This Place Is More Dangerous Than Ever! - Mist Survival - Part 1 (2022)

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] three years ago a mysterious thing happened a mysterious miscovered many parts of the world most people got sick and died and many of those who survived suffered changes they became ferocious turning vicious when touched by the fog seeking fresh meat to feed upon like other humans you are one of the very few who is immune to the mist you survived an account with others before it was attacked by creatures unlike any you'd ever seen before you survived and escaped into the night a new day dawns and with that welcome everyone back to mist i know a lot of you guys have been waiting for me to say that again and to be honest i've had the missed itch for so long but i've got to be honest with you all because i wanted to say this straight off the rip this game and many of the other games that we play on the channel they're under heavy development so missed i believe it's got like maybe tops three people working on it so development is incredibly slow but that's not to say what they're bringing to the game isn't amazing because it really really is even the things added in this update i can't wait to show you guys there's things like the dog in the game now we got i believe different wildlife to worry about we've got something called the seeker or a seeker which that's gonna be nightmare through when we come across it but there's a lot going on with this if you want to follow the progression either follow them on twitter or take a look at steam if you have the game you'll be able to follow everything that they're doing but it is very very slow but with that hand in hand the other survival series that we're doing there's a very similar theme going on it's kind of open-ended so a lot of you guys are saying where is it going what's going on have you stopped playing it it's just that we're waiting on the updates to come along so we've got something to sink our teeth into and with that mist is back but i don't know how much we'll be able to play because we're still on the beta version so this is what we're gonna do we're just gonna have fun with it however much we've got to sink our teeth into with this major update and everything that's been worked on so far we're just gonna have fun with it so here we are so this is where we're starting off this is where we've been riding out the uh the apocalypse i guess it's different than where we ended up last time so what we got we have ourselves a chocolate bar that can be used for satisfying hunger we'll take that we've got a bandage we're gonna need that knife and a saw we should hold on to this i don't know if you can attack with it in fact let me have a quick look can you actually hit with that oh no you can't switch just use it all right well we'll use it and then if i find anywhere where i can store it we'll do that yeah this is home because it's currently set to uh this is our house vehicle two litres of fuel in there we can put a jerry can in we can fill that up engine spark plug battery and then the uh the wheels what else we got oh oh last time i was able to to grab something out the uh glove box i can't do that sewing kit yeah i'm not gonna grab that that's for clothing i would imagine the sewing kit could be used for medical too i don't know if they've added that because you can definitely sew up a wound and uh push came to shove if push came to shove i would absolute oh there we go i would absolutely do that those those two are very good finds we'll hang on to those all right so where we going if i remember right it's there we go so this is what we're dealing with now oh there's so much more oh yeah we've got a lot to explore with this and i believe a lot of this has changed around as well from last time when we played it like things have been moved so i have no idea where we are i believe if we click current location okay we're here so we've got this area to mess around with we've got something dead ahead of us so oh wait there's something behind us as well let's go backwards and then we'll circle this entire area in hopes of just like scavenging some supplies and then we'll we'll take it from there so i don't know if you guys remember me saying on the intro there there's more wildlife in the game now i've read i don't know if they're in the game right now but i've read wolves are a thing bears were obviously a thing always so we have to worry about hungry bears because their food supply is really running out whatever humans are left they're trying to take as much of the wildlife as possible so we're going to have some absolutely ferocious bears around the place oh there we go but yeah there's wolves to worry about i think there was pigs last time too which scared the hell out of me that they just appeared okay we got to worry about anybody in this area oh that was cool look at that just pulling out the knife ready to go see this looks lived in all right let's have a look around see what we can find anything and everything is the rule anything and anything you can find you should never really throw it away unless it's taking up space for something else right that's the general rule we can't drive this yet i hope there's gonna be a future where we can hop oh wait a minute oh i don't remember this thing being able to be opened unless my memory is a little bit fuzzy but i don't remember that being a thing i really do hope though that is the case later on down the line that we can fix up any vehicle even the really broken down ones i should be a bit slower going through these buildings too because i don't know if anything's been trapped in them some salt surely that's just to preserve some meat nine mil we'll take you some nails