Aeon - Episode 2

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seems that portal transported us all the way to trust SEC I'll keep an eye out all of you better get some sleep [Music] you so I'm not the last one here yeah that's a relief where's eben correction you are the last to arrive as for jibon he decided to get started without waiting on the rest of us and you just let him go we tried to stop him but he's not exactly the easiest person to reason with but he can't fight a Malaga loan and he can't even hide well in the dark since he's right besides now that we're all here we can catch up to him before he has the chance to do something stupid right because he never acts stupidly on a regular basis you know let's get going before that idiot gets himself eaten by a giant scorpion spider [Music] all right so I caught jibon scent but i can also smell a monic and something else something else what do you mean by that that doesn't matter now we need to find jibon he probably went after the Molly Cologne hey Spidey you can do better than that come and get me what made out jibon well I'll force feed you to the money I can walk on my only sorry puppy but you weren't fast enough if I am done it you would be a crystal wolf right about now I could have run away in time and if not jelly is right there with the antidote [Music] he did good man took down him a league will Sarkin all grown up now yeah this one's big enough to feed half the city to that was for almost getting everyone killed and that is what you get from running off by yourself to hunt some mylink little harsh don't you think mine's giving me the antidote it's kind of Oh look I'm really sorry about that don't do it again no give me your arm [Music] is exactly why I think we need to act quickly and take matters into our own hands but it's too early to be certain we must be careful misfortune you should know better than anyone else what is going to do I don't know all the details there are still many paths to future could be taking she's right desolation we can't go killing them off just because of something you saw on one path the future has the possibility of taking but none of you have seen what I did none of us have used time travel to disrupt the flow of history it's taboo for a reason you know I had no other choice there wasn't any other way to see what destruction was really up to and what did you learn the exact same thing the rest of us already knew enough we didn't come here to argue we came to here out what desolation had to say not me I was just bored and thought it could be interesting chaos shut up or else I'm going to bury you in another sandstorm oh no not again I do apologise for angering you oh great and terrible demon of desolation whatever could I do to have even a chance of one day earning your forgiveness Guardian daemon is such a self-deprecating term all of us were given the task to protect the mortal sphere and make sure the flow of time doesn't become corrupted corrupted you mean like you've been doing it oh well look at this it's the infamous Abbie Estrella TV on a pine it is less dangerous of the brother lucky you why not kill them right now that's the same thing the Oracle called me cruson view of the underworld what does that even mean all in due time little devil unless someone wants to play hero now and save us all the misery let them go really I thought you wanted to protect the mortal sphere by eradicating the biggest retsu time of history but awareness changes everything now that they've overheard things have suddenly been altered and new paths have been uncovered if I did anything now I don't like acting recklessly but isn't that what you do best well I'll leave you free to make your decisions about our favourite little devils see you at a war of oh that was chaos as in the demon and he called you desolation look I don't know who you really are but I want to know what's actually going on around here don't even think about making up excuses because I won't stand for them my highest among spirits how unusual but I advise against threatening immortals with the power to fell entire countries before you could even comprehend what was happening spirits here right now that you are beginning to have an idea of who you are dealing with I hope you can understand why we don't necessarily want to answer your questions [Music] desolation it may be for the best if we tell them okay so that was the demon of chaos who just left and over there is the demon of guardian of desolation that's the guardian of order and I'm the demon of misfortune that I'm a good demon a good spirit all of us are even even that chaos he's just not very agreeable anyway I'm sure you know how the goddess of fulfillments of the ten spirits of order chaos luck misfortune war peace knowledge ignorance prosperity and desolation to help govern the world and guide as best as we could to prevent it from falling into emptiness yeah I know the fairy tales but what do they even matter what's going on here but one day and eleventh spirit showed up he told us the world was still slowly fading into emptiness and the only way to stop this from happening was for one of us to gain the power of a true God and put the book back to where it was when it again which may sound nice and all until you realize that we require using the four thousand year cycle to erase from existence and memory everything that had existed up until that point that would include mortals like you as well as the spirits like us who weren't around until well after the world was born it's right but the demon of destruction the article to you doesn't really care about that it seems like it's trying to use the great calamities to give himself power huh it's all about gods with new people isn't it so what's this 4000 year cycle we can't see much more you've already had enough for now all I ask is that you stay out of trouble maybe take refuge interest silk truss silk but that's so close to Ocean Bell if we were to be recognized by anyone it would be there of course that's where almost all the refugees from ocean Bell went the people of true silk took them in as their own there were more refugees then yeah right how would you even know of course you didn't