The spirit of religion - Bishop fearon Blake

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[Music] this way our technique to the [Music] [Music] dear brother Amen that he can walk him here and take home any of you when you see light we must pass you have to kill me first when I said God knew that musics off when I said God no untimely death give me that mic Amen I mean what I said ask me for anything God said I'd give it to you I wasn't here when the devil killed this woman up here he said dead woman and take outta here Amen somebody when I came and went to the hospital she was on all kind of wire Damon I say I'm here he didn't take long you're standing here there was last September everything drop hand drop head drop this s is gone the church prayed they calm in Jamaica we prayed she's still here when I was on the Facebook and I said this song I'm sending out the sister Beckford she loved that song lord give me strength it's done the tears she sign I mean right in the bottom no surrender no retreat and by the time I talked but the more was beside me amen and look up on the screen pray dead man dead man I'm punchy pump and somebody has come pump again and she'll breathe my mouth dead man but a more myself and the Facebook lessness of my church around the world began to breathe of Lord replied before they get to the doctor in shock in couple time I mean here he is hello when when when when when four months ago five months ago a little off a month ago February 7th where's your mic of you want to say anything are you want me just talk a preacher you want to talk talk you want me to talk until the Lord thank you tell the Lord thank you yes yes did they will call everyone recognized up here amen glory but I'm trying to show you around here we don't play games he's alive she's alive that sister died over there she's alive another one day over there she's alive Amen today when playing with non devil around here god bless you may return to your seat but I want the world to see but catch this I think I'm gonna call em girls by the garden and said we can't make a move your daddy state hello God blessing my brother amen this is serious this is serious I have never experienced I hear in a testimony like these in all the years I'm going to Jamaica to pray a mountain but God been showing red flags like this sickle preacher is causing unrest among the worth of your workers them and among some devil pastors that depth that the devil is using to trick some of your because some of your listen to some of them we're not calling on name hello or you will find out soon hear what I'm saying to you amen they came to prayer Mountain determined to take me out to see whose God the intent they've killed many preacher descent and had the people that we have destroyed so they send the bodies in half he meant somebody but have a church brain here I hear what I'm saying not only that but people around the world are praying God raising them up to pray for this endtime warrior God said no evil shall befall me not any plague come nigh my dwelling their fight against you but they will not win take care of my business and I'll take care of you forty ideas and a little try and still feel and as they don't learn totally that it take my picture from here to Africa to eat everywhere an ally of young man can say even a drop dead is taking picture out here I don't want to die serving notice around the world because some of you think this is a game business Mabon for this God called me to give that devil hell somebody gotta drive the demon and he showed me said use the blood used to blood not only that but he said go after see it done go after the devil Kadima and he said what happened in the book of Revelation I believe is 19 when he said one demon 19 or 20 there one demon bind Satan and trimming the bottomless pit and all the other demons were useless amen he said that what I want you to do when I'm going to hell principalities powers mm-hmm hello can I go over to see it on and put from him the keys and give that power to you to bring the devil no we don't mix up with no devil for the boy an unknown power except what you give him so they passed Procrit devil send her to come there because she do his dirty works right now Jamaica no because he's dead Jamaica no because he has hardly anybody my Jamaica but DVDs thing don't know this woman they said to me she said you were sent to play a mountain the blue are stuffing my face now the woman's coming from my mouth blue a stuff that you mix up and took me into my face and once it hit my face the demon will support my brain here the man of God said there's a witch yeah which is under smelted and has got to mash up every hope you destroy him and these devils and I said paper let's play the blood God gave me this years ago I use the blood see a ton the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son against you when we used the blood the woman said on the mountain when the man hit the bloody seven time my faith was on fire I run down the hill that's how my life was spared but it's a reason now the woman a reverse god ring verse a super gun fire a who will burn in the bottom towards burned up massive heart attack the Russia took kp/h skin peeling like when you fry become dry up the wicked the Bible's everybody that Omega quits Graff God's I'm gonna kill the witch I'm gonna kill them hello so the one that got a low esteem there were Thomas and understand the one bend over like this limp too dead they come to kill me that challenged the god and no money tree and when a man calm and a man preach medicine God call me a shy anointed a prophet and send it to the world hello so she escaped and my girls were here from England on him and vacation him and they put the program on human life they meant that they could see 1200 people were they at the hotel enjoying the broadcast I don't know who tell her that I'm don't hear but she hidden the umbilical just fly don't hear anybody say setup alright because I want proof now you know they men can she sit and talk with the girls my family left me they abandon my children have no baby and they decide to take off to England and it took her up to England even and God spoke to the Prophet is unsure everything that's going on and said listen you're brought you note a couple weeks from Jamaica and she killed many preachers and many other people and she was at prayer mountain Oscar for her don't believe it when he said a talk to her in such a too fast and he said put her on the phone to talk to me and he wouldn't come he's asked her this question and she answered everything I began to talk I was sent to prayer mountain to kill this man of God and when I run after mount and I run back to the preacher he said did you take you take away your rental he said the man is