no we don't need you yet not gonna be building anything at least right now anything on the shelf oh pencil gonna take you he's been washing their clothes that's another thing as well it'd be amazing just small mechanics especially in a game like this where you do have a limited amount of threats throughout the day because i believe until the fog comes the mist or the the creatures that were fighting they only come out during the fog or at night right i think i'm not getting confused i think they do come out just at night time too but if there is a wildlife threat things if you take down like a deer or pencil take that i'm not going to pick you up we take down a deer or something i'll pick that up and we get blood on us that might attract another predator so being able to wash your clothing to get the scent off of that would be an amazing little mechanic to have and something you might forget about so it could be a chat oh there we go shotgun nice something that people might forget about so it's worth remembering little things like that that you'd have to do single shot shotgun right what does that look like let's put that on number one we actually got the knife out yeah okay let's put that away and we'll switch you to number one and that's number two take a look at this thing oh we had it on his back as well we don't have yet we don't have any ammunition real nice if we could find some what's that rifle ammo that's not what we need should probably whip the knife back out consider i don't have any ammunition oh what's that revolver ammunition revolver is a thing of beauty once you get a lot of ammunition for that it hits so hard okay that's fine little things like this as well i'd absolutely take those you don't want to bring too much attention if you are going through people's stuff but i mean anything that you can use to survive one more day and i bet the night times especially out here get get really cold it's another thing as well while i'm talking to you guys while i'm alone with my thoughts sometimes i can't oh my god actual heart attack whoa oh my god i remember what that is that i freaked out for a second i thought someone was shooting something so what that is if we're where do we start here so we're here somewhere around this area then there's just been an accident a car accident i'm guessing on one of the roads or something that we can interact with and help them and if i think don't know if they gave us something or it's a trade system that's in place there's a road there it sounded like back this way right let's just quickly peek up this side i don't think they pull into these areas like this but we may as well check sign is still back to front as well i did notice it wait let's just quickly see if there's anything up here any food or anything like that is really what i'm after right now open yeah we need to go and check that i remember finding a broken up vehicle last time with someone that was injured in it but i don't know if anything's changed so we should be really really cautious okay nothing of use so what we got now let's just crouch we have a can of food a chocolate bar some matches a pencil some ammunition which is going to go a long way if we find what we need to go with that yeah we're looking all right we're all right i do need to find the um the backpack slots that's really gonna help us out i'm becoming a little bit distracted now looking for this car accident but i shouldn't waste too much time on it if we're here here and this is that road we can go this way should be there some building is over this side which i'm not seeing oh yep it's a tower let's go and check that out then either i'm completely blind or it's not in the immediate area i'm picking that up oh there we go that's what it is so someone's either been trying to get away from somewhere or just had a long long night falling asleep and smashed straight into that tree right let me quickly check something because i remember there being a way that we could make a spear but i might need oh there it is okay so we just needed a knife in order to do it crack yourself a sphere i'm just gonna make a spare just because the knife is like really really low this thing's gonna be rusted up possibly even blunt so a pokey stick as i always call it it's gonna go a long way it's just an extra weapon you know we can get some height like jab down at someone or something i guess it'll now the question is are the people inside of this gonna be hostile if they wake up from being unconscious or are they gonna be grateful for us helping them we're gonna want to get them out there soon before that thing blows ooh he's in military gear let's rescue him it's going to take three minutes one big guy all right let's see who says thank you for saving me no problem this is a small thing that i can give you in return thanks what was it the hell did you just give me there was that swiss army knife or something wait let's try it let's see what you got so survivors your items can i have those and i'm gonna leave you with your potato can we just deal and can i just take it did i just take the gloves for nothing i don't want to take your potato so i'll i'll leave you with that i'm gonna call you rick good luck rick i don't know where he's gone but we're gonna take this opportunity to quickly jump in his car and see did he have anything in there no nothing what was he give us i should get out of this it's on fire let's not mess around in the back oh okay that's good let's eat this just so we're not wasting anything and then throw that into there okay that works then we can go and check the tower out too i'm not 100 sure if that will blow up if it does then that could possibly draw in a lot of attention nothing on ground level what is that