Emma Stark - Prophetic Training - PVTV

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most that lives in a body and we think of ourselves oh you know I'm I'm flesh I I'm bones I've got this hidden spirit inside but we are primarily spirit beings that just happened to have an outer shell of flesh and in Ephesians we are seated with Jesus in heavenly places and I think that's a bizarre truth right there to wrestle with you are bi located you are present here but the Word of God says you are also seated in heavenly places and that my friends is one of the great mysteries of the Word of God to be bi located and when John in Revelation 4 is told to come up here his spirit travels to the throne room of God and in the same way that your flesh can see and hear and relate to the material world so your spirit man can see and hear and feel and relate to the spiritual world where God spirit also dwells so how do you and I know that we are primarily spirit let's read 2nd Corinthians 4 verse 18 together so we fix our eyes now there is a command so we've got to know God's on something here with a determination fix your eyes not on what is seen in other words not this table or this iPad but fix your eyes on what is unseen there's a command to look in this spirit realm for what is seen is temporary in other words it's going to pass away but what is unseen is eternal in other words that's what matters not as if that wasn't enough of a biblical mandate Colossians 3 verse 1 repeats the theme set your hearts on things above and saying come on guys all that you've got come on you are a look higher where Christ is seated at the right hand of God set your mind on things above not on earthly things and so we are to lavish our attention our gaze right where God and that Jesus and the Holy Spirit dwell so we know that God made us in His image in Genesis 1 and he is a spirit and we are spirit beings created to be intimate in the spirit realm and I have to say although you're we're probably thinking of what we're playing a little bit with words or its spirit flesh once you get this and we think as our default setting oh I'm essentially a spirit it becomes very easy for you to be spiritual and many of you will have said oh I find it really difficult I find it really difficult to pray in tongues I find it difficult to hear from God I find it difficult to get clarity in the spirit realm I don't know whether that word is me or whether that word is the Holy Spirit but I promise you if you just say and decree over yourself right now even I Clyde where you sit I am essentially a spirit come on say hi Clyde with me don't just watch me say it ok let's do this together I am essentially spirit I do not have to extend a lot of effort to be spiritual come on you sit and I I don't have to extend a lot of effort to be spiritual because it is Who I am and that really changes how I think about how easily I can connect with God there is an immediate Nestorian I can sense his holy presence I know what's on heavens agenda I'm already seated there my spirit is one with the Spirit of God it's easy for me to be spiritual ok so now that we've understood that baseline and some of you might have to write that dime and say that over yourselves as your homework it's easy for hang on a minute it is really easy for me to be spiritual because I am a spirit so God is communicating all of the time is our job to learn how he speaks and Jesus unfortunately does not say hang on a minute I'm knockin I'm about to talk are you ready God is not human his first language is not English it's not even Northern Irish and so we have responsibility to learn how he speaks we have to learn how he communicates and when I call David on the phone I don't say to David David it's your wife calling do you remember the one you married 20 years ago all I say is hi and he knows it's me and actually sometimes he even knows from my breathing and how I signed by breathing what kind of conversation he and I are going to have as husband and wife and so I want to read to you and I lambda SH Scripture and it's Hebrews 5:14 I'll Cindy you're saying it's very deep it is but you will enjoy this right tonight I promise you solid food Hebrews 5:14 solid food is for the mature and we all go well you know what I'd quite like some solid food and I would like to be kind to mature does it say solid food is for the mature who are very intelligent it doesn't does it say solid food is for the mature who went to Bible College doesn't say that either solid food or for the mature who turned up rigorously to church every Sunday now we probably like you to do that but that's not what scripture says it says solid food is for the mature who because of practice have their senses trained oh hang on a minute you're supposed to train your senses does that not seem a bit unbalanced and not what we've been taught growing up but as here is in Scripture how their sense is trained to discern good and evil in other words the more you train your senses in this spirit realm the more spiritually mature you are and the more you are trusted with solid food so let me unpack that because I know that's quite a deep concept do my children I've got three children a fifteen year old an eleven year old and a ten old Jessica Peter and Samuel do my children know that I love them because I write dine and they see it with their eyes like reading the Word of God yes they do and I write them Valentine's Day cards and little notes in their packed lunch boxes and little notes on their pillows at night and they read with their eyes that they're loved but I've trained their other senses as well so they know when I look at them what the look of love looks like that mummy smile the tenderness in my eyes and they know oh is safe it's okay they know the touch of love when I hug them and tickle them and Pat them on the head and we have those kind of really intimate family moments of just being physically affectionate to one another I have trained them in hearing love I love you I think you're so amazing and then I sing them this special song at which I made up is a little bit embarrassing and I'm not that gifted a singer but you know special Jessica special Jessica special Jessica lalala but and I sing that over all of them so they they hear my songs and signs of love they also know the smell of love they know what my perfume smells like or they know what it's like when I'm cooking their favorite food they they smell it happens to be in their case macaroni cheese they know and they get so excited because that's the smell of love to them now we do have an in-house joke in our family I would shite into the other room children I smell naughtiness and they would immediately start to behave because genuinely I could smell naughtiness just coming in this spirit realm and they've got a bit bolder over the years and they say to me mommy we're going to test how good a profit you are what sort of naughtiness do you smell so that is what it's like living in the house of a profit then the taste of love what it is to eat food prepared for them and so we see that I've submerged my children's senses in love and I believe that the Holy Spirit wants to from that verse where we train our senses that God wants to submerge you so that every single sense you have is heightened and alerted to the presence and the power and the workings of the spirit realm so you should be able to smell Jesus on occasions I told you we were going to deep places tonight and I'm only just warming up okay so you know from Sam 45 that Jesus smells of myrrh and aloes and cassia in other is quite Christmasy smells you also know from Song of Solomon I think it's chapter seven or eight you can check it later that it says that Jesus breath or the beloved's breath smells like apples so when Jesus breathes on you like he did to Adam in the Garden of Eden or when he blows into a room there are different smells in the spirit realm when he turns up read the book isn't that wild and don't you love it anybody smelt Jesus come into the room or smelt his breath yo what's the verse I'm referencing it's Hebrews five verse 14 okay so we know that we hear God because he says my sheep know my voice so if you are a Christian you've already heard in the spirit realm and responded with a Salvation prayer we know that communion says that we're to eat and drink Jesus body or taste and see that he's good so when we read in Ephesians 2 and Colossians 2 that we are made alive in Christ I love those scriptures what does it actually Maine to be fully made alive in Christ to have all your natural senses and all your spiritual senses so heightened that you don't miss either the smell of Jesus the voice of Jesus the arms of Jesus holding you physically feeling that around about you so there are greater dimensions of God and greater encounters to be had in the biblical Road to maturity than I think we have ever had an eye to see okay David we need to pause a moment it's saying it keeps freezing or do will I just keep going keeping going okay we're on it I think we're struggling with the the audio so do let's do our best and hopefully David and Sam behind the camera will resolve it very soon family okay alright so I'm going to start to go through a list of what is biblically normal in a supernatural lifestyle when you are soaked in revelation and I want you to work with me and say you