Seeing in the Spirit Realm | POWER HOUR | Ep.166 - 10 August 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good our family around the world i am so glad you have tuned in and delighted to see your names and your comments pop up in our app in front of us from youtube from facebook however else you are watching and this morning this afternoon i have the gorgeous girlies that requires a song all the gorgeous girlies all the gorgeous girlies all the gorgeous girls a little dance for female prophets are in the house and uh sarah jane and debs this is a yay congratulation day because both your girls got their result their their final school leavers results their a levels and their advanced players yesterday and they won they won they're in university here they come both in glasgow very exciting to be able to have mummy daughter lunches and brunch's debs hooray and emma come too and jessica can come from edinburgh it will be great so we'll go to edinburgh it'll be fun she's in a different city but your girls go both got into glasgow uni to do um amazing subjects so what are they going to read sophie's doing actually business at strathclyde business school which is one of the best in the country which is so exciting for her and actually one of our friends and church members uh stuart he is an alumni who got very excited about that he actually organizes the alumni organization so he's already planning things for sophie which is wonderful very exciting what about you debs grace is going to do english literature she absolutely loves reading and i couldn't commit to four years of reading books i don't i don't know it floats her boat and she's very very excited at the prospect of that oh there's another it's like a big relief as a parent isn't it when you get it written on the paper and oh they're go you know they've done well you've raised them and uh empty nesters uh coming soon i know it's quite a thought well deb's just got three more still yet in the nest um sophie's my baby at 18 can you believe that and my baby's 18 and i will be bereft and lots of brunch and lunches i'm just saying somebody asked me out for a coffee and lunch so it's actually all our girls are up with the church youth group on one of the hebraian islands at the moment and they're we're all out paddle boarding yesterday as a as a celebration together at youth group paddle boarding nobody died it's fine but we're actually up on the same pilot in a fortnight as their mums and we were just saying beforehand should should we all hire paddle boards too and get and hire wetsuits the problem is ladies and gentlemen those of you who don't live in the cold waters of scotland can go paddle boarding in the sunshine we've got to go paddle boarding with full wetsuit regalia on otherwise you get frost and a light jacket so we were kind of discussing do we all want to watch each other squeeze into a wetsuit because i look like a turnip in a wetsuit they are so unflattering it was so so so funny on holiday because we were up on the island and we have a paddle board which is a new purchase for alice's birthday and it's you're exhausted by the time you blow it up because it's inflatable it takes a wee while just to blow it up but in my head as i put my wetsuit on i was like sporty mum you know like i'm looking really good here you know but in reality yes turn it i said to sophie yeah in my head i'm like you know heidi klum or you know what's her name uh elle mcpherson you know in my sporty wetsuit here i go paddleboarding but in reality not but anyway we like to live we and then i had this this ridiculous thought you know i drink these two liters of juice every day and the inside of it got really dirty and so i poured bleach into it in desperation and then i rinsed it this morning and literally just as the the countdown music went on i took a sip from it and i thought what if i keel over and die and i've poisoned myself with bleach so as i'm drinking as i'm drinking my juice you can all just pray over it that i've properly washed the bleach out of my my mega just cup anyway getting rid of any extra virus or germs at the same time not recommended it's probably not melting that's not gold that's not good ejecting bleach anyway should we talk about spiritual things good we're going to talk about seeing the spirit actually i really felt the lord talk to me about failure to see in the spirit and the issues and the problems we are walking into of failing to see in the spirit and the real i mean i feel like i woke up this morning in mega warfare mode i was like military sergeant this morning in the spirit realm and maybe in the natural too but anyway in that sense of we have got to break through here our failure to see in the spirit because god is giving us not just sight for encounter but he gives us sight for strategy and that we are missing the strategies of god by our failure to live as those who perceive in this spirit realm and it is not just that god wants you to see him in the spirit realm although that's your first job and your highest call to encounter him but he actually wants you to see the demonic aims in the spirit realm uh so that you can know the wiles of the enemy to quote scripture so that we can be a victorious church and so we're gonna just back this back and forth uh this morning together and you're gonna i hope learn from us and get some freedom as we uh chat this uh through uh sarah jane do you want to kick us off you have a word about god marking this age the age of revelation and illumination which is a fascinating choice of words why don't you you kick us off there yeah i actually was really over come by it because i really as those who know me i am a seer and i do see in the spirit and have done for a long time but it was like even today