i don't remember they're seeing a uh or being a walkway to this type of stuff what's that over there that cave again no idea if there could be anyone or anything at the top of these we've seen it in the past when we've been on our expeditions and then we've opened a building and one of those or two or three of those things have been trapped inside all red locker look at this someone's a little escaped from the apocalypse you probably want to put that there though right so you're facing out this way you not got your backs to everything someone's definitely been living there too oh generator all right let's get inside oh baseball bat oh do we want to take that i kind of want to take that we should probably get rid of oh my god what do i want to get rid of because i'm not building anything i'm getting rid of you weapons and stuff is going to go a long way for me right now just because i'm not building i think i cannot find them everywhere what is that chain wait is the chainsaw in the game now i think it might be it's been such a long time my brain is so fuzzy with this bed and a crate we can take this if we want it we can't break that open because we don't have the uh the crowbar no we need a crowbar i want to know what's in there some weapon or something no doubt right so we're here right now we can choose to go left down this way all the way up there oh something's telling me i should probably go this way yep we're gonna go left so the main road and then just follow it down i already see the stuff at the tops of the trees jump over it so yeah i guess we're just gonna go with the flow i'm not really gonna put a uh an objective down we're gonna take it each day and just see what we get into usually what i would do is set out to do something oh whoa whoa whoa i don't know if you guys see that is that that's a person over there is this a compound there's definitely somebody over there wait am i high i could i could have swore that i've just seen someone like here it was stood facing the road that way wait no there's no way i did not just see someone then oh my god i'm losing it this is what happens when you're on your own in the apocalypse you you start seeing things what do they call it when your brain starts making shapes out of things i could have swore that it looked like they had like momentum in their eye like they were swaying they were breathing a little bit too can we throw this yeah we can which has worried me a little bit because if that is the case and i did actually see someone this area here is probably going to be a compound and that means they're either a scout or they're on perimeter patrol so we've got to keep our eyes on the back of our head now what's that up there oh what is that is that what we're trying to get to i think that's actually where we're supposed to be going that's really freaked me out i can't like i could have put okay we got piggies over there oh let's have a look wait oh they got the baby with them look how many there are two i remember a lot of you guys letting me know about this as well i had no idea this was a thing in parts of the world and i know this might sound stupid if you are from these parts of the world but it's not for me so it's really weird pigs and like bores and things like that they're a big problem they go around i think it's like they go around destroying crops and like they just dominate the area by breeding like crazy fast as well so seeing something like this where there's just a big collection of pigs especially in an apocalypse i don't think it's too too far-fetched what is that building that looks like the top of a truck up there and you got the pig just walking along with its piglet reminds me a little bruno i haven't got the heart to do it but if i uh if i need the food and you better know bacon is on the menu oh that is a compound oh that looks so much cooler as well they've got like a sniper's nest or something up there and then like fortifications okay where are we then so we're like we're dug in here do we want to mess with that i don't think i do yeah let's just let's just get away with that something's telling me i was right with what i saw oh is that another compound oh it is so i could have there's a chicken over there i could have seen someone in those trees so let's take this slow there's no reason to rush it if there's an opportunity that we can take advantage of we absolutely will do but if it's too hot we're not going anywhere near it and i've just had a thought as well i have no idea i honestly promise you guys i have no idea where we find the dog or how you find the dog if you have to do something in order to come across it but a scrap yard they have yard dogs right so that might be a little bit of a clue you know what a switch to the knife if there's anybody here i'm gonna have to take him down really quiet oh my heart rate just went up i felt that i'd open these oh imagine being able to hide in this stuff especially when the uh the mist comes along open wait we can't can we not get in there i don't want to get stuck on the other side let's not risk it for a pencil maybe if i was john wick you know i don't think it's worth it to me nothing in there if i hear a bark i don't know whether to run that way or towards it there's a vehicle over there that looks like it's in working order as well look at that it's got wheels on it another knife what what's that looking like let me uh oh what do i want to get rid of let's do this quick let me just throw i can't really use that because i've got it in my hand oh my god oh and the mist is coming in no we're gonna be quick let's get rid of that then grab the knife okay that's way better and then we got that too oh get up get up get up get up oh maybe not okay we can't use that