The Story of Warcraft - Full Version [Lore]

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I feel this almost should be put in the sidebar since its a really great overview of how the entire story goes. I very frequently see posts like "I wanna get into WoW and i wanna know the story" i think it would be fitting.

👍︎︎ 123 👤︎︎ u/CookieFluid 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

Nobbel seriously does the best lore videos for WoW.

👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/Vernas 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

This is incredibly well done. As someone who has followed the Warcraft series since Orcs vs. Humans, but has lost track of a lot of the storyline, this was great.

*EDIT: As sted A

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Pure_Gonzo 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

Very awesome video. Thanks for sharing.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/gojazz 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2014 🗫︎ replies

This guy is the IRL version of Lorewalker Cho, complete with accent haha

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/nldarab 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

damn. this is one of best "just in pill" stories i have watched. gj nobbel

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/JEDZBUDYNIE 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

Nobble vid if anyone wondering. Will watch it when i get home.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/nevearz 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2014 🗫︎ replies

I wasn't very familiar with the specifics regarding the formation of Lordaeron and things happening around that time, which I guess makes sense considering it took place during Warcraft: Orcs and Humans apparently. Ended up just watching the whole thing though, helps to have a refresher on things. Cool vid.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies

Can someone explain why at 24:00 Nobbel says the Humans were lead by Anduinn and then by Varian while I thought Anduin was the son of Varian.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 28 2014 🗫︎ replies
Hello everyone! From time to time I get the question if I have like a video covering the lore start to finish for someone who's completely new to WoW I usually pick a character and tell the story from their point of view but I figured it could be handy to give you a summarized version of what exactly happened in the history of Warcraft. As you can imagine Warcraft has a bunch of lore so I won't be able to cover all the little details but I am going to do my best to let you know to global story. In this video I'll place little links and annotations to videos if you want to go into more details, videos that I've already done over the years, and in the description I'll link my full playlist in chronological order if you want more details. With that out of the way sit back relax and enjoy the full story of Warcraft! The origin of the Warcraft universe is unclear Some say that it was created by a single entity while others claim that a catastrophic cosmic explosion send the infinite worlds spinning out into the vastness of the Great Dark. What we do know is that out of creation a race of titans emerged. Their mission was to bring order to the universe and their leaders are called the Pantheon. The champion of the Pantheon, Sargeras, battled against the chaos of the universe, imprisoning those who fought against their mission against their order. Over time Sargeras saw so much evil, saw how to universe was resisting them, that he began to doubt about their mission. If order was the way to go then why was the universe putting up such a fight? So he tried to talk about his doubts with the rest the pantheon but they couldn't help him. Slowly but surely the corruption and doubt took hold over Sargeras transforming him into a fiery gigantic being of chaos He then left the Pantheon behind, he liberated the evil that he'd imprisoned over millenias and he created the Burning Legion. Their purpose was to work against the Titans to destroy the order they we're trying to create, conquer the universe and bring chaos. Unaware of Sargeras's mission to undo their work the Titans continue to move from planet to planet shaping and ordering each of them as they saw fit. es de soffits eventually dairy supplant it's that we now call as Ralph and they found that the planet's was in pure chaos the elements were fighting each other but they weren't fighting willingly day were enslaved by dark and powerful entities known as the all cults beings who arrived and feed on chaos defense be on in their creations they battled if the old gods and the elemental Lord and although the elemental Lords all got virtually me powerful the Titans eventually won day banish the elemental Lord to the Elemental Plane would he be free to fight with each other without causing any harm to the world's did n imprisoned all cults far beneath the world as ralph and after that they start to shape the lands and bring order didn't do it just by themselves so they created several beings to help them with their stall skin amongst them with the Giants urban and several other creatures with their mission complete the Titans called the land calendar and they left a will be hines life had a chance to grow and evolve now and this planet will be to staging area for most of the Warcraft lore