the lord took off blind man's glasses off my eyes and said this is what i'm doing to the church in this what he's calling the age of illumination or the era of light and clarity and this sense of the lord bringing us to a doorway to an entry point and actually more like an act if you will as i i saw it like an act in a theater the act of the church if you will in plays you know this moving into something fresh and something new of revelation that is very distinctly based on light and this morning the lord was saying to me actually you need to just bathe in light and so i just sat and he took me uh with what um he had called and i'm just getting to know them this battalion of light-bearing angels i've only been introduced to them at the last few days but already working with them in the spirit enables us to see things in the dimness and the darkness of the spirit that were on we were unable to see and perceive before and this is available for all of us as we choose to step in to this era of light but as the lord just said just sit there and let me bathe you in light what fascinated me was this this word photon now who's a physicist out there this bathe in photons the lord said and i'm like i don't know what a photon is it sounds physical physics to me i wasn't great at science at school i'm sorry i was an rt1 and but this light that is penetrating is alive is not just something that we see in the spirit and think well that's lovely but it's actually tangible um essence of light and when i looked it up actually a photon is the descriptor of the particle of light in quantum physics it's something that's tangible but it doesn't weigh anything so this sense of when you see sunlight coming through your window and that is zillions and zillions of photons that's to describe that so the lord said look i want you to physically and spiritually bathe in the photons of my light particles in the spirit and be transformed in them where do we go in scripture for that interestingly the guy that actually termed the phrase photon and comes from uh the scriptural references in john 1 4 and 5. this is a fascinating scripture and i believe it's something that we really have to deep dive into in this time as god is saying this is the era of illumination and this is the era of light john 1 4 5 says in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends or apprehends it not and this sense of this light coming from men that connects to the life of jesus how is it that jesus our god is reliant on something manifesting from men that actually needs to be or desired by and wanting to be apprehended by darkness but darkness cannot understand it the other scripture we go to is isaiah 61 that you'll all know really well this sense of the arise and shine for your light your illumination has come your light has come your shining has come your brightness has come your clarity has come and the glory the cupboard of the lord is arising on you there is something of this era of light and illumination that we are now in and stepping more fully into as the church that enables us to manifest physical light and glory the cabard of god on us as the church this isn't just a something happening in the spirit this is a physical manifestation that god is bringing us into and that might seem very out there but i believe that the lord is taking us by saying now is the time to bathe in this light allow the the spiritual illumination to come to you allow your eyes your heart to see to perceive to access that which was hidden in the dimness and the darkness that scripture tells us about we are in phenomenal days and this is available to everyone that is fascinating we're pushing some boundaries here but it's fascinating free i have to say for years we've been fascinated with the scripture in romans that talks about um be dressed in the armor of light david i wonder if you can put that on the screen romans 13 be dressed in the armor of light um and what does that actually mean that's slightly different from uh the other armor we read about in the warfare chapters in ephesians you know the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness what is this armor of light and what i have find for years is that god often uh puts a spotlight and illumination on me i see it opening up from heaven i stand in it i sit in it i walk in my room to where that light is like a beam almost like you'd see in theater a spotlight beam and i stand in it and i suddenly shift into this place of elimination where i can see in the spirit feeling the spirit sense in the spirit this this place of basking in illumination and being dressed in the armor of light where i interact with his glory he interacts with me uh there is a great sense of intimacy in that place and revelation comes and really what we're talking about here is a lifestyle that doesn't get this on the run but a lifestyle a little bit like moses who sees the burning bush a light sees the fire sees the illumination and goes towards it and i find that really important god i want to just catch up to the corner of my eye your light and your glory your fire and then i want to take some time to come aside to be bathed in it and dressed in it and come into the zone of illumination and 13 is right the age or the day of revelation and illumination where you're not just seeing but you are wearing glory and you are partaking in sight and glory i mean who wants to partake in sight and glory we all should be going like me me me sight and glory dressed in the armor of light and david if you can leave that scripture on the screen there be put on the armor of light that i'm connecting with the brightness and the glory of god that my skin and my frame and my emotions and my ability in the spirit realm alters as i dress myself