The Starfield Rant - Bethesda's Game Design is OUTDATED

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come on give me a break you're not exactly a top dog over there at the key now are you sending me a rook to handle a job this risky is a goddamn insult is this supposed to be some new form of Finn Dom where you pay a hundred dollars to get humiliated by NPCs in a video game Starfield is one of those games where the more I play it the less I like it 20 hours into the game it felt like an eight or nine out of 10 for me 50 hours in I was down to a seven and now that I've spent over a hundred hours adventuring in Todd Howard's space-faring magnum opus I've come to the painful realization that Starfield is the most mid game Bethesda has ever created and one of the biggest reasons for this is that Bethesda hasn't adapted their game design or overall formula for over a decade which leads to Starfield feeling outdated compared to other RPGs in recent memory in this video I'm going to critique the combat companions open world design Quest presentation and More in Starfield to show just how much Bethesda has fallen off since their Glory Days so buckle up grab some iced coffee and let's dive into the gameplay of Starfield [Music] foreign Reasons I'm drawn to science fiction is the seemingly endless possibilities for Creative expression particularly when it comes to technology that doesn't exist in the real world sci-fi authors and game developers can introduce us to new things that simply aren't believable in other genres I'm talking about futuristic Weaponry faster than light space travel and even intelligent alien races or new cultures and unlike their previous games Star field has the benefit of being a completely new IP which doesn't have to adhere to the creative constraints and pre-established lore of existing franchises like Fallout Bethesda had an opportunity to create basically anything they wanted with this title so what did they come up with and when it came to the guns basic pistols basic rifles basic automatic weapons and basic shotguns despite being set 300 years in the future most of the guns in Starfield have equivalence in the present day and the ones that don't exist in 2023 the laser and particle beam weapons were basically just copied straight from an earlier Bethesda title Fallout 4. let's compare this to other science fiction games the outer worlds has a ray gun that allows you to shrink enemies down into basically nothing Mass Effect has a whole host of interesting new weapons like the Kane and the Geth Spitfire [Music] even Fallout a game set in a post-nuclear apocalypse has more interesting Weaponry than Starfield like the fat man a gun which launches many nuclear bombs to eviscerate your foes foreign but in Starfield all we get are basic [ __ ] weapons to me this displays a complete lack of imagination and creativity when it comes to making a brand new space-faring universe and this lack of creativity bleeds into other areas of the game as well video games and fictional media in general aren't created in a vacuum so there's always going to be some inspiration from other games that already exist but let's just say Bethesda borrowed a lot of things from other franchises including their own for example how do the people of the settled systems refer to illegal drugs what's the street lingo they call them chems this is exactly what people call drugs in Fallout and I'm pretty sure that terminology originated in Fallout I've certainly never heard it anywhere else and let's talk about the opening of the game where we interact with an alien artifact and experience a vision When We Touch It hmm where have I seen this before no don't don't talk to yank foreign [Music] there's also a quest where we discover an unhinged AI that was eerily reminiscent of a mission from Mass Effect Andromeda but I digress there's way more I want to say about the combat beyond the complete lack of imagination and weapon design there's also barely any Variety in each of the main weapon categories I decided to go with a laser weapons build since these were the most sci-fi feeling guns in the game but this ended up being a huge mistake because there are only three laser weapons in the entire game The Equinox the Orion and the solstice pistol the equinox and Orion are functionally the same gun they're both laser rifles with a similar fire right except the Orion does more damage so if you want to make a laser rifle build there is really only one gun in the entire game you'll be using Starfield also has particle beam weapons but these require skill point investment in a separate category and there aren't that many particle being weapons either I only counted three distinct lethal particle beam guns Starfield makes it seem like there's lots of different weapons by changing the name of the gun but the only difference between different versions of these weapons are the attachments and passive stats Starfield also has a distinct lack of uniques even the uniquely named weapons you receive as loot or Quest rewards are just reskins of other base versions for instance the short circuit pistol is just another version of the basic Solstice and Jasper crix's legendary Revenant rifle is just a reskin of the basic mag