like God he said I'm not God I'm already come on a servant he said no we couldn't I couldn't have to run after him any man said it blood I feel my feet on fire they have to run and she talked out everything and sent him center and cut the pastor's men that you have you know I read back the name everybody name I'm parchment people little girl really said take off the bag off a harem burn it he said no if you take out the bag me dead and so on saw me in my shop I'll be split up a math shop I know somebody when they burn debug he's think I know somebody but listen to this the world of preaching on Friday night Friday Amen the king is coming no man said stop it Wednesday brother he said stop it stop the preaching it's a no money but listen woman listening by Friday so hoping about heart and ask God to forgive her I'm a pretty father that is merciful you know and the woman went after sleep fever till the woman get up next morning Jesus sweet Jesus nice you know she said me why I'm baptized when they go and put it on Facebook because the camel was deer taking what was happening when the preacher the plunder baptism a preacher stepped on in the water and she step in the water i J and we rise up out of the pool not see pool in the farm like a man I'm pulled a woman under the court did a pasta he end up in the hospital I know the woman is dead they called me they said we cannot know Bishop we're in the hospital someone Hospital the woman is dead but you know something she could not die on the mountain she have to reveal what she went to pray a mountain to do some of you are out here playing games did he come playing any games you were just watching I was born for such a time as this your finger come up with the Devlin damn nasty demon I don't care where that Africa whether you go you can't touch God's servant and I want everybody to understand that it's why people come over here because he will copy on me I mean it chopping an arsonist mechanic with God he'll connect with God doesn't care who you are Holly wand is a person a vessel that will dedicate themselves to him he don't care where you've been what you've done he's ready to elevate you and I said the dead are coming to life demon that casting out a man impossible situation become impossible because of the power of the Holy Ghost hello did I pointed her out touch my anointed now do my prophet any harm you wouldn't say God mean what he says people don't come to church and pray a deal when I said bad I stamina realize that is that an order in ministry and envy and jealousy but mindedness is try you dare is put a religion trying to sabotage whoever we had until them said that man is God's anointed you know what I'm saying he should have thousands but he said these three pastors target the church so don't you see every time if crime and cool see it and the treads are not high all of a sudden he's like everybody go to sleep and if it has a drop he said and then the mats top target but till tea from this crazy prophet today God don't kill them here I'm saying and I'm not going to sorry for them because they have no business trying to stand in the way of sinners you don't need to covet anybody know what healed around the world you don't need to envy anybody in your life that God amen have for you and a gift that God want a store but we are workers to work together amen and there's a lot of thing that there is doing people are coming lady from Pennsylvania here for a miracle my lady from Brooklyn I don't see you she sought to be here this morning if you're here raise your hand amen glory to God I'm looking for ahsha don't drive so I don't know amen glory but we are born to born to the Word of God somebody give God praise for his protection tell them to pack it up pack it up no matter with it no we are not in coming here hello not drink not and what you're the qualified pastor consecrate give you and not take anything from anybody on drink on have an anointed pastor here that the world go right now a whole bunch of them listening to you top your pasta because nobody can stop the anointing and when I might hear it the woman said Bishop Bishop Blair when this man hope in his mount on the mountain something is warning to our home down in the valley is that different is not the might is not a mic sir the voice the man I gotta find ah we are know hinting people get their no anything in this war fear because many are called to run into this house for refuge you have to be ready when I'm here are not to set those captive free this was all over the internet yesterday all over that was shocked at what they're hearing coming out of England I'm saying here and I said many of you have seen enough to join the army and stop the yap yap yap yap yap yap and can we go bring come get real stop your neighbor and said get real I'm not here for no games and I don't want to see none of your die no no yo hello stop your neighbor and says shut your mountain speak the Word of God speak life encourage others to come because you can't stop it talking to a young man visiting us I mean I'm just not coming to church of that they say pastor I'm talking to you yes you know when I look some souls for God's kingdom and they men glory to God I'm fixed God said take care of my business boy I take care of you you think I'm worried about what let me talk to you from the Word of God so amen get brought some of the message a few message down here who is Jesus it's about 50 of them 40 of them I want everyone go who is Jesus because you'll need to know who you're who you're dealing with who you're calling upon amen he given that he gives you power over the devil they meant somebody and I said God no matter what I have seen and heard I cry and I laugh and it like nothing happened he don't get to me head God belong all the glory belong to him so the more we see amen the smaller we get and he said son you have not seen anything yet your greatest days are ahead of you and if you're not wanted here it's your business amen but let's look into the Word of God the theme I was talking to you about for two weeks it's the third week religious deception spirit of religion the spirit of religion we're not dealing with religion we're dealing with salvation your life change all things passed away off in the canoe but I love what I read in Galatians chapter 1 I'm gonna read it again from verse 6 marvel I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel another which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Jesus Christ trouble you by demon glory to God giving run interpretation compromising what the Bible really said what the gospel is all about Amen somebody is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ but though we are an angel from heaven moppet in your Bible preach another gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed amen God put a curse on that person as we said before say so say I now again if any man I repeated preach any other gospel unto you than he have received let him be curse for do I know persuade men of God question do I seek to please men for if I yet pleased men I should not be the servant of God it's a record I'm reading I'm compromising Godward seem you're living in sin and turn my head away I make you feel comfortable in your mess Amen I should step down out of the pulpit so when I talk to you I have attitude on your business I am free anybody here we must line up slap your neighbor and say you must walk in the word we're not here to look friend we're here for fellowship not for friendship alone somebody and I'm the best friend of family or anybody out of line the Batterson was rebuke and rebuke with with all long-suffering we cannot if we don't rebuke if we go Amen correct those in their round we have become compromises hello glory to God so we need to read the record to understand and be careful because we can be easily deceived for the spirit of deception is in the land then sit and come a flaw himself like angel of light receive migraine and if you don't be careful you'll be deceived so you need to come to church when the time for the word you don't need to be chewing gum and watching this are watching that and fooling around you need to even listen attentively to what coming from the man of God's mouth don't tell you because I'm telling the truth and when you hear it and believe it something will happen in your life so but I only sleep I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after a man just Paul this is all talking here tryna receive it a god of man neither was a party or to God but by the divine revelation the experience I have with God and I said I read it and I loved it the cost it's not mandatory bishop lifted what he's doing it is God who came to me by night but 16 plus and said serve me or die in one year hello told you over and over that Satan know something about your posture Amen that he decide to kill me from my mother's womb [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] before you tell me these things a boy nobody hold your peace you see today you won't see tomorrow hello but as we work together we rise together behind me that God told me before I leave this world they're gonna drop this before God we're gonna win souls before God this is what killing them oh we call people get insane we have to stop it you shut your foolish up against plea when your brother is your brother [Music] [Music] I said he said because of what she said even Moses think is holding him God can use him alone anointed God come on you're so stupid Amen God will have to use you not to anoint you in your family he never chose everybody you see him with him in a family attend he might choose one doesn't mean it can't use the others but there's wanna give special assignment don't you feel God you know there's a pass for anything that been handed down to the pasta only colleague quickly qualified and he said I respect the man respect the annoying [Music] [Music] greater than my son [Music] but a spear the course is because the critics 94 God's women with the big tent [Music] [Music] here in the Word of God we took the police back off Meza preacher preach preacher preach Oh God God give you a fever because when God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm talking about the power of God to destroy your anointing to set captive free the Lord is upon me [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on sister yes compromise the gospel he said he called his disciple and he gave them power he all manner of sickness disease the Bible said when they find Jesus and Jesus amen amen everybody around him everybody was why because they were with one Accord they come with one it was suffering they need a miracle I mean or the miracle workers here [Music] no foolishness truly God's a key your power to tread upon scorpion serpent after your Porter castle see a tongue to bind at all devil there's something preacher sister God says use the blood when Bridgeport surrounded by all these gangs and drug dealers and murderers God show me the demons in the sky so thick a cloud that the black of his son Nick dear God show me this vision and he said son look at the people the walking around kasam be these words of Jesus Christ in the city in between the police catch a man that's what's it hello so you're here for purpose but we can't preach another gospel huh 32 says he should know the truth and the truth shall set you free don't dilute God's back because you're trying to please somebody and I told you as if anybody tried to make you sin not your friend call them self friend hello and a friend that they are ending me because you can see her after Smith when you strike your friend who you see a laughing tak and the heist looks heavy as she walked towards hello what they want you to do you have Jesus with you but you sow 1 billion years be alive stop playing religious take off the mask don't be afraid but you say fear Him who can destroy both soul and body so you can listen to this kind of warning it's an enzyme message you're getting the spirit of really just deception hello can finish really Paul said and no man teach me just a master when God Himself saved me hey man he came to me and he said no Bible School no no no listen you're not me Oh iris robust buddy hello he said I will show you there's one good Bible School but the bottom line is people come out they're just big words hello well last let me talk about uh-huh Greeks and EBU where's a time to me you can't speak Greek how many can speak I'm trying to impress you bring us over at the communion table your garden you can't even spell it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in this house somebody ass [Applause] [Music] be not deceived God is not mocked no completar John Guare let me deeper people run Bishop lit and said Lord God are you a bishop let me say yes he said then will your bodyguard I said I'm ready Babylon buddy God buddy got a tremble him someone coming down here undone you think oh you're done give your life of me not let me tell God said anyone I don't know come to the door Lee ki dong can I talk like that kill it let me flick what surf God you come saying don't take it lightly i pol II told you are that's the challenge the body of Christ you know you know that some of your blood your we shouldn't kill me not sure what nobody you know wish it God God to see me really just plead the blood your jump up Jesus I can start yesterday I look upon me and somebody don't pray for me because I'm making my super money don't need nobody lie that Deborah celaya every one of you get on your knees