in light add to that yeah and just um what what is what is our part in that and when sarah jane was saying arise and shine for your light has come that light is for rising up because the first part is the light has come and the second part to that is a rise and shine there is there is a requirement of me to arise in that place of light and be those men that of light that shine and um we can't shine until he's his light has come and it's almost like once his light does come there's something wrong if i don't know how to rise and shine in that and what my requirement in that is yeah oh emily muted i muted myself because i was coughing sorry debs you were talking to me in the pre-chat about intimacy and this this deep pull into illuminated intimacy and glory i mean we're really talking about this mystical union here and this day of encounter can you push that thought debs yeah just to to you know charles spurgeon i always i always quote him grip baptist preacher but he said before anyone can be a prophet they must first be a seer and understanding what a seer is and he went on to explain it and he explained it so well that the true seeing of the spirit is an intimacy of knowing who god is and knowing what he is about and operating out of that so that we don't look for a gift or a function but that we operate out of a direct relationship with an intimacy of jesus because you know scripture says i will watch and see what he says to me and it's like he was in there emma about just basking in that place and lingering just i will i will watch i will watch here and what where am i in that place of intimacy that i can partner with him and see yes i feel like devs a little bit like what we were chatting about on sunday morning we are in these days of what i'm very happy to call the experiential gospel now i think there were days we shied away from that sort of language in case we we looked unhinged or unbiblical but increasingly i feel true biblical normality is to be in an experiential gospel and some of you are going to need to type i want a lifestyle of experiential uh gospel i want to experience god experiential gospel that actually god has sent us you must come in to sight and encounter you must be transfigured in encounter it's time for you to be a radiant glory blah bride you must have my heart and sight you must come into mystical union that everything that he is you will become yeah and actually if it's in that place that we're going to break nations free because we're going to see and understand yeah amen experiential gospel i think for years the charismatic church i know we're post charismatic now but for years the pentecostal and charismatic movement were slammed for being non-biblical oh you're too experienced orientated you're not biblical enough i mean wave at me if you've heard that said you know that was the standard well you know the more traditional denominations we know the word and we're not even sure that you do because you talk about experience so we slightly modified our language so that we looked maybe more in their area and yet the lord is saying no no no you've got to reclaim the language of experience and experiencing me i experience my husband i don't just read him in a book amen okay and i am to experience my god and so we are reclaiming the days of illumination and glory the days of the experiential gospel and i think some of you are going to have to not just type it but be brave enough to speak it out lied there is something of your decree that needs to come forth i want to live an experiential gospel i want to live the lifestyle of experiencing truth of encountering truth of wisdom and revelation i want to encounter and experience glory i don't want to be dull and dry and a wordsmith only and i think we have got to reclaim that because it is so potent that when you are full of glory it is that that will break the secular humanism of the age it is the experience of god that will break the empire spirit off nations because you are carrying and experiencing his glory debs you you have a word about the lazy eye of the church or sj do you want to come in on that yeah i think that's i'm excited to hear that word um from dev but i actually felt like this this expectation as you're talking emma and debs about intimacy about revelation about the experiential our expectations as the church have to be great have to be expansive for the fullness of the gospel that is ours all that you read in here you know that sense of actually it's access to the experiential gospel it's not just to be read flat and the lord explained it to me like you know the word is not flat the word the world is not flat and the word is not flat it's an experience it's to be dived into there's a other wholeness to it and i think for me you know john the beloved is a great example and a marker for us because it's the john the beloved into john the revelator of revelation in the book of revelation as the beloved as the bride as christians as those who belong to christ who is our husband we should expect the revelation to come because from the beloved comes the revelation and there are realms of that there are stages of that but we must say i am the beloved therefore i should and i do expect revelation like john yes debs talk to us about the lazy eye of the church you know just as you were talking just because um we can't see it it doesn't mean that it it is not there yeah and i i recently went and had a um a scan on my neck um because i had a little swollen gland and when i was scanned they found um that i've actually got a growth on my thyroid and i have to have surgery to have that removed and you know i was just thinking about that now thinking just because um i hadn't previously seen it did not mean it was not there but the