Shear rifle and once you actually get into combat things don't get much better the enemies are absolute bullet sponges that take multiple clips to kill with automatic weapons the only difficulty is remembering to buy enough ammo before you start a mission because the brain dead enemy AI certainly is never going to pose a threat to you also Companions and other allies still do that annoying thing where they run directly in front of you while you're firing your gun this happened a lot with Fallout 4 Companions and it's still a problem in Starfield eight years later so at the end of the day after seven plus years of development we basically got Fallout 4 Combat and Fallout 4 weapons in a space environment I can't say I'm surprised because my expectations for Starfield were incredibly low after the reveal last summer but I'm still disappointed in the lack of innovation with the game's combat Sarah Morgan chair of consternation that means anything you discussed with Barrett is my business Starfield also has a big problem with their companions many RPGs provide us with a wide range of squad mates to help us along on our adventures over the years Studios have copied the BioWare blueprint by creating or at least attempting to create characters with Rich backstories unique personal missions and even the option to form romantic relationships assuming the writing is halfway decent most RPGs of this style will provide us with 6 to 12 companions with complex backstories diverse opinions and distinct personalities but when compared to Squad mates from other major RPGs starfield's companions fall short in a number of ways for starters there are only four Mainline companions in Starfield Sarah Morgan samko Barrett and andresia this is much less than most of the other big RPGs from the last 15 years including Fallout 4 which had 30 teen unique permanent companions excluding the DLC characters Starfield does allow you to recruit additional crew members to serve on your ship and outposts and you can even bring them along for combat just like the big four but come on we all know that the crew members are not on the same level as the full companions they have less skills less backstory they don't have their own missions they don't chime in with dialogue during the quests and obviously there's no romance either they're just basically filler characters I'd much rather play an RPG with six or eight well-developed companions then one with 30 plus half-assed half-baked NPC Squad mates to make matters worse there is absolutely no diversity amongst the four main companions either and I don't mean racial or gender diversity I'm talking about diversity of viewpoints when it comes to hearing their thoughts on major decisions that you'll face in Starfield you might as well just talk to one companion because they all say the same thing and I don't simply mean they all want you to pick the good guy options although there is a distinct lack of evil companions too which I'll touch on shortly what I mean is all four companions share literally the exact same opinion on every major Quest decision in the game whenever you complete any of the major faction quests you'll be prompted to speak to all of your companions so they can say their peace on what just occurred here are a couple of examples of these post Mission chats to show you the wide range of opinions you will see where terramorphs are concerned I do not believe there is a way to remove risk from the equation perhaps an experimental microbe has its own risks but what of the risks to who knows how many human lives until the assilis can do its job I only wish that the United Colonies chose to exterminate the terramorphs with the experimental microbe instead of choosing this ridiculous aceli solution apparently their decision was based on your recommendation that was a risky Choice you've made so you really think the asseries are going to work out huh you must have seen some data that I did I don't know about these series that micro would wipe out the terramars for good and certain I mean the assilies it'll take longer and take more hand holding and there's no saying the Assyrians will fully get the job done I hope for all our sake you made the right call but I'm glad you put a stop to that neural amp Tech nothing good was going to come from that that's why I'm happy you were around to step in place where you on the right path after all based on your recommendation they've ceased their work on that disturbing neuro amp technology Max Xeno Warfare analysis neuro amp Tech I swear it's worse yeah thank God you put a stop to it I think it is perhaps for the best that the research program will come to an end where'd that neural amp technology could lead there are many bad outcomes too many these are just a couple of examples but I could easily make a whole video compilation about this so let's speed run the other decisions all companions oppose making ularu Chen the CEO of ryujin they all support siding with UC systf against the Crimson Fleet they all oppose cutting a deal with Ron hope although Sam was somewhat conflicted about the Hope's impact on society they all support the destruction of the Lazarus plant seriously just pick any major Quest decision in this game and every