The Successor to Banished? - Settlement Survival (Part 1)

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hey there my name is provis and welcome to a new series for the channel settlement survival this is a new game that came out in mid-october so i'm a little bit late on this one but already i have received several recommendations from you guys saying i've got to try this game out because it is in your words a successor to banished and you all know me so well i couldn't possibly resist banished is one of my all-time favorite indie games a truly iconic survival city builder any game that can try to live up to that is going to be a huge win in my book so i got the game try out the tutorials set up a new game just to see what's going on and yeah sure enough this game is heavily inspired by banished but it is so much more there is a staggering amount of content in this game it should be a lot of fun if not a little overwhelming at times and i am very happy to jump into a new game so let's go ahead and do that now now we're playing with standard mode of course there is also sandbox mode where all technology is automatically researched and easter island which is a challenging scenario where wood grows extremely slowly not gonna bother with that today and it looks like three new scenarios will be added into the game at some point in the future but for us i think standard mode will do fine we'll play on a large map at a normal difficulty i will allow for disasters and that should be good enough let's go ahead and get started okay here we are now first off the map is pretty large and generous there is going to be a lot of room for us to grow but the first thing we have to do is choose our initial development location there's a few things i'm looking for here first off being close to water is generally going to be a good thing for me gives access to some trade as well as to some good fishing locations which are represented down over here i'd also like to be close-ish to a mountain because that means we'll be able to set up some mines and then there's other icons worth looking for for example really good pasture locations better farming locations new seeds will be able to gather for different types of crops and so on we want to be close to a bunch of these things so i'm thinking we might set up kind of right over in this general vicinity it's close to where the fish is going to be located it's next to a mountain and it's got a good fertile area for extra food from our first farms so i think we'll set up right over here and here we go now we do start off with a few different buildings one's a simple storage shed the other is a builder's cabin where we will be able to assign people to work as builders in fact i can go ahead and assign another job right now so we have four builders and they'll go around constructing everything for me then we have the marketplace which kind of functions like a town center in this game houses have to be built within range of the marketplace and the people who work over here will gather up resources from storage yards bring them to one central location so that people will be able to get what they need nice and quick so the marketplace is really going to be key for us the first thing we probably want to do is set up some houses so we're going to go ahead and do that right now where i want to set up some houses great question how about close to the marketplace uh we could set up kind of like this these yellow arrows represent the access point for the homes and you want to leave a little bit of space in between buildings so you can have some roads so let's go ahead and place down a couple of different houses off in this direction build up a nice small little neighborhood kind of like so now of course it does cost resources to construct just about anything in this case it's going to cost me some lumber some stone and some iron ore in order to build these up and over here in the left you can see all the different resources we currently have available for example food water various different types of medicine more raw materials and so on this alone should give you an idea that there is a lot that we will be able to produce i mean look at construction materials or better yet look at food i'm just gonna start scrolling down over here still scrolling still scrolling yep there's a lot of different production chains lots of different food goods and so on it's pretty darn exciting if i'm being completely honest so this will be enough to get people started let's also go ahead and set up a quick task and i'm gonna clear out pretty much the entire area around my marketplace because we know we're gonna be using up all of these resources and all of this land so let's go ahead and gather people up to do that now there are a few different uh ui tools we want to take advantage of for example the i key here opens up the town details and from here we can see all these different professions and who are currently assigned to each of these roles there are a lot of professions in this game right now we're only seeing a tiny fragment there are so very very many so this is going to get really really cumbersome at some point but it's a really helpful tool to see how many people are currently working assign people see how many jobs exist and so on we'll also be able to take a look at things like structural overviews production overviews seeds see what we have unlocked etc etc all of this will be useful for now let's go ahead and speed up the game you can go up to 10 times speed and we'll probably be playing on that speed for most of the game because it is the most reasonable in my opinion a few other things to keep in mind we do have our happiness and our health for all of our citizens stress is important i'm not too sure what happens when people get really stressed i think it mostly has to do with your fertility rate very stressed out