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while running the desert marathon on the fourth day you get caught in a sudden sandstorm right in between two checkpoints following the track becomes impossible and you soon get lost in a cloud of dust and sand blinded by the wind breathing with difficulty the sun setting in a direction you can't tell you start wondering if you'll make it alive if you'll survive the desert oh oh okay they weren't kidding so we're caught in a sandstorm then and apparently we were we were in a desert marathon oh there's a building over there i can't say that i'm too familiar with that i know people like modified vehicles and stuff don't go across deserts but a desert marathon that just seems like such a brutal environment to go across oh we're taking damage too imagine breathing all of this in oh no that cannot be good for your lungs right let's get out of this get inside what are we doing here oh we collapsed [Music] wait what what is this equip the water bottle in the hotbar press tab to open the inventory right click on the water bottle to move it to the hot bar okay and this is us wait wait wait what's going on because this is definitely not the same place where we just went down right yeah this isn't even the okay i shouldn't be asking too many questions i guess this is a good time as any to bring you guys in so welcome everyone to a game called star sand you guys told me about this a while back and i'm only really getting around to it now and apparently this game has got some quirkiness about it one of the things i can't hold it in i'm going to tell you guys one of the things is that you could apparently tame a camel at least a few people said that i don't know if it's true but i've never done that before and i thought that sounded amazing so yeah it's got like a really pretty environment in a weird way it reminds me of something but i can't put my finger on it all right left click to drink let's go drink this up there's some hydration up in us right let's actually see crafty crude knife let me just see let me get familiar with this so day survive zero this is us so this is literally just everything we own right now we've got shoe socks the shorts the t-shirt looks like we can put something on our head too considering that we're in the desert i would probably sacrifice the shorts and then wrap those around my head i keep the shirt on because i don't want it burning my my torso on my back up or anything like that some protection cold protection okay yeah that works crafty crude knife press c to open the crafting panel all right what are we working with then see crude knife there it is melee weapon crafted from stone fragments the most basic bushcraft tool and we need two stone okay got it where's the stone [Music] okay pick up nice okay so pretty pretty standard stuff find some stones break them up make a little knife with them we got it yeah it's weird though it's got like it reminds me of i cannot it might be the infected when the infected first started up it was very similar to this like very bare bones but it almost looks quite polished at the same time this building seems like it's out of nowhere too there's nothing else around it that's so weird all right let's get back inside because i noticed in the bottom left corner there the temperature's going up you guys see that when you're in direct line of the sun 33 and you can see that arrow our temperature's going up so we want to stay in that shade right let's see craft and crude knife let's craft one of those a little timer there what's that going to give us access to can we start digging with that or something i'm not entirely sure like when it comes to areas like this how you actually i see a tree over there how you actually go about deciding which way to head in put down a yoga plant is that one there i gotta go out all the way over there like this is my lifeline right now i don't really want to go too far from this and that blaring heat all right let's go then oh i shouldn't run though right because that's going to heat me up actually does it have that let's see 33 i don't know if it's really making a difference oh wait 34 that went up kind of quick it might just be the heat though because we're in direct sunlight oh 35 no yeah it seems like it's going up and i've not got a lot of water left too oh another rock take that and break this down okay so we're used to this yucca plant as well like this grows in some really weird locations i'm guessing it's like in hot temperatures that you find this kind of plant i didn't realize it was actually real either dismantle the crude knife select the item for dismantling inventory and press dismantle button okay uh wait dismantle you have obtained stone item dismantled why do we do that though do we not oh crafty crudex okay yeah we're in the direct heat no okay let me get back over into the shade when it's too hot try and stay in the shade or jump in the water to cool off water yeah the only place where i'm seeing green is there right and if i'm not mistaken the only thing i know about being in a desert but it's so dangerous because it can be a mirage your own body can become your worst nightmare in an area like this right let's see then let's try and get this axe crafted crudex there we go and cottage where was that oh there we go cottage let's make two of those what else do we need oh that's it we got everything else okay but yeah it's in an environment like this your brain can play tricks on you if you've never heard about it before you can have like there's there's an actual term for it and i'm not thinking about mirage either there's something that the sun can do to your brain it's it's technically like sunstroke and it can make