to pray if you can give a dime if you can't do anything hey Paul surprised that the Word of God a free course prayer for the pasta okay I'm free from you and can you you in trouble something wrong hello the car what you have your the world these young men can tell you the response under ting what a world what a world what a word Lord Jesus is like dilemma here this this kind of preaching in their life Oh God Almighty you're playing with it don't play catch it people be not deceived God is not mocked whatever you sow you reap you know what I'm saying to you I'm gonna go into the scripture too much scripture right Nestle amen let me just tell you something here talk to you about Amon will be just deception and Matthew tells us what can happen in the last days many teachers apostles and all kind of men come but the teaching another gospel what was a problem in Galatia which is today is Turkey amen glory to God the Christians then a Gentile Christians with a heron glory to God and the Jewish Christians forum and fall apart from the day upended they will sear from the day of Pentecost and whatever but they come and tell them saying young Christian said listen I know for you to be a Christian you have to keep the law somebody rituals the teachings also to combine with your Christianity to be see and that including circumcision hello no how did you get see an intelligent chapter 3 say who be with you who did you get converted and across hello school teacher wonder Hebrew keep in line until Jesus come and it's true Jesus Christ Kowloon and Lord except for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son now who says I believe it in him should not perish I know what I'm saying he said tell the people the truth he said listen Norman or teach me the caste man was in half and anyone of us come before you to preach come here more hell is in the ocean hello rubbish but there's no winner Bob you're fighting that come on your sister when they don't know God let top where they really just in talk trash hello God only come from truth not long before they expose themselves for who they are he was full of the word Paul said having begun in the spirit you're trying to make it no perfect in the flesh but it could not give you that change in your heart you have to work you will be a man mess up because there was no change in the heart but when Jesus comes [Music] the blood here's our thousand degrees can the Christian your God somebody said your grace I can't even read my team [Music] well y'all [Music] Baby Jane he said justice demanded but grace I'm merciful [Music] jesus paid a price look at it attacks Jesus Jesus you rescue me come on somebody everybody see your grace [Music] I'm living this mall with [Applause] [Music] raesha - we're here because of God's grace Oh hallelujah will now think of the goodness of Jesus and all he has done for me my very soul cries out one hop the good lesap Jesus and he done for me [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you God bless you God bless you set out from these things if you can I sing though some when I look back and I say that it not been for God the knowing God I wouldn't be standing here the course of that devil who try to take out God's servant kill the prophets God weep over Jerusalem so why would you want to try to bring down a man whose God is using to bring man or to sin man who not afraid to plunder hell hello [Music] he what I'm saying to continue to blaze the trail how you what I'm saying the body of Christ today is in trouble because our spirit our churches and people does we're here today to determine that there are tongues cops under Obama to Lehman their way back design it's a language that God give you can speak it in your sleep you walk on the road I need somebody back drive you or somebody just one cross they would you're almost in accident about thank you Jesus I know somebody you know bad word hello somebody need to get holy cause I'll learn to talk in tongues you mess up that old devil slap your neighbors and attach nobody to make sure you get real cool cause you can have enthroned to all right God turn to somebody's as you said another tongue everything God does see it an immediate God hello the boy is an actor is an imposter these are immediate aah and if you're trying to study some tongue from wanita from some preacher hello get your own you will never try to imitate your pasta everybody fly-by-night your immediate and then we look a preacher come around your pastor your see your nephew satirical did you talk to your pastor no sir shame on you you're gonna go to words hello when you hit rock bottom I mean you're going to see hello foolish your belly hurt in the jovian belly hurt a music Nicole hello I'm your spiritual daddy I have to give God an account for every person that come here the common member in this church I have to answer to God for you you come to your Papa no matter what it is if me talk to you not to do it by your do it come there's some good children of them rude one but at the pass of half you rebuke with all long-suffering now you try to restore in the spirit of meekness but your must change no on the Bible 71 she and you run the motor approach oh you know non words in the Bible bring them before the offices hello and they won't change bring them before the church and they won't change hello if I know that any of you are almost sexual you will never drive my church boss and I will never allow you to be around the children spirit transform if I know that there are lesbian I don't want to see you around my young girls that's right by law I can be in trouble I must question hello there call sex offenders you are Victor your business I said if I know you that for you to come back to your senses blow your mind I know you bring your feel like you have feelings that spirit we [Music] I don't must die when the more self die the more Jesus rise up in your the world if I wasn't living but life [Music] [Music] I'm saying try to mock me mama say back to centre whoa gah but the seasons I release you [Music] but if you really just sit and run over you today a lot of Ministers are trembling they are trembling because their God is dead what I'm saying to you you watch me hello you don't need nothing you know need no man can come except the spirit ah him um feels jealous and six and seven says what God is not mocked whatever you sow you're going to reap if you're sore to the window bar weep whirlwind if you're sorted the flesh you're gonna reap or option hello I have your soul you reap religion me comatose on weekend I'm Prius God we killed our eyes are all over the church slavi sunset with the preacher go stick you yes did you feel the presence of God this morning go to the door you know him I prefer you will leave John that will it your