The Strange Case of Nancy Pfister

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Bedtime sorted, again. Yay!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MediocreService3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yaaaaaay! Dinner and Mike tonight πŸ₯° can’t wait to get outta work!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kween_of_the_kitties πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice one Mike! What an interesting story. Definitely think this was a three way pact!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ohhoneeeeeey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Am I psychopath for not feeling much sympathy for her death?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Brooklyn_MLS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

What a wild end. Just up and bounced.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cleveland_leftovers πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This one was bananas.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skippyMETS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name is mike and in this old video we're we're going to a place right where the beer flows like wine where beautiful women flock like the salmon of capistrano i'm talking about a little place called aspen mmm california beautiful does all my knowledge of aspen come from the movie dumb and dumber hard pass like harry and lloyd we're traveling to aspen to investigate the case of a wealthy woman though in their case it was more of a brief kind in aspen live nancy fister and she rented out her house to to a couple you know uh maybe she shouldn't have right so uh we're gonna give it a goo let's do aspen is located high in the rocky mountains a skiing town a long way from its mining routes its population it's quite small less than seven thousand but those seven thousand are not doing too bad will make that tree bad as it's one of the most expensive places to buy simply for its beauty and outdoor activities aspen you know famous for um those trees what are they called and also skiing and one of those you know not doing too bad people was nancy fister hey you know i got dinner first am i right and she was you know woman about town nancy was born in 1956 and she was like the self-nominated face of aspen she was born into a family um i believe the term is rich as [ __ ] her daddio made his millions by turning their mountainside ranch into a ski resort and so well you're kind of set for life there nancy you know she grew up in the town of aspen she whined and dined with celebs politicians she was best friends with jack nicholson she was briefly engaged to michael douglas and her drinking buddy was hunter s thompson nancy would never marry but she would have one daughter and a son 10 years apart she liked to drink you know maybe two but more than a drink she loved traveling but also meeting travelers to aspen and being a face to show them around here's her on a french travel show access prive aspen esta and nancy you know she was a tour guide to the you know upper your access to the upper south of aspen hey if you have to ask how much you can't afford it she was definitely a big personality not someone you'd forget in a hurry and also someone who her friends would say you know wasn't always the easiest to get along with someone who was born into such privilege that it was you know it was it was her way or the highway she always got what she wanted no hey no one says no to nancy it was never an acceptable answer and she wasn't really someone who respected other people's uh boundaries undiplomatic but she you know shot from the hip which you know hey made her attractive as well now one of nancy's you know buzzymates one of her closest friends wasn't a celebiated gossip about it was a bank teller named kathy carpenter they randomly became friends after nancy invited her to lunch one day and so it was in the winter of 2013 2014 that nancy decided she'd winter summer in australia interesting she'd leave aspen a town famous for skiing during what you'd imagine must be its busiest months but well maybe that's exactly why she was leaving however she had a big old gap and she was like hey that's just sitting there for you know maybe six months i wanna i make a few dollar dues rent it out and so she did she was going to rent it out to a pair of strangers from denver retired doctor trey styler and his wife nancy so does two nazis i'll try not to make this confusing however you know nancy fister being nancy you know she got to know them and she actually was they were having great crack together she invited them to move into her place a month early so she could you know show them around make the connections introduce them to people she even threw a big old house party in her place for the stylers and so after spending weeks with these stylers nancy left for the land down under she returned in february 2014. actually like months earlier than she was originally supposed to and it was at the end of that month february that nancy's best friend kathy carpenter would find nancy fister oh dead god 9-1-1 what is the address of the emergency nancy coming home early was surprising it seemed like she was having a grand old time in oz but on the 22nd of february kathy carpenter picked up nancy from the airport and took her home kathy stayed with her that weekend but left for work on monday morning from there on now you know no one heard from