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Over-rated by who? Everyone shits on this game other than communities dedicated to it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/blackrockphantom 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2023 🗫︎ replies
mentioning Starfield to a person is like flipping a coin either you get a passionate rant about how the game cured their illness and made them find God or you get a passionate rant about how it killed their entire family and burned down their Village so you can current dayers pronouns current day Califor we're boring I see this as beautiful personally that some are so passionate to love or hate a video game while everyone else on the outside looking in are just wondering what the hell caus everyone to get this passionate in the first place that that's why the last time a Bethesda game came out was 8 years ago the last time a Bethesda game came out that wasn't a buggy mess was 8 years ago I give up Fallout 4 came out 8 years ago a lot of people skipped 76 because Rick and Morty weren't enough to convince people to buy this dumpster fire ninja maybe has some finally representation then in 2018 the First new Bethesda IP in the last 20 years was announced said to be Todd Howard's baby and magnum opus it was traded marked in 2013 and then entered development in 2016 but had been a concept in the dome of Todd for about 25 years I was writing games when I was you know 12 whatever the other kids in the block would say you know I'm going to play quarterback for the Cowboys and I'd be like I'm going to make video games and everyone's going to play them like you dork go back to the chess club Who's Laughing Now the game was going to release in 2022 but then got delayed a whole year so that they could squash and exterminate all the little bugs that got caught in the webs and now after all this time they game is out for you to play Starfield a Bethesda RPG in space is extremely overrated and really outdated and not that good when an NBA player needs to hit a buzzer beater to win a game that's when everything becomes most crucial can you keep under pressure when the lights are shining brightest look I'm not Luca donic none of you could compare to Greatness like that but I am Dr Skipper and something I live for is when everyone is diluted and I feel like a crazy person every single one of these videos was made during honeymoon phases and taking a stance during a honeymoon phase is the most dangerous you want to know something I hate in this world glazing can I talk my [ __ ] again can't stand it meat riding Gizzy gobling call it whatever you want can't stand it you know what else I hate obnoxious opportunist if you think a balding Manchild screaming about role-play options in a roleplay game is the prime example of a professional hater then wait till you get a load of me because someday I'm going to meet God and when you ask why you didn't talk about Starfield in 2023 and I answer was because I didn't want piss people off it may not be a sufficient reply Starfield is a game with a lot to talk about it's not black and white despite whatever you might think officer vquez control your lady friend this bridge is no place for a woman yes commander excuse me I demand you are in a position to demand nothing kitchen W but you don't get to say in this video so shut up there's layers to peel back and analyze on what this game achieves while also discussing what it doesn't achieve and could do better and while Starfield is an immersive game to some it's also a restricted Disneyland ride that doesn't let you role playay and experience its galaxy to the full potential of what it advertised while also being plagued by bethesda's outdated game desire no no no please don't kill me please I don't want to die please don't kill me please don't please and these problems aren a jump scare in the slightest the problems of Starfield have been cruising for a bruising from those tunnel snakes for a minute and that kettle has been boiling since 2008 but it's 2023 now and Bethesda has a blood trail of mistakes and messes that haven't all of a sudden disappeared appeared because we're in space now but I'm him so grab a snack get a blanket and a soda and tag along as we go down this rapid hole and while we're at it you're going to subscribe and you're going to like it sorry just just had to get through that intro my good friend uh Starfield is a great display of Bethesda magic last time Bethesda received proper flowers was for Skyrim which even at the time had a lot of regression from Mor wind and Oblivion but Skyrim was the first game to fully nail down Bethesda magic and before Skyrim you had Fallout 3 which was the beginning of Bethesda magic and in between those two you had obsidian Fallout New Vegas which showed that smoke and mirrors of Bethesda magic could actually become a reality if you put in the effort but when you look at bethesda's recent catalog you notice a bad Trend that runs through them every Bethesda game is outdated outshined and doesn't do anything Innovative but what they are successful at is Bethesda magic I know you're getting tired of me saying this word over and over again without explaining what the hell it is I'm sorry let me explain what Bethesda magic is Bethesda magic is a theme park ride I ically Bethesda is making an Indiana Jones game so let's use the Indiana Jones ride from Disneyland for this example to ride Indiana Jones You Wish [ __ ] quiz to ride the Indiana Jones attraction the first thing you got to do is wait in line but the line is made to immerse you in the setting of this ride so that you forget that you're just an AQ for the main attraction and when you get on the ride you're full of joy and excitement as you tag along Indiana Jones to escape an adventure of fun and scary Thrills they're shooting blow darts a giant boulder comes in Harrison Ford is there for Real's I swear to God that's actually actually him and then after the ride is over a kid is going to be ecstatic thinking that everything just happened was real and now feels like a part of the story and the adult who knows it's all fake had to be whipped and slaved to afford these goddamn tickets