Calvary New Testament Live Stream

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you told me to preach to your people amen overcoming adversity and in the world you keep reminding me fear not no matter what happening around you who leaves who grumbling complaining stand still and see the workings of God and today God I cannot find word adequately enough to express my thanks you give us division and you're gonna make the provision everything will be in order you give me a command go forward no matter what happened around you go forward amen and pursue your destiny we thank you for the Brethren thank you God for this beautiful edifice to be and we dedicate this carpet that every one that come and stand on this holy ground not God anything in them evil will be destroyed you cannot save fire the Holy Ghost right up into your hearts in the name of Jesus for we dedicate this carpet sacred holy in the name of the Father in the name of the son and in the name of the Holy Ghost help us God every one of us to take care of your house for this is your doing and we thank you bless O God those children bless that man and woman god that have made this contribution mr. basket multiple times we thank you God in Jesus name somebody give the Lord an kappa praise somebody give the Lord on clap of praise and take your seat if you can Amen somebody we can you gone to the word what a thank God amen for over the daughter Jessica amen for what for leading our young people did they retreat so calming and some things was not lined up because a preacher for the first time in many years amen had a medical issue and so the doctor said you not to travel bishop what can we do first thing I said well I can't call on anybody suddenly now amen and I can't come to do it so I think you better cancel it but after I sucked there she called doc Utley and I said you know something we're not gonna counseling this is a setup and we're not gonna stand for any defeat you go in on Friday night and having a worshiping service sing and worship God Noel I'm fair in phone I just remember that Bishop grantees in the downstairs never came to this country before and spend more than eight beers or nine years setup Minister Cox never get sick if you're missing must be some other engagement but always here I cannot remember ever preach and you'll retreat I means one of the service and I'm Dean the course you'll hear me all the time everybody says setup and I have a word it can't finish today amen because I'm gonna talk to you and around the world amen all I said here look around you you have no biological children these are your children here and around the world pour into them and send them into the world alone somebody and I said bring your children to me and if you help me work with your children I guarantee you you're gonna have some champions you're not dealing with somebody a pastor and first lady who got saved at 20:30 a 40 years old - god save a 12 I got saved at 17 and 40 odd years later I'm still giving the devil hell still standing for Jesus can God keep young people safe you're not talking to me there is nothing greater than raising up your children in the house of God nothing but when you pour into them the seed which is the Word of God is going to germinate it's gonna grow I don't care where to go some we leave the church but wherever they go there's a soberness inside of them there are certain things and certain that can't stoop to because the Word of God is in them I hear what I'm saying and so we wonder prayer to God to save our young people not under save them but to keep them safe amen don't criticize them amen because some of us were Devils when we were youths amen glory to God no didn't want to go to church we fight not to go to church I get whipping to go to church so I mean they don't want to come force them because there's nothing better there's nothing greater and God have great expectancy for young people how you hear what I'm saying so Bishop does bishop Blake and we're gonna go into the Word of God so again to those around the world welcome amen to our worldwide broadcasts put your hands together amen let me say thanks again to all those who have whether Clive and all those who have Amen get things ready for us to have service this morning hallelujah one more time somebody jump until the Lord thank you don't play with me don't play with me somebody jumps your feet until the Lord thank you this going to be 2018 2019 gonna be a great year amen we're getting we get the carpet out of the way and by God's grace I'm a man of my word when I speak something debt and life is in the power of my tongue and I said this here the burn a burn the mortgage I discover something this morning justise morning you cannot dedicate a house to God until you hold it you hear what I'm saying to you you cannot we tend to dedicate this house amen 14 years ago the 20th of this month hello but it wasn't the right dedication because you didn't own it if we didn't pay the market amen they could come take it back but by the grace of God Slapton even said amen by the grace of God before the ear is out is he not excited so your business you can't stop it hello I wouldn't be surprised at the home I get a phone call Bishop how much is oh I'm a man of fate you know look around you yeah we have no money in the bank to be the 2.5 million dollar church no money in the bank eighty four thousand dollars to buy the land and to build a 2.5 million dollar church when I said god what is this we said go forward go forward and I said well yes no money go forward I give a division I will make the work of God I don't know it's coming from I don't know work help but I bless the Lord I can't see it this is where Fiat come into action I mean it's a warrior Fiat we need to fear some tough times sorry sorry yes I can see it but bless the Lord so what shall be hello we don't grumble we don't complain we don't walk up because it died no part was worthwhile to you believe who have the lush hair she's a spice you know hear me I'm teaching your fear don't listen to the negative folks you sit down everything is money money money money sit down my father is rich open your mouth pile it into beam anything you want open your mouth leave holy leave cleanly pure young people and call on your God for anything you want God said don't watch what the enemy's doing because they are those are gonna bow from us we're not in for crumbs and so we're not settling for crumbs not win oh my god holds everything the whole loaf slapping a bunch I want you over