nancy for a couple of days but they assumed she was just jet lagged jet lag is a [ __ ] she'll be fine she'll sleep it off then the styler is called kathy telling her that you know although they've been planning on staying with nancy for a couple months longer nancy coming home early essentially chucked them out they very quickly needed to get their [ __ ] from the house and to a motel and so as they were moving their stuff to and from they were in the house you know a couple of times but they never saw nancy at all and they were like she okay what's going on her dog's here she like sucks but even after a few days you think she'd be out and about and she'd be fine and she wasn't fine after hearing that nancy also hadn't shown up for her tour guides kathy decided to drive over on the 26th of february to see what's up as she walked through the house she couldn't find nancy anywhere even her bedroom however the closet in her bedroom was locked which was weird she returned with a key to that closet nancy trusted her a lot and yeah before she saw she smelled and what she saw was something hidden and wrapped under quite a few blankets but she knew what and who it was right away kathy got in her car drove and called 911 [Music] [Music] eventually having to be hospitalized she was having such a panic attack this was big news from the get-go not only because of who the victim was everybody knew her but the fact that there was a victim at all the last murder in aspen had been 10 years previous had to google what murder meant and so now they had a whodunit and a how'd he do that the how'd he do that though didn't take long there was blood on the headboard of the bed and on the mattress on the underside like whoever wanted to do this had covered up the scene by flipping the mattress there were a few drops on the carpet but other than that it wasn't it wasn't much of a scene at all nancy had been banned head covered with a few plastic bags then her entire body was in a bigger bag then covered with sheets she'd been murdered by blunt force trauma to the head no defensive wounds or anything so it seemed like you know she had been attacked while she lay in bed then dragged to the closet and covered up she'd been laying there for seemed like about two days by this point so who done did it well it seemed that it was probably likely a two-person dealio there was no sign of a break-in so who might have a you know key well there was the person who found her kathy her best bud but also someone she pissed off treated like a slave she said at times thought was beneath her or what about the new acquaintances huh the stylers i mean uh she looks like a kindly old lady and he looks like he's got one foot in the grave sorry [Music] trey styler real name william was a respected doctor and anesthesiologist that eventually became chief of saint joseph's hospital while the anesthesiology department in denver nancy worked there too as a nurse and was also big into flowers and stuff and experts on water lilies him and nancy had a family together things were going swell until about the year 2000 came along and trey developed a like a chronic he had a chronic illness and he had to stop practicing medicine and much quicker than they would have liked their finances started to dwindle especially when there was a couple of lawsuits that didn't go their way in 2003 trey sued his previous company colorado anesthesia consultants over software he helped create he lost the case and later accused his lawyer of overcharging him he'd paid him over six hundred thousand dollars he took the lawyer to court one but the lawyer filed for bankruptcy and trey never saw a penny and so like their life savings were really going down the tubes they would sell their house in like a very fancy upmarket suburb of denver and move into a rental and in the rental they almost got carbon monoxide poisoning so yeah fantastic things were looking you know pretty grim for the couple when they you know decided to move to aspen they were hoping that nancy styler could open a spa business and well they could begin again that's when they met nancy fister and agreed to rent her house and you know like they stayed with nancy for a couple of weeks and although you know from the from the start it seemed like they were best friends forever five of it maybe even things didn't stay that way after a while fister done fistered and kinda treated the stylers the same way she treated her friends like garcon garcon the stylers didn't appreciate being talked down to ordered around and hey generally treated like [ __ ] when they're the guests and then when nancy fister here left the house to go to australia to winter down under well the house kind of fell to [ __ ] too water problems appliances didn't work the house is the house was just broken you gave me a broke house the rent it was four grand a month and they had already given her 12 up front so they decided to withhold rent until nancy sent guys to fix stuff in the meantime nancy styler and kathy kathy who would you know organize fixers well they would commiserate over nancy fister being kind of a [ __ ] nancy fister was not happy hearing about all of this stuff she thought the stylers were con artists and um well maybe she just wasn't used to being you know held responsible but there you have it so the starter said [ __ ] this [ __ ] we're out we're leaving your house nancy fister on the 22nd of february nancy fister said fine get out