you see hear things it's like when people have been in the ocean too long and they have this thing where they just get this i want to say like mental state where they just take their life jackets off and they just think that they're in safety and just swim off and that's how they eventually drown but in this scenario you get things like that too it's actually terrifying when you read about things like this crafty crudex okay so we've got enough to do that now craft the crudex craft why are we crafting axes and things though shouldn't we be focusing on like covering our head and things first that's probably what i would do we got temporary shelter and things like that though so if we can find i guess that tree over there is what's gonna do it can break all that down and get some shade while we're on the move cut down a palm tree i see it we're going right i'm just going to test this so it's actually going up 34 paying attention to my footsteps 35 okay i don't know if it does make a difference by running wait is it making a difference 41 oh my god yeah that heat is no joke all right can we get shade under that tree that'd be real nice if we could just get out of direct line of that sun yeah it's going up 43 44. oh look at that too you're getting like drip marks coming down the screen from the sweat leaving our body so that's that's getting dehydrated too let's get out that line of sight from the sun there we go 45 and it's going down oh okay that's nice put down the palm tree hell no not yet no we need to get that temperature down first how are we doing oh yeah that's really dehydrated us what's going on we're okay it's hot i know it's very very hot we're in a desert like we just gotta be patient stay in the shade and and hopefully we get that temperature down a little bit but it is dropping i should probably drink this right there's something over there i noticed that too i don't know what's going on with it let's see a lot of green all right i'm gonna keep that water there in reserve just in case i need it i'm trying to work out what you have to worry about in a desert too i'm thinking like snakes and things 36 oh it's kind of going up is the sun moving yeah i think it is let's get out of that 36 okay he's kind of staying there isn't it right let's chop this down that's what it's asking us to do we're really not doing so good straight off the bat though right now i'm kind of considering going back over to that shelter i don't think i can drag this though put a palm frond into stems okay bronze we're used to this familiar stuff to us drop them on the floor and then oh cut the stems okay i didn't need to pick them up all right there we go come on one two keep hacking away i didn't see that because i just picked them up oh yeah we're we're really not doing good okay this is gonna be one of those type deals is it where everything is brutal i get it how we haven't fainted yet with this temperature i will never know cut oh my god okay come on break this thing up let's get the sticks i'm so tempted to just head in that direction in hopes of finding water right now just gonna get a few of these sticks i'm guessing this is to make a shelter with though right like we're going to need that when we get down there that sun is going to be overbearing but we do have the trees as well to take shelter from i'll get get in the shade don't know how many of these it needs me to make i'm just going to grab these find water okay i'm hoping it's this way because i'm supposed to be going back to that like building with the strange markings then yeah it's over for me and we've got no water left no it's just sand inside this thing the water bottle's empty are we gonna make that oh that's gonna be so close i'm running i'm running until things are looking really really bad and then i'm just gonna slow it down let's try and get as far as possible i know this is against what i would usually do but i'm just trying to cover some ground while i've got a little bit of water left in my body because i'm sweating really bad right now my temperature's going up too can we do anything with these things they're everywhere you're thirsty it's hot yep that's so weird whatever that is on that hill it's like a tower or something poking up out of the ground reminds me of that monolith thing there's nothing else around so we go from here to there i guess investigate oh my god my health is so low oh come on see how the sun's getting dark there does that mean there's water oh i see some oh don't be a mirage oh no no no no we're right there not like this come on we're okay we're right there did that take too long like chopping them into into sticks i said this before i was like that's no good for anyone if you just caught out in the sun for too long no oh my god i was right there oh the desert claimed you okay i see why you guys wanted me to take a look at this now when it's too hot try to stay in the shade or jump in the water to cool off oh i cannot wait to do that it's one of the worst feelings in the world like feeling hot and sticky and uncomfortable uh especially at night time when you're trying to sleep it's one of the worst things ever imagine just being in this environment though and then you see like a little oasis like where we're heading to and you know there's water there you probably wouldn't care what state the water is you probably should a little bit but you would get in there and just cool off it must feel so nice i want to ask you guys this too soon as though nothing's happening right now if you had a choice of surviving in a hot environment or a cold environment which one would you choose let me know down in the comments i think me personally i'd be cold i think i do better with the cold i'm way