floor but I've got to do something and step into the will of God what did I sense of nothingness God you hear me your life will be changed it's just nothing into something anything I'm excited I am thrilled because I'm not looking in Madonna now I'm looking me to the tomorrow's come look into what God is showing the division I'm looking him in and what God is doing hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah if we can learn to rejoice even though in a cross over here but because God promised you a minivan cross over you're going to cross over you calling over you will not be a saline because God is with you talk to my children coming back tonight I talk to my children hiyee you set me up Lord set me up I love your children when you backslide or any bucks lied and leave the church it hurts me it's like I get a stab in my heart we are big family and I want you to understand that if I tell you to do the wrong you don't do it if I tell your Bible you must follow it follow me as I follow Jesus from your going somewhere the enemy's nervous the enemy's mad but we don't worry about him from verse seven said children the light is sweet and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold sunrise the Sun you're young talking about theyyou days many years rejoicing them all yet let him remember the deeds of darkness your eyes cannot see clearly any more you have a vision like Amen do you understand I'm saying yet let him remember the days of darkness for they shall be many that comet is vanity but if a man with many years vanity with Joy's verse 9 o young man in the Utah in the days of your youth full of energy full of vigor walk in the ways of dying heart on the site of die nice but no that's all now vow that for all these things God will live the life your love love the life you live but God bring your works into judgment therefore remove saddle from your heart and put away evil from thy flesh for childhood and youth are vanity verse 12 remember now thy creator in the days of the Ute while the devotees cannot the years to annoy when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them while the Sun or the light or the moon or the Stars be not ducking now the clouds return to the rain came in the killer universe what was worse of it but demon verse it says vanity a vanity said the preacher ah is vanity verse 13 let us therefore because everything is vanity without gotta waste a time let us see the conclusion of the old matter man must fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the old duty man for God shall bring every work every man's work into judgment proverbs 3 let me get your clothes amen into judgment if a man work with every secret thing would that be good will that be bad amen love for the polyps quickly chapter 3 my son forget not my law but let thine heart keep my Commandments for length of days no life and peace of God we had to thee let my mercy and truth forsake thee bind them about thy neck write them upon the table of thine heart so sure define favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man trust in the Lord young people with all thine heart lean not unto thine own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil it shall be held to thy novel and merited by bones no people bones none of the Lord with my substance they increase your people must be a tie to when you're working give God the first fruit so shall thy barns be filled and I press away from me amen glory to God amen second Kings chapter 22 1 verse 1 Josiah was 8 years old when he began to reign and he reigned in Jerusalem all he was 8 years old can God use children when we the older one won't be of ourselves and do right a child Israel turn to idolatry the man the Kings God raised up Josiah and he found the Bible the Word of God the priests found it and bring it to him he said amen no let pass it through the land for the wrath of God is over he's read over Jerusalem why because the prophets before us hide the word I will not be one of those that hide the word I will tell you the truth when I talk to as a papa I talk as the voice of God against me what with me to help you to raise some generational need to be broken and our children don't deserve to be under this bandage but if they got fruit in them and summoning the lice to God amen glory you will be proud of your children and hear what I'm saying because God had big plans for your boys and girls released young son to function but fire in my belly let me do no harm to thy word but let me speak into the lives of your children big youth my youth in the name of Jesus backup devil the future of our nation rest in this generation amen we gon bridge that gap well young people that they can Rock rise up because most of the crime a murder in his soui is suicidal things that happening young people know Jesus for clarity and precision the word hit the heart in a car all right your word Holy Ghost upon their heart in Jesus name turn to your neighbor neighbor remember now by creator in the days of the Ute big ute little you'd smile you'd be talking to her ute God was a child sometime Eamon lights the preaching of the gospel no use to this preaching of the gospel his invasion of God into a hostile world a world that is filled with negative forces and negative vibes well that is engulfed in the act of the solving nature of man but an ancestors it is a wild fail with the rejection of Jesus Christ and strong resistance to the penetration of Jesus Christ life into the poor spirit of mankind about every every medium but don't talk about Jesus pull out have a quorum amen a religious book but don't pick up the Bible and teach anything in the school hey I come to tell politicians the Navy one in this world that listen there's only one book there's only one book left and rabbits in there's only one word that can change a life of a young child it is the word of God we need to get into the place we are going and living we need religious education back in our school and family divorce and back into our homes to see of this generation God intend to use just generation to bring revival yeah brilliant yes smart the full of energy can run through the liver the walls Haman we run around this black upper time now we hold our breath they're just beginning hello remember when we were young the direction a me use them to bring destruction in this way remember remember the Lord in the days of your youth while he would tear try my rib because if you don't remember him and serve him now when you get home many upon Tariq racket Lennie