what's going on there that's open isn't it let's climb this really taking my time with it because i don't want to die okay i trust my uh my ability to climb pretty quick so we can get up this if we need to i'm gonna truth okay we're all right i don't know if we're able to hide in that office back there but this is worth it you can find anything useful close the door it's that revolver ammunition already got some i would really like some shotgun ammo that'd be so good 762 rounds oh no oh okay this was kind of a bust let's see what we've got i probably don't need the hammer so i'm going to put the baseball bat on there and then i'm going to take you because if i find any more or anything i can use that for that's going to be way more useful at this point surviving to the next day right beef can are we okay for it oh we need first we need something to drink i'm gonna leave that there i can come back for it slot number one is the shotgun but we still not got anything in it so let's let's go slot number three let's go full negan it's not quite lucille but it'll do oh crowbar oh okay i've got to get rid of something let's get rid of i'm gonna eat this oh i could die here oh i could die here oh i love that animation though is that going to give us a bit of hydration back too and pick that up we know where that red locker is so we can circle back to it that was so risky doing that in the open that was a bit of a stupid move got a wheel there too yeah i definitely can't take this and i don't think i can remove the wheels off this either that is all kinds of busted up just leave it alone you want to bring any attention to it anything in the trunk oh we'll take that though i can't hold on to it oh my god we need to find the backpack upgrades immediately it's gonna really put the brake it's really gonna put the brakes on it for us okay there's a drink there i know you guys heard that too there's something over this wall it's coming round and there they are these are the things i've completely turned this world into a nightmare that was once human got a bit of an idea of what's going on but we need to find a bit more evidence before we let everybody else know oh there's two how did you get up there oh can these things jump now i'm just not gonna move i'm dealing with three of them here i got that one behind me there's one scanning this area where we've just been and then there's that one there look at that all right so this is our situation right now we've got one outside on the perimeter we've got this one in here which seems like it's hellbent on finding us and that one over there which has not moved off the top of that that's the one that's worrying me right now just purely because i don't know if that thing jumped up or climbed up and if it did then it can just follow the same route that i went through and get up here with us i don't know if going on the house is a safer bet probably not because the cars are right there i want to try and break that line of sight but going in our favor right now it's only 11 12. so we're approaching midday temperature's okay the thirst is go oh there's another one thirst is going down but in the vehicle underneath where we are i can rehydrate as soon as these things have moved i think i've just got to wait out this mist and i don't know how long it takes yeah we're all right though pretty good on hunger he's just that thirst i may have to sneak down and get the the can what do i get rid of if i do that i don't really want to get rid of anything i mean if anything probably this but if i can trade that and get something for it then it might be worth holding on to these are decisions it's going to be the difference between life and death though right oh my god there was a few of them in this area look at that there's bodies all around right let's switch back to this for a sec and let's grab the uh let's grab the crowbar onto this and then we can grab the drink why would we need a cigarette i don't know what this does maybe it gives us more i don't know what rests or something is it because we're taking a minute just to have a smoke which i wouldn't do especially in an apocalypse add it to that that's eight nice and probably yeah i'm just gonna climb up this really quick because i don't want to be exposed while i'm having a drink and this can take a little second if you aren't new to mist everything takes time with what you do every action takes time and that burns hours yeah they went down there we go and he's smoking too so if we drink this now you'll see look we're drinking this much of it but this is actually burning daylight too so obviously the the longer and more heavy lifting you do the more of the date burns so you got to be smart with that you got to absolutely manage your time otherwise like you did before you can get caught out in the open did they leave anything behind them i don't think one of them went down in here i do want to know how high the uh the wall was that that thing stood on that was actually pretty tall if it was higher than oh yeah that's actually really tall how the hell did that get up there was it you let's get over this you can loot these things as well but never really found anything good on them yeah nothing so that climbed that maybe they can climb now so i'm gonna have to do this where i'm breaking line of sight just so they can't see me and maybe just be aware of my sound as well we can't go in these there's an old gas can oh do i want to take that no i'm gonna leave it there because i can come back for it i know where this is i'm getting familiar with this spot now because i've been here for a minute that's fine anything in the back no let's go inside glove box oh yeah we'll take you and there's a battery there too not necessary right