The Story of Uldir - Battle for Azeroth [Lore]

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Hello everyone! Once upon a time, a very long time ago the voidlords wanted to corrupt the titans. They figured out that corrupting a grown titan wasn’t going to work so instead they set their eyes on the slumbering ones, those still inside planets. Like the titans they had no idea which planets actually held a spirit inside so they pooled their powers together and manifested in our reality something we call the old gods. Across the universe they traveled infected planets as they went, sometimes even hitting those with titans inside like the planet of Azeroth. The pantheon eventually found Azeroth corrupted, the old gods having the time of their lives raging war with eachother, enjoying their black empire, and the titans decided to do something. They knew that their colosal might was far too great to do something directly. They feared that they might actually do more damage to the titan so they decided to make keepers and let them do the work for them. The old god Y’shaarj turned out to be so powerful that despite their better judgement, the titans interfeared. Aman’thul reached down and ripped Y’shaarj out of the planet. Little pieces of the old god fell back unto the world, you might remember its hear being found by garrosh, yet its tendrils had burrowed so deep that a massive wound was left behind and Azeroth’s lifeblood erupted. In that moment the titans realised that killing old gods was not an option so instead they chose to imprison them. C’thun, Yogg-Saron and N’zoth were imprisoned while the heart of Y’shaarj was burried deep away. Order was brought to the world and the titans left their keepers behind. You might be familiar with certain titan facilities like Uldaman, Ulduar, Uldum, apperantly there’s also Uldaz and Uldoros but our journey today takes us into ULDIR! Killing the old gods in that moment was not an option so the titans created this sprawling underground facility to research and quarantine captured specimens. They hoped that by studying the void energy that bound the old gods, probing it for weaknessess and reactions, they could find some way to neutralize it, some way to cleanse the planet of its infection. They were horribly, horribly, wrong. The keepers experimentations lead to the creation of G’huun, an artificially created old god sometimes also refered to as a blood god. It’s a perfect avatar of the old god’s desire for unending, ravenous need to corrupt. It’s nothing but rot, pestilence and decay, the ultimate parasite who cannot stop himself from consuming his host until it is gone. Quite a big whoopsie from the keepers so like the beings from which it was created, G’huun was also locked away. 3 seals were designed to keep him there. One in Voldun, Atul’Aman, destroyed by Mythrax the Unraveler to release its masster. Mythrax is a C’thraxx, a being from the days of the black empire, but his rampage and destruction did not go without resistance. The loa sethralis sacrificed herself to take him out, but not before he was able to break the seal and its destruction turned the land of Voldun into what we see it as today. The second seal can be found in Nazmir, Nazwatha. Nazmir used to be a lush forest but when Deathwing broke out of the world and caused the shattering, something shook loose and nazmir started sinking into the sea. That’s most likely what destroyed the seal there which means the final one still turning was that within the capital, the Great Seal in Dazar’Alor. One of the few things still standing that is older than the Zandalari Empire and we know that the threat and corruption of G’huun has been a problem for a very long since even Dazar the first king had to hold his ground against it. But in the current day and age, someway, somehow Prophet Zul has started listening and following G’huun working hard on destroying that final seal by resurrecting Mythrax and leading a siege upon the capital. Despite Rastakhan allying himself with the loa Bwonsamdi and taking Zul’s life, they still succeed in destroying the final seal which means that G’huun has been released. Time to rally the forces and join Princess Talanji on the horde side, after our adventures in Nazmir and dealing with the blood trolls OR in my case, Brann Bronzebeard on the alliance after setting up our base in Nazmir during the war campaign and figuring out our commander allied herself with the blood trolls and G’huun...Time to venture into this corrupted titan complex and take care of business... “Iniating plasma collection” Right from the start we can see that Taloc is not feeling too well after the gobsquad blew him into the facilty. He’s a titan construct created by the keepers to keep watch over any signs of corruption in the region and to deal with them. Yet over the thousands of years that have passed, its internal defenses began to decay which made him vulnerable to