Starfield is a Fraud! 31 Problems with Starfield

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thank you welcome to Starfield everybody I'm excited to get started 25 years in development development for this game and I'm so excited to share my experience experience with you guys this is my list 31 reasons why Starfield sucks the game doesn't actually suck uh it's a slightly above average game but these are 31 reasons why well 31 reasons that are holding the game back from being a great game besides number one they're in no particular order number one I think is the main reason holding the game back but the other ones are not in particular order of significance number one create invention two uh it's a disaster this engine should have been the last game it should have been used for was Fallout 4. somehow it's seven years later so eight years later seven or eight years later and we're still using this engine it is a heavily modified creative engine one it's 1.5 and creative engine one is from 2006. okay we're talking the second decade of life this thing should have died with Fallout he did not respond when I called to you after you pulled out the artifact does that mean Barrett's Theory and experience were correct the artifact grants the first person who touches it a vision he's using 76 now it's using Starfield it does not work in this Modern Age of gaming it does not compare to other open world engines like they use for Red Dead 2 I have to use for The Witcher that are actually open world that you can cross vast Landscapes and if you want to manually cross the Landscapes not have to fast travel that's not an option in Starfield okay like you can't manually fly around the Galaxy it's just fast travels because the engine is not capable of allowing you to manually move around the map hopefully I do have a bounty on me game's awesome so we're stuck with fast travels and like I said all the a lot of the other reasons are just limitations from an engine that is nearly 20 years old I swear this engine is on hospice care it is about to die and every year Todd they staple more parts to it they give it injections steroids growth hormone to keep it alive and roll it back out for the devs to make a new game with I'm stunned they used it for Fallout 76 and that was a [ __ ] disaster and somehow they still used it for Star field creative engine just has to just start from scratch make a new engine Great Adventure 3 start from scratch no modifying no duct tape and [ __ ] new engine because it does not work in Modern Age of gaming open world RPGs anymore [Music] although there are a few problems with the game for instance right here on Xbox I had a few glitches like this on PC I had a couple crashes for the most part it has been a relatively stable launch especially for a Bethesda game which we know has a very bad track record for launches of games number two space is the background not the playground you are hardly ever flying in space yes you have space combat yes you have to fly sometimes like to space stations but you're hardly ever actually flying in space the reason you can't actually fly anywhere space is just a box you can't fly in space and then fly to something besides a space station all you're doing in the space is random events and spawning in solar systems you haven't spawned in before if you're actually exploring you can spawn in new solar systems and discover them but then you're just fast traveling you can't spawn on the solar system and then fly to a planet that's not possible somebody actually tried to do that it took them seven hours to fly to a planet the planet's just a flat piece of paper that you fly through it's not actually there it's not actually rendered in I spent seven hours flying from space to a planet in Starfield here's what happened when I actually got there oh it was flat we just went right through it wait but it's still so zero hang on am I inside Pluto you're in a box and you can't leave the Box the only way to leave this boxer in flying in space is fast traveling because that's the limitations of the creative engine because of this you're hardly ever actually flying in space so basically you're fast traveling everywhere it's a fast travel game you're hardly ever in space so for the few times doing space combat and some missions and whatnot but for the most part this game could have taken place on the same planet with different biomes it'd feel almost the same number three this has been a trend with Bethesda the RPG elements are just every year shaved off a little bit more we saw with Fallout 4 76 more so and now now with star field there's hardly any RPG elements there's just no consequences to decisions you can customize your guys somewhat but it's just it's just not anywhere near the RPG elements that we saw before especially with decisions no matter what you decide Within mission it's the same outcome honestly combat is more fun sometimes than actually just trying to persuade people or sneaking but I mean you do have options but at the end of the day it's the same outcome no matter what well that's not your decision you really believe that easy easy I can't believe I'm saying this but it'll get you out of my hair they're in the other room let's go man we got the maps remember for the skill tree uh I don't know why they have to keep changing it the skill tree is fine it was fine and follow three it was fine in