Who's on the FBI's Most Wanted List and Why

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The top tree?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/virtualtourism 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

He’s churning these out!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/StingsRideOrDie 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoyed this. And I hope he does more like it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/RachInNH 📅︎︎ May 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Sorry India" 🤣

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/DivineMacabre 📅︎︎ May 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Mike, can we have more of these videos? ❤️

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/therealjoanna 📅︎︎ May 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey you and welcome my name is Mike and in this old video we're gonna do something just a little bit different yep we're gonna look at who's on the FBI's most wanted list and what all the lads did to get themselves on this esteemed platform this list it's exactly what it says on the tin it's in no particular order it's not ranked so we're gonna look at each of these naughty bad boys where they could possibly be today and what exactly they did to get themselves on the list not that I'm not I'm looking for any advice wink wink these guys are still at large out there somewhere in the world more than likely in America as it's all set in America I mean they could they could be right behind you as you're watching this video they could be watching this video okay so first up who we gots well how about Jason Derek Brown Jason grew up in LA born in 1969 nice a Mormon he did time missionarying that's a word right in France where I don't think he had too much love to be honest writing at the time the time being 1989 to his grandparents there are days that are really really tough when no one wants to listen to us and you just wonder what's this all about and there are days you have a baptism and you're on top of the world wishing you never had to come down sounds just fantastic Jason's dad David was is an alleged thief with huge gambling debts who was actually Buffett head of the church for stealing he disappeared in 1995 which many have speculated that that's what led Jason to do what he would do and get on a lists you really don't want to be on after Jason got all that missionarying out of the way he moved to Laguna Beach California and got married however it seems that his father's disappearance didn't sit too well with him shortly after he divorced and started living the high life left the church cars women drugs gambling all all that good stuff moving from California to Utah to Arizona to Texas but by 2004 he was essentially a broke grifter just like his daddy which in turn led him to do something quite drastic and shitty there was there was about five shots fired it was quite a few stocks right now I've thought about one guy when I was ever dancing my driver took constant our guarded down he's been shot and he's been shot several times on November 29th 2004 Robert polymerase a 24 year old armored car guard was taking the money from an AMC theater in Phoenix Arizona at 10:00 a.m. he was approached by a masked man who shot him five times in the head he was carrying about fifty six thousand dollars which Jason took he ran off in Hearne alley and then was off on a mountain bike Robert polymerase was pronounced dead an hour later a few hours later the police found that mountain bike fingerprinted the shared of it and bingo bango you got your Jason brown after the murder it's believed Jason drove to Las Vegas then to California where he stayed with his brother the FBI learned of this and were actually only an hour away from catching him at his brother's home when someone wink-wink tipped him off and escaped Jason's brother would you know for harboring a fugitive will later be charged with obstruction of justice six weeks later Jason's car was found abandoned at Portland International Airport and that's kind of it there have been a few sightings of Jason over the years in fact the actor Sean Penn's body double has been arrested twice after people thought it was Jason in 2008 he was apparently cited in Salt Lake City near the zoo by someone who recognized him from his missionary days apparently a pardon you know Jason knowing he had been recognized he just sped off other alleged sightings have been France Indonesia a few other places in Utah and California in 2012 the FBI said he may be hiding out within the Mormon community somewhere in Utah one of the reasons the FBI interests you know law enforcement in general husband having such a hard time in finding Jason is because he has such a everyman look he just looks kind of blur he's just a god now apparently he just blends into crowds really really well what do you know Jason what does he look like gonna just look he looks like a guy it's just a dude there is currently a two hundred thousand dollar reward for any information leading to his arrest so any Mormons out there if you know something okie-dokie who's next well how about Eugene Palmer the eldest fella on this list he's from New York born in 1939 making him 81 years old currently if he's still alive now what did this you know kindly oh if you don't look at his face old man do to get on this list he should be out there enjoying his golden years not being hunted down like a dog oh oh yeah he he murdered his daughter-in-law yeah I'll do it Tommy Palmer was married to John Palmer Eugene's son they lived in Rockland New York Eugene actually lived next door he owned John and Tammy's place however after a few years it seems that Tommy and John's marriage eventually it was it was how I like my whisky on the rocks with them both eventually agreeing to see other people however over time this their relationship deteriorated to the point where Tammy filed a