corruption. He loves smacking us around with his beastly weapon as well as sharing that corruption flowing through his body. The fight continues as the elevator takes us down, deeper into the complex and with its first corrupted defense out of the way, we can ask Brann to do his favorite thing and open up the door. “Fuel levels depleted. Shutting down...” Brann: “Ye made it! Just gimme a second. I’ve accessed some sort of caretaker that I believe operates this facility.” Move from Ruin’s Descent into Hall of Sanitation “GImme a sec I’ll get these doors open.” “What?! No! The blasted doors are sealed! Start breakings things till they’open.” As always as we party with Brann, things don’t go as planned and while he tinkers away, we hold off waves of larva, crawgs and rot infused nazmani until MOTHER is kind enough to open the door. Mother: “Virulent specimen removed. Opening decontamination chamber. I am the Matron of Tenacity, Herald of Endless Research. Designation: M.O.T.H.E.R.” She together with Keeper Bolcan, Keeper Hezrel and Keeper Shavras seem to be the appointed titan creations to keep an eye on the place and keep it running, gifted with tenacity and an insatiable desire to discover a ‘solution’ to the Old Gods. Her protocols have remained fully intact, even though many other systems in her facility have collapsed. During the fight we can see just how much she loves purifying corruption as she tests the bacterial resistance to extreme heat by setting the ground ablaze, tries to push us into the oven, lasers designed to gather samples, MOTHER doesn’t mess around but we need to smack sense into her and make her realise that we’re here to help. “System restored. Levels returned to secure thresholds.” “Aye that did it. This technolgy isn’t all that confusing if you have a knack for it.” “Facility systems compromised. Proceed with caution.” “You’re a sight for sore eyes. Close as I can figure, this is some sort of research facility.” “Designation, Uldir. This research facility was designed to contain and study the entity known as G’huun.” “Well that explains why the blood trolls are lurking about, but why would the titans keep an Old God alive?” “Collection of data is imperative to combating the Old Gods. G’huun’s unique biology potentially holds the answer to eliminating their threat. “ “Did you find the answer?” “Negative. Data inconclusive. Alternative research trials are being developed and are scheduled to be deployed in 2.364 cycles.” “Ach, I don’t think we got that kind of time. Best to get rid of G’huun before this rot gets any worse.” “In order to destroy the specimen, you must reactive that vault consoles located throughout this wing. Activating all consoles will grant access to G’hun’s vault, where the specimen may be purged by activating the reorigination drive. ” “Sounds like a plan. While we’re at it, I’ll see what other secrets the titans may have left behind.” MOTHER has no problem with us destroying their test subject and getting rid of the chance to eliminate the old god threat. Her scans must have showed her that G’huun is way out of control and the design of this place in my opinion is freaking gorgeous. The ring of containment is where you fight most of the trash like titan constructs and the blood trolls, while the bosses give a glimps as to what the facility has been up too over the years. ‘Ach! What in blazes is that thing!?” “This facility has experimented on a variety of lifeforms to research solutions for Old God corruption.” “You missed one.” Not all of it is glamorous and shiny. The desire to find a sollution lead them to experimenting upon several loa who inhabited the forests around Zandalar. After the experiments proved lethal, the loa’s remains were just tossed away, disposed of improperly, much to the delights of G’huun. Lion, Vulture and Raptor all combined into one, strutting its stuff like there’s no tomorrow. It doesn’t care that it has to stay within the gallery of failures, it will struts anyways. On the sides occasioanly waste is disposed which leaves behind diner for the Fetid Devourer. Gotta clean it up before it’s able to munch down while also avoid the knockbacks and the puke. Not the most clean fight, but that’s what you get when you need to clean up Uldir’s waste. Upon its defeat, mother will show up to re-activate the console. Mother re-establish energy matrix: “First console activated. Re-establishing energy matrix.” Back on to the ring of containment, now we also have faceless devourers and coagulated blood as we make our way into the plague vault. “Now entering the viral ecology wing. This laboratory contains thousands of the most dangerous viral strains in the known cosmos, alphabetically sorted for ease of access. Alert. Viral containment breached. Contaminated specimen approaching. Risk of infection imminent. In Zandalars history, thousands of years ago, there’s the tale of a foolish troll who tried to summon Hakkar