Skyrim they don't got to keep changing it Fallout 4 they made it worse 76 it made it worse here it's I kind of like what they did with some of the skill tree stuff where you have to actually like perform the task to get the skill up but before you can actually learn how to do it you have to put the skill points in this into it hey there we go I think it's expert now and you can't respect if you want to at the end of the game or if you finish the main main quest so it's just like you have to just plan out for especially for a casual you have to plan out all your skill points because skill points are hard to come by like it takes a while to level up and you don't have too many skill points and the lower the tiers in the uh the there's five charts lower you go the more you need like you need like seven skill perks to get to the third level I think nine or ten to get to the fourth and that takes a while you gotta invest a lot of skill points into them so for a casual person they're not thinking that far ahead and you can't respect so it's just [ __ ] number five the load screens it's [ __ ] ridiculous I just I I'm just banging my head against the wall I'm on my phone whether I'm playing the game at this point especially for certain missions we're literally just going from A to B it's just load screen after navigation menu trash travel after load screen after fast travel after the walk 10 feet to another door load screen fast travel it's unbelievable okay foreign I just went through like three I went through a load screen to load the bar it couldn't load the bar with the rest of it I mean that big [ __ ] is this engine doing man is it loaded this it just showing limitations of creative engine 2. it's just another reason why they shouldn't have used it another reason why they have to they have to get creative engine 3. everything is in a box you can't actually go anywhere without having to load somewhere and especially between different planets and space everything is just fast traveling there's hardly any like like normal discovery of just walking around your environment there is none of that except maybe in this in the cities but this even the cities feel small it says the biggest cities that they've ever built where like everything just in a box somewhere you're in one section or the other and to get between them you gotta do 15 seconds of loading screens now thankfully on the Xbox it is consoles it is bad you're on loading screens all the time on PC which I was lucky to play I played both on PC it's slightly better uh but you're still just so many load screens like I'm like Fallout 3 had more of an open and open environment that you could roam around than this game this is what 15 years later it's ridiculous number six Planet exploration uh it's just not really worth uh your time it's very boring it's obviously quite repetitive I know people were kind of expecting the No Man's Sky approach but it's obviously not like that uh there's more down the list about plan expiration specifically like outposts and resources and whatnot but because of the excessive load screens and it's just fast traveling that's all you're doing is just fast traveling you're not really even exploring when you land on a planet you basically pick a point and the point you pick on the planet has almost nothing to do with what you're actually seeing if you pick a point on the planet it's like oh it's on the coast and you land there it's probably not been on the coast like you probably don't see any water it has nothing to do with where you pick and when you land You're Just landing in a box if you go too far or out of the box you get sent back in right in between they've got water you got uranium you got everything there it's cool that you can actually pick where you land on the plane we're exploring I'm not gonna last looks like a [ __ ] and then you can land in a different box so it's just a series of boxes on a planet somewhere that you can't go outside because you go outside the box oh my God and the the seeds are unique to each planet so like each planet can feel different but there's a thousand planets you think every planet feels different no some plant I bet a lot of planets feel the same and you have randomly procedurally generated like locations to go to but guess what you go to 20 planets you start seeing the same locations over and over again and you start to see the same enemies over and over again on these planets so it's like there's really uniqueness to it you you go to 10 planets you've basically seen them all number seven is I alluded to it but the open world is not really open uh you can't you can't go anywhere uh you know in other games in open world you could fast travel or you could just manually go across the map if you wanted to Red day you could go on a horse go across the map if you wanted to The Witcher you could do that like uh Assassin's Creed Black Flag you could go in your ship and go across if you wanted to you would eventually get to a town have to load into the town but the point is you could get you could fast travel you could go across manually if you wanted to and like try to get some immersion into the game about what it's like to be you know a pirate or whatever in The Witcher 3 by being a Witcher just travel like live in the environment all right we're done like why can't I just land on the planet immediately what do I have to fast