know what yeah I think I get that I think that happens to me I'm going to tick that or others you might say no I'm not so familiar with that and I'm hoping at the end of tonight you're going to get a whole lot of homework where you say oh god I didn't realize that existed before I would really like that biblical stuff to happen in my life god I'm biblically curious about that and so we're going to start at the shallow end that's okay with you and that is spiritual perception so if you're taking notes spiritual perception and that's the start point for any prophetic journey and usually it doesn't involve saying I heard or I saw it's just do you know what I just have this feeling or I sensed it I have an impression that God wants me to do something and the Holy Spirit will reveal something to you by an unction and you may not be able to describe it in a picture but you have a hunch or a gut feeling or a prompting that the Holy Spirit is asking you to do something although that seems very small it is our start point and scripture says don't despise the day of small beginnings so we used to live on a very steep hill in the southside of Glasgow and I would always park my car outside my house and one day I just felt this nudge just move your car em'ly up the street so I moved my car and walked down the hill to my house it wasn't a thus says the Lord it wasn't the autumn of voice of God it was just a sense the car in front of mine the handbrake failed it ping-ponged the whole way down the street it smashed every single car except mine and so we were okay because of a Holy Spirit gentle nudge now do type in the comments if you have those kind of things let us know yes I get spiritual perceptions and you know to say hallelujah right there I'm in tune with the shallow waters of Revelation and the Holy Spirit is free to nudge me and some of us need to just raise our hands right now and say God Here I am if I need more nudging and I need more impressions right now I'm saying yes to receiving from you in that way and so I release an ability for you right now where you are to receive a greater nudging or impression or spiritual perception capacity in your walk with the Lord so just receive it grab hold of it you got it okay so expect that to happen more hi Elizabeth hi Paula I see you on there tonight the second level that we use when we're in the revelatory realms is pictorial visions that sounds awfully grand doesn't it it just means I've got a picture and these are Holy Spirit visual aids we see them with our inner sight and it's really important when you are getting a picture that you ask for the Holy Spirit to interpret it and not assume and interpretation let me give you an example some very strange ones I've had because who knows that God loves to have fun and God does not talk to you and I like he's William Shakespeare and so sometimes they are very strange I remember years ago sitting feeding one of my children in the middle of the night you know when you're really sleep-deprived some of you will just know those moments and my friend morphed into my head and then changed into the purple chocolate from a box of quality streets and I'm thinking I need more sleep but Laura said to me no I am giving you a picture about your friend now for those of you who don't know that chocolate it is a personal favorite it has got a nut in sight but quite soft caramel write it and the Laura says I have put something so solid in her but she thinks that she's going to be easily destroyed and crushed but the Laura says no I've put something of substance in her that what she's going through she will not be destroyed and I had a whole prophetic word based on a chocolate all right so we did have a child part of our ministry who really pulled us adults up a level and he would look and he would see pictures had no idea what bodily organs were called cuz he was a little preten boy and when he looked at an adult he would look and he would say oh that part of your body is black and he would know exactly where there were sickness in their body just by getting a picture of blackness on them and when an adult would pray or ask the person would say yes yes of course I have that sickness and when we prayed when it turned green the child would tell us and the child would say I think they're healed and the adult would be healed so that is having a picture and I had another team member who would see words picture words written across somebody's forehead and they would reveal the motives of somebody's life and so when you have a picture you would say things like the Lord is showing me or I am seeing or if you're giving somebody a word you would say does this picture mean anything to you and so while I learnt from the chocolate coming into my mind and going out the other side was not that I was hungry but that God was having fun in putting an image in my head that was going to unlock my friend with revelation don't you love how creative he is and so what I want to say to you tonight is raise your hand again to me where you are not seeing in the spirit pictures I lose the ability to have pictorial visions come even if it's just a simple image like a dog or a bottle of perfume or a piece of chocolate I know released to you in Jesus name and I open up your ability to see spiritually the visions and the pictures that God's wants you to have right now it's yours in Jesus name some I think this looks crashed to me on this screen comments Weiss if you could maybe his screen okay the next level is closed panoramic visions again that sounds awfully grand don't be put off by that family and what that means is rather than just I had a picture of a single thing what it means is that the picture starts to move and you're in a full-blown vision but your eyes are closed okay so you're seeing with you spiritual sight inside and God is giving you a vision and I type and say oh yeah I get that yeah I have visions and let me know that that is part of your revelatory realm the Bible is littered with this let's look at acts 9 Ananias receives a vision that he's to go and lay hands on soul later Paul that he might receive his sight back no we train our staff to close their eyes at home but to open their eyes and do this in ministry and the next level is called open panoramic visions and basically it means I'm having a vision but my eyes are open at the same time so close the vision I'm in this space open my eyes I'm seeing something being played out with my eyes open and really why we train people in prophetic ministry to do that is you need to be aware of what's happening with your client or the person you're ministering to and not be lost behind your eyelids okay we had one situation many years ago where a team member here at Glasgow prophetic center was merrily you know I just see this vision God is doing this in your life but the person was really very challenged and demonized and was strangling the other team mate but the person having the vision was completely unaware because their eyes were shut so we generally say hmm okay eyes open so you've had spiritual perception just a wee bit of a nudge you've had still pictures you've had closed visions you've had open visions and those are all the shallow waters all right so some of you already have got oh oh God I need to ask for visions I need to sit see things move that you're showing me all right some of you will give you some help with interpretation no we start to get a little bit more intense you up for that and the next one is seeing in this spirit the best biblical example is when Elisha's servant gazai sees in the spirit realm and knows what's happening so remember the story you've got the armies of men camping around Elijah his per servant is rightly terrified and suddenly his eyes get open in the spirit realm and he sees the armies of the Lord all around a byte and he realizes that the Lord's army is stronger than the army of men now this aspect of the supernatural in Scripture is often referred to as having a Sears gift s EE our seer to see in the spirit and Samuel the Prophet is called both a prophet as in he has words but he's also called a seer in that he has spiritual sight in the courts of King David you get Nathan the prophet who brings a word and you get GAD the seer listed there as in David's Court who sees and bring picture and visionary revelations and so while we can all have a go at seeing we learn from Scripture that there is often an extra anointing that some people particularly have in this arena I never Johnson one of the lead prophets in New Zealand is they only in elderly prophet seer he one the few people I've ever heard of who the the whole veil between the natural and the spiritual completely disappeared for three months and he writes fascinatingly a byte hi he nearly died with the overwhelming sense of revelation of what seeing in this spirit did and he writes and records about seeing emotions like fear and pain that would be colored and they would travel and they would make assigned in this spirit he talks about fear being a really dominant emotion in the spirit realm that you could see for my falls away well no wonder the man nearly lost his mind because of the weight of everyone's pain visibly coming towards him in the spirit realm no that's not going to happen to you I've only heard one man where the conveyer went completely dying but there is