worse off in the heat my brain just breaks as soon as my body starts heating up and i'm talking like hot temperatures right i'm not just talking about the temperatures going up a little bit but i'm saying in hot temperatures around summertime i just can't think straight when it's super super hot i have to immediately cool down and then focus on what i'm doing because i do get that like i get real bad lapses in concentration because of the heat that's why this is super uncomfortable or the thought of being in a scenario like this is super uncomfortable all right we should be good take a little sip oh there's something there too what's that we cool off oh just even being in here like at shin height or ankle height or something ultra refill drink oh wait we just took a big drink of water there so are to refill got it oh look at that oh that must be such a nice feeling let me see more whoa oh is it because it's still hot okay i get it let's get a little bit deeper then oh there it is look at that temperature get up 37. can we just stay here that's it we saved we done craft a pickaxe and use it on a deposit so something like this so where's the pickaxes then pickaxe what does that take we need some more stone and some more cottage so i see a yucca plant over there oh god this must feel so nice don't really want to drink while i'm underwater that seems like a really oh what's this a desert fruit like a watermelon i don't want to destroy that in case oh little frog oh no don't get distracted we're surviving all right where's the uh yucca plant what's this i don't think we can break that down switch to the crudex a lot of this is familiar to me because i don't know if you guys know this but i've survived recently on a tropical island oh it's a goat and getting the shadow or the shade for a minute there we go you can pick fruit from a palm tree if you climb it get close to the trunk and press spacebar oh so it legit is like oh yeah no it's legit like that okay coconut nice hydrate again i'm gonna do it twice try and get all that full okay three times just taking little sips that's fine break this down that is a food source i don't want to lose eyes on that if i need to hunt that thing i'm absolutely going to that'll give us a few extra days of survival so we can use this for the cordage take these sticks in case we need them another one there oh yeah we're sweating again already good job we got this this is like the perfect area though like you can survive a few days at least in this scenario as long as you've got a food supply you should be golden right and we needed the cordage right let's craft a few of those and was that everything we needed cottage and then stones right let's have a look around for stones too we can't break these down no okay let's cool off a little bit that's such a weird feeling you get even watching that you guys getting that too like that relief from the heat let's go into water again we can hold our breath for a minute okay there we go right 36 degrees celsius we're looking okay and this one yes stone deposit that's perfect so i did go around and have a look this one is the uh one that we got to break down it's got all these rocks because if i try on this this is all it does it just kind of gives you that feedback that that's that's not what you're supposed to be doing let's stay cooled off and we got to craft a desert bomb so a soothing ointment that provides protection from the sun also like aloe right that heels burns perfect craft and place a marker one of these things used for marking a location it will appear on the map once placed oh nice so we can tell where we've gone or where we've where we want to head in the direction of in case of oh you know it's gonna be there's gonna be like sudden sandstorms i guess and we're gonna have to use those markers to determine what direction we're supposed to be headed in unless i'm massively wrong with that and it's nothing to do with it at all right i guess let's place it there rotate the item with arrow keys that's actually really cool looking to look at that with the cordage and the sticks that we got from the uh from the palm trees let's get back in that shade that works okay open the map and place an icon oh okay left click on an icon to set it left click again to place it right click to delete oasis ruins pyramid marker turret starting okay so i guess at this point then when i said on the intro there's some quirkiness to this apparently there's something otherworldly about this game and that was another big draw to star sand i guess the key isn't all the clue is in the title but yeah i'm really interested in where they've gone with it so this was the shelter is this the marker where it's pointing to yeah it is look so we're actually pointing this direction now this is huge so we've got all this area to explore in that unbelievable heat so let's grab that and we'll place this like there that works right i don't know if it needs to be any closer than that on any animal you can find i love the fact that they've just made me do that by the way we're actually drawing the map as we find things and that makes a lot of sense oh frog oh you guys already know frog or a toad is on the menu wait what would that be frog yeah that'd be a frog right oh i don't know i'm not a frog or a toad expert somebody let me know where's it going can i not just crack like a bow and arrow that seems like the play here what's that gonna take some cordage and the arrows some more cartage right how much of that can we make let's just yeah let's do that four fine we got the bow and there's our first arrow to ignite a fire arrow knock it and place the tip over a flame oh so you can just like hover over a fire and do that oh okay no