it's just happy that they got to have some fun while being immersed in fantasy before returning to a life of cold buds on the weekend and beating their wife this is why people enjoy Bethesda games Starfield Fallout Skyrim without game design what are they to their core space apocalypse and fantasy three settings three RPGs pick your poison Bethesda games are extremely successful because no one makes a Bethesda game like Bethesda they're the only game studios that have really cool settings that allow you some control while also making you feel like an important piece in a big world with easy to control gameplay none of them have groundbreaking combat roleplay Graphics or even exploration but what they do have is groundbreaking manipulation just like my ex-wife Rebecca that stupid [ __ ] Fallout 4 in 2015 regress massively from New Vegas it focused on being a shooter more than an RPG it also released the same year as The Witcher 3 which exposed the game's problems massively showing that Fallout 4 was already outdated when it launched in 2015 it was a bad RPG the Gunplay was mid the graphics were nothing special you got to remember Battlefront 2015 came out the same year for comparison like look at Boba Fett in the snow that's a that's a man right there the game was also a buggy mess pushing bethesda's old ass engine to the [Music] limits and even with all those faults people were still in love with the Bethesda magic New Vegas and Fallout 3 are ugly to look at and not very fun to play Fallout 3 released a year after Halo 3 and Fallout New Vegas came out the same year as Red Dead Redemption and Halo Reach and while I know New Vegas is an obsidian game it's bethesda's assets and engine my point is that Bethesda games have always had this problem people today still play New Vegas because it offers a lot more than Fallout 3 in substance but with Fallout 4 and all of its problems a lot of people turned their brains off and shot their shots in Boston like their [ __ ] Larry Bird you were not really forced to care about anything else if you don't want to you are the lone wander in the Apocalypse made to [ __ ] and you want to rescue your son while also carrying the Celtics to a championship while drinking buds in the weekend also this plot was done better in Finding Nemo hell it even looks better in Finding Nemo but you get the point I never knew my father come here the main reason why Fallout 76 failed is because it didn't have Bethesda magic if the game was full of NPCs and pre-made decisions with a basic campaign people would have loved that Indiana Jones ride he's a s he'll kill us all Kyle no the Oscar goes to West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains this game [ __ ] sucks but you had no choice or role play like you would in Fallout 1 2 or New Vegas but you also had no Bethesda magic either all you had was Fallout 4's game design which is an outdated mess that didn't really succeed at doing anything besides providing a cool setting but take that magic out the setting and the game is Dead nobody's going to shoot death claws with no Engle for hours to find some happiness in their life unless they have brain damage that's a whole another story also I like earlier Bethesda is not the only one who makes Bethesda games and it's not obsidian they made an obsidian game unlike the others another really good Bethesda game is cyber Punk 2077 made by CD project red cyber Punk is something I was so excited to talk about in this video I'm like a kid on Christmas because cyber Punk is the best example of Bethesda magic that's not from Bethesda and it's also a great reason why you shouldn't trust [ __ ] from anyone who glazes this [ __ ] game Fallout 4 cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield are all steps down from games like Oblivion New Vegas and many more r pgs as well as open world games but cyberpunk 2077 has received more backlash than both Fallout 4 at its release and Starfield as of now which makes you question what would the noise be around Starfield if it launched as a buggy mess that ran like [ __ ] because Starfield has some of the exact same problems as cyber Punk but since it's at least playable the Bethesda magic take over skepticism where for cyber punk you didn't get that Bethesda magic until years later when it was playable and everyone gave it a second chance after its popular anime and recently people loved its new expansion don't forget the game is fixed cyberp Punk 2077 had so much hype because people expected it to have the RPG freedom of New Vegas and the city scale of GTA 5 and the main story and open world polish of Red Dead Redemption 2 you're a good man Arthur Morgan good man and the Looting and gun variation of Borderlands 2 is also announced 7 years before its release date had a bunch of delays to clean the game up it was also just a really cool game premise be my man looking at my [ __ ] I bet she get your ass a bom and at launch besides being unplayable it was just Fallout 4 cyberpunk 2077 is fun to play it's a cyber Punk themed park ride you could choose live PS that don't really affect the game you could shoot people from different factions that don't really get fleshed out and there's also no consequence you could do a bunch of interesting side missions that teach you about its World while not having any impact on it you can meet a bunch of Side characters that you don't really have an impact on either but might enjoy you can gun through the main story where the only impact you have is getting some side characters killed by forced Progressive decisions and that's cyberpunk 2077 a lot of the game is problems also apply to Starfield but Starfield is not equal to cyber Punk Starfield does a lot of things worse than cyber Punk also cyber Punk is 3 years older than Starfield and Starfield came out 8 years after Fallout 4 buttha is not an indie company they are a AAA game Studio that is constantly getting outclass by everyone around them hell they still can't even live up to their B team that they [ __ ] over in 2010 after making them look like [ __ ] fools a game not being buggy at launch should not be the standard it's not an accomplishment and running at 30 FPS on Modern