THE STOLEN BANKAI - The Quincies' Trump Card | Bleach TYBW DISCUSSION

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one of my favorite subplots from the beginning of the thousand-year blood war arc was when the quincy were revealed to be able to steal the shinigamis bankai now up until this point bankai had been touted as the ultimate trump card the last resort of a shinigami who could use it to turn the battles tide in their favor and to have it stolen so unceremoniously have it ripped from them so easily and then be used against them was a real game changer and a twist that i honestly didn't see coming but really enjoyed nonetheless it helped to really elevate the threat level of the vandomrite at the start of this arc now the science behind how they stole the banchai was never really explained they have these special medallions that they can use to just take the van gaai as soon as it's activated it doesn't really never explain how it works but i always assumed at least anyway that because bankai's were perhaps more physical constructs of reishi than some of their shiikai counterparts it was easier just to strip them away from the shinigami using the quincy's innate domination over reishi but it is only speculation unfortunately however like i said i really enjoyed this twist and i actually thought kubo was doing this to you know give the older captains a chance to use their bankai and put them in the spotlight more because it's normally the younger captains komamura bayakia that resorts their bankai almost immediately um and so i thought what cooper was doing here was using them to kind of get that out of the way they now can't use their bankai so now we would see the bank i have other captains instead and that didn't really pan out like that in the end although we did end up seeing a lot of bangkai in the final arc anyway in this video i want to take a look at the characters who had their barca stolen from them and look basically how it affected them the outcomes for those characters maybe how some of them grew and changed differently because cooper does focus a little bit on each character that did have their bianca stolen from them and like i said it is one of my favorite parts of the first part of this arc it really helped to elevate the tension and make it really look like the shinigami were in trouble because cooper was playing up something quite interesting here i thought it would look like banco was maybe going to play a larger role in this arc as an actual story mechanic because kubo was dropping threads here and there the vanden reich might actually be afraid of a shinigami's bank which i thought was a really fascinating idea because obviously kyrgy opie is doing everything he can to prevent ichigo from using his barn kind it's not working and he's freaking out about it and ichigo even himself directly confronts the stermiter and says you know are you guys afraid of barn kite to which kyrgy gives a pretty tell-tale response he starts freaking out even more being like of course we're not the vandenberg are afraid of nothing which really told me that actually yes they are afraid of it and i would love to have seen that played out a bit more the only thing i don't like about the van kai stealing subplot really is that it did resolve itself so neatly and so conveniently and so early on as well i don't think i definitely didn't expect them to get their banks back at the start of the second invasion but that is that is how it happened i think kubo maybe decided to to remove the emphasis on this subplot a little bit but regardless what we did get i enjoyed before we begin this video however guys if you haven't subscribed to me yet we are closing in on 40 000 subs and i'd love to make that number by the end of the year if possible so if you haven't subscribed yet and you love bleach you are in the perfect place for videos like this every single week also don't forget to give the video a thumbs up because it really does help with the youtube algorithm and exposure on youtube as well and don't forget to hit the notification bell to make sure you get all of my videos in your sub box every single week so a few high-ranking shinigami lose their bankai to the quincy invaders at the start of the thousand-year blood war arc and i did like i said i like this i think maybe this is reading into it a little bit too much but it sort of felt to me like this militaristic organization is bringing in new technology to take on the more traditional and as we know in new harbox eyes weaker shinigami who have grown old and complacent over time and this new tech comes in that's just able to utterly annihilate everything they do that can just negate and cancel out what's worked for the shinigami for so many years i really like that idea i think that's really really cool especially since the vandenberg in the sort of way they dress they do look a little bit more like the modern era sort of bringing in those world war ii vibes um whereas the shinigami are obviously considerably more traditional a lot older in the way they look and i think it really kind of makes sense that this these they get steamrolled early on because of this new technology that the vanden right have i think that's a really cool way of looking at it but the first one to lose is actually a vice captain which is lieutenant chojiro tadaoki sasakibe of the first division now unfortunately this is completely off-screen and i really hope that the anime actually shows us this fight it is a shame that chojiro loses his first ever battle in the series pretty much and and dies as a result of it but i would still like to see it regardless um just because i think it could uh kind of lend an