The Truth of Nanika | Hunter X Hunter

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hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga and today it's time to delve into one of the most intriguing existences within the entirety of Fanta hunter which resides within the second youngest child of silver and kikyo zoldak in the infinitely powerful nanika and in this video we are going to get into the gritty of exactly what nanika is because for anime only fans that little fact it might still remain a mystery but in the manga we've actually been given an astounding amount of information to work with leading to what I feel is a very very solid conclusion now when a locket and non-car were introduced into the story it was like nothing Honda hunter had ever seen before because what they are I suppose what nanika specifically represents is a sort of godlike power that not even a being like marijuana could have hoped to attain nanika is for all intents and purposes capable of doing absolutely anything whether that be something simple like conjuring a new computer or quite possibly wiping out all existence in the blink of an eye as we know it you know Thanos style so nanan cut really is like nothing the human broham has ever seen it is a potentially extinction level threat that has somehow appeared amongst the zoldak family and there are some pretty good reasons for both of those first up we have the rather straightforward facts revealed in the extras of vol 33 that nanika is indeed from the Dark Continent and it also has another little handy word next to it being I and you'll understand why that is extraordinarily important very shortly but this makes everything a shade clearer because everything we know regarding the colossal landmass that is a dark continent which we actually know quite a bit and I do have a video detailing all of that information if you'd care to watch but we're not Iike stands out as an apocalyptic presence in the human realm they are simply part of the regular ecosystem of the Dark Continent as almost every known being from that location has the potential to wipe out all of humanity even the more mundane looking creatures so non occurs from the Dark Continent that's fun and probably the only decent explanation that this world could have given us but in the end that doesn't really give us any new information regarding nanika what I want to know is exactly what nanika is and how it made its way back to the human settlement in the center of Lake Mobius and luckily enough that information is more readily available than you may think to begin this exploration I'd like to introduce or reintroduce you to the idea of the calamities also known as the five threats and these terrifying specimens are life-forms from the Dark Continent that humanity has been forced to bring back with them after an unsuccessful voyage I guess you could think of them as a curse or a punishment in upon those intended to teach humanity a lesson this practice is implemented by an even more mysterious being known as the guide who is summoned by a group of magical beasts known as the gatekeeper Oh gatekeepers blur oh I'm not clear on that but they are currently the only known method of humankind actually gaining passage to the dark continents to begin with however with this in mind it would make total sense for nanika to have appeared in the human realm as a result of one of these ill-fated expeditions and rather fascinatingly that just so happens to be one calamity that fits the description of nanika pretty damn perfectly being the gaseous eye form known as I there's that word again hi now before I continue I do want to mention that Takashi has never in any way shape or form confirmed that nanika and I are the same being of the same race of being whatever it may be however the overwhelming evidence is about as close to confirmation as any of us should need so to begin I is allegedly the result of a voyage made by the member Republic who were seeking out a mother solution for all sorts of liquids on the dark continent and that voyage returned with a total of three survivors around Earth at number three it may or may not be very important later on but for now let's also take in eyes full title which is codependence of desire a gaseous life-form hi two very very interesting words sir because nanika exists as a codependent being and its power is based on the idea of wishes or desires both from my car and those around them quick semantic note is well being codependent is not the same as coexisting or symbiotic in fact codependency is a much more unhealthy relationship as it generally involves one party encouraging or enabling a negative feature of another such as addiction immaturity or any number of mental health issues and that very much rings true to some degree in the case of a Luka and nanika nanika has effectively possessed Holika and in return that forces her to comply with Nana cos wish granting powers by having a la cosmic escalating requests of those around her in direct correlation to the scale of the previous wish that had been granted by nanika and yes I referred to alcohol and no I'm not going to get into the great gender discussion of Hunter hunter in this video because that's a topic for an entirely different day but for now that's how it's going to be in any case the wish-granting is more complicated than I've made it out to be essentially what needs to happen is three of aliquots requests need to be met which can be very simple like pick me up or carry me over there rather easy and innocent desires at first anyway after the third request has been fulfilled Nanticoke will emerge and at this point whoever happens to be in the vicinity at the time can ask Monica for literally anything and Nanako will grant it kind of like the eternal dragon but without so many fussy rules well so interestingly this isn't something you pick up on when reading on watching the English version of Hunter hunter but nanika has a particular speech quirk when granting a wish in the VIS manga translation nanika says kay sort of referring to a slightly more casual lazy and even possibly more childish way of saying okay however in japanese nanika says i look there's that word again which is very much the exact same sort of speech quirk though except it's in relation to the japanese for it hai which every basic anime or manga fan will know simply means yes so i is sort of this cutesy way of saying yes but in addition to that it just so happens to be the name of one of the five threats as well as their distinctive call which you can see in that one panel we have of the gaseous life-form say that speech bubble right there it says hi so that's one hell of a mighty coincidence we have going on here so far fact that nanika is a codependent wish-granting powerhouse who frequently says i while the calamity i is also a codependent desire focused I saying life-form weird eh well the coincidences don't even stop there to get into our next one though let's first reiterate the kicker of non occurs power which is that the greater the wish granted was the harder Ilocos next request will be to fulfill for example on one occasion a zoldak family servant requested that nanika make her a millionaire a wish that was met with