Dark Continent Explained (Expedition Arc)

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all righty let's go over one of the biggest mysteries in all of Hunter Hunter the Dark Continent thanks to Tommy G for requesting this video sorry it took so long this video is going to be different from other Dark Continent videos instead of just laying out all the facts all nice and simple I'm gonna go over everything as we learn it in the manga because to me the way the manga introduces all of the information we learn makes everything more exciting I guess plus I want to be a little different from the other guys you know but anyway let's get into it one of the very first times we get a decent idea of what the dark continent is is when Jing is having our conversation with gon they talk a lot but jingus to saying that the world gone knows is just a small part of what's really out there he talks about an outside world land beyond the map most people know Jing says that the Chimera ants are part of the world Beyond however I'll mention that although it's suspected the ants might be from the Dark Continent it's never been confirmed it's also suspected that the ants had once come from an island that's beyond the world map however it's not actually part of the Mainland of the Dark Continent but moving on Jing then compares the Dark Continent to Pandora's Box and this comparison comes back up later and finally we get an image of the Dark Continent then some stuff happens with the zodiacs that's not important until suddenly Bean rushes into their meeting room saying he's got bad news essentially the king of kakin a relatively new Empire in the west has declared he's hosting an expedition to the Dark Continent this immediately raises concern for most of the zodiacs even calling it Mankind's greatest taboo and the Untouchable Zone it's also explained that the dark continent is home to many dangerous creatures Nano goes on to say that 200 years ago after several attempts to go to the Dark Continent and after they were met with such destruction each time the five major content evidence called the V5 signed a treaty saying no one is to ever go there thus why all major maps don't show it then in short cheetah chimes in to say that 30 years ago a royal family who had acquired Ned Beast started their own country which then became the khakin Empire this is important because kakin isn't part of the V5 agreement they technically have a loophole to be able to go to the Dark Continent without causing too many problems we go back to the king's message and he announces that kecken has found the most qualified man to lead the voyage the king begins talking about Isaac Nero acknowledging how powerful and important he was which finally leads him to saying that the man leading the Expedition is nedero's son Beyond at first The Zodiacs don't really believe it's nethero's son but after he begins his speech about leading Humanity into the unknown world one of the zodiac says is there even a need to confirm Now quickly getting more into Beyond can have its own video but besides the few things I'll go over later we don't really know anything about him we don't know his nine abilities or net Affinity although it's suspected that Beyond is a specialist but let's get back on track after Beyond gives a powerful speech about leading the human race to the Dark Continent the announcement of the Expedition leaves the zodiacs in shock and concern beans even says that they're all shaking and he tells them that in case Beyond reveals himself Nero had left a videotape for the zodiacs explaining things then we're quickly introduced to Beyond's personal team with the number two being periston who will see more of later but in this scene Beyond goes on about how badly he wants to explore the Dark Continent and says that he'll destroy anyone who gets in his way now nothing has come of this comment mostly because no one has tried to stop him but it's also good to know that Beyond isn't just blindly running towards his goal he's very very smart and intricate in how he's getting to his goal but like I said getting into Beyond is a little complicated so let's move on we go back to the zodiacs and long story short Cheadle says Jang and Paris then have left the zodiacs so they don't need to wait for them to watch Isaac's video and then finally she says that V5 have requested the capture of Beyond netero we then move on to meet a new man whose name I don't ever recall learning but apparently his name is Steiner Steiner is essentially in charge of learning all there is to know about the Dark Continent but will also end up serving as Beyond's personal guide the man with him takes him deep into a secret facility while walking through the man explains to Steiner the situation they're in essentially the king of kakin is planning an expedition to the Dark Continent mostly because there's resources there worth incredible amounts of money money and because of this it potentially causes the problem of kakin gaining too much wealth and power there's also the Potential Threat of creatures being brought back from the Dark Continent causing mass chaos into the human world the two men enter a locked room and Steiner sees giant tanks with what looks like five different creatures but he learns that all five of these creatures were once human and each of them is a victim from the five successful voyages to the Dark Continent the man then gives Steiner a book called Journey to the new world the man says that when it was first written everyone thought it was Tales of a Madman but now we know it to be one of the two only books containing any information about the Dark Continent as Steiner and the man are walking past the glass box a man inside of it