around 10,000 years ago the highborn for dabbling with magic's beyond understanding their power was given to them by 12 eternity and we're uncertain if the Titans left as well behind or if it just popped up when ASR of itself was born i'd away this deadly magic drew the attention of Sir Garris and the Burning Legion a great war known as the warty engines broke out in which night elves Torun urban for balks demi gods dragons and even Time Traveler's teamed up to take on sir Paris the Legion and the highborn in the 80s denied hale's resistance won the battle but it came with a great calls well if you turn it he had to be destroyed since agarose was using this pool of power to bring himself to answer all by destroying its do well imploded on itself this calls the land of calendar to shatter and create the confidence that we know today the Legion had his first item as well though and it was not defeated we only managed to push them back it is figure out that simply a techie as Ralph would result in failure so a bigger plan was required this plan began several follows and years ago we start Garris finding a plan it's called artists on Argus live the race known as the editar and a at three leaders arc amount killed eight in and felon secures realize that this race was powerful on its own any wanted them to join his legion in a vision he showed them a glorious future in which they would have loving subjects knowledge beyond world's and limitless power gilday than our commands they were directly on board with this plan but Velan wasn't sure he meditated on what's our characters shown them and now too cool with the help of up the mall crystal made contact with Belen he told Belen together his people and get off the planet's since our Garris was deceiving them and teaming up with him would mean the ends of the universe Velan did as he was told he get those willing to follow him and evacuate the planet's in a ship rocked by did not true killed eight in wasn't happy about this and he took this betrayal very personal and he swore that he would find Velan and his people even if its ok im a thousand years from that moment on the chase was on felon and his people would settle down on a planet skills it would find them again and send the Legion after them each time vellum would be warned each time they would escape two planets before any harm came to them until do not own in cooler fell ill and had to make a crash landing on the planet's day would name den or then a was another MT planets there are already several species living there and amongst them already works for centuries the drain on orc's lived in relative peace if each other day occasionally traded goods but for most of the time date just a to themselves all seemed well for a time until QJ dan found felon and his people again this time he decided that sending the Legion would just give the same results he didn't know that the drain I were unable to escape so he came up with a plan instead of using his legion he decided to manipulate and corrupt York's and make them do its dirty work he planted the CDA fear and doubt in their minds convince them that the drain our evil and he gave them the tools and power to exterminate stood rehna Hai the elements up to 10 or the ones who used to work together with the showers at the orc's they've refused aiding in the battle against the trend I she's the drain I'm were not really too bad guys to compensate for this loss killed eight and give to deport refill magic turning them into warlocks eventually the orc's they've reached the point where it was only one major battle left two fights that battle a chapter to give them the final boost in power the required stupid love. manner of was sent by killed a tan to offer his blocked this blood did indeed get the orch incredible powers but it also made them slaves to go Burning Legion most of the art that a notice of course they fought it was inaudible gifts and a drink it will indeed nomad with human blood pumping in their veins they assaulted shop a CD and they slaughtered any man woman and child that they could fines you date in to get a remainder of day wash the slaughter and they figured that their mission was complete dead velez destroyed so kill Jaden left York's to their fates unknown to them what is Velan and several of its people than actually managed to escape the city before to battle and a were hiding is under much agree felon deeply to send so many of his people to their deaths but the not too sure Tim it this was for the greater good stead one day all of this suffering would come to an end and that he was needed for a greater purpose with the drain I defeated and killed eight and leaving them all behinds the corks were in a bit of trouble most of their land was corrupt its and a demon blood caused them to go crazy and turn on each other something had to be done quick before they would exterminate themselves and frankly forty York's star Charice had need of them so garrison meantime had managed to infiltrate the body of the guard human dev and the Guardian was charged with protecting answer off against the Legion and any major threats you made contact with orcas leaderboard and and he told him about answer of itself a planet's full love life water and plenty of enemies to put up resistance to give the corks a good fights remembered it's our gary is wants nothing more than to conquer ASRock and this plan was a great one even if your Twitter feed its