World of Warcraft (2021): All Shadowlands Cinematics in Order (Up to 9.1: Chains of Domination)

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enough submit you are only making this harder on yourself not cardo and me right now you hold all the power how will you use it i have not come this far to falter now then why do you hesitate make your choice sylvanas windrunner [Music] [Music] [Music] the vessel performed its part flawlessly [Music] three keys to vain then they will see death was all right i'm just going to say it this is weird if you could see yourselves as i see you toy soldiers in tin plate beasts who howl for honor standing as one savor it nothing lasts countless souls have been fed to the hungering darkness though i cared nothing for the living i did pity the forsaken for the great injustice that made them what they are i understand the cruelty of fate better than anyone but despite all i taught them they stubbornly clung to hope to life they will learn the truth along with all the rest my bargain with azshara will yet bear fruit the armies of azeroth will fight her master and he will line their streets with corpses in the end he too will serve death enough reflection there are preparations to be made nothing lasts when next you see me you will understand ice crown a monument to our suffering the veil between life and earth where are you serper sits on a frozen throne but no king rules forever [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] um [Music] you are unfit to wear this crown [Applause] to wield so much power that power will be your prison this world is a prison [Music] and i will set us all free [Music] [Music] uh knew she would come one day to seize this power for herself instead she has done the unthinkable now she will come for them all to finish what she started then break all who opposed her [Music] those who held azeroth together will be in her sights [Music] no and when she comes our end begins oh mom is this the best you can do oh now now it's getting interesting [Music] wow [Music] your power has grown where is she with him of course in the darkest place along with every soul burn to ash in your precious street where is she go on kill me you'd send me right to my lady beyond the veil she shattered oh toronto hi priestess night warrior completely powerless to stop the comics [Music] beyond the veil lies the shadowlands where every soul has its place [Music] [Music] [Music] so beyond the veil lies darkness where every soul has its place [Music] i delight in the irony light grant me one final blessing give me the strength to shatter these [Music] bonds no more lives will be consumed by your hatred free at last it is over my son this is the moment of reckoning rise up champions of the lights [Music] what have you done the peace remains tenuous these are troubled times our people need stability alliance and horde alike we cannot risk sending azeroth's leaders on what might well be a suicide mission our friends who were abducted would offer the same council coward i would pay any price to see the banshee impaled upon my glaive i too want sylvanas to answer for her crimes but lorthemar is right anduin wouldn't want us to risk the well-being of the alliance for his sake the kaldor i need you if they are to have any hope of finding peace high priestess you dare speak to me of peace after the atrocities your kind inflicted enough the war is over we can ill afford to start another a far more pressing threat is at hand and we must prepare to face it the path opens your courage will be remembered champion [Music] find those who were taken and bring them home rescue the others the banshee is mine to kill tyrande don't do this [Music] we cannot lose you to the darkness [Music] [Music] you won't succeed such a narrow vision you disappoint me no matter we will find what we seek in another anduin how badly are you hurt i will live i'm relieved you're all safe these bonds are too strong to break by force we must find a way to free him beautiful mortal i find your spirit no [Music] nothing escapes the law yield they've stopped their advance [Music] the light is with me even here [Music] go champion go [Music] interesting you have failed no i have precisely what i need every attendant in orbis is taught that the mall is unpreachable that the malevolent souls within was sealed away for all eternity this mortal's escape might mean the prison is [Music] purpose be praised at long last the arbiter has stood for uncounted eels the shadowlands was in perfect order infinite afterlifes with oribos the eternal city has the shining heart every mortal soul came before the armature and she ever was experienced all that had shaped a soul in life with this knowledge she consigned every soul to the afterlife it justly deserved until in that dread moment our perfect order was shattered and so it is that every soul kind and cruel alike is denied its rightful afterlife and instead is damned to the inescapable torment of the mall more outsiders what have you done mortal beings [Music] but if they found a way to break free of its influence [Music] perhaps [Music] [Applause] [Music] light save my soul [Music] uther where where am i welcome to bastion [Music] you led a truly selfless life and for that you have been chosen chosen to shed your mortal burdens and join the ranks of the ascended serving to ferry the souls of the dead unto the shadowlands i serve the