bangs his hand against it Steiner sees a man who looks to be insane and the man tells him that he's a survivor of the Dark Continent and no longer needs food he's been self-sustaining for almost 50 years and soon we'll get enough information to know that he's likely a victim of zubai and that'll make sense in a minute then finally Steiner gets to reading Journey to the new world but first we go back to the zodiacs who are watching Isaac Nero's video nederro confirms that Beyond is his son and that once Beyond had gone to the Dark Continent despite him telling him not to Beyond wanted to go back again but Isaac forbade it until after his death he also mentions that Beyond is more suited to be a hunter than him now you could take this as Beyond as stronger than his father but I think he's talking about mentality rather than strength in context of this I think Isaac was trying to say that after seeing what lied on the Dark Continent he saw that place as somewhere that shouldn't be explored meanwhile Beyond saw it the opposite way Beyond wants to explore it more he thinks that Hunters should explore the unknown regardless of the danger so by that way he's more suited to be a hunter but considering there's such little known about him I don't think it's unreasonable to think Beyond maybe stronger than his father but once again moving on Isaac then says how he's gone to the Dark Continent twice but he realized the strength required to be there or likely the strength needed to survive was not what he was searching for but this does not mean that Nero didn't feel like he was strong enough to be there and then he goes on to say in the new world there was only battling harsh cruel nature where Victory doesn't exist Nero then makes the request but the zodiacs take it as an order he wants the hunter Association to lead a more successful Expedition than Beyond Isaac goes on to say that the difficulty of this mission is in an a remember Chimera ants were a b so if you thought the Khmer ants were a threat that's just a small ish Taste of what's to come after Isaac's video The Zodiacs talks them and it ends in them agreeing to do the mission and they agreed they need someone to lead their group and it's implied their ideal leader is Jing considering his strength as a fighter but also potentially as a leader after this discussion out of nowhere Beyond enters the room he says hi to beans and then tells the zodiacs to contact V5 and tell them they've captured Beyond nedero in classic Togashi fashion we stop there and go back to Steiner and we see him reading the book and he learns about the five Great calamities basically after each of the five successful expeditions to the Dark Continent they came across creatures that almost wiped them all out these five creatures are called the five Great calamities the five calamities are and forgive me me on my pronunciations a sphere that protects mysterious ancient ruins the Botanical weapon burion the codependence of desire a gaseous life form I a monster that infects its prey with homicidal desire the twin snake hellbill a trade-off between life and pleasure a beast that keeps people as pets Pap and finally the endless despair disguised as hope zobai the immortality disease Steiner gets the first real idea of how dangerous the dark continent is and says that this is no place for Humanity to return we go back to the zodiacs who have Beyond in a Cell in Cheadle is questioning him this part is very brief but for this part the only important thing is that Beyond tells Cheadle he predicts after their talk the hunters will be joining him on the Expedition and V5 will also be part but Togashi leaves us hanging here as we go back to Steiner Steiner is giving a presentation to a group of officials and he starts off by showing the world map that everyone knows he then goes on to say that the world they know is actually just a group of small islands in the middle of Lake Mobius which is in the center of the Dark Continent he goes on to say that there has been a 149 recorded voyages to the Dark Continent and only five have returned and out of all of the Voyages only 28 people survived and out of those 28 Beyond is the only one still alive Steiner then goes on to say that the five successful Journeys were all unofficial due to being after the V5 signed the treaty to not go there we then learn that those five trips all use something called the guide now essentially there's a certain border on the ocean where it seems to be implied that the waters are near impossible to sail through unless you have the help of the guide Steiner says that out of the 28 survivors only three of them have been able to return to normal life making the survival rate 0.04 percent we then also learned that the guide is summoned by someone or something called the gatekeeper which is only described as the magical Beast Clan with the only pipeline to the continent so traveling to the dark continent is pretty much impossible without their help then later on one of the officials says he wants to know how they will stop catkin from going to the Dark Continent and Steiner explains there's essentially only two options they can threaten military force to stop gaikin from going but that's unlikely to work so the only peaceful option is to invite them into V5 creating V6 and then they would unofficially support kraken's journey and in return they will sign a treaty saying that all treasure found on the Dark Continent will be evenly distributed among V6 because so many people viewed the dark content as just a new world ready for them to start a new life on there's going to be over a hundred thousand civilians going there so on the way to the Dark Continent they will stop on some uninhabited islands dropping