a door that I would like to open where you will be able to see what God wants you to see in the spirit dimensions you can tell on a very brief reading of Scripture who the word prophets are and who the site prophets are so we can see the different anointings so let's take Ezekiel of course he says I saw the wheels within the wheels I saw God seated on the throne outside the circle of the earth you get Jeremiah's being coached by God in the seer gift and God says to him come on now what do you see Jeremiah and Jeremiah says oh I see a boiling pot tipping down from the north and again God is coaching him and saying tell me again have another look have another look Jeremiah what do you see nine and I love the fact that God is so integrated relationally that you're not just left to your own devices but you have the God of all of the heavens and the earth as a live and ever-present coach hussein come on what do you see what you see and then of course jeremiah says well I see an almond tree and then of course you read passages of Isaiah and the image is so imagery rich it's overwhelming so the sense of Jesus being whipped by his stripes we are healed the punishment that was upon him you know he took our punishment and you can almost feel what Isaiah was seeing of Jesus bloodied and beaten on the cross as very rich sight language okay and and I find running a group here of prophets that we've done for about a decade that there is a real difference between the words profits where I can just bubble up and flow with language and the seer profits and so they they are very different and some of you are going to get a revelation about which one you're in right 9 so Sam who's sitting behind the camera and I we tend to be word profits and so we just start we bubble up with language and off we go with words I can be writing my shopping list in the back of my head when I'm doing it that would be very rude I would try not to do that to honor whoever I was prophesying over but I could if I wanted because it's just about language pouring forth anointed holy language nonetheless seers are different and seers feel deeply and see and perceive with all their emotions what is going on in the spirit realm and they are completely overwhelmed by and they are the ones who tend to find and feel that there's an urgency about things because it has pressed upon their emotions so you get Jeremiah when this seer prophets remember what do you see Jeremiah he says Oh revelation it feels like fire shut up in my bones why because he's overwhelmed by the visual and emotional stimuli of Revelation Daniel also have this where he actually said to him it says in Scripture by Daniel here to go in light dawn after the revelation and the visions because he was so overwhelmed and exhausted in fact he took his bed for a week so intense where the visions so high did I start this off with my children because how I start them off would be high I would instruct you to begin if this is new to you I would start by saying where is Jesus in the room I do not want you to look for demons I do not want you to look for darkness we are looking for Jesus I promise you and you start with that you will keep yourself in a right place before God we are not interested in what darkness is doing we are interested in what Jesus is doing and we have the doctrine of the omnipresence of God don't we were oh well he's everywhere but we also in Scripture have the doctrine of the manifest or the Shekinah presence of God where he turns up in a place the Emmanuel the God who is with us the lo I am with you always even to the very end of the age so for years every night I would say children where is Jesus in the room and they would say to me Oh mommy you know I see him in his pajamas and then I would get nervous and think oh Jesus your word says you neither slumber nor sleep I hope my children aren't seeing a heresy but they would laugh at me and they would say no no no mommy Jesus just wants to get in and give me a hug and a kiss good night in my bed before I go to sleep and then he's gonna send an angel to watch over me so don't worry about Jesus being in this pajamas don't you love little kids okay and then they would say to me Oh mommy Jesus is wearing army uniform or mummy Jesus is wearing fisherman's clothes and we started to learn that what Jesus was wearing was communicating something with the children about some things he wanted them to do or to be aware of about his nature and his character and now they just do it instinctively and I would remember when we were very when they were very young I was much younger than two but when they were very young they would come into my bedroom and they would say to me you know mommy I just saw Jesus come down and this was the day before the football catastrophe with Rangers in Scotland the Rangers team before they went bankrupt he was eight mummy I just saw Jesus and he flew dying and he picked off a football off the pitch in I brock's and God says he's going to clean up Scottish football because they were so used to seeing in the spirit realm they could do that even whilst they we're still in nappies or I'd be pushing them in the pushchair and they know somebody saying the side camera is better David I can turn and face that if there's a problem there's no problem okay and so oh yes I push them and push shares and they would say to me mommy why are all the Angels in this shopping center crying today because their eyes were switched on to see in the spirit realm so my dear old daughter when she was in primary school she came to me one day and she said mommy I would like to give you a massage and I'm saying to her Jessica you you don't know how to massage and she says yes mommy I do Jesus taught me and she said to me that she had heard me talk about Hebrew 6 and the importance of the laying on of hands because of course Hebrew 6 is you and I know as adults having read it said that the laying on of hands is a basic doctrine so she said I knew if I lay hands on my friends and could pray for them in a way they wouldn't know they would come into an understanding that Jesus was good and they'd fall in love with him and they'd become Christians for me so I asked God to show me how to lay hands on them without them knowing and Jesus said to her line your friends up in threes on the astroturf pitch in school you look in this spirit realm and where I am putting my hands you follow my hands put your hands where my hands are and I will teach you to massage him do you know Jesus taught my daughter in primary school how to massage and to pray for it her friends without them knowing and do you know they got saved absolutely miraculous of what seeing in the spirit realm just like the prophets in the Old Testament and the New Testament could do and so I'll tell you a couple more stories one of the ones that really stunned me we were visiting a church and I wasn't ministering we were just there you know hanging light and so I find myself in the crash and I think I did about 11 years doing that be changing and at crash duty some of you mums will know that journey when you thought what am I doing here because all I'm doing is sitting with my children in that in a back room and the same thing I do at home but there is Grace and I pour grace on you if you're in that stage as nursing mums so anyway doing a nappy change and one of my children had gone into the soft play area that the church had and he said to me came running back knee said mummy mummy mummy there are spiders in the ball pit in the church and I said to him son are they spiritual spiders or are they physical spiders because of course we're training them to see in the spirit all of the time and so he said mummy there's their spiritual spiders and I said well tell them to go away in Jesus name I've already taught you what to do with that kind of stuff and so he said mummy I tried to tell them to go away in Jesus name they wouldn't go so I'm like all right okay so I walk into the ball pit area there is a massive demon sitting in the corner of the ball pit with all these demonic spiders just pouring off him and so I thanked my child for making me aware of it and I thought you know what that demon has a right to be there I need to go and talk to the minister of this church and that is a sexual perversion demon strong man and I went to the minister and said Tim I think you have a sexual perversion issue in this church you're gonna have a higher amount of gender fluidity issues of people in crisis about sexuality of adultery and pornography and I said something has happened to let that end because there is a sexual perversion demon in your ball pit in the crash well this per minister had no idea what I was talking about but fair play to him he was gracious and kind and we talked to him about how he would repent for whatever door had been opened and you know what he said this he said this mean we had a church elder who was addicted to child pornography and was downloading it on a computer in that very geographical location in the church building we hushed it up did not repent and changed it into the church crash and when that Minister repented and dealt with the sexual sin in his leadership team that church came into a radical healing of sexual perversion issues from a child in nappies who saw in the spirit realm and knew that there was a need for that area to be