spirit come to divide and tear us apart so discard minister Lenova chose people call me ease drop you know he said clearly enough but they go back to somebody say they hear you say and then come I think I hear ideas are here for us really just Street make your fast in our people business hello religion maybe talk to you about something even your gun back and a big metal button or the sheer Machir so you're gonna but then turn it you we're asked God to sanctify your to put a padlock on your lips religion the spirit of deception what God hates is autocracy God want us to be legit [Music] woman take my money she said I don't want his money I just want to hurt him I said kind of foolish boy rub it off no we'll need your spirit you've been deceived if I cannot celebrate you and speak well of you the babies are going to esteem each other higher than ourselves you notice something that your pastor keep it simple that anybody can come knock on my door and talk to me everybody have me home phone number can Carla Papa when this emergency laughs use wisdom no no Carmen I'm Marcia Tita hurt you Amen get some put in the teeth until daylight I know let him race let me close let me close God somebody said preach preacher the church is in trouble the church is a light of the world the church is a salt of the earth Amen anywhere the enemy of darkness is light hello the enemy of maggots is solid ha ha nothing so pure you are the salt of the earth you are the light of the world but you cannot be and the body said is solvent is salt and lost its flavor ha is good for nothing throw it in the dog your dumps huh when the light Garneau that darkness don't you see the world is in darkness we'll have that the news I said we've been hearing so much things before prayer mountain in Jamaica I'm hearing fine Jamaica all the cry Maria God we're done i'ma tell God submit a you never call me and your word not true you take everything I know it's not me I want what me nor me can't touch God you know what I'm saying and I'm getting even the very maybe listening right now even if any prime minister to make attention hello you people not watching and listening who is that crazy man I say I'm not crazy yet hello but you're more a city glory of God the small I get but that's how I get to where I am and whatever cat brought you this far is he able to take you further if you're hungry yourself God will exhort you watch people hello it's no more i but the Christ hello be of yourself humble yourself now Matt nobody seal every man or woman that God called hide that tremble if you'll ask him to do something that tremble but I don't want to be a defeat to feel that God but what people I have a ministry I have been hold down I it is your anointing that make room for you my son you say you can take a tread untie a tiger tiger we tread it was it so if you're anointed there's no demon a hill that can stop you from going forth on doing what God called you to do hello let me tell everybody got that I've are the who will it was of Arda you can't want to minister to the world on your heart no right no your religious life demon me tell you so much so much [Music] and it is it unbox one any DSC a time to pop one on disgracey oh you're never gonna feel again you'll learn to behave yourself right listen let me tell your church run because I said the church isn't just one line maybe dama can go no further the church is in trouble hello because everybody right except the leader that God is using before them hello God's a God of order this whole church work if you have to go to Minister somebody ask you can you come to minister but my church I have to talk to my pastor first passed on North dhamanis that devil who among the payment I mix up enlarge and knock on a rubbish and my job to see I mean who would go say no make your children go over the grounds don't make your push of a preach because the pulpit no right hello whatever you want preacher by you wanna breach the lack of evangelism service here something come to this matter it I say are the president and say I have a word let me have evening service hmm that you can exercise the cording on your life and some of you don't come back to church I know but you want to go back town but represent the church we never said you know television I did not send you anywhere but I see when Amen the church come together I'm pastor said so on so is going to New York to preach I'm going to Jamaica to preach hello it's when I let you book what do I tell you don't leave one alright so we know there's some things Jesus Christ it was clear why because the same anointing on the preacher when he send you out when the battle just oversight in the batter he's God minute Moses Han come down he strength is gone ah da got the kind of order defending minute Moses verses Han the enemy side is an agreement you learn anything here so we humble ourselves we are turn the column bill up myself bill up myself what be just want to build up himself miles Joshua Moses my servant is dead if he was really just I don't believe this time you know you're on the diet you know hello but God never call Miriam not Iran he said Joshua why everywhere Moses turn well he went to the mountain for 40 days you know where Joshua was don't part way down the mountain weird was like no food mean I eat no food hello when he looked on their bottom he hear noise hello because his own brother left in charge he's what I'm saying to you we're not dealing with really John God knows your heart start on this introduction I can't finish it God so this is it let me close since we cannot touch it back next week REI no beat Mexica pounced on hear me this is it I know you're not better power Paul said how we men please us our God please us who are you going to please since hello we're not here to please you we're here to please God please don't don't come into church don't shut the door don't preach don't pray don't sing to please me I may never tell you thank you we do it for God got a yes yes she's faithful I'm gonna lift them up you become trustworthy what gun Allen Stern is a fake he wanted to be legit take off the mask I said the spirit of religion has penetrated the body of Christ and every worldliness coming to the church the church literally [Music] no tell us something I tell you also I'm not to come in here if everybody that gets cm here come in here there's no room for you to sit down but they want me to come down and God's any dear youichi and from what I tell you I am going to leave you I want to go to heaven follow me as I follow Christ and if I come to preach another gospel to you go to Bible School you can learn that when passed object in the Satmar somebody called applicant bad scripture hmm and young girl said to me Bishop thank you for the truth because this