already regretting we didn't get to see if earlier wasted are you drinking liquor pouring down the place living like the devil in hell because we wanna listen I don't know Becca but today we are here to tell you the truth sir of God when you serve Yong Yong Yong hello [Music] but now you're trying to be like them you must be an example you don't understand God is in me I'm in the flesh one to break oh I said shut up India hey man you're going to serve God but God told me to serve Him I died when my wife decide to go to war to care unlike with Louise been eating all them folks Vietnamese I whatever whatever come for her the father said then Yvonne you not tell them so yourself ninety-nine percent of the time is not a young Christian that Brendy unsere friend it is young see a friend that pull them back into the world young full of vigor that full of strength you happened by the need play dance they make foolish moves I'm foolish mischief like many of us did when you were young you're not talking to me I said we need to get slaps mind you think God give your children to let them run loose like them take them while and have no future I don't know if it'll go better supervise them experience you busy you can tell them this a pit for this a quick son there's a time bomb over dart riot that eighty or your children need you to supervise them let me feel maybe I must share today appearance well I'm looking back but you feel your children as if you don't do right by them but she give us what she got us was arrested for being a criminal I hear me our deal if a sniff go he meant drop now smoke a gun just split no because we never see she do it everything is Jesus let me tell the tour Papa said Jesus Christ everything is chance ash but all around the mother here is backward backward I'm a nun wife fighting and cussing not do you praise Jesus this is within their hearts I sometime gonna say God if it wasn't for you we would be come and you can say that if Jesus never rescued me at 17 this as emerge as the most most preeminent the class we had the one who's gonna hustle in the return of Jesus Christ some of you might live to see a hundred ewes we don't know when the Lord is coming but I said this generation amen glory mark speak hey man we are a surrender return of Jesus Christ for this new generation that will give birth to the return of Jesus Christ according to Bible prophecies Wow [Music] Oh give him this wicked God was with him if you accuse your free meal and serve somebody serpents out yes can break of the ten we're generational curse somebody said preach preacher talk to me God Almighty see attack he set up his demyx he don't want it to become Amen he want to miss you Haemon rock this generation of his fate I found virtue of his moral values and I've got if you're not sucking up your life [Music] [Music] because you're not the time that you spend with God when you are young and God record it somebody shout yes they can serve happy big you'd let me talk to the lip you talk to myut I said God you don't want to be straw your character it's not just singing oh you're dancing I'll get you to heaven it's your life it's not only address I know when you're caught the Kings the Queen I mean the Bible hello it's your lifelong character say many of us if not all of us in this room were over 40 wish many time if we could turn look at Heyman in the house you better be honest do I let the foolish things but thank God not Jesus thank God for His grace and His mercy don't let him want to destroy your character you want to walk around and sell yourself cheap like you're nothing hello come on here once the blood of Jesus wash your heart reach your heart Ryle blood don't clear what mommy used to do or daddy used to do this blood is that money soul hire a securely in his hand he's blood what makes you different from the neighbor's child on the road that's where we never among them they must see Christ in you I know you don't take on be aware the way of the world but that's what's it I'm used to trap young people Church and I've seen over the years so many that walking grew up in the church born and grew up in the church even if something was Solomon said they did it all I know Solomon the preacher the richest man that ever walked the earth Solomon the preacher but he said all is vanity you can take it with you she just said what does it profit a mind to get in the world lose your soul tell all flesh I didn't know you some people tell it tell it all you know don't encourage one another hello friend God is watching you hello do it next week what we'll do yeah the devil to troll yourself I wanna make yourself cheap and you're spoiled what will you do are they taking just one one-night stand just one [Music] [Music] you might have degrees at the wall but you have no common sense why what give you common sense do I feel experience the things you've been to in your life that make you seasoned warrior yo Socky me but your Rocky I know and if the gun Jam you don't know what to do the experience come on [Music] [Music] good thing about Jesus mercy in [Music] surrounded you know I'm sure you're not talking you can you know you're not working you don't have a career young people I love you first in is Jesus for what I see today the child at five years old that little one they're not even two year old yet you have to be careful what you do she's telephone look at you like this my time you turn your back you know she got do the same thing you know knowledge increase knowledge increase hello so it's not twelve-year-old anymore the eto children are preaching God you just say to lead his people back to him righteousness back to his realm he what I'm saying to you and that was then can you imagine now what you can do for God slap your you can save local you can say stop making a fool yourself you are more than what you see in the mirror somebody jump on say preach preacher no one ticket because I realized today that see it and make it so hard that even the big you know I hear the word so but some of us heart is getting hard understanding we know realizes hard our heart is getting hard you know what I'm saying to you because God is tired of us oh hello we're gonna do what we feel like slap your name I'm sorry to give your life to God is no more I but the Christ Christ not my friend God said [Music] so much hello everybody is in here come on it is serious we will see nation kingdom against kingdom shall be famine sorrows and pestilence brothers and sisters this is his generation that will now an experience