spiritually cleaned well I love how much God coaches Ezekiel in this and in Ezekiel chapter 8 God says to him you've seen this now go and dig into that wall and God saying come on dig deeper dig deeper and dig deeper so if you have a little bit of an inkling on this or you see something move like the corner of your eye and you flick grind and there's nothing there I would suggest that you're starting to see in the spirit realm but you need to do what a zekiel did and hi God coached Ezekiel in Ezekiel eight to go and dig through the wall dig deeper have have another look have a little bit further of a look but I have to say this to you in it if you have any witchcraft spiritualism mediumship psychic stuff in your family and you have opened yourself or your family has opened you up to this before we need to get you clean so that what you see is what God wants you to see and not the pollution of what your ancestors are even you and we know we make mistakes we do tarot cards or whatever and we shouldn't maybe in our early years before we got saved so let me make sure you are clean because I don't want you to be terrified in this I want you to be like Daniel in Daniel 7 who goes the whole way through the scripture saying I looked I looked again I looked I looked again and even a you take a pen and go through Daniel seven and see how many times it says I looked and I looked further and I saw more after God and so we're just going to clean you up so if you know that there is psychic or medium or witchcraft or open doors in your family line I want you to put your hand in your forehead why because in that a cultic demonic tradition they ask for a third all-seeing eye to be opened here that gives you demonic revelation where as what the Bible says in Ephesians three is God I pray that the eyes of my heart would be open so I'm going to pray that the eyes of your heart would be open but the demonic third seeing I would be shut and so you're going to be able to go in a journey where you are not terrified again okay so hands on the forehead we'll do it together and we're going to have to repent father God in the name of Jesus I repent on behalf of myself and my ancestors you say I'd like to for every time that I have partnered or they have partnered with the demonic realm with spiritualism mysticism witchcraft psychic mediumship father I ask for my all-seeing third eye to be closed now in Jesus name having received your mercy that I may only see what you want me to see and then lay hands on your heart in the name of Jesus I bless you that the eyes of your heart according to Ephesians three would not be opened and that you would see as God wants you to see now somebody is saying there they see the demonic as well Peter I get that I think there is a lot of times where because we're just prophetic we just see and we see all sorts of things we have to learn that our spirit is subject to our will and that your will must really kick in and say I'm going to keep a short account I'm not gonna look at that I'm not going to deal with that I'm not going to focus on that because what you focus on you will make room for and I had to learn this as a child growing up when I grew up and in the troubles in Northern Ireland it was a very violent time and how it started for me was I would say to my dad who was a minister of a very conservative Irish Baptist Church and I'd say to him dad dad I think the phone's gonna go in and and I just had this feeling that that person's gonna be shot or blown up where that person is gonna die and so we had no language for any of this we didn't even believe that the gifts were still alive and active today and yet I was having these sites into dark realms and it wasn't for years and years that I understood that I actually have to bring a limitation to that and not get absorbed with that but I have to see what Jesus is doing and train that in my life because Jesus actually sets the the mandate where he says I only do what I see the father do so Jesus is on this to look I'm looking I'm only doing well I'm seeing God do there are exceptions where you need to be aware of what the enemy is doing and that is if you are a watchman or an intercessor and you are what the scripture talks about a watchman on the wall and we bring in other scriptures that say you are to turn back the battle at the gate and sometimes to look after people situations you need to be one who sees the good to welcome it in and the bound to push it back at the gate or the other time you might need to see the darkness is when you're doing deliverance ministry on somebody or when you're doing a building cleanse and but that really is is it we want to be about Jesus so I bless you to see rightly in the spirit realm this is what the most wild and exciting journeys you could ever ever go on and just like I did with my children when they were young and I would say to them you know where's Jesus in the room where's worst where's Jesus in the room I want you to practice that as as well where is Jesus in the room and what we've watched with our staff team here in Glasgow prophetic Center trialing that is their saying in their office Jesus worry you in this office they see where he's standing in the office they go right and stand where he's standing because Jesus is standing next to the person who either needs to get healed that day or is most right for salvation that day because the fields are ready and right for harvest and they have seen people come into the kingdom of God from seeing in the spirit realm and putting themselves where Jesus is I have had friends say to me Emma you see in the spirit I don't can you walk up and dine the road and tell me where Jesus is most present in my street so which house am I to go and stand at which house am I to go and knock on the door or make friends with because Jesus you are presencing yourself there so that is where there is going to be the greatest breakthrough so Sam's just saying to keep your questions coming in because we've only had a few of them I know we've had some signed issues tonight but keep them coming in because Sam's are going to join me in a minute and we are going to enjoy answering them together hi Jimmy you're listening in Spain no signed I think David is sweating buckets and is trying to get there behind the seats to try to make it work okay so the next level and we're going to keep pushing you into deeper and deeper realms here so tell me this and you can type in the comments the next level is dreams is anybody a dreamer and I love that while we're asleep God does not give up on us and he says you were so busy all day and you were talking all day I'm going to jump in and I'm going to give you revelation in the night and God bypasses our souls and comes and speaks to our spirit bypasses our analytical minds on occasions God according to the book of Job speaks in dreams it even says in job that he speaks in nightmares and so we don't want to discount the dreams but we want to honor the fact that most often they are revelation from God even if they look a little bit strange if you are not dreaming we can bless you right now to do that and to dream more well I have my team here do is they have two things beside their beds they have a dream journal where they write down what they've dreamed and they have a book that is a dream interpretation dictionary there are loads of them on the market one of my dear friends who just actually passed into glory last week Bishop Joe emoji would be one of the world experts in dream interpretation a bow Jay David maybe you can type his name in the comments so people and can see how his name is spelt but he has books that you can flick through like a dictionary where you can see oh I wonder what Akai means are a horse or the number three or a train whatever it happens to be and you can see the biblical thought process to what that dream would mean so we can honor the revelation in the watches of the night you know I have to say I've come over the years to really value this I wouldn't have been a big dreamer years ago but I think Bishop goe Bochy released an impartation to me and so I'm gonna do that for you in a moment but I know I have gone to bed worried stressed anxious about different things and the dream comes from God and it's like my emotions are healed by the revelation of the night and I know that I have woken up better I mean healed not just because I slept but actually the revelation has had a force on my emotions and for the glory of God I have to say if I tell you some of my stories you think that we live a weird life we do live a biblically curious life I have a flying telephone box in my dreams it goes at warp speed and God flies me all over the nations in dreams in the night in visionary dreams and my top tips are the you know that moment where you're kind of coming awake don't open your eyes talk too quickly because it's very easy to lose the dream then but just say with your eyes closed and say God can you bring that dream from my spirit forward into my mind because I want to remember and you go over the dream don't don't let get distracted by opening your eyes and beginning the day because you can pull that dream in that moment much more easily into a daytime memory where you can take decisions and where you can go deep in the nighttime revelation so just raise your hands where you are I released you right