The Steakhouse - Rimworld Royalty Extreme Desert Ep. 5 [Rimworld Naked Brutality]

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hey there and welcome back to rim world my name is Pete sin today we complete another episode of our rim world extreme desert challenge and somewhat fittingly our colonists stake is still suffering from gut worms so just like in the last episode getting enough food will probably be the main problem at this point I also want to say thank you for the absolute ton of name suggestions you left on the last episode there was some very funny and creative ideas among them both for this colony right here and the faction in general and who knows maybe in today's episode we will get to apply them for the time being however we can watch a well-rested steak ten to his gut worms again and we are once again using medicine for this I would say every little bit helps and we need to beat this disease as fast as possible okay a tenth quality of 22 percent I think in the last episode we achieved something around that number even without medicine so it's not great but considering stakes medical skill it is a decent amount of progress after a rice breakfast and some minor repairs steak can now do some cleanup around the base all of the bloodstains are understandably not really pleasing on the eye even though this unsightly environment is only one of many things currently affecting his mood so we might be facing another mental break here soon however at least the cleanup work is completed without protest that is of course excluding that small puddle of puke next to the hoop stone ring but I'm sure steak will take care of that shortly for now he has officially consumed our last rice reserves and with that also the last bit of food we had in our storage room but in the last episode we thankfully hunted not one but two dromedaries and the second corpse here will provide us with more meat for the next few days afterwards its then already time to go to bed at least for a brief moment because shortly after lying down a caravan arrives in the desert and we can see this is a fairly sizable group of traders here so perhaps they can sell us something useful in any case their arrival changes our strategy a bit because as you might remember in the last episode I mentioned that we were probably going to skip the traps people of Fortune Quest despite some backup a potential rate of four attackers against two of our own did not really seem appealing to me but with the arrival of those traders the odds have changed now of course we won't be able to directly control the traders but any hostiles on the map will be attacked by them and with that in mind I now feel very confident about accepting this quest now this immediately drops in the sniper Anika's to the man who's going to help us out in this fight and we can see here apart from shooting things he's also a decent miner and very good with people so let's have him put those skills to use while we wait for the attack or well let us in fact first give our faction and our settlement a name now like I said you guys had some tremendous ideas last episode and at least for the name of the settlement so this colony right here there was one name that was mentioned again and again and honestly it was a name that I had on my list before posting that episode as well so I think it would only be fitting if we go with it so our colony is now officially named the steak house now for the faction name ideas were a bit more broadly spread still there was one I really liked and that was the name of the stakeholders of course with a bit of wordplay that was inevitable I think and here we are welcome to the steak house of the stakeholders well done now back to our temporary companion anarchist who is now going to slightly expand our storage room with four enemies arriving in a few hours there might be a decent amount of loot that we of course need to store somewhere and let's not forget that our storage room is also neighbouring on a steel vein so the extension here will also provide us with a valuable building materials now steak in the meantime is only doing some cleanup and then heading back to bed as long as he's sleeping he cannot suffer a mental break at least as far as I know and thankfully with the caravan now arriving we don't need to worry about colony defense now with that Caravan arriving we can also briefly interrupt Anika's mining session because with a social skill of 10 he is a much better trader compared to steak so while the head of our colonist is asleep anarchist will now do some business all right and you can see it here at the top anarchist has a plus 15% negotiation bonus steak on the other hand I believe has a big fat zero now in terms of selling we will of course get rid of our excess equipment for parka and parents we can get a combined sum of roughly 150 silver now of course some food would be nice but browsing through the list here another item caught my eye and I am talking about the plain leather duster here it is nothing overly fancy but a duster is pretty much required for prolonged survival in the desert as even this rather affordable plain leather version already gives a healthy amount of heat insulation it also provides a bit of armor once again mostly against heat so how things considered I feel like this would be a