light and my work is not done there is an evil that must be there is no evil here the darkness was sealed within the maw long ago you're wrong he destroyed my home murdered my people and my king he must be punished you are an aspirant now you must accept your new purpose and purge yourself of this desire for vengeance what i desire is justice davos why are you training this soul it is beneath your station as a paragon he cannot let go he continues to demand retribution for his death and this concerns you many souls take eons to ascend yes but this one seems broken thanios unlike any soul i have seen i have begun to wonder whether he was deemed worthy of bastion by mistake be careful devos i would not let the arkhan hear such a thought in time he will forget trust our ways trust the path devos how long must we train until you are ready to ascend and what is keeping me from ascension nothing but the memory of your mortal life how can i forget when i can still feel his blade your soul is wounded who did this to you he was my student he betrayed us [Applause] all this is dire news for symphony but the archon has turned a deaf ear to such tidings in the past the circumstances have changed tell me of these for sworn most have merely lost faith and may yet be redeemed but some have fallen so far as to wield the power of the maw itself it is true this mortal has fought against ascended who are in service of the jailer lisonia is not the only one we do not know when or where the force warn will strike next but strike they will what you speak of is unthinkable but we must remain vigilant nonetheless paragons return to your temples address these monitor the wards it appears you have a part to play in all of this mortal let us see what comes of it go in service the ward has been sabotaged as we agreed good our allies are eager to strike the kirian temples will fall and the archon's reign shall be ended [Music] you cannot win this battle necromancer our courage never falters it will take more than courage to save you now my paragon you do not stand alone ah just the vessel i [Music] required [Music] what [Music] i have perfected you now serve me by destroying our enemies [Music] yes maldraxas where the armies of the five houses once stood side by side to protect the realm of death a victor emerges intriguing [Applause] witnessed your treachery your house is invaded bastion an act that betrays everything the primer stood for the crime was long gone crisis where is your hunger for glory why the house of the chosen lost its appetite we are meant to defend the shattered not conquered [Applause] your blade shall be broken slay them all crazy [Music] our preparations are complete we await your arrival [Applause] finally the power of new baron promise shall now know the ritual it is ruined no incompetent fool it is you who are the fool mobitan and your folly has brought your demise written spy curse you and your fallen house this must be your missing baron who is there must warn the margrave i know that voice can it be the baroness my father darian after all this time i will take us to a small alcohol near the waystone that enabled your previous exodus son save your strength father you will have time to speak later wait my sword fatebringer i will have need of it soon [Music] slay the mortal bring me that rune blade raise your sword champion formal [Music] practice [Music] the foes of the worthing shall be vanquished hold back [Applause] the seat of the brightness is ours [Music] i will not hear my mind is my own do you hear me you are whatever you want i will fight you you will not break me they have reached the seat of the primus and discovered his world unfortunately our eyes are everywhere this nuisance will be dealt with [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] my queen please help us this is of my sister why have you brought it to me this one is slipping away our duty is grim many have been lost why would i save her pet those who have dreamed by its side awaken with a joy and peace that whispers of wonder if she dies then all that is emerald dies with her some must be sacrificed but some must be saved if we forget that all that will remain will be empty shells and sorrow so oh [Music] [Music] [Music] your path heeds onward mortal know that you have gained an ally in me and in arden wield my children i know the suffering you have endured i fear further sacrifices must be made if rev wrath is to survive this crisis begging my master's pardon i humbly present the more walker that's it i'm dead ah the mortal who escaped the inescapable prison a living soul restoring hope to the realms eternal more walker i am aware of your urgent request for anima under normal circumstances i would of course oblige sadly you arrive in the midst of a violent rebellion our resources are stretched perilously thin this drought has left my people desperate starving and some even to fight but if you were to aid our cause then i could gratefully provide the aid you seek as i explained before sire we cannot rush such a delicate process animal harvesting demands finesse our friend grows impatient recent events require us to expedite our efforts see it done innerva but master well what have we here you really must be more vigilant about uninvited my defiant accuser and her hapless mortal pawn it is impressive that you discovered our little secrets if a tad inconvenient you deprive your own