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god bless you god bless you this is prophet lovey and i i am so excited about tonight and what we are going to speak about so i want you also to be excited and i want you to share this as many times as you can because god is going to visit us in such a special way in a way that we haven't experienced before and i know there will be too much saturation of the spirit of god in your life and i know that special things are going to happen especially me speaking about their spiritual mind their spiritual mind the spiritual mind it's going to be too much i want you to let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that will let somebody know that prophet is live and let me tell you your life will never be the same again it is impossible to remain the same especially after you listen to what i'm going to speak about today so i want you to be wise enough and to be uh to be in the spirit enough to move quickly and share this let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that prophet elias is on and i know god is gonna bless us so i'm waiting for people to share i'm looking at people's comments can i see the youtube ones let me see the ones on youtube i can't really see them that well maybe we need to refresh youtube hallelujah hallelujah and i want you to keep hitting those uh thumbs up and uh god is gonna move in a super special way amen um it's about to be too much amen amen all right let me see youtube let me see uh facebook sorry okay i see the people on facebook are there i want you to share when you've shared just type i have shared and and we go deeper into what god wants us to do amen we go deeper share share share as many times as you can share as many times as you possibly can bless me jesus [Music] who's going to read for me today are you going to now i want you to hear this i want us to go who's gonna read for me today let me see um are you sure you're ready ready how ready are you colossians chapter 1 verse 9. amen colossians chapter 1 verse 9. amen and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding read it slowly like i want you to not be in a rush okay no rush so just just i want you to understand what is being said read one more time and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will so stop right there so there is the knowledge of god and there is the knowledge of his will um not everybody who knows the word of god knows god's will not everybody that prays knows god's will amen there is a knowledge into tapping into god's will i feel like i'm on my own i feel like i'm by myself i i i i this are too quiet amen i want to give you you know there are things that are called cheat codes meaning the speed into the spirit speed you see you become fast and you become powerful spiritually based off what you know um if you don't know it doesn't matter that you pray you will never know so people can have the knowledge of god and not have the knowledge of his will so the knowledge of his will is how to enter into knowing his will help us are you getting this so there is the knowledge of god the general knowledge of god everybody knows god is love god is wonderful god is kind god blesses you god doesn't lie whatever he says comes to pass he is god all by himself all that all those are facts about god but they are not facts about his mind read it slowly again i want somebody to hear this okay this is colossians chapter 1 verse 9 and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you why did they not cease to pray for them because of what um asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will there is the knowledge of his will keep going in all spiritual wisdom notice the knowledge of his will brings you into all spiritual wisdom you can read this bible and never have spiritual wisdom right amen wow wow listen the word of god is amazing but the pharisees are the same word and crucified jesus talk about it they killed the prophets persecuted their apostles yet they had the word of god but they had no knowledge that brought them into the knowledge of his will that will reveal all spiritual truth is it not a wonder jesus are jesus is speaking to the pharisees they say abraham is our father and he looks at them and says abraham is not your father your children of your father the devil because if abraham was really your father you would know who i am why couldn't they tell who jesus was they had no spiritual knowledge concerning who the messiah was they knew what the messiah would be in general they knew that the messiah would be a prophet king they knew that the messiah would come as a prophet we know that the lord jesus was like a prophet but they knew him also to be a king so because he was born in a manger he contradicted everything they knew why because they knew him on the surface they knew the general knowledge about him but they did not know the spiritual knowledge concerning him an example is this the egyptians in egypt wanted to kill moses because they knew moses would be a great leader and potentially be a king herod wanted to kill jesus while he was a baby because he knew jesus is a king but christians wanted to kill him and did kill him because he was not a king you didn't get what i just told you so people in darkness access spiritual knowledge but people of the world missed it my god i feel like i'm talking this is too deep for now maybe let's get up i think we should log off i need people to share because we are going somewhere i need people to share because we are going somewhere there is something called the spiritual mind there is something called the spiritual mind anyone who can predict what god is going to do does not have the spiritual mind help us would you believe that jesus would go to a wedding and make wine let's be honest you wouldn't think so now you didn't hear what i said jesus went to a wedding they said there was no wine jesus