restraining order against John as you can imagine Eugene was not happy about this I mean he lived next door he had a front row seat to everything and then when Tammy filed a restraining order against his son that meant that his son couldn't go into Tammy and John's house Eugene owned Tammy and John's house so Eugene was pissed at his daughter-in-law who we thought was a [ __ ] because she was living in a house he owned that his own son couldn't enter after that the relationship between Tommy Palmer and her father-in-law turned into a tit-for-tat war apparently Eugene would shoot off electricity to Tammy's house and Tammy would wake Eugene up by blowing her car horn outside his home at night the real kicker however between Tammy and Eugene came when Tammy Trenton's to divorce John and then Sue Eugene for his land as part of the settlement on September 24 2012 after Tommy walked her children to the bus as she was walking home Eugene ambushed her and started shooting at her with a shotgun hitting her in the chest she ran but eventually collapsed dead in her backyard yeah after that Eugene fled the scene apparently with just the clothes on his back and slippers he wasn't even wearing shoes then he drove across the street in his pickup truck went into his sister's house who lived there gave her a [ __ ] ton of money and told her you know to use that money to pay the property taxes because because property taxes hey they're the real killer he then said give me an hour before you call the police somebody else had already called the police 9-1-1 where's your emergency I heard a shot a lot of screaming but by that time Eugene Palmer was long gone and he's never been seen since the police tracked his pickup truck about a quarter-mile away near Harriman State Park dogs found a trail from the truck to a campsite in the park and it ended there a state police helicopter hovered over Harriman State Park this evening searching for signs of Eugene Palmer the 73 year old is the main suspect in the shooting death of his daughter-in-law Tammy Palmer police dogs fueled by the pickup truck Palmer abandoned near the woods yesterday led police to a new area and from there led him into the beaver pond campsite once I got in the campsite they they lost they lost the scent at first the campfire led police to believe Palmer was close but after 30 officers searched for him on the ground he was still at large I don't know how fresh it was it the the ashes what weren't hot so it wasn't like we just we just spooked them so he could have spent the night the night before there it could have been from somebody three days before and according to police Palmer's own family is searching for him in these very same woods that's what leads police to believe that the man is still here but a general sweep of the area is nearly impossible because of the sheer size of the park it is more than 45 thousand acres large and straddles two different counties investigators are eager to find Palmer because they want to know what happened in the moments before the shooting there's more than one side to a story we'd like to hear his side of the story just just to find out what actually happened some think he died in the park others he's living it with relatives in upstate New York or Florida we just don't know though that big red face in them should be you know easy to spot he's also got a deformed thumb so watch out at a next at the next home or tournament would a big yolk like that he might be the next chopped in 2019 he was added to the esteemed list and there's a 100 thousand dollar reward out for any information so it's been almost seven years since investigators and detectives say Eugene Palmer shot and killed Tammy Palmer his daughter-in-law outside her home today we're adding Palmer to the FBI's ten most wanted fugitive list Palmer is now the 520 third fugitive added to this list Eugene Palmer might be thinking we've given up on finding him but he'd be wise to think again this is a good time as any to remind him that the team up here plays by a different set of rules in our eyes the victim always comes first and this team will never give up until justice is served all righty swiftly moving on next up is Alexis Flores born in 1975 from Honduras he's also quite possibly known as Carlos he used quite a quite a number of aliases at least Carlos is the name he used when in the year 2000 in Philadelphia he was given shelter in the basement of an empty apartment building reportedly at the time he was homeless and a kind soul helped him out and gave him clothing and work however that summer Ariana de hey-zeus went missing five days after she was last seen she was found in the apartment Carlos quote-unquote lived in she had been sexually assaulted strangled and wrapped in a trash bag and Carlos was gone two years later in 2002 Carlos Alexis Flores was arrested for shoplifting in Arizona in 2004 he was arrested again after he gave the police fake ID when they arrived at his place due to a noise complaint alexis was then deported kicked out of America sent packing back to Honduras he was living in America illegally and it would be three years later that Alexis Flores would be linked via DNA to Ariana - hey Zeus however where he is nobody knows probably still in Honduras although some people think may have returned to the states and us somewhere we just don't know where obviously again you hear anything $100,000 ago in your way if you have any information leading to his arrest so uh don't keep it to yourself alright next and I'm gonna butcher some names you guys bad rush Coomer chetan Bay Hotel sorry uh India bad rush bud rush Kumar I'm just gonna call him bad boy it's much easier was born in 1990 in India in 2013 he married palak Patel it was an arranged marriage and in 2014 they traveled to America visiting bad boys mother they had only planned on traveling to America you know visiting his bad boys man for 16 days but evidently they liked it so much