people of anima an inflicted drought upon all of the shadow lands why the other realms would squander our most precious resource that won't do rest assured this anima will serve a higher purpose but i fear you will not survive to witness the glory to come i will deal with the messiah harshly of course [Music] s [Applause] ah this was your valiant last stand for so very long you've punished arrogant souls but instead of learning from their suffering you've become one of them you just needed to obey how fortunate you are to witness the splendor of what is about to unfold every precious drop of animal so painstakingly run from the tortured souls of lesser beings now paves the path for the banished one to reclaim what was his and once his liberation is secured it shall be by his will that all is washed away the only power that will emerge from this torrent of change is death death and those who shaped its victory someone will stop you to nathrius even if i do not speak observe uh remember this lesson nothing will stop the jailer from breaking free danathrius is surely gathering his forces inside castle nathria unchecked his loyalists will soon overwhelm us we must rally the harvesters at sinful while this mortal returns to oribos they must be told were transpired here i shall escort the maw walker my prince come mortal [Music] as the arbiter's voice i heed the call of the eternal ones how may i serve the moor groves surging with power how did this come to pass the evil we believed forever bound has conspired to distract and divide us the primus realized the truth but his warning came too late i fear he paid a grave price for this march you speak for revenge where is your sire where is our brother dinaprius my sire has betrayed us all the drought was his doing he stole the very lifeblood of our realms starving his own people and yours as well when his lies were exposed danathrius unleashed his vast coffers of anima into the more to fuel the might of his true master long ago we stood as one to imprison them monster with the primus gong and an atherius a traitor our pantheon has been broken and doom comes for the shadowmans [Music] there is yet hope this mortal saved me from the more and revealed the sire's treachery they aided my forest as well their kind has shown great potential if focused it could turn the tide in our favor agreed for the good of the shadowlands each mortal must choose a covenant and when our realms have regained their strength we will stand together against the darkness i will see it done eternal ones with her voice have i spoken come mortal the hour of decision is at hand look at you pathetic above it dancing on strings i will not break i will not break i will not fool your mind is already broken but even a broken thing can be made to serve countless secrets extracted insidious designs forged into weapons for my armies [Music] what i require your brand is designed to claim a vital prize [Applause] yes your finest [Music] [Music] the vessels [Music] i do hope you've settled in the accommodations are of his sparse i know where are the others are they safe safe no i wouldn't say any of them are safe i am so tired of your games as you wish no more secrets no more lies you are a weapon we will use to achieve our ends i will not become an instrument of death so you favor life is that it that momentary flicker every cruel second spent delaying the inevitable in an endless war that you like every rin before you will not survive you know the truth nothing is fair not life not death so we're going to tear it all down and what purpose would that serve everyone suffers sylvanas but destroying everything will not take away the pain oh you misunderstand we're breaking a system that has always been flawed and remaking it into one that is just do you expect me to believe that all this time you've been fighting for justice [Music] how can i convince you from our first breath to our last every decision is made for us then the afterlife decides what eternity we must endure we can't even choose who we we couldn't control anything but through the jailer control of our fate will at last be possible look around you at what and who you've joined what makes you believe you're not just a weapon to achieve his ends you have a choice to consider join us willingly or be made to serve i thought you believed in free will sylvanas we've never had free will little lion but that is about to change yes [Music] oh a taste of freedom a place to start you will never escape some more [Music] i was dreaming of home only to awaken in this place of torment champion i for i saw you escape before we were recaptured do you have the means to take us out of the more [Music] all that matters is we now possess the necessary instrument we must begin his preparation leave him to me you've seen what he is capable of when he believes in the cause a measure of patience may yield superior results very well we have our weapon now you shall hone it [Music] at last the torment is over i've had enough of this place let's go the mall i remember feel so long ago you escaped the jailer yes it's becoming clearer now the way stone our path out of here i have seen only the darkest reaches of the shadow lands it is good to know there are places of hope as well may the spirits of my ancestors be safe in realms of comfort and peace i am glad of your return brother it is a relief to have you back thrall i will send word