The Story of The Pride of Kul Tiras - Ally 8.0.1 Ending [Lore]

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Hello everyone! After helping out the different houses within Kul Tiras, we are summoned by Genn Greymane who has not forgotten about Lady Jaina Proudmoore who’s been missing ever since we arrived. “Champion, You have helped to unite the Kul Tirans and gained their support to the alliance. Perhaps now you might be able to help reunite a mother with her daughter. Meet me at the family memorial by Proudmoore Keep. With luck we can convince Lord Admiral Proudmoore to grant her daughter a stay of execution.” “I don’t know what to do daelin. I don’t know what to believe in...who to trust. Priscilla, the greatest friend of my heart...has stabbed me in it. I have one...left...” “You have Jaina” “Jaina betrayed the kingdom.” “Jaina did nothing but follow her heart. And she’s suffered for that. She’s suffering even more now, isn’t she?” “I see my dreams. Gen...She’s burning.” “Katherine, she’s calling you to you...You must go to her.” “It’s too late for that.” “IF you can hear her, then it’s not too late. I would give anything to hold my boy again. YOu’ve been given one more chance. Take it. Bring her home.” Genn knows what it’s like to lose a child as his son Liam took an arrow from the banshee queen that was intended for him. Katherine has a change of heart after sending her daughter away, but she has no idea what exactly priscilla has done with her. We check out priscilla’s parlor where we find a shipping contract on the table and Emery Cramden, the ashvane’s accountant who’s not too happy with us going through his stuff. “Time is running out and all we have to go on is a contract that priscilla made with some brigands out of Freehold! She hired pirates to execute my daughter, Genn! Pirates! The scum of the sea!” “Think about this katherine, it may actually be good news.” “How can you possibly believe that?” “The contract was to move Jaina somewhere, not to kill her outright. Perhaps they have yet to arrive at their destination Katherine. You may not be too late.” “I...Youu may be right, Genn. But even if that’s true, we are left with scant clues to work from.” “If the pirates sailed out of Freehold, we may find more information there. And I think I know someone who can help us.” “Lady katherine has you looking for her daughter ey? Well lets see what this contract has to say about where she went. Maybe there’s something in the fine print...” “COntract for services is hereby made by ashvane, etc. Ugh who writes this stuff? Description of services, the carrier will supply to the client. Blah, blah, blah... Ten pages of security measures. twenty pages of liablity conditions... More definitions, more terms of mumbo-jumbo that would never hold up in court unless the judge were crooked...” “Ahh come on, where are you shipping jaina off to? Guess they didn’t dare reveal her destination, even in the mess of legalese and double-talk. But I bet I know where they stashed that information.” The contract is riddled with legal mumbo jumbo but it does confirm that ashvane was doing business with the Irontide, who were originally part of Flynn’s crew. After a messy job and a falling out with his first mate Harlan Sweete, flynn left them too which Sweete took the nasties of their crew and formed the Irontide Raiders. He then went about recruiting other pirate groups under his sails, even allied with Lady Ashvane, but we already took his life within Freehold. Now we must return to find the information we need, information that would only be stored within Sweete’s personal strongbox. With Taelia giving us support from the sky equiped with stolen Azerite grenades, we go through the pirate town and collect the 3 keys we need to get to our booty. “Ahh, here we are. Harlan Sweete’s strongbox.” “Four locks? Four!? Well played, Harlan. Well played.” “I assure you my plan is brilliant. We just need to grab the chest...” “And make a dramatic escape! And by that I mean ‘jump off the cliff to safety’ Come on!” “Taelia! We could use a pickup here!” No taelia in the sky lol, welp here we go Thanks talia “Why don’t I ever get to be the one actually riding the gryphon?” “Hang on they’re firing at us!” “Hanging on is all I can do at the moment!” Pew pew pew pew pew fireworks “I’ll fly low and try to lose them! Down Galeheart.” “Not too low, not too low!” “I can’t shake the last one” “Shake harder! Wait...not too hard!” “There are a few