companion shares the exact same opinion on top of this Starfield doesn't provide us with any evil or even morally gray companions we're given the option to join the Crimson Fleet Pirates and role play as a bad guy looting killing and taking whatever we want from the Galaxy but why don't we get a pirate companion in fact why don't we get companions from any of the major factions Fallout 4 gave us one companion for each major faction in the game press Justin from the Minutemen Paladin dance from the Brotherhood of Steel Deacon from the railroad and x688 from The Institute Starfield has five major factions we can join but we don't get a full-fledged companion from any of them sure we can recruit crew members from some like Mathis or Hadrian but we've already discussed why this isn't the same as having a full companion well maybe Bethesda was just taking a quality over quantity approach with the companions so they must at least be well written and interesting characters right no no they're not these are some of the most milk toast boring companions I've ever seen in an RPG the only one I really liked was Sam Coe and I think that's just because he's voiced by the same guy who played Adam Jensen in Deus Ex come on say it say it I ain't asking again oh come on Sam don't you mean I never asked for this I never asked for this the only interesting thing about Sarah is her British accent and the booty otherwise she's a Debbie Downer who's always complaining about her problems Barrett has the most cringy dad humor and he's always getting himself into wacky situations andreasia is a religious nut job who always speaks at a monotone deadpan kind of way these characters just lack any significant personality or Intrigue compare this to Fallout 4 which had a crack smoking ghoul who dressed like a founding father and was the mayor of a major settlement and every time you did drugs in front of him he'd be like hell yeah brother or Nick Valentine the synth detective with a heart of gold and the personality of a dead Noir cop or a super mutant who took the writings of Shakespeare literally to make matters even worse the companion personal missions are some of the worst I've seen in an RPG Sarah Morgans and Sam's are relatively decent and interesting but Barrett and Andreas quests feel unfinished like Bethesda slapped them together a few weeks before the game launched there its Quest is all about building a court case to clear his dead husband's name for a past criminal conviction involving a shady Mining Company throughout the game Barrett hits you up for money to help hire people to research the case then you finally get to meet the lawyer do some boots on the ground investigation and visit the mine where the incident occurred after turning in the evidence the quest just ends abruptly and later in the game Barrett Exposition dumps on you about the results of the trial it feels like a crappy first draft of a short story for a high school English class that you'd hastily type up in 30 minutes the night before it's due if you're going to build a quest about an investigation in trial it might help to actually involve Us in the trial kind of like Tally's loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2. andresia's Quest is even worse and feels like half of the content was cut for this one you need to locate two of her old friends that she abandoned during an attack 10 years prior one of the guys ends up being dead but we meet the other one on a ship out out in space where she reveals that she believes andreja was a traitor who set them up for an attack by house Varun but it turns out that Andreas Commander was actually working with some kind of Rogue faction who set her and her friends up so we go to confront her commander and you can either kill the guy or spare him and then nothing happens if you spare him andreja's like I'm gonna rat you out to the council and he's like no I'm gonna rat you out to the council and then the quest is just over you also can't talk to Andreas friend after that initial encounter so there's no resolution there either the whole thing just ends so abruptly that something must have been cut from The Quest this can't possibly be the whole thing as intended like many things in this game starfield's companions feel half-baked and far behind the times when compared to other RPGs even their own past titles you may be wondering just how big is this game so we thought we'd take one last moment and show you if OverWatch 2 redefined the meaning of a sequel by releasing basically the same game then Starfield has redefined the meaning of open World Games by releasing a game that isn't open world if a game's map is segmented into hundreds of different zones that require you to go through loading screens is it even an open world game anymore in the early 2000s and 2010s Bethesda was on The Cutting Edge of open world game design but while these game worlds were far more open than anything we had seen before the maps were still somewhat separated given the limitations of console Hardware at the time Bethesda had to segment their Maps into different zones for instance in Fallout New Vegas the zones of freeside and New Vegas had to be segmented into different zones because the game would just