travel outside night camp can't just land I have to fast travel the outskirts of the of the planet I have to open them again to land okay uh this game that's not that's you can't do that it's not even an option that's what's what I'm saying is like those other games you could fast travel or you could manually go across this game you have to fast travel this is not an open world game okay this is just a series of fast travel points connected together that you can do out of sync if you want to in that sense you can do whatever you want it's open world game but it's certainly not open number eight space combat space combat is so one-dimensional it just makes me sick there's no tactics no flanking no no like sneaking up on people no like like coordinating with other ships just there's nothing okay space combat basically comes down to you get sworn by five ships and you attack and you take out the enemy ships before they take you out and if you do that fast enough you win there's no tactics involved there's no like you just get swarmed by anyone that ever attacks you and if you you either take them out as quickly as possible or you die that is the one-dimensional space combat we have okay I'm I'm just gonna die like like what do you what do you want what do you okay it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] dumb holy [ __ ] oh my god dude this game is so [ __ ] frustrating it's face combat is so [ __ ] bad why I refuse to believe that I cannot outrun anybody number nine you're starting ship sucks it [ __ ] reeks it's awful and it's drawbacks just hurt you in every way possible first off space combat with his first ship is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] I just just literally avoid space combat at all all costs you can't you couldn't take on a [ __ ] butterfly it's terrible second the ship has zero cargo capacity and you pick up a ton of [ __ ] in the game to sell right to make credits because you want to make money but the problem is you can't carry anything your ship has almost no carry capacity so instantly you're over and covered the entire time and you can't actually upgrade your ship because to upgrade your ship you need to take out other ships in space combat but your ship is so dog [ __ ] you can't even [ __ ] so it's just like it just it's a self-eating cycle like you can't fix the problem unless you somehow just unlock or if you get lucky enough to 1v1 and steal somebody else's ship that's the only way but this ship it took so long to overcome its drawbacks and it's right in the beginning of the game number 10 fuel range on your ship is just the stupidest [ __ ] arbitrary like not a paywall but essentially a a skill wall in the game the fuel the fuel range is your grab Drive okay so it's how far you can go in a single fast travel Point okay so the starting ship I think is 50 you can get into the hundreds if you want to but it it it serves no [ __ ] purpose except to be a [ __ ] stone wall just to stop you just because it does want to [ __ ] stop you from moving too far in space at one time the fuel range makes no sense if you just think about it for more than three seconds okay you never have to refuel all you do is fast travel and it's automatic automatically filled anyways the only thing it stops you from doing is basically fast traveling a farther distance that that's the only thing it does so let's say you have to go a certain distance instead of it being one fast travel in load screen it'll be three or four fast travels and load screens and that's it the only reason to upgrade the grab Drive is literally just so you can fast travel like a less amount of time and spend less time in load screens that's it that's the entire purpose of the fuel range it makes no sense except to be a hindrance all right so missions mantis yes on a course unexployable why can't I go there oh it's gonna take a bunch of gems power up grab drum number 11 the graphics are complete dog [ __ ] like it's 2023 these are muddy [ __ ] Graphics from Fallout 4 in 2015 or 16. and it looks like they've made no improvement I know the game's not optimized for [ __ ] because it just came out but it's kind of [ __ ] ridiculous that like you're basically playing these self-contained boxes all game and the graphics still look like [ __ ] like you don't even have that much to render like The Witcher 3 looked amazing on launch and you could you could navigate the entire world map if you wanted to and everything looked great like [ __ ] everything but here like you like literally if I if I fast travel into like one shop the shop looks like [ __ ] even though it's all that's being rendered by the entire engine at that time so it makes no [ __ ] sense and obviously the game's not optimized for [ __ ] Xbox 30 frames per second dog [ __ ] uh PC 60 frames with my 30 60 but it struggles at times with 15 frames it's just like it how can they how can this game look like such [ __ ] when there's not even that much to [ __ ] render in your face number 12 the oxygen CO2 system uh this is just like the one of the most insulting things I've ever seen in any video game so basically it's a stamina system it makes sense in space because there's no Oxygen so you know in space you have your oxygen tank and if you breathe too much you CO2 build up that makes sense that actually happens in like spacecraft I will literally pay any amount of money on the planet or