The Case of Grace Millane

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Not sure how to feel about this, but on my list of waiting for things are tuesdays and fridays for these videos. I became addicted. Hehe. There are many content creators about this kind of stuff, but very few like mike and from those few, only he is posting regulary, others maybe became too succesfull and months apart.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PlayNiceWhooman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just watched. Another good one Mike πŸ‘. Check out the quality of New Zeland's CCTV. Excellent help in wrapping up the case against this POS

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Significant_Egg_4020 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

How many POS will continue to use the rough sex excuse and get away with it. The amount of time it’s takes to strangle or kill someone like he did is so much longer than some choking during sex. Ugh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iBrake4Shosty5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The prime Minister of NZ did a great job of addressing this, I was happy to see her statement included in the video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/InvestigatveRsourcer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

dat Heisenberg impersonation

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yeah_but_guy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like watching his youtube videos. I had not seen this one yet. Will definitely watch this.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Deduction_power πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had to piss my pants laughing when you were pronouncing the Maori place names, but ah well did not a bad job for a Irish fella....

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KiwiKuntFace πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey you and welcome my name's mike and in this whole video uh we're going to new zealand which uh is actually for for the first time so um that's pretty cool i mean asides from a story i'm about to tell this is a story which took place in 2018 in the city of auckland grace mullane was a backpacker all the way from england who was planning on spending a couple of weeks traveling chilling with the kiwis while she was there she went on the tinder the tinder and well that's that's where our story begins uh which it will do right now right now so like grace we will start off in the united kingdom before traveling all the way um down under let's begin in brentwood a town in essex don't you know i didn't grace emmy rose mullane was born in december 1996 the parents jillian and david she was the youngest of three with two older brothers music grace was a fan hockey yes siri bob grace was you know the outgoing gregarious gregarious type of person i mean the type you'd want to be to uh you know backpack across the southern hemisphere after she finished up her schooling days she attended the university of lincoln enrolling in advertising and marketing and getting it the degree was in the bag september 2018. she you know long dreamed of traveling the world after finishing and getting up her degree you know before she has you know get the job get the mortgage the everyday grind she was taking a gap year she wanted to experience and she made it happen it was the south america she would go leaving her home for the last time on october 26th 2018. from heathrow airport she boarded a plane bound for peru traveling around there hanging with the llamas their class after spending a few weeks there experiencing what it has to offer and meeting other travelers from across the globe she then left for auteuroa butchered that note out on november 19th from there she spent the next 10 days traveling the north island visiting such sites as cape reinga and the bay of islands seeing what honestly looks like you know the the most beautiful country in the world has to offer the north island of it anyway and i mean come on you know if the greatest trilogy ever made didn't sell you on it i don't know what will you think new zealanders like hate lord of the rings because it kind of gets brought up all the time when you talk about new zealand let me know in the comments it was on november 30th that grace arrived in auckland the biggest city in new zealand grace was 22 years old her birthday was on december the 2nd but she wouldn't make it in auckland grace was staying at a hospital the base backpackers right and and while she was there she got on clicked download on the old tinder and then she disappeared see the last time she was seen heard from was for was her roommates on the 1st of december uh that was kind of it the next day it was a sunday december 2nd it was her birthday her family friends were happy birthday all that sort of crack and then when she wasn't responding well you know the silence was deafening that's when the family started to become concerned they gave it another couple of days and on the fifth of december they reported grace mullane missing to the auckland police she hadn't updated any of her social media profiles her family hadn't spoken to her since she arrived in new zealand and she had two phones that both went straight to voicemail when she was in peru she'd been part of a group in auckland she was going solo [Music] but we begin tonight with a public appeal for missing british backpacker grace mullane a short time ago police held a press conference to appeal for sightings of the 22 year old who has not been seen since 7 15 pm on saturday night she was last seen on the 1st of december that was saturday grace's dad david promptly flew out to new zealand to try and find her i would like to take this opportunity to appeal to anybody who has seen spoken to or come into contact with grace over the last few days and to come forward with any detail no matter how many how small and contact the investigation team once again i thank you all for coming [Music] and so you know the police having a goo around the place that's what led them to this the police investigation today has concentrated around her movements and activities in auckland since he's arrived in new zealand a large part of that focus has been around cctv footage throughout auckland this being cctv right so the hostel said you know she never returned when she went out that that evening of december the first right in the cctv show she never came back that night so instead auckland is actually they got cctv everywhere it seems so where did she go they could fairly straightforwardly track