people are not going to be producing children over here we can see how many adults students and children we already have the number of temporary workers which is to say laborers that are available and then here's something called development over time we will very slowly accumulate development points which are basically technology points if we hit the t key so we'll be able to spend these in order to unlock different types of buildings for example maybe we want to go ahead and unlock the research institute which is a place where you can get faster development uh points that could be good or maybe we want to go for something like a sawmill so we'll be able to get planks and construct more advanced uh structures etc there's a lot of different things that we can do here tons of different technologies that we'll have to worry about but i'll come back to more that later beyond that we also have silver coins which will be useful for trade later we have some temperatures and we can see how far along we are in the game and this up here gives you a 20-month foresight as to what's coming like merchant ships or immigrants etc etc let's make sure you set up at least a couple more houses i do want to have enough housing for pretty much everybody i'm thinking we can start with maybe like seven houses maybe eight but after that we might want to consider getting a boarding house which does not allow people to have children but provides a lot of residences for people a good way to control your population if necessary also really good if you have lots of immigration coming in and you're not too sure what to do with it so we may want to place one of these down at some point in the near future let's also go ahead and set up a couple of quick little roads so that people will be able to get around nice and quick because obviously the faster people can move around to their different respective jobs the better things are going to be and then let's go ahead and start taking a look at some resource production so first off we did see that there is going to be a uh fertile area right over here if i set up a field in this location right here it's gonna be 11 by 11 which is a bit larger than a standard field would be but we'll take full advantage of the double production in this area for some extra food there's also orchards and pastures if we have any um animals we'll be able to set these to pasture and start raising some in fact do we actually have any to start no we did not start off with any animals but there's a chance that we will get some if we go hunting we can worry about that in a little bit though let's take a look at say some gathering and stuff where do i think i'll place down a lot of trees so i'll be able to get tons of wood well there's gonna be some farming locations and stuff over here so not in this area down here i think i'll develop and get closer to the fish as well as some mines so i think that over here might be our best option to place down something like a logging camp we don't want to be too far away from our main base but close enough close enough so how about something kind of like this actually that's not quite how i wanted to do this i want to make sure that we have a more accessible location as far as roads so right about here maybe yeah there we go okay so go ahead and set this up and we can set up a gathering hut next to it and this should seem very familiar to banished if we plant down a lot of trees in this area uh we'll be able to have a good strong ancient forest with lots of food for us to gather at the gathering station the hunting cabin however is a little bit different from banish itself this can be placed pretty much anywhere and people will start getting some food for you so i'm gonna go ahead and place down a hunting cabin right over here there we go covers the entire map yup hunters go out hunting once per month and if they can capture some animal cubs well there you go you just found some new animal that you'll be able to domesticate all right so this is all looking pretty good so far other things we're gonna need include something like a big well wells are important because this is where people are going to gather all of their water in order to survive so let's go ahead and place a big one here you can place down a much smaller one but the big one allows for two jobs and i'd rather just go ahead and future proof a little bit so we'll go ahead and do that next let's set up some more roads kind of going off in this direction some nice neat little neighborhoods like so now just like banished there will come a point where it's probably better to place houses close-ish to these jobs so for example instead of building everything around the marketplace maybe i should have placed these down and built some houses over here so that people would quickly get to their jobs could do things that way but i'm going to try being a little bit sub-optimal in order to go for something that looks at least a little bit nicer fuel reserves are low yep when people are very cold they're going to need fuel in order to keep themselves nice and warm we'll need to set up a uh chopping house there it is in order to turn timber into fuel or alternatively if we were to spend some of our research on let's say the sawmill we would be able to get some um some fuel from here yeah here it is more efficient at making domestic fuel than a chopping house so i mean yeah if we're gonna do that this might be the way to go i've got three development points right now let's go ahead and buy out the sawmill as one technology as far as quality of life let's see clean water sand mining blah blah blah police station don't need that right now let's go ahead and research the research institute so i'll be able to get faster points when the time comes and then beyond that let's go ahead and just save our points for now except maybe the warehouse would be very