preacher here on TB and he said you can go into your bedroom your wife have a blankie blankie blankie blankie blankie hello I said what he said Bishop are you preaching we know your tone sanctified I don't speak but no blankety blankety blank hello see it's like each before we see if we had regular what we see if if we go to sleep we see everything we see if I know much we married Willie Johnson along with it massa yahoo only you see let me see if song with it salvation if you do not hello you're go against God and he can kill you the man of God said I suck I know it all nobody I learned 14 different languages one of the most brilliant man in the Jew in the image showed in in Judaism hello I am the best teacher I thought men hello unmeaning he said I sat at the feet of the best teacher best university in those days but he go around bastard gluten the touch when Steven was son stoned to death it was Saul uno called Paul the gift order to kill him he said I was the one who persecute them I was the one who accused them I was the one who said to sentence them beat them put them in prison and stops I and I thought I was doing right that is the stuff religion when you can curse your brother sister do wrong to each other and feel yourself you are really just because religion tell you to treat one another with love hello I said this word that full of even our kind of whatever wicked is going on love a man is a hallmark of the Christian hello and so this is it people the manga room was shooting until one day he decided he went up to Jerusalem to get a letter from the chief priests to go to Matt go down to Damascus but there was a little prayer money everything in pain and a nice talk to God among God I saw so you want to be God friend be a man apply a woman a prayer love to talk to him if you have anybody in your life is I call it friend you know talk to them much I know much of a friend you are we attract together more God love you so honey we don't know to harass I mess up there even kill Ananias Jesus the Son of God Jesus Christ you want because happening on the inside yes smoke cigar you want a thundering quiet room you know me Jesus when incoming knock a bit develop you not given us the spirit to you and when the Bobby said Jesus completely inside a Metellus a certain cannot possess a child of God in possess religious folks in my body your body's attempt read Korean 1st Corinthians chapter 6 he says you defile this temple I'm gonna kill you gods I'm gonna kill you don't focus on belly imagine mcian are being yourself he read the Bible God's ever made some people belly Rock note it's in the Bible you won't be able of self when you get see ever have salvation about top top top culture in a foal hey go ahead shake mighty fire for you take off your hand this body scientific way of yourself and clothes hello see I'm telling you man the man of God said Lord you said go tom Damascus go see on an ass unless a man is coming blind and you said yeah I'm sorry but we call him Paul no great Chien's it's almost born are you me empty and gray already all Jezebel your brute no more brutal Jezebel I am a prince a God I'm a fair enclose know my Lord Jesus pick up this makes weak pick up this another time God change baa sheep into Saul into Paul and I heard him later he says Steve is money Timothy Timothy Timothy come here boy come here you know the gospel when he said Jesus I did not go I went to like a white white and he said to me serve me or die in one year I said God if you take me from the country away from my friends sorry listen so now God two months later I was in Kingston and that very year 1973 god changed my life I went to church not SIA but I go home it's a pretty again and they began to come to me in the night and talked to me he said I will train say read Jeremiah chapter one and said from your mother's womb I have chosen you I'm anointed you're not daily or profit for the nation he said you go before the people don't be afraid I'll see him here before them but he said go and open your mouth and I will speak through you and he would send me to parade them to the bus convenient to the train not about on the joyous bus and the train to preach and and don't Kirk or not Pennington tone and all over the preach I know and people's walking on their knees they were used to write God come to me in a night and give me a message and say go preach it and that's it he said everyone who sent on st. James anyways Edmund st. Elizabeth we call it childhood anyway sin somebody just come by night I can train me and he said anybody McKeon's people me cannot she and Jack McKean the devil kill me I have to walk right some teams cuts a hole apiece but every time I go true he take me to another level this morning I feel like a giant I come preach all the other feel like I've been preaching love miracle or dose nami fears then configure my a dog born a movie god I wonder how you feel but I bet you know you feel that God loved you so much he bring you back to life but he has special assignment for us and by the grace of God I want to take it to heaven with me amen let's work together amen Lord Jesus hi long stay the course stay the course stay the course write down the holidays open if you're not safe come come stand before me for those of you that need a closer walk to our night of the audit I shall be whiter than snow white oak I said they all taste open listen call it God said and miss it to this church endtime message to this church unto the world but Calvary need to hear and that spirit is here this bit of deception the spirit of religion but when you have that spirit amen you can do right your try you can do right when you have that spirit you can't grow when the things of God when you have that spirit you're not interested you've been deceived a fella can tell lie still Kary Mullis little people you know there's no room in here cars you gotta leave it alone no matter what I say I do well let me get in there your minds are Sipsey fault take captive wish I mean what if you trying to kill me me try to avoid you I know hi I'm a distant hi anomalies normally see when you get see if you can come close you want a bite you want to kill me mmm the people will not see coming to this church to preach until they confess and repent hello preach I'm talking about until they confess and repent for what they try to do to me hello I'm the Krait of God for one and a half hour and was not I walk everybody mean how I've not talked to me you have to talk to me I'm assuming about call you I didn't call you you follow me for six years you see when I set your you're gonna leave me an army cuz I see what wicked things people do to church to past us no so every time in things happen we said God remember i'ma so you're hiding some things from me no want to see no