now in the name of Jesus just as it was released to me by one of the world experts Bishop Bochy I listen to you the ability for dreams in the night that you would be the people who see and hear in the watches of the night and that you'll be those who retain the instruction of God in the night okay are we being stretched yet do you have some homework to do my family okay let me try to push you a little bit more we might go for another 10 minutes before we take questions the audible voice of God would be next in that ocean of Revelation I was talking about earlier so audible voice of God just give me a wave anybody heard the audible voice of God so the Word of God is just jam-packed with this most notably we probably remember the Matthew 3:17 this is my son Jesus is being spoken over by God and his baptism this is my son with him I love with him I am well pleased what was it like for Adam and Eve who walked and talked with God in the cool of the day and heard his audible voice what about Saul on the road to Damascus what about Peter James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration or Peter and John on the Mount of Transfiguration and so where this first started for me this is years ago my parents were pastoring a church in Spain everybody was asleep we were visiting I was walking in the garden in that cool Mediterranean night air I've been wore fairing spiritually and there have been a really powerful night and I come back in and after cleaning my parents property in the spirit realm and I'd gone to bed and that my favorite verse I don't know why it's my favorite verse you know we just have these notions is from psalm 46 and it says there is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God and I'd often pray that Oh God I want to flow towards you and I want to make you glad I want to be part of the streams and the rivers that are rushing towards the holy city there is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God and that just a good under my skin for years that verse and so I was meditating on it I'd fallen asleep God physically shook me and woke me up and he said this you are a river that makes me glad and in that moment normally what I will done before is do I God don't I God do I god oh my god when the audible voice of God kicks in it is unmistakable and I would kindly suggest if you have not heard or youth only think you've heard the audible voice of God you probably have not truly heard it because it is so extremely okay next angel visitations these are some of my favorite stories ever so I'm excited to share this level with you how many times do you think tongues clear money aliamanu shakeela speaking in tongues is mentioned in scripture about 12 and yet we all have a doctrine and an opinion how most of us speak in tongues who are in the charismatic and Pentecostal church how many times is gideon laying a fleece before the lord well once i think he does it twice but within this same story and you and I know we have all done that I've had some crazy fleeces that I've laid before God Oh God if you want me to do this you see all my hanging baskets outside my house where all the floors are dead when I come back God of all my flowers and miraculously alive I I know you're going to want me to do this okay so we've all had those crazy prayers so that's tongues in the Bible 12 times fleece once or twice how many times our angels mentioned in Scripture 300 times how many of that number are they interacting with men 104 it is more biblically normal to interact with the Angels than it is to speak in tongues than it is to lay a fleece before the Lord now we know angelic activity increases at the end times we need to be prepared for angelic interactions we're just about to release an east school here where there's going to be four or five hours worth of teaching on angels but we know there are many categories of angels in Scripture let's look at one Isaiah 63 verse 9 talks about the angels of his presence don't you just love that the angel of his presence wafts in to the room and sometimes many times in a prophetic ministry session an angel will turn up with a message that he whispers in our ear to relay to the person that we are prophesying over no you already of angels that minister to you do you know that you just aren't aware of them yet Hebrews one is very clear about this it says the angels are ministering spirits sent in other words they're already dispatched doesn't say waiting to be sent that says sent they're already with you to minister they're already ministering to you to those who inherit salvation so if you are Christian you already have a dispatched precent ministering angel spirit who will come and look after you that's the word of the Lord isn't that far right there so very often when I'm you know lying in bed and I've poured out there will be the Ministry of the Hebrews 1 angels that will come and pour in what I've given right according to the Word of God I have two favorite angel stories of loads of Angel stories but just let me tell you these two my dear friend one of them belongs to him he said this to me many years ago night he said Emma I was fast asleep and an angel shook me and I woke up physically shook me and he said my name is the angel of revelation and I am going to tell you some things from God now my friend was terrified as often is the way in Scripture the first thing we read is that people are scared and of course the angel says you know fear not but he was brave enough to say is there such a thing as an angel of Revelation and the angel stood tall and said I was there on Patmos when John was getting the revelation that of course then became the book of Revelation and so he said okay and the revelry the revelatory angel just downloaded lots of stuff that my friend was to write dine and to action in his life he said I went back to bed I fell asleep he said I was then shaken awake by a demon and the demon said to me my name is at Jews Asian and I have got a list of all your sins and my friend said he brought it-- a book with my friends sins listed in it and he started to read accusing my friend of every sin they'd ever committed my friends said this the revelation angel reappeared brought exactly the same book out from behind his back but the angels book was dripping in blood and the angel said my master has already dealt with the originals and turned into some kind of ramble angel and kicked the demon of accusation out of the room don't you just love how the spirit realm works let me tell you one of my own stories and I tell you this story because it's one of the very few that I suppose I can prove to you rather than oh I saw this angel I saw that angel my husband and my friend and I were out for dinner one night and we'd ordered our food and into the room came a territorial large strong man demon and we were just watching each other and he was observing how he was going to do me harm and I was aware that he was there and looking at what he was doing to deceive the city of Glasgow and my husband and my friend could see on my face that I was looking in the spirit realm and seeing something that wasn't very pleasant and they said damage you want to leave the restaurant I don't like no no no we've come out for dinner we've ordered our food my guardian angel that Hebrews one ministering angel that I talked to bite I believe he's a Sam 91 angel what we read about the angels in Psalm 91 is that they hide us so there are hider angels a whole category they're very clearly outlined in Scripture I turned to him he has got his wings up and he is hiding us and he is protecting us in the spirit realm as a hider angel would do our food doesn't come and what is going on why is my food not coming I got up from the the chair walked to the hatch in the kitchen can't seem to find any waiting staff my food is over I carry it to the table and we eat it the end of the night comes the restaurant is empty all the chairs are up on the tables the staff are mopping the floor cleaning the floor the demon disappears the Hydra angel puts down his wings all the staff come running to me at that point and they say Emma how did you get here oh you've been invisible all night how did you get any food you're sitting at our premier table in the middle of the restaurant and nobody saw you all night how can this be and that Haider angel had not just hidden us but had made us invisible for a whole night I didn't even know how to begin to explain to the restaurant staff what have been going on but isn't that just the Wonder and the mystery of God in high angels even can make us invisible when the Lord so wills it it is a weird story I know so I would encourage you when you hear that we're very careful that we don't worship angels the Bible is very clear on that but we have to be prepared to work with the angels and to take instruction and to allow them to speak and minister into our lives and God is very clear on a number of occasions he says you know you listen to your angel the angel turns up to feed people let's people I to prison and so as I said to you earlier it is more biblically normal because it's a hundred and four times in Scripture where men interact with angels then is to speak in tongues which is only in scripture about 12 to 15 times so I challenge you not to go seeking wildly or out of balance but to say God if you want me to interact