to agra and the regent lord at once i feared the worst bane and i both know the horrors that the jailer inflicted the things i saw in that place the torments i endured are best not relived at least not now [Music] thrall do you know where they've taken anduin my captors spoke of a valuable prisoner held deep within the jailer's tower it has to be underwent hi lord you have peered into tourgast and guided the maw walker through its torments i beg you to look deeper to find the king you once safeguarded as a boy what you ask poses a terrible risk to all of us i am eternal this is not the end master let me preserve you so i shall restore you master we will have vengeance you were ever fond of saying that the then fear do not destroy we educate it is time you will reminded of revendreth's noble purpose shall we begin you cannot bind me i am eternal i am your master i am remember this lesson a weapon forged in the fires of torquecast a moon blade is born uh a mourn blade oh no anduin's still captive there has something happened to him father i fear for anduin as well but is it safe for the high lord to peer inside the toll it takes on him there is a price to be paid for communing with that darkness again but i must see we all must know [Music] has been taken prisoner what is our plan to recover him every soul has his purpose has been [Music] he's not ready approach is necessary we have not come this far only to falter now you know what must be done there she is again you know these endless lectures of yours have failed to convince you regardless the conversation is over one way or another we will have you so i will offer this last time join our cause or be made to serve what kind of choice is that why even give me it's the choice you never had despite all your grand designs there's still some shred of your mortality haunting you as if the banshee queen hasn't entirely eclipsed the ranger general don't now i understand why you brought me here why you've tried so hard to persuade me because if you can get me to let go of hope you finally can too enough submit you are only making this harder on yourself not cardo and me right now you hold all the power how will you use it i've not come this far to falter now then why do you hesitate make your choice sylvanas windrunner despite all our efforts the mall continues to grow what if denathrius's treachery is irreparable the premise is lost and bastion cannot save the shadow lands alone none of this should have happened perhaps the winter queen could my archon a living soul seeks an audience a mortal a king by all our measures one who has spent his life striving for justice one who would give anything to serve his people [Music] one whose heart is true very well he may approach step forward [Music] my ascended have spoken of you the king held captive in the mall that prison could not hold me forever why have you come to bastion you have a key that i need you will release this soul from your grasp no he is bound to me just as you would sought to find your own brother [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Music] the vessel performed its part flawlessly [Music] three keys then they will see death was never meant to be chained [Music] i've been expecting you come let us find a more comfortable place to chat no need to be on edge as you can see my guards have been instructed to treat you as a guest [Music] you will enjoy my hospitality so long as you remain receptive to what i have to say [Music] you mean you could cease control these are merely the ravings of a selfish prince desperate to reclaim his former glory the bargain between denathrius and the jailer will leave us all to be consumed by the more i want our ways to survive if that makes me selfish i would hope you were all selfish as well none of your grand words matter you cannot defeat both the jailer and the master i will not subject my stone-borne children to further suffering [Music] i've heard enough this usurper demands our medallions but offers nothing [Music] why renathal if only you had shown such passion ages ago i find it positively enthralling but i must agree with the others you lack leverage [Music] this ritual will help you expel the excess animal trapped inside of you kale foss it will hurt but no more than you deserve now kel'thos expel the animal no i want it's power impotent fool that anima binds your sin stone release it or i will throw you into the more myself stand down i will deal with this manifestation i am free hardly that sin stone still belongs to you kale boss sun strider tend to it my father and i ruled the finest kingdom in all the world until it was decimated by arthas menethil and the lich kel'thuzad i sought to restore the glory of my people in hindsight the bargains i struck may have been uh regrettable so you fools have discovered us at last why are you sending anima to mount jaxus who do you serve answer me you cannot stop my master he is allied with the banished one himself who who is your master i serve the mighty killed fazzod and he will conquer all of our i will health is our turn the defiler of the sunwell at last i will claim justice for silver moon meddlers you dare strike down my underling no matter the house of rituals serves my will should you be so bold face me there i will make kel'thuzad pay for what he's done earnest tracker i insist you escort me to mel draxus at once do not make demands of me fallen prince