The Power Of Blackbeard's Captains!! (Episode 1093)

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all right we got ourselves a new episode of One Piece out episode 1093 and it has provided us with a moment in one piece that we have all been waiting for if you catch my drift yeahuh yeah you know what I'm talking about that's right the fight between cracker Kon and Van auger oh my God I didn't know I wanted that so bad but I did it was a pretty cool scene right cracker tried his best he really fought valiantly ladies and gentlemen van auger was no scoping up there if you go back and watch the footage I didn't even notice this the first time aiji or I should say kuon literally beats cracker with a single finger he just like moves his finger like this and then the ice just takes over Cracker's body and he just goes down and my God that was a cool scene right um and it was a part of a cover Series so that means they're adapting the cover Series in the anime so I'm just blown away by this I hope we get to see a lot more of that in the future of the one piece anime um oh yeah we also saw female law and uh more importantly female beo so you're just yeah female beo everybody uh hash not a furry but you know it's female beo also I just love like the cartoonishness of beo turning into a lady and then he just gets like a Karen wig on his head you know he's like a polar bear so like the implication is like a a female polar bear would just have like a blonde wig and like that's the only difference I loved um also ikaku who is the only female member of the heart Pirates normally and she's in the background as all of the crew are being affected by doc Q's uh sick sick fruit and uh she's just in the background like I mean like this is not great but you know this is fine for me I'm cool with this yes you know because she's the only lady normally so it was a really great episode it was a lot of interesting stuff there so we're going to we're going to kind of focus on we're not going to go like play byplay in the episode I'm more of just going to talk about Blackbeard's crew in general and their their general power level and things like that and in fact I actually am going to start off with that filler scene because I mean it was a filler scene because we never saw the fight between cracker kuon and Van auger in the manga um but let let's back up a little bit here because I'm watching the episode right and it wasn't until like we got to the moment when the Pirates are bombarding uh Blackbeard ship and then there's the scene with pudding and then I had a realization of like well wait a minute cuz the whole point of like why pudding is there is only explained in the cover series The germa's you know emotionless Excursion right so then I'm like well hold on are they just going to show pudding being captured by the Blackbeard pirates with no context cuz that would be very confusing and then they actually showed the scene and I'm like oh cool all right and they actually added some stuff to it Beyond just the fight scene okay so uh in the context of the cover series to give you something that going up to it so uh yongji and nii were captured at kaca Island you know so remember the scene where like the straw hats get away Luffy escapes jebe stays behind to help out the uh the sun Pirates to fight against big mom uh the germa are also there so judge and Ru and each G managed to escape along with the germa Fortress it's it's heavily battle damaged but they managed to get away yongji and nii are captured uh they are taken to hulc chatau to be experimented upon uh by the various members of the Charlotte family okay now at the same time two mysterious individuals wo and it was really fun to theorize on who these two individuals were uh I remember like uh there was a theory like maybe they were could be like crocodile and mihawk like back it was fun um but no it turned out out to be van auger uh captain of the third ship of the Blackbeard Pirates and kuon former Admiral aliji current captain of the 10th ship of Blackbeard's crew okay so they showed up at caca Island uh Brule assumed that it was ich G and Ru coming to save their siblings so she opens up a mirror portal and cracker is now fully healed remember cracker got really really beat up by Luffy during hul Island at the beginning of that Arc cracker got he he got smashed okay um and so it was also mentioned kind of like crackers like he's not very good at dealing with pain that's why he typically hides in his like biscuit armor okay and so for most of the entire Arc like after he's defeated by Luffy we like never see cracker again in hake Island which I think was a little bit of a missed opportunity because there's a scene where we see like Ru in the infirmary at hul cake remember that scene after she gets shot by pudding I think it would have been like the funniest like Wy coyote kind of scene if we just see Ru in the infirmary and then we just cut over to see cracker in like a full body cast like a full body like cartoon Bugs Bunny cast and he's like sipping like juice out of a straw and he's just like yep really sucks right and then like okay so he's fully healed by this point and so he goes through the mirror portal into caca Island and then that's when he confronts van auger and um Kuan and we see him summon his biscuit soldiers and there's three of them and Van augur uses his warp war power to just like take out his rifle you know 1,000 lands as the name of his rifle and he's just boom boom boom and just one shotting these uh biscuit like solders that Cracker can create I want to remind everybody here about this a little bit okay these things gave Luffy some trouble back at hake Island because remember when Luffy went up against cracker he was going up against just one of these biscuit soldiers to begin with and so Luffy opened up the fight by using elephant guns so gear third Armament hockey and the the biscuit Soldier was able to resist that I mean it wasn't like he just like bounced it away like it was nothing he took out a shield and it was kind of like a