site that i saw it gave the strategy to overcome it you know and and quite often we have to um sharpen and engage our spiritual sight in order to gain um full vision of what is ahead of us and then prepare and partner with the holy spirit for strategy and to overcome it and when i was talking to god about this and i was thinking about what is our failure to see in the spirit how is that affecting us and it's just that there is a lazy eye in the church fun fact i have you can see it's weeping a bit there i actually have only 25 sight in this left eye wow i am legally blind in my left eye i have no and i was one of those kids that had to wear the patch over my eye and in order to bring that eye and what happened was that the muscle of that eye became stronger and and i'm now thankfully able to keep it it's central but had i just rely on my natural vision that was my strongest focus i would never have gained the ability to strengthen and gain muscle back in that eye and i think so often as the church we are guilty of um using where our natural man-made strengths are and not strengthening the the spiritual eye that lord has given us and the difference i still have no sight in that eye and i have the ability to look with that eye now but i cannot see with that eye and i was looking at the difference between the word look which is to direct your eyes for a purpose of seeing something and the difference to see is to perceive it and to observe discern and understand what you are seeing and the lord was really speaking to me about that i may have now the ability to look like we can look in the spirit but we don't necessarily know or fully understand how to see in the spirit how to understand what we are seeing how to discern what we are seeing and how to focus and to have that understanding beyond just looking very very good and i think we are i need to grab my bible hang on um you're right in the concepts of nicodemus and he's going to turn to john chapter 3 on that because there's a fascinating conversation where jesus says to nicodemus let me let me read it to you um jesus replied this is john 3 verse 3. very truly i tell you no one can see the kingdom of god unless they are born again and that word see is fascinating it means to perceive to attend to to discern by the eye of the mind and jesus is saying to nicodemus look you must spiritually see you must discern you must perceive you must see the reign of god there is a kingdom you must see and you have lost at something the lord is saying here to nicodemus and you've got to gain spiritual sight to be part of the kingdom of god you must be different from what you wear before oh come on you must be different jesus is saying to nicodemus from what you were before you've got to look and you've got to learn and so this this day that we are in is this moving from uh i might say to a perceiving and an understanding of how the kingdom of god works now sergey do you want to come in in that before i talk and take us round it in a longer prophetic word as to why this really matters because we talked about encounter but i want to push something about war right now sure yeah as you're talking i actually think the question is you know um coming from the church and actually coming from even some of the prophetic movement why can't we just hear the voice of god and that's good enough why can't we just get instruction from the word and get instruction from the voice of god well i think when you look in scripture it's very quickly uh debunking if you will the whole thing about spiritual sight being a an optional extra because every prophetic instruction every revelation that we read in scripture is loaded with illustration of seeing and experiencing and interacting with the spirit realm praying in the spirit is very normal for everyone in scripture and you feel like you know we've given this um almost like an option of it's good enough to get instruction from hearing the word and reading the word but actually the lord is saying no it's important that you have the fully loaded experience and for me i call that we've taught on this before the turn and look principle that you read about in john 1 where he hears the voice of god but then he says i heard the voice and then i turned and looked and i saw the voice and this sense of actually seeing jesus then that that amazing uh reality of who christ is on his throne his hair white is wool he's burning with heat and we get that description as we do in daniel um from john and then he gets more revelation based on what he sees but i feel like the lord is saying come on let me pull you into the depths of revelation as you see and perceive things with your spiritual eyes and with your natural eyes in the spirit in the earth realm there's this sense of the layers of light and the illumination of the angels that he's calling the light bearers bringing an additional level of light from that dimness and darkness so that we can partner with god and and i think emma i'll hand it over to you uh there and and pause the other thoughts all right let me i what i really want to push today is failure to see is not a problem and the church's failure to see in the spirit realm is a significant problem and i'm going to lead you in a prophetic word to why that is and that we have left sight in the realm of encounter but we have got to restore spiritual sight for the realm of strategy and we are lacking strategy because we are lacking sight okay so let me take you there and it'll seem like we're we're going a bit around the houses but this is the this is the word of the lord you see the church is not just baptist and the church is not just presbyterian and the church is not just charismatic and the church is not just lutherans and you and i are playing