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god bless everybody this is prophet lovey and you're welcome to a powerful powerful time in the presence of god and this is going to be our special warfare wednesday every wednesday we'll have a prophetic time of prayer and deliverance to a whole other dimension by the grace of god so i think we may have phone lines open uh just a little bit to pray with people preparing for the prophetic service which is tomorrow i don't want you to miss it last week it was too much it was too much it was three much it was four much it was five months it was crazy the lord jesus really visited us in a mighty way but right now i want you to share this i want you to share this as many times as you can because it's going to be another powerful time in the presence of god this is warfare wednesday amen warfare wednesday and i i want you to get ready if you're already just up i'm ready if you have shared just say i've shared i want you to hit those thumbs up i want to see how many people we have on youtube on facebook glory be to the lord jesus can you refresh it for me this is going to be amazing this is going to be amazing amazing amazing amazing amen this is going to be amazing amazing amazing jesus i want you to share when you have shared just say i have shared profit and we keep we keep moving because it's going to be a whole other level in the way that god is going to visit us today amen amen glory be to his holy name glory hallelujah let me see what people are saying okay we are ready we are ready we are ready we are ready okay okay i want us to go to second kings chapter seven second kings chapter seven can we close that door turn on the heater please thank you second kings chapter seven and we are going to read from verse one second kings chapter seven and we are going to read from verse one amen second kings chapter seven and verse one then elisha said hear ye the word of the lord thus saith the lord tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flower be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in this in the gate of samaria [Music] then a lord on whose hand then yeah then a lord on whose hand the king weaned leaned answered the man of god and said behold if the lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou shalt not eat thereof one more time read it again one one two two two is it one to two yes that's one to two read it again okay then elisha said hear ye the word of the lord thus saith the lord tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flower be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of samaria then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of god and said behold if the lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but thou shall not eat thereof one more time i want this to enter into people's hearts one more time then elisha said hear ye the word of the lord thus saith the lord tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flower be sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gates of samaria then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of god and said behold if the lord would make windows in heaven might this thing be and he said behold thou shalt see it with thine eyes but shall not eat thereof stop right there now watch this the prophet elijah is prophesying to a nation that is under siege a city that is under siege the prophet of the lord stands up and he says listen by this time tomorrow just like today would say the gas prices have gone up it shows that the economy is not doing well if the gas prices go down it means that things are actually doing well yeah it says by this time tomorrow the price of this and this and this will be cheap on the summarian gate and the king said uh even if the lord opens the windows of heaven will this be possible i don't think it will be possible then elijah said listen you will sit with your eyes but you'll not benefit from it listen to me whenever a prophet speaks there is something that puts things in motion you see the thing that destroys the prophetic word in a christian's life in a believer's life is that you try to understand how god is going to do something your point is not to understand but to receive what god is going to say because what god says will come to pass the what samaria means watchtower or the mountain of watching the place of watching so situations only change if you are directed to the prophetic tower where you can see tomorrow that's good there is somebody that is watching right now you are wondering how will my situation change i cannot pay my bills since this uh uh pandemic started i have not gotten an opportunity to get work nothing is opening up nothing is moving i am here to declare to somebody let me move close i'm here to declare to somebody by this time tomorrow those things that were impossible are becoming possible in the mighty name of jesus amen the reason why they are becoming possible it is because you are upon the mountain of samaria meaning you are in the location on a prophetic location where you can see and comprehend the steps that god wants you to take amen you see many times when you are somebody that is ah let me say it like this when you're somebody that is caught up by what is happening we can turn it off now if you're somebody that is caught up with what is happening you usually will have a hard time to go on the watchtower that's good i wish somebody could hear what i'm saying we hear you papa when you're somebody who is controlled by your environment it will be difficult for you to go upon the watchtower of the lord to really receive what is to come the reason why the king did not believe that something good was coming he did not take a step to go upon the watchtower somebody's not