additional perspective to this very initial invasion because this very first one is is really really short i think akon mentions that it's over in like 100 seconds or something like that it's really really small it might be like three minutes long or something 180 seconds but what you can infer happens is that driscoll bersie whether he's on his own or not is impossible to say but he at least arrives from the shadows by one of the main gates near the first division and he begins fighting not only chojiro but also a regiment of squad one soldiers now driscoll kills them all and obviously becomes more powerful thanks to his overkill shrift and what we know is that chojiro activates his bankai koko gon riu rikyu and has it immediately stolen and the moment it's stolen driscoll is able to kill him so what i would assume happens here is because chojiro is essentially case zero he is the one that unfortunately discovers this for the first time he's so shocked and you have to presume terrified by what happens that driscoll's able to get a free hit on him using his massive reishi javelins that he can summon now i did also find this kind of weird because i'm pretty sure if they're fighting by the by the gate i feel like they say it's the north gate but i can't remember exactly if they're fighting by the gate that means they're on ground floor level i'm pretty sure yamamoto's office is not on ground floor level so i don't really understand how chojiro manages to fly into yamamoto's office but it's a cool visual all the same but that's the first case of someone losing their bankai that we have in the series and what's interesting as well is you can also infer that driscoll doesn't use shojiro's bankai against him because chojiro doesn't seem to know that they have stolen it um chojiro just thinks they've done something to it now the translation was always a bit fuzzy here but with chojiro's last words he kind of tells yamamoto that the quincy invaders can do something to their baankai's now unfortunately this miscommunication from chojiro would lead to the loss of a number of bangkai in the first invasion um but regarding chojiro himself unfortunately for him he's never given a chance to kind of really take in the fact that he's lost his bankai or do anything about it as he is hit and killed by one of these javelins nearly immediately but chojiro's role is to try and pass some information on to yamamoto before he dies unfortunately though like i said it does lead to a pretty big mistake in the first invasion so during the first invasion shinigami captains biakia komamura soifon and hitsugaya all decide to work in tandem with their vice captains to take on the cern writers who are now fully invading this is the proper first invasion at this point and they all decide to use their baankai at once because chojiro's dying words have led them to believe that their bankai will be sealed away and therefore impossible to use however by teaming up with their vice captains at their side they believe they can still fight the stern ritter with just their shikkai honestly it's not a bad plan as long as you think that the intel you've got is correct and of course it's not quite right so what happens is all four of them use their bankai immediately and all four of them are stolen from them straight away as not kang do bg9 and bambieta take the bankai from the captains and it is now theirs to use as they wish this is a pretty crazy moment in my opinion and a lot of people in the forums and stuff really laid into the captains here saying how stupid they were to just kind of walk into the sh into the quincy's trap but i never really saw it like that i think they were just going off the intel they had and you have to assume you have to remember as well that this is a crazy unprecedented situation for the soul society not only are they under attack but the entire enemy force is on seoul society's soil like they are they have arrived they are walking among the buildings among the homes of the offices and stuff like that you know this is a this is a emergency situation it's do or die at this point and they they you know they're going to use their bank as kyoroku says to robert akatron you guys aren't enemies we can defeat without bangko uh it is a shame that they didn't really wait because miuri says that murie comes out and basically chastises them for not waiting for his analysis so you have to assume that miuri has discovered that they can steal bankai although i don't know how he's managed to do that but um regardless all four of these captains lose their bankai in one fell swoop what i always found interesting about this is is hitsugaya now hitsugaya when he loses his bankai he tries to talk to hyorin maru and he he says like hyorimaru say something to me anything and hyorimaru is completely silent now i kind of thought this was a bit weird because i thought that this meant that they lost their zampato spirit i was like whoa their whole zampato spirit has been just sapped out of the blade and it's now an empty sword essentially but we find out that they can still use shikai so that's clearly not the case so i don't really know why hiromaru was just not talking to hitsugai at this point and actually it does seem like there's the zampato spirit has gone entirely because much later on in the second invasion hitsugaia mentions to hyorimaru that he's glad he can hear his voice again he's glad that he's come back to him so clearly the spirit is going with the bangkai here which is a bit weird so i don't know how they can still use shikai but regardless it's a pretty crazy moment to see hitu guys so desperate like that and so afraid of what's happened now we know of course after