the angelic I know that that scriptural I know I know that that's their God I want to be open I want to be biblically rightly curious too high it is when you turn up and you send your angels okay okay so you want me to keep going and keep stretching you I know there's a number of you with us I do have a number more categories and I'll keep pushing you if you want to be pushed there is in Scripture another way that God speaks it and it is through trances now I don't want you to go oh my goodness did she just say the word trance that must be heresy it is actually a New Testament word that the New Age community has hijacked and in the Greek New Testament the word trance is the word ecstasy's which you get the words ecstasy from should tell you it's a good thing it is a place and a time where somebody has held in a state a super normal state of mind a visional state and we have got to say okay god we know that this is in the Word of God I'll show you where in a minute and therefore I have to get okay with the fact that you do use this now we don't go seeking and pushing and saying we're going to induce ourselves into a trance-like state but we become aware that it's biblically there and therefore we don't say no when God wants to put us into a trance-like state to download revelation to us so let me read acts 22 17 when I return to Jerusalem and I was praying at the temple I fell into a trance now in this trance Peter gets his instruction to take the gospel to the Gentiles had he not had a trance Christianity would not have come to anybody who is a Gentile and the entire history of the church was changed by one experience of a trance and an entirely different way of interpreting scripture was given in that moment and Gentiles came to faith in Jesus and in Christianity was no longer seen as exclusively Jewish now I've only had this happen once or twice I have to say and it did terrify me on both occasions in a holy way in a pure way I tell you the story and with this I'm being very personal and to a lot of people that I don't know so I hope you're okay with that and I will do my best to be courageous I was preaching in a church and the Lord said to me put down your microphone and lie on the floor and I'm saying to God hang on a minute I'm preaching and God said set the microphone Dyneema and lie on the floor and again I said god I don't think you realize I'm actually preaching here and this is distracting my flow God said to me microphone dine lie on the floor so I'm like okay okay drop the microphone I'm lying on the floor there were several hundred people in the room I don't know what they did I don't know when they went but over an hour later only my staff team of about 15 to 20 were left trying to bite me because the second I lay on the floor I was immediately taken into a trance-like encounter with God I could not hear or see or perceive in the natural round rind to bite me it was one of the most phenomenal encounters of my life and and Jesus pulled me dine dine towards hell and he was showing me all the places my sin had held me captive and I could see lines chains between my body and places in hail where Satan had bind me and I was repenting like I have never repented before oh god I did not realize I was trapped here I did not realize this had ahold of me I did not realize it was this ugly and horrific and crying out for mercy and crying out for freedom and we were going deeper and deeper deeper into the dark realms and the very second that I looked like I was free in the spirit realm Jesus started to take me right up to the heavenlies and I'm like oh thank you Jesus and he took me into heaven and he lay me on the floor of heaven and he got holy fire and he burnt me alive and I am just shaking with the pain of being burnt by the fire of God now bearing in mind many years before I had been praying Isaiah 6 I think I was 18 years old but I was certainly at university and I remember kneeling on my floor by my university bed and praying Isaiah 6 and saying God you have got to burn my eyes I have got to be one who can be pure in what I say in angel had turned up in that moment and had physically physically not just spiritually burnt my lips and immediately my mouth burnt and blood started to pour from my mouth as I prayed Isaiah 6 I still actually have blood on those pages in the Bible I was reading at that point but anyway this so I knew the fire of God I knew it's physical for from my teenage years so he is burning me alive in heaven and I'm going oh god I think you need to continue but I want you to stop because because this baptism of fire is more than I can bear your your holiness is so intense so he poured water over me but the water caught fire too and then eventually he released me and I woke up or came to out of the trance on the platform still lying on the platform of this church in Glasgow with my team rowing to bite me and I think my life was never the same again and from it we started to teach them the baptism of fire to remember John the Baptist says there's one who's coming after me who will baptize you with water and with fire so we need to be aware that scripture talks about a fire baptism maybe I'll teach on that another time but that was all in a God breathed God initiated God inspired trance and I think what I'm saying to you tonight is you've got an all this stuff is in the book you've got to know what a wild book is you signed up to now my top tip in this is do not get into this alone you have to keep safe and you have to keep people around you who will sharpen you and who will say you know is that right cite that in scripture test and weigh the words with you that kind of thing I'm going to keep going then we're going to ask questions because there's still a lot of you I know some of you will need to go to work tomorrow so if you need to go I get that but I want to finish this this list if I'm a family with you the next is being caught up in this spirit we could have caught we could also call that an out-of-body experience but the Word of God calls it being caught up in the spirit now I'm not going to teach you how to do this I can't but you've got to know again that it's biblically possible whenever you induce it or you try it yourself it's called astral projection and it's new-age don't do that but you have to know that Ezekiel is the prime biblical example and he cites at least six times where he is the spirit lifted me up I was caught up in the spirit my spirit traveled somewhere I was singing visions my spirit was going somewhere because God wanted to show me something and in one occasion we actually know he was pulled up by his hair which doesn't sound that beautiful Paul writes about that in 2nd Corinthians 12 being caught up to third heaven John writes about it in Revelation 4 there are kinder fits of this where people will will themselves into it we must choose to not be afraid of the wild ways of the Holy Spirit and say well God you know if you want to catch me up I'm not going to stop you doing that and partly what I'm training you tonight is an attitude of heart that says God I surrender my religiosity I surrender the ways I think it can be done and God I'm gonna let you take me into your spiritual your ocean of Revelation the way you want to do it I'm mulling over whether I tell you a story about it I might come back to it but it does exist I know some of you cannot find support you will need to find support and if you can't find support raise up some other people and start to train them um two more and then we're done Transportation's the transportation is in Scripture few times nonetheless it's there and it's not where your spirit travels but it's where your body travels it happened to Philip in acts 8 and it says when he came out into the water and the spirit Lord suddenly took Philip away and the eunuch did not see him again but went on his way rejoicing Elisha has a sort of version of a transportation but he gets supernatural speed and he shoots off running after a head of a Hubbs chariot all the way to Jeremy tux's cloten is built and has supernatural movement speed Jesus physically moves twice Luke 24 and then their eyes are opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from their sight and then in Luke 24 at 36 while they were still talking Jesus then appears and says peace be with you so I have some friends that their bodies have physically moved and being shifted from one location to another location and privately a number of prophets would share that this happens to them and there we have it in Scripture finally third heaven encounters this is where you get caught up to the heavenly realms where God is the third heaven that the Word of God says where God sits Ezekiel's been there Isaiah John Paul Jacob Daniel and some others I don't have time to do it justice my children have been there my children once said to me mummy mommy my daughter particularly you didn't tell me that the living creatures had eyes all over their bodies which of course the Word of God tells us they do mummy you didn't tell me that I knew that she had seen exactly what scripture describes though she hadn't read it when she was caught up to the third heaven now I hope I have challenged you tonight and maybe even stretched you to think right side of logic and to think verb likley but let me tell you this everything I have taught you tonight