extreme pressure and heartbreak this generation you don't send to you going through but there's so much that we never see in our time you're done saying so much to pull them out sometime when you got into your bed and expect them to be sleeping I'm on the phone with them boyfriend and girlfriend you come knock on the door then dry the sheet over the head I'm not sleeping be loud your sin will find you out don't practice those things young people bought the bag you must go to bed early but the sleep tell your friend don't call me after nine o clock I better get my sleep to go to school tomorrow and now you can think right you need it hold that Foster do might not need much sleep what do young people need it see what I'm saying don't run of a McDonald buying burger you must learn to cook hello he good food I'm sure that suitability of like a bullfrog no you need good thing to make your salad I'm strong and we must take you're a god Bobby somebody give him praise oh god Judd knitted a sign of pestilence these think amiable and is a pain of pressure nature what is life all about tell me I'm young I'm fit full of energy of urges what is life all about preacher what is the point of it all his life worth living no say Solomon hello somebody life is not worth living if Jesus Christ is God Almighty of your life all your what you're doing is vanity how much accomplish is vanity and vexation of spirit all that you've accomplished is nothing the once all that have eternal value it's on its way to hell come to tell you revelation said I saw the dead small and great stand before God hello boy I can walk straight how do you want his girlfriend a girl fierce girl can watch that applause hello take some pride window are spoiled what will bow to young lady when you look for them watching their own the world when you fool yourself around you have nothing left your body's your demon meter a generational curse it need to be broken because when you get read certainly don't those things those carnal desire if you don't akan disgrace you turnabout's a pastor God set us up today it's a pasta sleep together for you get a lot of praise the greatest generation that will know an experience amen glory extreme pressure an our break is this generation so I'm saying what is life all about Solomon I said a life is not worth while living Jesus Christ is not descent of your life if you're dying your say my dead dog is better than you that dark have no soul but you have a soul hear what I'm saying so turn to your neighbor and say fight for your soul don't give in to the dictates of the flesh the world is your past on the road you'll see billboard naked woman he took up a local people to read newspaper amen everything and if you have a lustful spirit it drives you crazy no the book boys many of the Reapers will tell you he started out with these naked woman garbage garbage go in okay God go in God then this goes here Oh clapping for Jesus you want to be that generation that God is painting on and can count on no I can talk to you you're looking for example Calvary is without excuse but the very minute you do something that you know is wrong amen God is like somebody beating you you don't do it hello that's why I accept about it to be patient with you but enormous I can't sit on and expect to fight for you your age fight because if mama died and some bastard died you have to continue on your only of the face god somebody I wasn't in Sunday school thank God Salamun say no glory to God I saw God work and I'm saying yes some things that we have to learn your life is not worth living if you did not set your life on God and he tells us why the vanity of wisdom increase of knowledge the wisdom and what they're getting I said if vanity of wisdom the monotony of life the fruit ility quilt and the certainty of death you keep these in mind some of these are somebody young people but none sister's life is rewarding sweet and happy sweet and happy when we find amen when we find live live confer feel God's purpose for our lives life is happy ah God glory to God we must have him and God wanted money sauce you want to encourage us to accept life as a gift and learn to enjoy all that God diamond sheers with us and to do so we must follow tree instruction what are they preacher you must rejoice in the scripture which I saw the young man with the days of youth you must remove number two number one you must rejoice number two you must remove from everything that card gonna bring y'all watch into judgment everything you do well that's good or evil because just east up to 7 and verse 9 says truly the light is sweet and a pleasure a pleasant thing it is for the eyes they men glory to God to behold the Sun but if a man live many years and rejoice in yet let every member the days of darkness father shall be many many of us are gonna get hold and older the choice we make the life we live determine our end our future many halls folks died and rot before anybody find them it's a life they live ideal to live for Jesus Christ hallelujah all the days of your life Papa you hand up in swim home you end up in some pain some boost by yourself I dare you to happen say if your mother lets her be a mother give your mother's I give your father's people don't care for you many of you you're done good that you own children I remember you but God please children you're not even know in your life God shall give you no children taemin but it's I'm gonna give you many spirit our children come when you're coming I'll get to see if I don't have you in my head I have you in my heart I remember years ago one of my girl got gonna some goop on get pregnant when I heard about it Rick I find myself sat on the bed on going like this going like this - come on sapphire it hurts tears were running down I wrote a song so understand the heart of a shepherd you care he would give your life for the Sheep you will go after the Lions and the beers when I work in the Sun to get my children listen to me you will go to heaven go to heaven because I preach to you and glory to God on I myself cast out I preached to you on God's sea of you feel good and I tell of God don't make them like me make them better god that's smart never seen my phone I've got a high phone six good the track in your ID goddamn ten-year-old phone just on my slider I seen my whip I went to two Academy I said you got something you really know and they make him know why I got something more yes I'm before I don't need that yeah but I'm talking about these kids us you have gifts inside of you