wait wait wait let's crouch be patient let our food do all of the work come on mr frog come back in i hope i can take this thing out by the way because if not i'm gonna have to hunt a deer and i lost eyes on where the other one went i think it went over the dune that way or something come on frog nice and calm no i'm gonna have to get closer to it stupid frog give me this okay just the distance wait did we get it oh i did get it oh yeah i nailed it look at that got in both arms and its head what is going on with that frog oh demon frog press eater we're looting the frog i love that give me that meat perfect so find some meat and cook it on the campfire we're going to make a campfire now so breaking down another palm tree yeah we're going to burn through a lot of our resources we have here so we have to manage what we're chopping down where we're chopping it down and stuff let's absolutely take on more water there we go one two three pick it up and oh god we've been through this dance before is this gonna do what i think it's gonna do what's that how can i see it we'll hang on to that oh no wait no that's all planted and everything it's taking up inventory space uh what don't we need got plenty of sticks we got the arrows no we're looking okay we're looking okay i guess i should just hydrate with this that's taking away that hunger pain oh yeah the sun is getting real low all right let's see we can make a campfire now my inventory was full so i couldn't do it there we go it's making oh it's getting real dark fast it's a good time to craft that fire i'm a little bit nervous now about how things are gonna gonna go because i don't know if you guys know this just because this kind of environment is extremely hot or can be extremely hot throughout the day at night time temperatures in deserts can really plummet so we want to get this campfire on the go there it is and eat it open so food let's get that there cook food wood uh can we split that oh you know what let's just get it going oh nice okay i didn't even have to do it myself that's a bonus i'm fine with that i'm not gonna question it all right we're almost there what else can we craft while we're waiting for that to cook what did i need for the cloth raw hemp yeah i haven't come across any of that yet leather canteen yeah we're gonna need an animal farm plot oh we can make farms so we can grow um so we can grow like a whole bunch of stuff we can get like a little settlement or something that'll be real nice surviving in a barren desert like this wooden beds crude sphere something's telling me that i should probably craft a spare or straw hat oh i want to straw a hat really bad oh it's probably going to tell me though right yeah craft and place a shelter there it is and give me that we just eat that straight up now all cooked there it is okay we're definitely gonna need more than that but it's fine for now juicy fruit that contains a useful oil essential for making flammable mixture i found some dates on here on a palm tree restores 12 to 15 hunger oh give me that nice all right nice little snack got some lugs here from the previous tree but i don't know if that is going to be enough what else was it needed the palm fronds right yeah that's why i broke this down oh wait is that is that a different oh it is different looking than the other ones we've taken down oh he's definitely getting dark oh aurora borealis my my heart was crushed a few weeks back when somebody told me that aurora borealis when they went to see it it wasn't all that exciting because i've always wondered if seeing this in real life if it's as beautiful as i hope it is somebody told me that i can't remember what it was when i brought it up but somebody said that they went to see and it wasn't that great and i was i was so upset for that person oh no that must be such a heartbreaking this look at this imagine just seeing that out like it must be such a surreal experience but then if it's not that great or if your expectations are too high then it might look crap and the shelter craft oh we're doing it if i got left the arrows the cottage what was this thing again oh the desert bomb franz fuel duration okay this is for a fire i've got to keep an eye on this like what everything does 80 seconds yeah okay we're good we're good we're doing okay we uh we made that yet there we go it's done so why do we want to place this down i guess here's fine like right amongst the uh the bushes and things yeah that works we're getting there oh yeah our little home away from homes press e to sleep are to save why to dismantle oh yeah there we go right i found another yucca plant but i'm keeping my eye on that temperature it's down to 13 now you guys saw we reached like 50 in the height of the day so i want to make sure i'm keeping my eye on stuff like that let's get rid of that stick for a second take all these stems up and then turn them into cordage right there we go craft those up i think it was just stone that we needed i didn't really see how many uh yucca plants we have in this area we've got another frog over there you get to live another day frog add another desert fruit and we just oh no what was that you are poisoned oh my god uh how do we counteract the effects of the poison provides protection from the sun heals burns probably should have used that during the day but that'll do for tomorrow have we got any effects or anything i can see that in the lower left corner that that shows were poison but wait what kind of fruit was that the hammer in your hand press mouse one oh okay yeah no that chunked a lot again i think i've just got to stay topped up on food and water that's going to be my my safest bet oh yeah that's what it is okay i thought the if you can see