a torrent of currency showering down upon the two of them however as a result aleka's next requests were taken to a whole new level as she asked for a liver intestines a spine and even a brain none of which she ended up receiving which was very rude of the person aleca was asking i mean to simply just refuse all of her requests like that kind of person would do that but this brings us swiftly to what occurs if a person refuses a total of four of Arcos requests which is that they are immediately killed in some of the most brutal ways imaginable and not only that but depending on the scale of the wish one death is not enough to balance non occurs power and those closest to the person who refused our workers requests will also immediately be killed until an appropriate cost has been reached so for example in the case of wishing for $1,000,000 or not dollars whatever the currency of hunter hunter is Jenny I guess given that jenny is almost a one-to-one representation of Japanese yen and I guess it would have been wishing for a billion Jenny but I digress the cost for such a way would be the death of 67 people including the servant who denied a lockers requests but what I'm more interested in is the method in which nanika kills which is very vividly demonstrated to us on one occasion where another servant was ordered not to fulfill all his desires and paid the price by being crushed until they were nothing but a puddle of blood and limbs splattered across the floor that all we've also seen Anika's victims get rung to similar effect kind of like trying to get water out of a towel and that brings us to the containment facility of the five threats and their victims which were showcased in Chapter 341 featuring many examples of people both having been crushed or rung to death in exactly the same fashion as we have been shown nanika capable of doing furthermore freaks is rather straightforwardly stated that there have been confirmed victims of both paths and I in the human realm already and the victims I'm referring to definitely don't fit perhaps establish methodology leaving us with a very very narrow pool of options full of one really and look at this point I would never say that it's 100% guaranteed simply because it hasn't literally been stated but everything we've been showing regarding Monica and I effectively confirms them to be the same life-form I will say that the only part that doesn't quite obviously add up yet is the fact that I is a gaseous existence but does not appear that way when possessing a locker if anything nanika seems more like a broad spiritual creature but it could be a simple explanation of AI infiltrating its hose to fire its gaseous form and then taking root in them transforming into a new codependent creature and yes you can put stock in other ideas such as the fact that there may very well be more calamities from the Dark Continent present in the human world that we simply aren't officially aware of and the chimera ants are a very good example of that actually they just sort of appeared in this world and very rapidly presented themselves as a threat to all humankind so it's not impossible that nanika is despite every similarity to I an undocumented existence but my final question in regards to nanika might clear this up somewhat because it's also very much worth asking why Nanako possessed Alec as all dick to begin with and at first it would seem like a nice storytelling convenience you know the one power that could save gone just so happened to be right within killer's reach but there may be more to the zoldak connection than that in fact we have at least one confirmed instance of a member of the Zeltiq family visiting the Dark Continent beings exotic who joined a young Isaac natural no dearth a trio if you will and if you remember earlier I stated that the voyage that returned with I had only three survivors I was fun in mind-blowing is that maybe I should point out that this by far the weakest piece of evidence I'll be presenting in this video because it has also been stated that amongst those three survivors each of them had gone mad and furthermore Jing referred to the trip that naturally took with Zeke and then as undocumented so it's quite unlikely that I and Zig are connected in that way but still I thought it would be worth mentioning that as all dick has been associated with the Dark Continent given that a creature from so continent has now possessed one of their family members in any case there you have it there as it turns out nanika for such a mysterious being is actually the life form from the Dark Continent that we happen to know the most about with the exception of the chimera ants I guess and luckily for the entire human realm killer seems to have nanika under control for now but that pretty much does it for this exploration of exactly what Monica is if you enjoyed this video when the content this channel produced in general then please do consider donating to the new world review patreon because the support of all of your amazing people is what continues to make this channel possible and if patreon isn't quite your style then please do leave this video a like share or subscribe because it also helps support this channel an incredible amount and if you'd like to join the fun at any time then please do head over to my discord server where a wide array of shenanigan area takes place on a daily basis and finally please do comment with your thoughts on nanika this has been the new world review and I'll see you next time [Music] do you plan to go into other manga like black clover or anymore my hero academia I'm not sure to be honest with you I mean I've never read like clover despite a whole ton of you guys telling me to and don't probably get around to it one day but my hero academia as much as I love it I don't know how much I'm going to feature it here it's a bizarre series because I go through highs and lows with it where I'll be completely obsessed one day and then just forget about it the next key aura just wondering when you first started watching Hunter hunter and at what point did you I guess fall for the series so to speak keep up with quality content Chiara my Kiwi friend thanks for the kind words and the point at which hunter hunter really got me was the beginning of heavens arena and specifically the introduction of nen it was such a perfect hook giving you this grand tournament ish almost game style scenario combined with starting to uncover the power system that the series had been toying around with in the background up until that point Boskone versus oka was absolute brilliance did you know that Bungie gum has the properties of both rubber and gum you you have blown my mind
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 1,050,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, nanika, alluka, what is nanika, nanika dark continent, alluka boy, hunter x hunter, hxh, killua, gon, wish, nanika power, nanika nen, alluka power, alluka nen, zoldyck, silva, illumi, milluki, alluka kills, kikyo, zeno, netero, zigg, zzigg, zigg zoldyck, dark continent, ai, calamity, five threats, nanika is ai, ai is nanika
Id: TOdbCFd1rLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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