her movements the night she disappeared and who she went and met with [Music] she left the hostel at 5 37 pm that's grace with the white shoes from there she walked to sky city just around the corner sky city is like um it's like a casino kind of type thing you can go there for a few scoops if you want and it was there just outside sky city at 5 45 pm that she got a big ol hug from mr blue shirt that was her date for the night it met on tinder [Music] they went into sky city had a few drinks for about an hour and a half before heading off to mexican cafe a mexican cafe which was just around the corner there a few more scoops dropped tequila then they continued their bear hopping going to the blue stone room again just around the corner there they had a few snugs when this fella left to go to the bathroom grace picked up her phone and texted a friend back in england saying that she clicked with this guy real well they left together at 9 40 walking arm in arm where they went to was this guy's apartment at city life hotel and that was it it didn't take long for the police to track down this bozo his name is jesse kempson 26 years old at the time a native wellingtonian wellington got welly native willie now jesse dressing he was a fierce fellow further he would hold you with lies right he had he had terminal cancer his parents were dead he was adopted by very rich people he was a cia agent his cousin played for the all blacks he would come up with whatever [ __ ] he felt he needed to come up with to make himself not seem like the loser he was he wouldn't just invent [ __ ] like why not the reality of jesse kempson is much more mundane [Music] he was born in wellington in 1992 his parents separated when he was nine and his mother left the country he worked as a laborer and bartender and the bullshitting he was fierce for wasn't only for strangers it was for his family too who eventually gave him the boot because of that he then moved to australia for three years what jesse did when he returned to new zealand isn't uh entirely clear but his last job was working in phone sales right where and he would get fired the day he met grace for guess what lion but he did post this on facebook apologizing to his family and friends for uh well being a [ __ ] wait do you hear this my clear arrogance and selfishness has truly affected the relationship i have with people in my personal life how's that for an accident come on never again when we grew up we make mistakes that's how we improve in the exam of life oh jesus you can't retest yourself with the same question paper but with that being said we can change how we treat each other and over time i've learned that every action has a reaction putting all of that aside i just want anyone who i've heard slash let down to know i'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart so essentially he posted on facebook saying here listen i know i've been a bit of a [ __ ] sorry about that he would then go on to do something worse than he ever had done before so your apology was another [ __ ] lie but at the time you know when he was asked by the police whereas grace last we saw she was in your apartment building with you no idea what happened to her did he hurt her no way jose when interviewed on the 5th of december he did nothing the hell of the evening pan out and um yeah pretty good i didn't initially know that she was real what do you mean well there's a lot of so have you heard of catfish no so catfishing is where someone uses your profile uses your photos and pretends to be you in the midst and you're a completely different person right and it's happened to a few people i know in australia um and it's all over it's all over the tv so i thought you know if i meet at sky city at least i know that there's lots of people around so if it is someone that it's not um then i can just walk away how did the evening sort of come to an end and there was a hug and a kiss on the cheek and a thanks no nice meeting you um and then i said let me know about tomorrow and she said okay and then so grace was never seen leaving his apartment but he sure was quite a few times what did he do i wonder after grace entered his apartment well it's pretty unsurprising if you're a killer the next morning that's on the 2nd of december he went down and bought a suitcase then he went and bought cleaning supplies after they were boat back in his apartment he got a taxi to a car rental place then at about 4 p.m he went on another tinder date had a few subs with this lady she wasn't a fan of him she got creeps no look there jessie sorry she was so uncomfortable in fact that when she realized she would have to walk with him to where her car was parked she just made up her oh my car's parked elsewhere yeah sorry this was probably because during that date jessie was yapping away with her about a few things one of those things he told her was that his friends were cops and they were searching for a body in the waitakere mountains which are just outside auckland and he also told her hey fun fact you did you know the police dogs they can't um you find the scent of a body if the body is buried more than four feet after the womp womp failed date jesse borrowed a rogue doctor carpet cleaning machine then he loaded two suitcases onto a hotel trolley and put them in the rented car the next morning before 7 am he went off and bought a shovel and then he drove off he returned to his apartment at 9 30 went to the dry cleaners dumped rubbish bags and washed the car we next see him on the 5th of december dumping more items and it was that day the police caught up with them we actually don't know if she's been murdered or not yet she may be alive and well okay but she might also be dead okay and it could be that you've done hey that's the last question am i being arrested for something i didn't do you ever been recent one oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay after that interview on the fifth the police choked him out of his apartment and investigated it using luminol there they discovered the presence of blood on the carpets jesse was interviewed again on the 7th of december this time he had another story you've indicated that you're willing to speak to us about the events class center is that correct yes tell me what happened last saturday um from the beginning yeah he said that when you know they went back to his place at city life him and grace started getting into it and she asked him if he liked bondage she started talking to me about uh 50 shades of grey which is a a sex fantasy um movie that's out we started having sex at first it was um it was just