sensible purchase the only problem is the duster costs almost 300 silver so it looks like we will have to sell a bit more stuff the bird and lizard skin are obvious first choices we only have small quantities of both and so they're mostly taking up storage space the rest of the money will then be made by selling muffle Elul which is well valuable also somewhat expandable out here in the desert on the ice sheet that would of course be a different story now conveniently enough despite selling a lot we are still left with over 20 units of muffle wool which means another small project I have planned for today will still be possible after this trade and with the transaction completed we can now have analysts continue mining while stake is briefly interrupting his slumber to equip the new duster and as you can see that dramatically improves his temperature threshold from 30 now to 43 degrees Celsius with the duster equipped it is now immediately turned to go back to bed for him while anarchist continues to help out and produce Assam Steel eventually then with steak having a quick snack it is time for the long-awaited raid and as advertised we have four tribes people arrived all of them appear to be naked and they are only equipped with melee weapons so considering the convenient help we have stations around the base this should not take long and here they come and you can see a horde of traders is immediately greeting our attackers at this point you can almost feel sorry for them still let us see if things go the way I expect them to okay this did not take long all four tribes people have been absolutely brutalized the traders however did suffer one loss of their own now it appears that one of them also threw a very inconvenient Molotov cocktail which is now causing our precious loot to go up in flames admittedly there is not much of value here anyway but considering stakes current situation at least the meal should be rescued at all costs and here we are with the rate officially fended off the quest is considered complete and that means the job of anarchist is done as well so we have now lost control of him by the way if you're now thinking well could give sent anarchist to his death to acquire his sniper rifle then the answer is sadly no because his weapon is bio coded meaning that only anarchist himself can use it still we receive some additional rewards here apart from only loot namely a nice pike and a limestone small sculpture and we can also see while he did not shoot any enemies anarchist was still very busy he dug out 150 units of Steel a healthy amount that will certainly help us in the future now steak in the meantime has rescued a few meals and the revolver the other remains of this fight are now quickly burning to ashes now at this point we can't do one more small trade because the nice Pike we just received is a useful item for melee fighters but that is not really what I would call steak instead he is very very hungry so let us exchange the item for some food we could at this point also sell the limestone sculpture for a bit more money but that one will actually be pretty useful in stakes bedroom so right now we're only purchasing 30 units of bison meat here with meat meals and revolvers safely stored away it is now time to install the sculpture and doing so is actually a significant upgrade for steaks bedroom as you can see here the room is now considered decent with a beauty rating of pretty and that will in fact give steak a small boot bonus whenever he's inside for now though he remain outside for a while longer because our rice is once again ready to be harvested we can also take this opportunity to sow out a few new plants and after a few hours the entire field is finally filled in the early afternoon the trade Caravan is then leaving again and steak can clean up a bit more of the mess around the base after a brief meal he then heads over to the research bench but not for long because now we're using those 20 units of muffle Ahlul I was talking about earlier inside of steaks small shelter we can put down a crafting spot and using that crafting spot we are making ourselves a war veil now a war veil is more or less a tribal face mask and well these days you can hardly go wrong with one in terms of game mechanics it only provides a small amount of armor as well as a minor installation against cold and heat it also marginally increases steaks pain tolerance but that is not the primary reason of a crafting one the main benefit is really the armor as small as it may be and another degree of heat insulation surely can't hurt either out here in the extreme desert we have to take everything we can get and here we are the war veil is finished it is unsurprisingly of poor quality but it is actually a pretty solid armor against heat and even though that won't protect steak from the day to day temperatures out here in the desert it may potentially be useful down the line in any case I would consider it crafting time well-spent so let's reward our colonists with a meaty dinner and then send him off to bed the night band passes by without any incidence but the gut worms are still noticeable so at 3 a.m. in the very early morning we have to grab another slice of meat after some more cleanup and hoop stone playing it is then time to declutter the storage room all of the steel does not