that's a tall building well that's where I saw Percy and Alex walk into [Music] what even is this building no idea maybe they're like a big company or something they wanted Percy so they're probably more than just a company what could they possibly even want Percy for whatever it is it has something to do with him being a wolf I wonder what floor Percy is on if he's even still in the building I really hope they have an elevator [Music] can I help y'all we're looking for our friend his name's Percy have you seen him I see a lot of people around here you'll need be more specific he's got brown hair a green jacket he's kind of sexy have you seen him I'm sorry I ain't seen anyone like that around here oh it's all right we can go look elsewhere I mean it crawl upstairs and see if anyone else might know thank you I don't trust this lady same I think she's in on it quick let's sneak up the stairs turn it no elevator shut up you better have a good reason for disturbing me what should I do with them obviously get rid of them all right then sir alrighty then ladies I huh where'd they go now that we've got the boy we can proceed are they talking about Percy once we've extract the boys essence we will finally born and what will become up the boy the boy will not survive the extraction but that's alright once we have the essence we will have no use for him anymore we need to find him now species flash I'll take it up with Kiki Mike God my eyes what is it you don't want to know also if we don't find Percy please end me all right lyza Amanda why are you guys here we're here to save you save me from what Oh death duh dad yes death what else do you think they're gonna do to you they're helping me open the portal to get home what yeah they need to extract my essence to open the portal well we overheard a slightly loud evil dude saying that you won't survive this huh no that that can't be true they they said they'd get me home and where do you think you're going hey I'm not a dog shut up yes you are I don't think you're going anywhere what makes you think that Percy wants to help us open the portal isn't that right Percy ah yeah right we know that this will kill Percy when it's over you're smarter than you look nah just talk really loud we need security in the extraction chamber come with me if you want to live seriously you had to use that cliche don't think this gets you out of the doghouse [Music] [Music] now that you're all back I hope you enjoyed the show please you don't have to do this we can find another way stupid girl this is the only way for us to get to the other side a wolf's essence is what locked the portal so a wolf's essence is what must open it don't touch me neo puppy what are you so desperate to get to the other side that's none of your business Wow sorry for asking you know I don't really need to get home that badly this isn't about getting you home it's about getting revenge from my family what if I just put my ears and tail away then you can't extract my essence I figured you might say that the bindings you have on now prevent you from hiding your ears in your tail what know that we've got everything settled we can start start the machine you shut it off release my grandson Harold grandson we need his essence for this to work you will not interfere with my plan yes Percy I'm your grandmother take my essence instead spare Percy I haven't lived my life let him live his monster out the boy no please you could take my assets let her live can I just have one moment with my grandson very well but make it quick [Music] he understand I am ready now I love you Percy start the machine No [Music] [Laughter] this right here is the key I'll make you pay for this I'm sorry about your grandmother Percy I never even got to know her whoa incredible this looks like our fountain difference that you a statue of our king all I need to do is drop this into the water so why do you really want to go to the forest I want revenge I want to see the forest burn to the ground you'd be killing thousands of innocent creatures does it look like I care your people didn't care hold a grudge much it was a thousand years ago get over it [Laughter] hey Walker huh and owned a faucet [Music] but you didn't see that coming what the flip did you just do it's what my grandma whispered in my ear was it like a spell yeah she told me to shout it at the portal and it would lock the portal to any uninvited humans that's incredible well I guess this means you can go home now I guess so am I allowed to come visit you of course you're always welcome good ten bucks says the case you're on we can hear you over there well I guess you'd better go back take your place as pack leader I guess I should [Music] I'm gonna miss you I miss you too dork [Music] I'll get going before I kick your butt I'll miss all of you I'll miss you man later Gator wolf boy goodbye Percy it worked I'm home I promise I'll come back now to find Fane Archie you so that was Percy's grandmother yeah she seemed pretty cool one thing bothers me though what the fact that she can travel between realms why would that bother you because she knew where Percy was so why couldn't she tell someone and help him get home I'm sure she has her reasons whatever the reason it isn't good enough she should have helped more I agree and then all that stuff about Percy having another brother and Dorian being from the mountain tribe how did we not know he was mountain tribe I mean given his temper I don't know we should have seen it sooner I wonder if he even knows I can't imagine he does and as for Percy's father where do you think he could be well it's been so long since he left he's probably dead by now goodbye one of the creatures of the forest I hope so what will happen when the pack finds out about Dorian I can only hope that he gets what he deserves Hey look at the bright side at least Ethel and Percy should be returned soon yeah no come on let's go back to your house that's where she told us to wait for him all right hey you two stop oh hey Dorian funny seeing you here what do you mean I'm always here right well I gotta get going why such the rush because because we have somewhere to be oh well alright also do either of you have any updates on my brother no how about you nope but I'm sure something will turn up Oh something will