Farthest Frontier | EP1 NEW Extremely Promising Brutal Hardcore Colony Settlement Survival Simulator

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hello again there friends and fans raptor here and welcome to farthest frontier this game is an incredible brutal difficult challenging hardcore survival city builder with invasions and raiding parties and disease and challenges of not only just nature but of humankind as well it's good to see you here for what we're going to call our first episode in a new series after playing it and just taking a first look at it and after live streaming a bit on the channel which by the way i have some giveaway keys for this game as well so it'll be a subscriber only perk so make sure you click or tap that subscribe button and jump on our discord so i can do some giveaways for you all this will come out for everyone on august 9 2022 and until then you can win it by simply smashing the like button saying hi down below in the comment section subscribing and of course jumping on the discord all for good luck well thank you everybody for being here we're gonna get started with kind of a tutorial on things that i've learned from mid game that'll help you all for early game and start a multi-part series for those of you who prefer shorter videos on building our first permanent settlement and farthest frontier at least in a video series we're going to start a new settlement here today there's a difficulty settings for pioneers trailblazers and vanquishers which basically kind of changes your starting resources and ability to resist hostile forces essentially it's a way to counteract other settings that you could do under advanced settings so for example you could make it incredibly difficult for raiders to attack you but also you could give yourself a ton of extra materials to prepare for their invasion in this case we're gonna go down middle of the road for trailblazer you can also see your map seat up at the top so you can share that with a friend and we can name our city here too so go back to basic we'll select trailblazer we'll build the city of new raptoria we'll make that a large map and we'll select some terrain we have lowland lakes which is very good for an easy early start and it also has a lot of flat land around the lake so that's something to consider although the lake could be a very large lake and take up some of the land a lot of the land giving you some to remain that's going to be the challenge of this game so we have low land lakes that basically give us a big lake but a lot of flat land and a lot of good prairie and such around in order to make farms we have the plains which is essentially the same just with a lot less water and so thus it's a lot harder to get food from farms and more viable for orchards we have alpine valleys which are large beautiful mountains with maybe a lake in the middle a lot of predators there too wolves and bears oh yes you'll have to defend against those as well and the arid highlands which is the most challenging with dry conditions really no water at all and uh but rich in mineral deposits so you have a lot of opportunity for exports of late game items that will really help you to thrive so without further ado on by the way one last mention of the pacifist mode for those of you who do not want to be invaded and want to learn easily there's the pacifist mode which will turn off raiding parties and massive invasions that will come yes the enemy will bring heavily armored troops and rams so building those walls actually really matters especially late game it'll take a very long time before you even need to build towers but you'll need to make sure you're able to pay your military in order to defend you so you got to make sure that economy is strong all right let's go ahead and begin for this frontier life can be harsh everywhere but in the old world there was no hope of it ever improving when our crops failed the ruling class would still collect the same share leaving our children to staff and if we had any coin to our name the tax man would appear demanding him for the crown the nobles hid behind the safety of their walls and did nothing when raiders pillaged the outskirts of the city and so some of us decided that it was time to leave that we'd rather take our chances in the wilderness seeking the promise of a new land and starve to death in our homeland the journey wasn't easy we lost many along the way this wild unsettled land offers us the hope of a new start as the masters of our own destiny [Music] and here we are you can see our settlers coming out of the woods there after exploring we've finished scouting the surrounding area survey the land your villagers have explored and choose a promising site to construct your town center it's important to choose a location that's near resources that you'll need to build a successful settlement things like clay iron ore and potential food sources all right well in this mode we now have an unlimited amount of time to look around and survey our lands before we build our permanent settlement here we can see a really nice lake over on the edge of the map which is great means we can build all behind it we have another lake over here too with fish sources you can see that in blue and a lot of these icons you'll have to learn over time of just doing but essentially you want to build where the most amount of green is at least for starting but of course near a source of water too in order to keep your people hydrated otherwise of course they'll end up with things like for example dehydration or in some cases even dysentery because they won't be able to clean themselves and whatnot and also fire protection well this seems like a really good spot to get started this is the large size of the largest map and i believe we can explore past this as well although once we put down our town center we won't be able to expand without exploring that area again so that's a little weird game mechanic but it does make sense this is an extremely dangerous area here we have two wolf dens right here so by scouting we know that if we push to what we'll call the north which is far away from the lake there are deer over here which is great but there's also two wolf dens which is incredibly dangerous incredibly incredibly dangerous we have a lot of open areas here this is great for fertility for farms this is also pretty good too for orchards and some farms as well so the more dark green an area is the more fertile it is and of course mountains here with lots of iron look at those iron deposits beautiful with perhaps some coal around as well there's a lot of eggs here fish here we want to find a natural food source as well something that we can hunt there's actually two fishing spots there and it looks like there's deer here that's perfect so we could probably build our town here oh there's deer here as well fantastic not as much as over there but this would be a perfect spot to get started plus there's lots of land here to build into and fertiland up here for farming next to the lake i think we found our spot that's going to be perfect all right so keep in mind that this game is very similar many ways