Gyro - The Greatest Threat In Hunter X Hunter

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kilowatt activates Godspeed and travels at a pace of 240 km/h as such how long would it take kilowatt to travel from cuckoo Mountain to Heaven's Arena on a dark and stormy day whilst being pursued by a Lemmy it's a simple question but no matter how many times gone does the maths you can't quite figure out that the answer is subscribing to this channel for regular Hunter hunter updates straight to your YouTube feed hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga and today we're going to talk about one of the greatest lurking threats within the entire on down two world and one that for the most part goes by completely unnoticed by fans being Jireh now if you don't remember gyro or you sort of running vaguely remember the name well that's what today's for because we are going to be getting into why this man is without a word of exaggeration one of the most unparalleled threats within Hunter hunter as well as what role he may play in the future but first up I think it's very important to recap this very fleetingly Future character as well as highlight the difference between his appearances in both the anime and the manga because I'll tell you right now if you have only watched the 2011 anime series there is a very key difference that may make gyro something of an underwhelming random character from your perspective and I really don't understand why it was changed in the anime adaptation it's just one of those weird things I mean especially since they went to all the trouble to adapt the character at all but whatever but that very very important difference is that gyro was actually present in dolly city when Gon and Killua were training to face off against knuckle and shoot in order to earn the right to join the Chimera ant extermination team and not only that but we were made aware that gyro was on the very same street where GaN killer and knuckle were currently present in that narration went as follows gone and gyro did not end up meeting and gyro left this town and disappeared somewhere whether that was fortunate for the two of them or not it will remain unknown until they eventually meet so incredibly ominous words there that goes so far as to set up gyro as a major character if not a major antagonist for the future of hunter hunter now whether or not you subscribe to that train of thought is of course entirely up to you and your own personal interpretation but I have come to take these words quite seriously and I think that feeling only solidifies when we look back on drivers passed and his context within the story because it's actually pretty insane how much we know about this character when in the grand scheme of things he has had almost zero narrative impact to us far there are far more theoretically important characters in the series whose past not been touched on whatsoever but for some reason we know gyro quite intimately so much so that almost an entire chapter is dedicated purely to exploring him and just to briefly go through what we know basically driver grew up in a construction camp the son of a very poorly paid worker who spent his days and nights engaged in a drunken stupor he would also allegedly almost never speak to gyro which impeded his development but not only that his father would of course beat him furiously if gyro bothered him in any way shape or form which included making creaking noises from rolling over in his sleep as such not only did gyro learn to lay bricks before learning how to speak but he also forced himself to sleep without moving a single muscle living by his father's mantra which was don't make trouble for anyone and those were effectively the only words he ever stated to his son but even with all of this gyros still believe that his father loved him despite all of the evidence clearly stating otherwise but the moment when this would all change is when gyro got into an altercation that his father stumbled upon but instead of doing the fatherly thing and helping his son Jerez father just walked away leaving him to be savagely beaten and at this point gyro formed a core truth within himself which was that the world may the universe did not care about him and coming to the conclusion that he was not human this would be the only true lesson he learned from his father setting up the rest of gyros existence and shortly after this event gyro murdered his father by cracking his skull open with a hammer stole what little money he had and left the construction camp with a profound hatred of all humanity as well as the determination to see it suffer and it has actually been said that gyros driving will is to spread evil throughout the entire world now apologies for the history dumped there but I do think the jurors past as well as the extreme detail we know it in is very important to this discussion because this is some serious backstory for a character who as far as we know may never appear in the series again that's not quite the end though either because nine years after leaving the camp gyro went on to form ng L the near green autonomous life zone which eventually became its own nation and is best known to us as the location where the chimera ants began their reign of terror upon this world and actually during said reign of terror Jireh was killed and consumed by the Chimera ant queen although his fate from there was radically different to most chimera ant victims because the thing about gyro that I haven't mentioned as of yet is that the series goes to great lengths to describe him as a proud king which is stated by the narrator in the to most likely be the reason why he was so easily able to resist the Queen's control and move freely in his new chimera ant body so there was no moment whatsoever where gyro was under the control of the chimera ants he just reincarnated and went off his own way that and his determination to spread pure evil throughout the world is what kept his human memories intact and this is incredible because no other chimera ant has followed this trait forward a path I mean yes other ants have eventually regained some of their memories and become something of the people they used to be prior to being killed but gyros memories Drive and pride were so unwaveringly powerful that he was never at any stage anything less than what he was prior to his consumption and that should truly terrify you the fact that this man's desire to plunge humanity into despair by spreading pure evil throughout the world is so strong that a transcends the process of death is nothing short of astounding it would be a very difficult task to find a character in Hunter hunter who sheer will is anywhere near the level of gyros Tropico is probably the closest I can think of but to be honest jairos desires kind of make crop occurs revenge quest look pretty cute in comparison and what's worse is that gyro was reborn into the vessel of a chimera ant thus giving him access to potentially devastating power especially if he learns to harness his aura through nen in fact I'll say it right here and now if gyro is able to become aware of ant master nen it's just game over for the world nan