consoles shouldn't be a it either nor should telling people to get better PCS because Todd can't optimize a game at launch to save his life we really do push the technology so you may need to upgrade your PC for this game Joseph Anderson made a statement once about Skyrim and this is how I feel about Starfield it's like a very shallow but very wide puddle it may be very basic fun to Splash around in it but there's still so much to play with it I didn't hate Starfield when I played it on the contrary I actually had a lot of fun with Starfield I'm not Eeyore the Grinch or Garfield okay but thda magic works on Me In 2015 I was in eighth grade and I got Fallout 4 for Christmas and fell in love with a post-apocalyptic Boston and now as an adult that Bethesda magic has once again miracles on I sat in the custom Creator made a bunch of funny guys before I settled on Drizzy himself you don't actually play anything yet no I'm just trying to make Drake it's not going to happen little bro dude your video is not going to come out you're going to spend the entire time in the [ __ ] character creator you're never going to play the game embarrassing I flew my little spaceship and got into dog fights I found the Batcave and explored a bunch of planets I learned about the world and its politics I killed monsters and Pirates and Aliens I got hooked war never changes my friend typo made this really good analogy he said that playing Starfield is like being Andy from Toy Story in both good ways and bad ways you have cancer Andy I'm a tumor I'm a tumor I'm a tumor I'm a tumor you role playay in your head when you can't Eng game sometimes and cyber punk I always felt like a cool Bounty Hunter doing contracts and getting paid but in Starfield I actually get to be Boba Fett I got a sick ass spaceship and a space babe and I kill people with that spaceship and I'm also bald and I get beat up by sand natives with sticks my life was just like the ending of Chicken Little Starfield has the basics of what space games won't let you do like outer worlds Warframe outer Wilds no man's sky and many others your ship has a purpose you will get in dog fights and do hyper jumps you're going to board enemy ships and clear out Pirates you could be a moral Gunslinger or a thief it's a great firsttime experience if you allow it to be and you're going to have fun with its General concept but when I finished fin the game I started talking to friends and the things I thought were unique to me were no longer unique and then I thought about other games and the Mysterio illusion began to fade you see after riding something like the cars ride at Disneyland okay so what college do you girls go to oh you're in high school could have fooled me we're going to keep using Disneyland by the way since they got fun themed rides but after you ride the Cars ride a question will pop into your head after do I want to do that again the ride was fun for the 3 minutes it lasted but to get those 3 minutes you had to wait in line without sitting down for an hour in the beaming California son California Shake but for the first time you had that delusion of experiencing something new so you were okay with dealing all the annoying stuff because it was a new experience Starfield was extremely fun because it was new I haven't played a Bethesda game in forever I also love space I love shooting stuff the graphics were pretty I get to be space Batman I also did a bunch of missions that were fun but now that that Mysterio illusion is gone a lot of stuff in this game pisses me off Starfield is a technical Marvel that pushed all technical limits and 2014 maybe starfields Graphics are passable due to the game's neat NASA Punk art style but in comparison to games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or even cyber Punk Starfield is not going to blow you away which is okay because Graphics aren't everything when it comes to a video game Sorry Kratos I am hungry sorry Joel but I like wearing a chicken mask to kill people in a pixelated environment but when your game isn't a graphical Marvel and also acts dead on the inside we got a problem cyber Punk is a big city to play in it's still Limited in some ways okay you can't go inside every single apartment complex but KN city is still massive with a lot of different areas to explore and kill people in also the NPCs in the city Aren't Dead on the inside NPCs will always have a limit for how many models are going to spawn in this even happens in Starfield so this isn't a huge problem I mean you're only going to spend like 3 seconds to see if a dude has like a pair of new religion genes before you shoot him in the face but what does matter is how an NPC reacts to your actions because this helps immersion which is surprising to me that Starfield lacks in this department because this should be a must since their strongest aspect is Bethesda magic if you're not going to put a bunch of effort into the RPG aspect then at least have the people around you act like real people in cyber Punk if you shoot in public NPCs will scatter in Spider-Man if you swing close to NPCs they will get scared and fall over in Grand Theft Auto 5 you have this iconic moment [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you are dead beat I want to apologize 1988 he moled a 12-year-old boy it's a small detail but those small details begin to matter because it makes the world feel real which helps immersion cyber Punk used to have a problem with vehicles in its world and this made the game get compared to GTA in a bad way because Rockstar is really good at making reactive worlds if you shot at cars they Stood Still and wouldn't react but they fix this now and cars will hit you and drive off in Starfield you can light a place up like a bank robber or Point guns at people and it's just another Tuesday for these guys you can even flat out light up MPCs without any consequence the AI civilians in Starfield aren't the brightest tools in the shed rest in peace that [ __ ] bsing they all walk the same and react the same and I know the a eyes of other games aren't perfect they could still sometimes be Jank but when you look at games like GTA 5 which released in 2013 as well as cyber