listening to what i'm saying i feel like i'm talking to myself talking to us papa i feel like i'm talking to myself i wish somebody could catch this the king did not dare despite prophet lovey elias has prophesied so many things you have seen yeah yeah so many people will miss their prophetic breakthrough simply because they are not on the tower to see how god is going to make something happen what is the formula that god is going to give them to make something happen that's really good so the man disqualified himself from the prophetic harvest that was ready to take over the city simply because he could not get on the tower to see what was to come let me explain to you something today don't disqualify yourself from what god is about to do amen don't be that woman don't be that man don't be that child don't be anyone that will miss the move of god amen when god is ready to lift you up god sends you prophetic declaration and instruction to set you on the tower for you to see what is to come that's good amen god can never direct our people without bringing them fast on the watch mountain when god was bringing the children of israel out of egypt he first took them to the mountain amen he took them to sinai he took them to hebron to meet with him so that he can show them where they are going but many of them did not take a step to get on the mount i feel like i'm talking to myself in fact the words that god gave moses was tell pharaoh to let my people go so that they can come and worship me and serve me upon this mountain yes because if you are not on the mountain how can you see tomorrow how about chapter 2 verse 1 to 2 quickly but keep where we are second kings chapter seven stay right there we're going to verse three but i want you to go to habakkuk chapter two verse one to two amen uh-huh i will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower you see the problem with christians is they're not on their watch and you're not on your watch because of two things there is no prophet to show you your watch or if there is a prophet to set you on your watch you don't want to take the watch you want to see according to what you know god would do right not according to somebody that has been sent to be a watchman to tell you where to position yourself i feel like i'm talking to myself that's good papa so true read it again read it again listen to this i will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and we'll watch to see what he will say unto me and what i shall answer when i am reproved and the lord answered me and said write the vision notice the lord told him what to do to get quick answers to prayer because he was in the watchtower you see when you're on the boat with jesus winds can take you by surprise yeah but if you're on the tower with jesus the waves of the enemy can never take you by surprise amen amen i wish somebody could hear this this is why the bible says the lord is my high tower it does not say the lord is the boat that i sail on yeah yeah wow having a relationship you see for you to have any kind of communion you need to be on a ship relationship friendship but for you to see what god wants you to see you have to leave the ship and go to get on the tower wow that's good relationship is not enough it's good it's true now somebody didn't hear me yeah wow that's good relationship is not enough i wish more people hit those thumbs up on youtube on youtube and i want you to keep sharing because we are just getting started we are not where we need to be yet yes amen this will be quick powerful straight to the point amen glory be to god hey god let me see let me see where we are let me see where we are let me see where we are all glory be to your name lord jesus so capture this by the spirit of god capture this by the spirit of god let this enter your spirit this afternoon or evening depending on where you are this is why you can have a relationship with god and miss god because you're not on a towel say that again this is the reason why you can have a relationship with god be filled with the holy spirit and still miss god the pharisees in their temple an angel would come stay up water people get healed the word of god was being preached but they were not on a tower john the baptist was on a tower telling them who was coming they didn't listen jesus came they missed it somebody typed lord i will not miss my prophetic word lord i will not miss my prophetic word lord i will not miss my prophetic word lord i will not miss my prophetic word i don't know if somebody is catching this now i want you to go to verse three or second kings chapter seven yes papa listen to this verse three of second kings chapter seven and there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate and they said to one another why sit we here until we die if we say we will enter into the city then the famine is in the city and we shall die there and if we sit still here we also die now therefore come and let us fall unto the host of syrians if they save us alive we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die one more time start again start again okay from those three and four yeah and there were four lepers men at the entering of the gate yes and they said one to another why sit we here until we die if we say we will enter into the city then the famine is in the city and we shall die there and if we sit still here we also die now therefore come and let us fall unto the host of the syrians if they save us alive we shall live now now stop right right there let me let me tell you read verse 3 again just the first line okay and there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate question why were there four leprous men not five we know there were many people with leprosy why were these four the only ones