crash on Xbox 360 without that separation and pretty much any time you would enter a building or New City you would have to go through a loading screen the hardware simply wasn't powerful enough to render massive seamless open worlds yet but technology has come a long way since the early 2010s and so has optimization other Studios have discovered ways to create massive open worlds without segmenting the map The Witcher 3 was one of the first games to pull this off in 2015. sure there are some areas that are segmented like the skelega islands white Orchard vizima and some of the sewer zones but for the most part the entire map of novograd and velen can be explored from end to end without ever going through a Zone transition or loading screen and this includes building Interiors since then there are plenty of other games that have achieved this as well like Red Dead Redemption 2 cyberpunk 2077 Horizon ghost of sushima Assassin's Creed and many more now you might be saying but Dan it isn't fair to compare these games to Starfield because Starfield allows you to travel to 100 of different planets you have to expect some degree of Zone transitions when traveling between systems or landing on new planets and that is a fair point but this isn't the only place where the game is segmented even the city environments are heavily separated just look at neon the whole map is broken up into like a dozen different sections all separated by loading screens even most of the shop Interiors require you to go through a loading screen to walk into the shop why the technological limitations of the Xbox 360 era are a thing of the past but Bethesda is still designing their open worlds in the same segmented way they've been doing for over 10 years meanwhile other open world RPG developers are running laps around them gone are the days when Bethesda was the king of this genre pushing the boundaries of what was possible from a world design perspective and one of the most baffling decisions is the complete lack of a local map for the city environments why didn't they put maps in this game to help us locate shops and other locations in these zones it's like they just completely forgot to do it or couldn't be bothered to create them I guess the game really is no map sky let's take a look at one of our planet's jemisin you can land into Atlantis but you can also land and explore anywhere on the planet and it's not just this planet it's all the planets in the system and not just this system but over a hundred systems over 1 000 planets all open for you to explore exploration in Starfield is the worst it's ever been in a Bethesda game getting your boots on the ground and seeing what's out there in the game world has always been one of the main appeals of Bethesda games but in Starfield there is simply nothing to find there are hundreds of planets in this game all with procedurally generated copy and paste content so you'll find lots of rocks to scan a few geographical anomalies and maybe a pirate-based or a civilian Outpost well Captain if you're looking for rocks I think you found the perfect place to start but after you've landed on a few planets you'll quickly realize that it's all basically the same soulless empty and uninteresting environments with nothing to do or see the only places you'll find the good Quest content are the handful of big cities and outposts in the game in Fallout 4 whenever I saw a new map marker on my compass my curiosity drove me to see what I would discover sometimes it would be nothing just a few enemies and some random loot but sometimes I would stumble upon a new Quest like a shady food vendor who was mixing human meat into his products or a town where everyone is super friendly but they're actually responsible for a recent kidnapping are you certain about that or even little events like seeing a super mutant surprise me at the Boston Public Garden or a Myler Queen who made her home in the Massachusetts state house the difference between this and Starfield is that all of the content I just mentioned was handcrafted by the developers they designed these moments as a reward to players who ventured off the beaten path when I see a map marker in the distance in Starfield I'm not compelled to follow it at all because I already know what I'll find procedurally generated formulaic boring content what's the point point of going through the same abandoned research station you've already seen dozens of times elsewhere in the game if the developers didn't take the time filling out these areas with content then why should I bother exploring it I'm not usually the type of guy to say I told you so but I told you so I told you that these planets were going to be completely devoid of interesting content after the Xbox Showcase in 2022 in the last few minutes Todd wraps up by telling us how big starfield's going to be this is where my heart sank a little bit there's apparently going to be over 1 000 explorable planets as soon as I heard this I immediately thought so it's going to be quantity over quality I see just a wild guess here but I imagine the vast majority of these planets will not be worth exploring like if it's going to be just a few procedurally regenerated buildings and radiant quests then that's