to anno 1800 and or any of the announce series with a lot of banished sprinkled in here and of course some elements of perhaps dawn of man with the whole defense building now if we build our town at this moment we need to consider that the enemy could possibly arrive off map and also that they won't attack from the water so if we build defenses it'll have to be a crescent moon shape around here and we can first defend the town and then ignore things like farm fields and whatnot oh boy a predator has been sighted and a villager is under attack uh that shouldn't be happening well anyway time is paused in this case we should be all right we're gonna go ahead and build our town center over here then so we can actually connect it but as i was mentioning then uh we'll be invaded and attacked and we'll have to be prepared for those type of things including all the diseases and whatnot which may come our way let's go ahead and build here then and we'll place this down and our villages will come out villagers will come on over all right we have 12 villagers to start with so whoever was attacked is okay but that should be kind of a pause free mode where you can take all the time in the world to build all right first and foremost we have our little wagon here our storage cart which acts as a mobile warehouse it comes with a few items to start with like tools and weapons here we have some bows and arrows so once we build a hunting shack they can get their materials from here and all their future ammunition so we're going to go ahead and move the wagon probably up here where we'll start cutting down trees shortly and then of course all of our villagers can put the wood inside the wagon and whenever they need wood in order to build houses or whatnot they can go there so look at that just a wonderful looking game i'm blown away with how detailed and lush the grass and the landscape looks uh you'll see pollen and leaves and such blowing around during the spring in the summer and then you'll see even more leaves and snow blow around in the winter there are challenges such as in frost punk where special events can happen where we again we can have a disease outbreak we can have raiders come in we can have uh like for example a fire breakout invasion attacks uh the ai as i was trying to mention earlier will go straight for your storage areas they won't wander around your town randomly just killing everybody and burning stuff down although they can they typically like to go where you've put your biggest storage things for like your gold storage or certain materials that will sell for a lot more such as you know shoes and barrels and things like that that go for a lot of money we're going to tell our people now to start cutting down trees around the village so we can clear it for future building and of course for all the resources we'll need to build a town so we're going to go ahead and try to tell them to cut down anything and everything around here so we can get some logs going for firewood and for building homes our fir number one first goal is homes firewood's important but it won't be until a little later and time in this game works very quickly as you can see it's already mid spring and very soon it'll be mid summer so we need to at least have a firewood cutter up by then we can't build any homes until the town center is complete according to the building list so if we go to housing it's locked until we've built the town center so as we're building that it's a good opportunity for us to look around at resources that are around and also to build roads in order to start laying out the town and uh of course building buildings close together is a really good idea especially residential buildings you'd think oh that's not great for disease and that's not great for fire and you'd be right except if you're building next to a lake or a well your people will be able to put out the fire very quickly before it spreads to other buildings and also it's much easier to work on things like for example desirability in which building next to a healer's hut or a school or a park will give your people a desirability boost which it helps them to increase the level of their homes homes in this game kind of work like they do in the pharaoh or emperor rise in the middle kingdom a sierra city builder game or like how it is in anna where the more things you supply to your people then they can automatically upgrade their home so if your people are looking to uh you know upgrade their home they can do it automatically without you having to build a new building you will have to hit the button for it but of course they will tell you when they have all the things met to do that all right right now looks like there's only uh 10 labor hours needed to complete the town center so they're going to get started on that and there's also 18 required wood remaining so everything is being put into place and we should be ready to go onto housing right about now fantastic the town center is complete and now we can build a little bit further away from it as well okay well speaking of wells we'll get that down as soon as we've finished a few homes i like to start with like three homes and then i like to continue to build homes after they've completed those so do like three homes then a well and then three more they take time to build so our people will be patient and understand there's light terraforming in this game there's also the ability to build farms in this game and farming in this game works wonderfully i'm blown away at how the farming in this game works it is amazing you actually have to worry about crop rotation which is something that appears in other games such as austria you have to worry about soil types such as clay or sandy soil you have to worry about removing weeds you have to worry about removing rocks and you also have to worry about fertility too which you can increase by creating a building known as the night soil men which essentially takes human fecal matter from your village and uses it on the farms as fertilizer and it is a requirement to build that building as of course nobody wants that anywhere near their home so essentially the person comes out to clean out outhouses that everybody has at their own home look at that they're getting ready cleaning all these trees out of the way nobody's happy right now very miserable as there's no homes at the moment but don't worry they're getting crackity building those homes rather quickly so very proud of everybody what we're going to do here is we're probably going to build a neighborhood that goes down around like this kind of like a a circle and essentially what we'll do is we'll put all the city services in the middle so the area of effect around it positively affects all this the houses around it as well in a circle around that we're going to also start building food buildings here shortly to gather things like eggs from birds and berries and what not a forager should be used rather early as well as a fishing dock we can move their work areas so don't worry about that and frequently pausing by hitting space is a great idea too especially if you're looking into the details of something