became a bartender i'm not saying he sat there serve people but you get the gist of what i'm saying right that the master of the ceremony said went to the the went to whoever the wedding guy was he was like yo come on people usually put the best wine first so that people can get drunk and then they give them the terrible wine you guys did it the opposite how could you do this but remember you the way you know god to be you would have never believed that jesus will supply wine true yet the same bible tells you do not be drunk by wine but jesus made wine so if you think you know god on the surface you will miss the spiritual mind why did he turn water into wine come on come on i i don't know if somebody's getting what i'm saying yeah [Music] that's a great analogy the bible actually says that i forget i'm paraphrasing that his mind is his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways so if you think you know his ways you don't know him if you think you know his thoughts you actually don't know him that's why you need to tap into that dimension where you can actually know spiritual knowledge concerning his thought so if you have surface knowledge of god you miss every blessing every open door that god may make available for you simply because your dimension in walking with god is limited is limited because you have surface knowledge of god the mind of god is revealed through his will now let me break this down a little better there is the established will of god which is written in our bibles god wants everybody healed that's why jesus died on the cross yes there is nobody on the earth that god is okay with them dying in sickness that's not true jesus died so that we may be healed that's a fact there is no such thing as god if it is your will for me to live or if it is your will for me to die jesus came so that we may have life and life more abundantly abundantly amen we know it is not god's will for people to live in poverty that's why it says we ought to help the widows and the widowers we need to be blessed enough to be a blessing to others because it's not god's will for people to be in those situations but anybody that is in that situation is because somebody along the line either them or along the line missed the mind of god so now comprehending spiritual truth propels you into deeper realms of god's mind amen amen so if you are such a christian as a child of god i'm missing in understanding the spiritual mind of god you may think that how you walk with god is simply okay do what the bible says is true you ought to but it goes beyond that you see when people looked at jesus they thought jesus was breaking the law then jesus told them i'm not breaking the law i'm fulfilling it amen so now i want you to capture this to the best of your ability what constitutes the mind of god if you cannot tap into god with a spirit you cannot claim you know his ways you know what you want he what he wants if you don't even know what kind of being he is help us so i want you to read it again read it again and listen to what it says read it again and listen to it colossians 1 9. and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so spiritual wisdom and understanding so you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom spiritual wisdom and understanding not natural wisdom spiritual wisdom and understanding keep reading verse 10 so as to walk in a manner worthy of the lord fully pleasing to him bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god stop right there this is too much this is too much jesus this is too much amen so anyone anyone who does not have spiritual knowledge concerning his will is doomed the children of israel were with god in the wilderness but they did not know his spiritual thoughts concerning them they all died in the wilderness their children are the ones who made it to the promised land so god might have declared upon you i want you to increase and to be blessed but if you don't tap into the spiritual knowledge you will miss it and you say but god promised but you're dying god promised you die then you realize you're in heaven i missed it because the children of israel were delivered from egypt to go to the promised land but they did not enter it was their children that entered why was it because god didn't want them to enter the promised land no it's because they had no spiritual understanding of his will they just understood god is delivering me so that i can get out of egypt and do my thing but they did not know that their life was filled with spiritual purpose that the messiah was going to come out of them years down the line that god was preparing them to be an anchor that would save the world but they were so short-sighted because they only saw what was on the surface they never saw what was in the in the deep end so anybody who does not understand the depth of the blessing that god wants to bring to them [Music] you don't have spiritual knowledge in all understanding you simply have knowledge even the world knows if you think bless you but to walk in that blessing is a different thing is this making sense yes okay let me give you another verse i think this will be a good part one to help people to understand john chapter 4 verse 34 john 4 34 john 4 34 john 4 34 john 4 34. john 4 34. jesus said unto them my meat is to do the will of him that set me and to finish his work one more time jesus said unto them my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work one more time jesus said unto them my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work one more time verse 34 jesus said unto them my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work jesus is saying my meat do you know what meat is my sustenance is to do the will and to finish what he sent me the reason why your life has no fulfillment you have no spiritual you have no spiritual knowledge of what god sent you to do listen to me