they decided to stay on they eventually ended up in Maryland and it seems that around this time their marriage became quite strange palek she wanted to return to India bad boy no siree Bob both their visas had also expired at this point so the pair of them ended up working in Dunkin Donuts in Hanover Maryland it was owned by a relative and on April 12th bad boy lured his wife to the back of the shop and with a knife stabbed his wife to death just after 9:30 p.m. I guess he really wanted to stay after the murder seemingly you know that stemmed from an argument they had over her wanting to leave him wanted to stay bad boy left the store couple of hours later customers started coming in looking for their donkeys lights are on but nobody's home eventually a cop arrived looking for his donuts he walked into the back of the store found a grisly scene it didn't take them long to you know check the CCTV and figure out what happened after the murder bad boy left the store went to his apartment got his [ __ ] and then got a cab to a hotel near an airport in Newark New Jersey he checked in a tree am checked out at 10 a.m. got a boost Penn Station NYC and has never been seen again from Penn Station you can pretty much get anywhere in America so he literally could be anywhere though more likely he's embedded in an Indian community somewhere in the states probably maybe even still in New York or New Jersey though he could also have snuck out of America some how some way I mean if he went to an airport his would have gotten in trouble because his visa was expired and also they knew who they were looking for so once again 100 big bad boys Kabir's if you have any information leading to his arrest and although jimenez is next on our list 38 year-old Arnaldo has been on the run since 2012 after murdering his 26 year old wife Estrella Carrera whose body was found in their bathtub in Burbank Illinois all right now low and Australia had been married for a day would hold a yeah Australia had a nine-year-old from a previous relationship and her an urn although together had a two-year-old after their wedding ceremony on may 11th 2012 it was a surprise they hadn't told anyone they had dinner with friends and family before heading out for a night on the town a year on the way home at about 4:00 a.m. it's believed they got into an argument in Hearne all those black Maserati which ended up with him stabbing her to death then he dragged her body into their apartment and dumped her in the bathtub she was still wearing the dress she got married and a silver second cocktail dress so the next day when she never showed to pick up her kids she was reported missing hunt Lewis would doing a welfare check eventually find her and obviously no Arnaldo he had done a runner apparently that very day he had called the three his family and had tearfully told them that he had left her bleeding after a bad fight tracking his phone they learned he used the in Chicago Memphis Arkansas Houston and then finally in Hidalgo meheeco hasn't been used since four months later on all those brother Humberto was arrested on drugs charges and in his home they found iron all those black Maserati with blood inside which is how they learned or think they learned what exactly happened it's believed without Americo drove Arnaldo to Mexico in Ornelas black Maserati and then drove back which is why you know hey they found it still in America panel the blood no they had a pretty good idea of what happened yeah and although is still thought to be somewhere in Mexico after that short-lived marriage to his 26-year old short-lived wife same reward folks 100k okey-dokey then moving on let's go with Yasser Abdel Saeed who to be fair looks like a saddam hussein cosplayer he was born in 1957 in egypt before moving to the US apparently he was just a real dick to his wife Patricia Owens who was an American and together they would have two daughters Sarah and Amina a son Islam all living together in Irving Texas yeah he would also physically and sexually abuse both his daughters and would spy on them with audio and video recording equipment she smiles asleep was help and good that's for record bashing people see I will obviously was your close [ __ ] this dude he would tell both his girls no American boyfriend only a collage and would later try to arrange marriages for both of them with much much much older Egyptian men however both Sarah and Amina were both secretly dating boys American boys of all types of boys and when he learned of this things didn't get better let's just say he tried to beat the name of a Mina's boyfriend out of her and when she wouldn't give it to him he tried to kill her and it would be at red he would follow up on Iran Christmas 2007 Amina Cera aunt Patricia ran away to Oklahoma however Patricia would eventually tell her daughters she wanted them all to return - yes sir as he had forgiven them it's all good she did this by lying to her daughters yes so it was around Christmastime and she told her daughters hey you know my mom's dead I wanna lay some flowers on her grave you know hey pay my respects her daughter's like yeah cool we'll do it was in East Texas so we'll drive to East Texas halfway there Patricia was like yeah no fool dia we're actually going back to your dad he's not happy but I'm sure he'll be cool come on we got to go back to him yikes on New Year's Day 2008 he took Amina and Sarah into his taxi saying they were going out for dinner however instead he shot them both to death in the back seat which were honor killings murder the taxi was soon discovered what you sir not so much a desperate call for help as two beautiful sisters are brutally shot to death in a taxicab as she cries in pain one teen identifies the shooter she says the man opening fire on her is her own father family members say Sarah and Amina were murdered by their father a Dallas cab driver named yasser saeed in a horrific honor killing Syed was upset his teenage