so in this game if you're ever going to be taking a second away from building make sure you pause so if you're wondering oh where is where do i find the foundry well there you go the buildings in this game also work in tiers by upgrading the town hall so it won't be until a very long while until we can make iron ingots at tier three so you'll have to really slowly build up your economy and your population before you're allowed to do that so keep in mind some things will take a little while wow look at that a water bonus over here of a very high amount for our well let's build a road down here and we'll build the well down here as well and uh we'll probably build some of our initial farm fields down here including uh some storage areas for them and we'll keep the wagon around there let's try to get advantage of that like almost darn near 100 on that water bonus looks like it only goes to 99 so that's about as high as it's going to be people will have to walk a little bit for the water but this is not too far some of the things in these games is learning the nuances of how far as far how expensive is expensive that type of thing so playing time and time again will get you better and better i don't know about all of you but i certainly do like to start over in games multiple times once i've learned some of the basics and apply it to an even better design each and every time that i do it we'll build our forger out here too there's lots of berries berries can only be gathered as many other items in certain seasons so for example berries are plentiful in spring and summer and then mushrooms are in late summer and early autumn and also nuts and such too so that's something that you'll have to consider when building your fortune the forger can also gather things from medicine and for making baskets which also increases your people's ability to carry items and there's also wagons and things we can build later on so there's ways where we can essentially increase the productivity of our town just by simply building a few other buildings and taking advantage of basic resources around us such as uh well of course all the different type of straw quote-unquote in order to make baskets for storage so there's lots of options for that all right happiness is increasing as we get more and more people in buildings now they've gone from a negative debuff to a kind of a positive outlook now on life their basic needs are very basic just water and food and they'll be all right but for these town homes to upgrade we'll have to have our town home a town hall to level two so the homes can be upgraded to level two by providing them with two types of food at all times and that basically means that you can't give them fish and meat you have to give them fish and like vegetables like for example two proteins doesn't count as two types of foods so your people have very simple requests but those requests can be hard to meet all right this is telling us about harvesting resources to which there's a few details here on how to do it over here in these options we can uh turn on and off certain uh harvesting so we can tell everyone to go gather berries but we'll probably leave it to a forger after we've gathered some of the basics we'll have somebody go out and gather berries oh actually bushes uh that will give us i think plant fibers for certain types of construction we're gonna go with berries here though if we can yep looks like they're good to go there perfect we can also clear resources if we if there's something in the way we want out of there like for example if we have way too much wood and we just need to clear an area we can tell them to just clear it and dispose of the wood but it's always a good idea to have more things in storage than you actually need so keep that in mind to keep on keeping on with the storage everything will be used eventually so it's always a good idea to have much more than what you need another great thing in this game is though it is grid based there is the ability to make curved roads so you can make curved roads diagonal roads you can pretty much make roads free in any direction and you can also make like long winding curves around mountains and around things that you don't want to build a road over such as over here we have clay so it might be a nice idea to build a curved road towards the clay to make room for a farm field that might go down here for example all right it's time to start making firewood more people wait word to join your settlement a mass a four month supply of food and six houses all right we're building those six houses now and we'll need to gather food so actually in addition to that let's build a fishing shack and uh what i think i'm gonna do is we could build two fishing shacks close together and we could tell our villagers to go over here and explore a little bit because we do know from kind of taking our time and looking around a little bit that there was fishing up here and i believe deer up here as well we've scared off the deer by building our town here but there wasn't too many all the resources were over here so i think what we'll do is we'll build our forger and fishing huts here and the people will walk to the shoreline in order to fish or gather berries they can go to the source so that's good well let's build our first resource building and then we'll get on fishing and a few other things so the firewood splitter under resources will be needed and it'll also lower durabil uh desirability of your town so kind of build it outside of town you might want to build it where you'll be doing a lot of logging and in this case i think we're probably going to be doing some logging up here and we'll also have to build a stockpile for those resources so i'm going to build a little bit of a road over here too for our people to take to get to the fishing hole and also to get to more the industries that i'd like to build over there so yeah we'll keep all of this for farming and we'll keep some of this for storage and all this will be for housing down here things are going pretty well you can see some of them want water and once you build your well too the well will take a little bit of time to fill up with water so once you've built your well it's not problem solved it does take a little bit of time to solve that problem we're going to gather stones now that's one of the things needed for the well so we're going to continue to expand our town by gathering more of those basic resources all right good now iron can be found just underground too or in the mountainsides if we see any of these resources we want like clay for example it might be a good idea for us not to build on top of those so we'll have to change our city design based on what we might need in the future farming in this game i can't believe it it works so wonderfully i need to bring the whole video to a pause just to explain this so this is going to be very helpful i'll do a separate video on this as well to explain some things but essentially farming works like this the minimum field size that we can build is five by five and once the field is designated to be constructed one person will come out to clear all the