Punk it's disappointing how flat Bethesda NPCs still are and like I said earlier this all hinders immersion which essentially is Bethesda magic and something else that doesn't help is how you get around Starfield has the same old Bethesda problem of teleportation exploration it is tedious and obnoxious but on the bright side I at least have an SSD Fallout 4 was hell on Earth to deal with you could go into an elevator and go on an entire force Gump adventure and come back to still have 30 more seconds loading screen after loading screen after loading screen in 2023 is a problem it was already a problem with Fallout 4 in 2015 having to do an animation to land on a planet to then do an animation to get out of your ship to then do an animation to get inside a door makes me want to stick a ray gun in my mouth and meet God to use the elevator in Starfield requires a loading screen for each floor to then go into a loading screen for another area games have been eliminating loading screen hell for a while now one of them being cyberpunk and cyberpunk the elevator actually works it goes up and down in real time a lot of areas in cyberpunk have you just walking inside rooms instead of going into loading screen after loading screen after loading screen even in space loading screens are still a headache loading screen to get into your ship loading screen to get into space loading screen to go on a planet loading screen to get off your ship loading screen to go into a building and between all this you're navigating through a confusing menu to find out where the hell you're going where the hell is new Atlantis I can't find it this is a Bethesda problem they're still using the creation engine which is old as hell causing these limitations all they did was polish the visuals and add physics which is nice cool someone gets to spotted a bunch of potatoes to get some Twitter likes but those physics bog down the game's FPS and is not worth the trade-off of seamlessness AAA games can be seamless Spider-Man Miles Morales launched with the PS5 and they made it a point to show off the PlayStation's new SSD and how exiting buildings can now be done in an instant where on the PS4 this wasn't a possibility cyberpunk demands a lot at times but the city is rendered in real time to avoid loading screen problems and Starfield is not easy to run either like I said earlier on Xbox it's capped at 30 FPS for consistency since anything higher is going to result in frame dips and on PC it's been shown to have frame problems no man's sky is also a space game that has seamlessness you can land on a planet leave your ship explore the planet get back on your ship and leave the planet all in one move the loading screens ruin immersion in Starfield it makes it feel like you're moving from pre-loaded box to box you are not in a spaceship just a transition screen and it begins to bog down the game because you're not do walking onto another ship you're clicking a on a space door to get teleported to another loading screen to then click a again to go to the next generated box it's intrusive there should be loading screens for hyper jumps and for leaving planets that's it everything that happens in pre-loaded spots should already be generated I should be able to board ships seamlessly I should be able to open doors seamlessly and we cried about this when Fallout 4 came out but now you have ssds so you just got to deal with the black screen for 2 seconds unless you're stuck in an annoying Force animation to trick your immersion also if you have an old hard drive on PC then you could go f yourself so with all these annoying loading screens the star map also made me want to go meet God open map set course open map set course I want to go back to New Atlantis where's that again oh I can't remember so let's do the mission to talk to Sam Co so I can go back to New Atlantis and then after set course to the next one let's go to the key oh you don't have strong enough grab drives so let's make you play a game of Clue on where to go to then be put into three loading screens to get where the [ __ ] you want to go grab jumping multiple times in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 was seamless it also made Baby Groot throw up but in Starfield it's a chore and made me want to throw up as well but not with [Music] excitement you can't even do three grab jumps back to back you have to play with the menu before and it's animation after animation with a clunky map in between like holy [ __ ] Mass Effect even had a better system in 2007 but hey at least you get to explore hundreds of awesome planets Zelda Red Dead 2 Elden Ring The Witcher 3 Punk all have a lot going on for them in their open worlds Starfield is now a thing of its own and the idea it has going for them could work greatly having not a huge world to explore but a bunch of many worlds with unique things is a good idea it's what no man's Sky did but Starfield just does it so poorly planets have procedurally generated content which means that the cool stuff you're going to want to explore is autogenerated from planet to planet and in between these locations all you have is boring [ __ ] to scan and sometimes random Wildlife that has really bad Ai and abandoned areas with pirates looting and unlike games like Far Cry or even Halo infinite to an extent no factions lay Siege to any planets so you're not going to be fighting for territory claimed by spacers ecliptic fre star Galactic Veron Crimson or even the United Colonies which is just a missed layup like imagine if you could strengthen allegiances in Starfield by conquering claimed areas in the name of whatever house you chose taking over spacer claim territory for the United Colonies or raiding United Colony territory for the Crimson fleets it would strengthen the factions in Starfield and give a fun shootout for these empty planets tell me Sweet Little Lies Todd these planets are boring you are coping if you think scanning animals rocks and plants is engagement random space battle dog fights are fun so why is there nothing happening on foot and you know what's worst about this filler is exploring the filler it sucks if you're going to give me boring wild areas