defended itself will be weekends and will be debt much easier for the Legion to take together with gold and they created the Dark Portal and they began the first or cash poured invasion the real Mitt dev was still inside his body any manipulated defense so did vendor mode with a RIF people around him would be able to take him out this happened exactly as he planned it suck air strikes completely take over his body but they chopped off his hats before he was able to dorks invasion was still on its way to go and store and it is very best the old against the might of the hordes and eight even did a pretty good job for a while until the king of storming was assassinated its its troops were unable to hold the city's stolen fell and its citizens evacuated across the sea to the kingdom of law order on ending to first war in flowing into the second war no horse invasion was relentless and a follicle order on after building ships up there own this kid human some time to form an alliance which indians mainly consisted of humans morse il's and gnomes day battles for the fate of ASR of a no go toward managed to take nearly everything they nearly won the war eventually they were forced to retreat all the way back to Blackrock Mountain where the final battle took place not even there was the horn able to stand against the Alliance son surrendered some escapes and some were forced back through the Dark Portal and the Alliance destroyed its disjointed our portal did not break its connection DoD that connection was now so strong did today known as raw food for ever be linked with each other the lines realize this so while they were rebuilding store wins they also built the net a guard keep to keep an eye on the portal in case the court would ever return didn't exactly know what to do with or to surrender today could just send them home since the border was destroyed they could just execute them seems that was livid barbaric ants allowing York to go into their society was just out of the question in the end they decided to put York senator mccain's input into heart labor now the Horde my to fill the initial invasion but the noun you that there were more planets out there perhaps other planets in the universe my to put up so much resistance so the Horti rebuild our portal be reconnected its and they started their second invasion click several artifacts and use those to create more portals two different worlds the alliance was still together despite the scars and always left behind of the war and because net a guard keep they now knew about the invasion far before it got out of hand know or manage to collect artifacts dodi even teamed up with a black dragon flights and they quickly made way back to Denver the lines found out what the major plan was that they want to evade several planets and they couldn't let the court go day knew what kind of devastation they cost ASRock and it could not allowed to or to reflect the same paint different planets day followed the horse through the portal they tried to stop there's order or kiss leader for creating more portals but they didn't reach him in time the portals were created its and not just one port to a new planets all over Denmark or portals popped up and discuss the plan it's become incredibly unstable in the end the alliance had to close door portal from 10 or science to prevent the explosion from spreading into as Ralph the allies expedition dead heat away in one of the open portals s10 or exploded all around them transforming itself into two planets we now call Outlands the people on as role they assume the diesel as heroes were all debts but they survived in the make sure that the orchestrates was kept in check the idea behind York's interment cams was that it will be a humane alternative to execution but more often than not they were horrible places and corks were treated miserably the camp known as during holtz was led by a day less black more and black more had found a young baby York he named for all which means slave transparent said refused to drink from the demon blonde analed and they had told organ doing hammer about Gordon's betrayal and Ferdous school dance assassins took months they left their son to die to the wild but fate had different plans were for all and he was taken by black more black mourning vision for all leading to capture torch for him against the Alliance so he could rule the world and that's why he has for all trains into arsov combats but also taught him how to Reid's tactics basically turned him into the perfect leader Blackmore was also a nasty drunk he mistreated for all so much it one day for all decide its debt enough was enough together with helpless friend sorry for he escaped arnold's and he found his people weapon able to stay out of the hands of the Alliance the Mets will grow much Hellscream of the war song plan he met with tech far and too fast with Glenda Glenda his parents he met or in June hammer former war chief of the warts and together they liberated their brothers and sisters from the internment camps strollers even able to take a black more and bring dirt hole to the ground but pro at their mercy and he learns did not all people were is a violent evil as Blackpool was that's why he allowed those who surrendered to step away any the form to Horton costs so much devastation to the lender as a rock only this time it would be more open honorable toward one another aims and conquering and domination a1 aimed at