going to wear out its welcome very fast star field is much bigger than any of their previous game games aside from maybe Arena and Daggerfall which were also procedurally generated but achieving this massive scope came at a cost the cost of worthwhile exploration and the joy of discovering something new and interesting that a developer handcrafted for us to find come back he did not respond when I called to you after you pulled out the artifact does that mean Barrett's Theory and experience were correct the artifact grants the first person who touches it a vision the biggest Factor contributing to starfield's outdated feeling is the overall presentation of the content particularly the character models cut scenes and animations the character models in particular look really really bad I'm talking Mass Effect Andromeda levels of bad and that game looked awful in 2017. the facial animations don't do us any favors either when I see Sarah Morgan speak all I can think is my face is tired Sarah's default expression is just so unsettling too she has these crazy eyes and a gigantic frown on her face at all times go play pretty much any RPG or action game from the past decade The Witcher 3 Baldur's Gate 3 Horizon all these games are Leaps and Bounds ahead of Starfield when it comes to presentation I'm not saying Bethesda needs to go out and mocap every character or conversation but is this really the best they can do with the exception of better lighting Bethesda hasn't made any positive strides in how they present conversations to the player in the past decade and in some areas they're actually regressing let's look at camera angles for instance every single conversation in this game has one camera angle the character you are speaking to is put dead center in the frame and the angle never changes the only time the camera switches is if another character Chimes into the conversation and in the case of your companions half of the time this bugs out anyway say nothing and let their minds fill in the gaps as long as we aren't actually stuffed into the cargo hold with the rest of the crates Fallout 4 was by no means great at presenting conversations but at least they changed up the camera angle from time to time the issues in Jank don't end here though if you start a conversation with an NPC while they're walking sometimes it's short circuits their Ai and they just keep walking instead of stopping to chat with you did you see yourself those yoga Syndicate freaks had no chance Yana came through that [ __ ] rescued his boy tell him I won't forget we are tight ah didn't think we had any new miners on account of the positions being full up a similar thing happens if you start a conversation while an MPC has their back or side turned to the player they're supposed to turn around and face you but sometimes they just don't for some reason I've also had a few instances of other NPCs bashing into me or the character I'm speaking to mid-conversation you're starting to grow on me though like a fungus but I like mushrooms guess that's the third thing these issues are specific to Bethesda games most other modern RPGs don't suffer from these kinds of problems and most of these issues aren't new for Bethesda either they existed in Skyrim and Fallout 4 as well but Todd and crew haven't done anything to improve the way they handle dialogue in their games one other thing that just kind of annoyed me about Starfield is that a lot of the NPCs are a complete [ __ ] to you right off the bat for no reason a customer feel free to spend your credits or get the hell out now are you sure you're in the right place you certainly don't look like one of our usual clientele come on give me a break you're not exactly a top dog over there at the key now are you sending me a rook to handle a job this risky is a goddamn insult is this supposed to be some new form of Finn Dom where you pay a hundred dollars to get humiliated by NPCs in a video game the optional dialogue compounds this problem too I'm the type of player who likes to explore every optional dialogue choice in RPGs but for some reason Bethesda crammed in a lot of questions that just repeat information that's already been presented to you and when you select these options the characters just insult you for not paying attention like I know attention spans are shorter than ever but do we really need half a dozen questions recapping information that was literally told to us seconds ago there was one moment which really made me laugh during the Crimson Fleet quest line the whole plot revolves around recovering a marooned ship full of millions of credits which the Pirates call krix's Legacy and near the end of the quest line when you're just about to go recover all this money you're given an option and to ask the pirate leader what crix's Legacy is oh my God haven't you been paying attention the only reason half the fleet's captains haven't scattered across the subtle systems is because they're waiting for their part of the score no money means no protection no protection means we are done when sister arrives simple enough for you eventually I just started skipping all the optional questions because in most cases they're completely redundant you're not getting new information from