grandes left champion. Let them have it!” “Hey! Careful where you’re throwing those things!” “Bridgeport is just ahead! We’ll land there!” “Right. While our friend pays a visit to Tol Dagor, we should get this chest to Boralus. Make room Taelia. I’m riding your gryphon on an actual seat this time.” “We’ll head back to the city. But first, Galeheart needs a bit of rest. I don’t want to run my sweet girl ragged. She’s had to carry a heavy load today.” “Fine, fine. We’ll pick up some fish for the wonderbird and give her a breather before we head back. Hang on...did you just mkae a crack about my weight? I was carrying a very important chest, you know!” “Well you could have ditched that ratty old coat of yours, Flynn. “ “Blasphemy!” Harlan was smart enough to add another lock to the chest, but this is one also used by the ashvane company. Resists lockpicks like nothing else, but does have a standard skeleton key. A key we can find within the prison complex of tol dagor, one quick trip later and we’re ready to find out what’s in the box. “Ah there’s the brave hero! See, I told you our friend would be just fine Taelia. She’s such a worrier.” “Hang on ! I wasn’t the one who...<Sighs> We’re both glad you’re back safely.” “Right. Lets get this chest open. One last lock. Here’s hoping it’s not booby trapped. Well what do ya didn’t explode!” “That’s usually a good sign. What’s inside?” “Gold, gems, treasure maps, ransom notes. My oh my, harlem was a naughty naughty boy. Enough evidence to put him away for life. But since he’s dead, I guess he doesn’t need to worry about that anymore. Ah, here we are. Ohhh this is bad. This is very bad. They shipped her off to fates end. No wonder ashvane couldn’t get her people to go. That place is terrifying.” “Fate’s end...not how i’d choose to go out, that’s for sure. Please extend my sincere condolences to Lady Katherine.” “Don’t say that, flynn. We have to hold out hope that lady jaina could still be alive!” “The island is called Fate’s end, Taelia. Not fate’s hope.” “Well, if anyone can bring her back from that awfull place. I’d bet on this hero.” “Placing wagers now, are we? For shame! Wht ever would Cyrus say?” “Flynn, you know what I mean. For lady katherine’s sake, I pray you’re wrong.” “Yeah. Me too.” “Champion what have you found? Where was Jaina taken? Tell me i’m not too late.” “Fate’s end is an island off the coast of stormsong. The worst criminals and traitors are taken there, never to return. Only the tidesages can approach it safely, and Ashvane would have had no trouble compelling them to bring Jaina to its shores. She was afterall, acting on my orders.”” We’re not going to give up hope that easily, despite no one ever coming back from fate’s end. We’ll just have to make sure that Jaina is the first, but too get there we’ll need the aid of the tidesages, we need the aid of our ally brother pike. Yet things with the tidesages are not entirely fixed as there are still enslaved elementals and fallen tidesages that roam the area. They’ll just have to be taken care of as we need a ritual knife, lantern and robes to help Pike with getting us to the island and the elementals power to break through the dark energies that the fallen tidesagess have placed on the scroll of ritual of safe passage. The scroll that will tell brother Pike how to perform the ritual is locked away within the shrine of the storm so one quick trip into the seat of power of the tidesages and we’re ready to begin. “Hear our bells rings out over the storm’s song. Their tolling calls you home.” “with blood we calm the wild seas that calimed you. On smooth waters and swift current,y sail home.” “We lift our lanters over the dark waters. We are beacons to guide you home. Souls washed to sea, return to us. Part the veil and step onto shore. Guide us through the treacherous waters, now your domain.” “I have never borne the burden of escorting any soul to fate’s end. We tidesages are the only ones who can venture there safely, but even we remain in the water.” “To even set foot upon that shore is to be condemned to death. I do not know what we will find when we arrive at fate’s end hero. I pray we find those we seek. But be wary. That island reeks of evil.” “I will remain with our guides and will serve as a beacon for you to find your way back to shore. Good luck.” Not much to be found on the island, no sign of Jaina anywhere but we do find her staff... “Thros consumed all! She is ours!” Herald of gorak tul