like a little bit of effort had to be exerted but he was able to resist a elephant gun and then I think Luffy uses Hawk Gatling so gear second Armament hockey Gatling that also doesn't put a dent in them and so Luffy finally had enough of this and he's like okay screw this he just goes gear forth and then Kong gun and that finally breaks one of the uh the biscuit Golems as it were and then Cracker's real body like emerges from it but just the fact is and I know it's anime but like I like to think that is how it went down like van auger is like you know the Blackbeard Pirates are like one of the final stages of this series so van auger having some crazy C prism hocked up bullets in his gun like that makes sense to me and he's just boom just one-shotting knocking down these golems and so that's not much of an effort there for him later on in the episode we actually see him at another Point uh during the present shooting uh uh Jean Bart because there's the scene where that was in the manga where um you know they're all on the island and then beo is like Oh Captain you know or Jean Bart there's a sniper at 3:00 protect the captain and then Jean Bart like okay and he's like big buff guy and he jumps in and augur takes a shot and boom it just hits Jean Bart like right in the stomach and the bullet doesn't even Pierce him I mean Jean Bart is like a little bit like okay that's going to sting tomorrow but like that's the idea here okay don't think of Law's crew as very weak um out of all of them I would probably say the strongest members would be obviously law followed by beo and then probably Jean Bart as like the third strongest um might even be stronger than beo without suong like beo suong would be probably objectively like the strongest in terms of physical strength but jean Bard is up there too and he's got pretty good hockey if he's able to block a shot from Van auger okay so that was a cool scene there and then you have a moment where kuon and the animation here I mean he looks like a serial killer in a in an 80s slasher film I mean look at this guy it's just [Music] like and just the one finger just freezes cracker and look at poor Cracker's face here he's just like oh no I am out of my depth here uh hey uh can I call oven wait can wait wait time out time out auson can I go get my brother his name's oven and he has the power of the netsu netsu know me and he's like a high heat human he would actually be better to fight you I I'll be right back you know like Cracker goes into the mirror portal gets some backup comes up with kak curry and oven cuz they are there too they show up later in the cover series uh they they start tripping balls by Caesar's hallucination gas and that's how the germa are able to escape um but they are there actually okay oven versus oven kakur and cracker going up against Kuan now that would be a fight that would be cool all right I don't think like obviously you know Kuan was able to fight against Ayu for like 10 days although to be fair ainu did win that fight so who knows I I I think he would be able to beat oven especially oh that would actually be a really cool scene because you could have a moment where oven shows up using his netsu netsu powers and like being super confident like your power's ice my power's heat I'm obviously going to win and maybe there's a moment or two where oven is like kind of on the offensive and he's sort of winning and then all of a sudden kuon is just like you idiot I fought against a magma human for 10 days I know exactly how to fight high heat humans and then boom he just like one shots oven and he goes down and then crackers like oh no and then cracker gets defeated anyway um Kuan versus katak Curry would be a fun fight but honestly I would say Kuan would still win cuz his power is just so good at neutralizing so many abilities okay like he could just like you know katak Curry rolls up he uses his Peerless donuts and then katak Curry just freezes the donuts freezes all the Mochi and it's just like okay time for some Mochi ice cream do you ever have Mochi ice cream it's actually very good right so anyway um that doesn't happen though oven and katak Curry don't show up for backup up it's just K on there wiping the floor with cracker very quickly in fact I would even say it was chilling okay that was that was a bad one so I'm going to give you a second to recover from that I'm G to have a drink ah refreshing water straight from the deer it's not a sponsorship or anything I just really like this water um okay so that was that scene pretty cool scene and it also helps set up stuff that's going to be happening later in the anime because we're going to be bouncing around a lot in Egghead and this is one of the first places we go but we're also going to see what's up with elath and and kid and then we're also going to go to haosu to see what's happening with sword and you know Kobe and GARP and everybody and kuan's going to be there so it's actually a very smart idea from the anime's perspective to like showcase Kon here and how strong he is and like his kind of stoic expression like why is Kuan working for the Blackbeard Pirates why is he there what's he doing what's his ultimate goal and that's going to set up a lot of cool stuff for you know when we get to haosu okay something else that was added in the anime that I'm not sure everybody really got um but if you go and look at the manga so the scene with pudding right pudding is in the brig she's in the brig matey she's in the brig in Blackbeard's ship I don't know by the way if this is Blackbeard's flag ship the saber of zebec cuz Blackbeard has a bunch of ships and they all kind of look the same um there's obviously the 10 ships that are captained by the 10 Titanic captains but then there's also the flagship which is called the saber of zbec which is connected to Roxy zbec we just don't know if this is the one but Blackbeard's theirs so it it might very well be but then we also have Burgess and augur and docu that are also captains so you know that might be one of their ships as well anyway it