girls had become too westernized like their American mother Patricia who was born and raised in Texas he is ties to New York Texas Virginia Canada and Egypt possibly working as a cab driver in New York or New Jersey I mean look at him he's definitely work as the taxi driver what a piece of [ __ ] that's disturbing swiftly moving on Santiago vallabha made their aka pooch oh cool nickname bro he was born in 1991 and has been on the run since 2010 after killing two people in Tacoma Washington he was is a member of the Eastside Lakota sureños and in February 2010 him and some of his gang buddies were driving a stolen van around Tacoma in search of rival gang members this was in retaliation to a shooting two days previous Kamil love an aspiring veterinary technician was shot and killed because her and her brother were riding in a red car and her brother was wearing a red coat the color of the rival gang her brother was shot and wounded a month later Santiago vallabha Medeiros and some guys were ransacking a car after they thought the owner owed them some money when tree people confronted them Santiago shot and killed Saul Lucas Alfonso none of these people were linked in any way to any serve gangs so well done it had believed that Santiago Medeiros along with others took part in a planned retaliation of the shooting that injured one of the fellow gang members today the FBI is adding Medeiros to its ten most wanted fugitives list in addition we are now offering a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Medeiros our hope is that this announcement makes more people aware of our search for Medeiros and that it brings someone forward with information about his whereabouts whether Medeiros is in mexico or still here in washington or anywhere else in the world the FBI is committed to finding him and ensuring he faces justice for the innocent lives he took in 2010 since then it's believed he may have fled to Mexico but he also could have returned to the u.s. under big ones on him for any information no no no Rafael Caro Quintero is a Mexican drug trafficker and he made the cut apparently he was one of Mexico's first and most powerful cartel leaders now he's on the run kind of he's on the run in the same way these rich and powerful cartel leaders you know when they're on the run they still have time to give interviews like El Chapo actually I think they're friends actually this guy in him he's in narcos I guess if you want to learn more about him always whenever one thing must when I could no meet just being too Medina's so we could spend all day in this guy because he's a pretty interesting guy I'll give him that but let's just stick to why he's on this list because he murdered quite a few people indubitably but it was his murder of undercover DEA agent andrey k Camarena salazar the did amin he serves 28 years in a Mexican jail for that murder when he was actually a sentence the 40 Rafael Caro Quintero has served 28 years of a 40-year sentence for the brutal death of Drug Enforcement Administration agent Enrique Camarena a court in Mexico released the former member of the Wada la Jara cartel after it ruled that he should have been tried at state level rather than on federal level the US Justice Department has said it's extremely disappointed by the decision to free Quintero and has made it clear it has a continued interest in securing his extradition to the United States so the Americans want him for that but I also want him for a lot more it's believed he is in the area of body or guató Sinaloa Mexico he's also wanted as he's identified as one of the leaders of the Sinaloa cartel responsible for smuggling hundreds of tons of meth marijuana and cocaine into the United States the United States Department of State's narcotics rewards program not cement fold is offering a reward of up to 20 million dollars for information leading to the arrest and or conviction of Rafael Caro Quintero he's probably the most wanted man on a list of wanted men unders quite a few uh dollar dues quite a bit of kibosh de if you're feeling brave enough to uh to finger him wrong word next up is Robert William Fisher what did he do oh boy Robert was born in 1961 in New York City he was a u.s. Navy veteran a firefighter a surgical catheter technician now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the catheter the thing that goes uh up your you-know-what a job and he was also a respiratory therapist he married Mary Cooper in 1987 and together they had two kids the family lived in Scottsdale Arizona and Robert was quite an active member of the Scottsdale Baptists church men's ministry so the problem in this particular case arose when the quite submissive may be timid Mary Cooper decided she wanted to divorce Robert now Roberts mother she had divorced his dad he was quite young and she left I'm not gonna scarred Robert Burke for his life really so he didn't take that well on the 9th of April 2001 neighbors heard loud shouting and that kind of stuff coming from the Fisher home and then in the early morning hours of the next day the house exploded when the fire was finally put out the investigators discovered quite a quite a grisly scene found within the home is what is believed to be an adult female and two children who may come into contact with him to just be cautious at this point we now know there's a triple homicide Mary under two children Britney and Bobby were found to have been killed in their sleep their throats cut before being shot in the head then Robert pulled out the gas furnace the gas line started pumping gas in and Roberts lit a candle then fled he had a 12 hour head start before the house exploded and he's never been seen since the night before the murders CCTV showed Roberts taking out two hundred and eighty dollars from an ATM a weirdly specific amounted probably not enough to live off for very long nine days after what happened Mary's car was found in the Tonto National Forest about 50 miles