The Twisted Case of Mary Yoder

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This was such a fascinating case to cover. If youโ€™re interested in giving it a goo yourself, thereโ€™s a lot of evidence here

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/that_chapter ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Admitting to that letter was the nail in her coffin. It basically said "you'll find the murder weapon in this place and it's totally not because I put it there, he just decided to keep it around for some reason."

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AllHailRaccoons ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Mike is gaining alot of steam i see folks talking about him all over the web. Well deserved!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ah yes, framing your son's ex-girlfriend by framing your son. A true masterclass of deception.

I mean far be it from me to assume how it feels for a sibling to get killed, but that sister is off her rocker.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LtBiggDiggs ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The only thing that gives me pause is the levels of the drug at Maryโ€™s time of death. If she was indeed dosed again after getting would Kaitlyn pull that off?

Man am I glad I donโ€™t speak to anyone in my family.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cleveland_leftovers ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great episode . Gosh I love Mikeโ€™s shirts !

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/-Worst_Person_Ever- ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm still confused by this one,any one else? Love you Mike x's terdey tree

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bad_Wolf31 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 07 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Kaitlyn literally logged in to the email that ordered the drug, had the form of payment used, sent an anonymous letter pointing out the murder weapon, cried and said โ€œmy life is overโ€ when her story wasnโ€™t adding up when shown the conflicting evidence. Then the sister backs her on the website accusing her husband and son of a convoluted plot with no evidence. Smh just spit on her grave๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mac545 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 06 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Was there a case just like this or is this a remake of an older video? Am I going crazy?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/YerAssicPark ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this whole video what we're going to do is we're going to go to upstate new york to the year 2015 when uh well someone tried to get um you know even steven maybe in the town of whitesboro chiropractor mary yoder would crack the back and she ran a successful business so successful right that mary's receptionist would date mary's son and then mary would get very unexpectedly seriously ill in this whole video we'll follow the story and also take a look at what some say is a setup right like out of a movie in fact there's a couple of setups maybe set perception well we will give it all a goo and we will do that right now [Music] mary yoder ran her chiropractor business out of 312 or scani boulevard in whitesboro she was popular with patients well-liked she was 60 years old seemed younger and encouraged her patients to follow her example mary was born in buffalo in 1955 one of eight children to parents arthur and norma bakert mary was good crack to be around the adventurous sort she would go on to college and it would be there that she would meet bill yoder who she would go on to marry it was the pair that who actually ran the chiropractic family care business in whitesboro like bill was like the quieter more kind of business side and then mary friendly face bill and mary they had a lot in common uh well obviously they met in college and they went on to become chiropractors together they were mad into holistic living you know they were health nuts herbs all that whole you know kitten caboodle bill and mary would have three children together you got your iliana you got your tamarind and the baby of the family adam so you know the the family they were they were driving in upstate new york and the kids screw adam he would work as a receptionist at the practice with adam's girl caitlyn connolly eventually taking over in 2013. she would take bookkings meet the patients as they arrived oh that you know office manager well what an office manager does kaitlyn was one of seven children daughter of an army major and a local to upstate new york she was smart driven and loved they always are so it is to 2015 that year that we go by that stage both bill and mary they were getting a little um you know like a little long in the tooth retirement was looking more and more bodacious you know you might say they're getting pretty sick of this whole work thing and what's that like it was looking so good that really by the end of summer 2015 they were hoping to be you know free to enjoy their golden years here traveling across europe that was on the cards but it wouldn't be the hand they were dealt god i hate that i just said that so mary she was up and at him on the morning of the 20th of july it was a monday she had a full schedule of clients that day and she was raring to go she was chomping at the bit in the morning she was doing well chiropractic stuff with patients it's all good a regular normal day then lunchtime time to wolf something down and then something changed [Music] patients said she seemed unwell in the afternoon sick she had redness puffiness around her eyes kind of like uh cold or flu-like symptoms one patient who saw her in the afternoon of that monday said she her complexion was bright green i don't think that's a good sign and her condition would worsen as the day went on and they closed up that monday evening i'm talking puking and pooping bill wasn't in work that day but she called him and he said that when she got home she was pale sweaty and just looking terrible you know for someone who nearly always looked golden she spent that night