we must learn more about this threat we face before rushing in foolishly make no mistake i will have my vengeance but i suppose i can afford a measure of patience be sure to inform the accuser of my selflessness this mortal has not been long upon our path but their strides have echoed throughout the halls of the ascended in service to our cause they have defended our temples against invasion exposed the traitor to nathrius and braved the terrors of the moor itself on this day we welcome them into our sacred covenant together we will restore peace and order to this realm glory to bastion [Music] not only are you a mentor to those around you but also a star wars defender of bastion now you join the ranks of the ascended no more of your rituals archon no more lies rise my force sworn davos you leave this rebellion the archons blind edicts place us all in peril we will forge a new path for bastion the spires of ascension will belong to the force sworn ascended repel this assault paragons with me devos must be stopped the archon has spoken defend the hold elysian hold does not matter with the crest of ascension broken your forces will dwindle the spires of ascension will soon belong to the foresworn devils shall save the shadowlands from the drought and lead us into a new era i will honor our accord garmore will fall by our combined might we shall see soon enough mograine's kin have proved worthy allies and know our foe well we will strike the eastern flank and they the west then we shall converge on garmal as one [Music] we have them fire [Music] do not let them defenders of maldraxas through deceit and treachery khal'thuzad has turned our great houses against one another he conspires with outside forces and defies the will of the primus today he will answer for his [Music] you crimes too late the way opens destroy these meddlers that beast is incinerating our forces will be overrun necro lords hold your ground we will not fail maldraxos what an impressive gathering so many courageous champions i am truly honored why prince chaofus is that you i never did properly thank you for the use of your sunwell enough cal thuzad you have defied the laws of the primus and conspired to bring ruin upon maldraxas surrender or be destroyed it was all too easy to sow chaos and discord within your squabbling houses the jailer's plan unfolds exactly as intended a pity you will not see it come to fruition kel'thuzad is siphoning power for margaret sunday weaken him so i might use the staff to release her [Music] interlopers you will not escape your page we are not the ones who need to fear kel'thuzad your cause is lost you server now your answer for your crimes against maldraxas and against me foolish margrave your victory is a hollow one the medallion is ours let us return to revenge what we cannot simply leave not well kilthazard yet libs i will have vengeance for silvermoon his fate is not yours to decide come glitch the banished one calls you to his side [Music] i'm so glad i got to see you before i go goodbye my sweet little friend before you go what do you mean only a vessel of arden can contain the power of the grove willow you you are the vessel no there must be another way don't be sad for me pelagos i spent my whole life serving the forest this is my chance to help all of the shadow lands my final night was wonderful i'm so happy you were here to share it with me i am ready my queen willow thank you bastian will never forget what you have given us i will make certain of it [Music] [Music] you have been a useful pawn luther devos may have treasured you but i have no further need i see my future clearly the arkham shall fall by my blade and bastion will be mine it seems you have guests paragon do take care of them you are beneath me kirian i am the paragon of doubt and i have little patience for your continued interruptions attack let us fly to the waystone and escape the ma quickly i must thank you for saving me from listonious abuse i fear that there would be nothing left of me if you had not intervened when you did how do you fare uther i am in pain but nothing i have not felt before my wounds shall heal though we may be enemies it would not have been right to leave you to suffer i believe we are quite alike claire perhaps one day we can speak more of that for now let us escape this wretched place i implore you to place uther under my care we must understand what ails him so i suspect there is much we do not yet know i too would like to understand please lead the way my training as an aspirant was difficult i remembered nothing of my life every time i close my eyes i see my death i see him standing before me that cursed blade in hand devos convinced me that my death was wrong she promised me justice what we did to him was not justice it was vengeance lysonia was no different i did not know that they wielded the same darkness thank you for showing me mercy i will not forsake it we all have much to learn uther come let us speak further at my temple [Music] arthas [Music] alas hero of azeroth you give me a greater gift than you know long have i struggled to forgive the prince for his terrible transgressions my soul has been wrapped with unbearable anxiety dark thoughts distancing me from the light i recall clearly the gleam of pride in his eye as he stood before me eager to defeat the enemies of the light [Music] welcome prince arthas the men and i are honored by your presence