trying to forge a piece with the people as a role one who would try to claim a piece of land for her own and college home so there is a not forgotten about as real though and his left hand men killed a tan had managed to capture the or cares little as he stepped through the portal that he had made on then alert nears a little happy tracheal J than in the past so killed eight in tortoise all for a while until he came up with a new plan and purpose forties or you transform there's also looking to deal its king and he send him down to as Ralph to weaken its and make it ready for a new invasion this lets into the ventral Warcraft 3 and these events play a major role for the rest of the law and order for products firsts nurse who conquered more friends and he searched for allies you found a way to health without whose power imposition allowed him to spread the plague cross-border on and turned its citizens into the on debts bizarre fizzle order on was sent by spotter to investigate the plate and together with Jana problem or he found out what was going on and his devotion to keep people safe let him to the cold part nor friends way even Julie found the blade Frostmourne this weapon allowed him to take outdate Lord now Ganis but it also sold his soul to mir zu I'm sorry I this can like you do this Jana didn't follow our first in or friends she fault that what he was doing was not the right way and that he was going too far after our first purchase at home she received a visit from the profits d medieval is resurrected by his mother and on a mission to stop to lead an invasion and fix the mistakes he had made well under the influence a shark errors it all day not to take ur people the people order on willing to follow her and take them West to the ancient lands of Kelland or believe that the same referral and ball traveling for all met up with a troll Sen Jim and dark spear try sends in lost his life tumor locks and a nagger so is some fourteen took over and the allied himself with role again met the Tauren let buddy ole bull Karen an offer for all helped amounts care and joined the Horde in its mission eventually Jana Karen after all they found themselves in the presence maybe even self and he explained to them what was going on that the Legion was invading that it was his fault that he or she paid as of: in the first place and he told them that they should have to team up US understand that this was unheard of Human Torch working together was just unimaginable afford a greater good day did in the meantime near zoo in its crude a working for the Legion and are phyllis was sent on a task resurrecting Calif was at for this he would need a great fountain of power found in the height of Kingdom well for Las the High Elves tried to defend their lands but they failed and in the ends hi Ranger siobahn has been runner was turned to a banshee and forced to fight your own people jeans i think is Mike lemme droll you've put me through woman's the last thing I'm unions Daniel now I'm you wouldn't a this Sun well was corrupted by using it to resurrect health was out and the Heils were so addicted to these medical social power that they now had to find a new source to cope with their addiction their presence kill for some Strider decided that they should now be called blood else in honor of all those with Sec reports themselves trying to defend Kingdom again our fists and discourage help without snow D born as a ledge he used to become a dev to someone our command into as well our command had been there during the war ancient so he knew about as ross assistance and which forces he needed stakeouts so he said his eyes underworld 3 nor seal and the night else does would cost him so much trouble be four are commanded also brought bitlord manner of with him and mentor of was put in the tall Scott reawakening the orc's slavery to the Legion he placed the pool full of demon blood near Asheville which chrome your screen phones any ordered his troops to take a drink is boosted their power and this allowed them to conquer the lense but it also places people in the hands of manner of once more home one for all and Jana they found out about this they managed to save counsel from Andros influence and in a row it acts run sacrificed himself to take up man Ralph and free to rest of his people once and for all on no am show ruled Froome you fully those sold lmao all don't know as our compounds made his way to north on the night else he found longer whisperings leading all of them she managed to escape a direct confrontation she woke up for make me if you're in store H liberated her longtime friends 11 storm rage from this prison to fight against the Legion Illidan was imprisoned by tonight else themselves first rhymes don't work engines but 42 rhonda he was willing to fight the Legion his twin brother male fury and felt that this was a very bad idea so in a than left them and he falters own war against the Legion eventually for all Jana Karen and award they found a night else let's buy now if you're into rwanda in together they took on are kemal actually managed to defeat this powerful being but it came with a great sprites no World Tree in order sealed the one thing that gave the night as the immortality it was blown up n destroy we've not signed the treaty would heal doe but the immortality of the night else was gone a small price to pay for the survival a master of and with his mission completes with the Legion evasion