just like unlimited oxygen Sprint speed because it's just so annoying having to stop every two seconds that what doesn't make sense is that this system still isn't still in play on planets that have oxygen okay so new Atlantis is basically Earth 2.0 it has oxygen at like 24 22 so it has oxygen on the planet so why am I running out of oxygen and why am I building up CO2 on a planet with oxygen I'm gonna go sell all my stuff and then I'm gonna customize my ship I can assure you this unprovoked attack on the United Colonies where's the kiosk here it makes no [ __ ] sense they just got lazy and didn't put a stamina system in for planets that have oxygen they just kept this stupid CO2 oxygen system in for all planets regardless if it actually has oxygen or not so it makes no [ __ ] sense it feels like out of place it just feels like a lazy just laziness instead of just having a stamina system when it's needed they just kept the same CO2 oxygen mechanic and it just feels it just makes it doesn't make any sense it like it just does not make sense number 13 pronouns uh people are upset about it I didn't even see it the first time around when I played the game um I don't really know why people are so upset but people people are upset so I just put on the list because why not I don't really care I'm not saying you know I'm not gonna say anything about it it's on the list though but whatever number 14 uh again kind of with the fast travel stuff is you're in the menus a lot in this game and the the menus in the UI generally [ __ ] suck uh there's like there's like lag and load times to open up the menu and many times kids like hold down buttons to exit the menu and like exit when you hit exit in the menu it actually just opens up the map more which is [ __ ] annoying like when I hit exit I want to exit I don't want to open up the map more like exit means exit exit doesn't mean expand okay that's not what exit means well is that actually sorry Escape it's what I want to escape means I want to escape the [ __ ] menu system okay like I hate this UI thankfully on PC it's fixed but the UI in general is just not good like it like everything is a [ __ ] load screen and even opening up the menu which should not take any time at all the menu should instantly open even the menu has like a little load time to it to open and then open different parts inventory map whatever like why does even the menu have a load time everything has a load time in this game number 15 there's a new lock picking system I don't hate the lock picking system okay the digi stick thing is fine it's different it takes a lot more brain power I'd say like you like you can do a bobby pin lock pick kind of in your sleep at this point like it just it takes like almost no effort basically you can just go on autopilot this actually takes like real thinking and logic to do so I kind of like that they changed it oh my God this is uh actually gonna be [ __ ] crazy uh the problem is they've done this and then they've made it so like every other object and box and gate and door in 2330 future Earth has a is locked everything's locked so you're going to be spending so much time because each lock pick takes much longer like it like an expert lock pick will take like minutes to do when in other games Bobby Pinner take like 30 seconds if a lock pick in Fallout 4 took a minute that's like a world record okay you will spend numerous minutes on lock picks like because you have to think about like the concentric rings and which like but which uh like Keys you have it's it's a very intricate system they should have done this where there weren't as many locked objects because I feel like it's spending so much time so much time in these lock picking mini games easy dude none of this is like oh who's keeping their stuff in here number 16 the Bounty mechanic uh this really hinders you a lot until you kind of understand how it works and basically it doesn't allow you to go to certain spots uh basically if you attack different factions you will get a bounty for that faction and there's no way to go to a system controlled by that faction unless you either pay off the Bounty or like kill everybody and in the beginning of the game you don't have the power like your ship is [ __ ] so you basically have to pay off the debt and there's just a lack of options here like why can't I sneak in so for instance if you attack the UC and you want you're doing the main quest for constellation you can't get to New Atlantis because you have a bounty you can't sneak in or anything and you basically pay off the Bounty because you're not killing everybody so it doesn't work that way number 17 there's a serious lack of interesting spacesuits of course you have like your mantis spacesuit and you have a lot of the like really cool ones but you don't get that to like you you know either specific quests you have to kind of know about or you get towards the end of the game or finish you know factions or whatnot but just generally picking up spacesuits from enemies of whatever faction there's a real lack of variety and they all kind of look the same of course besides uh the like epic or legendary even the yellow ones oh my goodly God look at that armor look at that succulent armor and put it on yes mantis 25 oxygen consumption plus 25 thermal resistance mirrored four percent chance to reflect attacks basic boost pack what about the other one 50 