can the formalities uther i'm not king yet it's good to see you you too lad i'm pleased that king terenas sent you to help me father still hopes your patience and experience might rub off on me well it is a father's right to dream isn't it eager to defend his people no matter the cost it is this memory of arthas that i choose to keep in my heart i shall always be in your debt friend i thought it was all a dream argus in the sky and blade in the desert teldrasse in the flame all of those souls lost to the maw and tyrande her rage darkens her heart like a shadow on the moon her hunt is endless and unrelenting but the night warrior's power is as much a curse as it is a blessing it threatens to tear her asunder from within i could not aid the kaldorei when teldrassil burned i pray i can aid to ronda before it is too late you have achieved much in the span of a mortal life we are fortunate to call you an ally and so by animal we bless you by spirit we embrace you by oath we stand beside you rise child of as adam of the wild champion of the court of night and protected [Music] their anima will feed our victory leave their hearts to rot [Music] [Music] your infestation is at an end monster wait i sent something hidden from sight airline a just trick to distract us from that true target do you know where the leader has gone awakening she seeks awakening we will stop her i swear it for queen and grove a queen and girl wild hunt we ride for the grove of awakening we're so sorry airline good night embrace you [Music] time for you to go back to the other side don't you worry though you got yourself a new master your [Music] strings all along you know about we get a little payback rescue that ancient spirit from the mall and bring it nice and safe to the winter queen [Music] to azeroth just like our friend here so all tied to them treads and don't be fully manifest in your spirit in that dark place else your soul might be going didn't it be time i said things right no way i'd be letting wazala get the last life hey your majesty your old friend wants somebody be helping this one find all of them missing lua i will take these three spirits into our [Music] along with this other intriguing a mortal soul entwined with the essence of azoa cannot say what fate will befall you volgen of the dark spear but i offer you this chance to one day be reborn anew i be deeply honored your majesty champion thank you for all you done for me in life and in death looks like all virgin virginity starting a new hunt after i begin some rest [Music] well sure your majesty all blind simply be glad to give you one of the soul and risk his neck to save and in return all him ask for is depart fine fine but if you ever need this so lower just come on over to the other side [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jayla's power grows and the shadow lands face unrelenting peril stand ready huntress your strength will be needed in the days to come mendo leave them all with us before the night warrior's power overwhelms you no not while our people suffer inside tour ghast i will tear that tower apart and the banshee with it we must not let her face them alone i cannot afford to lose her trail i will meet you up ahead follow me into tour gust we must make haste mindo chandras why have you come my dreams brought me here we have come to save you foolish child there is no leaving this place but you can join me here forever and oh come with us we can leave the darkness of the mo behind and bring you back to the light no my hunt will not cease until every soul is saved and the ban she has answered for her crimes this ma walker has the means to deliver our brothers and sisters from their torment if that is true then i entrust this sacred duty to you champion save the souls of my people while i claim vengeance upon the one who put them here please ma walker use the crystal you carry to save these kaldorei spirits at least these kaldorei souls were freed for the first time in a long while i feel hope i will not give up on my mother but for now we must help these souls find peace come let us leave this place you want a drink how about a zombie i see dead people yes kind of my thing you know link has been severed that is all i can wait something is bolvar what is it [Music] jailor's voice how is this happening i will not stop you the jailer is tearing into bolvar's mind we have to break their connection instead you defied me a failure like those who came before you father resist him do not let him win fight my lord we're with you i will claim what is mine death comes just a little more though we managed to stop the attack i fear the danger is far from over my thanks to all of you but jaina is right the jailer knows what we saw he will use that knowledge against us we should gather our forces and attack torgast anduin must be freed you've seen the jailer's armies we're not ready to launch a full-scale assault if we follow our hearts and rush in we could lose everything we will work with our allies in orobos to rally the covenants only with their help do we stand a chance of stopping the jailer and saving anduin more walker continue your efforts explore the dark reaches of torque fight for the shadow lines and when the time comes we will claim victory i'm so relieved you're safe lord admiral i can't imagine the horrors you and the others endured thank you talia the maw is bereft of hope i've only experienced such