the outside of the screen that's actually like a cold indicator i thought it was something to do with the poison but i was just getting mixed up with it the poison is now gone we're okay we're over it and now we're just feeling the chill so just warm ourselves up a little bit and then what we got to do is switch to the hammer and then break out foundation and beautiful right we've got that up and running oh it snapped too oh that's so nice when you have it where things don't snap into place when you're building such a nightmare the tutorial ends here you are now on your own survive the desert find out what happened and get back home okay can do right let's take a little victory drink actually two just topped us off and we've got rid of that oh so incredibly pretty ah whoa what what was that sound you can't do that i've literally just decided to get some sleep and then if we wake up in pain oh look at that temperature again like it's immediate drink up fill up on everything and what was it i wanted to i wanted to make the straw hat okay let's fill the bottle up and we are good to go okay fire's still burning can we actually cancel the fire okay we can take that back good to know and how much was the straw hat it is cordage right let's go and find a yoga plant i want a hat there's breakfast a little bit high a little bit low we got it tries a charm give me that oh my god perfect as well i did see something up here too let's grab what don't i really care let's let's use this so we've got a little bit of protection from the sun and then i can do a tiny bit of adventure i don't want to go too far away from all this oh yeah look at that in the bottom left corner you can see the uh the sun isn't actually affecting us right now because of what we've used yeah look at this let's go see where it is got a full water bottle i'm not too worried about it we can always get back i just don't want to lose my way if a massive sandstorm rolls in look at that that's where we came from in the beginning we can't see back over there we can't see that building it's a cool way of doing things so you have to you do genuinely have to think about using your map especially early on and that is definitely not a normal thing oh there's another one back there this is so cool though again super basic but like you have to stay on your toes with the survival aspect of it because look our hunger's getting low we're gonna have to think about getting back getting some food onto the fire staying near the water for a bit planning what we're gonna use to go out and explore because that is again that's our safe haven the further away we get from that the more in danger we're going to be in this is what on earth is that i have absolutely no idea what that's supposed to be is it just a a marker or something that's cool that that to me like that's screaming something to do with space though right i think that's what we uh we spotted from from way out there and we were coming into the oasis and we should probably mark those too just in case i need to know what they're for all right we got cottage did i want to go ahead and make a hat okay i need a little bit more you're just a weird thing sticking out of the ground oh that looks more like a building though oh does that say their number grows faster once they know where i am wait what they grow in number once they find me well that's terrifying who's they their number grows faster once they know where i am let's get this rock i have no idea what that's supposed to be about and i can't i don't want to spoil it either like in terms of finding out what threats there are obviously i i know there's something otherworldly going on so i mean we'll see where that leads to okay let's get our hat let's craft that up oh we're gonna look so good this reminds me like the raiden hat super cool and i hope we get to see it on here too is it gonna be in here or is it gonna just pop on our heads and it's good there we go oh yeah look at this that's so cool yes okay right we've got a little bit of shade now too all right let's get this coconut in celebration of our brand new hat we'll take that and chow down on both of those yeah things are looking good right drink fill up on everything okay so we found out a little bit more about what's going on now so we're able to make a fire we're at least able to survive from day to day now i'm just going to make sure that i manage the resources in the area properly because i'll run out quick otherwise if i can find another oasis perfect i also need to know where those things are leading to and kind of getting a built up map of the area because we can do that with this thing now and place things down apparently there's pyramids as well i don't know what that's about and there's like words over there let's say there's going to be like more of something coming in once they know where i am it's all a mystery so far but if you want to see more of this you want to come along on this adventure surviving in a a very very strange desert and you guys know what to do drop a like on the video subscribe if you're new and i'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Fooster
Views: 512,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starsand gameplay, starsand review, starsand walkthrough, starsand gameplay part 1, starsand update, starsand first impressions, starsand getting started, starsand game, starsand survival, fooster, thefoosterchannel, survival games on steam, new survival games, new survival games 2022, starsand survival game, fooster starsand, gameplay, starsand part 1, starsand pc gameplay, starsand new udpate
Id: 8aNMVuH8r2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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