minus fall damage plus 40 carry capacity grants 100 plus energy resistance physical resistance lower your health oh yeah but even some yellow ones which are the rarest in the game look generic like there there's there's just a lack of of basically cool looking spacesuits in the game I feel number 18 I'll give you a scenario here okay uh you visited neon City once you have no idea what system it's in how do you find it okay there's no list there's no catalogs no index you can look where have I been what cities have I visited blah blah blah do I have any missions that go there maybe if you get lucky enough of that the only way to really find a specific City oh that you don't have a quest for or like a planet is just to go manually through all of them like there's no index to find stuff I thought that was really odd because in a game where there's a thousand planets like what if I'm looking for one in particular like one specific plan like how do I find this specific planet can I search it in an index like can I kind of look up like where have I been like kind of stuff like a history like a search history don't look at my search history anyways I thought that was odd not to have some kind of index to find places you've been or cities you visited clear when we get the number 25 on the list to clarify this bounty system is not bad but for instance if you destroy a lone UC ship with no someone else around to witness you will still get a bounty regardless consequences for decisions are a good thing don't get me wrong but there should be ways to work around mechanics like this it simply continues to severely limit the amount of space combat you can engage inside a space game and that's disappointing number 19 back to skills the only way to really effectively level up skills is to essentially hyper focus on them for instance the pilot skill that one you need to destroy enemy ships you don't really have too much space combat in the game as it is so it's a really level up skills like that you have to basically hyper focus on that and just literally just go from system to system looking for ships to destroy other skills not so much like obviously carry capacity if you're doing that or taking damage with shields again combat though that's kind of rare and like lock picking lock picking everywhere but certain skills and I'd say most of the skills you have to hyper focus and if you want to get them up in any meaningful speed because otherwise if you don't hyper focus on them or at least be thinking about them at all times to like oh I gotta do this you're never going to get those skills up number 20 AI in combat is just so [ __ ] stupid in space not so much but it just in an actual like hand-to-hand combat on the ground combat anywhere is just so dumb they will like stand like let's say three three like rooms with enemies in each they will just listen to their friends be shot and killed in the other room you're like wow I'll just stay in this room and wait and then they'll they'll only attack you once you're actually in that room it is so bad it is rivaling Fallout 76 bad dumb Ai and I cannot tell you how many times this has happened where they take cover behind explosive giant explosive red flammable barrels all the time it's like they're programmed to intentionally hide behind them I know they're in lots of other games and stuff and there's a meme about it whatever but like why why are they intentionally going behind these barrels just for me to shoot the explosives and kill them like it doesn't make any sense no no AI with a brain no person with a with 12 brain cells would do that Jesus Christ I got this disappeared oh medpack thanks I think they're dead so it kind of just makes it feel stupid because like they're like they're essentially just killing themselves they're just running running right behind barrels for me to shoot them that is a microcosm of the AI there's tons of other things it's just they're just generally not great and because of this combat's very repetitive in that way because the AI is pretty stagnant they don't move too much so you're basically just running around big open rooms trying to like running around trying to find them because they're not actually maneuvering that much and flanking they're basically just waiting for you to kill them 21. uh I don't think they've really figured out like faction interactions uh like if you choose like if you were to choose all the factions at the same time and you're doing Quests for all like how that would interact with each other uh because for me personally I don't want to give too many spoilers but like I screwed up one faction when I was undercover with a different one I'm on like three different factions right now at the same time which makes no sense so like I don't think they've figured out exactly how that interacts I'm pretty sure it's a glitch that I've gotten into because I'm with two different factions that are actually at war with each other but on that of war with either so it doesn't like how can I has that doesn't really there's no handshake there there's no there's no handshake doesn't mean it make any sense so I don't think they've really figured out how that uh how that's supposed to work in the game yet because nobody beta tested it 22 literally one of my my most hated things ever in open world games like this is the vendors have no credits it's just [ __ ] stupid it's just