you can have billions of dollars if you don't know why god gave it to you you buy everything and realize there's nothing else to buy you have everything and not and realize there is nothing more to gain and you'll be miserable because there will be no fulfillment why you have no eternal purpose you wanted things you got things and then you realize things are not really things wow the number one reason why it is important for you to adapt and to receive the spiritual mind of god is number one it's that it is spiritual sustenance amen it is what keeps you going you see anyone that knows what god wants them to do the devil will never defeat you amen amen i feel like i'm talking to myself i need those thumbs up let me see you to youtube i need you thumbs up i need people to share this the devil can only defeat you if you're not in what god wants you to do god has never sent anybody to fail come on and god does not fail amen amen that's really good so if you're failing if you're failing you don't know his mind you don't know his mind if things are not working out you don't know his mind come on the problem is that because god is so good and the lord promises that all things end up working for our good friend that is simply because he loves you he's not saying for his good for your good amen somebody that understands his eternal mind he benefits god is a treasure to god it doesn't only benefit your life but he benefits him as god so you are an asset to god amen amen the reason why mistakes work for our good is because god loves us so he makes it benefit us at the end of it but is it really god's will for us to have mistakes no because that's a waste of time teach he's good i've made mistakes you will make mistakes because god is good it works for our good right but it doesn't benefit him not necessarily but when you begin to benefit god like if moses decided he's not doing what god wanted after he started god would have a big loss because god will have to raise somebody else teach somebody else refine their character in order to deliver the children of israel wow so moses was an asset wow amen amen and why was he as such an important asset he understood god's mind he received the spiritual mind of god amen some of you the reason why there is no sustenance in your life you feel like you're battling in your life you're going up and down in your life it feels like you're locked in your life some of it is not demonic why should god sustain you you're not benefiting jesus always had you see the ministry of jesus had finances the bible told you it tells us that he travels travel with a year's worth of wages the ministry of jesus grew big he did everything that his father needed him to do and nobody could stop him not the jealousy not the hate not even demons from hell jesus told peter on this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prosper everything that peter needed to do for god he accomplished it despite any opposition but if your work met opposes you everything crashes if your neighbor complains about you everything gets destroyed why you're not flowing in his mind so it is easy for you to be shaken it's easy for you to be uprooted help us so what makes us strong meat is sustenance it builds muscle because it's protein the sustenance of jesus was to do his father's will amen he knew his father's mind amen amen to the extent that jesus said i only do what i see my father do amen he doesn't say i do what i saw my father do you hear what i told you the lord jesus never said i do what i saw my father doing he said i do what i see my father do he was always in the now with god's mind some of you are still flipping pages to know if god wants you to go left and right i'm not saying don't open your bible the word of god is extremely important but the word of god won't tell you if you should drink tea or ginger beer the word of god you don't open the word of god and find lord i want to get a job in a bank or a restaurant the word of god will say thou shalt get a job at a restaurant that is only given by the mind of god amen first corinthians chapter 2 verse 8 actually verse 9. amen first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 but as it is written no i has seen no ear heard nor the heart of man imagined what god has prepared for those who love him listen to that but as it is written yes what no eye has seen nor ear heard nor the heart of man imagined what god has prepared for those who love him that tells you that what god is about to give you what god has done for you is not in the realm of men so if you're not beyond the realm of men you will never know it [Music] wow so if you're in the realm of men you would not know what god wants to do and what god has done but if you're in the realm of the spirit with spiritual knowledge where you can access the mind of god amen you will know those things that are being said the next verse says that god has revealed this unto us by his spirit so if you don't understand spiritual things spiritual knowledge it brings you in a place of great collapse we haven't posted the fly yet right no we're fine thank you jesus thank you lord so again there is spiritual knowledge that is connected to the mind of god so many people know spiritual warfare spiritual blessings the destroying of demonic curses but do you know the spiritual mind of god not the physical mind of god that is where our limitations come from so the first thing that you receive by tapping into the spiritual mind or the mind of god is sustenance consistent sustenance it will be your drive it will be your strength it will be your ability to do great things because your reliance is not on can of things it is on a spiritual number two and i think i'll finish here today and then we may do this tomorrow i believe i won't do the evil part two uh john chapter 9 verse 31 job chapter john chapter 9 verse 31 john 9 31 john 9 31 yes now we know that god