by the 22nd february i'm coming back from australia then if you leave any stuff in my house and it's not gone i'm gonna [ __ ] burn it she didn't actually say that but you know so nancy had to come back from her trip early the stylers they had to go to a motel the relationship was you know broken and the thing was the stylers hadn't taken everything out well for a couple of reasons one being that it was very short notice and they'd been planned on staying there and moving to aspen and you know starting the spa business they also had a lot of spa equipment needed for that business they wanted to start up that you know they were they were stashing in nancy fister's place and nancy was not going to let them remove it until they submitted to her demands which was almost 14 000 for what she called were utilities and damages to her house so you can see how that wouldn't end well for anybody these stylers were staying at a motel in basalt half an hour down the road and the police wanted to speak with them they said they had no idea about the death of nancy though the police knew all about their situation and how desperate it was can see i'd be is formidable adversary like my condition is such that i don't think i could be a kid my wife does everything i'm disabled i can't do it the police did not believe trey's excuses that he wouldn't be capable and well they thought this was a two-person job regardless why did you go in there and hurt nancy maybe you don't even know but i know it's true i know it's true you did this man you did it and the quicker you start saying that the better this is going to be how can you know it's true when it's not true it was then that you're looking for me unlucky for thee edit that out a bin a public trash can in downtown basalt well a city worker was checking it in that town like well most others you know you can't use public trash cans for private shite basalt takes it pretty seriously and this city worker started poking around the bin making sure there was no home items there what he did find inside it was a plastic bag inside that plastic bag was a prescription pill bottle with miss fister's name on it now he had heard about nancy's murder and so he called the police and they found inside a bloody hammer also a vehicle registration form for the styler's car not looking to perhaps even pretty good so all this was sent to the lab you know for testing and in the meantime the police were watching the styler's motel room and one day what did they see outside the styler's motel room even just on the ground what did they find i wonder well just laying there was a key for the closet nancy was found in like they had accidentally dropped it these stylers were arrested and charged with first degree murder they both pled their innocence this morning investigators in a small resort town of aspen colorado believe they know who was responsible for the death of nancy fister a 57-year-old philanthropist found dead in her home last wednesday fister returned to her home just days before her body was found writing on her facebook wall in january i'd like to stay in australia but the people that were supposedly taking care of my house are not doing what they said they would do and they're not paying rent and they haven't paid utilities i have no idea how someone could do something like that and especially to her and i think that you know my mom could never hurt anything or hurt anyone and that is one thing that everyone that knew her knew now everything just fell into place here right uh kind of weirdly so i mean you know they carelessly left key items to the case around you you got your motive your murder weapon your suspects and you know like i said just hm kind of weird they would just throw things that implicated them just around there where anybody could find them and so maybe there was something more maybe they were being framed or there was a third person involved that nine on one call knew kathy she was very eager to stylers he had some people living there she really kicked them off and um she made threats to them about owing money and i don't know kathy said she saw blood on the forehead which she couldn't have seen there's no way she could even tell that was nancy she was so covered i mean obviously you could probably guess it was nancy it wasn't a good genius but and the day after nancy was murdered kathy went to her deposit box now so the stylers while they were renting out nancy fister's place they had been paying rent to kathy and cathy was putting it in a deposit box for nancy for when she returned from australia don't mind if i do did not touch i ran out of there what did you see i just remember opening the door and i saw her she she wasn't she was covered i saw her birthday i still remember the position but i knew her the blonde hair seemed like maybe maybe something i just she had highlights so how many strands would you say that you saw [Music] how much how much blood did you see what how much blood would you say you saw because you saw it hair on the head and just remember all my head you absolutely bombed the polygraph not only that on the 911 right here here's all this documentation of [Applause] [Music] when spoken to she knew things she shouldn't have the body was tightly covered wrapped up in multiple bags and sheets yet kathy said she saw the wound on the head but also at the same time said she didn't move the body or anything so how would she know kathy was interviewed