bushes all the stumps all the trees and all the land in order to be cultivated and then farming can begin that can take the course of about an entire year in this game so if we build a farm field we need to kind of pay attention to a few things for fertility although that you know we have to take what we can get try to get it as close to maybe uh 60 or 70 percent as we can and then we can start farming and uh we'll probably build over here we can also adjust the soil mixture by bringing over clay and sand ourselves so if this is not the best ideal amount of soil or the type of soil which this is very very heavy with clay we can adjust that by bringing over sand and mining it out later a building for example to gather sand that would be used for the glass maker can also be used to modify your farms and it's the same with the clay pits so we'll probably build our farms all the way over here instead and we'll keep this for storage and some other industrial production buildings so let's go ahead and get started on explaining the farms a little bit more we'll build a road over there once we build the farm actually so let's do a five by five and it's a good idea to have multiple farms so that way you can have different types of crops growing at the same time you can do crop rotation and you can typically do a summer crop and an autumn crop or really like you can plant one in the spring and you can plant one in the summer to be harvested in the summer and fall so you can do like peas in the spring and then harvest them in the summer and then you could do wheat for the autumn and that's a really good thing so let's go ahead and make a easy five by five here if we can and you can see there that it's going to take 1 100 labor to build that it's going to be a very long time until we see these farm fields so check this out we're going to actually build two right off the bat and it'll be a little while until they're ready so we'll just build a road over here now one thing that i think that doesn't change is based on where we build it i don't think there's any sort of time reduction for that like for example if we build in a heavily forested area it might take more time but i don't think there's a time there's a way to reduce that time so we'll have to wait for some trees to be cleared so as you can see this one can be cleared by a construction worker for the trees but the farm itself has to be built by the farmer so in other words there is two tiers to it clearing trees so if we build it here all the trees will first have to be cut down then the field can be cultivated or in this case there's no trees and the field can just be cultivated right away so in other words this one will be complete before this one even if they start at the same time because there's one more task all right we'll revisit that a little bit later it's a very exciting thing i love how they've done farming in this game it's really just it's hands-on and it's complicated we have a predator spotted we're going to have an attack in the town all right we have a wolf going to attack one of our people here a great idea to immediately pause your game and prepare to defend your people all right here's all the people around the town here's one way that i found that it's easy to basically eliminate wolves bears are a different story but wolves can definitely one-on-one people and probably two and three on one people so wolves are incredibly dangerous so in this case somebody's attracted the attention attention of a wolf we're gonna run we're gonna run towards the road and we're gonna lure the wolf into an ambush the wolf will try to attack this person and they might get a couple hits in maybe but we're essentially going to buy time for this person to uh yeah to lure them right into the wolf perfect so our people have been uh successful in killing a predator excellent work uh if our people die we can immediately build graveyards at the start they're kind of built like how the farm fields are built so you might want to build one of those early but death is rather uncommon in this game so long as you've done a few of the things that you've needed to do all right we're building the forger shack we need to continue to cut down trees things will take a little bit more time here and let's also build our log splitter here firewood splitter and then we'll also build another building that we might need if we can let's see here storage we'll have to construct the uh stockyard which is where area where uh logs stone and planks can be stored so it's a good idea to put that up here since we'll be doing a logging and eventually woodworking up here as well we'll put that right here on the corner looks nice good building for the corner like that and that's all of our people's need for now is firewood it is now mid-summer so uh essentially logging in this game works by clearing out land too you could build a building called the um let's see where is it the work camp the work camp can clear stone and can clear logs but there's not a forester building there's not a building that can go and cut down trees full time and bring those trees back to store logs and then those logs brought to planks you'll have to have laborers continuously do that and you'll have to continuously carve into the land so you'll need to be very smart with how you do that the work camp will just help you to keep up with demand of stone and demand of trees i don't think there's a stone quarry but there is clay iron gold and coal mines so eventually we'll probably clear more and more of this land out here for building our town and up here for building materials and such needed for expanding the town all right everyone's coming over clearing out some areas and building very good we're giving the order to cut down more trees too and the forger is up the forger will need firewood all of our buildings will need firewood to function thank goodness tom cruise from the last samurai is working here very good seven people have arrived at your village they have plans to immigrate will you accept them or turn them away well welcome to raptoria glory to raptoria down below in that comment section as we accept seven new people in the town bringing the population up to 19 out of 24. food stocks are low here but that's okay we'll have a lot more people now to work on all the jobs to gather food we're going to go ahead and one of the good things about this is at the bottom you can see all the resources that will be selected from dragging around so you can see that we'll gather mushrooms or medicinal herbs or roots and such though it's probably going to be a best idea to build it like maybe somewhere over here there we go perfect that's going to be a good spot for the forager all right let's build a hunting shack and let's build a fishing dock too we'll build a fishing shack nearby for all of our food production [Music] and you can see the deer right here as well uh but there's an even better spot over there so uh yeah unfortunately nature's gonna have to make way because of the valuable flat land here so the deer are gonna have to migrate somewhere else all right fishing shack there now another cool thing about this