heareth not sinners but if any man be a worshiper of god and doeth his will him he heareth one more time now we know that god heareth not sinners so we know god does not hear sinners but if any man be a worshiper of god if any man be a worshiper of god and do with his will and do with his will him he heareth so you can be a christian and god won't listen to you if you don't know his mind you cannot do his will and because you cannot do his will and if god speaks he will speak spiritually if you don't hear his will it means you don't know his mind because you haven't done the first thing he told you last year even if you pray he will ignore you because you haven't done what he wants you to do yet wow oh my god so worshipping god is not enough doing his will makes god answer you but how can you do his will if you don't know his mind some of you you think there are demons in the river spirits from the seas spirits from your uncle's house your auntie's house some which somewhere that cursed you hey yet it's not that is somebody getting what i'm saying you see think about it like this think about it like this how many people have ever woken up or you just think of somebody that you usually don't talk about you think about them and you feel troubled in your heart happens to everybody right yeah it can be a cousin it could be a friend you've met once or twice or somebody you know they just come really heavy on your heart all of a sudden you feel like something is wrong how many of you actually get on your knees and pray lord what do you want me to pray for concerning this person what do you want me to do concerning this person pray and intercede until you receive something from god you see when god does those things and you don't answer the call god ignores you he knows that you claim to love him but you don't love him because he asked you to do something and you did not do it so when you call on him he will give you regular blessings but he will not answer you as he should wow because to him wow come on think about this for a second think about this for a second god tells abram give me isaac abram is hurt abraham is troubled but he doesn't tell his wife he doesn't even tell his son he just says let's go the son asked him dad where's the lamb for the sacrifice say don't worry god will provide they get to the mountain he binds his son lays the sun on the altar with tears knowing that god you told me that i will be the father of many nations but you want to kill my son with my seed but he still lifted up the knife wow when he was about to sacrifice his son an angel called from heaven and said abraham now i know that you love me the promise i declared to you to make you father of all nations and now you will have it why because you proved obedience to my mind wow many of you have never crossed beyond the river of obedience to know what is on the other side help us if prophet love he says fast and pray many of you might fast some will fast many will not follow through if prophet says give this unto god say i i gave yesterday i gave last week why do i need to do it now you're proving your mind before god you're proving your heart before god imagine you are barren by god is telling you you give birth god tells you give me that son many of you will say it's demonic the devil fire fire fire fire because god gave me this son to be the father of many nations you see many of you ask god for what you want but you don't understand that there is what he wants out of what he gave you come on come on come on come on come on so because you end with what you want it proves to god that you're selfish so if you ask god for things god will be like okay not anymore [Music] there is something that god wants out of what he gave you that is what the bible says your life is not your own even though you can use your life do what you love but you have to do what he wants because the life that you have is not your own amen i wish more people push thumbs up on youtube and on facebook youtube and facebook i need those thumbs up i need those thumbs up there are so many people that are live but we need thumbs up because this is deliverance for somebody this is deliverance for somebody amen this is deliverance for somebody amen this is deliverance for somebody amen i said this is deliverance for somebody amen so if you're somebody that is hallelujah if if if you're somebody that if you're somebody that uh comprehends the depths and the dimensions of our god operates you can't even operate on darkest akkas will just fall off i don't know if somebody's getting what i'm saying you just fall off you won't be able to stay on you how how how how so another benefit of tapping into god's mind is that you will hear god clearly amen amen consistently amen you will hear god clearly and consistently amen amen i'm gonna give you one more one more and then i'll do a part two and go deep into now unlocking into now unlocking somebody say unlocking somebody shout unlocking unlocking the mind of god the spiritual mind of god [Music] okay let's look at this this one is powerful hallelujah hallelujah romans 12 2 romans 12 2. romans 12 2 and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god one more time and be not conformed to this world listen any success you see in the world does not mean you're pleasing god help us and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind stop right there now you may be successful in the sense of the world what does it mean to be successful in the sense of the world a lot of christians don't understand this to be successful in the sense of the world is to gain success that does not profit your spiritual destiny or other people's spiritual destiny that is what the bible says what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul so whatever you do that does not profit your soul or those who are around you for the glory of god that success is worldly come on come