prevent its me deep stepped away and took his place amongst the legends after Paul's I came back to ensure that they would be future to teach the world that it no longer needed guardians the hope for future generations as always resided in Morton's 0 and now that my task is done take my place monks alleged the past as Rovers not yet save dough the lead an invasion was pretty much over by this time but nears allege King our fists and killed who's out we're still out there near zoo had no intentions of staying under control kill Jason so he had 11 manipulated to mess up the legions plans and by extension breaking himself free gilday to realize that nurse who was becoming too much of a threat so he himself make contact with the London he told him to take up their Zoll and as a reward 11 to receive the power he desired skillet and it is very best but unfortunately he was unable to succeed in his mission even teamed up with care for some tried and Lady flash but his bottom of your Ian prevented his first attempt of destroying angel from a distance since this would also have destroyed the land of more print it sell this attack did recon there's Aldo sending false more to our first has created a crack in the ice which develop their Zoll and this attack by Illidan me to crack even bigger years old powers were rapidly porn out of him and he ordered our first two immediately come to ice crown and merge with him are phyllis was infused with the power from there so he was a death knight now losing a portion of these powers mens that he was also losing control over the on debts deb n she still violence managed to regain control over herself and she even regained her body she was pissed though we've our press about what he had done to her and her people so she plotted her revenge she shot are faced with a poisonous a role which did not kill him but it did stun him an instant death was too good for his butcher still violence had other plans in mind for a slow and painful death before all of this could happen she was discovered by Cal who's that he said art is life any forced to -2 retreats Sylvanas wasn't the only one who was able to break away from the skin for months and she swore that she would have her revenge those willing does able to break free from the control joined her and made her their queen to Queen after forsaken day took the capital city of Laurel on which once belonged to ours is father they made it their home our fists made his way to nor friends on the Frozen Throne spy step aside leave this world and never returned it I'll be waiting I have flocked to destroy it all their skit must beat on no for it and was hotly pursued a bar fits any almost succeeded in his mission but in the end our first defeated him in combat in front ice crown this man's that are prisoners winners or becoming the licking himself any left Illidan in the snow to die 11 did and I don't his allies lady fashion Q first day picked him up the dragon vector out plant where they prepared for forces for the inevitable Ralph killed Jaden this pretty much concludes the storyline of Warcraft 3 and in the end for Owen J not decided to build a new home for their people Jana bills fed a more while for all built or chrome R&D built the cities and close to each other to try and keep the peace between Human Torch going all hatreds die-hard go and Janus Baldor admiral day and pro-poor he showed up to teaches daughter how to handle or X you want to fight them since he also fought with them into first and second or any didn't realize he didn't understand Indies corks might be different Jana disagreed with her father she has fought with Roland York's in the torrent side by side against the Legion so she knew that these were all works for difference and she stepped away from her father she did nothing as the horse retaliated against the father in the end the peace between Jan and for all would lost for a long long time said the say the same com be set for the allies on board as a whole because this brings us to the World of Warcraft expansions on for years have passed since the martial races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion on though as a rock was saved the 10 US pact between a whole lot and the Alliance that has all but evaporated go drums a walk fund and once again like I said all haters I heart war has returned to the lands analyze and Ward are added again they don't college or pro for nothing but the teams have changed a little the last longer on was the old name for the Alliance and that will pretty much disappeared when the Dark Portal was close to save hassle of the new alliance consist are several races switch each having and individual leader the humans me from the rebuild solvents were first let's buy and when and data taken over by his father very in read did more for minor forts let them make the bronze baird's the nose from nomer gone let that go to make it work and a night else let's by trauma which went are also having a little bit of a power struggle we've arch to its tendrils that helm dole or still has the orc's with their war chief role as leader of ordered a Singapore but all the leaders do have a say in what the court does the Torrance are still let's buy camp le duc doctor troll still led by Holden and surprisingly to forsaken let special violence Windrunner ever taken were in a bit of trouble when it took over or on seems the alliance would never accept the former brothers and sisters