attacks “SHe will never escape the blighted lands...” “Gorak tul: Think you have won? Look around...What you seek is not here. Your lost little girl is in my keeping. Oh, how she weeps. Her suffering will be unending!” Gorak Tul, lord of the blighted lands has taken Jaina and not much is known about the blighted lands. Legends and rumors are all we have to go by, things katherine thought just existed to frighten children. It’s a terrible place that exists for torment and pain...What has katherine done... Yet at the same time we haven’t found a dead body. If there’s even a slightest chance to get her back, then we must venture into this realm that has caused so much darkness and suffering within Drustvar. “One more thing. If...when you find Jaina. I want to be there. I will brave whatever dangers await. I was the one who brought this fate upon her. I will be there to set it right.” If anyone knows how to get there, it would be lucile waycrest so that’s where our journey takes us next... “Inquisitor! I’ve received word from Katherine. You’re not seriously considering going into the blighted lands, are you?” Lucile lost her parents to the darkness of the blighted lands and can’t imagine anything to be worth going there. Our minds been made up, she herself does not know how to get there, but she might have a clue on who does. High in the mountains there’s a hidden alcove of impossibly verdant growth. It is there that the druids of kul tiras train the ind ways of the druids, from before the time of gorak tul. “A visitor to my den? How curious.” Their leader is the great bear Ulfar, the last of the drust thornspeakers, who gives us a bit of a preview for the upcoming kul tiran druids and it turns out that way back when, when the kul tirans rages their war against gorak tul and the drust, not all of the drust were down with his warlike ways. They were even willing to teach kul tirans their druidism and it’s not that different from regular druids. They are guardians of balance, keepers of the cycle. Life is a part of nature, as is death and it’s that death aspect that is shown more prominantly then the regular druidism that we’ve seen before. I imagine, and this is my own personal interpation, that the magic we see from Gorak Tul and his followers also has its origin in this form of druidism, excpet it leans a lot more to the death side of it, but again that’s my own personal take. All the same we ask Ulfar for a way into the blighted lands. “You wish to enter Thros? I am afraid I cannot help you, mainlander. Some pathways are best left closed, lest those on the other side set foot upon them.” “Oh, we are well past peeking, old bear.” “Gorak Tul! IT cannot be!” “Thornspeakers, to arms!” “You know you cannot defeat me, Ulfar. But if it is a fight you seek, then you shall have it! Thros awakens!” A shade of gorak tul appears and the students outside give us a preview of the feral form while we take non the blighted haunters. “You would share our gifts with these wretches, Ulfar? You deserve to burn with them!” “WHo are you to judge who’s worthy? Your twisted ways have disgraced our kind, Tul!” “This is far from over, old bear.” “It would appear I was mistaken. Thros has come to us. This...changes things.” The pathway is already open and Ulfar is ready to help us out. To get into the blighted lands, we’re going to embrace the ancient old magics of the drust and create an effigy. At the final battle between Gorak Tul and the first of house Waycrest, we go around picking up bones and sinew from gorak tuls followers. Runestones burried under years of soot and snow and to create a central focus for the efigiy, we pick up the skull of Korvash, Gorak Tul’s most trusted lieutenant. “I wish you luck on your journey, mainlander. Tread carefully, for gotak’tul’s eyes will be upon you. He is vulnerable within his own realm, and he wil lgo to great lengths to prevent you from entering it.” Time has drained the skull of its natural potancy so we need to recharge it, infuse it with gorak tul’s magic found within Waycrest Manor. With that our efigy is complete and as promised, Katherine Proudmoore joins us at the great tree Gol Inath, to save her daughter. “Champion! You’re a welcome sight. Those monsters in the woods ambushed my honor guard. I only survived thank to their sacrifice. Looks like we’re on our own from here. Lead the way.” “This place chills my soul. It feels as if i’m walkin over my own grave.. I must steal my nerves. Jaina