this the only two stomaches that actually use the bankai are as not and kang do kang do doesn't have too much luck with his but aznat is able to nearly kill biakia using his own bangkai also the fact that kang do uses hitsugai as baankai in the first invasion does lead to a slight inconsistency later on when kang mentions to hitsugaia that this must be the first time you've ever seen your bankai from this angle whereas no he literally used it against him in the first invasion as well but you know maybe maybe he forgot in the heat at the moment but after those two we now move on to driscoll bersie who finally returns and he is using sasakibe's banankai koko gon re-uricu and he uses it against yamamoto and it's here we get something quite interesting and it seems like the stormwater can't use the bankai as well as the captains and that obviously makes complete sense yamamoto says that sasakib's banker was never this weak and then he proceeded to just incinerate driscoll in one hit obviously avenging his fallen vice captain but it's interesting again that they the ship this thermometer can't use the banquet to the the fullest potential and again i thought that was maybe going to be a key to defeating them later on but like i said the whole barn kai stealing plot is kind of dropped faster than i had anticipated driscoll using sas akiba's bankai also in my opinion anyway seems to open up another inconsistency regarding this plotline line driscoll's obviously using the bankai of a dead man and i don't think that necessarily in itself is an issue because the bankai has been ripped apart from the zampakto and they are completely separate now at this point what is weird however is that leo barrow way later on down the line tells uh shun sui that you know it doesn't matter if you're using bankai as we know for a fact that if the user is killed the bankai dies with him so that definitely doesn't make sense because sas akibe is his barca is still alive and kicking along with um uh driscoll so yeah that's a little bit weird and finally right at the end of the first invasion yamamoto uses his bankai zanka no tachi to fight the fake yuhab now yamamoto says to who's actually roid lloyd he kind of gives his own version of events so he basically believes that they can't steal his barn kite and they can't steal ichigo's bank because they don't know the true potential of ichigo's bankai but obviously what actually happens is that juha bark himself turns up and is able to easily take yamamoto's bankai off him saying that the only reason we haven't taken your bank so far is because i'm the only one with power capable enough of wielding it so clearly the rayatsu of the two people has to be somewhat similar which makes sense for the stir wrenches to irritate the captain's bankai and for you heartbear and take yama's bankai they are roughly even in terms of rayatsu and again i don't think it's ever actually clarified as to why ichigo's baankai can't be stolen let me know in the comments below if it is but i'm pretty sure it's never totally said i think it could be down to a couple of things the hollow inside him obviously the hollow reacts who would be poisonous to the quincy and they must know about it so they obviously don't want to take his barn coat for that reason um but having said that kyrgy does try and steal it so if he didn't want that he wouldn't be doing it and it actually just seems to properly deflect him so whether it's the fact that ichigo's innate reaction is just enormous comparison to kyrgyz and therefore he can't take it it's never fully iterated on but it could be something like that unfortunately when yamamoto's bankai is stolen from him he is nearly instantly killed much like chojiro he doesn't get much of a chance to grow or use his bankai without it but we do get a precious few panels with him where he looks utterly defeated and i always thought that was really really cool and really interesting it was a great sort of character moment this whole chapter is just incredible anyway i think it's 510 when he gets his marker stolen and he doesn't i think after he loses his bank he says nothing else either he knows it's over at this point he looks exhausted um and it must be strange it must be strange to lose your banker it must feel really weird like because obviously a shinigami and a zampa tower connected there is a bond there and to lose such a huge part of that forcibly get ripped from you again this is why i really wanted to see more from this concept because i really enjoyed it but regardless yamamoto is helpless against yuhabark and is then cut down now losing their bankai leads to almost four different avenues for the captains who have survived the first invasion obviously biakia is near death and ends up going to the royal palace um for rehabilitation and to hopefully improve his health situation he doesn't really have a chance to move the fact that he has lost senbon zakara kagiyoshi at least not yet anyway soy fun is a weird one she's the one we definitely see the absolute least of she's the one whose plot line is never really followed at all all we really get from it is that omada wonders why she didn't take him training with her and we see that she is doing like a one-handed handstand on top of a mountain or something um you know which is is pretty impressive and eventually during the second invasion she reveals that she has mastered her shunko and learned mookyu shinko and now takes the form of massive wind wings like almost like a hornet's wings or something which does look really neat um but it makes sense and i like that soy foam was at least able to double down on learning something else in her arsenal rather than just wallowing