it's such an easy fix it's an incredibly like one of the first PC mods that I downloaded was this fix but it's just it's just [ __ ] stupid like I'm so tired of this [ __ ] okay all the vendors have like five to like 11k Max and you pick up a ton of [ __ ] so you have to sell a ton of [ __ ] you know what the best cities are in the game the best cities are where the most Merchants are closest together those are the best cities okay like new Atlantis the key and I think that's about it neon City too because they have the most Merchants the closest together dude why do these kiosks never have enough credits they have 5 000 credits Max at all times five thousand thousand credits like is nothing in this game man like so many Bethesda games have this problem where vendors don't have enough credits or currency to sell stuff to so it just becomes a game of going to 11 different vendors every time you need to sell stuff you you go to one you go to one vendor you sell all like three of your guns you're done you go to the next vendor because it's already 5K I get that like they don't want to have you like get crazy money that quickly but like you're not stopping me from going to more vendors you're just making it more annoying that I have to go to more vendors like I'm gonna go and sell my [ __ ] regardless of like how many vendors I have to go to it's just annoying that I have to go to so many it's it's just like it's it's another artificial wall to stop me from just like unloading all my [ __ ] and I have to because I can't carry enough [ __ ] and my [ __ ] [ __ ] sucks and doesn't have enough room to carry on my [ __ ] so I kind of have to sell on my [ __ ] 23. uh if you ever max out your ship which does not take a long time I personally focused a lot on my first run through on the science skills so I could basically upgrade my ship all the way and that did not take that long like 15 to 20 hours max 20 hours max to upload it but I kind of hyper Focus once you do that you sink like half you know half a million credits into your [ __ ] [ __ ] badass whatever you want best weapons tons of cargo space of course thank you I don't know oh it's gold I like it it's gold it's Gold's a gold ship it's cool all the habitats like just looking cool like whatever color scheme and stuff after you do that credits don't really mean [ __ ] anymore there isn't that much to buy like there's not like secret vendor it's like oh my God this gun's like like nine million credits like that doesn't really exist like the most expensive thing I've ever seen is like 30 000 credits which is not even that much money it's depressing I'm looking to trade man okay what like a trustworthy guy is that worth so much I guess it's not worth that much besides the ship there isn't that much to spend credits on you can buy houses but like why would you buy a house when like your ships your mobile house like the the economy kind of like breaks like after like you kind of just max out your ship which again 15-20 hours it's not a lot of time to max out your [ __ ] 24. speaking of ship upgrades this room's a kick in the [ __ ] nut sack uh when you're actually upgrading them there are different vendors that sell different stuff okay so like the UC sell specific stuff the guys at the key or the girl the key sells different stuff free State uh free Collective sells different stuff okay so they have like specific things that they sell only they sell there's no way to like catalog and compare the stuff it's like let's say like the UC cells like a really good missile launcher and so does the the crimson and so does the freestyle Collective right how do you compare those three like you have to buy one in comparison no you can't so basically you got to take pictures like there's no way to like like compare it's really annoying because and then don't forget you have to actually fly the of those places so you're taking pictures with the UC guy you fly all the way to the key you gotta you know you gotta fast over there load screen you got a dock you got to enter load screen you got to run through you got to go to another door load screen you gotta talk to her and then and then you gotta fast travel the freestyle collector you're gonna land on the city you gotta run through you gotta load you gotta run through you gotta go into the door you gotta load again you gotta talk to the guy there's no way to really compare so that was just like one very specific thing that I found I was like that's just annoying that's just like like why like why why is that why is it that way why that was one annoying feature I wish there was some kind of catalog that you can compare the parts because you have to remember they all sell a lot of the same Parts like 95 of the parts they sell are the same so like remembering that like if you didn't take pictures and you're trying to remember just off of memory good [ __ ] luck with that 25 there's a serious lack of enemies outside of the three main factions the Crimson that you see and the Freestar Collective if you want to do space combat outside of those like without attacking those three factions because they're strong remember you're gonna get a bounty there's like no one to attack the only time you really get to do space combat outside of those three are Random Encounters traveling to different systems you have like space pirates you have like the Zeal religious people I forget