"A Spirit of Power" | Power Hour | Ep.79

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] bruh [Music] good afternoon facebook and youtube land it is another par r and happy first day of autumn or spring if you're doing under but yes to us first day of autumn and i've already put the heating on in my house this morning is that pathetic i'm so cold no it's so cold it's not funny i was very bad when i woke up this morning and it was freezing although i am still wearing flip-flops as a statement of the dream team back with me today for another three days uh sam doing a happy dance there and um greetings across the world make sure you like and share and uh share all these truths and all the things that we're doing together like share like share like share just give you a minute to do that like and share uh we appreciate uh you working with us in that and um sam you have starbucks having bought you a starbucks i'm like why did he not bring it to me well he could do the rounds but he would charge like if he's he's new a new side job delivery starbucks driver for global prophetic alliance that would be a that would be a long journey right there as of next week one should make get the orders in about seven in the morning i foreign my own anyway you didn't know what i've got now to help because we need to keep hydrated i think sometimes you know we're all a little bit this is not a health program it is a spiritual program spiritual program but i've just bought um do you see the size of this it's like the size of my head it's two and a half liters so that i can keep my food up is that look at that where it says on the side but i'm on track for today you're ahead of yourself some amount of i'm like i've never used the the bathroom as much in my life but anyway welcome to my world and then reap the repercussions of it when you drink so much it's the story of my life [Laughter] water is good for you yes your turn is good for you no no that is healthy stuff in it it's not just you know but anyway we'll see how how glowing we are as it's gonna be amazing with all that apparently yeah who we know has had you remember cher the pop star she apparently has had loads and look is she still she says her skin is as good as it is because she drinks a lot of water so your skin is going to be glowing even more than it is now i'm not sure that cher is somebody i'm aiming towards as a life goal no i'm not a spinning ball she used to swear on water but we'd all be like yeah but you also have masses of plastic surgery so i'm not really sure which it is you know and let's see what happens let's do an experiment anyone wanting to join emma on the water how many is it two and a half liters a day then let's see how your skin is before and after yeah yeah drinking yeah though did she or not have do you remember when plastic surgery was just beginning my memory is she had her two floating ribs removed so she looked dead that's a big stream right there no no i'm going with the natural going with the natural aging process with the glory we did do you remember the lady we met emma who used to pray over her face and her skin every day she had amazing skin didn't she i mean like what do you do what's your skin program she says i pray over myself every day she had the most amazing skin yes yes anointed your skin with oil and uh mm-hmm maybe people with scars uh or acne need to start to do that just you know anyways we do we do we do buy skin products between us we could open a shop i'm sure especially when we were flying it would be what's the latest what's the latest skin product we could try on all of us and then we'd all get it for birthday usually if it worked for emma and yeah i'm missing all them i'm missing them i've never had anything new for ages anyway we just did the birthday weekend with jessica for her 18th and um we did we hired the hot tub the hot tub for those of you who are par are aficionados is an ongoing conversation because it's a saga i cannot stand the thought of sitting in somebody else's dead skin and fake tan floating around the water so we have up top higher for the 18s and actually i mean it was all right but you wouldn't spend your money to sit in somebody else's dirty water would you because it's not dirty it's filtered i would spend my money any time to go for a hot tub i could sit in one for hours and just chill it's so relaxing i love it i mean we we got our swimsuits on and all of that stuff and my dad is over in it and when the jets are all going and the jacuzzi is all bubbling i'm like fine but when all of that stopped all i could think of was i'm sitting in a bath with my dad i don't think that's what i wanted to spend my evenings you're a don't problem that keep the bubbles on and then that stops that thought apparently my daughter sophie spent the most time in it didn't she the other night and i couldn't get rid of it she she would have won in the heartbeat she she and sam's sister absolutely love the hot top as well obviously jessica who wanted it for her birthday but i think sophie would have no qualms about us getting one um but i don't see the rest of the family using it even thomas because his experiences at the the gym having cleaned one for mums being a lifeguard he said you should have seen the scum on that mum obviously it's a public one as sam has pointed out before no think about it it's not happening in our house well they're coming i think i