on the side of the prophetic word [Music] now you have to understand what number four means it's a prophetic number amen number four is the number of gathering or restoration wow god said to the children of israel i will gather you from the four corners of what the earth on the earth we have how many seasons i i feel like i'm talking to myself how many directions are there if you look at a compass four wow because number four is the number of gathering why were these men leprous but they were in a prophetic number leprosy just means infirmity some of you your finances have infirmities right now wow wow ah i feel like i'm talking to myself amen you know those days if you had leprosy you couldn't do anything right you are considered unclean you are unworthy there was nothing that was going to work for you there are people that are watching right now you feel unworthy you feel like things will never work out things will never open things will never transform things will just remain backwards god is talking to somebody that is watching me right now amen amen that your infirmity actually qualifies you to be the one that the prophetic word walk through amen amen the prophetic word was given to the captain it was given to the king they rejected it but the prophetic word fell on those who had no ability to make what they heard happen i feel like i'm talking to myself wow but when the prophetic word was delivered to them spiritually there was something supernatural that happened to them immediately they said they used to be on that gate but all of a sudden they could no longer stay on that gate they said if we stay here we die right if we go we may die right why are we staying here you see when the prophetic word has entered you libra abacada daddy you need to hear this when the prophetic word enters you there is a supernatural boldness that i don't care yeah mind enters you that your circumstances no longer define you that's right they knew that they were sick but they were like if we stay here we die with sickness and we die of famine if we go there we may die but why are we staying here but notice everybody else was inside the city but they were outside the city i am talking to somebody that has missed opportunities i am talking to somebody that was rejected i am talking to to somebody that has experienced difficulties i am talking to somebody that people saw you as a nobody i am talking to somebody that was rejected that was unknown but god is saying you are outside of the siege amen even though you may have things that are difficult but you're not on the boat that everybody else is on you are on the tower amen amen they are the only ones that said listen why are we sitting here let's go yeah how do you know you are anointed to go when your situations are difficult but you still have hope for tomorrow amen the problem is you have hope but you stay in one place yet hope should push you forward amen wow that's really good the bible says hope faith and love and love is the greatest hope creates faith to believe you know what i'm gonna move forward but if you receive hope and you sit down it means the prophetic word has not entered your spirit yeah wow is somebody listening to me are you there if you are there just type i am here prophet i am here prophet i am here prophet i am here i want you to just type i'm here prophet i am here prophet i am here prophet type i am here prophet i am here prophet i am here prophet calabasa you are not anointed to stay stagnant amen you are not anointed to stay stagnant can somebody push those thumbs up on facebook and on youtube and i want you to subscribe if you haven't subscribed to my youtube page i want you to push that like button if you haven't i want you to push those hearts i need you to share this let the enemy be shaken in his in his prison called hell let help be turned upside down because hope and strength is entering you to move forward amen amen jesus oh lord oh lord my god oh lord my god oh lord my god oh lord my god ah now now listen to this listen to this when you can take both steps you see people talk about blind faith i don't believe in blind faith i am sorry there is no way in the bible that says just take blind faith has never existed anyone on the watchtower has faith that produces sight not sight that gives faith but faith that gives sight there is a difference a man came to jesus and said jesus asked him do you believe you can see he said i believe he said then see so we know it is faith that produces sight but if your sight gave you faith then it's not faith oh somebody didn't hear me somebody didn't hear me jesus asked the blind man do you believe you see he said i believe he said then see but if your sight is the one giving you faith then it's not faith yeah wow come on that's good because faith gives sight amen amen amen when you believe on a harvest that you can't see but because you're on the tower on the prophetic tower something happens something moves something switches in you amen and you begin to see what others cannot see amen elisha physically was with his servant spiritually he was on mount zion he could see what his servant could not see somebody typed may my faith produce sight in my faith produce sight i can't hear you may my faith produce sight may my faith produce sight holy jesus holy jesus holy jesus i'm about to finish i am about to finish i am about to finish now i am about to finish now i am about to finish now i am about to finish now how do you know that your faith is faith is when you it produces sight because faith sees the impossible and faith receives the impossible amen god cannot see the future because he has never had a yesterday or tomorrow god cannot believe in tomorrow will be better when god was saying let there be light he