tempting i like the idea of getting a warehouse but i think we'll hold off on that for the moment it's okay it's okay don't worry about that too much right now let's just go ahead and gather up as many materials as we can now i do want to get probably some more storage than this this feels like it's not going to be anywhere near enough so let's set up an open warehouse let's say off in this general vicinity i think 6x5 is going to be the maximum size for a larger warehouse at some point in the game so we'll go ahead and do that over there and then maybe i'll set up another one over here we'll do seven by five i guess maybe eight by five yeah sure why not we'll do something kind of like this i can always get rid of some of this and place down plenty of decoration later if i feel like i've got some extra space to work with other things we'll need to worry about well we do have access to a whole bunch of different services including things like a church which increases happiness but also prevents crime in the area which is pretty helpful clinic for helping to manage people's health repair shop is something we're going to need buildings will naturally degrade over time we need to have somebody assigned to go around and repair all the structures and keep them maintained so this will be important more builders cabins a town hall for immigrants and eventually getting a mare schools for our children and there is the research institute that i was talking about we don't need to place this yet but at some point very soon we're going to want that to greatly increase our development speed down here we can see some notifications fuel reserves are low yes we did get a new crop seed we've discovered peas and i think oats pretty sure we had cabbage and pecans before and then yeah we now have an extra point over time we'll start getting some more everything looking okay so far everything making sense it should be all right let's see so we can rotate buildings 400 coins apparently we have a task i didn't rotate i guess it did get oh there we go now it's saying get two standard fields fine fair enough right now we're getting a regular field though so what do we want to choose to grow here well probably can go ahead and get some cabbage as a simple vegetable so we'll go ahead and place that down over here in order to continue with our quest i guess it's not a bad idea to just go ahead and place down a couple of standard fields not too far away though i don't know that i really need this right now it's just it's just going to be an option for us all right we have some rain coming in that's fun uh still waiting on a bit of iron ore to be delivered and now we don't have much in the way of iron ore we should probably gather some so let's see over here this is iron this little black stuff that looks like coal this obviously is stone so let's go ahead and gather all of those up and prioritize that because right now we don't have enough to actually build everything out and this little icon right here just means that a couple things have to be removed before this can be placed so some builders or some laborers will come by and get rid of some of these in just a little bit other production buildings we have tailors workshops and blacksmiths these are gonna be very important early on because we will rapidly start running out of tools and clothing we did already got the sawmill we could also place down a water sawmill which is very similar but a little bit more expensive and has better efficiency which obviously is really good for me so i probably will place it down in this area in a little bit if i want to get more food i'd love to have the fishing dock next to this however you may notice a fishing dock requires 30 planks so you can't do this until you first have some form of a sawmill we'll definitely be getting one of those very very soon what else we got here uh let's see i think that covers just about everything that we've currently got unlocked there are some spectacular like wonder buildings like let's say the great castle or a temple or some sort of a special shelter not gonna worry about any of these right now it's just it's a thing we could build someday and i think there are other ones that you can unlock or maybe the uh special mode when you turn on your first game settings will allow you to have some extra ones like a rubik's cube or something like that i don't know i don't really care too much though so over here let's go ahead and set down some peas we'll start farming over in this direction as soon as we have this cleared out we'll have a few more workers so food should be mostly cleared out at this point in the game we'll be fine i want to turn off grid lines no no i don't want to do that right now uh can you guys please get over here and build this stuff a bit faster let's go ahead and start getting some roads because i feel like that's part of what's hurting me right now these guys are moving very slowly very slowly indeed um how about right over here and then we'll do something like this there we go the faster people move just generally speaking the better your life is going to be i should have placed this road a little differently but i guess i'm sort of okay with it do something like this place these down over here there we go still leaves plenty of space to work with and let's see right now we are still in the middle of month six so we're in good old summer time that's not much time before winter honestly the game kind of does progress really fast let's go and clear some stuff over here i know once we clear this area out we should get a free seed and i'd like to find out what that extra seed is going to be so over here we have our gathering station uh apparently we don't have any available laborers though so that's gonna be part of a problem let's go ahead and turn off a couple of jobs over here and i'm specifically only gonna be planting trees