saw i saw your sophie go into about seven and then i i think i came in to do um some miracle clinic training went back sophie's still in it and then i did something else in the house half past eleven i went out to see they were okay she was still sitting in the thing for the mistake goofy you'll melt you'll disappear you know the fake tan will have come off anyway yes so roth is saying that saw me through lockdown now ros fire in a huckle my father sitting in the hot tub because he used to be your minister and told me the story of your hot tub having to be crane lifted over your house because uh it was a terrorist voice that's devotion to the hot cup top cause is what my dad is telling me sitting in the hot tub no remember our fire he says i'm like yes she watches bar no that's funny that is funny oh meanwhile and the less glamorous on the less glamorous stakes um you were over helping me with jessica and multiple other friends yesterday packing for a blitz of packing up the kitchen weren't you that was uh yes quite a quite a hot few hours work to get that done but yes yes it was good you feel very productive packing boxes but nothing's actually saying yes the hot tub was craned over three stories that is commitment roz yes ross nice to meet you three stories that's cool house where does she live she lives in northern ireland so ross we're talking about you like like you're you know rose lives in a hotel now you have to have a really good ulster accent to pronounce that a heart you have to have the gut rock in it okay a heart so to be perfectly irish but she needs to move to glasgow so and and come and work with us ross yay anyway so shall we do something spiritual let's do something spiritual right we have been a little bit obsessed with second timothy 1 verse 7 which you will know really well and we just want to bat that around together and let me just read it to you most of you will know off by heart actually um for god did not give us a spirit of timidity or fear depending on your translation but a spirit of power of love and of a signed mind all the great uh ulster vile signs in there and so i i read it and i thought a spirit of power we need to talk about a spirit of power as completely different to other ways we might have thought about par so you are going to be um receiving during this a spirit of power and getting free of your spirits of intimidation uh and coming into a signed mindness you can say sound mind with an irish accent please spirit of power and signed mind i'll have you all trained in ulster isms by the end okay so but let's just as someone say that they're live verse yes yes okay um but let's go to understand the context in which this was written this is written in a time in church history of the most extremely rapid growth and timothy who paul is writing to is about to take over the leadership of the church in ephesus now ever since is not like a six-member church ephesus has a hundred thousand souls saved in that greater ephesus region and so timothy is not just being um a pep talked like oh my goodness timothy you're in a cave oh my goodness timothy you know you're not doing so well in life no no no this is a successful church leader leading a hundred thousand strong army in the ephesians region he is clearly not a shrinking violet he is probably just a normal man with a remarkable responsibility and i feel like god is saying you are remarkable people but i am giving you remarkable responsibilities so you need this truth as well you may feel average you may feel normal you may feel stuck but the lord says here comes the remarkable responsibility to move with a spirit of power now paul is in prison writing this he knows he's about to be condemned he knows he's about to be executed and i want to build parallel from that point in history to today it was extreme it was days of extreme difficulty it was days of anxiety because of persecution there was fear pulsating in the atmosphere does that sound like nations today they're questioning have we believed the right thing what are we to be as the church what are we to do as the people of god because here is an aggressively antagonistic roman empire who is taking down our greatest spokesmen and women who have imprisoned our most senior generals the apostle paul and we are in this place where though we have large numbers of believers we need the pep talk that paul gave to timothy because it's almost a like for like time in the earth sam you have some background thoughts on it hit us with it totally i think it is this zone that this is written to this ephesus at place is a hostile spiritual battleground and that is as a battleground spiritually that is having an impact on the dynamics of people and really the society there is becoming very quickly increasingly ungodly and actually godless and it's thought and that hasn't been happening a way out they are outside the four walls of the church but those i of the people of god that are in the four walls of the church are starting to be influenced by the godlessness of society and the truth that they want the truth they have an appetite for really isn't true it's watered down it's corrupt in many ways it's the truth that tickles the ear and makes you feel comfortable but doesn't challenge and provoke into purity and really this verse is written to timothy as he stands leading these men and women who are starting to be influenced by society whilst also