so my sketch I saw my scatter saw everything I know I mean look no way the character my papa the car me never call him him calling me I'm I know me I live write something after him and they respond so now you know you need to go on the altar because you're not in lying what's going on here you put on a face for so long and let me tell you something you're not gonna come here and feel your deep are you in this are you close to God I don't have a relationship with God server it don't work you don't say I mean this group is better than that group and I can't finish I can't pray with that group I can't sing with that group I can't this I'm saying here no no no no no for the Holy Ghost to come under their Pentecost after period one alright so don't let the devil deceive you now one and Jesus is the head and that's what he prayed for so breathe and make it right with your god because and that beer didn't I do this in your name the matter is I don't depart from me I'm going to pray anybody want Jesus come if you're not see really just or 1d Alta come let me pray for you amen your son you made it come here Junior you look like you two wanna look like you to Joshua good to have your man God is good I heard about Joshua finally I get to meet Joshua are you alright you're sure while you're on this way your father is a great man wonderful man son is a heaven and there's a hill who was 17 when God changed my life he determined to be the ever be a champion of the world but God changed my life at 17 years old who intraday I'm able to touch lives my life have meaning you were born for greatness no barn for purpose you could not die the devil cannot kill you because got a plan for your life but he deceive you yummy son 1 billion years from now you'll be alive the only thing of value is not your flesh a dirt a dose you'll see many dead people and have they buried em quick for them a flesh right off the bone man adores the breath you're breathing the life you have inside you come from God you understand me and you need to a fearsome one day you can fearsome as your Savior today are fearsome as your jaw Dre sin you in a fire Hellfire with the devil forever so 1 million years from now you'll be screaming in Hell here in my voice on are those who talk to you about God you can get out of it but if you ask God not to forgive you God will forgive you and see if you know and give your life purpose point you're on routes way he's our brother son born only son come stand beside your son come God of Abraham Isaac on of Israel I summon you on behalf of young Gordon here today to block but the garden to me and you save him save his daughter God no he brought his son only son I know something is wrong if you even want to come it seemed like but daddy walk with him there's no problem the blood trains us price God's son is against you back off no show the demonic control over him three the blood of Jesus Christ whatever hurt is there move it whatever hanga is there move it Almighty God let this young man become conscious self conscious and understand that is a heaven and is a hell a place of joy and a place of suffering the choice he made determine whether he goes to hell or to heaven a play joy loose my boy watch him your blood prayer carry habit destroy the soul of the devil lucemon set him free in the mighty name of Jesus that we can rejoice together in Jesus name Jesus name god bless you son alright see you around come here come here no call yet come here come here amen we talked on the phone no no sir Maulana is suffering with your foot what he won't get better put your foot here Oh Lord God Almighty Solon father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Jesus Jesus Christ Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ in Jesus name there is swelling of the pain be gone father she's suffering put your foot down she came from far don't let her return empty-handed Jesus you must sit become Becca there must not become anything life must come to a standstill whatever demon and never never be a liar let God be true demonstrate your power look at me daughter love him don't be really just draw the line enough because the plan is to shut you down hello it doesn't matter describe it or what they do can get better your suffering only Jesus take it in Jesus name get your Hollywood get your bucket before you go alright keep in touch I've got a close yes what can I do for you man I haven't seen you know one quick like that let's go what do you what do you need from the Lord everything you serving him you living for God are yours playing games father in Jesus name she want everything give it to her God not according to your will in Jesus name nobody is complete amen come sweetheart that's alright maybe that's it are you safe you're safe a confusion confusion they must read your Bible you must pray when you read the Bible belief I command every generational curse on your life to be broken there's been one to be broken it's not you anymore is Christ you've been to so much it sounds so much pain in here mmm you lied to have been lightly been used no more raise your hand open your hand your heart give up your hand to Jesus I see really John I want you to get salvation a personal encounter with Jesus I lose your woman I'm Lucia from your pass slap I believe listen you're not greater than God if you ask God today to forgive you he will forgive you but you must let your pass go there's too much of your past that torment you too much of your past tormenting you when Jesus comecon to set you free mentally and physically father heal of mind healer heart he loved body in the name of Jesus Christ shattered all your plans your plans and your statements he create cancer now they will think that ancestral and generational God and come to frustrate this generation this young woman destroy now in the name of the Father the name of the son the name of the Holy Spirit amen where you from this is home nobody gonna hurt you anymore nobody gonna be used anymore I like to you and ask God to heal your heart let it go new day down in your life now did you enjoy the word today not religion salvation God have a plan for you God have a big plan for you while you're running from God anyway while you're running and when you talk to you you're just you're just you're wonderful you are gonna talk I know no make it clear God make everything clear no confusion in the mind you'll back off devil I speak the peace of God over your life and financial breakthrough in Jesus name don't worry you come to church that's mama hug mama amen amen glory yes perhaps what do you need your shoulder maybe he's 90 something you have fresh preferred nothing in Jesus name father let healing virtue flow to par shoulder i Riddick pain is ninety one ninety go in ninety two years God something