now let's leave it did you have anything good nope do you have anything good because these things would have obviously been humans at one point so it's worth actually going through them if you can you can do it safely as well yeah nothing and yeah nothing okay i'm just being extra careful around this spot this is a military vehicle so oh there's nothing in the back i thought it was gonna get one of those crates yeah this looks like possibly or what was a checkpoint and there's people over there yep off in the distance there's those those buildings okay i need something with range before i take those guys down let me open that no imagine driving this oh i don't know how much fuel that would take or how much it would burn but it'd be so worth it it's so so worth or nine mil nothing on board don't want to be tangling with these guys i'm getting really close to that checkpoint some gloves oh yeah let's take those i'm gonna leave these ones for now oh shotgun shells oh um i'm just gonna leave this here i'm gonna come back for if i need it actually let me reload this up reload is it just one at a time yeah it is okay okay so rather than going through the checkpoint here we could potentially go round this way we might have a risk of running into wildlife here but that's probably better than the alternative of going this way because i think that was a compound or this area might be a compound i didn't get eyes on enough and this might be death so let's go back through this road and see what we're dealing with here i think this is the town this is the northern town that we came across last time so let's go ahead and do that oh wait is that oh it's a tree house i thought it was one of those like is it it's not taking any chances oh no no no i think this is a this is an area which is going to be guarded the barrels are a dead giveaway usually with the people that patrol these areas like what we just saw back there with the checkpoint something is burning [Music] no movement though nothing that isn't to say that they're not here though again i'm so tripped out now because of what i thought i saw in the tree line earlier i don't know how far away from these spots they can go maybe this is just unattended we got nothing check the rest of that in a minute chair to start in the open is this a place that we can no okay i thought we could turn this into a camp hide under here oh that's a really sneaky spot look at that it's hiding under there like that what was this the stick there was something back here i saw that where is it there yeah that's a log all right moment of truth we're gonna get our head blown off we're good we're good we're good stay low sleeping back oh a pistol nice we got the nine mil for it too yeah somebody's somebody's been living here hundred percent so right now we are rocking the single slug shotgun we are the single round shotgun and then nine mil we've got the knife and the crowbar too again i'm gonna go back to that red locker and see what was in there oh what are you another combat knife some more nine mil the gears they're good to fight what were you reading the art of survival they had the bible and the doctor at home probably looking at how to treat things infection would be easily the worst thing to worry about right i mean aside from that weird thing that's taking over humanity i don't know how that works but in terms of like getting an infection that will be the easiest way to die out here obviously there's hunger and things like that but i'm talking like in being able to treat if you can find a way to use nature to treat infection what is that oh is that that lumber yard there's so many different angles that you see things from there i swear to i thought that was a dinosaur i'm not even joking i thought this thing here was a dinosaur for a split second just a ghost town there's nothing well oh wait they've got that green stuff in there so does this mean that whatever these creatures are they're all gathered around this spot switch to the nine mil yeah i think that's what that means either that or there's something there that's causing this which is helping them survive in this area maybe even in the sunlight i'm not gonna go in there though because that is death so we can't get any fuel from that what about this building we go in there oh that's completely boarded up it's got an outhouse too yeah we can't get in windows do anything inside nope there's definitely more going on here as well see that to me looks like a dog pen where you'd leave them outside but nothing so far oh food and there's the beautiful pickup which we're absolutely gonna fix up if we can find everything we need what's this a general store what's it got for us i don't hear anything close quarters let's switch to the shotgun we're good i thought i heard something like labored breathing like that weird like might be over there that's weird it really sounds like i can hear that switch back to the pistol these areas are really really cool though i wonder if you can actually take over these spots like if you can build something big enough to cover these these areas or we can go in here though wait what is this it's like just a laundry place i don't know what this is i'm smoking yeah it says come oh there we go that's a good find more shells and what's this high quality metal scraps i don't see anything on here about that's how quick everything must have went down then right because if they're just the normal things that you would expect or if they're the normal things that you would expect to be up there then it shows that this didn't happen over a long period of time it was almost instant when the hit the fan and everything went bad really quick because they didn't oh there's something up there too and