living with them as the un bets not offer or defense with the scourge in our first day just saw them is discouraged in cells jo Bonner said send out several letters asking for aid and a factions team up with and eventually for all allow to for shaken to join two hor its allowed him to join of their are Stewart home or room total convince them Sentamu believe that there was potential for redemption food forsaken does the defections on both the allies in the Horn outer story during Plesk world Warcraft it was all over the place this was our first chance to see Warcraft in a much larger environments it was no longer an RTS now it's a full plate 3d worlds but not much have a consistent story basically it comes down to Orton allies fighting each other over differ piece of land and for different reasons well also making sure that the world itself isn't taken over by any bad guys this is a beam the returns and every expansion and Ferdous one we took on record lows the fire Lords Onex you're in a far in both children of Deathwing buffoon what are the old gods a car to seoul flared blood got a good about it rolls and finally health was that was sold to the world but a floating sydell known s not Thomas you on March past during a going to say that our portals the opened by du Nord casick and we got a first look at the world's known s Outlands adrenaline I let my profits Belen the same trend I who were nearly slaughter better for sports day made way too as Ralph and the joint the Alliance not elsewhere being let's by law from our for a long while different skill fuss was hanging out in Outlands we've 11 lady flash lot else had lost nearly everything too often discourage and 18th up which the hordes in Outlands be found out dat skillful us had sent his forces presumably in order to fill it in and detected now what dole shutter they're not too are hell-bent on fighting the Legion this is also part of the reason why it is safe to drive nice so many years ago so it taking them doesn't really make sense if you fear to rule of killed eight in lorna Burning Crusade was also a little bit messed up they start to pick up the game tour of licking and many aunts we took out lady flush we took out 11 and we even took out skill for us some Strider give us that switch sides and is no longer working for Illidan now he was working for kill Jaden and the Burning Legion itself this was not what the rest the blood elves want it so they turned against her own prints guilt was in the Legion they tried to bring kill jaded into ass ralph but we prevent the dates and we save the world's as a bonus profits villain reignited the Sunwell by using the core of a fallen out to given a blood elf a chance at a better future also given them back their source of power some are you sure young mom huge wage for us all no going back to Outlands gave the order a chance to see what happened to the planet's and for all funked a rush Hellscream Sun Nov chrome Hellscream and he told him about how grown second forced himself to liberate the people after demonic enslavement gay rights decided to follow for all to as ralph but he couldn't understand why for all those trying to negotiate and be peaceful with the Alliance it is I a station and back or ask or negotiate they should conquer like true or works like the original or its guerre are still had a lot to learn but SR of doesn't give time for peace our personal it's going broke up after years of meditating on his life building up its forces and it was time to conquer two worlds is converted death knights were sent to assault lights help chapel to draw out a powerful paladin known as Tyrion ordering the plan worked perfectly Syrian was brought out into the open but our visit be trail leads to terian pure fine %eh bringer and a death knight of the everglades teaming up we've added the Alliance order ports the are judged crusade comp right Joe of facts together de Mar on two more friends and Icecrown itself taking down any challenge place before them ideal its king day even so-called a blue dragon expect men to go sweat decided that mortals for abusing magic and we're no longer allowed to have any of its this started the Nexus war in which we teamed up with the red ring up lights and we took out one after five dragon expects meanwhile the old got jokes are all he was trying to break out of this prison we also took 'em outs but at the rear of Kate tragedy struck why news %um we had for got 29 due June 3 we had four given the home now lot terms Pablo Ceballos said Jim says the ok Sylvanas in a quest for vengeance against the licking header people working on a plate that we're educates both the living and the other deaths she planned to use this against office and its forces but she was betrayed by her own people we used it against the alliance to horde in our phys ed against anyone there at the Ralph gates day 10:30 under city from so violence but very different all day went in they took out those responsible and a liberated 2cd juvenile center city back so it was time to march upon eyes drown and take on the ledge king himself everything our present work for testing the heroes molding them into the Ultima champions at work perfectly in the end he was able to ins the leak you all of them and he was about to convert them into his army but Syrian and shriner shattered the blade frost morton follows is a capture souls broke out at the plate they held our first up into the air while we finish the