most of this dialogue just a recap of what you already know layered on thick with a load of insults Todd Howard boasted about this game having like 3 million lines of dialogue but honestly you could chuck a million or two of those lines in the garbage and the game would be unchanged look at all of you back from the underworld got pretty frantic on the comps towards the end there but it sounded like this was a success immersion is an incredibly important part of video games particularly RPGs there are many aspects that can contribute to immersion and make us get lost in the escapism OR entertainment created by fictional media things like realistic Graphics animations sound effects storytelling or just straight up fun and engaging gameplay can all build an immersive experience and things that break immersion can be bad writing bugs and glitches janky gameplay mechanics or other aspects of unbelievability is that even a word Starfield can be a really immersive experience at times but it always seems to trip over itself and rip me out of the experience eventually for me one of the big immersion Breakers of Starfield is that the Galaxy is populated with Immortal humans many characters in this game are literally unkillable owing to bethesda's now infamous protected NPC's mechanic which has been in all their games since Oblivion it's important to remember why Bethesda created this mechanic in the first place when they released Morrowind in 2003 every NPC in the game was killable including ones who were essential to the game's main story if you murdered one of these characters you'd be given a notification that basically said you just broke the main story maybe you want to reload a save it was actually a lot more Artful and creative in how they worded it I think it was something like reload a save or persist in the doomed world you have created but some players didn't like that they could just break the main story by killing a random character especially if they didn't have a recent save to fall back on it might cost them hours of progress which always feels shitty so when Bethesda made Oblivion they marked some of the story essential NPCs as protected NPCs this made them unkillable so players couldn't just break the main plot But as time has gone on Bethesda has just abused this mechanic in all their games and in Starfield it's the worst it's ever been basically every single named character in the game is Invincible even if they aren't tied to any Quest at all nothing says immersive Universe like pumping hundreds of bullets into a guy to just watch him hunch over and be completely fine even in parts of the story where you become mortal enemies with a faction oftentimes these characters are still Invincible the most egregious example is the Crimson Fleet quest line at the beginning of the quest when you get arrested by UC systf you are given the option to attack Commander akande when you meet him on the bridge at first I was like awesome some actual role-playing some actual choices this is really great if I want to play as a criminal instead of a federal informant Bethesda is giving me that choice except they're not really you can't actually kill akande here he's come completely Invincible you can't kill Lieutenant Toft either you can't even kill the random Indian lady and I don't even think she's involved in any quests so why are these NPCs Invincible because if he were to kill them right now then you wouldn't get the big ship battle and combat sequence at the end of the quest line Bethesda is just saying to us these characters are invincible because we said so and you can't kill them until we give you the okay again this is a step backward from Fallout 4. you could kill the railroad during your first meeting with them you could Waltz right up to Elder Maxson of the Brotherhood and remove him from this Mortal realm you could even kill father the moment he came through the door so why can't we kill UC sis death in this first encounter even when we are explicitly given the option to attack them I suspect the reason is Bethesda doesn't want to be bothered with coming up with an alternate outcome based on player choice if you could kill akande right here right now then they would have to create another NPC to take his place in the chain of command or they'd have to come up with an alternate reality where you see CIS death doesn't attack the fleet at the end of the quest line but doing all of that takes a lot of extra work and Imagination it's much easier to just make the guy Invincible instead so the quest line remains essentially unchanged this is so antithetical to the core experience of RPGs which are supposed to be about player choice making a difference it's difficult to stay immersed or invested in a quest line when you realize the choices are fake and speaking of immersion breaking let's talk about NPCs not reacting to threats or violence if you point your gun at people or even fire your gun in public nobody cares or reacts at all not even the police however if you steal a coffee cup in front of a guard you're going straight to jail this game also has a ton of unintuitive design choices when it comes to the UI and menus for instance since you cannot access your companion's inventory from the