trying to influence and save souls and expand the kingdom of god in an increasingly ungodly society and when we say ungodly we're not just meaning you know they don't believe in god but they are participating in idolatry worship there is no age witchcraft there are all sorts of demonic and satanic activities going on around in that particular area and timothy really is the man who's standing trying to raise up the church whilst also influence society and he feels that pressure that two-fold pressure of both of these uh things kind of flooding towards him and it's within that context that this verse is written and you read and a lot of paul's writings to timothy there's there's one theme in many regards and that paul communicates to timothy and one theme kind of two out workings and it would be timothy stand your ground and advance the kingdom don't back down is what he's saying and even through these verses into timothy 1 7 he's saying remember what is in you don't back down do not back down to the pressures in society and even the pressures in your own church because you have what you need to overturn both verdicts at either of your sides yeah yeah very good um let me just talk about this introduction to to um second timothy in chapter one because if you're to receive a spirit of power which you will today and that that's a guaranteed as we progress through this this are together but as you receive a spirit of power you've got to know in what context you can get it so some of you will be wanting to type yes i want a spirit of power yes i receive a spirit apart and yes you need one you need one but actually the context of how it's released is incredibly important because this is not par for you to be in control it's not par for money making it's not par to just be comfortable it's not par you know for your own entertainment value and so fascinatingly when paul standardly introduces uh many of the books he writes in scripture he says this grace and peace be to you you'll have read that you can kind of go yes i've read that many times you will have read it in romans 1 first corinthians 1 galatians 1 ephesians 1 philippians 1 colossians 1 and 1st and 2nd thessalonians 1. now why do i say that because it's a standard of paul to say oh i'm releasing grace and peace at the beginning of what i have to say to you but you will notice in timothy it's totally different he says grace peace and mercy and he adds this word mercy in why because it is the most extreme time here is a man approaching his own mortal end his death is at hand he knows it's gonna shake the fabric of the christian world it's the last thing paul ever writes that's incredible and so before his execution he says grace and peace and mercy now why why does that matter you've got to stay with me in this because mercy is that ability that you and i need david is putting the words on the screen uh mercy is that ability that you and i need to look on others and to give them what they don't deserve mercy is about compassion it's about receiving favor and giving favor it's about receiving kindness and giving kindness and actually other words in it for mercy uh or words that are translated as mercy i should say in scripture also mean enduring love or steadfast loyalty or actually one of the means womb which is bizarre that paul would say grace and something to do with the womb and peace but this connection with god and us and so he's saying look church look and please stay with me because i know i'm teaching you right now you need to hear this the the in a time of crisis you don't just need peace in your heart you don't just need you know a warm feeling you don't just need to know grace in a tough time the apostle paul says you must know mercy in a time when the world seems like it is shaken to its core you must practice mercy before i will give you power it's the biblical order you have to be a mercifully minded person before you can be infused with power that's the order all right so as much as we all want yay i want the spirit of power happy dance i'm gonna be so par filled it's gonna be extremely exciting you've got to know that the order is that you get mercy first before you get rabid power now mercy and again i'm teaching then we'll talk about power jesus says this in matthew 9 13 i desire mercy not sacrifice and i'm going somewhere with this because you and i delight in sacrifice oh god you know i want to be radical oh god i need to pray more that's radical the sacrifice of the discipline of you know praying in tongues the sacrifice of the discipline of fasting the sacrifice of the discipline and name anything you feel you need to sacrifice and jesus says no no no mercy is true radicalness mercy is what makes you cutting edge mercy is your outward focus you see sacrifices your inward focus did i do a good job god before you oh god did i fast and pray and read and have enough piety you know but jesus says no i want your outward focus to be one of mercy but here is the issue that god puts mercy higher than the mechanisms you use for your personal devotion did you hear that god puts mercy higher than your personal devotion he puts mercy higher than judgment mercy triumphs over judgment he says act justly love mercy let's anchor this so how do you feel about the refugee how do you really feel about the refugee if mercy is higher than your personal mechanical devotion how do you feel about the refugee how