doesn't matter uh uh pudding is in the brg and in the manga the only thing that says she only has one line of dialogue and it's you know mama's going to make you eat those words if she's still alive or you know mama's going to make you pay I know she's still alive you know like one of those variations of that that's all she in the manga okay the anime gives putting a couple more lines uh actually two that are very important the first line is she says I know why you guys captured me and the narrator even kind of kind of says this the narrator because it's a cover series we originally see this okay so it was like the narrator comes on and says their objective kuon and Van auger's objective at hake Island not hul cake but at totland was to specifically capture pudding that was their main objective we assumed it was but the narrator just flat out says it like no you guys say ha haa you guys go to big mom's territory and you bring back that one uh child of hers that is a thirde eyye member you know so that was like specifically their job okay and so they did that so pudding says I know why you guys captured me and the second line she has also important she says I'm not going to I'm not going to do what you want me to do you know why you captured me okay and that's reading the poneglyphs is the idea I mean they don't directly say that but it it is an interesting nice little context we get added that's like putting's like okay okay I know you captur me because I apparently have the potential to read poneglyphs um I'm not going to help you though I'm not going to help you find the one piece or decipher the poneglyphs or locate laugh tail um now I don't know whether that's because well for a number of reasons I don't know if that's just because pudding is typically against the idea of being kidnapped against her will and forced to do something so she's probably like yeah screw you guys I'm not helping you or number two it's like I'm going to help big mom like Mama like even though big mom treated pudding like crap for most of her life uh you know maybe she's still loyal to her in the same way that like katak Curry is still helping out you know katak Curry all of his siblings once they find out that his well most of his siblings once they find out that his his mouth looked like that they laughed at him and ridiculed him even though he was like the coolest big brother ever and then all of them are like H he's got a weird mouth that guy that we admired for years can you believe it a weird eel mouth my God what an idiot you know even then you'd think kak Curry would just be like but you know it's family you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family but you can pick your nose not sure where I was going with this but the point is kak curry and pudding they should probably just get out of the big mom family and just go off and start a bakery somewhere okay that one is actually apt okay putting would make a fabulous Bakery cak Curry would as well okay another option is that putting might still not be able to decipher poneglyphs because that was a whole thing she's only a half member of the uh thirde eyye tribe because I I know despite her appearance big mom though was in fact human all right so she was human and then she got it on with a member of the third eyye tribe who was pudding's father we have no idea who that person is we have we have not seen any other you know true members of the third eyye tribe but it was mentioned that once their power awakens they're able to like access the voice of all things or read or decipher any script around them or anything like that and then that's like Ping's true ability right so obviously that's the main reason why they've captured her because you know uh Blackbeard was going to need somebody to read the poneglyphs okay so um who else do we got well we got doc q and we got stronger who is his trusty horse companion uh by the way kind of a same deal with like hatori the pigeon that I made a video about a couple days ago so do you think stronger is I I mean like the idea is we first meet stronger he's just a horse he's just a regular sickly looking horse and now he's a horse that has the horse horse fruit model Pegasus and so he can fly right so the question is did he always have that fruit because maybe he was a horse all the time that ate the horse horse fruit so now he could just grow wings and that's the only difference or is he a human that had the fruit and maybe he had the fruit as far back as like G and maybe he had the ability to just hide his wings so maybe we didn't know uh but I think I think stronger's just a horse that ate a horse fruit uh seems like a little bit of a waste to me but uh you know maybe that's the fruit they found and they like oh it's a pegasus Zone we'll give it to Stronger he's a horse after all it's like all right and then all that happened was he grew Wings it's like okay uh we have him we have docu who has the power of the sick sick fruit uh the um the uh disease that he uses uh in the uh I remember in one of the translations or I think in the official in the official viz even they called it the um the uh malady or malady disease which I really it's a pun because it's like malady or malady and it's like okay it it flips your sex uh which by the way I guess since we see ikaku in this episode um it is confirmed that it if you're biologically male it turns you into biologically female but if you're biologically female it doesn't turn you into biologically male it's like not the same thing cuz ikaku did not change sex all right so I find that interesting cuz that was a question I had when I first saw like the chapter of just like does it is it just you know men to women and that is the case so um but that was just like a disease that he used to kind of just like mess with them or like disorient uh disorientate them it wasn't something like you got the idea that like the sick sick fruit can really mess you up and it's it mentioned by the way that doc Q he had the highest Bounty out of all of the original members of Blackbeard's crew