then let me Traverse it Todd why is everything spread so far apart with no traversal or incentivizing manipulation breath of the wild was designed to constantly keep you exploring on foot by giving you distractions and to get these distractions you are able to climb and glide and get a horse when necessary in Red Dead you have a horse in Skyrim you have a horse in The Witcher you have a horse Minecraft you have a horse in cyber punk you have vehicles in GTA you have vehicles Elden ring a from software game that was famous for backstabs and rolling has an interesting world full of life and even then you have a horse because walking is not fun all you have in Starfield is a jet boost not even an alternate mode so that you can continuously fly like Iron Man because to do that would mean that you could also have fun in space which means you'd have to exit your ship and fly in space but this is Bethesda and that means more game Design This is possible by the way people find an exploit to see what it would look like but hey the modders will find a way to make this a reality so let's just not do anything on planets you will run till you're out of stamina which is very little since the upgrade for it was bugged for 2 weeks then you boost over and over again but Skipper all the horses and cars are in open world games this is Starfield it makes no sense you know who is smart enough to understand that gamers are going to get bored of exploring empty places with the intention of going from point A to point B bunge in Destiny you will fly to places intended for stuff and and instead of forcing you to walk they give you a space motorcycle and this was in 2014 a year before Fallout 4 if you're going to be lazy Bethesda then just own it just let us be able to click a button to park these ships at these places you know since we can't do it ourselves like you would in no man's Sky i' would rather have a cut scene to get where I need to go rather than running and boosting over and over again it's boring traversal is such an important part to exploration because it lets you be able to experience these great places but not linger around so much that it gets annoying Red Dead 2 is a gorgeous game with a gorgeous world but having a horse allows it to become such a great backdrop while I Traverse it same with so many other games so for Starfield to have such boring areas with bad traversal ruined a lot of the Bethesda magic you would have thought that the traversal and loading screens were the end of the stop Ando experience but we also have weight limits weight limits are in a lot of games it's to stop you from having literally every item in your inventory because you don't need all these little damaged machine guns next to the big kahunas but what's annoying is when weight limits start to affect the game in a negative way that's what happened in Starfield field a lot in Starfield when you're above weight capacity your oxygen Burns even when you're just walking and when you run out of oxygen it starts to get replaced by CO2 that begins to damage your health this is a hindrance you do not want to go over the weight limit so to not deal with this problem you have to neglect a core part of the game most of my playthrough I avoided materials and junk because it made my experience horrible but even food and Aid items would add weights which meant that I got punished for looting and exploring these gameplay choices are awful but even with them in place why is the base and max weight limit so low weightlifting was the first perk I fully upgraded but even fully upgraded it's only 219 lb so throughout the game I was constantly dumping resources in junk which meant I couldn't ever craft or research I know you could put it into your room at the lodge but I didn't find this out until after I finish the game also I'm not going to ruin the game by carrying 100 lb of office supplies to then just dump it at home even my spaceship was always at full capacity so I could never loot in space and this is going to be most people's experience in Starfield they aren't going to go play Minecraft or add Optics and lasers to guns or upgrade armor because to do so ruins the game's experience and you're going to constantly be finding new guns and armor anyway so what's the point of making the game a living hell for something that's not even worth it it's old game design and should have been adjusted after Fallout 4 cyber Punk did it right components in cyber Punk have no weight Aid items also have no weight and sites for weapons have no weight either alongside mods that could be applied to both weapons and clothing even grenades are weightless so go ahead and stockpile those [ __ ] the only things that have weight are clothing and weapons this makes the game greater since now you could craft and modify weapons in your playthrough since you'll always have a sole spot for components it also helps the game be seamless since you're not going to constantly be stopping to dump a bunch of junk that takes up a lot of Weights I'm a loot monkey I love looking in cabinets and lockers for anything I could find and in every game I'm rewarded for exploring whereas in Starfield I'm punished grenades add weight junk adds weight and materials add weights by the end of cyberpunk I had over 400 lb available where in Starfield I only had 219 it's stupid it also makes the game playay in Starfield clunky since looting midf fights usually going to put you above weight limit ruining the pace of combat with all these problems please let the gun play at least be [Music] amazing starfields combat is incredibly aged the massive change from Fallout 4 is that you can mantle that still feels awkward and that you can slide but only if you get a perk to do so that also feels awkward and you have a space booster that's it other than that it's Fallout 4 all over again except not as cool when I play video games you know what I love blood I was a kid that grew up on Gears of War I was wall hopping and turning people into slabs of meat I was popping off heads and cutting people in half at the chainsaw did this mess me up today nope oh you're a kid playing violent video games yeah it turned me into [ __ ] greatness [ __ ] shut up I'm not a saint or Mr Rogers I'm just a simple man that enjoys violence in Skyrim decapitating people is a charm and in Fallout who doesn't love the fun humor of blowing someone into bits or turning them into a pile of Ash or making a man's head fall into his own arms Bethesda used to embrace the chaos of dismemberment and violence and that sentiment was carried to cyber Punk baby you could cut people's heads with the katana turn them into a kebab shoot someone's head off shoot arms off and execute people you can loot their limbs on the floor even when they die a pool of blood follows if they're mostly cybernetic blood and oil spills out hell even obsidian did this in outer worlds in Starfield none of this is present people just die no dismemberment no fun laser Burns or people getting turned into Ash you shoot someone and they die not even a cool animation like red dead either just a default death animation with no wounds or aftermath it's a regression from Fallout 4 and it also makes no sense since the game is still rated M in this regression is just how I feel in total about its gameplay a dead giveaway that Bethesda has stuck in the past is by simply looking down in 2023 we still can't see our feet Bethesda what the hell even csgo has this the grenade animation is copy and pasted from Fallout 4 even down to the noise and loss of frame rate on explosions the Boost mechanic while being neat also feels janky you either have a small controlled boost or a big boost but due to to the weight problem it's hard to give yourself options so you're usually going to be stuck with one or the other also the Arsenal is really Bland for a game set 300 years in future space it goes back to just being Fallout ballistic weapons and Laser rifles most legendary weapons like the two guns you get from the Crimson Fleet path are just reskins of normal weapon types the gun variation is really low and they all do the same thing ballistic and lasers guns and cyber Punk can range in many different ways Tech weapons that lock on super weapons heavy snipers Tech shotguns missile launchers a gun that speaks to you the [ __ ] who is it what I should kick your [ __ ] ass Johnny silver hands pistol with a unique reload animation and melee ability you have the whole hacking angle abilities that could slow down time or make you shoot wrist rockets and [ __ ] look at games like Borderlands 3 that came out in 2019 even a bunch of gun types with alternate firing modes Elemental guns Infinity guns the combat in Starfield is nothing special what's even more embarrassing than the outdated gum play is the outdated melee combat melee and cyber Punk is flashy and viable you have a mix of speed and Carnage that makes it a beloved light melee and Starfield is outdated clunky and age especially since starfields gone soft now it's [ __ ] embarrassing like look at this might as well all be [ __ ] baseball bats no flash as well as no substance the magic stuff in the game is pretty nice like being able to spawn a clone to yourself or shoot a [ __ ] Fireball but other than that it's nothing impressive and games from cyber Punk to Borderlands even Destiny all do things better this whole video has been talking about starfields bells and whistles but now we have to address the massive elephant in the room and that elephant's name is Jerome and he's playing new Vegas RPG stands for role playing game and Starfield has been put into a really awkward spot where everyone wants to give it Game of the Year hype but balers Gate 3 has also released this year so yeah no [ __ ] chance like there even was one before the original balers gate role playing game came out in 1998 and Fallout the role playing game came out in 1997 and were both very popular and now it's 2023 and you have space Fallout and balers Gate 3 showing who's adapted and gotten stronger since that Chicago Bulls dominated 9s a Starfield isn't just age in its gameplay but it's also massively regressed as a role-playing experience from games like Skyrim and even Fallout 3 suffering from the same problems that were in Fallout 4 which was heavily scrutinized for being a massive downstep from Fallout New Vegas let's talk about immersion real quick bethesda's voice acting is iconically scuffed like this funny ass retake and Oblivion night wait a minute let me do that one again and this wasn't the only one this happened multiple other times you also have Todd Howard himself with an Oscar performance that really pisses me off and while this is all really fun to laugh at since it's the past uh the presid Jank just pisses me off Bethesda with a lot of money time and resources have dropped the ball on immersive role play Starfield is a Flatout embarrassment when looking at games like cyber Punk and even balers Gate 3 which had less resources and money than Bethesda every character is flat and soulless looking their dialogue is underwhelming and the writing is mediocre also you yes you Drizzy Drake suck as a character the Disneyland ride becomes problematic when you have no influence on where the ride goes the fun of role play is being able to make an impact on the world you play in which could also progress the story story in many different ways cyber Punk is a bad RPG and was rightfully criticized all roleplay was a linear path to the main quest of the game a great quote once said from William defo in the hit animated movie Finding Nemo represents this all drains lead to the ocean but at least for a Disneyland ride the main cyberpunk quest is a bit interesting even Fallout 4S is a bit interesting dead gu stuck in my head in corrupt government and I need to rescue my son who was stolen from me while being [ __ ] RPGs they both at least could be played as fun movies Starfield though the main quest is awful in the world around you is hindered because of it making it not a fun in credit coaster Adventure or an immersive role-play experience and this is because Starfield has no guts this whole video Fallout New Vegas has been hanging from a string taped on the ceiling being used for comparison but why Dr Skipper why do you keep teasing New Vegas it's because Fallout New Vegas is one of the best role-play games of all time of