game is that the deer will actually as you can see them right here will actually wander over to the farms especially if you build close enough and they will actually eat your crops so at a certain point probably not at the beginning but after a while it's a good idea to build a fence around your farms so you can build like for example maybe a two by two farm you build a five by five five by five and then do that above so you can do like a two by two for farms made of a five by five layout and then you can put a fence around that to protect it from predators or at least i guess uh wildlife from eating it it's also another good way to lure them over and uh have a hunting area around those farms to protect them sure you'll lose out on maybe 20 30 40 flats but you'll gain yourself three or four deer kills which could also be worth it additionally you will need to build farm fields in order to or rather pastures to protect your cows and cattle and such from predators as well they can wander over just as much as the deer can in order to wreak havoc on your uh livestock as it would your crops all right let's go ahead and build a a hunting cabin here i guess the deer really don't mind us building close by they're actually in a great spot so it worked out we have two places to build a a hunting cabin then so that's great now one thing we want to build in order to preserve that meat as much as possible not only the fish but also the venison that we're about to get is the smoke house but keep in mind again another undesirable building so we want to build it somewhere kind of further away from where we're going to be putting our town we can put it near a storage area but we could build some more industrial buildings up here given the layout of the land a bustling market would help generate gold and attract new settlers to our growing town market stocks houses and generate gold based on the number of houses in the work area yes the market will provide firewood and food to your people i've noticed that the market seems to only provide people with food and also firewood but not anything else so it's a yeah you won't be able to sell like for example clothing there and whatnot it seems like it's just provided to your people uh for free so that way they don't die which is good for us because we'd rather have them helping farming or fishing rather than dying to death there's a carcass over here too from that wolf we fought earlier we could have a hunter go over there and claim that pelt and also the food from that so that's a good thing but we're continuously buying building more stuff here why our people have a lot to do and they're starting to use a lot of those logs too so let's just kind of let everybody work there is villager professions here just like how it is in banished so keep in mind that we do want a good number of laborers to always be free somewhere around eight to twelve is a good number of that and we start with four construction personnel too so they can start doing all the uh building whenever we order it otherwise i think they fall back into the labor role oh we got another predator hold on a second we got an attack coming in oh another wolf would you look at that all right we got somebody running anybody nearby oh it's relatively abandoned here okay and let's go ahead and see if we can get anybody to help out with that wolf and we'll have our good friend here dalla start booking it go dalla now movement speeds on the roads are actually increased here and roads can be upgraded to also be cobblestone look at our haul and ass now yeah so it's a great idea to build roads and of course to upgrade roads too so that way you can increase the speed of which your people will deliver goods and whatnot so another good win for us all of our people protected happiness is skyrocketing look at that 100 happiness they couldn't be happier they could also be dead if we're not careful with the firewood so we're still working on that still gathering trees for our people to make all that firewood landscape is just so gorgeous the trees will grow back in this game but the stone won't so eventually we'll have to start trading for materials that we need and if we slow down on our cutting of of trees and stuff and and making it into firewood we can save a lot of our landscape it's also another good idea in this game to try to preserve as many trees as possible because the trees will actually oh lightning striking the trees will actually help to preserve the water underneath the uh underneath the ground so it'll prevent the groundwater from drying up so you do want to keep some forest nearby or at least a build near a lake so that way you can continuously get water in this case building here for our well was probably better than us actually building over here near the lake interestingly enough so you can see water filling up in the well right now it's at 60 then 61. we can also upgrade the well to produce more water too looks like our fishing hut is complete let's go ahead and get that designated to go fishing uh somewhere nearby we'd have them go down here for now a little bit of a walk but uh better than building it in and next to the town looks like we'll need to build a hunt or two and we'll build that smoking area too or the smokehouse yeah we don't have much stone for that yet we'll have to kind of build that uh let's see somewhere over here maybe um boy yeah we're gonna have to build some nasty stuff far out of town like for example that night soil stuff for fertilizer oh boy well i guess we could build the smoker somewhere nearby i don't want to really put it near the water down here but uh we may not have any other choice i don't want to build near the deer habitat so we'll kind of build over here next to our border building there we are it doesn't affect desirability too much people don't like the smoke but they probably certainly do like the smell i mean you know it's barbecue essentially so uh yeah not quite but you get it go ahead and add ourselves a hunter's tent now hunter cabin we'll probably build two of these and we could probably build them like this we could actually build them back here like this there we go and we'll apply another worker to our firewood splitter so we can double down on the production so we can go up to two on that we can upgrade all the buildings in this game it seems can be upgraded to like a tier two you just need prerequisites and materials to do it so just kind of keep an eye on what they need to do that all right food stocks are reported as low we're okay though we are okay uh we only have a three month supply which doesn't seem like a lot but it it should do and our people will continue to gather stuff until winter and we've got our hunting cabins going up so we could take from those two different deer sources or people can eat raw meat and cook it at home or or smoked meat too after it's built at the processor the smokehouse and i just love this game so much i really like how the buildings are not necessarily from one specific um you know culture what not they're all they all just seem like any culture could have built these homes especially at the start they're only made from