in the fact that she lost her bankai forever uh or at least she thought it was forever anyway um and but it's weird that we don't see any anything from her regarding her training hitsugair is another interesting one who obviously thinks he has lost everything by losing his barn he thinks you know the zampato spirit is gone but hitsugai is a weird one because he decides to go back to basics and actually join in with the tutelage going on in the tenth division in zanjutsu so basically these must be like entry-level shinigami learning how to basically swing a sword and it's cool that hits a guy does that it's quite humble he goes back to them he decides to start from the beginning again and retrain himself now that he has lost his barn cayenne i actually do think this is a very mature moment for hitsugai he says to himself to train himself to let go of that which has been lost and is not coming back and i think that's interesting it's it's a strong mindset especially when again you consider how long it takes to learn bangkai how much uh a bond with a zampato actually is hitsuko must have lost a lot here but he is willing to just move on which i was always quite impressed by and then finally komamura does get the most interesting plotline of them all where now that he has lost his bankai he decides to learn the humanization technique of his clan and he does so by going to his grandfather deep within a cave within near near the soul society outskirts um and sacrifices everything essentially for the power to defeat bambieta now what's kind of weird about komamura is that he i don't know if he was anticipating getting his bankai back because he actually gets it back before he reveals his humanization technique so i don't know if maybe he was like oh i wish i hadn't done this now or or you know because the fact that because his barn clay sheds its armor once he uses the humanization technique so it does feel like they were supposed to be used together but regardless common war as plotline is definitely the most interesting of the four much later when biakia returns to face as again with rukia uh biakea does reveal that he he has sort of changed the way he perceived his relationship with his arm puck toe because of what happened to his bankai he says that after az stole it he took he gave it gave him a chance to take a step back and look at everything and he says that his his zampacto a relationship with his armpito is much like pointillism i think he says that we have to take back a step back to really appreciate everything and because of that he's increased his power immensely like his shikai is now as all-encompassing as his bankai apparently which is crazy but regardless of the avenues they take they do all eventually gain their bankai back once urohara gives them the shini yaku pills which allow them to hollow fire momentarily which poisons the riyatsu inside the quincy and again this is interesting because it means that the shinigami did retain some link to their bankai even after the quincy were using it um because kang has hitsugaya's wings and yet he is poisoned when hitsugaya has the shinayaku pill so there is some link left over there or else it wouldn't affect kang it's not a completely separate entity so you have to wonder like how the bank i feel about being used against their former masters because obviously sembon zakkara kagyoshi probably didn't want to ruin just absolutely wrecked biakia but it was doing anyway whereas when hitsugai gets half his bankai back kang is no longer able to hurt him with it so it is kind of interesting i think there was definitely scope there for more of this to be explained to us but regardless i did find it pretty fascinating and that's pretty much it for this video guys the shinigami get their bankai back and then from there on managed to get a succession of wins against the stermiters and it was a really interesting uh subplot that i just think kubo could have done a little bit more with and i think maybe he grew tired of it or something like that he wanted to get the battles into full swing with the shinigami actually using their full power and so he eventually just gave them their bankai back now i have to say i thought the way they got their bankai back actually made a lot of sense and i really enjoyed that and i loved that it called back to the everything but the rain flashback i just wish it had happened a little bit later that's all um and it would have also given the bankai stealing quincy a chance to be in the spotlight a little bit more but regardless for the most part i did like the bankai stealing plot all right guys but i hope you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments below what you thought of the bankai stealing plot line at the beginning of the thousand year blood war arc did you enjoy it did it make any semblance of sense to you or did you think it was just a cheap way for the quincy to get a quick victory over the shinigami now i did see a few people saying stuff like that how the quincy were cheaters i kind of get that but again i think it's that new tech versus old tech thing um gave the quincy the edge at the start of the arc which is a perception i quite enjoy but let me know in the comments below what you thought guys and until next time i'll catch you later see you then
Channel: MrTommo2304
Views: 65,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach, bleach manga, bleach discussion, bankai, bleach bankai, sternritter, quincy, tybw, bleach final arc, MrTommo2304, MrTommo2304 bleach, bleach face again, bleach new anime, bleach anime return
Id: 2dlzCZlCnQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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