like the great worm or something those guys but those are random there's no like space pirate Hub where like all the space pirates like that's like their their system and you can like attack them and like take take over their territory and whatever that does that does not exist like they're just randomly generated through about the war well throughout the systems that you travel and because of this because there's a serious lack of enemies outside of three main factions it really limits your ability to level up so like again the pilot when I had to get 30 kills to get my fourth level of pilot all I did was go from system to system fast traveling load screen fast traveling load screen Fast Track and load screen over and over again trying to get Random Encounters where I could shoot some space pirates because I didn't want to I didn't want to get a bounty with the UC or the freestyle Collective and I was already with the Crimson Fleet so I didn't really have like a choice to do that there's no all enemy faction like the Pirates are at war with everybody I get that but like there's no like they don't have a system they're just like somewhere they're they're everywhere in nowhere like they're in some places and then they it's just Random Encounters like there's no there's no place where like they have like bases or anything they're just like an enigma in the void like that's it and it would have been nice to have like a pirate base or a pirate Hub or a pirate system or a pirate pole half of the Galaxy that's been overrun like that would have been a good thing that would have been like a good variety 27 there's a lot of fetch quests and a lot of like you gotta do this to do this to do this like six different levels of like different objectives to meet one objective types of quests like there are so many quests where it's like go here talk to this person go here fast travel load screen [ __ ] fast travel [ __ ] hold X to Doc hold X to board blah blah flash travel like load screen so many of those quests where it's like you're not actually doing anything except talking and many of these quests can just be done with a phone call like it's it's 23 30. okay we can get a [ __ ] phone call so I want to travel it's 4 000 light years across the universe to like say like yeah I got you a cup of coffee whatever like a phone call would have fixed that where's like where's the phones give me a phone call I don't I don't got to do this I want to stay I want to stay here I want to stay here I'm staying here call me Rock but we also have remote stations throughout freestyle Collective space helps us to identify and respond to threats more quickly there are less than a dozen ranges in all we operate thankfully less than a dozen rain where we going Marshall Emma I'm out of breath 28. uh there's a thousand planets oh my God Todd thank you a thousand planets if you visit 20 you visited everyone 95 of them are just [ __ ] the same it's just like it's like it's like 20 10 planets they're just repeated with like different slightly different colors and whatnot different resources f oh I'm stupid tanning yes okay get this green stuff everywhere there's almost no point to exploration as it is and the planets are so mundane and especially doing the scanning and you know surveying different planets it gives you some money not really that much that much money it's probably like the slowest and like most boring way you could possibly make credits in the game and it's hardly an incentive I mean I guess if you want to do The Outpost which I'll get to later you have to survey and whatnot but generally speaking the planets suck uh again the whole box thing you're just you're just in boxes anyways and they're procedurally generated seed for the world and it's the same random generated like uh locations like oh look here's a mining camp here's a here's a [ __ ] like here's a big ass Rock in the way like here's a here's a here's a lake that doesn't exist anymore it's just like it's you visit you visit 10 to 20 planets you visited everyone it's they're they're just carbon copies after a certain point number 29 The Outpost system uh it serves really no purpose if you've played Fallout 4 when it came out you know that the settlement system had no purpose in the game really never explained no tutorial it feels exactly the same it's just tacked on to say we have a settlement system we you can build [ __ ] that's it that's really the reason it's in the game uh zero tutorial zero the only thing you could really do is obviously get resources which you can use to upgrade you know your weapons your spacesuit like you know do research and Industry and like build stuff and I get that I get that but those don't take too many resources to do so after a very short while like you have enough already so then what's the point you basically get resources to get resources to build more outposts to get more resources to get more and you see where it goes doesn't really go anywhere at the end of the day like yeah you could use it to build like a really nice Outpost like a like your own player home basically on a planet but your spaceship is your player home it's your mobile player home that's kind of like the whole point of having the spaceship and customizing and whatnot so it makes the player home on a planet outposts kind of seem like pointless so like I don't really see what the point of The Outpost