do you feel about nations that maybe or maybe not constructed a virus how do you feel about opposing political parties are you running towards them with the gospel are we open up and opening up to those who disagree with us who we don't like are we putting our favor and our kindness and our steadfast loyalty to those of a different political persuasion are we saying oh i'm gonna fight you and in four years time or five years time whatever your election cycles are i'm gonna fight you again or do we say i'm gonna run to you with mercy so that you may not be my enemy but that i might lead you to salvation so we start with mercy do you guys want to add that and then we'll switch into talking about power yeah yeah i just think that's brilliant what you're saying and what a revelation and uh as you say we all love the yeehaw let's go let's do the miracles let's demonstrate the power of god but actually if mercy is the way that god wants a lot of his power and his gifts and demonstrated before he will manifest in a more obvious powerful way then we have to look i think in even in our own personal lives and as you're talking emma you know we're all about the nations we're all about you know mercy here there and to the refugee but actually i think it's even in our own home and how are we merciful in our own homes to family members how are we merciful to the neighbor who is playing his music really loud or having parties every weekend and keeping you away from sleep in your bed you know how how is the mercy of god actually being demonstrated through us as individuals who love the lord on a day-to-day basis you know how is the mercy of god being shown to the boss who is being difficult or to the teacher who is being very unhelpful to your child at school or to even the bt engineer that i've been speaking to multiple times this week you know how is the mercy of god being shown when we are feeling irritated or not on my doorstep or not at my the bottom of my garden or not next door to me anywhere but me god you know where's our mercy i i don't want to i don't want to white whitewash the fact that god you know oh you need to be sweet and kind i don't think that's what this is saying it's not about you know roll over and you know uh take what whatever uh an opposition throws at you please don't misunderstand what we're saying here because god is righteousness and he is justice and and so there are some things you know because we're not saying and you know when it comes to isis or whatever other awful things you can think of we're not saying you know oh pat them on the head they are there i think what we're saying is that mercy has got to be your inner default place of how you think about everybody so you can work with righteousness and justice if you don't have mercy inside as a default setting your form of justice will be harsh your form of righteousness will have a cruelty to it and i notice particularly you know in in elections uh whenever in any nation where they get heck up you know uh about sides and i notice even in terrorist situations having grown up in northern ireland that it's very easy for us to get unbiblically angry is very easy for us to get unbiblically judgmental it's very easy for us to get wrongly critical and we have this not within us that is highly demonic but we call it righteousness and god says you're not you're not partnering with my righteousness my righteousness comes when you have got mercy as your first thought yeah come on so good how do i love you more and yet make sure that you come into justice how do i put favor on you and yet hate some of the acts that you do these are deep deep deep things and i think what god is saying to us quite clearly this morning look the reason i couldn't trust you with the power you wanted the reason you could not have the level of signs and wonders and miracles the reason you could not have the stewarding of the nations the reason the church could not be in the ascendancy was because you did not love mercy enough for me to trust you yeah yeah so good can i yeah can i just add something on there just a quick prayer um let me just say this and then there's a prayer that i've prayed lots of times in this a teach me mercy moment mercy is not mercy when it is on my terms mercy from the biblical standard whoops there mercy is only mercy when it is the biblical on the biblical god terms and that therefore means there will be sometimes when god pushes you to extend mercy that you will not have a natural impulse to extend why because it's not on your parents it's on his so the simple prayer yet powerful and very challenging god teach me mercy on your terms and start start to ask him to point your fingers god where am i not merciful that you are merciful where am i withholding mercy where you're actually releasing it where am i and who even towards and am i uncomfortable at extending mercy to that you want me to extend it to why because when mercy is on my terms it is not mercy it's a hobby it's a like it's something that is easy mercy which is a deeply challenging attribute of god to who we are in our fleshly nature mercy is only mercy when it's on god's term so god teach me mercy on your terms very good very good and so there is within us i think god restoring our compassion some of you need to type that right now god restore my compassion that i might be trusted with your power god restore my compassion that i might be