on the couch and then the next morning that tuesday her condition was improving in opposite world he took her to the emergency room at st luke's hospital in whitesboro she was brought into the emergency room on the morning of july 21st with diarrhea and vomiting from there things happened fast the next day she would have a series of cardiac arrests and the doctors were absolutely baffled bill said she looked absolutely terrified but no one could you know determine what was causing this the doctors specialists were even brought in you know for such a healthy vibrant alive woman to you know then this in like the space of a couple of errors just didn't make sense fine happy you know cheerful self and then uh literally dying because that's what happened on the afternoon of the 22nd of july mayor yoder passed away [Music] the family you know they were devastated even more so because they didn't know what just happened the doctors were baffled the first idea was that it must have been some kind of infection that just absolutely ravaged her now mary's family were a medical family her daughter a physician one of her sisters a nurse and they requested toxicology reports be undertaken to try and find out what really happened as opposed to you know kind of guessing and the longer those reports took to come back the more they were questioning what really happened there was no reason you know mary lovely woman for what you think could have happened to happen well someone poisoned her come on you're taking the piss yeah if that wasn't what the toxicology report showed colchicine is used to treat gout a painful form of arthritis right taking too much colchicine is a very bad idea and it will not end well for you it's toxic and it can be fatal it has quote a narrow therapeutic index which means that the range between a therapeutic and toxic doses is small too much and you'll get diarrhea vomiting burning sensation on the skin and throat and it results in organ failure and it's extremely painful the entire way true it is not a nice way to go and that's how mary went now mary didn't have gout she wasn't taking culture scene she would have no reason to take culture scene so how did it get into her it was three months after mary's death that the police investigation began they looked at these supplements she took none were contaminated and to be lethal culture scene like you'd have to take a good couple you have to be popping them back like skills so it seemed you're unlikely that she could have you know inadvertently kind of popped a few back so then for that event to be in her system for and it was a joke she didn't take any drug that's kind of well known i guess in medical terms to be dangerous how did it get into her well someone must have put it into her who poisoned her that's on the police well she was murdered but where to begin well they began at the beginning with the spouse right because hey come on you know at 90 of the time it's 100 the space am i right bill was interviewed their relationship hoped and prodded now bill didn't seem that upset about the death of his wife mary was close with her family and they thought bill had crocodile tears the entire time he just didn't seem terribly upset what was even more suspect was that mary's siblings thought they spotted bill at mary's sister kathy's house a lot like a lot a lot like he had moved on from mary like he was doing the rounds but you know by all counts mary and bill had no problems they were a happy marriage planning on retiring and traveling the world together he wasn't in work that day and it was so sudden well it seemed he was in the clear there wasn't enough to pursue him anyway they looked into everyone actually caitlyn she was there the entire day but nothing there and it kind of remained you know that way um until this story has kind of a cinematic quality to it because in november out of the blue the police received an anonymous letter the letter typed no identification as who wrote it said that adam mary's son he was the one that done did it he had poisoned his mother it told of how he put cochisine in one of mary's vitamin supplements and that he had regretted his actions he bought the drug online and the reason for this was that he thought she was unfair to him and he hoped to win some sweet green out of her death the letter also like a movie told the police search under you know this the front seat the driver's seat in adam's jeep that's where you'll find the murder weapon so the police gave adam a buzz out of you and guess what adam was shocked he was devastated when his mother died but he was even more shocked when a bottle of culture scene was found in his truck it was a purer form of the drug than what you'd normally you know see prescribed this pure form well it would only take a couple of pills for you to say good night along with the drug they found a receipt with adam's name and his email address on it adam he said he was being framed there was no way you know someone was up to no good someone wanted to give him the finger to be honest though something seemed a little bit off to the police as well the day she got sick he was across the country visiting family the police actually let him go at the time but of course he was he was in the crosshairs did someone kill someone and hope it would land on somebody else's lap thinking don't mind if i do i'll get a two-for-one deal here but who you know or whom whom knows but maybe phil daddy bill he was an odd cookie to investigate more into bill they started talking to caitlyn caitlin worked with them both and she had an on-again-off-again relationship with adam which at the time was off again so she would know the yoder family well as about as well as you can get she was studying business at utica college and she was happy to help and she said adam hadn't been his usual self lately was it possible he did it sure she said yeah could be this straight up led the police to asking hey did you by any chance you know off the dummy did you write that anonymous letter that we got telling us where to find a culture scene caitlyn said yeah you got me i did i wrote it so you are our letter writer correct so he told mark caitlin said that adam had confessed to her