got to hurt but you can take it away loose him now if the bag go in Jesus name I'm gonna fly my chat one day huh father are you say baby good that mean you're not going there to be there's an ordinary pilot you're not comin no Christians come on your princess you're gonna go and you're gonna live like Christian they don't see Christ you know let me talk about today no compromising you know huh when it's time for the right thing God will take it to the top father gets my baby girl she going to the Air Force I pray that she not be an ordinary pilot but the wisdom that's needed the ability to mass I don't think jets flying fighter jets able to move in the name of Jesus Christ that no witch no demon from hell not even the devil will try to crush our plane are try to destroy her you cover her under your blood and make a great we thank you in Jesus name keep her safe lord bless grandma bless sir they were to another level in Jesus name come amen with Mama she didn't come come mama amen welcome to Connecticut mr. Leng I was looking but I didn't see you guys comes a new start amen glory to God God is able more than enough come down some to the water some to the flood some to the fire but all cheated blood some to great sow your greatest days are ahead of you because of your faithfulness to God Varia released the spirit of a champion released the spirit of a warrior pon your child come to earth processing our tests and God this time now to step into greatness blessing everything that the enemy of stolen restore double double the anointing table prayer life my God in your spirit of a warrior take it God open doors and release favor uncommon favor upon mother and child you understand in the name of Jesus it's the China was born blind that came to pray a mountain but after prayer was prayed on she came off the mountain a high spot open yes God and years later she's right here with us I don't know how you do thing but I just work with me and so I thank you her boss desta me now father you understand you guide her life and protect preserve and user for your glory - in Jesus name give him praise yes people this is young girl I talked about that was healing prayer mountain God hoping and blind eye that were born blind go you're gonna sit up I said amen glory that God huh son you want Jesus look at me man you want Jesus the devil comes to steal kill and destroy your barn for purpose your mama couldn't have bought you that could not conquer you because God Abba planned for you you will not find your potential and abilities until you dedicate your life to God I see it and come to steal kill and destroy yeah what happened did a wicked em know you hear me testimonies running games I drop dead zone huh and people are running to them that nonsense and we'll run into Jesus you know protect me then Oh cover me from the hand of the wicked Jesus father here is your son wash me your blood you see on a skill a skillful honorable why are you standing here the mercy of God you know the children give him a chance let him come your life sit down come to steal kill and destroy and you're still playing so much your friend did you so many friends you have you how many your friend 9 how many I ranked okay see who you are the boy ran off in makinia enclosure enclosure I believe these two young men could be my sons she's gonna give me many children I asked you know don't let the devil Kingdom your meets all meet them as a meet other young men in this room and change their lives changes young these young men lives you want to hear the voice of men men are running from you ever since Adam fall men been hiding Adam where are you I am hiding why you're hiding a sin I'll be sober you come again that running spirit I come against that spirit that rejects Jesus Christ they ask you know God as you've changed my life changes your men life let them so meaningful the woman wanted a wicked witch from Jamaica the woman said she never knows I saw Jesus sweet Jesus oh Jesus nice and a few hours after that God that they work till are but you experience Christ and yes on Friday Lord which who killed so many and destroy so many including your servants your people what you can do for this young man these young men change your lives from the way of the world from the lust of the flesh and the pride of life let them understand that this is life in this world only for a season and real life begins after death eternity 100 years 1 million years over their life and they live for the devil to go to hell with the devil but they live for Jesus starting today they will wake up in heaven when they leave this world bless them now protect them from the hand of the enemy save my sons in Jesus name Amen okay new travelling father your tribe or to go with her no harm no danger no accident you come run back off journey mercies go back safely in Jesus name everybody stand the rest of you this evening service listen in this church we don't we don't watch father finish the work I can't thank you enough thank you enough for my brother finish the work God from the corner of his head to the sole of his feet I'm to be sitting in church today some don't know what to do with myself because God you're proving yourself over and over now and this man lose for you because he proved you too many times your second chance on life and we thank you thank you for auntie Marjorie thank you a beginner here safely what love what love bless her bless her family in Jesus name in Jesus name good to see you again god bless you Father we thank you for the saint or with your children bring us back join coming back to enjoy the presence god cover them so much happening in the world the least the oldest you see them coming see attend Wow and the other side of the world in the name of Jesus blood covering even the baby the womb we thank your father in Jesus name and number the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ love of God the Father of the Holy Spirit comfort our restroom in the malleus all working on till you meet again this afternoon everyone should a men get your ticket and I said there are few messages I hope all the message of God only five five dollars get your message who is Jesus powerful [Music] it's wrong
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 4,193
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, livestream, Calvary, new testament, Church of God, faith, love, hope, salvation, deliverance, truth, redemption, Bishop Blake, Fearon Blake, mr prayer mountain, Jamaican preacher, gospel, connecticut church, bridgeport church, bridgeport connecticut, plunder hell, populate heaven
Id: msSxS0RD-X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 7sec (7387 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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