trusted with your par wow hmm yeah come on you see if we don't learn this i'm preaching to myself as well if we don't learn this we get into warfaring cycles my party political party is going to win over your political party and then in a few years we're going to be back in this war and my power is going to be greater than your power but actually when i have mercy i run towards you with the power of god and i turn your life around come on and that stops the war we have got to make sure that we are biblically aligned and less politically aligned come on right sarah jane let's change time because we've i think we we could say a lot more on that but that sense of god i need my compassion and mercy restored so that power can come let's talk about this par in um in second timothy one verse seven that suddenly then gets restored in timothy's life sir jane hit us with it yes so we read that the spirit of power in second verse 1 7 and there is something that's tangible it is something that is um being reminded by his mentor by the apostle paul to timothy of remember when i laid hands on you remember that there was something that was imparted to you the gift of god in that moment that is in you not remember to activate it or remember to pursue it or remember to ask god for it no remember that it's there already by the laying on of hands and i asked god this morning and what do you want to say to your church about the spirit of power and so the lord says to us it's in your hands church it's in your hands it's in my hands it's in our hands it's in your individual hands and so we see that scripture where paul is saying i gave it to you this gift of god by the laying on of hands and it was transferred by impartation from paul to timothy and it's within him and we see um the scripture of habakkuk 3 4 that talks about the power of god being in his hands and so we see that habakkuk 3 4 it speaks about god and it says his radiance is like the sunlight he's burning bright he is burning like the sun he is a force and he is blisteringly hot he has rays flashing from his hand and there is the hiding of his power that is the place where his power comes forth is residing so we see the power of god this spirit of the power of god being released by god from his hands but also being released by paul to timothy by impartation and by the laying on of hands and one of the things that we do very often as christians is we we raise our hands and we go oh bless them bless them and we forget that actually our hands are filled with this supernatural power that is like a nuclear bomb in in earthworms you know it's like something that is a force that brings transformation and it it releases a light a flashing of thunder even on release as it does turn god's hands as it does from our hands so the spirit of power is something tangible it's something that can be felt it is something that can be seen and it's something that should be manifest sam do you want to pick up on that yeah i mean so so powerful so remember the background that we brought to this particular verse that it's in a hostile spiritual battleground and it's important that in a day in age like we are and now similar although different to the day and age that timothy was raised up for we understand what sarah jane is saying that power is something that you feel and power is something that you are aware of why you all have it all believers filled with the spirit of god have it and so when people are saying i need more power and i want more power so i can do the miraculous what you need is not more power what you need is a new mindset that enables you to realize that you have power and there are some decrees i think you need to make that you that will start to shift you into walking with a power so super simple i am already filled with the power of god just a simple decree i have already felt the power of god and type these in the comments as we go decree them out loud another one that is important i think to decree is i am a walking heavenly resource i am a walking heavenly resource what does that mean it means that your insides they generate solutions for whatever you are facing or others are facing around you you generate healing you generate the miraculous you generate innovation truth answers to problems wisdom instruction whatever may be required because you are a walking heavenly resource and so you've got to decrease some of those things i am able to perform miracles i am able to heal the sick why because i am already filled with the power of god and that's what this verse says it says for god has not given so that is in the past tense there he is not already given he gave you this already he has not given you a spirit of fear you don't have it you don't have a spirit of fear but he has already given you it's sealed it's done it's fact it's truth a spirit of power of love and of a sound mind and these are the three attributes that paul less as the the bedrock the foundation attributes for living as a victorious faith-filled miracle-working enemy overcoming believer that you understand that you have a spirit of power a spirit of love any and a sound mind and so i want you even as a little bit of homework because we've been a bit teachery today as well to spend the next week decreeing you know that's two degrees that you have they're simple decrees i am already filled with your power god and i am a walking heavenly resource that