job there was always be a little can go to keep discussion check if not to rest the Scourge were just go out and destroy everything in there Paul Syrian was about to place the helmet on his head stake deposition athletes King but all 44 dragon stopped him Beauvoir former hero of the Alliance who died a tour of Kate was resurrected by the Dragons and he stepped up anyplace the helmet on his at the Ted the no chrome luther's name to the Black Dragon aspect Deathwing have been spending his time recovering from his wounds and now D all governors of told him that the time had come the time has come to shake the world and cost the Cataclysm with the end goal of bringing about the our of Twilight be out of twilight is the moment in which the old cars break free other prisons and rule the world once more yeah house along worry shot of mine this cataclysm literally reshape the world's and he broke down the big Wall around kill me it's the people have given as: day were hit by a curse which transformed into workin and also going through ritual they managed to regain your sanity while keeping their pork and powers entering the lines was it that he/she does since variant dislike to kill me in spite of defining character getter very decided to let them in and he became the hiking of the Alliance the governor's up cuz I also felt the Cataclysm and air island was destroyed thankfully they met with the orc's day safe roles life and a teamed up with the hordes it all felt like he should find out more about a shamanistic side in order to save the world from the Cataclysm so we left the horse to travel to Outlands any made care of two or tea in Outlands for always told what his parents would have named him namely go well and he found the love of his life Acura together day explore the world shamanism teamed up with the Dragon expects help Kelly goes become the new blue aspect in the used Ubuntu time travel to take out de Queen both the allies in or take out the pleasure of following for all around for the entire expansion and they helped him out switch defeating Deathwing we drinkin aspects have fulfilled our greet purpose and our ancient is expected but though our day to host to an end line in doing and mean generations career people today's victory the lungs to arm was do it again fish you on as the rounds true kind and the future this world you for the Dong Nai ancient mines house speaker with every defeated the especially field emission and a loss to espec powers also losing the ability to reproduce now placing garrisons were chief cost for a bit of trouble seems not all other leaders of the Horde agreed referrals decision cairn lead of the Torrance even went as far as to challenge care of to a duel after a peaceful meeting between truants was attacked by orc's can believe that gay rush was behind the subject but it was actually organized by the Twilight's Hammer clan Declan who want nothing more to bring about the and of the world's Garros try to scare Karen outages dule by making it a duel to the death but Karen had honor & you winning the agreed he might have actually won the duel was it not from make for grim totem or poisons care of his weapon one single blow failed the mighty ball and get a rush end at Cairns life this was a megafight hope for since she had always hated cairn and she assaulted his CD and took it over thankfully care in some pain was able to escape the city in time he got help from Jana proud more to take a CD back and a banished mega fat forever Gerards was a behind his betrayal at the time he was still fighting with honored but tensions were building for into hordes replies to a boiling points during missed up in daraya after a moment ago on a gurney cataclysm Garros now decided to bring all-out war back to ass are all this started with the bombing a Federal more in which he used this honorable tactics literally dropped a man Obama on the CD itself this piece of the alliance of course and even his fellow world leaders did not agree with his methods Jane a problem or was about to float this CD or or chrome are in retaliation but froing K liquid able to talk out if its shortly afterwards springs and wind rain set sail to resume a study switch them into profits but along the way the ended up in bed all the support in their ship crashed on the lens known as and Aria the allies they receive a distress call from the ship and they quickly go to recover their prince what a rush sees this as a new lands to conquer 4 or 724 might have both factions would take too long does so with small expedition is sending first other remaining troops get ready to help them out its to ask why we fled is to ask why the leaves fall land open door itself is a lens rich with history in agent times the Titans battled with you all catch a dash and a actually killed this all got in his final moments yes should I Ashley says final breath which effected the land his tee shot shahar creatures who feed on emotions so the people who live up and Aria they had to learn how to control themselves the only thing left objection I after killing him was his heart's and the Titans places in a container and he did away deep in the grounds over time to mow grew creatures created by the tightest help to fight shape the lense would be corrupt its and is that a for filling the mission of the Titans day started to enslave the people and Aria defend our end spent centuries under the I don't rule to mogul a mastering how to fight