like for example thatch and there's dab between the logs great detail on all these buildings an incredible amount of detail it is criminal that this game does not have a photo mode i really think it does and a lot of it kind of reminds me with how the town is laid out uh to be like end zone world apart another post-apocalyptic survival game which you might like to see on the channel but that one is uh of course uses corrugated steel and other modern materials that exist to salvage those to build a town all right we'll go ahead and do some hunting over there and when this hunting cabin is up we'll do some hunting over here now the deer will be very good for us to um to hunt for pelts for clothing uh and also for shoes we can actually have the cobbler make shoes from that we can also get animal fat from this which will make soap for us so we get meat we get pelts and we get animal fat in order to then make soap eventually clothing and some other things so the hunting cabin very important rather than just basic survival and the first few years in this game you're going to be living off the land and even further into the game than you think so the farms are going up now the tree has been cleared you can see both of the farmers now working on that we cannot increase the number of farmers from what i can see at the moment to increase that it's just going to take time to till that land look at that beautiful yeah so if we go into the farmer profession we can't add more than two so it's just gonna have to take time so hopefully in the spring which the land will soon freeze uh they can finish up that job so they won't be able to do much for the land until later there are also buffer crops in there to replenish the soil like clover and there's also the ability to work the fields so that way you can harvest rocks and other things out of there too they can do field maintenance which is amazing no idea if you can do uh plowing with cattle or oxen or whatnot or horses but that would be a great feature in the game the ability to work the fields with the plows and other different harvesting devices that'd be great it looks like we're hunting deer in two locations here let's push that out a little further great all right beautiful forger up fisher up two hunters up great and we got our farms going up as well we got a shortage of stone let's continue to tell our people to gather resources a lot of stone could be found by the shoreline so it sure is a good idea to do that beautiful and we can also expand our housing too although i don't think we'll need to for a little while uh immigrants can come into our town children can also be born in this game so we can have i think it's i think it says newborn child and adolescent there's three levels to children before they can become a working adult and you can educate them beforehand and once you build a school it also attracts other educated immigrants to move in as well so not only can the children be educated but it also attracts educated adults to move into the town as well so that's pretty cool all right we got our stockyard up what do we need to upgrade our town to tier two we need a population of 30 we need 40 wooden planks and 25 stone so we'll work on probably making a plank building next year a uh a saw pit so we'll kind of let them continuously clear out the land and gather resources we take a look at the storage here we're only like 70 out of 1500 here for uh firewood and for uh logs and stones so that building has an incredible amount of storage that's really good so we'll let everyone continue as laborers for a little while could build another forger could have another forger go down here and clear out eggs and such that are out of season but there are nuts and such down there so we could build a building all the way down here might be nice there we go we'll build a road there now another great thing about this game too is one of the problems in banished is at a certain point you would build like a an iron mine or something far away from your town and this game kind of solutions that by building something known as the temporary shelter so in this case your people will go home every time that there's a season change i think it's a skill check to make sure that your people can change from summer clothes to winter clothes so you'll see everyone rush home for the winter and so i think it consumes firewood to make sure that you've supplied your homes with firewood for the winter and they also run home in the autumn and the spring in order to change from winter and summer clothes and so the temporary shelter is a way for people to basically rest here if they're working at a far off labor camp deep in the woods rather than running all the way home this gives them both the rest that they need and instead of running all the way home but also you get the bonus bonus of their happiness back at home so people will be satisfied having a temporary shelter wherever they're working but then also you'll get the buff of wherever they're living so when they're at their shelter they'll be like well i got all the basic stuff that i need but i also have better stuff at home so it's it gives them kind of a buff as well for not being at home all right let's go ahead and um build ourselves a another forger looks like more immigrants are moving into the town we're now at 21 out of 24 so that's great and instead of building these buildings along the road i think it's best for us to build off like this so that way we can maybe put two of them there and some storage look at how lush this looks for those who have gone hunting before whether it's pheasant or a grouse or deer or whatnot look at that really familiar with that kind of territory that's beautiful beautiful absolutely i mean it's it's incredible i mean i can there's not i cannot praise this game enough for how great the landscape looks and i feel bad actually for cutting into it because some of it looks so damn beautiful it really truly does really truly does all right we've got some rock formations down here so we can continue mining stone for a while looks like there's probably well over 200 stone in and around this area and more fish down here too in fact two deposits of fish fantastic so we probably are better off building a smoker down here too or at least some sort of storage building or that food so uh let's go ahead and build some more fishing shacks for this love it build a couple of shacks here and there kind of try to mix up the placement so it looks a little more natural and look at that autumn is here the leaves are blowing gorgeous we got two fish deposits there that's great man this is great autumn is blowing in the music is wonderful sound is wonderful you can see the leaves now transitioning to snowflakes as we have our first winter all right let's order our people to build a few more homes too and maybe we'll build i don't think we'll build any homes up here we'll leave this maybe for a nice park or something like that but we will build a few more homes down this way i think we'll get away with two more we'll eventually build another three here and then we could start putting service buildings here like for