standard menu screen you have to start a conversation with them select let's trade gear and then sort through their inventory one problem with this is you can't start a conversation with them if you're already in combat so I had one situation during the UC Vanguard quest line where our group was being attacked by civilians who were getting mind controlled kind of like the colonists on pharaohs in Mass Effect 1. you're encouraged to swap to em weapons so that you can incapacitate the civilians but since we were already in combat I couldn't change Andreas equipped weapon so she just started gunning down civilians and Hadrian got really mad at me in the ensuing conversation yet what the hell happened back there Captain there's no excuse for using lethal Force here or you could have used the EM gun like you were ordered these are lives you're playing with here so get your head in the game and it's like yeah I could have reloaded an earlier save and dismissed my companion or changed her inventory before we got into combat but these are unnecessary workarounds to bad game design there's no reason you shouldn't be able to access your companion's inventory from the same menu as your own I mean compare this to Baldur's Gate 3 where you can press one button and can instantly see all your companions inventory on a single screen and here's another thing what the [ __ ] were they thinking when they created the hacking mini game it's like the developers had a meeting and were like how can we make the hacking 10 times more tedious and time consuming than any of our prior mechanics and this is what they came up with it just slows down the flow of exploration so much to open up a menu and then spend 15 to 30 seconds lining up these pins to unlock a door or crate of which there are many many of them in each location you visit in the game and in many cases is the stuff that's locked up is complete garbage like this master difficulty lock on crix's Legacy ship that contained the basic mining outfit you get at the very beginning of the game oh boy better put this [ __ ] in Fort Knox it's almost worth 500 credits this one time I unlocked a weapon case that was just completely empty what there's nothing in here oh come on dude at this point if something is in a locked chest I don't even bother with it if I ever play this game again in the future I'll install a mod that removes this mini game entirely before we move on to the conclusion I just have one more example of how janky this game can be one of the only choices in the game that made a tangible difference in my playthrough happened by complete accident in Aquila City you can pick up a side quest to help some guy get a new job his family's fallen on hard times but he thinks his wife's relative might be able to help him find work the woman is a ship captain in the UC Vanguard and when you meet her for the first time she's under attack by Crimson Fleet Pirates at least that's what's supposed to happen however if you joined the Crimson Fleet then these ships will not be hostile when you arrive nothing happens you can't talk to the UC Vanguard lady nor dock at her ship the quest is just broken hello stranger so we got Pirates all over the damn board here to join the good times Express this isn't a bug either it's just a complete oversight by Bethesda when you join a hostile faction your character is no longer marked as hostile so that faction won't attack you anymore but when Bethesda was designing this Quest around a crimson Fleet attack they didn't consider the fact that the player could join the Crimson Fleet so instead of a space battle nothing happens Starfield is just clown Galaxy bro maybe they will fix this quest in a future update but I've played enough Bethesda games over the years to know that ain't gonna happen despite the overwhelmingly critical nature of this video I did have a decently fun time playing Starfield there were some pretty good side quests in the game and I've been itching to play a new space game for a very long time so Starfield scratched that itch but when I see people calling this game a masterpiece or a 10 out of 10 I feel like I'm being gaslit Starfield isn't a terrible game but it ain't great either it's just I at this point I've seen pretty much everything there is to see in the game I still have a few one-off side quests that I haven't finished but I have really no desire to continue so I think I'm just gonna bounce back to Baldur's Gate 3 for a little while until the Phantom Liberty expansion for cyberpunk comes out anyway I've ranted long enough about Starfield I'll see you later in another YouTube video If you like this video be sure to subscribe to Big Dan gaming for more RPG videos rants Etc big shout out to all the channel members for supporting my content until next time this has been big Dan I should go
Channel: Big Dan Gaming
Views: 358,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big dan gaming, starfield review, starfield is bad, is starfield worth it, is starfield bad, bethesda game design is outdated, starfield is creatively bankrupt, starfield vs mass effect, starfield vs cyberpunk 2077
Id: ymitpJEHYDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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