in this area so one worker here should be fine and let's go ahead and assign someone here to start gathering up some extra food i assume extra food diversity is going to make people a little bit happier could be wrong on that point i'm just sort of assuming that that's the case let's go ahead and pull back on one of our builders because right now without any laborers that does make my life a little bit harder and yeah we have kind of too many people working in the farms let's go ahead and reduce that a little bit over here we can start placing down some oats which apparently counts as a staple food can be used for a brewery you know what i don't have any of that really available yet maybe we shouldn't be doing that let's instead go for yeah let's go for peas instead we'll just double up on peas for the moment and when i have a brewery and stuff then we'll start worrying about getting some oats and i think that's going to be the way to go so it gives me a couple of extra citizens to work with now of course children do grow up and become adults which adds to the labor pool we will want to have plenty of births in order to keep this going getting a school researched and built up will make you an educated populace which just makes them more effective let's go ahead and get another 700 coins for finishing up this mission now it says to close a field i guess we'll go ahead and close this like so in order to go ahead and clear this out get 400 coins and we've already built a big well and we've already built a logging house and we've already built a gathering station and a hunting cabin the only thing i'm missing now is a chopping house all right i'm gonna go ahead and turn this back on and let people get to work so a chopping house i guess i could build temporarily but it's not really what i want not not really let's go ahead and actually you know what i want to do i want to place down another i want to play some other vlogging camp but this one actually will be intended for the purpose of getting me some extra wood so yeah let's go ahead and place you over here and i guess it's okay to place a chopping house nearby and then probably another storage yard nearby so we'll be able to quickly place some wood as well as some fuel so six by five over here will do just fine thank you don't have a lot of workers to work with though that's the only real problem i'd love to place down a whole load more jobs but not sure that's gonna be great let's pull back a little bit on the peas one less farmer each i'll go ahead and try to go as much as i can but yeah this is going to be providing me a ton of food by the end of this a new crop seed has been discovered we now have access to flax well that could be very useful at some point absolutely we might use that to try and get some sort of a clothing material or other form of textile we also have some extra development points okay what else would we like to get well wouldn't be a bad idea to get school expansions grocery stores don't need that yet um stone pit blah blah blah there's so much we're gonna need to get in this game so very much material recycling means that whenever we do dismantle a building we will get all of the raw materials back so we probably should go ahead and get this just to make sure we don't have any major problems uh let's see not gonna worry about construction techniques reed's compost feed mill processing not gonna worry about that yet either let's go ahead and unlock the regular warehouse just so i have something that's a little bit better than you know a simple open uh storage area that we will be able to place down something a little bit better using some stone baskets workshops can make baskets huh knitting workshops interesting carrying capacity gosh there's so much we can do here small marketplaces i'm not gonna worry about that right now let's just keep moving forward we can build a ferry and a ferry is where the merchants will come by in order to trade things we have 3 100 silver coins right now which is what you use in order to uh buy something from the merchant and one is on its way in a few seasons uh but we're not going to worry about that yet time for the autumn harvest we are well on top of that i do think these peas are going nowhere no one has been growing anything over here so let's just go ahead and turn that off for the moment and i'll go ahead and attach someone else to this pea farm just to make sure that we do harvest this nice and quick i'm actually wondering if we want to go ahead and get another farmer over here the cabbage i have no idea if there's enough time to harvest all this i'm kind of assuming that there is but what if there's not oh gosh then i would feel like a fool now in these storage yards you can control what is being placed here so for example we can say we don't want any food or water now i mean i don't know if i necessarily want to do that but we could let's say we don't want water stored here why would water be stored over here that doesn't make any sense let's go ahead and get rid of that what about things like ore no reason to have ore over here what about clothing or trading goods don't need any vet industrial fuels no right so we'll go ahead and start clearing a lot of that out and bring it closer to the center of town where it will be more useful now i did just see that someone has been injured so a clinic is something we would probably like to get sometime soon maybe right now uh can't quite fit you here but i could no i can't fit you here either darn it um all right well let me think for a second let's let's try to plan out a little bit if i place down let's say a church over here it's a pretty good spot but i can pause it so we don't have to build it right now followed up by a clinic probably right behind it this should be able to take care of most people although where do i think most my housing is gonna go no this seems like