definitely turn up alright well like I said we gotta go Ziya good luck you you uh yes sir what is it I want you to keep a good eye on those two something seems off yes sir and notify me right away of any suspicious activity those two knows something [Music] calm down Faye calm down I wanted to tear that monster down right then and there I know but it's good that you didn't we need to wait for Percy so he can help get everything sorted I wish Percy would just hurry up already I'm sure it's not that easy to do interdimensional travel ethos seems to have no issue with it all they're doing is talking but about what is that Percy I've got to report this Percy your home yeah home I'm so happy you're back what's with the ugly clothes ugly yeah it looks weird what's that weird floppy thing in the back a hood but enough of that we need to find Dorian so we can end him so I can talk to him brother to brother fine so what happened since we last saw you a lot actually like I was kidnapped my grandmother sacrificed herself for me we opened the portal and then I locked it to humans sounds intense wait he fell is dead yeah she died so I could live I'm so sorry Percy it's alright I unlocked the portal so she didn't die in vain well that's good yeah but we really need to go see Dorian before he can do any more harm you lead the way you better have a good reason for being back so soon I do sir it's your brother what about him I saw him he's back he's back yes sir bye that's not possible aren't you happy sir your brother has returned to you I'm happy would you like me to go get him no I want you to gather up the village and meet me in the town square as you wish sir looks like you're smarter than I thought we finally get to have our happy reunion hey you uh-huh Oh Percy glad to have you back glad to be back have you seen my brother yeah he's up in the tree I can take you to him no it's fine I need to speak to him privately as you wish sir may I ask where you've been I'll explain to everyone right after I talk to my brother very well hello Percy I have been expecting you I would have been here sooner by you know being trapped in a whole other realm and stuff well I'm glad to have you back cut the act Dorian we know what you did and what did i do exactly you killed the Elder Bay calm down let Percy handle this how could you do that Dorian the holder was like a father to us he gave you what was rightfully mine the way I see it you're the reason he's dead pack leader was never yours I'm the older brother it was always mine and you took it from me except for the fact that you were adopted what you're lying dad took you from Gabriel the leader of the Mountain tribe stop lying I'm sorry Dorian but it's true it can't be true but it is you always ruin everything for me when have I ever ruin things for you besides the fact that you lied to my face about the elder speaking to you or how about the fact you took pack leader from me or even how dad loved you more Dorian I'm sorry you've made my life a living hell taken everything I could have ever wanted from me tell me what have you ever done from me I don't know that's because you've never done anything for me you've only ever thought about yourself don't listen to him Percy he's trying to get in your head I'm horrible brother should have done more for you too bad you didn't think about that sooner maybe things would be different today it's my fault I was selfish I'm so sorry Dorian it's all right Percy everything will be all right it's my fault I was selfish I'm so sorry Dorian it's all right Percy everything will be all right now Liza I see you're gonna be okay oh my god Percy you're lucky your little pet got in the way humans are such pests don't you dare talk about her like that too slow brother looks like you do have some fighting you after all I'll kill you you're really starting to get on my nerves you know Percy you could have lived a long life if you just stayed away I couldn't leave my people to your mercy stop kidding yourself these are my people they were never your people do you feel that I'm gonna make you feel that all over cutting every inch of you before you finally die you know Dorian huh you can kill me oh I plan to but that will never change the fact that you aren't a part of this pack and never will be do it kill me no if I kill you then I'd be no better than you I don't need to kill you to make you pay for what you did oh please you're no different than me now that's where you're wrong I don't need power to be happy in fact I never wanted power all I need is my friends and my family we aren't family maybe not by blood but we grew up together and at one point or another I gladly called you my brother so I think you can change but that's up for you to the side died goodbye brother Percy I'm sorry Percy paese she's bleeding out and quick she isn't going to make it Percy please don't leave me Liza I see I'm right here Eliza there's there's something I want to tell you we'll give you some space what is it remember the first time we met of course I do no touch your ears and you let me yeah why pine would let me touch them because what she nears is a sign of affection come closer Percy I'm a solo see I can't believe he's gone that was the goal wasn't it yeah it's it's just let's go to him what you know you want to tell him how you feel why can't you get in we weren't invited you go [Music] now where would he be love you twice Percy Percy No is she [Music] sir what is it construction is almost complete good when that's done we move on to building up the armory yes sir dad this is what we waited for never let go [Music] no sleep [Music] tonight [Music]
Channel: JesseMauve
Views: 15,736,147
Rating: 4.5781317 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft roleplay, minecraft rp, minecraft, rp, minecraft survival, survival, Minecraft SMP, Youtuber SMP, SMP, YouTuber, roleplay, werewolf, werewolves, werewolf roleplay, werewolves roleplay, minecraft werewolf roleplay, minecraft werewolves roleplay, high school, high school roleplay, minecraft high school roleplay, wolfbound, wolfbound roleplay, minecraft wolfbound roleplay
Id: sIJmy5x-_To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 28sec (12328 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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