like Blackbeard originally had no Bounty Burgesses was like in the 20 million range augers was in the 30 million range uh lefit was I think also around the 30s it wasn't super high although lefit was a peace officer in the west that turned into like a killer so you know there's that and then but doc had the highest out of all the original it was like 70 something million which was pretty high okay and so he probably had the sick sick fruit for a very long time and on top of that able to inflict disease on anybody around him you think of all the horrible diseases that exist that he could use with that fruit he's also got a bunch of Apple bombs that he just throws around as his his main weapon right so we have that uh we have Burgess Jesus Burgess uh and he has the strong strong fruit which it took like over a thousand episodes and over a thousand chapters to finally get to the point in one piece where the super strength fruit is a thing which I kind of have to commend Oda for that you know all the other devil fruit ideas you think like this fruit gives you super strength that would be like one of the first ones that were ever revealed but no he's like nah that's too boring that's too basic we'll wait until way later to reveal that okay but you know for bures he's a simple man uh he doesn't need a very complicated devil fruit so you got just like the strength strength fruit he was already strong now he's like you know Hulk level strong he could just lift up a mountain and just Chuck the damn thing right he's also got a cool new Iron Mask which I like to think that's because Sabo messed up his face uh whether it be at dress Rosa when he used the dragonclaw on him or when he got to Bal too maybe he fought through revolutionaries again and Sabo like you know just you know used his fir powers and burned off half of burgess's face they had to replace it with a metal uh you know a mask or something like that I I I could see that definitely augur has the warp warp fruit we've seen the effects for that like cuz in the manga it's literally just like boop boop and he could just like you know warp around the battlefield uh now we can see it's very much like the super speed effect or like instant transmission from Dragon Ball Z where you know Goku just you know instant transmission and that that's kind of like the warp warp fruit um I'm thinking it's not as uh you know the range is not quite as much as Instant Transmission cuz that would be pretty broken uh you know augur has to lock onto a a hockey signature somewhere in the world and then he could warp there um might have to be somewhere he could see or at least in the general area like in a one mile two mile radius or whatever kilometer radius he can warp to could be something like that but damn he's he's pretty powerful and uh it's it's a good way of setting up exactly what the straw hats are gonna have to face off against as like their final opponents you know because obviously I mean like maybe not final final opponents because Shanks might show up um you know that might be like the final battle the straw hats have but like in terms of the final like fight to the death kind of fight that's going to be against the Blackbeard Pirates okay and so we really need to start establishing how strong these characters are now um I would really like jebe to fight Burgess uh that would actually be a really cool fight now because Burgess just absurd levels of strength and then you have jebe who's also very strong but has also mastered like disciplines of karate and you know uh Fishman Jujutsu jiujitsu whichever one is not the magic one uh Judo and stuff like that cuz dude like I'm not a judo expert or anything like that but the idea I think behind Judo right is like it really doesn't matter how strong your opponent is cuz once you get them into a certain lock or a certain hold they really can't do much wait this might be from madaka box I think I'm I have some information on Judo in here somewhere you ever do that you ever just like scroll through the the old mental Rolodex and be like wait a minute all right what what information do I have on Judo in here I found something I think it's from an anime I think it from madaka box okay we'll go with that but anyway point is Jean Bay like you know martial arts disciplines against Burgess who's just I'm strong you know that would be really cool that would be a cool fight there Usopp against augur that's a given uh Chopper against do Q that's a given Blackbeard obviously against Luffy it was cool to see law using R and then you know using the remote room and then slicing a horse in half uh and then piercing Blackbeard and then the way the episode ended was really cool uh where that he just uses the black Vortex and then the darkness kind of encroaches and laws like oh and then just boom to be continued so that's where the episode ends and then the next episode is going back to to Egghead because the way that Oda breaks these up in the chapters is is much more like not jarring but like it was half of the chapter focused on Blackbeard and then half of the chapter going back to Egghead and then we stay at Egghead for a little while and then a few chapters later we're going to find out more about like oh what happened back at weer Island when Blackbeard fought law you know so we're going to be switching back and forth a lot here but we're going back to aead in the next chapter so yeah anyway yeah really solid episode really a big fan of everything they uh they added in the anime with the fight with cracker and the extra dialogue and stuff like that and the ominous shot of Kon so that's going to set up stuff for GARP and their interaction later so uh yeah thanks for watching everybody this is teking 101 signing out I got an end screen now check it [Music] out
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 99,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, devil fruit, kuzan, van auger, doc q, blackbeard, burgess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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