has braved far worse because of me.” “This looks like some kind of doorway. Perhaps we should place the effigy here.” Place the effigy. “Well, that did...something...” “Now there must be some clue in here as to how this works.” “It vanished! Could these runes be serving as wards? Try to activate another.” “You’ve done it! The effigy worked!” The gateway is open and if the legends are truen than inside we will witness suffering and torment the likes of which we have never known...but if that is what Katherine must endure to right what she has wrong, then she will cross that threshold gladly and of course, we join her. “The blighted lands...this place certainly lives up to its name...” “It’s all my fault...” “Jaina?!” “No! Stay away!” “Jaina, wait!” “We must follow her!” This realm is new and still steeped in quite a lot of mystery. It reminds me a lot of stranger things and what this exactly is...hopefully time will tell. We’ve speculated a lot about this on discord and stream and at this point anything goes. Perhaps it’s connected to old gods and the emerald dream and nightmare considering the connection to druidism, the entrance through a tree. At the same time it could also be more connected to the realm of death or potentially be something different entirely. All we know for certain at this point is that this is the realm Gorak Tul and his people withdrew into after losing their way with the Kul Tiras. They want to come back to the physical world. Gorak Tul is vulnerable here, it’s a realm that prays on your fear and torment and it’s a realm that holds Lady Jaina Proudmoore. “Poor souls. No one should endure this. After we save Jaina, we must find a way to come back for them.” Servant of Thros: “Proudmoore’s daughter is ours, interloper!!” “Not if I have anything to say about it!” “Thros will consume you..” “Jaina is just ahead. We must hurry!’ “It’s alright, dear...” “No! You can’t help me! No one can help me!” “Wait! Ugh, when Jaina was a child she used to hide whenever she was frightened or upset. I always found her then...and I will not fail her now. LEad the way, champion.” Find Jaina’s mirror images, which have hiddene throughout the blighted lands. Citzenens of theramore: “You left us to die!” “You could have stopped him! You could have saved us!” “I failed off them...” “No, don’t listen to them, Jaina!” “You will never take our prize!” Kick the crap out the blighted decievers “Jaina... you were..are..the pride of Kul Tiras. Her power and her fury. But even the strongest of us can’t save everyone.” “She’s gone. The child was only a reflection. An echo of jaina’s suffering. We must continue our search.” Jainas past and her guilt is being turned against her. Those she let down at Theramore, fallen to the Horde, Warchief Garrosh and his mana torments her. Varian: “You were at my side in the undercity. We had them cornered! Justice was within my grasp. I could have ended them all! Sylvanas...Thrall...Think what our world could have been without them and their twisted Horde! But you...You stayed my blade. How many alliance soldiers died that day? And in all the battles that followed?” “All because of me...” “Get away from her!” “She belongs to Gorak Tul!” Wrath of the Lich KIng, at the battle for the undercity which was after the Wrathgate that took so many lives on both sides because of the development of the plague, the betrayel by Varimathras and Grand Apothecary Putress, Varian had an oppertuntity to strike out. “Varian no, i won’t let you do this.” “We will not be denied...our vengeance...” “Seeking an end to bloodshed is a noble pursuit, Jaina. I wish your father could have learned that lesson.” Image disapears. “My daughter is here somewhere. Hiding. Suffering. We will find her...and free her from this forsaken place.” Rhonin: “You let your personal biases taint the Kirin Tor. I was a fool to think you could be our leader!” “But they lied to me...” “He’s not real Jaina! None of this is!” “Your scream will be unending!” Mists of Pandaria, the sunreavers in order of Garrosh stole the divine bell using her city. Lying about it which lead to her deciding to purge dalaran of the sunreavers, kill any that took up arms and imprison those that surrendered. “You will...wish for death...” “My dearest Jaina...reason alone cannot dictate all of your choices. IF you abandon your feelings, only an empty darkness will remain.” Final image of Jaina disapears. Follow Daelin’s voice to locate Jaina’s true location “Another illusion? Jaina must still be trapped nearby.” “You sided with mongrels over your own flesh and blood!” “That voice...Daelin?! No, it must be another of those creatures tormenting Jaina. Hurry!” Warcraft 3, the founding of Durotar and what the song daughter of the sea is now based upon. Her father looking for her after Lordaeron fell, finding the savage horde, but not the same horde as Daelin remembered. Jaina tried to talk to him, tried to make him understand that thralls horde stood with her against archimonde and the legion, but her father wouldn’t listen. So...for the sake of peace..Jaina decided to step to the side as Thrall, Rexxar and the Horde entered her city and took her fathers life. “Father, why wouldn’t you listen...” “You stood and watched as those animals cut me down. What has your betrayel earned you?” “Father..please...” “They took your father...betrayed your king...and you did nothing! WIll you abandon all your allies to the Horde?” “Enough! Show us your true form, monster!” “Insolent fools! She is broken beyond your reach! You will be next!” Anchoring strike, lol “You are too late..” “Jaina is it really you?” Cinematic: “There you are...” “SNif snif” “I did everything wrong.” Poef she vanishes, lets enter her mind “We’re too late. This entire city must be purged. Jaina?” “I’m sory Arthas. I can’t watch you do this. I should have stopped him. HE would never have turned. HE’d still be alive.” “You have always been naive, my daughter.” “Daelin? “I won’t let you do it father. I should have tried harder. YOu don’t understand!” “I understand more than you suspect my dear. I wasn’t strong enough. Perhaps in time you will too. Sieze them all! I Should have made him listen. Father. No! Forgive me!” “You couldn’t save him from himself.” “Do you really think you can cast aisde your guilt so easily!??!” Cry... No...Father...Why wouldn’t you listen...” “Katherine, enforce our laws. The punishment for death.” Uhooo look at what you did Katherine. “Do you accept the judgment of your homeland.” “I accept your judgement, mother.” Ill do better child... “My daughter. Forgive me. Forgive your father. And... forgive yourself.” “Come topside sweetheart.” Omg this is beautiful, I litteraly have goosebumps as i’m typing this out. Wauw...just wauw... HELLO JAINA! That cinematic is absolutely incredible. Not only since it contains so much that happened to Jaina in the past like stepping away from Arthas as he decided to purge Stratholme, a decision that haunts her...could she perhaps have done more to stop him. Stepping away from her father, could she have done something to convince him, to change his mind or perhaps it would have been better to stay at his side? Her mothers judgement not just because of her actions towards kul tiras, but all of her past, her mistakes, her choices, her doubts. We see arthas, her father, maybe Uther behind her, Varian, Rhonin, Kindy and so many more in the background, most likely citizens of theramore and lordaeron, ghosts of the past that are haunting her and when she tells her mother ‘I’ll accept your judgement’ it’s not just for being the daughter of the sea and what she’s done to kul tiras. It is her mother judging her entire life...Ripping off the necklace, the last memento of her father and casting her out must have been shattering but now...after quite litteraly being inside Jaina’s head. Feeling what she had to go through, her mother does better. Asking her for forgiveness, to forgive her father and to forgive herself. Let go of those demons that are with her every step of the journey. Not to forget or cast it aside, but forgive herself. Right or wrong, sometimes the choices that we make are impossible to get right and that’s oke. We’re only human as she embraces her daughter and welcomes her home. “Come daughter. We’ll find our way out of here.” “None of you will escape!” “Mother, look out! MOTHER!” BAWOESJ “You challenged the wrong family, fiend! To arms, champion!” “Thros will consume you all! At last I will claim vengeance!” “My people defeated your kind once, monster. We will do so again!” From a very emotional moment, we dive right back into the action as Gorak Tul still needs to be dealt with. I assume since he’s volnerable in his own realm that he is taken care of, but the blighted lands might make for a really cool raid in the future. “Your hollow victory...means nothing... The drust...will never...relent...” “And Kul Tiras will never yield.” “Mother! Are you