the Soulflayer to their island. This caused a plague to tear through the empire, killings thousands of trolls and began one of the most terrifying perionds in Zandalar’s history. Eventually they were able to get passed it, but there will those who clung to the magics of Hakkar which lead to the foundation of the blood trolls and as we can see now, they use their powers in service of G’huun. From the strains of the disease that took so many, Uldir did its thing and researched it for a cure. They found that only isolation and extermination was effective. But as the safeguards started to fall, the plague was accidently combined with a sample of G”huun’s blood which created a whole new entity that hungers for fresh victims. That entitiy is known as Vectis and we have to exterminate it. “Outbreak inevitable!” Mother re activates the second consol. “Console activated. Facility safeguards rebooting.” Back onto the ring of Containment this time towards the Archives of Eternity. “Now entering the data vault. This is a comprehensive collection of titan knowledge. These discs currently contain 50 norgabytes of biological data on known lifeforms throughout the cosmos. Seventy-five norgabytes of every existing chemical compound. And 950 billion norgabytes of musical playlists and self-portrait images.” A blast from the past as within the archives we encounter enemies and abilities connected to the old god C”thun and Yogg-saron with their Qiraji, silithid and nerubian minions. “Lesser creatures must serve...or die!” Zek’vor the Herald of N’zoth thought that he was ready to spread his masters dark words on the shores of Zandalar shortly after the sundering, after the well of eternity imploded and the land of kalimdor split apart. He was good to go, prepared to entice, bribe, cajole, corrupt or simply kill the newly isolate tribe into the service of N’zoth. What he wasn’t ready for was the defenses of Uldir. He was captrued, studied, dissasambled and stored within the Titan’s Archieve where he has waited for a chance to escape and now must deal with us. In the background you actually see the image of C’thun and Yogg’Saron pop up and a really cool achievement is attached to this fight. With archeology you can get the puzzlebox of yogg’saron. Using it during the yogg-saron phase makes it spawn on the field which shoots out void barages and is really confusing to your raid when you don’t tell them you’re going to use it. It might even lead to a wipe, I...I wouldn’t know of course. How is this...possible?” Omg we get a bridge cutscene “I heard stories of the power of n’zoths minions but never thought i would see one. Honestly I hope I never do again. “ “Reorigination drive restored. Vault access granted.” The good old bridge cutscene which leads us in the middle of the facility and the path way to G’huun. After clearing out all the blood trolls that are worshipping the thing that’s inside the blood orb, we discover that Zul has returned... “I reckonigze the ugly on that troll. What is zul up too?” “Analysis indicates high levels of corruption. Hypothesis: G’huun reanimated this specimen and enhanced it. Further testing required.” “Eugh, so he’s a reinimated corpse? Let’s put him back in the ground.” “Everything is as I have forseen!” I really wonder if they have a short story or something planned since I don’t believe they’ve explained how and when Zul got in contact with G’huun and Azshara. How he ended up in exile and together with Princess Talanji. All the same the dark prophet that fell into the flames, someway somehow, he’s been brought back by G’huun. He does not stand alone either, as powerful blood trolls, minions of zul and bloodthirsty crawgs join him in battle. His master G’huun empowers him, but the prophet did not forsee his own fate or was he ever a prophet at all considering upon his death he says... “Wait...Dis was not the future I was promised.” Could perhaps G’huun be the reason why he was able to predict the future at all? Questions for another time since the pathway to G’huun is open... “Warning, significant threat of contamination beyond this point. Quarantine protocols prevent me from proceeding.’ “We’ll take it from here. TIme to put an end to g’huun.” Now at this point you might be thinking awww yeah titan consol, some sexy lore is coming up in which we hear them talk to Brann Bronzen but no.No that’s not what happens at all as interacting with the consol opens up the trap door and instantly murders your entire raid that’s just relaxing and checking out the loot. “Your world can not run...” Again, not like I would or know anything but down below, deeper still into the complex we find Mythrax the Unraveler. His mission of releasing G’huun finally succeeded and upon completing his task, he returned here to his maste’rs side to await further instructions. Timelines are a little bit difficult to put down as time in game does not have to represent the time that we had to wait