what made you write the letter you wanted us to know or did you want to see adam get in trouble no like it's nice to see anything caitlyn's confession that adam confessed just made the police look at her more and more right here's some issues i still have you gotta you gotta look at it from our point of view we're looking at one of three people here the husband adam are you you said it may have been an accident did he express that he didn't need to do this to you oh he said you're a friend of mine you regretted it i think adam's gonna do this again you don't think you could do it again like with a surprise no are you okay i understand that look i'm gonna be in here with you okay and to gather randy through talking about this i know you can't protect yourself we can protect you you can't protect me can you protect you from what i am no was caitlyn the one who was you know licking her chops out of the idea of getting rid of two people in one stroke a twofer after all the investigators thought that mary had ingested the poison during the day probably at lunchtime it was powerful and would take effect pretty quick caitlyn was with her the entire day mary she always took a protein shake at lunchtime easy to mash up some pills and sneak it in the email address on the receipt records showed adam's ip address never accessed it katie's hat back like i told you we know you got on adam's accounts why did you get out adam's account last night these are all things we know he comes back your house her search history had culture scene in it her search history also had other poisons in it such as arsenic the culture scene was bought with prepaid credit cards caitlyn said she didn't buy it but she did you know own those prepaid credit cards who took the credit card down you're trying to tell me we know what that credit card was right you try to be used for right i'm telling you it wasn't me okay so it's either you did this alone or someone else is involved with you because you got the credit cards right is that involved in this with you it's not with me i'm not in this you bought the two cards i did okay but why yeah what would she have to gain if she if she did it and if she had nothing to gain then simply why so you did this alone or somebody helped you or you helped them it's one of the other it's not it's not if you're involved we know you're involved you already said it you got the kind that right there ties into the purchase of the colts you're in the office today mary's there did somebody else want to hurt mary and you help them what does it come down to at this point katie you need to help us because like i said that this is a done deal we know all this stuff you and you don't know because we're laying out facts left and right for you now the bottom line is who what where we already know that is the why that's the only thing left why married but we understand we've we've kind of done a lot of work okay and we know that your your phone is used quite a lot for items in this case okay you're the one that purchases quotes help me nobody else will believe you you lied to me i didn't mean to lie to you but you did that's the only thing we need at this point is why you need to tell me whether you wanted to hurt her or did you want her to get sick or what you need to know i wouldn't try to hurt okay i wouldn't hurt you wouldn't hurt mary no that's why uh please just tell me why katie that we can help you it's the only thing left [Music] jordan can do this was it adam it doesn't make sense for me to put so much on the line my life my future people don't think they're gonna get caught when they do things katie i have a family she never admitted to doing it her family said she couldn't be capable of doing something like that mary's family the victim's family said no way is caitlyn maybe caitlyn you know was the one the one being framed here but regardless caitlyn she was arrested and charged with mary yoder's uh murder tell hath no fury like a woman scorned vengeance thy name is caitlyn conley the trial went ahead in early 2017. it was of course circumstantial but all of the evidence pointed towards caitlyn you know it seemed like there was too much here to deny she had nothing to do with it right if it was a frame job this is like next level she was the only person there her records pointed to her buying it and she would have ample time to slip it into her drink the motive the prosecution said was to get back with adam after they broke up they were always on again off again so the rust usually said caitlyn she just killed her you know wannabe lovers uh mother see that's an idea it worked they did get back together after mary's death however when they broke up yet again that's when she decided to frame him they said the defense said no and look at bill have ago with him you know bill who started a relationship with his wife's sister after mary died or did he because a neighbor would testify in court that she saw bill at uh mary's sister kathy's house quite a bit before mary actually died so maybe he was having an affair bill also got a payout after his dad died so he he didn't need mary who was the primary money maker he also could have snuck into the office that day or done it before mary left for work that monday morning he also had access to caitlin's computer at work and to her searches so he easily could have you know been him that was searching it that was ordering things and yada yada though he didn't have her phone so those searches were done as unexplained i mean if you think bill did it and the motive well the defense you know caitlyn broke up with adam not the other way around also during questioning the police were very hard on her she physically true up due to the stress they were putting her under those interrogations were almost inhumane and mary's sisters well not kathy who bill was saying the other ones they sided with caitlyn they believed her innocence bill guilty it is still my theory that he killed my sister the trial ended in a mistrial after four days of deliberation hung jury eight believed caitlyn innocent and that bill was a liar bill however he was given immunity as a witness he couldn't be charged in mary's death ever her son adam also was given the