didn't foresee light because how can he foresee what has never existed if he could foresee what existed somewhere in the spirit it means he's not god it means he was already created right wow so god is seeing through faith in reality god has no eyes wow prophet let me let me i feel like i should get up and get out of here because this will provoke somebody in reality god has no sight not in the sense of the word that you think how does he see all things come on come on how does he see all things yes it's not because he created it it's because god functions through what he calls faith when we operate in the prophetic we are operating in a small glimpse of faith anyone who can prophesy accurately i'm not saying general prophecy you have to believe that person has incredible faith right prophet saying is not easy it takes tremendous faith yeah yeah when elisha stood and said by this time tomorrow he didn't see anything he saw through faith when i look at somebody especially tomorrow we will have a powerful prophetic service but do you think i actually it's not i don't know how to explain this we sit through faith i am not saying i just believe what is in the air no faith is substance faith is a glasses you put on and you begin to see as god sees faith is not believing in what doesn't what is not there faith is holding on to the glasses of god putting them on and beginning to see what god sees amen that is why sometimes when we prophesy i would say it looks like it is because i am seeing images cabradiba andebe a man that jesus restored sight he asked him what do you see he says i see men walking like trees but the man had never seen men how did he know trees can walk what was he seeing he was singing to another realm he was seeing through the eyes of god wow the man began to prophesy wow i am seeing men walk like trees one day i will teach a message on this amen i am seeing men walk like trees jesus said the kingdom of god is like a tree the man began to see into the harvest of the future of the people who are going to enter the kingdom of god jesus said no no i opened this guy too far he touched his eyes he said what do you say no i just see regular people okay good uh i wish somebody could hear me yes yes wow and remember to walk does not mean marching he was saying i am seeing men operating like trees how do you know the strength of a tree by how deep the roots go amen i i feel like i'm talking to myself now listen to this the men rose up they said listen if we stay here we die if we don't go we die what are we doing here let's move forward you see the ability to push beyond where you are is the evidence that you are seeing what others cannot see i'm not saying pushing in the same place that you've been failing pushing beyond that place because you may believe for something but it is not what god is showing you today i'm here to show you what god is saying there is a greater better place for you says the spirit of the living god amen beyond what you thought that is enough beyond what you thought it would get you by but into a place of great harvest and great victories keep reading watch this keep reading keep reading watch this keep reading which one seven seven uncle fred come come in fred come in sit sit for a little bit my son friend no coming come sit here come see close do you have to go now no okay please sit sit sit with us for a little bit see it actually can you set it up because i'm going to test it give him the phones let's set it up i'm going to test it you came in a prophetic timing amen okay yeah keep reading watch this okay second king seven and verse five yes and they rose up in the twilight to go unto the camp of the syrians and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of syria behold there was no man there for the lord had made the host of the syrians to hear a noise of chariots read it again okay yes papa and they rose up in the twilight to go unto the camp of the syrians and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of syria behold there was no man there so hold on leave it again one more time read it again one more time and they rose up in the twilight to go what does the bible say joy comes when in the morning wow so when you are able to rise up when you're able to rise up at the hour and the time that others are not moving yeah you are entering into your victory amen i feel like people are not really getting what i'm saying yeah you see some of you you think joy comes automatically no joy must be engaged wow breakthrough must be engaged that's good deliverance must be engaged the prophetic word must be engaged wow wow that's good oh lord jesus somebody type i am engaging with the prophetic word today i am engaging with the prophetic word today i want you to type it boldly i am engaging with the prophetic word today i am engaging with the prophetic word today who jesus that's good that's really good oh jesus oh lord jesus oh lord jesus oh lord jesus oh lord jesus oh lord jesus calabaya my god my god when the prophetic word comes it makes you to do things that if it really entered your spirit if it really touched your spirit if it was really a word for you if god was really speaking to you there is something that happens it makes you to rise up when no one in else has reason amen the bible says jesus is the morning star it is only in the morning that you can see that star oh my god oh my god this is so good this is so good i feel it myself somebody just typed so good so good too much too much it is in the morning it is in the morning that that star can be seen amen in order for you to know how to step in order for you to know how to move so if you miss if you miss the star you have missed everything because they woke up early they engaged with supernatural grace that is given