mechanic is except just like attacked on building Sim in the game already which is exactly what it was for Fallout 4 to be fair and you know it can be fun it can be fun but like it it lacks the purpose that it really needed to have what would have been nice look at me thinking outside the box already is if building outposts on planets claimed the planet and like that's my planet and they start your own like Star factions like you know star Empire like oh my I've claimed this planet because I have an outpost on it that would have been cool that would have been a better idea with the Outpost mechanic but creative engine makes people uncreative I guess [Applause] number 30. a lot of the Random Encounters in space are just [ __ ] carbon copies are the same I swear to God again when I was getting my pilot 4 status and I had to get 30 kills I did a lot of random Space Battles to do that and when I did that I swear to [ __ ] God it was like the same asteroid [ __ ] battle like every other time it's like the same enemies in the same spot in the same asteroid field it like literally waiting in the same [ __ ] spot the only difference was the levels are slightly different and the planets in the background were different like I swear to God it was like the the [ __ ] asteroids were in the exact same spot they're literally carbon copies and obviously you're not really meant to like Farm those kind of battles and like go to like one after the other so they didn't think that like oh you will you wouldn't notice because like you're you're just farming those but like it's just laziness like you can't procedurally generate like like 10 different like Random Encounters two asteroid field battles that's all we got we got two yeah two we got two so you get the same you get the same two over and over again and there are lots of instances is like this all over the place like site activity stuff like that like Random Encounters random events a lot of repetitiveness and I didn't even play that long like I played like 20 20 hours or so on PC probably 15 on Xbox so 35 hours I'm already noticing like carbon copy events happening and it's just not good for the rest of the game all right number 31 uh this is just again like it's like the ammo thing it's just so [ __ ] stupid that it's not in the game already that it it boggles my my mind like I just I just can't if you want to build a new ship from scratch you can't okay there's no new ship design button at least right now on launch there's no button for it you would modify let's go oh my God this is I'm gonna spend my entire life in here wait I don't have any good ship overview strip Builder shipbuilder what I can completely customize my ship so it doesn't look like a [ __ ] like a tarantula anymore I got I'm flying around on a tarantula only way to build a new ship you have to take it existing ship delete the whole thing start from scratch so you have to essentially delete one of your ships to make a new design now this isn't a big deal because after you play for a little bit you can hijack other ships and you can just use one of those but in the beginning I didn't understand why I couldn't build a new ship I wanted to build I was like my [ __ ] first ship sucks dick I want to do [ __ ] please and I'm like I can't because I can't there's no [ __ ] button for it there's no button for new ship like it's just it's one of those like things that they clearly just missed and it's just like it's just it's boggling because it's such a obvious thing to add in a game that shows off shipbuilding and I I can't build the new one like I have to delete my old one it's just it's a good microcosm for the game just like tons and tons of these like little tiny just bad game designs and just just missing just missing elements that like just like we expect to be there because it's Bethesda game and they just aren't there all right guys I'm [ __ ] exhausted uh that's 31 reasons why this game sucks the game's not bad okay it's I give it like a six or six and a half if I was gonna review it which I'm not it's a slightly above average game with mods mods are gonna fix everything for PC if you're on a console like I don't know get [ __ ] like you're just there's there's just no hope for you like Bethesda obviously could fix a lot of these potential problems but some of them are too outstanding like the fact that we're using creative Engine 2 and 2023 is just a [ __ ] travesty like it's my 911 event I like I don't understand how it's even possible to still be using this engine like they're they're just they're they're wrinkling this [ __ ] towel of creative engine as tight as they [ __ ] they get every drop out of it and like they have to let it die it's on hospice let creative Engine 2 Die it has to die this is the last game I swear to God if Skyrim uses creative Engine 2 like I don't know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna get drastic okay [Music] thank you
Channel: JaysWays
Views: 40,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield review, starfield funny, starfield fail, starfield part 1, starfield playthrough, starfield gameplay, starfield problems, starfield issues, starfield bad, starfield glitches, starfield rating, starfield is it a good game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 27sec (2667 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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