there's people up there they're probably going to be watching me down here let's stay outside i don't know if there's any snipers but yeah that kind of indicates how quick everything happened when it went bad it went bad fast green building we're systematically going through these just to make sure there's nothing that we're missing [Music] i thought i heard a step something in there yeah that green stuff is helping them live it's like their own little atmosphere or whatever it is they're breathing in it's helping them oh here we go switch back to the shotgun oh t-shirt oh we're not going to be book-ass naked now right let's go with this is going to give me a better camouflage but this will give me better coverage from the cold i think so for now let's oh we can't use it okay hold on a second equipment and let's get rid of this for a sec pick the shirt up and then we want to equip that oh nice it went on straight away i was going to show you guys but there we go there it is i love the way they've done this i didn't think that style would work but it does it really really does now i'm going to throw that on the floor i was going to try and keep hold of it but i'm just going to drink it now just so we've got it again just some small decisions that we have to make again i'm keeping an eye on the time that we're burning i love these animations as well with the the depth of field that appears it's tense it really is it makes you wonder if anything's just gonna come running around the corner while you're doing that sometimes oh there we go oh there's the revolver there's more that i need to hoard now oh what do we do here reload that's such a nice reload animation too super clean you can hear the bullet going into it as well i wish there was a free look oh while on attack command okay so i've just found the button to tell the dog what to do this is teasing me as well cause i've still not found it all right let's put that away and we got that on slot four now we can pick this back up and wait we still have another slot but do i want to keep all of these yeah no i'm gonna leave that for now and see what else we can find switch back to the shotgun we're good we're good batteries duct tape see things are scattered everywhere too so there's not really one place that i can get everything from which is good to know more pencil though we'll take that high quality scraps finance oh okay somebody was just hoarding up there hands let's go out this place so i know my axe and there's some rags in here i guess i could pick this up some extra food you don't want to leave that behind yeah that's one of the weird things about this this build picking things up can be a little bit difficult scrap pieces we got another shirt there okay that wasn't a bad find little uh little general store so that's what these things are so there's two of them here we got these guys in this one what time is it okay it's two o'clock we're okay still day one look at them they're just waiting to break through those walls and tear me limb from limb there's more upstairs as well i need to find some kind of gas mask but i thought this when i saw this i thought that implied that we we had one that might just be an example of what we got to find for that let's take a look in here oh no that is a lot of them oh oh there is a lot in there how many rounds do we have with the pistol can i make every single round count i've got the revolver too is it worth it it might be worth it are there more than nine oh that seems like there's a lot more than nine oh okay hold on hold on hold on i'm getting way too carried away with this the pooper do we want to hide in there okay let me work this out so oh okay wait i'm being way spoiled for choice i cannot complain at what we've just found i've got the rifle now too look at this arsenal i've got the single shot shotgun i've got the colt 1991 which i think is in 1911. we've got the revolver and the m4 i've also got an apple there yes i'm absolutely going to eat that oh does it take a bite too look at that nice cool little animation got some food we got booze can i make a molotov with that drink for temporarily reduce pain the booze can be refining to pure alcohol for making a bandage also material for crafting molotov nice is it worth it though is there going to be something in here that they're guarding i don't like it i'm scared i don't like that one bit i've got the axe over there i've got the crowbar over in that one there's a lot in there though that is a big risk and i did say before that i didn't want to take a massive risk what about this one smaller house maybe less to worry about oh what's this the uncertain light at the end what is that that's really cool looking so easily distracted let's keep the door open just in case we're all right nine mil rounds of course where else would you store them and some more rags yeah i just need to go ahead and make the quiver when i have the rags available right now it's not a priority though some pills oh that could be a good find some more shells eight we're doing so good on ammunition now so so good all this stuff oh you can search these oh another way to make a molotov booze it said that you can reduce pain as well which is cool you know when you see the the badasses in the action movers when they um they drink like a load of scotch or something to numb the pain oh yeah wait let's just go ahead and get which one was it this one drink see if the mist comes now at least we're somewhat prepared to deal with anything that comes our way if those things can climb i can fight them off a little bit wait let's get that onto there 23 matches yeah we're still okay still three o'clock got a couple more hours yet dartboard i don't think there's another drink i don't think