only in the morning if you read the book of job it says god is asking job have you ever commanded the morning the morning is an angel that's why the bible says his mercies are renewed what every morning it is in the morning but it's not the regular morning it is the spiritual morning that forms the womb of tomorrow that is why when god began to create he did not count the days with the day he counted it night and then day because the twilight the early morning is dark i i feel like i'm talking to myself i'm trying to bring somebody somewhere i need youtube to hit those thumbs up hit those thumbs up as much as you can hit those thumbs up hit those thumbs up we're heading somewhere we're about to get somewhere come on youtube oh god of zion there is a dimension there is a place that god wants you to position yourself now capture this and capture this by the spirit of god they engaged with the morning they rose up to go but as they were going god made the god made the enemy of the children of israel god made the enemies of the children of israel to hear chariots coming you see the host of heaven is only released when you flow with the prophetic season and the prophetic time and the prophetic word wow okay god can never dispatch help for you if you're outside of his instruction if you're outside of his direction right because the angels come to help you in what god has revealed amen even angels wait for what god has revealed some of you are driving faster than your angels wow that part i feel like i'm talking to myself talking to me oh jesus the bible now says this when the men got there their enemies thought they that the children of israel had hired chariots of the egyptians or whoever to fight them but the reason why they thought it was the armies of the egyptians or whoever they paid to fight for them it shows you that even the devil fights you in the realm of men because the idea was a human army yet these men were working with the supernatural army sometimes the enemy would test you because he sees nobody around you but let him test and die by correction amen amen oh jesus when elisha was surrounded nobody could see any army nobody saw a physical army but when they tried they realized that they were blind they were led into a trap but don't be like the enemy that you don't know who is around you okay the lack of knowing who is around you it means you are not on the prophetic tower oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus christ are you ready are you ready now watch this watch this and capture this what will prove that it is your season is not an act of blind faith but it's an act of knowing that it is your time amen when this men returned with the report you don't see the bible calling them lepers anymore you didn't hear what i just told you amen the bible doesn't call them lepers anymore some of you you are considered sick because you lack you don't bring solutions so your sickness is spiritual not physical wow nobody nobody cleans this man the fact that they brought solutions they were no longer lepers so your condition is transformed not because you are prayed for it is transformed because of prophetic direction amen wow because of prophetic direction prophetic direction brings cleansing amen that when they returned in the society they became heroes they were crowned with glory because they were able to do something that the king did not believe it was possible because of them the prophetic word was fulfilled the price of the flower dropped the price the price of gas dropped the price of food dropped everything became cheap because they came with a solution there are some of you that your disease is spiritual not physical your luck is spiritual not physical the migraines are spiritual not physical wow because you've been missing the watchtower i have come to announce to you now by the spirit of the living god amen by the spirit of the living god that it is your moment amen for a shift the bible says the kingdom of god suffers violence and the violence take it by force amen if this man did not stand to go yes they would have remained in the same place and the city would have died wow so prophet lovey can prophesy nothing will happen because you never moved not because god did not speak i i don't know if somebody can hear me oh jesus oh jesus when the prophet speaks he's giving you direction to your breakthrough he is not the bring of your breakthrough he's revealing to you where jesus positioned the victory right the victory will not come in your house you need to go to a certain address to get it yeah that's good so many of you i can't see the comments many of you are in a position where oh you know the prophetic word was given i receive it but you never acted on it right but you act on what you believe by faith which is blind faith because you can't see what is coming i love the prophecy the the the prophetic video of one of my daughters that actually i didn't even know she had cancer in my vision i saw something black on her back and i asked her is it on this side she said yes it is i said it is done yeah went to the hospital the thing was no longer there cancer was gone why prophetic direction if she did not go to the hospital say check it what do you think would have happened nothing if i prophesy to you right now oh prophet i need a baby i say go it is done and you go home and you fast and pray you won't get a baby unless you engage with your husband and wife or you know nothing is going to happen act on it you gotta act on it the baby won't appear out of thin air no the only ghost will not overshadow you oh calabasa if you don't go and meet your wife wife if you don't go and meet your husband and join yourself nothing is happening you will keep waiting even abraham knew that he had to