necessarily need to be in here it won't deteriorate when left outside so let's make room for some more fragile items afterwards stake and then continue harvesting rice not all of the plants were fully grown yesterday and after grabbing a filling yet simple meal we can see for the first time in a long while steak is actually feeling more or less fine so let's use this good mood to keep planting we will definitely always need some food and this time we extending the potato field before he can get to that however the gut worms are finally treatable again and at this point I want to pick up on something that was mentioned in the comments of the last episode yes it seems plausible that tent quality tends to be higher if the tending is performed inside at least that is how it works when performing operations so I don't see why it should be any different here and indeed 15% that is not too shabby considering we're not using medicine but then again I believe we still have a long way to go until the gut worms are finally cured so let's keep planting potatoes and while that is happening yes we have another caravan arrived this one is trouble in nature and we have pretty much sold everything of value to the one before but who knows perhaps they have a few interesting wares for us ok that does not seem to be the case the medicine and the pemmican are of course always of interest but it seems like this Caravan is not even interested in the most basic items like a rice wood or steel so unfortunately it looks like we won't be making any transactions with them that means for steak it is finally time to continue researching once again though not for too long because just as he's grabbing another meal we have a heat wave strike the desert now generally speaking a heat wave is of course expected in this climate but in hindsight I am extremely happy that we bought that duster earlier because temperatures will very likely surpass the 40 degree mark so if the duster will protect steak from the worst of it and keep him from suffering heat stroke still depending on how much temperatures are going to rise it might actually be wise to harvest the potatoes now I don't think the crops are going to suffer any damage right away but we also have to potentially hungry boom rats on the map who might decide to feed on them and being 98% grown the potatoes are pretty much ready for harvest anyway and there we are after a few hours the harvesting is completed and steak hauls a lovely batch of 68 potatoes into the storage room the new plans are also immediately being sewn out and then stay can grab the last of a simple meals for dinner and afterwards head off to bed now in the early morning with the caravan still around we then have another quest pop up the sharp raccoon now from that name alone you might already be able to guess what the task is yes we have to take on a man hunting raccoon and as a reward we will receive five units of cleaner world medicine now that reward in itself is probably already worth the risk but considering that we also have a caravan on the map who will very likely be able to take on the raccoon for us I think this one is a no-brainer so with steak getting up to go and grab a potato breakfast let us accept the quest all we can do now is wait for the raccoon to arrive and that didn't take long here we are a man hunting raccoon is approaching from the north and conveniently enough slightly north of the base is also where the caravan is hanging out now unfortunately that caravan is now deciding to leave before the raccoon can make it over but not only did they leave a gift in the form of three components no the raccoon is also heading right for them so let's see how this goes okay so I actually believe the traders killed one of their own here two quick bites from a raccoon are generally not life-threatening so yeah I think some of the traders here accidentally shot that companion well to us that is honestly even better because the dead trader also dropped a few units of panicking so we'll send steak over to grab that while the raccoon is being pummeled to death and that completes the quest improves our faction relation and gives us five units of clitoral medicine the pemmican the medicine the components the dead raccoon and finally also the shortbow are then all hauled into our storage room and steak can finally spend some time alone playing hoops stone since rice pemmican and potatoes are all not going to spoil anytime soon the mule for today is going to be racoon butchered fresh and then consumed immediately afterwards we can see steak do some mining because despite anarchists best efforts we still don't have quite enough steel for the last thing I have planned today however with two blocks mined out and our steel reserves over 200 units they can go to bed first and it's only a few hours later that we wake him up again for a potato snack speaking of snacks a lone iguana has also wandered onto the map and well before it eats our crops let's make sure that we eat it first all right that was easy one shot one kill let's haul the corpse back to the base and give steak a bit more rest it does not take long for him to get hungry again though so in the very early morning hours we can already see him butchering the iguana admittedly it only provides food for one meal but that is one more meal we