at a buddies instead of weapons they were able to over pro tem o Koo and become rulers up and Daria in cells this created the first months in history and from this point on the Penn daren and Aria would be rules by emperors and new and a hero's day rose that's why arias adventure to spend on could not just sit on a single Island and sometimes they would leave the island to explore new worlds does that decided the Pandaren was too small to contain despair forge ventured onto land on these giant sea turtle known esta wondering I'll they live their lives without interfering with the Horde or alliance but one day is ship crashed on the turtle greatly injuring its and introducing the or an alliance to depend on after hearing the turtle and indirectly both factions depend are enough to wondering I'll decide to seek adventure join I did a or tortilla lightens as I mentioned earlier penned aria is infected with the shot and the Horde and Alliance they never learned how to control their emotions on top of that they also brought their war to this peaceful lands and this caused the whole bunch of problems this shot was feeding on their motion so it grew in power broke out at their prisons in corrupt its whatever they could the Mogul they use opportunity to rise up again mother meant its and age and race worship your shit ash they found the Queen to be corrupted by to shop nation to fund a king was resurrected but isn't allowed it rolls with cum tube and are yet to find a new lead to live on all in all our arrival opened Aria cause mayhem we were set on the task of cleaning up her own mess while the Alliance also search for prints and win Gerards headed toward look for more powerful artifacts to add to his army in this quest pushed or leaders even further away vol gym had already spoken out against gay rush any follow this war chief to Penn Daria to keep an eye on him Gary Larson balls in on a mission to investigate a case which was set to hold incredible powers to shape and create life he told the court they were joined holding to take out the troll he gave any sign of treason and when you reach the cave walls and realized that this was dark magic here splitting dog kid mourns does do you say and what on board is about twisting in shaping life was not what the Lord is all about so we spoke out against its and York's tried to take his life thankfully to hear the whole or manage to stop them before they could finish the job borden recover from insurance and yet he turns to lead rebellion against gay Russian is true or even the Alliance joins us to rebellion to put a rush are the middle for cheap and together they ceased or chrome are and took out anything Garros placed interpol even the mighty works himself powered by the heart love your sched ash was unable to stand against the combined mites after ort an alliance which mandates that gay russians tyranny had finally come to an end in disappointment you're a harsh buyer not gonna be I love your father's Marcus E tight his punishment is not for you alone to decide I want maybe to reach you we have all haha from these atrocities my people more than any on let him stand trial impart Daria there we will meet out just use for all or maybe not so holding becomes a new war chief Gerards is going to be put on trial to decide what to do with him Bain is put on it also defending a rush by alter on the west winds and makes a case against him in the end the trial did it matter does since garage was allowed to escape with the help of the bronze dragon kite or storm to get heard a step through a portal which send them back in time to an alternative reality this reality is set on but no. in Nepal's before became corrupted in turn into Outlands around the time after first or invasion history is going to repeat itself with a couple of twists is this so-called Island wards will once again connected our portal and tried to invade our reality in our current time period this leads us into the upcoming expansion warship that in order to its heroes of the alliance in the war team up once more into battle over the fate up as a lot of time will tell whether story might go but for now this is the story of Warcraft as we know it's at least in a very short version like I said at the start if you like more details on certain subjects all link my playlist all-male or videos in chronological order I really hope you all enjoy this video it took quite some time to make its I'm very happy that I got it done now whenever someone calls me for a beginner's guide and more I can just Lincoln this video and if you truly enjoy this video I invite you to do the same thank you very much watching everyone subscribe if you like my videos and at the next in ghosts see a reporters I'm heartbreak on hmm use use the
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 4,419,244
Rating: 4.9404778 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Lore, Story, Warcraft, World of Warcraft, Titans, Old Gods, Illidan, Arthas, Deathwing, Thrall, Jaina, Kael'thas, Lady Vasjh, Varian, Horde, Alliance, Sargeras, Burning Legion, Lorewalker Cho, Pandaria, Pandaren, Azeroth, Draenor, Outland, Argus, Naaru, Velen, Draenei, Orgrim Doomhammer, Gul'dan, Ner'zhul, Lich King, Ashbringer, Scourge, Forsaken, Humans, Orcs
Id: bQ__nRnO2mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 51sec (2511 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 27 2014
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