act abraham had been acting without prophetic direction nothing happened the day he received prophetic direction he did it isaac came somebody just died fire fire somebody just had fire somebody just stopped fire fire somebody just tied fire fire somebody just shot fire fire that is the issue that is the issue that is the issue that is the issue that is the issue before i pray i want everybody that believed this was what god was saying to you i want you to type that god was talking to me i want you to type god was talking to me god was talking to me i want you to type god was talking to me god was talking to me jesus jesus jesus holy jesus baba jesus you are worthy you alone is worthy okay okay okay okay okay okay okay thank you jesus thank you jesus now listen to this prophetic instruction very quickly listen to this prophetic word very quickly i want you to grab a seed that contains number four four hundred four thousand four million one and four let's say one thousand four hundred something with four in it but your four is your prophetic code saying that god is gathering back everything that belongs to me amen the four wins are being released for me i am gathering all the seasons i have missed in my life i want you to go quickly to prophet lovey.com give it quickly as fast as you can i'm going to minister prophetically to a few people very quickly i want you to do it and then we are going to pray as fast as you can as fast as you can quickly and then we return do every bird in every field every mountain i live here when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Applause] [Music] without you [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on your ears so fill me full of your glory completely [Music] wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] you give me grace trade my peace for [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i [Music] am [Music] me [Music] for me [Music] you're the answer that i need you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] wherever you want me [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] me [Music] i could never get enough tell me all your mysteries my quiet heart is listening [Music] is [Music] i just want to get closer to you now breathe i just wanna get closer to you take me to your secret place [Music] get is [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] i just wanna [Music] i just wanna get closer to you [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you [Music] i just wanna get closer to you thank you jesus we're back on thank you jesus so i want us to pray now we're going to pray and then i'm going to minister prophetically to a few people i want us to pray if you're ready to pray just type i am ready to pray if you're ready to pray just type i am ready to pray type it as quickly as you can i am ready to pray our first prayer point our first prayer point is today you're going to pray father by reason of my seed let my seasons be restored unto me listen to that prayer point very carefully by reason of my sacrifice by reason of my faith let the seasons be rest all the four seasons be restored unto me so you have to open your mouth and speak clearly and you have to intercede that let the four seasons be restored unto you you see if it is always raining you will never be able to harvest if it is always sunny your crops will burn if it is always winter everything will freeze i don't know if somebody's getting what i'm saying so you need the seasons all together working to produce what god has for you if you're ready to pray open your mouth and pray father in the name of jesus we open our mouth and pray we call unto you elohim el shaddai we pray oh father that the seasons of our lives will be restored let the seed of number four be our contact point let it be the key that unlocks the four corners of the earth let it be the key that unlocks the four seasons the four winds in my life right now in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus you're going to pray and you're going to tell god father let those things that others deemed impossible because you have given me the ability and the power let me be the one that brings it into my family what my father thought it would be impossible what my mother thought it was impossible what my neighbor thought that it was impossible let me be the solution let me be the one that will make the impossible possible open your mouth and begin to pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray let the impossible become possible let the impossible become possible let the impossible become possible let the impossible become possible let the impossible become possible let the impossible become possible let the impossible become possible in the name of jesus i'm gonna give a few people an opportunity to call quickly because this is not a prophetic service i'm gonna pray for one or two people and then i'm going to declare something over everybody so i want you to call using whatsapp i want you to call using whatsapp and make sure that your connection is good make sure your connection is good hallelujah thank you jesus being an attitude of prayer wherever you are being an attitude of prayer be in an attitude of prayer if it's saying reconnect it hung up get another one oh jesus god bless you woman of god hallelujah can you hear me i can hear you well papa thank you where are you calling from south carolina is this the first time we are speaking we spoke briefly in a prayer uh in a prayer partner uh meeting but we got disconnected so you didn't get to finish what you were saying to me oh lord jesus i can't even remember what i said to you because i can't but uh what what do you want god to do for you well i need some clear direction as to i'm wanting to get back to to the