all time way better than anything Bethesda has ever made including sky room and this is because of the massive guts that Obsidian Entertainment had giving you the keys to its World allowing you to do whatever that the hell you want and I mean this no smoking mirrors there's a robot in the game named yes man that can't die and the only reason he can't die is so that you could complete the game and this is because you are able to kill every single person and Fallout New Vegas if you want to unless they're children but you could get a mod and send those little shits to meet their maker having the ability to kill everyone in a game requires a lot of guts because it means that the game has a ton of alternate choices around every decision you make meaning that the game's world has a lot of writing and attention to detail New Vegas and Starfield have very similar structures you have a bunch of factions with lore and history in New Vegas you have Caesar's Legion the new California Republic the Brotherhood of Steel and Mr house and in Starfield you have the United Colonies the freest star Collective House of aroon and the Crimson Fleet and under these you have smaller fish like the Followers of the Apocalypse and for Starfield you have the ecliptic spacers Etc but both games have a lot of players in the kidy pool in New Vegas the main story is that each one of the factions wants to claim New Vegas so this really basic idea leads to a bunch of nuance that leads to the ending of the game of who gets New Vegas and the whole story leading to this ending is based on what you do what factions do you have Allegiance with who do you meet through your adventure to help get you your goals the game is centered around Choice making every faction important to learn and interact with but you are not forced to you could tunnel vision down one rabbit hole and beat the game you could kill everyone and beat the game there is no handholding it's whatever you want to do in Starfield you have no choice the game is structured around this boring Unity plot where you're forced to be a part of a team that has good moral explorers that want to find artifacts because why the [ __ ] not you could beat the main game in 2 hours by playing Minecraft and getting all the artifacts for the ending just to be that you reincarnate and get stuck in a loop of doing the same events over and over and over again and because of this the entire game is all smok and mirrors the starborn are hardly fleshed out and have no endgame other than New Game Plus and since this campaign is so tunnel vision down this one choice it makes the rest of Starfield play out like a museum in a museum you look at stuff and see history but you can't interact or touch anything that's Starfield side quest you could do all the side quest for all the factions in Starfield but it has no overall impact on the game's story or narrative in Starfield there is no consequence or Karma system and having no consequence makes this game feel spineless and lazy in New Vegas you could go right up to Caesar and smoke him from the jump if you want to and by doing this the legion hates you and the whole game changes around this decision in Starfield you can meet up with the Council of the United Colonies and try to light them up but you aren't allowed to you can't even break Allegiance with United Colonies if you wanted to either you literally can't if you go to the NCR in light of civilians you become hated by the NCR which closes quest lines that could shift how the entire game plays if you go to new Atlantis and shoot at the place like a terrorist you get a bounty that you can pay off and everything goes back to normal the United Colonies don't hate you it doesn't affect how the story pans out nothing and this bleeds throughout the whole entire game you have no consequences I decimated a United Colony ship with pirates and I was still able to become a United Colony Citizen and do an entire Quest lend for them I met the [ __ ] Council after destroying one of their ships there's a mission where old Earth people want inhabit a a planet that is claimed by a Resort owner so you talk to the business assle and you have two options give The Travelers grab drivve so they can find another planet or blow up their ship you can't help them invade and take the place over and you can't stick it to the snobby money hungry [ __ ] either I blew up the ship and then after I made an attempt to blackmail him and he gave me no money so in return I was going to kill this [ __ ] just to find out he's invincible and that he can't die the reason he can't die is because it's not written in the game for this planet to become hostile for you it's training wheels [ __ ] blow up the ship fix the drives they all lead to the same outcome even on the ship you can't just kill all of them because certain NPCs can't die which is funny because in order to make a decision like blow up the [ __ ] ship you have to get a key card from one of these [ __ ] you can't just kill it and take off his [ __ ] corpse you have to loot him before [ __ ] stupid during the freest star Galactic plot We rescued an injured lady and I felt hateful that day I was a professional hater I wanted to be a pirate so I was going to smoke this [ __ ] and take her ship but you can't because you need her to progress the freest star galactics side plot so she can't die you H SC repare my ship I think you mean my ship this game is [ __ ] lazy in New Vegas you could be a Despicable [ __ ] with no morals if you want to but in Starfield no matter what you are forced to be the good guy and the moment I noticed this is when I went with Sam Co to Akila City in Aila City a gang is robbing a bank and they have hostages and everyone outside has their guns drawn when this happened my ears pricked up because reminded me of the good spring battle and fall at New Vegas it was a side mission where you got to make a choice you could help defend a town from a gang or you could side with the gang and take over the town so I took this interaction really seriously in Starfield to then be disappointed because there is no choice you either fight the gang and kill them all or you persuade them to quit and they