is a wonderfully unique power system because it basically is an expression of pure will and desire that allows it to use it to harness their own life force to produce an outcome that they feel strongly about and gyro as we've established feels pretty damn strongly about evil and I want to emphasize that because in storytelling I think the word evil is thrown around far far too haphazardly it's often used to describe characters who I think would be far better label to something more basic like narcissistic selfish or even an extreme dick that or gets applied to a boring monotonous demon style character who can't be anything but bad for the sake of bad but evil here in regards to gyro is being used with its intended meaning we're talking profoundly corrupted humanity with sinister intentions that I don't even think a demon could ever hope to match and when we're talking about evil I once again struggle to find any character in the series who could even compare to Jireh like I would never call Hisoka or Crowell Oh evil characters per se they are antagonistic and morally ambiguous but evil no absolutely not they take far too much enjoyment from being human and in the case of Cola they do actually have their own code of morality you could maybe make the argument that 4th prince erratic of the in Empire represents evil and he is certainly one of the more terrifying characters I think we've ever encountered but once again this man is driven by a sense of enjoyment for what he does which in his mind is creating art jyro on the other hand takes no enjoyment from his actions they aren't performed to satisfy him personally they are performed for the sake of evil pure and simple it is a raw undiluted force and it is going to go completely unchecked within the hunt underworld and that's not to say that there aren't characters aware of gyro that definitely are such as well Finn and in cargo who eventually recalled their previous lives as his subordinate and in fact wealth and believes that gyro would be headed to meet your city in order to rebuild his nation and set his ultimate plan into motion not that well Finn is going to try and stop him though in fact he seems more eager to join Jerez cause believing greatly in his former leader which is also absurdly dangerous because it shows that gyro possesses the charisma to warp the minds of those around him to form the building blocks of disseminating evil and this wolf and train of thought is also quite important because he is well aware of nen and if gyro isn't and he certainly will know of its power if and when wellthen finds him in meteor city so at this point I believe it's incredibly clear that Takashi did at least at one stage set gyro up to be a major presence not just because of focusing on his past or by that ominous narration of how he and Gaughan are ultimately going to meet but through characters like well fanatic algo who have these connections to him that go on to drive their own characters it would all just seem like a bit of a waste of this man just disappeared into the ether but we do have to face a narrative reality of hunter hunter as well because currently the greater cost of the series have left the human realm and on route to the Dark Continent so for Jerry to be playing a part in this he would need to be on his way as well but I see limited possibilities in regards to why he would do such a thing and this is because gyros primary mission has to do with humanity so he has no real reason to leave the center of Lake Mobius if anything that's counterproductive because it's taking him away from humans the only logical reason I could see for gyro traveling to the Dark Continent would be to perhaps purposely bring back another calamity and set it loose upon humanity but even then I find it far more likely that if gyro were to return to the story it would be after the events of the Dark Continent which I know seems like an awfully impossibly long time away but perhaps something could happen along the line of our characters returned to the human realm and discovered that gyro has ravaged the entire human world thoroughly with evil and have to stop him all perhaps gyro story plays out simultaneously with the Dark Continent arc so while everyone else is away it falls to go on and maybe kill one to face off against gyro in the human realm whatever the case toga she almost certainly had a very clear idea of how gyro was going to be used in the future but this being Hunter hunter I have to admit that he could easily change his mind at a whim he may have gotten bored of the idea well he might just think that there's no chance of getting to the point where it comes to fruition and actually it's not like this whole gyro thing was always guaranteed to go somewhere because hunter hunter did have a natural ending with grown and Jing even toe Kashi stated that he has effectively ended the series once and often thinks that maybe he should have just left it there but the story keeps going and as a result we will keep questioning its future and gyro was one of those questions that rather unfortunately may never be answered which is a shame because from everything we know about him he has the potential to be one of the most interesting antagonists in the entire series he would be an exploration of what it really means to actually be evil and it's a sort of idea that I know Takashi would be able to rock and a great way to cap off the series but whether or not this ever comes to fruition always remember that this man well well I guess not a man anymore because even when he was human he didn't consider himself a man so always remember that this force of pure evil is lurking within this world and whether it happens in front of our eyes or not he is going to unleash quite literal hell on earth at that pretty much does it for this discussion on Shiro if you enjoyed this video and the content this channel produced in general then please do consider donating to the new world review patreon because the support of all of you amazing people is what continues to make this channel possible and if patreon isn't quite your style then please do leave this video a like share or subscribe because it also helps support this channel an incredible amount and if you'd like to join the fun at any time then please do head over to my discord server where a wide array of shenanigan ray takes place on a daily basis and finally please do comment with your thoughts on Shiro and his potential future in hunter hunter this has been the New World review and I'll see you next time you [Music]
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 1,236,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview, new world review, gyro, who is gyro, gyro manga, jairo, gon and gyro, gon vs gyro, gyro chimera ant, chimera ant, meruem, gyro is meruem, knuckle, netero, chimera ant queen, gyro flashback, backstory, flashback, nen world review, nenworldreview, killua, kurapika, phantom troupe, succession war, succession contest, dark continent, gyro dark continent, gyro nen, welfin, ikalgo, meteor city
Id: 1tm4ZQHFsk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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