example the school and uh a market and whatnot in fact we might be able to build the market now and we finished some of the other things required uh we still need the saw pit and the uh storehouse so the storehouse is for uh more refined goods oh and wolves are coming all right so the storehouse is used to store all items so that's a good idea to probably put that up here where we're making all sorts of different things pelts and whatnot might want to build multiple storehouses but keep in mind this is what will be attacked by the enemy when they come our way so we might actually want to build that closer to the center of town so that way we can defend that and maybe put some towers near the middle of town it'll also defend against thieves if our happiness drops far enough so yeah that's something to consider all right let's build a store building here and that'll give us access to the market as soon as we also build our saw pit resources there it is saw pit also has a negative buff on desirability so place that far far away it's not a building anybody wants to be near but it looks very beautiful and super detailed when you look at all of the um different types of sawdust and wood chips and things that come off there it's just a it's it's a beautiful building we're all right we'll build that there great thing is it's next to the stockyards so logs can be immediately gathered next door and then brought right over and then turned into logs uh planks rather from the logs that could be stored all right more logs are needed down here make sure our people have orders to cut a lot of trees they certainly do i think everything in the town's got to go three wise don't want to cut too far into this forest and affect the uh natural habitat of birds there for eggs you want to try to ignore that as much as possible and same with the deer up here all right logs will just take time to do but i think we will survive our first winter no problem as we have plenty of firewood and storage in fact i'm gonna go ahead and reduce the amount of firewood that we're making sounds crazy but it'll increase our log production by decreasing the demand logs will always be a constant problem as you'll always be needing to make planks and all businesses at all times need to be provided with firewood so firewood is a thing that uh well most your buildings that produce uh goods will need firewood i don't think all of them do but most of them do and i believe actually i think the fishing buildings can produce their own smoked fish too just not on as large of a scale as the smoker can now the smoker is starting to make smoked meat and smoked fish and we had better if we can start making a root cellar to store all this food for the next year here's a root cellar a partially underground structure used to store food at a reliable temperature reducing the rate of spoilage inside that root cellar we can eventually make a cooper or basically a barrel maker that can put barrels inside the root cellar further increasing its storage capacity and further increasing the uh boil rate of food or rather decreasing it or increasing its shelf life and so things for example like wheat grain will last a very long time flour will last a lot less and bread will basically spoil very very quickly and crops such as leeks and cabbage are certainly more plentiful on the farm but they'll spoil faster than for example peas and beans so you definitely want a diverse amount of food in your in your town so that way everyone has plenty of food all right i think we're going to um build a root cellar here near the farm i think we'll build maybe two more farms down here we can build over the clay deposit there is clay here and there's plenty more on the map so this isn't as rare of a resource as it seems we'll build our root cellar here so that way all the grains and things can be brought over there right away and then the market can come here to pick it up and bring it to market so it can be distributed in the town the market is a temporary storage area inside the town for that and look at that spring has sprung more buildings going up multiple storage buildings are sawmill gorgeous and new villagers are immigrating wonderful glory to raptoria and welcome there we go all right i think that's probably the maximum amount of stuff we want to cut for now this will last us for many years it'll take them a long time to cut all of that down and also it'll take a long time for um us to actually use all those materials and in all of that time some of these trees might grow back so we're not doing as much damage as it seems all right another fishing dock ready go ahead and fish there and we'll have that other fishing hut go up here somewhere as soon as we find out where that deposit is see if we can explore a little bit further to the west nope over here please oh i'm marking multiple areas for exploration there we go got to be careful there could be wolves out there there could be bears we got to be careful if that happens we got to get our people to run and have help come in luckily all of our people are armed with knives and the hunters can actually help out too if for example you have somebody near a hunter when they get attacked you can have them run towards the hunter and the hunter can shoot with their bow at animals as they would if they were hunting and of course that does a lot of damage so they almost act like a guard in that sense all right a lot more wood being gathered a lot more buildings being constructed this is great so right now in this downtime we could do a lot more planning of our town we can actually place construction sites and put them on pause you may have seen me do that earlier with the with the buildings so we can continue to lay out the town and give orders for things we have a storage cart for example that can be used to store goods and transport them around build that anywhere we need planks though for that now let's go ahead and move our wagon maybe back here behind the sawmill get that out of the way and another fishing dock is up and ready to go there is such a thing as overfishing so we need to be careful with that so for now i'm going to turn this building off until we find that other fishing source somewhere around here i think it was maybe up here in this corner man look at that beautiful mountainous terrain gorgeous herbs and mushrooms there medicinal roots logs logs logs though are what is needed now the most i'll set this work area here though when it's ready and i believe the fish are up there somewhere a little bit of a way for the fishermen to walk for sure for sure but it will definitely bring in extra food and we'll be tapping into all those resources until we build over there we build the building over there if it catches on fire it's burnt down it's gone so that's why i'm building it so close to the town and to the well and there's a higher risk of fire for buildings such as the uh sawmill because obviously it's just nothing but wood and wood chips sitting around who wouldn't imagine that building bursting in the flame all right before the start of the next year we should have our farm fields up look at this one down to 24 this