them off and telling them it's the Dark Continent then they will test people and take the strongest ones to the real dark continent that Journey will be sponsored by catkin and led by Beyond V5 also hopes that kakin will see the same [ __ ] that made them make going their taboo basically they're hoping once cacking goes there they're not going to want to go back they also want someone from the hunter Association to watch over the real Expedition and they say that if the hunters can't handle watching Beyond that they'll use their own unofficial team but so far the hunters have been handling it Togashi stops there and takes us back to Beyond and cheetle talking essentially Beyond tells Cheadle to tell V5 to let him lead the Expedition under the condition he's watched over by someone from the hunter Association that person will soon meet and although not mentioned here I'll let it be known that Beyond does say he'll cooperate with V5 and the hunter Association however Nana is worried that periston and others will try to break him free so they can freely explore or it's also possible periston will try to convince Beyond to break away on his own and for what it's worth most likely periston's motivation is just to cause chaos but moving on some of the zodiacs give their thoughts in the upcoming Voyage but then cheetah tells Beyond to be ready for a long arrest to which Beyond says I'll wait as long as it takes just once again showing that his only goal is to get to the Dark Continent as long as he gets there he doesn't care about anything else really this isn't really important to the Dark Continent but it's very interesting we learn about the boat that's going to take everyone there the black whale we learn that it can hold two hundred thousand people and common people can enter a lottery where one 1 out of Thirteen hundred people will be able to get on board many people don't know the truth about the Dark Continent and they just think it's a new world where they can start a new life finally we learned that catkin plans to build 20 more of these in a year implying that assuming all goes well on this Voyage they'd begin sending more and more boats to the Dark Continent and this is just wild to me because it's sending hundreds of thousands of people to just a random Island and sending hundreds more to likely their deaths on the real Dark Continent but once again it might be worth it because the dark content has lots and lots of very valuable natural resources Togashi sends us off to another group this one being Beyond's personal Squad and meeting periston is Jing and they have a very interesting conversation but I'm not gonna go over it in this video all that's important is that you know that Jing worked his way into Beyond's group and is now serving as the new number two and if you're wondering what pair then thinks of this he's having a blast he is only more excited now that he has essentially a playmate but moving on what's important is that Jing is now talking to Beyond Squad about the Dark Continent he starts talking about the five calamities he says each of the five trips brought one of the threats back with them he also mentions that some of the guides that took them there made the voyagers take a Calamity back with them as a warning he then says that not only are all of the calamities rank b and a threats but they're more dangerous than the Chimera ants and it's kinda up to you to decide if you think Jing meant that the calamities were more dangerous than all of the Chimera ants including the royal guard and Miriam or if he only meant the lower level ants and for anyone that cares I personally would suspect that the calamities are at least as deadly as the royal guard Jing then says that there's no good way to deal with the Calamity and the only real option is to lock them away and stay away he also says that two of the calamities I and Pap have attacked the human race and it's a miracle they haven't been wiped out yet Jing then goes on to say that with Beyond wanting to take another unexplored route it's very possible that they'll end up with a sixth Calamity and after hearing this one of the crew members is basically like is any of this even worth it and Jing then explains the viable resources that are on the continent and they're pretty [ __ ] valuable there's a mineral called unmanned Rock just a small pebble of it when submerged in water can generate 20 000 kilowatts a day to give you an idea of just how much power that is the average house in the U.S probably uses about 12 000 kilowatts a year so one small pebble could power a house for about two years so Mass amounts of this could easily power civilizations Jing goes on to explain about the bird draws a union which once sent a thousand men to the continent and they tried to bring the rock back but because the mineral was in Pabst territory only seven men returned so yeah pep is pretty dangerous but moving on to the next resource Jin goes over how there's a 250 mile or 400 kilometer Labyrinth where an herb grows that he says can cure all kinds of diseases the United States of Sahara had tried to go there with their Elite forces and who knows if they had any net users but all of them except two were effortlessly wiped out by buryon then on to the next resource the Federation of ochima had tried to search for something called Nitro rice which is said to extend one's life but before they could even get to the swamp where it grows 99 of them were killed by hell Bill and only 11 returned with that number we know that their team originally had 1 100 people finally we learned that the member Republic got the hunter Association to help collect Trinity Elixir which is only described to be the mother solution for all sorts of