multiple times the police stated to become sure the three of them were in cahoots together and that after the murder kathy tried to lay the blame at the styler's feet kathy was arrested saturday officials announced a third arrest 56-year-old katherine carpenter was arrested yesterday she's being held on charges of first-degree murder so there's a big whole hubbub about uh during that non-roman call kathy said she saw blood on the forehead when you know the forehead was invisible she didn't actually say that that was a typo in the transcription of that 911 call she said she saw blood on the headboard and there was blood on the headboard visible the stuff she took from nancy's your safety deposit box at the bank cathy said you know that was that was for nancy's children that you know nancy had said if anything ever happens to me make sure they get it during the interviews a lot of stuff she said is probably she dreamt it but still she was charged with murder and would have gone to trial if something hadn't uh happened in june 2014 a few weeks before the preliminary hearing trey styler decided to talk he confessed he took them through it step by step said he snuck out of the motel without his wife knowing went over and killed nancy she was vulnerable helpless got the [Music] [Music] and you tell me you can't stand up however you were giving me an accounting of the story where you were saying you were up and down stairs multiple times moving dead weights not even work mr skyler when i've thought about it since then and i'm reminded of those stories of women lifting cars off of their children i will do a lot of things in the interview room but i am not going to compare another saving a child with you murdering nancy fister so let's don't go there the essential truths are that kathy carpenter really and truly had nothing to do with this fancy styler really and truly had nothing to do with this i have done my best to hide it from even myself and source them and um it hopelessly he did all this you know he says he snuck into her house covert like solid snake himself wandering in he grabbed a hammer whacked her in the head whacked her again dragged her into the closet dead weight bundled her up in multiple bags and sheets then flipped a queen-sized mattress this was all coming from a guy who could barely walk and looked like a you know a strong breeze so now i'll try and tell the rest of the story with a straight face new developments in the murder of an aspen socialite a former anesthesiologist pleading guilty to second-degree murder the aspen times reporting that 66-year-old william styler agreed to a plea deal with prosecute prosecutors styler is accused of hitting 57-year-old nancy fister with a hammer while she slept vistor's daughter wants to know why nancy and kathy were released trey plead guilty and as part of a you know the plea deal he was sentenced to 20 years in prison which you know was a life sentence for him his motive you know his desperation anger he'd reached his his wits end and he was mad as hell and just wasn't going to take it anymore nancy later divorced trey she retook her maiden name nancy mason then in august 2015 trey styler killed himself in prison [Music] so case case closed all wrapped up in a nice little bow this real frail old guy did it all himself officially i think he goes out saying the police have come out multiple times and said did he do it by himself little diddy doe you know uh but you know i guess he just decided to take all the blame on himself and you know i mean he said this is how he did it this is what happened and you know him being the only one there and there not being a huge amount of evidence as to how exactly it happened they couldn't you know disprove he didn't do it on his tod nancy later wrote a book called guilt by matrimony a memoir of love madness and the murder of nancy fister people weren't huge fans of it in aspen anyway also a few months after her uh well ex-husband's death nancy also collected a cool one million dollars trey's life insurance policy hey problem solved right all those debts and problems all gone now and of course the legal stuff her husband did it so that's that blame and she gets a lot of money maybe she can start her spa business finally everything's coming up nancy not that nazi and not this nancy either because juliana fister nancy fister's daughter filed a wrongful death suit against her this uh kinda negated the life insurance payer and nancy styler is once again well as much as i could find currently bankrupt so who killed the nancy fister well glad he asked trey styler of course [Music] look at him strong virile a champion so yeah just you know keeping a straight face on him that one played out you know trey did it all himself apparently um and it's kind of funny how it's like uh goes around it around that nancy stallers currently once again bankrupt so she's in a position she was at the start it's like um one of those circular what are those random things called [Music] thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and i appreciate you here go on look after yourselves won't you and i will see you as always real soon in the next one i love you bye
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 747,262
Rating: 4.9482827 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, nancy pfister
Id: 4NttnEV5rnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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