on come on come on come on david was wealthy but he profited spiritual things solomon was wealthy but he profited spiritual things job was wealthy but he profited spiritual things you may be wealthy and you're not profiting anything from god meaning that that success doesn't do anything remember all all the money that uh elon musk is the richest man on earth right now right he found it here he would die and leave it here no one is taking it anywhere so unless he can serve a purpose beyond this world wow it's useless because we're here for a very short time you see some of you you are so conformed to this world that the appearance of success is according to this world but true success is not only when you're doing well in the physical life but you're also profiting god and god's people spiritually with what you have been given physically wow amen so anyone that thinks christianity is what the world thinks christianity is you are failed that's what you find when people want all this super inclusive stuff but this is how i feel and i believe god wouldn't do this or god wouldn't do that that is you conforming to the world the doctrine of the world is determining how you know god you are failed we are failed if the doctrine of this world determines how you feel how you walk how you do with god you are failed we are failed the bible is telling you do not be conformed to this world but renew your mind why is he telling you to renew your mind meaning that the mind that you have is wrong you need another mind the bible says that the canon mind is an enmity with god meaning anything about god if you think about it from the physical sense you already felt you're already now not able to walk with god now watch this keep reading listen to this that you may prove what is that good stop right there that you may prove that which is that good not what is good what is that good because what you think is good may not be what is good to god so there is that good that god is looking for deep yeah you might feed a homeless person you think it is good but god thought that it was not good you may do a lot of charitable things and god may think that you have done nothing why because there is no good without god amen just because you did good it may be commendable by men but it may not be commendable by god so just because people like something just because people are into i wish more people hit thumbs up isn't this crazy i'm helping somebody understand something in teaching youtube keep hitting that like button facebook keep hitting that like button which is that good what is that good you may think that good is what you think is right god thought rahab the prostitute was that good come on you're teaching other people are ready to abandon her god says when you get into jericho make sure you save rahab she is righteous to me wow according to men's standard failure come on according to god she was their deliverance my god according to man he broke the law of god according to god he is applying the law of god for god to call somebody righteous what is that good you see working with god and knowing the mind of god is not black and white teach teach teach please say that again what king with god is not that black and white to know his mind is not black and white the pharisees who are used to all priests don't touch unclean people jesus is hanging out with unclean people what he went to a man's house and a prostitute went and cried at jesus's feet the man said in his mind ah this man cannot be a prophet if he was really a prophet he would know who this woman is yeah jesus said hey why are you thinking like that in your mind when i came in your house you didn't do this you didn't do that but do you know what she's doing she's preparing my body for the burial what jesus was seeing spiritual reasons to why this woman is doing this but somebody who knew the word of god thought that this woman was wrong and jesus was a fake prophet what is that good you begin to know what is that good when your mind starts getting renewed number two keep reading listen to what he says an acceptable and perfect will of god and acceptable there is something that is acceptable there is that good there is that acceptable meaning god doesn't really care for it much but he can do with it it is acceptable and then there is the perfect will some of you are in the that good dimension some of you are not even in that good dimension some of you are in the acceptable dimension and there are people who are in the perfect will dimension [Music] there are those who know completely the mind of god they are those who are by accidentally tapping into it so god is okay with it that those who do good that god is like okay cool i can do with that one and there are those who don't do anything but remember if you're not in his perfect will or at least permissive or acceptable will his voice you won't hear help us but all these things are determined by one simple truth have you tapped into the spiritual mind of god genesis chapter 3 genesis chapter 3 and you're going to read uh no no actually not chapter chapter 4 and and i want you to read verse 4 genesis 4 4 and abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat portions and the lord had regard for abel and his offering verse 5 but for cain and his offering he had no regard so cain was very angry and his face fell notice this they both brought something before god the word regard there is respect amen god had respect for abel but he had no respect for cain why didn't god have respect for abel for king but he had respect for abel keep reading uh verse seven oh actually sorry verse five but for cain and his offering he had no regard so cain was very angry and his face fell verse 6. the lord said to cain why are you angry and why has your face fallen if you do well will you not be accepted notice this cain was told the same information abel was given but able did it