normal um it was very placid um and then she [Music] asked me if we could get into bondage he said never tried it before you know here i'm a pretty innocent guy you know he told the police that grace she asked him to choke her uh they took some pictures of each other and then he went and had a shower and he fell asleep you know under the running water as you do you know and then all i remember is falling asleep in the shower then when he awoke the next morning he found grace lying dead on the floor all right i need i mean stop i need to go would you like some free [ __ ] yeah please i was in shock and i didn't know what to do i went downstairs and i was just i know i was all over the place and [Music] i didn't believe what had happened i was just terrified and scared i i thought that she'd gone i i thought she had left pathologist specialist doctor will perform a post model they're very skilled at establishing people's causes of death do you understand that did you kill grace malay okay you're under arrest for the murder of graceful life on or about the second of december you understand yeah okay he panicked and well you know the rest from the cctv weird though that he says he was panicked because uh he looks cool as a cucumber in the video he said he buried her in the bush this is like the story of christopher garnier you know all over again where you know he blames the victim she asked me to do it you know she asked you to do what killer because i mean they searched his phone records and his phone search history and all that and they found different to what he was saying at half 1am so we can assume this is after she was killed he searched for the waitakere ranges you know he's looking for a i don't think she'd be found there he also googled hottest fire after that he took pictures of what appeared to be her body followed by looking at porn over the next couple of days he googled her name multiple times to see what was in the news about her grace's body was found on the 8th of december after spotting what looked like freshly dug soil and broken branches just off the road this was confirmed when jesse led them there she had been buried for six days by this point her body had he had essentially forced her body into a suitcase after she had been strangled to death bruises were found on her shoulders and arms like she had been restrained so she lay there in his apartment all night the next morning as he went out got in the suitcases got the cleaning supplies she lay in his apartment while he went on another tinder date then he covertly smuggled her out of the building into the rental car buried her and then tried to clean up look today i would like to start with a comment on the murder of grace milan having received a number of media queries about this tragedy firstly i cannot imagine the grief of her family and what they will be experiencing and feeling right now and my thoughts and prayers are with her father david who is in the country her mother jillian who cannot be here and her wider family friends and loved ones you know from the kiwis i have spoken to there is this overwhelming sense of hurt and shame that this has happened in our country a place that prides itself on our hospitality on our menakitanga especially to those who are visiting our shores and so on behalf of new zealand i want to apologize to grace's family your daughter should have been safe here and she wasn't and i'm sorry for that i've advised the family through the police that if there is anything we can do to assist we are here to help with that jesse pled not guilty the defense would go with what you know they will go with it was it was a tragic you know accident grace you know she was into she was into bondage you know she asked him to choke her and it went horribly wrong they would say you know jesse panicked you know he didn't know what to do he messed up but he's the real victim here come on yeah for someone who panicked he had a pretty uh unpanicky reaction to her death he could have you know called the emergency services told them it was an accident but he didn't instead he you know slapped a ham during the trial three women came forward telling of their experiences of meeting jessie on tinder he did indeed like the rough stuff and that's also where a lot of those lies were first heard he would [ __ ] them all and he would assault them too he would in fact be accused of sexual assault a number of times the trial for the murder of grace mullane began in november 2019. it lasted three weeks after five hours of deliberation jesse was found guilty he was sentenced to life in prison no parole for a minimum of 17 years now obviously you know you you saw there through the video that jesse's face was blurred in a lot of the footage that's because his name his identity was only released relatively recently at the end of 2020. till then he was just you know grace malane's murder killer there was a name suppression order sought successfully by the defense in order to guarantee his right to a fair trial so his name couldn't be published uh in new zealand that is his name was released in december 2020 when it was also revealed he had been convicted of nine other charges including rape sexual assault sexual violence threatening to kill among others these were against two other women i'm so foolish you have no reason to convict me grace's father david he died a month before jesse would face further convictions he died from cancer jesse appealed his sentence in 2020. boom got denied the you know beautiful spirit of grace is remembered grace's family they set up a foundation love grace in remembrance and honor of her memory it helps victims of domestic abuse by asking people to donate handbags filled with items for women in need and that's the end of that one you know during the trial there's quite a bit of controversy uh as it seemed like grace was on trial and her sexual life were on trial rather than um you know the guy who [ __ ] killed her but either way this uh sack of [ __ ] is behind bars for a bit especially when others came forward saying he was a monster so there a psychologist found he'd probably do it again so if there's like a key or whatever you should throw it away [Music] thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and i appreciate you look after yourselves please and i will see you in the next one real soon till then take care you
Channel: That Chapter
Views: 1,325,790
Rating: 4.9248075 out of 5
Keywords: that chapter, grace millane, jesse kempson
Id: pVasF2FOsl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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