liquids not sure exactly what that means but I'm sure someone can let me know what they think but it appeared they had some quarrel with I and only three men returned and all of them had gone insane so no one really knows what happened Jake then starts talking about nethero's secret Expedition that he did with his friends and I don't know it could just be me but it's just wild to me that nedro went to his friends and was like hey let's go to the dark content I heard it's pretty crazy but anyway Jing tells them what nedero had once said about the continent Nero said this place is too big it's off the charts also we quickly see a young Isaac Nero as well as Zig zodik I believe kilowas like great great grandfather but all we really know is that he's a zoldic and then finally we see Lanae horstderf I believe her name is also I could be wrong but I believe because nederro didn't make use of the Guides Through The Unofficial Voyage he did not bring back a Calamity or maybe he didn't bring one back because they just didn't come across one now something to say about this image of the Dark Continent I don't even know how to process what all of this is sure most of these things just look like animalistic beasts that might not even be the real threats of the continent but still what is this stuff how could Beyond see this and be like yeah this stuff I gotta fight over there anyway Jing says how Beyond accompanied by KHAK and you Kingdom actually had a successful Journey to the Dark Continent and actually brought back What's called the Alchemy plant metallion which has unknown uses but only six returned from Beyond's voyage and after this Isaac was troubled that his stories of the continent weren't seen as warnings but actually served to pique people's interests so in response never worked with V5 to make it taboo to travel to the Dark Continent then a crew member named Curly asked Jing that it seems like V5 has no idea what or where they're going but it also seems like there's somehow information about it this leads to Jing saying 300 years ago a man wanted to explore the coastline of Lake Mobius documenting the Dark Continent and he ended up writing a book about it the book is called Journey to the New World East and West editions but only the book about the East has been found with no sign of the West and yes that's the same book Steiner was reading Jing says the West hasn't been found for one of three reasons number one it simply hasn't been found yet two the author failed to finish writing about the west or third which is Jing's personal belief the author is still currently sailing the coast currently writing the West Edition when people people are shocked and Confused how it's possible that this is happening when it was 300 years ago curly brings up the rice that increases one's life and the herbs that cure disease so it's very well possible that this author has been sailing around the Dark Continent for the last 300 years finally we learned that the author is Don freaks seemingly to be directly related to Jing and gone although it's possible they just so happen to have the same name now that's all of the information we know about the Dark Continent itself but to give a little more about the journey to it the plan is to sail from kakin to the fake Dark Continent there the royal family and civilians will be dropped off and then a new crew led by Beyond will set off for the real Dark Continent however there will be joined by Morel who will take them to the ocean boundary where they will find the gatekeeper and the gatekeeper will summon the guide which will take them the rest of the way how however before reaching the gatekeeper they will stop on a small island and nav will help create a base with supplies and unsurprisingly nov refused to go any further and I can't blame him p2's end did him so dirty also it appears that Morel is only going to the gate and won't be going any further I think he'll be transported back to the base by either nov or another transporter but maybe he is going all the way also there's a woman named tokerine who's in charge of travel from the Dark Continent back to the base she goes on to say that her ability isn't as strong as knobs and she can't teleport or carry as many people I'm not sure if her ability is irrelevant and she would just simply help people travel back from the Dark Continent on a boat or if she has some kind of ability that can transport people but her saying she can't teleport made it a little confusing to me however there's characters like luini whose nen ability in short allows him to enter a locked room and then open a door or a portal to enter any location he's been to so tokerine could have an ability like that where she can transport people but it's not technically a Teleport but we'll just have to wait for more information now unfortunately that's all I got for now throughout everything I covered there was plenty of side details that I skipped over for example there's a little more to Beyond periston Jing and the zodiacs and I can go over that stuff in another video but due to it not really being important to the topic of the Dark Continent I just didn't feel like going over it but I hope you learned some new things about the Dark Continent and you enjoyed as always feel free to compliment correct complain and argue in the comments
Channel: APeester Anime
Views: 102,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunter x hunter, Dark Continent, Dark Continent Explained, Expedition Arc, Isaac Netero, Netero, Beyond Netero, Ging, Ging Freecss, Nen, Nen Beast, Black Whale, Kurapika, Gon, Killua, Phantom Troupe
Id: hYFJfmxsWNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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