the game of our own version of truth with walls up to aspects of truth that others see and that others hold we are a defensive protective divided suspicious silo away denominational protestant church and jesus is coming today and he is saying this i am standing against the evils of protestantism which knows at its core the art of disagreement and division now i've talked to you a lot about the evils of denominationalism but jesus is talking to me at the moment about the evils of protestantism now this is offensive and it's offensive to me particularly because i grew up in northern ireland and we all died and through bombs to defend protestantism so so no more than the northern irish know how uh you know confrontation on challenging this is and it's not that we're saying oh catholicism is better or protestantism is worth anything with an ism is an idolatry humanism secularism individualism thatcherism globalism nationalism catholicism protestantism you put an ism on it it's an idol okay so the lord is saying i'm standing against the evils that protestantism has brought which is about division and disagreement and the inability to learn from each other now protestantism oh this is strong stuff because protestantism is the second largest form of christianity after catholicism it's got 1 billion adherents 37 of all christians on the planet are washed in protestantism and denominationalism is about religion and control but protestantism is about division and suspicion and so we have adventists anabaptists anglicans episcopalians baptist calvinists reformed lutherans methodists pentecostals non-denominational charismatic evangelical and independent and i'm only scratching the surface of our division and the lord said this to me you have trained yourselves to no longer be one church you have trained yourselves to no longer be one family and your suspicion of each other has led to an ownership of you by the demon of unteachability now this has gone back into seeing in the spirit stay with this you see we don't you and i know not to say i've nothing to learn nobody would be as rude as to say i have nothing to learn but we have a version of that and it's this i won't learn from you i won't learn from you i won't be sharpened by you and so the lord says we have this unteachable church who won't sharpen itself in the family way on aspects of trust that each stream is carrying but we lead in nations whether we know it or not so if you have an unteachable church what do you get you get an unteachable nation and when you have an unteachable nation you have unteachable nationalism and the lord said to me that it is the day to talk about the unteachable church and the unteachable nation where churches are making enemies of other churches and nations are making enemies of other nations and the spirit of the lord said this church beware that you have sown the seeds of war in the nations your unteachability your man's ability to not listen to raise the standard that protestantism is the way that i must divide i must be suspicious has created space for satan to sow seeds of world wars this is you might say to me oh you know surely we're at war no no no no oh no no no let me give you some stats we are in an age of the least wars that have ever been known on planet earth you are more likely to die from eating too much than from eating too little i mean this is development whether we like it or not you are more likely to die from old age than infectious disease i mean this is progress you are more likely to commit suicide than be killed by war terrorism and violent crimes put together more people commit suicide than are killed by war terrorism and violent crimes put together statistically you are your own worst enemy statistically you are more likely to die at your own hands and this is the development we celebrate in the world but the point of all of that is we've really not lived in an age of war and yet matthew's gospel says you've got to be ready for wars and rumors of wars now why does this have anything to do with spiritual sight this kind of word that i feel like god it has given me because the lord says this there are demons on the borders of nations and you haven't seen them there are demons on the borders of nations whose mandate is to take us into mass world wars and they are specialist demons called the creation of war demons and i saw them and they were lined up and they weren't all facing one way one was facing forward one was facing back one was facing forward one was facing back and they were this demonic laughter at our nation's borders because they were bringing confusion and contention and they laughed at the confusion of how each nation would rage against another nation and the spirit of the lord says you dropped your spiritual sight and you have failed to see the strategies you were so big on protecting the works of protestantism that you divorced yourselves from a supernatural sight and the enemy got busy while the church was defending the idol of an ism which was protestantism who this is a word and the lord said this your thing that you're to see is contributing to and empowering satan and your inability to be one family and your inability to learn from each other is coming home to roost because you are contributing in your protestant shutdown fleshly existence to the greatest evil of our time and then the lord said this you are no different from the lutheran pastors in the days of hitler where in the rise of hitler thousand lutheran pastors took a pledge of allegiance to hitler and they failed to look and see what was happening and the lord says it is heavy yes carol this is a heavy word you are right the lord says you have not allowed yourselves to be trained to see demonic aims you have not been trained