for Uldir to open up. It’s possible that lorewise the moment the final seal was broken, we rallied our troops and ventured into Uldir. I do wonder why they didn’t add a little introduction questline to get into Uldir. Just brann or talanji letting us know like, hey...stuffs going down in Uldir you wonna hang out and take care of it? Just a little something to get us into the raid but I didn’t see anything like that. All the same though, Mythrax stands in our way and he’s not afraid to use that obliteration beam that was powerful enough to destroy the final seal. He also very much likes to imprison his foes which you need to be knocked out of and keep an eye on your debuff, make sure to use the little orbs properly and on time. “Xalzaix hungers for annihilation! YOu cannot resist my call!” N’raqie destroyers show up to aid him and even our own visions of madness deal some mighty damage to the raid, but the slayer of sethralis goes down... “G’huun will not be stopped...” “The reorigination drive is primed. Lets light it up and pop G’huun like the pussfilled boil he is.” “THe seals are broken. The end is here. COme and bte the first to receive my gift. You will carry my pestilence, and a vast, bubbling, putrid cyst will cover the world.” Within the festering core G’huun’s voice echoes off the wall. No signof the accidently created old god quite yet, just his corruptiion but we can change that by using the titanic facility to our advantage. All we have to do is throw orbs to our team members that slamdunk them into the machine, powering up the reorigination device and forcing the creature to show himself. “Warning. Reorigination blast imminent. Please clear the area.” CLEANSE THIS AREA BABYYYY “You cannot escape infection!” What a beauty and now the real fight can begin. Of course as the theme of uldir is corruption, he loves to spread it in many different ways. Sometimes you’ll want to run out of the raid and drop it in a private corner. Sometimes you’ll want to stack up and get rid of it by pooling it into a gibbering horror, but don’t let it consume your body or mind. Slowly but surely the field will fill up, no where left to stand or run, but again the clever designs of the titans give us the edge we need to continue the fight. Rocks will fall from the sealing, just looking upon G’huun wills you with fear, but by working together, we’re able to cleanse Uldir... “The contagent has taken root within you.” And that is the story of Uldir with no real quest or story to wrap things up. We kill G’huun and that’s just that. I know some of you have been disapointed about not seeing an end cinematic, but to be fair, the first raid usually doesn’t get one. I would have loved to see a little bit of end RP just to wrap things up but perhaps that’s something we can expect from mythic only or something that still needs to unlock. Just a heads up if you’re planning to do mythic or you just don’t want anything spoiled and you don’t care to see a wrap up cinematic...spoilers ahead and thank you very much for watching so far... “Show them leader of zandalar. Show the blade to those that need to see it the most. Give them peace. This was not my achievement. You brought these champions to the shores against your fathers will. You learned the secrets of g’huun when no one was listening. Ya set in motion what be needed to save your people. Now, more than ever, they be calling for a leader dey can love and trust. Show them the blade. Become the symbol they need. Behold the blood of g’huun. By his will were borne de deaths of Shadra, Hi’reek, Torga, and ...and Rezan. By his will were borne the deaths of so many of our brothers and sisters. Let this glaive be displayed as a remindere that no matter how far we fall, no matter how much we lose, we are Zandalari! We adapt, we find a way to survive! If it were not for this hero of the horde, our losses would have been far worse. This proves, more than ever, that it is time for us to adapt, to become part of the world again. Zandalar forever! I really wonder when and how that cutscene is going to be implemented. It seems to be connected to picking up vol’jins glaive so connected to the reputation with the zandalari empire but at the same time I imagine those that are exalted with them have already done Uldir. Perhaps it is really mythic only but that would be a weird decision in my opinion. All the same that wraps up the story of Uldir so thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time guys.... see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 312,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Uldir, Taloc, MOTHER, Fetid Devourer, Zek'voz, Herals of N'zoth, Vectis, Zul, Mythrax, G'huun, Blood trolls, Hakkar, Zandalari, Talanji, Brann, Titans, Old Gods, void, Research, Keeper, Rastakhan, Seal, NAzmir, Vol'dun
Id: 4FZ0wLLR8b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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