right cain did not do it right but notice you don't see anywhere god saying anything to them physically you hear teaching it just says when the season of time came they brought what they wanted to give to god but it was god who put in their heart how to give wow because you don't see anywhere adam giving anything to god you don't see eve giving burnt offering to god but you see cain and abel having this knowledge to offer something to god meaning god had deposited something in them for them to do amen abel did it god said wow i respect you and i respect your offering cain does it god says who is you who is you but then the man gets angry then god is telling him why are you angry just do the right thing right amen you see some of you can't even do the right thing because you don't know what the right thing is when god spoke you missed it this is why cain got angry and killed his brother simply because he felt like how did this guy do better than me yet god gave you the same information he gave everybody um when you're a child of god and you're not growing spiritually yet everybody around you is going spiritually you need to ask yourself what are you missing don't blame it like oh it's not my gift don't blame it oh it's not my calling don't blame it on oh i didn't i i no you're deceiving yourself you're not listening that is why in the book of revelations it says let him that has ears here yes what the spirit is saying so there are people who don't hear what the spirit is saying so how can you know the mind of god if you don't hear his spirit this is why god always gives people tests to measure your hearing you know when you want to know your hearing uh level whatever there's ear tests that they do to check your eardrum if you're losing your hearing whatever it is god does that too you're teaching i said do this anyways to see if it will just go out in one ear come out like oh this guy doesn't listen wow this girl doesn't listen whoa you know what i'm gonna talk to somebody else who will listen um you're teaching sheesh so again you don't need hearing aid you need to open up your spirit get out of the flesh i am going to give each and every one of you an opportunity now you're going to grab a seed that means something and you're going to say lord open my ears as i obey the principle of giving when my ears be opened may my spirit be opened that i will begin to hear and receive from you and lord help me to fulfill what you have given me to do amen whether it's in my career whether it's in my family no matter whatever area you have given me to fulfill these things give me the ability to do them show me to know them to do them because your strength is in the instruction to do them find something that means something to you the bible says i will not give god what does not what will not cost me let it cost you to prove god that lord this means something to me i want to be unlocked i want you to go quickly and give it and then come back and we'll pray [Music] he hears you [Music] sees your tears too fights your fears too time after time he has spoken to the lost [Music] in the prophets today for the sinners and saints he answers his children by fire all the prayers that you pray not a one goes to waste he answers his children by [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way [Music] he befriends you [Music] time after time [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] god [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] oh oh speaks back every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Music] cause without you god i [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] you give me grace trade my peace show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] am [Music] me [Music] me [Music] you're the answer that i need you're [Music] i am [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] wherever you want me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] me [Music] let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god unto our god let us worship and bow down for he is our god he is our god let us make a joyful sound unto our god unto our god he's been good to us good to us so good [Music] he's been good to us good to us so good he's good to us good to us so good [Music] let us sing our highest praise for he is our god he is our god [Music] hallelujah [Music] for he is our god he is our [Music] [Music] he's been good to us [Music] is [Music] god bless you all and uh i believe that you have learned something that will propel you into deeper realms with god and i'm believing god by his faithfulness that i will be back tomorrow and go deep into actually unlocking the mind of god in an individual's life i'll give you principles i'll give you spiritual knowledge i'll give you revelation which is already what you heard today even deeper revelation to walk in that realm amen so father i bless you for your people and everything that they have heard i believe that oh libra aniba korea a i believe that lord our lives will never be the same by reason of what we have actually heard today we'll walk with you greatly we'll walk with you deeper and you will show your greatness through our lives father may be you be honored now and forever by reason of this word father may we become people who know your mind in order to execute your will on the earth father we honor you and we thank you in the name of your son jesus amen amen listen to me i want you to watch this over again and i want you to learn and learn so that tomorrow when we come back on we go deeper and we don't start over so i love you this is prophet lovey elias and i will see you tomorrow shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 6,550
Rating: 4.9878602 out of 5
Id: vd2THvPZ0Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 58sec (4078 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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