same immunity the retrial began in november 2017. the defense this time aimed at adam the anonymous letter was the truth they said and adam had access to caitlyn's electronic devices and as the practice was run by his parents he could easily come and go as he pleased see it came out that adam had sexually assaulted caitlyn a year before mary died that's why they broke up adam he denied this he said he was drinking that night couldn't remember anything mary learned of this when caitlyn told her so from that then you got two other theories one is that caitlyn killed mary and tried to frame adam as revenge for him his abuse of her the other theory is that maybe adam killed his mother and um you know because she had learned of the sexual assault and then the anonymous letter blaming adam for it was the truth i mean i suppose we can sit here all day and talk till the cows come home about the what ifs and the wise and the various different scenarios and who frame two frame two what matters is what the jury decision what they came to the trial ended in another hung jury this time the judge said here listen let's get back in there you know i want a decision and i want it today i mean he didn't use those exact words this time they eventually landed on she did it caitlyn did it and they found her guilty she was convicted of manslaughter caitlyn connolly was sentenced to 23 years in prison you were married for nearly 40 years she was my love my life partner my soul mate that's it a young girl had a fight with her boyfriend a trivial everyday experience so what did she do did she post nasty comments on facebook like other normal people do no did he give me even with my son she decided to murder his mother and she said about months and months carefully researching and planning the murder so that it would be as cruel and painful as possible and from step one she designed it all that my son would be framed for this murder she wanted to hurt adam first by killing the person he loved the most in his life and then by having him sent to prison for 25 or more years i hate the defendant with every blown in my body and every drop of blood in my veins i hate caitlyn and kong because caitlyn and conley murdered my mother but make no mistake as much as i hate her which is more than i ever thought i would be capable of hating anyone i hate myself infinitely more i'd like to thank my family friends and strangers for standing up in that's what happened almost to date but as i said mary's sisters who she was very close with they do not believe that caitlyn poisons mary there is a website right called free caitlyn connolly on that website mary's sister janine wrote a statement it's a little long but i'll give you like the cliff notes of of of what it says because it's pretty interesting by the way this is all apparently allegedly this is what mary's sister says so our brother-in-law bill yoder had both financial and romantic motive to kill our sister we had information to show that he had probable knowledge and use of colchicine in the early 1980s to grow a crop of super marijuana see that order of colchicine the super potent the super potent one that was delivered to the the chiropractic practice and it was signed by both mary and adam apparently and it was to be used for well maybe the odors still like to grow a little something something from what i can tell culture scene it improves like the growth and the yields of weeds i don't know don't know what you do with that information but just saying and this statement right says that the framing of caitlyn it was done by both adam and bill father and son were working together to frame her and put her away for mary's death bill yoder has been underestimated throughout all of this he is a brilliant scholar with two phds and was the valedictorian in at least one of them he is an avid murder mystery buff and the quintessential detailist if anyone could pull off a murder and frame someone he could he has far more computer knowledge than he admits and had access to the devices that incriminated caitlyn connolly as did adam i can't know exactly who did what but i believe both bill and adam had a hand in my sister's death mary enabled adam by giving him money as much and as often as she could shortly before her death however she began to take a firmer stand with him and they had a falling out maybe adam meant only to get mary sick so as to get back in her good graces by taking care of her this is consistent with adam's behavior but consider the fact that the level of culture scene in my sister's system was far greater at her death than when she first entered the hospital and was high enough to kill her many times over she had severe diarrhea and vomiting for two days which should have cleared her system the fact that the colchicine levels were so high at her death suggested she was dosed at least one more time the only family member with access to her then was bill bill had everything to gain from mary's death he wanted to retire but he and mary had ongoing financial problems and there were no retirement savings just a lot of debt that's interesting big if true there's a lot more actually on that website interesting to read to say the least but of course you know uh caitlyn was convicted of it whether that was the right or wrong decision that's what happened and that's where we remain to date caitlyn appealed in december 2020. in march 2021 that appeal was denied interesting case who framed who it's a hard one to kind of wrap your head around i personally find it hard to come down on one side or the other even motives on both sides are um i feel like there's probably some things we're missing here but uh please as always let me know your thoughts down below in the usual place and we'll leave it there for today thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and i appreciate you sure go on take care of yourselves and i'll see you as always real soon in the next one all the best you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,422,680
Rating: 4.9352942 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, kaitlyn conley, mary yoder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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