remember God bring of the work that committees vanity and vexation of spirit rejoice o man in thy youth run around try to conquer every woman you can live like that definitely and I told you watching by television live stream wherever drink your booze drink your whiskey smoking pot who on the street like a bad dog he may need a gallon whatever he meant live the life you love laugh at the preacher God bring every work into Dutch judgment and Solomon Asami said some 19 verse 12 so teach us - number four - so we may apply our hearts be wise you're smart young people shun the appearance of evil come pop chew up immune all fold take a 75 buddy you make him touch your one time it's waiting on you wanna French kiss Kennedy's did if you're a virgin you're mad you're sick on at school until you this junk and I'd ever want to mess you up yeah God heal the virtuous woman yeah you're highly favored impress my god is that a shame a woman to keep ourselves for mr. right miss miss is right hard to love hard to second so don't feel a group pampering and covered god pop I used to drop lick on you somebody want some good lick no young people will die everybody talk the first commandment with a promise I'm not you listen to me talking yes mama alright when you reach the edge we can't take it no more go on PA your own bill but I have a word for you run too fast I don't run too fast in other words don't grow young people why the prodigal son said father I'm not even worthy why about it - dandy woman OH what's read Bible when pressure reaching more than man about to eat hug food when you leave God your heat rock bottom when you leave home with and disrespecting on this and on your parents you're gonna hit rocky how big it is you are already a big Utah amen glory to God whoever you are you must not argue it your parents don't take your massage then Roger yeah God changes whatever you say when God take you out you're going to reap what you sow your horn take it from me this preacher today you're young like a dog and this used to be the same way same way a generational curse we need to break something so don't grow up too fast light bill no he's a VP come to me one day passed and I look up berezino me sir how much $900 me sir what it for 24 bill me say what are you crazy I'll be spoiling you come on forgiveness so make you feel like you're big hello and some of your run off with my my talk to you you're gonna be friends tell ya a friend hos we call nine-one-one hello but I love some of the Pyrenees icarly police how when the police come you said take them take find a place and put button on guns and written on liquor my home my house are you what I'm saying this is my host idea for this hello I'm some of your parents a Bible verse 7 the times me Jesus appearance the Bible said a rod of Correction drive foolishness Lord God out of the heart of the team he urges so no somewhere better with a lot I get a lot a leak he didn't keep buddy keep at a prison your message never media one point you almost dead you half dead how does commit murder a boxer out of commit murder but God sees me can you give me power to keep Ganga under subjection he meant somebody's a boss shot from the pulpit it's like so hard you know somebody clap your hand for Jesus what God expect from the teenagers today many of these negative God highly favored you God proud of you and are they looking for to worship you start to worship you're gonna fall in love with God hello this weekend basically ad said she wanna walk the aisles again are we gonna walk after 40 years everybody coming from church in a system you know like it came in everybody gone from church go find a guy I mean my wife to be my wife inside my wife you have to become Giants I want you to become Giants Lea hello David David was the prophet of the sea do you have any more son hello it's a one likkle one yes the one up front muscular body God is looking on the heart you know your relationship you have with your God no make nobody talk you down because gods are gonna become Giants Leah you're gonna kill beer and lion I'm here to tell big ute Samuel gets it but God still see if you still have plan for I know somebody shouting suite number Bailey I haven't talked to my young people like this in years come on this purpose I find it God has great expectation of you he wants you to take he meant to take for an example you men a woman in the Bible you kind of find her on your take and you'll find one because I'm right here I didn't get see about 40 I have to fight against flesh self no Montgomerie gonna say I want you and I have to get you and you got by I'm married go myself whatever we said did I tell you that I loved you - Mary - you see it I notice anything involving it career fast cry oh thank god young people we can make it we don't have the same problem on the Miss kid we make that's a sad thing about the human race we don't learn from each other mystique we fee so we can deal with it [Music] whatever don't fall in love with their women but you know what happen the girls in Israel dress nice dress modestly the girls in the world dress off muted things fresh gown computable I'm looking for and lava blood Jesus again that spirit I'd ever gone set you up it's not your finer man a man must find you when your cry to God him he said not good will he withhold from them that walk uprightly what's wrong with your ladies what's on your girls we are done God you know Saudi is pretty you know Sergei is pretty what I mean how artists you walk down this aisle with I'm tears are like whatever walking down to say I do I'm Papa to send you off in the sunset waitin God your marriage will work we lost our first child ever had another one my wife cry night and day I said baby you wanna be my big baby and I'm gonna be your big baby you take care of me and I'll take care of your baby that's it and somebody said you're lucky God love come on somebody give him praise for not you like to normally be sin not sure if he about to pee oh good nice clean for you today know when the man of God disappeared experience instruction I believe all the very priests Israel talked to him he dissipated look what happened he find Delilah but I saw you working hard you look tired come put the head in my lap run can I lie on your breast language go crazy we're married are we married huh most wrong the appearance of evil son now look at this he men in line her lap first thing is a line in her eyes God give him strength to kill the enemy let me close then you take it young people give the Lord some praise