there's anything else that what is that wait fishing's already in it oh so that's the way we can get food then i didn't think that was ready yet so we got i mean the lorries in it but i don't know if if fishing is a thing maybe it's just planning for it i mean we're gonna try it we're absolutely gonna try it matches oh look at that when we're inside of the vehicle he puts the actual m4 closer to his chest so he's not just clipping through the wheel again another small attention to detail i love that oh there we go that's what we needed okay that's nice that is a really really good find it's two extra slots but it's the slots i didn't have before and we can get at least i wonder if the booze can stack let's get that i i imagine that's not gonna work and then we'll get these two eat you just found some more rifle rounds but as far as anything in the church that is a no-go wait spade can we pick that up nope yes it's just a really really creepy area i don't think anything's been left behind and open that there's nothing that we can really use here either it's this stuff how to fake it at church practical guide to reusing old graves it's not because of the apocalypse the dead rise they have no use for graves just leave them double tap them in the head and keep it moving so if we're here now at this church which should be yeah this building we've got these two here so we could explore this part or we could head back which was where was the red locker was it this we follow this road down and then we make a decision that's what we'll do so it's this way when i was running that i could have swore that something was running alongside me like in perfect sink oh the fire's gone out can we fix this up oh no we can't because it's all busted up see now that would be amazing if we could fix this thing up because you know it's been left there because that's all right wait i wonder if we can no i've not get any tools that can do that if anybody knows that please let me know in the comments i'd love to know if you can fix those crashed vehicles up i never thought of that before but while i was running back there i could have swore that something was running alongside me almost like there was a bear but nothing appeared all right let's get back up top then i think it is this one with the uh the red locker if it's not we got to go to another way i need to find more of those backpacks as well yeah it's this one all right we don't have a door on this that's terrifying all right what about breaking it open then f for using the lock pick and v for using the crowbar let's go ahead five minutes so again just trying to manage that time oh boy okay yeah this is the jackpot all right we're going to be using this did we set this as home so we got another m4 we don't want to be carrying everything as well because if we do get hit by or clipped by a sniper or something i believe they take some of our stuff and then just leave us for dead so we've got a grenade food different gloves more ammunition oh yeah this is this is perfect i don't have to break that yeah okay it's open now we've got a box here too i don't think we can make this our home though yeah we can't we we've got to move this stuff somewhere else so let's go ahead and put some of that stuff in there nothing here hungry bears have moved in yeah i think we should be all right here at least for one night famous last words wait can we get up there no pick that up don't leave it there for someone to find that's got a lot of good in it let's go i'm now up there i know this is a little bit weird hopefully they do fix this in the future where it's just holding it oh there we go okay so we have access now to a lot more in terms of being able to defend ourselves we've got different weapons we've got the single shot shotgun we have the basically that oh there's the bear oh so it wasn't far away from where we were i mean we traveled that line through the tree line here and the bear is just right there look at it inside his backside licking his paws that is absolutely adorable but you're actually a food source i should probably take that down oh i can't do it now yeah no you get to live another day the sun's getting low as well so i don't want to be messing around with these things i would love some kind of fortification here or maybe at the bottom and then just a supply of molotovs or something we could just launch down at anything coming towards this if this is our final stand area it's going to be one hell of one nothing around the back yeah okay so i guess with that being said then we're gonna call it here this is day number one five o'clock at night we're looking good on hunger thirst we are getting real tired because of what we've done but even though we've got a bear as our neighbor not too bad a little bit of exploration and a day of survival so if you guys are enjoying this and you want to see more of mist drop a like on the video and we'll absolutely continue this adventure so for now thank you so much for watching thank you so much for your support and i'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Fooster
Views: 2,176,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MIST, mist survival, mist survival gameplay, mist survival update, mist survival new update, mist survival playthrough, mist survival let's play, fooster mist, fooster, fooster mist survival, thefoosterchannel, MIST survival, mist survival review, mist survival part 1, new survival games, mist survival game, mist survival dog, mist new update, mist survival 2022, new survival games on steam 2022, Mist survival seeker, mist survival dog location, Mist survival new update
Id: MhvitkjVMUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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