those two decrees are on your lips daily and that you start to shift your mindset why you've already got power you just need the mindset that understands you've got power because then you'll start to expect your life to generate the miraculous to generate the impossible to generate signs wonders and miracles because you understand that that is already what is on your insides brilliant i think there is that this surface level read of that verse because many of us have as a a well-memorized verse it's not a verse that we've not heard before and there is that surface level we could you know you know oh he's putting the homework out but put the verse back up you can david but we can look at it surface level of you know well i need to be less anxious i need to need to fear less i need to pet talk myself that i've got power but i actually think there's something deeper there where where what paul is saying to timothy is don't you dare shy away from confrontation i i think that's embedded in that verse don't you dare shy away from confrontation whoo and some of you just need to hear that that is implied in that verse you need to develop this is paul speaking to timothy a boldness and an inner strength you need to be more determined with what you've been given you need to become so secure in what god has trusted in you that you drop your passive aggressive behavior that you drop your face i'm in your face attitude that you take your mask off and you know true security i want to say again because i feel like god is all over it um don't you dare shy away from confrontations god says look i am reminding you that within you is boldness power and inner strength and assigned enough thought process to be able to legitimately deal with what needs confronted it's this dramatic dramatic anointing of power and the logical capable mind to deliver it and the love that you need based on mercy and god is saying you you guys better go for it there are some things you should have spoken about that you didn't there are some areas you partner with silence that you should not have partnered with silence there are some things you let slide that you should not have let slide there are some things that you need to rise up again and say not on my watch there are some people that you need to go and have merciful but par filled conversations with knowing that what i have put in you is the ability for transformation because my spirit of power my signedness of thought and my s my love are in you now you need to rise up and do something about it so i am not afraid of confrontation needs to be the decree oh loads of people say to me i'm confrontation averse loads of people tell me that i am not afraid of confrontation because i've got the mercy to do it well and the love and the clarity of thinking and the strength of god some of you need to repent for passive aggressive behavior wow i'm not afraid of godly inspired confrontation sam said he wants to jump in so much more to be said on par i've painted the notes who wants to go next when um when you're both speaking about power and i think actually i've never really thought about the sound mind part in the way that i had when you started sharing ever because i feel like even the criticism actually of the unchurched or even in the church of those who want to dumb the power of god down would say i think you're a little bit flaky i think you don't know what you're talking about and actually if we're people who are to focus on the unseen then actually there are those uh naysayers who are gonna say are you sure that's what you've seen are you sure that's what god is doing i think you might be a little bit mad and actually i don't know if anybody out there has had this experience but i do know somebody who is a seer in our nation whose um close family member actually reported them to health professionals because they thought they needed locked up because of what they were seeing in the spirit and it was genuinely you know they had a sound mind but they were seeing supernatural radical things happen in the unseen realm and in the scene realm and so i think that this sound mind part is so key and the other thing the other thing for me is and actually as i'm talking about that many of you have believed that you didn't have a sound line that you're concerned actually that you've you have lost your lost the plot um and actually this is how god uses the imagination is to speak into the supernatural realm and the unseen realm and i hope that some of our teaching and and mentoring even even up to this point and beyond as a ministry will help you understand that actually what god is showing you is any anything but kooky anything but strange but actually completely solid and completely from this sound mind verse that we're reading about here that timothy is reading himself so i even wondered if you're saying that emma if timothy had accusations thrown at him um in accordance with what he was actually leading the church in you know and you have a sound mind timothy the other thing was that i felt was really important for us all to get is this level of power this mindset as a church of the the trickle of power charging that we believe we have that somehow we are like a phone that needs charged to have any sense of power so we might pray in tongues when we get charged a little bit so that we have the power of god in us to a level that we need it to have and we need to