emptiness once before when i faced arthas in icecrown uther dear uther i i'm so sorry jaina you haven't much time the lich king sees what the sword sees he will be here sure this is here maybe i arthas is not here arthas is merely a presence within the lich king's mind a dwindling presence but uther if there's any hope of reaching arthas i i must try jaina listen to me you must destroy the lich king you cannot reason with him he will kill you and your allies and raise you all as powerful soldiers of the scourge tell me how uther how do i destroy my prince my snap out of it girl you must destroy the lich king at the place where he merged with near zul atop the spire at the frozen throne it is the only way you're right uther forgive me i i don't know what got a hold of me we will deliver this information to the king and the knights that battle the scourge within icecrown citadel there is something else that you should know about the lich king control over the scourge must never be lost even if you were to strike down the lich king another would have to take his place for without the control of its master the scourge would run rampant across the world destroying all living things a grand sacrifice by a noble soul who could bear such a burden i do not know jaina i suspect that the piece of arthas that might be left inside the lich king is all that holds the scourge from annihilating azeroth then maybe there is still hope [Music] no jaina [Music] he is coming you you smashing skeleton so you wish to commune with the dead you shall have your wish you won't deny me this arthas i must know i must find out just as you promised [Music] forgive me heroes i should have listened to uther i i had to see for myself to look into his eyes one last time i am sorry the specter of my brother hangs over all of us like a shroud his choices were his own though it does seem his fate was shaped in part by the hand of the jailer my father's fate as well the helm that blade where the instruments of the jailer all along the runes on frostmourne were a type of magic not seen on azeroth before the lich king but that same power is woven into the very fabric of the maw and torgast arthas and bolvar were not the only ones touched by that dark influence the blade claimed many lives many souls we cannot allow it to claim anduin as well he kept it all this time he kept it [Music] i knew i sensed a part of him still alive trapped struggling oh arthas perhaps perhaps he might someday remember what he once was by the light may he at last find rest free from the icy grip of that terrible blade arthas [Music] alas hero of azeroth you give me a greater gift than you know long have i struggled to forgive the prince for his terrible transgressions my soul has been wrapped with unbearable anxiety dark thoughts distancing me from the light i recall clearly the gleam of pride in his eye as he stood before me eager to defeat the enemies of the light [Music] welcome prince arthas the men and i are honored by your presence can the formalities uther i'm not king yet it's good to see you you too lad i'm pleased that king terenas sent you to help me father still hopes your patience and experience might rub off on me well it is a father's right to dream isn't it eager to defend his people no matter the cost it is this memory of arthas that i choose to keep in my heart i shall always be in your debt friend i see only darkness before me now cast him into the maw return him to the darkness he served his eternal suffering awaits he was my student remember what he did and take your vengeance not vengeance [Music] justice [Music] i sought answers and found only anger there is much for me to consider my memories still haunt me hero i am still too old for this nonsense funny i never even realized i had lost michael tyrion accent [Music] of course i got my sheep staff who do you think coined the term woollomancer after all these years you're still trying to get under my skin some things never change so you think you know what it's like to date a bad boy girlfriend you have no idea the downside to having a surname like bloodhoof is that people are reluctant to let you walk on their carpets sauerfeng once called me animal style i did not care for the nickname he had a hungry look in his eyes when he said it why do some speak of grabbing life by the horns as if it is a good thing because let me tell you it is most uncomfortable and impolite mela has the most perfect antlers not that i'm thinking about them or anything do not speak about her antlers yes [Music] [Music] the vessels enough submit you are only making this harder on yourself [Music] you
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 513,775
Rating: 4.6451044 out of 5
Keywords: Sylvanas, Anduin, Jailer, Mourneblade, Cinematic, World of Warcraft, Shadowlands, Lore, Shalamourne, Jaina, Calia, Taelia, Arthas, Frostmourne, Lich King, All Cutscenes, Sylvanas Cinematic, Icecrown, Denathrius, Kel'thuzad, Menethil, Mograine, Ashbringer Lore, Thrall, Bolvar, Anduin's, Sacrifice, All, Cutscenes, Abduct, Corruption, Lich, Launch, Nathanos Blightcaller, Nathanos Fate, World, Warcraft, Cinematics, Catchup, Saurfang vs. Sylvanas, Old Gods, Ny'alotha, Mak'gora, 2020, Blood Elves, 9.1, Chains of Domination
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 49sec (6109 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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