to weigh and test the spirit realm you have not been trained to be teachable biblically about this day of experiencing in the spirit realm you have only been trained to defend truth and satan's cry of death to your sight death to your spirit realm abilities death to your spirit awareness has won the day and the lord says you do not see perceive and know how to re-strategize now i have hit a load there that's a word that's gonna need some unpacking i'm aware because we're going to have to repent for protestantism and division and defense but also that sense of what protestantism brought us of i must fight you i must fight you i must fight you i must defend my corner meant that we were so busy fighting another church that we lost the beauty of time and lingering in the spirit realm to fight the real enemy yeah and protestantism did that and yes i am having a go at a structure of government that we've had for 500 years now the problem is that in catholicism and protestantism which have been our two major structures there's a lot of good and there's a lot of truth but the issue is when we have an ism we have a demonic structure woven with truth that's called syncretism yeah and so god is saying your failure to see is not an issue that you may well lose some battles that satan is planning of nations against nations okay uh guys why don't you comment on that before i talk a bit more about nicodemus it's really sober word to repent and when god says look oh i'm talking again when god says it's a new era you know it's and we're going yeah yeah we're having our happy dance it's a new era it's a new era you know new day in church how easy is that to prophesy and how hard is that to own when the new era means that the structure of protestantism that made me divide silo away defend and hate another church is the very thing at the core of my being god says you can't have anymore right prophets help me out well all like all i can see is you're saying this emma which is adding a whole other sack of potatoes prophetically is as we have been separated and as we have decided amongst ourselves over these centuries that this is the way we will go and division and then looking for answers um under our own strength the lord is now saying to us a warning that emma's bringing but also where we are being diverted and i just see and i've been aware of this last week this diversion for the ecumenical church particularly well protestants catholics wherever you're coming from is climate change and actually we have had this uh where is the solution coming to save the planet and actually the lord has given us the answer if we have eyes to see in the spirit and again back to revelation the new heaven and the new and the new earth our new earth is coming from heaven is coming from the spirit realm it is not a solution of planet b like elon musk and all his other uh competitors are looking for in mars or wherever and it is not climate change solutions that will come from man's own effort in this anthropocene era that we are in which is you know man has messed the planet up through climate change and environmental issues yes we acknowledge they are there and yes we acknowledge we should reuse recycle all those things but the enemy i see strong men devouring the earth in a corner and laughing again as let's divert them away from this that emma's saying into fighting over climate change as the nations and avoiding the whole solution that god has given us by his spirit with eyes to see and he is to hear that it's coming from the spirit realm and so in a grand if you will scale or arc of scripture and archive where we're all going actually the enemy has done a great job of getting us all tied up and not with each other on demonic issues and away from god's solution by seeing and hearing together in the spirit to tackle these demons yeah i don't think we can underestimate what's seeing in the spirit where we started today being illuminated by the glory of god carrying that revelation and that level of mystical union illumination and spiritual sight what that does for the world we live in and can i just say in this in protestantism i am fed up of our singing take us back to the garden uh in this let's go back to eden please give me grace here we're not going back to eden we're going into a city and god changes us from eden dwellers to city dwellers we're waiting for a holy city descending we are not waiting for a holy garden descending so enough of that going back to the garden we're going to live in a city and why is it a city because a city is about community and a city the holy city of god demands an ability to live together and protestantism demands that you silo away and be suspicious and god says don't you see it's a city where you have to live on top of each other not a garden where you get your own corner that's right that's right a slight rant of an aside debs that is a heavy word and it's just it's so humbling we live between these two worlds caught in a war between two kingdoms yet we're not even aware how to navigate the space let alone occupy it and i just um as as you were talking i was just thinking to set the scripture to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace therefore if you look at the opposite of that to not set your mind on the spirit is death and war you know and and quite often um we can't live in a world a nation a community a union as one in christ unless we are able to set our minds on the spirit and see in the spirit and strategize not alone but strategize together um as neighboring nations and i think the enemy has worked so hard to keep us focused in this first dimension in this in this in this world where we sit right now in our earthly bodies and we are so fixated on the things of this natural world