mmm God have planned for you amen I said God want to use you use just say at yet years old you're not too young amen glory to God you live in this world God want you to live a life you can live forever life is fragile Solomon say rejoice o young man and we have another way to go daughter all those are here amen saying rejoice all young man and have cheerful heart a cheerful life is exciting for you payment for you and also much promises so take advantage of the day of your youth before the days of old they of darkness arrived some men will tell you preacher I mean I'm on time to waste in a church not a woman and going by go ahead buddy go ahead because your daddy's coming one day you're gonna shut down for good and when you shut down what will don't do when you're callin God he said rape what your soul time to serve God in its now while you're young now why even if you're middle-aged even if your hold God says tear cotton still come whosoever will let them come they men darkness brethren he meant another man was saying young people you had so much in your favor you're healthy you're strong energetic amen you're smart you're fit you have enthusiasm and time to take on the men projects all the folks can only dream about life lies before you and you have so much potential you can travel and see the beauty of the rest of the creation of the Royal you can enjoy your teenage years without all the responsibilities that comes later learn to diamond drive go to college go on a vacation finding a friend fall in love a man and get married and later on get up get children start a family and serve God in the very same these are some of the best days that you will ever have being young and being sealed not boring serve get all your wanted of life but put God in the saint of your heart your life that means they men glory to God you won't feel along the way dark days lie ahead you doesn't last forever I said your you doesn't last forever all of us was young look at me now huh all of us was young one time a few days ago so beautiful the key could be careful weather of the road had a choice that the truth and the choice that you made and use your time wisely five verbs 3 and verse 5 to 10 I swear to tell you mmm what do you tell you trust the Lord with all thine heart lean not unto thine own understanding young people all thy ways acknowledge who invited God what will lead to your Creator what will he do for you they will tire out your life he did it for me they told me in my area I never trouble anybody I'm a farmer making a few dollars but you won't become anything no they asked my father for something my late father said come to anything I was the reject my father beat him like you want to kill me hello when I asked him for a second ticket just butcher the common areas no come take it I said mama we're never asking for anything again and I can remember cannot remember ever ask my father for anything but ask him why you're not coming to America you said you know I've not against me send me suddenly get see a long time and this generational curse brick yeah hello you're my father and I want you here the stone the Builder refused become going from your family said God said because I have to do you know the plan that cut off for you when you go to the head I wrote so I said my pian today become my pian to have the experience to tell them being there done that and today those who so you never be married yet I was if you wanna listen let me close my good my you like that I'm writing this my you talk you know street are my youth young I'm coming on to your lemon on my your parents brought you into this world hello and expect greatness from you don't let them be she don't let your parents down I don't care how they look they didn't kill you in the belly hi mama daddy respect them stop unfit before your drink let me say it again don't let down your parents embarrass them and even if appearance drink generational curse stop and think before your drink be smart and okay one day you too will give all orders to others gets dirty thoughts fast for fear if you don't are there we'll ditch you did you pick the right friends and be picked for a friend chose that day sit for me it say it again choose a day sit for a minute in other words the person that I'm gonna lean my heart toward must be the person that I expect one day to be my husband or my wife God doubt boss Teddy unless you already don't you know hear me don't turn yourself around don't show your love around check the personal qualification its qualities his family background sighs Emma prayer if you're quoting somebody you want to be all over your run even already yet they must respect the God in you if you're diplom us today you must demand respect as you give respect so don't get don't get steady until you're ready love God I'm your neighbor amen love live carefully make right decision you must be forgiven you must be kind you must be forgiven young people to your parents you must be kind now the soul you save might be your own soul and remember Amen that youthful sin lay a foundation for heed sorrow youthful sin let a foundation for all he had sorrow lot of us suffering today amen we are reaping what we saw Amon lights God is looking for to worship on for true worship gives a job to God how grateful are you for God's saving your soul stand to your feet everybody if you're grateful for salvation then give to God to worship to worship brothers and sisters you're doing something that bring pleasure to God to worship and what brings God great pleasure amen is your obedience your love bearing the fruit of the Spirit which produced from your truth from your heart to worship the God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth lord have mercy you need an example go into the Bible you'll find many of them and if you said but God that was years ago what about sister Blake of myself I want to read back I hear Reid finished reading Jeremiah Chuck of four and verse 30 finish reading it Jeremiah chapter and verse study anybody want to sing that's what the altar is for Jeremiah 4 and verse 30 let me give it a word that everybody stand amen and when thou art spoiled softly what will thou do you entertain exploit your nice amen your salad you're happy you're free remember the curse of sin sees what's point people when that's fine what we'll do though thou take his calls myself crimson though the deck sv with armaments of gold mm-hmm those Oh Ren test thy face with P&T talkin about it before the church built the stood up there on the