base find the point where i where i didn't follow him correctly and i'm wanting to find out what that is so i can obey and do i think it i think it was no no no no no no no no hey okay okay i just asked you i just told you tell me what you wanted god to do for you i want direction and i want healing bam there it is now listen to me and listen to me well your biggest issue your biggest issue is not actually what you think it is consistency before god yes sir that is what god wants from you mistakes will always be there but our consistency with god ensures that we say on the path that god wants us to stay on so the one thing that you have to develop in your life is the ability to be consistent with god when you're consistent with god is going to set you on the tower and you'll be able to engage with the seasons that god puts before you but if our engagement with god is not strong immediately it weakens everything else that god wants to do yes sir now this part is not something that god can do it is a part that you only can do because god cannot pray for you no yeah god may push you to pray but you ultimately have to pray are you listening to me now this is very strange this is very strange i saw a vision and in this vision i saw somebody in prison are you listening to me okay i am i'm seeing a vision and i don't know who this man is but i'm seeing a man in prison and i don't know how this man is connected to you but spiritually i am seeing an angel of the lord that is about to open prison doors for this individual amen now number two i don't know if you know do you know anyone in prison not off hand no sir i know people who've been in prison nobody um uh no not not currently no sir there is somebody that is connected to you and i'm trying to figure out how uh how this person actually the man's name is brian are you listening to me the man's name is actually brian and and this brand individual i don't know how he's connected to you but because of the lord and because of this call i am seeing an angel that is sent to change some things is like in a courtroom or something that this man is going to be released number two god is bringing restoration in your body praise god there is restoration that is coming in your body now i don't know how but i saw arrows that hit your knees my yes and these arrows of the enemy hit your knees and when it hit your knees i saw from your feet going up it is like the enemy released something that was going to affect your ability to do what god has given you to do but as i am speaking to you now god's hand is touching you whatever was used to you spiritually physically i curse it in the name of the lord jesus amen amen amen and i declare and i declare that complete restoration will come on you in fact i just saw a vision like uh you know and somebody is dizzy i i don't i don't know if you get this you know like dizziness sometimes will get you feel light-headed do you understand what i'm saying woman of god it's like you become lightheaded the lord said that this attack of the enemy will never come close to you nor will it ever touch you in the name of the lord jesus and because of this prophetic word clarity is coming to you amen direction is coming to you the lord is opening a new chapter for you amen a new chapter for you not what used to be but what god is doing now shout i receive three times and it is done it is done in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus if it's recon hello bless you sir if it's reconnecting hang up get to another okay hello hi god bless you how are you i'm good thank you how are you where are you calling from i'm calling from canada can you turn down your uh your computer i think or something that you're watching yes i just turned it on okay uh is this the first time we were speaking no i actually spoke to you um last year around april and i prophesied to you or we just spoke um you prophesied to me okay um usually i don't like to prophesy if i've spoken to somebody before but i will bless you is that okay that's fine now there is a limitation that god is lifting off you and lifting off your family can you hear me yes sir i can hear you okay you're not sounding like you're ready to engage with what god is saying to you no no i'm engaging sir there is a limitation that is being lifted from you and i'm seeing some sisters with you but it's like limitations being lifted off your family do you have sisters yes i have five sisters there is a limitation that is being lifted off you and your sisters and the lord said that you will be the river that will bring deliverance to everybody you will be the key that will make those things that were impossible become possible whatever held everybody because of you it will no longer hold them amen amen so i want you to shout three times i am the deliverance of my family and it is established in jesus name amen in jesus name it is finished whatsoever you will set your hands to do because of what god has spoken to you it is established in jesus name amen let me get a few more quickly thank you jesus hello god bless you god bless you is this the first time we're speaking yes we've never spoken before i just started watching you like a couple weeks ago oh wow where are you calling from new jersey or you're calling from new jersey it must be really cold right now yes we're expecting another snowstorm jesus christ well my dear jesus loves you so much are you listening to me yes and the lord jesus loves you so much and he wants to do something new in your life okay now you don't sound very excited you know you're not sounding excited when god wants to speak god doesn't like to speaking to people who are not excited no no i'm excited i'm just trying to make sure i hear everything so i don't want to miss anything that you're