go plug ourselves back in again that's not the kind of power that god has given us it is the kind of power that is like the world's biggest um hydro station in china the three gorges hydro plant that actually puts out thousands and thousands of kilowatts of power every year and it's only on average running at something like 48 according to my research so that's the level of power on the earth that again is minimal in comparison to actually what the power of god is in ours and actually in the spirit i saw it like the biggest worlds if you will we want to see i want to say nuclear reactor because that's probably the most powerful thing we could think of that is behind us that we are plugged into 24 7 when the spirit of power of god is honors and in us we are hardwired in the power of god we don't need to go and recharge we don't need to get activated we're already activated we're already full of god we have to just use it and remember it's coming out of our hands that the power of god is in us and it wants to come out and we've used that we've used that image before of uh iron man where he where he releases the power of god or spider-man with his knot it's the power of god we say that where do you think these superheroes got their ideas from the power of god comes from us it is not just over there bless you and it's not this you know sacred heart of jesus as was on the wall of my uh roman catholic nana who had this hand up of jesus going peace be with you it is a force it is poor the power of god coming out of us and we have to understand and get the mindset right to really fully walk in this and god said to me that we had actually hibernated ourselves as a church that we've told ourselves i'd rather be a church of understanding i'd rather be a terrible church i would rather understand scripture than actually demonstrates the manifest power of god and it's our problem it's not god's problem we're all praying for some revival to come but we need to actually remind ourselves it's in us yes for the power of so god was saying we need to switch ourselves back on again we need to switch that power back on again because it's our choice that has made us as a church go to sleep we are a powerless church because of decades and centuries of a decision to partner with the lack of power and i have to say emma and sam that makes me want to repent on behalf of myself and our church right now but also on the church has gone before because what have we squandered and what have we turned i away what you said there it just you know it makes me want to leave up and down on the spot that we prioritize being it's so worth repeating a church of understanding rather than a church of power i mean god have mercy your analogy of like i need to keep getting plugged in mobile phone and yes we do need to keep being connected to jesus but the fact that departed already in us is the nuclear power staff you know i i you're not as weak as you think you are really yeah you are not as weak as you think you are i mean what i have in my notes you know here is um have we come to a sanitized jesus and a disinfected cross where we are all safe and cozy have we become ashamed of active power of god wow i asked and i then i heard the lord say this you must stop the legacy of ambivalence you must stop the legacy of ambivalence and that legacy what you receive and what you pass on is um and what i mean by that is a church that says well i don't really care uh we're not going to really gonna go after it or it's too self-focused or it's willfully negligent or it is abusing its position in exploitation and self-aggrandizement and that sense of self-promotion and god actually said to me ask them to pray for a renewed passion to restore the world and that legacy of ambivalence if i don't really care god give me a renewed passion to restore the world we gotta heal an ambivalent uncaring church yes me can we just write that in the comments and david if you can type it up god give me a renewed passion to restore the world god give me a renewed passion to restore the world i will not be deactivated i will not be ashamed of having power and i think part of it is what i've also got in my notes here is we must proactively accept that we have power hmm yeah isn't that lovely oh jesus says it's a powerful church no i've got to proactively accept that i have power oh sam yeah totally and actually you know i was reading ephesians 3 16 and one of my favorite scriptures if you've watched you'll know i refer to a lot um that really i think is a great partner scripture for this concept of having power and not having fear i'm not going to read the full verse but let me just mention the three times that it refers to power in verse 16 ephesians 3 16 onwards it says that god god praised paul prays i pray that out of his glorious riches that you may be strengthened with power and your inner being and so we see power here being being being there being what produces strength and might and force in us verse 18 then says i pray that you may have power together with all the lord's holy people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep as the love of god and that word their power enables you to grasp that's what power enables you to do in this verse it means to seize to comprehend to understand and to possess the reality of and then verse 20 says now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us so his power produces