balcony with Jesus beside me and he showed me the people walking down the eyes or the sea its at address these things kept in the church and drive the Holy Ghost out of the church so we do these things and there's no guilt I'm giving you the record when you're backslide when you messed up in your sin when you're spoiled what will you do though your fix up yourself a man I faced with painting envy and shall don't make myself beautiful fear envy God's a beautified meet with salvation young people are you hearing me god same beautiful you seen make people help me hope green character hobbling we is Hoagland attitude sin but you duty come from within though you make yourself fear thy loved us he didn't send over you know thy lovers because of the way you're dead to save like the world and go after you Amen everybody want a piece of you amen I love us will despise thee come a time they don't love you the only use you because you're spoiled you hear what I'm saying they will seek your life try to kill you when God gives you somebody amen forty years later with all what he'll try to do you're still holding on and kissing and loving each other you take God you take the word of God in us to come this far the altar is open remember now all the young people come to the altar come my children oh it's beautiful in time prophet of God how tasty to push away this if you're not seeing come for your life don't let the devil young people know is the day to serve God it's time to serve God yo everybody say yeah that's what this house you don't you don't you don't come young people do not have to carry sins burden there's no light in the darkness this is love that's true Jesus is way that Jesus his way he's waiting come quickly now before we close [Music] time is going away and I want you to come back to my to celebrate the young people Amen one of the rising young minister in the Church of God coming tonight Amen good dr. Ramsey coming in amen listen listen softly I don't have time to ask you all or old you are but a little boy oh boy you go over in 2 chronicles you will see another little boy Josh he start to be a king and sin amen God won't look at the age your smart children someone you have to get don't a different class than all the kids you're so smart amen but today I want to know that God have great plans for you that's why you're here read your Bible and pray God will make you great I was only 17 my wife was 12 and wasn't smart as you guys said he's world of can we be of God in heaven all of your younger children say these words dear God in heaven I come as a sinner I'm young but I want to add the born-again experience change my heart save me Lord and help me to understand what it means to be safe I mean I evil world I don't understand but as long as I opened my heart to you and live for you I will not be spoiled I don't like the devil because if the wickedness and wicked things to my parents to my family and to me but today Jesus I love you and I want you to come into my heart forgive me of my sins and help me to learn not to tell lies not to steal not to be not to rebel against my parents but to love those who hate me and to forgive all those who hurt me at school everything love my neighbors them to love my teacher in spite of she report on me help me to do the right thing Lord because I want to go to heaven thank you for hearing me today thank you for saving my soul in Jesus name father he said suffer little children to come and forbid you not first we forbid them not for such a the kingdom of heaven these are little huge they are big you'd some of us who are not yet CF but me not forcing them God they said if I won't praise him they would install the cry out he said out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have ordained praise the heart is soft and pliable oh god before sorrow and brokenness come in their hearts before the heart get hardened betta I asked you to arrest them save them Lord and keep your hands on them let them never be controlled by the devil let not be evil in the world of God amen control their lives my god let the generational curse be broken bless my children and make them great Oh God that you have made us like the future can be bright in Jesus name alright I'm gonna ask you a question have you made up your mind to serve goddess who signified by the raising of your hand let's raise your hand if you make up your mind to serve God to be a Christian can't just see your hand y'all ready say it good what about you young man you ready to serve the Lord yo yes raise your hand all those who put it up here baby if you're gonna raise your hand put it up above your head amen I see these hands open your heart and give you a team today always when did you give your heart to him where did you get saved yes no but you see until you Oprah called born again you're born ones from your mother's womb and they can run again to the Word of God and the Spirit of God okay slowly did the Singapore what keep coming all right thanks for coming coming down without going back to school stand before you I didn't say back to your seat our children going back to school come come come quickly quickly quickly I'm late come quickly go back to school all of you come all the children kindergarten everybody come come come come quickly come quickly come quickly come quickly come quickly I want y'all to come back later if you can we're not going to keep you too late later look at this army console Yvonne prophesy amen greatness greatness pastors and evangelists and profit and prophetess right here I here I want everybody to stand everybody to stand everybody to stand now I believe that my children must get AIDS all of them God must heal the brain never one again so hold each other's hand come on hold each other hand no be afraid come on come on what if your parents can't point your hand this way adults P men these are the generation they're gonna wash away the return of Jesus Christ greatness is in them will you know everybody stunned everybody you may not have a child up here or you're a grandma child might be in Jamaica I want you to believe God with me I don't have it to give them go to college they have the ability to learn I'm asking God we're gonna ask God to heal the brain all of them in America crazy in the morning and it's children now young business I summon you in the name of Jesus Christ you brought into my life Oh God before you know Oh God Noorie season must come against them where am I then dinner treated right in the classroom in the classrooms with the bus