away from the Fisher home in Scottsdale their dog still inside it wasn't just a random thing that the car was found there Robert was very familiar with that area and there happens to be quite a lot of caves nearby that it was theory you know theorized that Robert could be hiding and one of them are maybe dead and one see at the time when the car was found there wasn't exactly a thorough search done as I said Robert had been there quite a number of kinds before recently actually when a friend of his and it was also theorized that Roberts was quite depressed when he had met his wife who's contemplating divorce so who knows we just don't know what happened to him in 2004 a man who looked like Robert Fischer in Canada was arrested Canada again always up to no good but his fingerprints ruled him out whether he's alive or dead we just don't know could be incredibly likely he's out there somewhere theories abound but as I said we have no idea but he's probably the most famous case on the list and finally we have Alejandro Rosales Castillo only 21 years old jaysus he was born in 1998 in Arizona in 2016 17 year-old Alejandro was living in Charlotte North Carolina and well he worked at a shomers restaurant he worked at the shomers restaurant with his girlfriend amia Feaster at one point another co-worker truck Quan sandy Lila I'm sure I butchered that again why do I even bother Sani she actually a dated Alejandro in the past but obviously he had a new girlfriend now sandy lent a hand row some money and he never paid her back and sandy would go missing on August 10th 2016 the next day Alejandro and his girlfriend Amir would also go missing what happened to them nobody knew at the time a few days later a Mia's car was found in Charlotte abandoned and on that same day both Alejandro and a Mia's families were called by them saying they were safe they didn't know where they where to wish to finally suspected they had been kidnapped and soon after Sandy's car was found 2,000 miles away in Arizona yeah quite a bit away so tree people who all worked in the same restaurant went missing what happened was this on the night of August 9th 2016 sandy met up with Alejandro expecting him to pay her back he had no intention of doing this instead him and Amir drove sandy around in a Mia's car and Alejandro forced sandy to withdraw money from her bank account at gunpoint she withdrew $1,000 which was her entire bank account then they drove to a secluded wooded area and Alejandro shot sandy in the head before dumping her body in a ravine Sandy's body was found a week after she went missing evidence that we've been able to gather over the course of the last three days brought us to this area Leah's been missing since last Tuesday when friends say she went to meet former coworkers Alex Castillo and his girlfriend amia Feaster at a gas station on East Way Drive near Central Avenue Castillo owed Lee a thousand dollars she had loaned him but instead of making a deposit Lee's bank account was drained and all three disappeared Tuesday police issued arrest warrants for Castillo and Feaster for possession of a stolen vehicle after Lee's car was found in Arizona then Alejandro and Amir fled to Mexico where they were seen on camera three months after Alejandro and amia disappeared in Mexico amia turned herself in to the authorities and was extradited back to the United States she was charged with accessory after the fact a felony murder and larceny of a motor vehicle she told the police that while they were there in Mexico those tree once they were there they were in aguas calientes on one morning she got up and alejandro he was gone no one knows where he is and that's it a quick look you know at the FBI's ten most wanted list some some bad [ __ ] [ __ ] there some wackos in the next video we'll be back to her one topic where we investigate in depth I just wanted a man there's some really crazy people out there who have never been caught god knows what happened to most of them you know working through this I kept taking why then there are certainly worse people than these bozos still out there in the loose serial killers and whatnot and all these boils have certainly done bad things but I would imagine they have you know bigger fish to fry apparently it comes down to cash ability I mean I guess the FBI thinks there's is a higher chance these people will be caught as you know they're all identified these are known people according to the FBI it's ten most wanted list is designed to publicize particularly dangerous fugitives who might not otherwise merit nationwide attention the criteria being first the individual must have a lengthy record of committing serious crimes and/or be considered a particularly dangerous menace to society due to current criminal charges second it must be believed that the nation wide publicity afforded by the program can be of assistance in apprehending the fugitive who in turn should not already be notorious due to other publicity so essentially that's how you get on the list by being a dangerous big piece of who without drawing too much attention to yourself so it's good to know that but again as I said I wasn't looking for advice or was I thank you so so much for watching and if any of the fugitives from this lists or any fugitives just in general are watching this oh yeah I will see you as always real soon in the next video take care of yourselves Mike [Music]
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 4,305,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, fbi most wanted, FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, most wanted fugitive 2020, jason derek brown, eugene palmer, alexis flores, BHADRESHKUMAR CHETANBHAI PATEL, ARNOLDO JIMENEZ, yaser abdel said, SANTIAGO VILLALBA MEDEROS, Rafael Caro Quintero, robert william fisher, ALEJANDRO ROSALES CASTILLO
Id: zx3TM5y8_QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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