seriously think that you were the only survivors from that entire city did you not only would you be safe but the people of Fez elk would help to protect you as they have done for the others that's great and then we wouldn't have to run anymore we would have a real home again yeah just great well that's one thing I'm not going to miss hello really I'd rather prefer it here to the scorching heat of Orkut on it's quite a lot more welcoming yeah for you you're a fox you don't have to worry about all the hostile gazes from the locals turning into something a bit more dangerous than just looks oh you're still on that it's been years and those who know who you are have been very friendly Oh Advent of Kowloon but you're right it'll be nice to see home again yeah nice are you sure you want to do this out here it isn't going to be easy nothing has ever been easy for me hacia not since that day besides I can't hide in this rathole forever I always knew I'd be going back and I've gotten what I came here for so there's no point of sticking around any longer I don't care if the entire world is up in arms over my return it's already falling apart that seems as it is and with the start of the second neon upon us someone has to be there to pull it all together before everything shatters apart and you believe that person is you why not I was born to lead after all and even if this might be a little different from what people would have originally expected I'll take it it's not like I want anything more to do with the norson dynasty either so if I get to tear it down in the process then that's just one more incentive I have to work towards that goal besides I'm already the only person in the past what three four hundred years who's managed to cross the jikido wasteland and survived I'd say that does more than a little to prove my capabilities Asha Asha what is it you crossed a heater once but the question stands out dear can you do it a second time yeah bring it [Music] trois SEC you want to go to trust SEC yes look I know it's hard to believe but we met some of those spirits last night order chaos misfortune so you're okay you haven't been quite the same since numbers experience with the Oracle come on no but was there to write you you saw them right oh yeah they were there they told us all about how safe it would be in a place so close to the ruins of ocean bill and in a country where everyone is convinced that I must be evil because my eyes are an unusual really don't need to cover for it I'm not lying we really met them there's people who aren't you in spirits yes yes yes and talk no way don't talk you just admit it that you saw them to see see you I'm not lying so don't look at me like I'm crazy huh they said trust location to be the safest place for us to go huh safe for you maybe but just because there are other refugees from Ocean Pal there doesn't mean that they'll suddenly forget about my evil red eyes you have a point here okay but we can go and check the place out while you wait here then if it looks safe like the spirit said we'll come and get you and how will you know if it's actually safe or not it doesn't seem to be lying I think we should give it a try good talk not you too Shaw sec is too dangerous besides what would the spirits want to do with us anyway it doesn't make much sense to me after what happened with Nabu in theack oh it's really not that surprising to me besides why would our enemies look for us so close to ocean Belle not only would they expect us to fled the area but they saw as it you're not just a few days ago okay but the moment things look dangerous we're out of there okay the three of you were the only family I have left and I don't want anything to take you away from me of course Roger and we'll be back soon to tell you how it went [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is your doing isn't it show yourself destruction so you remember me but my preferred name I must say I'm rather proud of you little devil look I'm a bit busy right now I don't have time for you what you're not happy to see me you are only alive now because I allowed it besides I created you you created me what is that supposed to mean you mean you can't see the resemblance you you are not my father you said it yourself you never saw your father before I do apologize I couldn't stick around while you were growing up but I do think that aru did a wonderful job raising you what do you want this time oh nothing much I'm just stuck with a little dilemma and hoped you could help me with making the choice a choice about what well we have to pick and it's a very hard decision one will live the other must die kill who is it this time one of these you have got to be kidding me did you really think that I would let you touch either of them uh-uh-uh-uh children obey their fathers Nabu not the other way around you're not my father you killed Jacque you killed him hmm well if you won't decide I'll just kill them both it's all the same to me anyway but I understand you need time to think things over we'll figure this out are you [Music] how many offenses I just wanna be some day I don't wanna be nothing no I'm not all right but I'll tell you I'm just fine so you leave me alone they say I'm way too obsessed and I'm not quite there yet [Music] and you're sure about this because once you enter those ruins there will be no turning back I know I know I made a promise to Drew Vic and de Lara I don't intend to go back on it good then let's keep going kaolin awaits us [Music] you
Channel: Icerift Fyera
Views: 128,862
Rating: 4.9692178 out of 5
Keywords: aeon, series, animation, animated, episode 2, two, iceriftfyera, icerift, fyera, fantasy, shapeshifters, animal, webseries, fox, canine, animated series, web series, episode, season 1, season one, arc 1, arc one, animation series, anime, anime series, aeonseries, aeon series, wolf, magic, dragon, feline, cheetah, lion, caracal, crocodile, show, youtubeshow, youtube show, youtubeseries, youtube series, indieanimation, indie animation, independent show, independent, ep, indie, indieseries, indieshow, indie show, cat
Id: vm3e8EoIhTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 10 2018
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