this country to the wisdom of man I have touched areas that are so far fetched to Western mindsets I have touched areas of sovereignty and mystery and we are not to be experienced orientated but we are to be those who want encounters with God Oh Sam's coming to join me every single one of these things that has ever happened to me let me tell you what it's done to me it has left me more holy miserable than I started because every encounter I see his face or I see his holiness and I am stunned to my core of how pure he is and hi I am NOT and if you want to go on a revelatory journey you've got to be prepared to be made uncomfortable by our lack of holiness and what it does is it pushes me to my knees and I am not experienced orientated but I am encounter and savvy and in kind too determined and so it makes me pray God I see your purity how can I be so painfully disconnected hi can I have such a divided heart when you are so in love with me and so I'm going to pray for you to encounter these different revelatory levels if you want me to but some oh my goodness there are pages of questions he's just appeared you are deeply challenged Vida I am glad what have we got just a few things first and obviously we've had some issues going on it's worth the internet here in Glasgow and there's not much that we can do about it but we do apologize we hopefully have a backup of the recording where the audio and the visual problems that were had a aren't as severe and we're going to try to work to make that available either on youtube or on on a website and we'll get that communicated with you as soon as possible as well a couple of you asked about the book the ammos mentioned in earlier by our dear friend who's know with jesus bishop dr. Joe abode G and I've got his book here so you can see what it looks like and as the Bible based dictionary of prophetic symbols for every question and so he teaches the bat about dreams and here as well and there's a preface to kind of get an understanding of what their of has beliefs about but we have M majorities of lien here and actually with all the different symbols what they mean and the biblical references as to why they mean what they mean the sauce let's book right here so we've had lots and lots of questions and a mine I are just going to start to answer some of them I'm just having a look to see where we want to start so we have a Peter you asked that you you said that you struggle with interpreting your visions and your pictures and you really wanted some advice and some help and I have a couple of thoughts just to help you in that process the first thing would be don't expect the revelation which is the picture or the fashion and the interpretation and naturally and your practice phase to come at the same time and so we kind of often think I've got a picture and what does it mean what does it mean what's it mean I want you to take it in stages so God what is the picture okay I'm seeing a son for instance okay God what is the interpretation of that now and you staged it like that and also when you have a picture and you're struggling to figure out what it means I would encourage you to take an internal step back so don't look too deeply into the picture you're not the one that's interpreting it that's God's job you just need to listen to his voice take an internal step back breathe have a look at again incy okay God what does this mean I let it come and let it form but take it in stages like we see with Jeremiah Emma mentioned earlier he sees the branch of an almond tree you know what do you see a branch of an almond tree and that doesn't mean maybe what we would presume it to mean what does it mean that God is watching to see that his word is fulfilled and their stages in that process okay there's also great questions here and I have seen when your your team pray with someone who is afflicted by a demon that you look in their eyes we do we call it the scary scary where we really like intensely stare at them is there something you're looking for yes there absolutely is and we go to the New Testament where it talks in the Gospel of Luke that the eyes are if the eyes are good the the soul is good and that sense of the eyes being full of light and the eyes I'm paraphrasing being windows to the soul okay David if you can actually could find that Scripture and put it up for us that would be really helpful but because our eyes are light according to the Gospel of Luke if you are demonized and sometimes they close their eyes and the demon just takes over and the person is thrashing all over the place I don't like that I don't like any demon with any control in any situation where I'm using the name of Jesus and so we get them to open their eyes and my eyes that are full of light look into their eyes and the demon is terrified by being looked at by an eye that is holy and an eye that is full of light and we have find sometimes just by staring at somebody with light filled eyes according to look that at you the demon will leave like that and it holds the demon in a way where it's being burned by the light of somebody who is pure and holy and actually they leave a lot easier in those circumstances so I never ever do deliverance ministry with anybody with their eyes closed because of that verse oh yes look 11 verse 34 my husband's fine when your eyes are healthy okay and so that's really important so we call it scary scary and we we look at them not because we want to intimidate the person or be mean but because actually I can see when the demon is being burnt alive or not and that we obviously use the name of Jesus who is a demon tormentor amen just a quick one here and then there's two that I want to answer together there's someone here who's saying maybe I'm not called to the prophetic because I don't have these types of experiences how would I know number one all may prophesy you are absolutely called to the prophetic and I want to remind you that prophecy is a swimming pool and you start in the shallow end with the nudges and the Saints is and I think I thought I kind of maybe heard this and the more you practice and cultivate a lifestyle the more God trusts you and you start to encounter the wild or deeper end of that and so that comes with practice we have two particular people asking questions about dreams and the first person you said here that you have quick dreams early in the morning but as the wake they go and the other person is asking how and when did your interpretations of your dreams come about so let me start with the first one it's a lady called Rini Bale you asked this question about the dreams early in the morning and the first thing a to be encouraged to do is not to rush out of bed quickly or wake up really really quickly that happens to me all the time in fact this morning I had a significant dream that I thought I was gonna lose but you have to go back and to that state God would you bring that back to my attention and Emmas taught us to pray a simple prayer God would mice better learn from what I've dream and then a even if I can't remember it would you make sure my spirit has caught it but in that place God would you bring it to my attention and don't quickly run to a notepad and write it down straight away start to see the dream start to consider it start to talk to God about the dream and the more you do that the more it will become imprinted on your spirit and once you feel that you have a grasp of that dream then take an over write it down write as much detail as possible another person says here how and when did your interpretations of your dreams come about great question we often have dreams that we think what an heir does that mean and very peculiar dreams that have interpretations that we can come up with again it's a process and I would encourage you like the last question once you've read it down you need a good interpretation dextra like this one here and you start to see okay God what does that symbolism that I had in my dream what does that represent what does that mean in the Bible and your spirit should wetness with it and start to process using an interpretation journal and actually what that looks like but my second key would be that is so important you get someone else that you can share your dream with that you can talk to that you can process do you know I had a really peculiar dream recently about a code and the code it was part was someone someone significant in my life a close friend no no no no no no you enter everything that actually came and gave me the code that belonged to them and I had to look after and eventually it was a black coat I built a house for it by the state of my and by the state of my house and I thought do you know what this was nonsense because I'm the dream that K was running away I was running to chase her and I was just thinking that is a nonsense a dream war on earth and I was telling him about it and laughing about how ridiculous that was and she said I think you need to pray about that I think you need to consider and the dream was God exposing a strategy that the enemy had started to outwork to tie up my finances and once we interpreted that dream I was able to deal with that and the strategy Wayne and all sorts of issues that are going on in my own life related to that Wayne weather so get someone that you can share your dream with and talk it through with them okay and