go to jail you can't side with the robbers and fight Aila City burning ties with Sam and the Freestar Galactic because to do so would mean that you would have to kill Sam Co who is viable to the constellation campaign so instead of ruining the campaign you have no choice Starfield lacks Nuance that thanks to you delgado's cut me from the fleet well you know what you better get your own Fleet because I'm coming after you I knew you shouldn't trust you hold it right there you owe the fleet a debt if you interfere with me getting some sleep again I'm going to have you killed you want to die [Music] fine even down to the consolation crew that is riddled with Gary and Mary Sue that can't be killed in New Vegas you could talk to factions you deem villainous like Caesar and learn his mindset and make a choice on who you want to align your game with same with other groups and by exploring Nuance you learn narratives that you might have not seen before like for example I learned that the good guys like the NCR are just as flaw as the legion the ways they want to rule in Mojave are stupid which is the same ruling style of the government that caused the Apocalypse in the first place and you learn this from Caesar a guy that a lot of people deem the bad guy New Vegas is a bunch of finger pointing until you make a decision you can see Caesar's ruling style is bad or good you can see Mr House's beliefs as bad or good same with the NCR you have a choice and all the NPCs have opinions and morals and political and sociological beliefs that vary in Starfield the members of constellation all aligned with good moral practices under the United Colonies even Sam Co which objectively makes no sense what the hell Starfield is a lazy Museum so it figures that you learn about the game's lore through literal lazy museums makes you miss the old days where you can learn about the history of factions from factions themselves the lore of Starfield is that there's a big ass Colony war that got resolved and a peace treaty was made that banned mechs and other [ __ ] the United Colonies is pretty [ __ ] when you learn about his history they're like the Empire from Star Wars that want to control everything so why the [ __ ] is Sam Co the guy who's a part of the people who got screwed by Big Business mad when I go against the United Colonies same with Andrea who was a part of house Veron that is a religious fanatic group that was once peaceful until it was neglected by the United Colonies her boring views and religion and morals just kept making me think of Joshua Graham who is one of the greatest fictional characters I've ever interacted acted with he's so complex and interesting he's one of the best interpretations of a reformed Christian and has made many people who are not religious question where they stand on with their own morals after interacting with them I have been baptized twice once in water once in flame I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my lord for judgment Joshua is a complicated character that steals the room with every quote Starfield doesn't have any character like this Vladimir is an ex Crimson fleet member but he's also so buddy buddy with everyone he's a contradiction to Sarah's beliefs and doesn't have any Nuance like he should he doesn't have regrets philosophies he's just boring a boring good guy it makes no sense that these people are all happy government bootlickers where the [ __ ] is the Hobie Brown like character that hates the government and is an anarchist I watch Mr Robot and Andor I know how this [ __ ] works I don't give a damn about the United Colonies where the [ __ ] is the Rebellion the only way to get a constellation member killed is by getting close to two of them and then picking a choice that the game makes for you on who gets to live and die that that's it you can't start a war with these people murder these people they're all just dead on the inside good guys to assist you on the shitty predetermined roller coaster for a shitty campaign okay so the yapper did a lot of yapping and to make the whole big chungus of a timeline into tldr when it came to Starfield I'm just so disappointed it's actually the same kind of disappointment that I had with Halo infinite bethesda's two previous games had a lot of problems and they had a lot of time to adapt and change but they instead chose to play it safe and not put the leg work into being greater or taking a risk they comfortable with being complacent and it's most likely never going to change we're going to repeat the same cycle with the next Elder Scrolls and then the same cycle with whatever they do after that bethesda's games are outdated in every aspect IGN was fair to not glaze this game this is not Xbox's Saving Grace this is not worth $70 play it for free if you can or just don't play it at all and play great games instead like New Vegas balers Gate 3 tears of the Kingdom or any of the other great games that have came out this year if you're on the fence save your money for something like Spider-Man 2 that is coming out at the end of the month that I'm going to make a video on so subscribe to watch that you're not going to want to miss it this game is mid this game's a joke play it if you want to go broke shout out to mingas who helped make this video he's a great bloke if you want a better themed park ride play cyberpunk 2.0 and fan on Liberty also subscribe and like this video play cyber Punk [ __ ] Starfield play cyber Punk [ __ ] Starfield play cyberpunk [ __ ] Starfield
Channel: Doktor Skipper
Views: 1,533,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doktor Skipper, Starfield is OUTDATED and OVERRATED, Starfield, Bethesda's Game Design Is Outdated, Nakey Jakey, new vegas, starfield rant, starfield video essay, Fallout New Vegas video essay, Fallout, skyrim, Todd Howard, Fallout 4, fallout rant, skyrim video essay, Doktor Skipper video essay, spiderman 2, peter parker, miles morales, xbox, gamepass, starfield settings, starfield reviews, ign starfield, baldurs gate 3, re4 remake, deadspace, mortal kombat 1, indiegenerate
Id: GwmRsSWA7Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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