the immeasurably more and that those two words immeasurably more are actually three words in the original and you can translate it as this now to him who's able to do violently excessively super abundantly more that's what it says that those words paul loves to paint a picture and so this verse here says that power this power that we that we've been contending for for the last hour is for your might and for your strength it releases to you the ability to understand and then to possess what you understand and it is for violently excessive super abundance do you see what god what paul is trying to say here what god is saying through paul by the spirit here you've got to understand your power and you've got to understand the power that is in you let me see this power is not just for those who go out on the streets to heal the sick power is not just for the prayer ministry team power is not just for your ministry mode where you go and you prophesy over someone power for the believer is meant to be the foundation of all of life it is meant to be the foundation of everything you do that your strength is because of the power of god your understanding your mind's ability is because of the power of god your ability to possess and take territory and move forward is because of the power of god your ability to have solutions to be a resource to perform the miraculous yes and some is because of the power of god and god doesn't want you to live a powerless life and we have often thought that that is what we're meant to live and we partnered with that as sarah jane was saying earlier on because we've put just knowledge about power your call is to live a power filled life and it's not just for you know the healing on the streets team let me just say that it's not just for the hour you're out healing on the streets power is meant to be for every single aspect of your life every moment of of every second of every day and god is saying i'm filling your day i've already filled your day with power do you have the mindset to expect it do you have the mindset that enables you to use it brilliant now let me just pray for you as our time comes to an end okay and if you can where you are i don't know where you are in the world you might be running or you know cycling or driving don't take your hands off the wheel but if you if you can i want you just to raise your hands work with me my lovelies okay work with me raise your hands and i want you to just come into a new moment with jesus right now and those hands raised are a sign of yielded surrender and in the name of jesus as your hands aloft are a sign of your dependency on him in the name of jesus i loose to you an ability to work with the power of god like never before in the name of jesus with your hands open and yielded surrender we pull off the mindset of intimidation we pull off the mindset that says i can't confront and deal with that we pull off the mindset that says i don't have a signed mind and all those hindrances in your thinking we now kill in the mighty name of jesus as we go to war on your behalf and in the name of jesus we release to you a mind of christ an ability to confront with truth and ability to rise up and stand clothed in the power of god we release the ability for you to marry power and mercy in your life and to be known as a mercifully powerful son and daughter of the most high god and i will say receive a new baptism right now i receive a fresh baptism receive a fresh infilling as your hands are raised and open of the presence and the spirit of god himself and i charge you now to walk out of this time together with a new passion to restore the world amen wow wow i think there was so much in that you're gonna have to listen again i might have to list again um but i want just to promote to you in the mornings this week at half past 8 8 30 a.m i know for a lot of you that's the middle of your night we are doing just for five days 30 minutes called rise and shine of 30 minutes praying in tongues we've just done two days monday tuesday and they have anybody on here watching uh joined us you can type in the comments and let me know how you find it and because we love your feedback but it has been unbelievably electric with the power of god and and yeah 5 30 pm in australia but uh my goodness me it's rare that i'm nearly in full blown i mean i dance a lot but full-blown dance mode round my room and wild song uh but i mean this morning i was like you know just the the as we spoke in tongues you know i don't even know whether it was a nice song for everybody to listen to but i don't want you to miss out join us half eight in the mornings for five days of rise and shine and make sure your sound is up really low so you hear all my church pop of course our church is called power church what else would our church be called but part some of my power church people who aren't at work who are able to get on and uh and join me in tongues so join us for that and we will see you in the morning for rise and shine um there's a lot of us in your life if you want and then again for a par our uh performing at university but i will see you guys tomorrow okay [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 10,534
Rating: 4.9283156 out of 5
Id: yYamuzh6Tcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 32sec (3692 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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