don't have to touch our more durable foot sources now with a full belly let's get to work on that project I was talking about a moment ago because I think it is about time that we invest in some protection for the time being that is only going to be a simple steel wall around our base in the future we will of course add traps sniping spots turrets and all of the good stuff this wall is merely built to keep man hunting or hungry animals out as well as to hopefully stop traders from running around in the middle of our base which is not only mildly annoying from a visual standpoint but also produces dirt and thus creates more work for steak to clean up now as you can see here the wall is making solid progress steak is of course far from the best builder so here they're a bit of construction is botched but all in all he is doing a pretty solid job it appears though as if even 200 units worth of steel are not quite enough to finish the project that has of course partially to do with some of the budget construction but perhaps I also simply underestimated the amount of resources we would need luckily though we still have a lot more steel nearby so after a quick nap we can send steak mining again at this point we can also see that the gut worms can be tended again and well we have glitter world medicine lying around so we might as well use it horror hide a tent quality of seventy-two percent that is probably more than the last three attempts combined and it brings us a huge step closer to finally getting rid of this disease at this point we also receive yet another quest and it seems like our friends from the black rasca tribe are slowly starting to miss us because they are now asking us for supplies what they're asking for however is more or less impossible for us to fulfill at the moment 105 units of plus steel I have absolutely no idea how we're supposed to get those so unless anything changes in the next 25 days we will have to let this one expire so steel instead of plasteel that is the model for the rest of the day and in the evening a hungry and tired steak has finally mined out 2 more blocks before we continue building though it is of course time to eat and sleep and at night the heat wave is also disappearing again so our situation here in the desert is looking pretty good at the moment it is then potentially further improved by the arrival of a slave a caravan who we will of course not be able to afford an actual slave from but perhaps something else that's a fuse before we get to trading though let's do some more building and we're using the last bit of steel here to actually construct two steel doors those are a priority over the walls because steel doors open a lot faster than stone doors while stone walls don't have any significant disadvantage over steel walls with the first door constructed we can then also see what the traders have to offer and as expected is none of the slaves here are anywhere near our price range but for the price of our three components we can actually afford one more unit of regular medicine and yes I know we already have glitter world medicine but in my experience you can never have too much and components are easy to come by and until we have researched electricity we won't really be able to use them anyway now with the medicine safely stored away we can continue work on the second steel door and with that door constructed it is now time to acquire the building materials for the rest of the walls luckily we have a slate SoCalGas next to our base as well as two simple slate walls and deconstructing all of those should hopefully yield us enough stone blocks to finish our project all right that is a grand total of 53 slate blocks that should be enough so let's get that last bit of wall in place to wrap up the episode and there we are our small desert outpost is now fully surrounded by walls that should make things a lot safer for steak who can now finally get some much-needed rest and with that I would say let us make the cut in today's episode we are making good progress at the moment I think hopefully with the continued use of glitter world medicine we can finally get rid of the gut worms next time and then we can finally focus a bit more of our attention on a research defense and all of those good things that actually help us advance so that's it for today I hope you enjoyed the episode and if you did then I would of course be very happy if you could leave a thumbs up if you like what I'm doing and want to support me and my channel further then you can subscribe to help the channel grow or maybe even pledge to the pit complete patreon thank you all for watching and I'll see you next time yes
Channel: Pete Complete
Views: 233,036
Rating: 4.9850926 out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld gut worms, Rimworld quests, Rimworld royalty quests, rimworld steak, Rimworld trade caravan, Rimworld heat wave, Rimworld Extreme Desert, Rimworld Naked Brutality, Rimworld Extreme Desert Naked Brutality, Rimworld Royalty, Rimworld Royalty Expansion, Rimworld Royalty DLC, Rimworld Extreme Desert Challenge, Rimworld Pete Complete, Pete Complete Rimworld, Rimworld 1.1, Rimworld Randy Random Merciless, Rimworld pete complete, pete complete rimworld
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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