saying that god is saying in the realm of the spirit in the area of relationships there's been a lot of battles and part of the reason why you're calling is because that is what is giving you the most trouble yes you're sure we have never spoken no i promise you okay but the lord says it is your hour for new beginnings to be released amen jesus now thank you lord jesus do you have any children yes two prophesied prophecy two are you sure there's only two and i have a grandson yes i'm seeing three that's what i was counting three i was counting three i'm like no there are no two there's another one i'm seeing okay you know when god shows me something i don't doubt what god tells me what god tells me is what i see god is about to establish you jesus and god is about to cause doors that are beyond understanding to be given to you amen now i don't know why can i tell you something interesting i am seeing you dressed like this is very strange and i don't know what god is saying to me and i'm trying to understand i am seeing you dressed as if like your you know i i don't want to say military or sick but it looks like on it's it's like security or something like that it's like uniform i don't know if it is military what it is but i'm seeing you like in uniform well for my city i i go into the streets i have a street ministry so you i'ma i teach spiritual warfare okay classes okay okay that's what i'm saying because i did not understand i didn't know because let me tell you how i saw you dressed i saw you wearing black pants i saw you having boots i saw a belt that looked black and a shirt it looked like you were ready to go it was like you are securing something it looked like either but i didn't see any gun but i saw like a baton on your hand and i was trying to understand what is god telling me okay now i get it okay powerful woman of god may god give you power actually i i can i tell you something watch this now watch this watch this see i saw you actually ministering to people but every time you minister to people it is like problems increased in your life that you are actually thinking about should i continue doing this because it seems like whenever i pray for somebody with a certain thing the same thing begins to happen to me i love how this woman just says jesus it's powerful it's sweet amen it's sweet but listen to me woman of god listen to me woman of god today god will give you power amen amen god will give you power that you will not just minister to people without power there will be evidence of power that that same power that will drive out devils that will restore people will be the same power that will also protect you thank you father thank you thank you jesus hallelujah god you're awesome [Music] god is powerful listen woman of god you you are so pleasurable to prophesy to but now i am seeing an angel of the lord touching your left foot i've been having problems with my foot like sometimes it's hard to walk like and i'm like god what is it i know that's what i'm telling you i saw the angel of the lord stretching his hand touching your feet jesus and the lord says and the lord says that he is redeeming you rescuing you and making all things well right now thank you father i receive it i saw the letter m in the heavens are you listening to me i saw the letter m in the heavens the letter m i don't know who has a name or a middle name that starts with m m yes i saw god rescuing this person with the letter m and bringing blessing and restoration to them and it is like because god touched you what god touched in your life is also touching in that person's life and the cycle of the enemy is ending in the name of jesus so i want you to shout three times my life has changed in the name of jesus and it is established in the name of jesus and it is established my life has changed in the name of jesus and it is established now there is something that is going to come over you that is actually going to make you shake because i am seeing oil being poured on you now jesus hallelujah hallelujah there it is now thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] now there is power power has been given by the spirit of god it is done in jesus name listen to me if you have not done now i want you to hear me clearly i want you to hear me clearly if you if i want you to hear me clearly if you have not given your seed of number four russian do it there is a powerful flow of god that is happening there is a powerful flow of god that is happening god is switching up people's seasons and those things that were impossible are being given to you i can't see anything people are calling but god is giving me information that shows that it is your time father let everybody that is watching le tremendous makura para libaratu para le tronte perez father let your people be made free those who are watching made the prophetic begin to flow in their lives may what they could not touch what they could not see be accessible even now in the name of jesus it is done listen tomorrow at 7 30 i'll be at our church revelation church in simi valley 580 east easy street you don't want to miss it it's going to be five match god is gonna move in a special way and we are going to encounter the power of god like never before amen so i want you to be there don't miss don't be late because it will be a prophetic buffet i love you but jesus loves you more and remember get on the tower get on the tower get on the tower so tomorrow may be given to you in jesus name it is done shalom you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 4,841
Rating: 4.9705338 out of 5
Id: 4SQx45817Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 16sec (4996 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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