a reasonable enough location yeah let's go ahead and place this right over here okay so we'll have a clinic and i'm gonna go ahead and start building this now because i think having a doctor makes a lot of sense a cemetery is something we are probably going to need uh we'll place it like over here i guess sure but not a high priority because it takes a lot of wood and a lot of stone and no one's dead yet and i'm hoping no one's gonna die anytime soon a research lab would be very tempting to me because i'd love to start getting some extra development points going early rather than later so let's go ahead and place that down over here but i'll pause that for the moment and then we can start planning out things like a boarding house now this is obviously a very large structure right uh we can place you probably over here once again going to go ahead and pause that for the moment and then we don't have anyone who's homeless i don't think so how do we want to do this i guess we place a couple of houses off in this direction let's just say one for now um i don't see any evidence that anyone is homeless so we can ignore this for the moment here too so what's going on over here in the chopping house ah okay so people are now working over here we need to choose a recipe and specifically i want to turn timber into domestic fuel although if we had lots of pastures we could turn dried animal dung into fuel as well but for right now no it makes a lot more sense to go ahead and work on that with the chopping house in this warehouse here i don't want any food or water medicine to be stored over here uh no ore clothing traded goods will allow for fuels and lumber to be dropped off over here and that's kind of it all right now unfortunately the uh marketplace i think is a little bit too far away from this so i'm wondering if this actually was a bad idea does this mean that people aren't gonna be able to wander over here and gather stuff i'm not sure that's quite how it works maybe it is we are in a mid-autumn so pretty soon it's gonna be getting very cold over here in fact it's already 28 degrees fahrenheit which is below freezing so yeah all the more reason that we really really need to get some fuel going pretty darn soon here uh let's see fuel we can see here that there is no fuel so yeah the sooner we can produce this probably the better by the way if you are looking to simplify your ui you wanted to track let's say one specific resource for example potatoes you can click this button right here and instead of showing all of your raw food it just shows the potatoes that's kind of cool right or we could just go ahead and say all rough food like that cool right chopping house we have houses in total we've got repair shop that is something that we do need to build and i almost forgot about that thank you gain let's go to services and place down this repair shop and actually i guess we can go ahead and get rid of this house over here this repair shop would make a lot of sense in this location so we'll go ahead and do something like this there we go so go ahead and build up the clinic first i do want to take care of the broken bones this person apparently is suffering right now ankles are sprained so we have slow movement yeah we'll fix that soon enough but once again i'm having some issues as far as some workers let's go ahead and pull back a little bit um probably just turn off both of these p fields for now we'll pull back on you and get a few extra workers freed up there we go all right so someone should automatically go and work at the clinic which is what's happening right now so someone will be getting treated very good very good uh we can see how much fuel has been produced right now we have produced 20 so far it does give you some idea what you produced last year to get an idea if you are more effective efficient this year or less efficient etc so let's see we are now building up the repair shop this will make sure we keep all of our buildings maintained uh i don't know if there's a icon somewhere that says that it's not being maintained and if it's falling apart but regardless simply having this will solve that problem so there you go we have the repair shop a church is the next thing that the game is recommending we'll take a lot of timber we'll take a lot of stone and so on but all right let's go ahead and start constructing that now i will probably want to clear out some additional resources so maybe out over this way for example clear out some of the extra stone and stuff sure i assume we want to leave that pasture alone i will clear out some more resources over here over here and wear some more stone looks like there's some stone over here i assume that's stoner not iron but all right we'll go ahead and do that so yeah you can build it in services now here's one of the things that's so cool about a lot of the uis like it it doesn't just tell you build a church it tells you where you can find it exactly what it does why that sort of thing is useful that's also going to be really useful when we go to things like let's say technology clean water here's what it does unlocks the reservoir here's what the reservoir is here's how much it's going to cost like the ui is just brilliant in this game there is so much information being provided in a non-cumbersome way like i i don't know i have to appreciate the beauty of it i've been playing enough games to know that putting together a good intuitive ui that really gives enough information without being cumbersome is kind of difficult but there we go what's wrong with you you have no place to work uh right because the farms are off tell you what turn these off there you go go find jobs be a generic laborer for the moment that will be just fine thank you all right let's see um so we'll be planting a lot of trees in this area and then harvesting everything we can these guys are going to create