alright? “”Yes...I will be fine. We’d better go before more of those...things...arrive.” “IT will be a relief to put this place behind me. Champion, shall we?” “It is good to feel the sea air. Thank you champion. Without your intervention, I may never have felt it again...” “Now, let me see if I can do this properly this time...Welcome home..daughter.” “Mother...I ...” “Lord Admiral! Ships on the horizon! They’re flying Ashvane colors!” “Priscilla has come back for my city... Champion! IT seems I am in need of your aid once more.” “Taelia, take our champion and muster the militia. Jaina and I will prepare the defenses. It seems our homecoming will have to wait.” “Understood...Lord Admiral.” “I’ll head to the outskirts and alert the citizens. Hurry to the docks. I’ll meet you there!” Priscila finally makes her return and is ready for her final move, siege Boralus. With her weaponized Azerite, our fleet still missing and the iron tide backing her up, we’re in for one hell of a fight. Chopper Redhook, Dread Captain Lockwood, even the sea giant Hadal Darkfathom and a kraken called Viq’goth summoned from the depths by lady ashvane are thrown at us to bring the city low. We’re able to repel the invaders but we’re simply outnumbered and our defenses will not hold... Cinematic: Uho thats a lot of ships Our harbor defenses won’t be enough. Father’s pendant. For generations, the heart of the kul tiran fleet. I thought that hope had returned with this seal. That perhaps I could call the fleet home as your father did. I was wrong. IT was never meant for me. ITs your jaina. Ow yes, hum that theme. Beware the daughter of the sea, but too you it means so much more doesn’t it? The song of your father as he made a promise to always come home to you. And you use that beautiful voice of yours to find them lost at sea. “There you are” BEHOLD THE POWER OF JAINA. I AM SO POWERFUL I CAN MAKE LONG LOST HEROES COME STRAIGHT OUT OF THE RPG AND IN TO THE CANON LORE “We’re home, tandred! Captain, pirates in our harbor.” “All hands. Lets show them what kul tirans are made of.” “Lady ashvane, your orders! Lady ashvane! You have no choice but to surrender. Ahoy, sail that white flag as the day has been saved. It seems hope has returned...with you, Lord Admiral. Awwwwwwwwwww it so beautiful. Ahhh i’m not crying, you’re crying Laura Bailey the voice actress of Jaina porudmoore is a goddess, in fact pretty much all the voice acting has been on point. Some of you asked if the pendant is a magical artifact and it very well might be, but I think they’re aiming for more of a family connection. This is the necklace that connect her to her father and her home of kul tiras and with it in her hand she starts humming the song ‘daughter of the sea’, but as we found out during the introduction cinematic...It was not always a song about how she betrayed her father “Ahoy, ahoy, sweet Daughter of the Seas.” “Ahoy, this child be mine.” “The admiral’s girl, his whole entire world. For as long As stars do shine. “Giggle, promise you’ll come back.” “I’ll weather every storm if I know you are waiting for me.” “Time to go, Jaina!” “I love you poppa.” “Come topside sweatheart.” I will weather any storm if it brings me back to you and with her powers Jaina not only finds the missing fleet and bring it home, she litteraly pulls her brother out of the warcraft RPG and into the canon lore. This is not her brother Derek that died to the Horde with the alliance of lordaeron, this is her other brotherTandred proudmoore. Once said to not be part of the offficial lore, they’ve now changed their mind about that and I’m assuming he’ll have his part to play. “That bloke in the red shirt over there told me i wasn’t canon. Well obviously. I am a mariner, not a canon!” Jaina has been appointed as Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, we’ve helped out the houses and united the land. It is time to officially welcome Kul Tiras back into the alliance. “Thank you all for coming, I shallp keep this brief. DIvision has made us vulnearable. We are beset from enemies within. The Horde, too, has made its intentions clear. THose savages would see us burn. I ask you now to put your faith in my daughter Jaina, the true lord admiral of kul tiras. And to renew our bond with the alliance whos heroes have saved us from our own unmaking.” “What say you?” “House waycrest stands with you lord admiral and with the alliance.” “The storm’s wake shall guide the fleet to victory for the