what ways can we use these tools for spiritually for a spiritual that property clean ight and this wasn't yes till I love building cleansing I love bringing the kingdom of light in and kicking the the king that we have had some wild and hilarious adventures doing building cleansing so we start with an anointing oil because oil consecrates in Scripture oil sets apart and we'll go around the parameter sometimes with gallons of it we just buy oil we bless it we consecrate the oil to God and we just bind with the property and we say this is not God's and very often we will go in and we'll see in the spirit realm we'll see where the demons have lived we'll get a word of knowledge another one of the revelatory gifts so we'll see revelation and factual revelation maybe about where that spirit came in a high it's had on access so that we can repent and cleanse the building so we are looking for sight in the spirit realm we are looking for oil to anoint we often take water just as a just as a symbol and not necessary but just as a symbol to say we are cleansing this place from everything that has gone before we often use salt because we know that salt in scripture is used to preserve and to savor and to flavor and we'll just say no we just put salt here just to flavor in this place with the presence of Jesus but yes it's incredibly helpful in building cleanses that you have seer prophets with you who can just open their eyes and say oh that's something there that needs to go that something there that needs to go that's where the the portal is or the open door in the spirit realm is and so I bless you to do that it's important that you don't do that all day every day because you end up looking at too much darkness but from time to time it's it's very necessary to clean property site and I would encourage you to have a go mm-hmm we've had a couple of questions regarding discernment and the discerning of spirits I'm on that and a couple of weeks the 27th of June we're going to a whole evening session on the gift of the discerning of spirits so you'll get to see that and hear more about that then there's someone here who says this I see shadows and field shells and you're aware of the spiritual realm really how do you develop this the first thing you always do when you're learning and you're kind of in the shallow end of experiences and Emma reinforced us earlier as you look for where Jesus as you ask him what he's doing and you're wanting to develop you're asking how do I develop this gift so the moment you see a shadow the moment you feel a chell the moment you feel something okay Jesus what are you doing in the room affects my attention on you what are you saying to me right now and once you've established that okay Jesus what is that that I just saw what was that thing that I just felt around me would you give me revelation rather than looking to the thing the spirit for that revelation Jesus what is it that you're doing and would you help unpack what I just experienced there to me just now so you know I see shadows once you've Summa Jesus then Jesus was that an angel or a demon help me discern oh that was an angel okay Jesus what is that angel doing Jesus what have you sent that angel for me to do or Jesus that's that's a demon you discern that okay so you're gonna start to deal with that demon that demon goes right now in the name of Jesus but you look to Jesus and then you get your destruction from him it's only saying should you clean out a property alone or should you get some help things are always better in the body of Christ if done in teams always you can do it alone I've cleansed my own house why can I do that I have great Authority it's my house we own it you know but actually generally we don't do anything alone if we can possibly help but when it comes to some of these things so how do you discern rightly between a divine God dream or a normal non spiritual dream that's from Lawrence and Bishop to your boat you always taught me that most dreams are from God and we have to be more highly respectful of them that we aren't than we are and very few are just human processes and so I've really taken that to heart and my default setting is God you're actually speaking here I need to pay attention even though it may be peculiar another top tip I would say is and I've taught this to my children from a very young age it doesn't matter whether it's Jesus who's turned up or an angel who's turned up in the room or what encounter they are going into or what dream they think they have had we must learn to keep short a kindly in the spirit realm so we do not give any length of time to a deceptive spiritual encounter and so we say immediately God is this you or is this not you and so I trained people to say to pray if it's not of Jesus make it disappear right now make me forget make it go away make that that spirit disappear if it is of you God I allow it to linger and I Ally myself to focus on it and we do that right at the beginning very we do not want to spend ours in a place of deception so we just get really really fast on it David's trying to get your taser okay so and be be very quick about your short encounters how do we interact with our angels I'm afraid to talk to them I'm not surprised you are every time through scripture and angel is talking you usually say them say don't be afraid don't be afraid okay and you even see dear old John fall down like he was dead so we have to say to ourselves you know God you don't have anything that's going to harm me I've kept short accounts Sam will teach you how to discern spirits and you have to I say I think say to go go would you give me courage to go on this revelatory journey okay yep M Ava comings you've said this that you notice that when you've been placed in a situation particularly you know by the Spirit of God they God gives you a word of knowledge so a piece of information about a person or the situation and that the middle of your hands begin to almost ache which is a wonderful thing drill amos is it I can't remember the exact reference talks about the power of God about the power being in the hands of God Habakkuk 3 sorry Habakkuk 3 talks about the power of God being in his hands and that Saints that we who are made in the image of God carry power and our hands that's we always say that's where the movies the superhero movies Iron Man that's where they get their inspiration from and so you're feeling the power of God there to start to do something particular and so Ava I would encourage you you've had a word of knowledge I would ask the question is that often about healing a physical ailment and someone's body if it's something along those lines then you're probably feeling they anoint intially hands on them and get them healed f nor ask the Holy Spirit what's this power in my hands for what am I meant to do with it and that will help you I work that process good stuff I think our time is probably come to an end 22:22 according to my clock sort of quite a while sorry for all the houses we had with the tech r and that's why it happens I want to pray for you and bless you before you go and I'm going to pray for your whole spiritual senses to come alive Sam's gonna pray for courage to work with what that will open up it's been a delight to be with you I'm not going to see you again till August I'm having some much-needed holiday and family time Sam's with you in a fortnight though doing the discerning of spirits that's a top-notch revelation that he's carrying on that told me to be Sharon and the other generals of the faith will be with you in the intervening weeks it's been my joy to be with you just raise your hands and let's just catch this and glad you enjoyed it Rebecca in Jesus name I list to these dear ones a super sensitization of all of their senses to the Spirit of God and to the realms of Revelation in Jesus mighty name and right now wherever you sit I listen ability for you to not just tiptoe in to the ocean of Revelation but for you to start to swim even ight into the deep waters that you would be those who live a revelatory lifestyle submerged in the ocean of all the ways that God communicates with his people and I bless you to have joy in the journey and I bless you to be those who knows what this adventure is like as those in the earth who hold a standard for the wild and wonderful biblical ways that God communicates with his people and so I bless you in Jesus name to have a lifestyle of lingering in the waters of Revelation in Jesus name yeah and we'll list right now to you cottage to go on an adventure with God and to the deep places of Revelation cottage to pursue God and to pursue his word and has sped up with your current realms of comfort cottage to be all that God intended you to be one who swims in the deep places of Revelation and everywhere there is fear or an apprehension over or regarding pursuing Revelation we just pulled out off you right now in Jesus name and we realist list a settled nests were these things but also the courage to pursue God and a more determined way than you ever have before and Jesus name Amen amen you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 142,807
Rating: 4.8913984 out of 5
Id: diNyE-sBWQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 24sec (5604 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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