driver cause to come from this house they're special children because Papa he's asking for blood covering that you guard you to your plot bring healing to the mind to the brain he read of the gotta be clear that the artistic from this date no we can sir that terse and I asked of God that the brain will function normally in the name of Jesus we don't understand God doesn't heal the brain that that is subject in school they will master the subject is big you'd lick elute God anyone about a school even older youth I pray nothing but A's and Anna rule 4.0 a vision above there must get scholarship shade on the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son is against you say blood of Jesus Christ God's sons against you say time the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son is against let no harm come to any of them no disease no untimely debt no luck God the school fees will be paid god almighty clothes uniforms will be there they will not go to school hungry because these are my children I ask you to bless the home you know my heart to be an example before these children and raise them right we thank your father released blessing upon these children but they go back to school no Sarah no itch no demon will tamper with your life no C job no asthma no allergy ray all that we sent our he'll release blessing now in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Spirit God bless your children go back to seat amen work with me parents those you bigger Utes amen saying today amen don't cut and pick no CUSD it until you're ready for me it I don't get married hello we now give you no live happily but live from sin never entertained a pledge of sin come quickly either dismiss me I will come back later be here please amen let's turn young people father hold in my hand this battle of olive oil change them from their natural use to spiritual one that your miracle power flow through them God bring healing and deliverance dear children we think you've got him to give you praise it's pure it's sacred it's holy in Jesus name Amen god bless you in the name of Jesus Christ pressure bow dick bow discomfort bow this is spelled bow in Jesus name woman be made whole we made whole one more press I'm gonna pray for we're sister montague where are you Monty girl come here quickly welcome come come here quickly quickly see too many people with the same problem but a taller lady right here she's here today she don't wanna buddy no she's pregnant you a man knows you're pregnant and I say Church she pregnant as you having the same problem that she had venetian lose others and I said she gonna come back here and dedicate this baby and today she's here with our baby uh-huh here you'll tell that go behind your wife your wife come on in friend warning wife month yeah that's right but not with this monitor see this is your child god bless you with marriage all true no no no no no I hear give me that give me that I came here before I came here looking like God of Abraham gonna find something of his room do it again everybody said do it again in the name of Jesus you're now living our own doctor to hell release the fire the whole house fibroid that which is causing your discomfort that which is causing your pain Jesus Jesus do it now call for are not in your womb the child will be normal the child will be healthy in God when you sees fit you will bring forth a child in this world I declare it so we declare it sow uncounted tongue in the name that's above every name she saw Sakho my sobbed upon Devil cancer assignment in Jesus name let this child live to bring your glory you called me you told me to call out sister Campbell who God the Ox for a son a daughter could not get one so get pregnant in God I Brad was so bad that the baby couldn't go past six months but you call me tell me to call out that night and pray and as I pray God by six o'clock the next morning contraction headwater calm you doctor took the baby one and a half pound but today liquor miracle 12 years old brilliant you will not mess with my child so many God they come forward at children we come with contact we connect we believe and we agreed together and pray that one day you stand here much higher in Jesus name somebody give the Lord a praise amen this is yours this church filled with miracles go stand to your feet everybody work should leave my money amen you came here before he ain't got God with him all the time we pray for this young boy you have a surgery all the way down your back from the accident to the accident and the doctors he'll never walk walk again I told him that yes miracles in this house isn't in the force to in Jamaica JD look at you are you ready for go back in the force now are you done running bouncing you recover you recover not miss you're nothing come stand up yet over him it was in the hospital operation but look at you now under for so many months ago March under for you huh Street like an arrow among advanced salute if Sarge the general you know listen give me a son what's wrong with you amen you must serve God here give your life to God is save your life father how can I say thank you for this young man's life for the miracle you make doctor God it is word eat their words God thank you creative miracle help him to dedicate his life deal mercy don't try you see of him try to destroy his life you're giving back life he must be grateful and serve you there must be something you have fun to do a reason so now God I pray that this day he would dedicate every year of his life to you in Jesus name thank you God give him praise and now made his saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of God the Father the full fledge of the Holy Spirit the comforter rest remain about us all until we meet again this evening come and support the young people this evening all right we're going to put up the preacher Hurley and we warn god is good god is god take care go in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wonder [Music] and I [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the home beyond this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Calvary New Testament Church of God
Views: 345
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, livestream, Calvary, new testament, Church of God, faith, love, hope, salvation, deliverance, truth, redemption, Bishop Blake, Fearon Blake
Id: 4U3YYpsx234
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 11sec (7571 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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