alliance as we have before.” “Thank you...all of you. I will do everything I can to prove worthy of your trust.” “I am pleased and honor to welcome kul tiras back into the alliance. May the light guide us to victory.” And just one small, little lore bomb waiting to be dropped... “King Wrynn, there is someone you should meet. Along with your champion, she was instrumental in saving our kingdom...and my life.” “IT is an honor to meet you king wrynn. I am Taelia. Taelia Fordragon.” “FordragoN?!” “Daughter of Bolvar. Fostered under our protection since the third war.” “Taelia..please, rise. The honor is mine.” “Did you know my father?” “Highlord Bolvar was a great man. A true hero to the alliance – and to me. I remember now,,,he used to write you letters. he had a nickname for you...” “My shining star. The letters stopped coming. I ... I have so many questions.” “Taelia, when time permits, you must come to Stormwind as my guest. I have many stories to share about your father.” Taelia is a fordragon and as she told us the moment we arived, he was a stormwind knight who gave his life fighting the Lich King. Not just any stormwind knight, a long time friend of house Wrynn who was there for Anduin when his father was split into two and he had to step up to lead their people in the shadow of Onyxia. Bolvar who lead the assault at the Wrathgate, choking by the plague unleashed by putress and varimathras only to be kept at the edge of life by the dragons fire and then tormented by the Lich King. At the end it would be he to take up the job as jailor of the damned telling tirion to never come back and keep what happened there a secret. What better way to do that then to build a statue in the middle of dalaran which shows people exactly what happened, but of course that’s not what really happened in the story, that’s just for our convenience. As far as I’m aware, the people that know what happened to Bolvar are sylvanas as she made her way to the top of icecrown before killing herself. Tirion of course and the knights of the ebon blade since they worked with the lich king durng legion, although it’s up for speculation if they actually recognised him as being bolvar. Varian and Jaina as well know what happened to bolvar as described in the novel The shattering, a prelude to the cataclysm. At that point in time they said that Anduin didn’t know what happened to bolvar, a man who was like a father to him, but knowing that there are several sources aware of what happened to’s not as big of a secret as he wanted it to be. And that is the ending for the alliance major story as they regain the loyalty of Kul Tiras and accept them back into the alliance. The war with the Horde as well as the other threats still lurking in the distance that’s a story still waiting to be told but if that’s going to be the same quality as this one was then man ow man do we have a fun journey waiting for us. For me this storytelling is a 10 out of 10. They could have easily gone with the route of Jaina goes mental and is the bad guy, something that might still happen in the future, but I’m so very thankful that they didn’t. Instead they went the more subtle route. Touching upon nearly everything that’s happened and been discussed about Jaina in the past. Having her mother not just brush aside her actions, but standing up for them and trying to make it right. The cinematic in which we see the shadows of the past haunting her and the connections to her family, bringing the fleet and her brother home...It was emotional, subtle, beautiful and some of the best story telling that I have ever experienced within warcraft. The Horde side of things is definatly worth your time as well and that will be the thing we’re going to talk about next time, but for now thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time guys...see ya!
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Views: 233,022
Rating: 4.9463434 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth, Kul Tiras, Drustvar, Tirigarde, Stormsong valley, Jaina Proudmoore, Katherine, Daelin, Warcraft 3, Rexxar, Thrall, Horde, Durotar, Peace, Genn Greymane, Azshara, Fleet, Tendred, RPG, Drust, Blighted Lands, Nightmare, Druidism, Arthas, Lich King, Stratholme, Uther, Kinda, Theramore, Garrosh, Blood elves, Dalaran, Purge, Sin'dorei, Sunreavers, Divine Bell, Daughter of the sea
Id: jRNfO4tz2lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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