effectively an ancient forest so we just want to expand a little bit further as far as some houses a citizen wants a new house i think what that's trying to tell me is basically my population is expanding and now that we people are becoming adults they'd like to have a place to set up their own family and you know what fair enough let's go ahead and place down at least one more house over in this direction and we want to continue expanding that in due time for the moment though we can ignore the rest let's go ahead and place you here place you up over here that's not what i wanted to do so we should be able to demolish road like that there we go perfect perfect all right church is almost done we do have another development point we'll be able to use and this is going to go a lot faster once i have researchers trust me so somebody is going to work in the church as a cleric okay fair enough let's go ahead and place out some more roads like this get our coins there we go build a clinic done a distillery now this is something i don't think that i need right now a distillery is going to create spirits using either potatoes or agave tequila do i have either of those i don't believe that i do nope so we could place down as distillery but it's kind of useless to me so i'm not sure why i would want to do that but you know what aside from the fact that it says to um we should probably go ahead and set up a ferry because it would be nice to be able to start trading away some of our excess goods if we have any uh we have plenty of silver coins so to me it just makes sense to do this let's go ahead and place down a fairy i'll pause it for the moment though let's also place down a water sawmill this is something we said we wanted to get i didn't need it right away because i already was getting a chopping house but now we might as well so sure let's go ahead and place you here and once we have some planks going we'll be able to get some more food sources by placing down the fishing dock though right now it looks like our food is mostly doing all right let's go ahead and turn back on the fields i think this cabbage alone will be okay plus the gathering hut plus the hunter's hut we should be fine on food for at least a bit why are people here not getting sufficiently treated there's so many injuries you're all spraining your ankles come on be careful gosh dang in these day and age if you trust your ankle at the wrong time you die that's this is how it works come on yeah whatever anyway uh yeah plenty of food being brought up over here we do have some agave tequila all right fair enough we are actually discovering agave tequila with our gatherers maybe we could go ahead and place down a distillery um still don't think it's a very good investment but i mean all right sure i suppose we'll place you probably right up over here i like to keep a lot of my production buildings close to some of the local storage because i know that i want to make sure people have access to their goods right away we could place down one of these larger uh warehouses i was talking about by the way it does fit right over here um we'll worry about that later when i'm getting a little bit closer on some of my storage capacity but yeah at some point we can go ahead and get rid of the open storage in favor of that so we're planting down a whole load of cabbage looking good we are almost done building up our water sawmill just need to have a few builders working over here i'm gonna go ahead and say that this is a priority because i want people to work over here fast and we only have one job left over that's the problem with this we still are not growing our population quite fast enough one reason to keep the stress manageable right so that people can have plenty of babies and we just have to wait for a few seasons and get them to grow up because obviously in this game people grow at uh ridiculous superhuman rates i don't know how long it takes exactly it's like a year or something like that all right so here's our water sawmill now the water sawmill is useless to me until we first choose a recipe and once again you see fuel oh well where's the planks here they are building materials click on this timber planks done deal all right so now someone will be able to make use of this we'll get some planks with some planks taken care of let's go ahead and place down a fishing dock and i'll place it right next uh nearby uh water area obviously you want to have as much water area as possible 55 over here but i want to keep it in range of these fish believe it or not kind of close to the sawmill is actually going to be the best bet for me all right we'll go ahead and place it right over there then that seems fine and this will be worth a lot of food for me all right very good we're making some solid progress already we have access to several services we've expanded pretty aggressively already but i think we're gonna end this video here like i said this is gonna end up being a series for us let's go ahead and set this to agave by the way this is gonna be a series so i plan on continuing with this for a while and as far as a name why don't we go ahead and call it darby hilmontosher why not i haven't used that in this game yet because obviously i haven't played it yet and it is gonna be a classic one for us so welcome to darby hill montessori let's see how well we can develop this new city thank you all for watching i hope you enjoyed it you're looking forward to this series if so i would humbly ask that you hit that like button leave a comment subscribe hit that notify bell and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 1,458,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, settlement, survival, banished, sequel, town, gameplay, impressions, strategy, part 1
Id: igYXhwJ1J5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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