one at 12 28. ah look at the beautiful flowers and such you know what's really interesting too these flowers aren't just for looks when we build an apiary which is essentially a beehive collector for honey and wax for candles things like these flowers will actually matter and we can put a beekeeper inside the town too because people end up making a lot of flowers and such in their gardens so they'll grow flowers and such so it's a good idea to have an apiary inside of your town but also out in these beautiful plains areas all right take a look at this this is the end all be all holy grail of farming i can't believe they put a city builder into their awesome farming game if you know what i mean okay so we have to choose three years of crop rotation for this game so this will indicate uh early early spring where it may be too cold for most crops and then winter where everything will basically die off so we can choose to do things to modify the weed level and the rockiness and the fertility of the soil and we can also adjust this by adding clay or sand to get to that green level so eventually we'll need a sand pit or something to gather sand and then we can bring it over here and add that to the mixture and sandy that soil up a little bit so we'll probably put it around here but for now we have to deal with this level of fertility but things can improve and that's what's amazing all right so keep in mind that we can extend the crop field at any time with this button so if we want to extend the field to grow more wheat or more flax or something like that we can actually expand the crop field so it's a good idea not to fence things in at the start start small and then continue to expand as time goes on we can also deselect crops from each year as we select them so let's go ahead and start picking some crops to grow so if we click here on the number one menu you can see all these different you're going to have to take a lot of time to learn this stuff or at least become familiar with it but if you're familiar from other games like i am for all my time in farming simulator which is a real life farming simulator i know that certain crops can grow earlier or later and can be harvested at different times so we also want to make sure that both of these farms are not growing the same crops at the same time for that diversity needed to get those homes to level two so in this case we're probably going to do turnips at the start because they can grow super early and that takes advantage of a lot of the year for us we're gonna go with early crops i think so we'll go with the crops of uh maybe beans and turnips for the first year and then we might be able to work the field at the end of the year nope we can't so i'm trying to squeeze as much stuff into the years as i can after that let's do a year of maintenance and uh growing clovers to bring fertility back to the fields and then we'll finish up with something like for example peas and then for the final year we'll do just cabbages for year three cabbages are very very hearty i mean this is an incredible food the yield the tolerance to heat and to frost and the rockiness resilience makes it a a wonder a superfood to grow for this year obviously you don't want to do two in the same year but we could try it out to see how it works out you can see the estimated yield is 211 for each year so we'll see how that goes so the field will have a lot of nutrients drained from it but then we'll work the field and give it all back that should be fine and crop rotation um pulls different nutrients from the from the ground so we'll have to see how that works out over time i'm still experimenting still learning but that's the basics of that that's incredible i love that so much that you know it's not just drag and drop a field and that you have to buy seeds and stuff like that banished is cool for that but i just love how we're kind of trusted to kind of learn things and that there's an opportunity to learn and to experiment with those types of things props can fail uh due to heat or frost in this game and also droughts and things like that so keep in mind that um you know even if you have the best setup there's still a chance for failure which is why you still want to have your forage buildings your fishing houses and your hunting cabins and the farmers are great but foragers are always a failsafe for nature around that's always thriving on its own and you'll be able to see the weediness of the field too yeah it'll be weedy for a while but the weed level will go down as um as we do this all right we failed to begin planting on the turnips due to the fact that it was already um like too late in the season it was it wasn't like winter so we couldn't grow those just yet but that's fine we're going to uh grow beans next so that'll be fine so yeah we'll have beans and then peas some other fruits and veggies to get us started it's going to be great we got berries we got fish we got venison and we'll have all those different types of foods coming in soon oh looks like somebody just abandoned their stone there oh my goodness oh my goodness all right cool well we've got the order to cut down a ton of trees we still need that to be done we still have buildings being built firewood is up over 120. ideally i think it's a good idea to have over 150 firewood just in case a blizzard can strike and a blizzard will increase the amount of wood that your people use it's rare but keep in mind that's another thing that can happen blizzards all sorts of natural disasters or i would even call that a disaster just like a a major weather event or something like that it's not like your town is going to burn down from like a heat wave in this game but it is possible at least that maybe fires would be more uh probable that kind of thing yeah i love this game so much i love it well i hope you enjoyed our first episode on new raptoria we'll come back for this specific city we'll return to this one tomorrow so thank you everybody for tuning in thank you very much for leaving a like and subscribing to the channel jump on the discord for a giveaway make sure you do all those things i want everybody to play this game i think it's phenomenal and i hope all of your feedback of things that you don't like or that you do love go straight to the devs so they can make a game that you think would be even better than it already is let me know is this a day one game for you are you gonna wait for a sale is this a game you'd like to pre-order is this one you want to wait off on are you completely sold and you're all in let me know down below i'll see you all next time we'll be live streaming this game too so make sure you jump in for those live streams and come ask questions live the dev team is often in the chat as well so plenty of questions to be answered and asked in our chat see you all next time thanks for being here you guys are awesome
Channel: Raptor
Views: 738,736
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Id: 0L8jJ9TBMUo
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Length: 56min 13sec (3373 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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