and we have lost sight of the fact that we are seated in the throne room and that we have our feet you know in the second heaven ready to to occupy that space i i think we are failing as protestants to see let's take the lutherans because i had to pop at them for supporting hitler but we are failing to see the lutherans loving jesus we are failing to see other denominations loving jesus with their whole lives we are failing to see that i actually can learn something from how they steward truth that i can learn something from how they worship that the mindset is so protesting in orientation that i have failed to cherry-pick the best from every place because let me tell you what not one denomination has it all sucks that's right and and in that i won't learn from you i won't learn from you you know in case i pick up your error and yet look at us i won't learn from you in case i pick up the error of the method i won't learn from you in case i pick up the error of the anglicans i won't learn from you in case i pick up you know the error of the pentecostals no no no that's protestantism gone mad i must learn from you because you will be holding a portion of truth that i am blind to and so let's go back to the seeing in the spirit where we're trying to tie these things together when i really would love you to go and read all of john threes not a long chapter but it is this crucial chapter where jesus is saying to nicodemus you actually have to be born of the spirit and verse 6 he says the spirit gives birth to spirit and you are born into life in the spirit so let me ask you this did when you came to jesus did your physical body get saved no that's why it still gets sick that's why there are demons in it no you're no it was your spirit that got saved the spirit realm holy spirit gave birth to spirit you became born again in the spirit realm and of course nicodemus says how can this be because he doesn't understand spiritual issues but the conditions or the admission point for entering the kingdom of god is new birth in the spirit through christ jesus your becoming a christian is a spiritual event it's an inner reality of a spiritual rebirth your spirit is reborn your spirit is a new creation i mean we are in some deep deep deep teaching here your inner active spirit comes alive and i feel like the lord is saying your spirit was alive but you put it to sleep you of the spirit into the spirit realm you're a new spirit creation body's gonna die don't worry about that you're a new spirit creation but your spirit man has gone to sleep and you have lost the enjoyment of spiritual things and you have failed in your spiritual sight because your flesh is more awake than your spirit and your flesh is warfaring against another church when your spirit should be in unity to see in the spirit realm to deal with the real enemy and the spirit of the lord is saying wake up your spirit man that which has been burst by the spirit of god the spirit gives birth to the spirit verse 6 john 3. oh i'm preaching come on and so some of you are going to have to lay hands on your stomachs and say spirit wake up spirit your new creation you've been born again of the spirit the spirit you were born with as a child is no more you were born in the spirit and your spirit man is a new creation and it is time to say wake up spirit man wake up spirit man and see where the battle is and see what the enemy is and denounce the isms the man-made structure that you can now have not just sight for a wafting encounter but that you might have sight for strap for an army of the kingdom of god that might have a chance of winning if your spirit wakes up all right sj debs help me we need corporate deliverance as protestants from the spirit of antagonism and and this sense of the the structure that we've fastened ourselves into individually corporately which is which is old and it's birthing that has been entrenched in us individually and corporately but i see it in the spirit like a corporate organism of antagonism demonic antagonism and it's um its roots if you will its tendrils are in each one of us is disgusting and i have to say sometimes i get what i call the vomit anointing when i feel like i need to throw up just saying making it real my team knows exactly that what that is when we go out and we need to you know feel like we need to throw up spiritually i feel actually emma that's what we need to do as a corporate protestant church now can we all agree for everybody i i think we can pray god deliver us from that spirit of antagonism that is so entrenched in us that we can pray god deliver us individually deliver us corporately god for all the sin of antagonism man to man man to woman woman to man woman to woman in your church that calls itself protestantism and there is this sense of actually the the unhooking of it actually feels like not difficult but it's the breaking agreement of it because it's almost like tendrils like the bottom of a plant rather than a demonic hook because we have made it so easy yeah this demonic structure to grow in us individually and corporately yeah it's funny isn't it because i tell you what i'm quite excited about if catholicism and protestantism are two main strands i know this eastern orthodox as well but the protestant and catholicism are not the right structures because their isms and isms are an idol oh what is the structure of god that he wants us to what does it look like and feel like to not be living in another man-made but to come out of catholicism and to come out of protestantism and to figure out together what is it like to be kingdom people that is exciting and yes but that is exciting and i've talked a lot about you know the post charismatic post-pentecostal church but i want to start to prophesy the post-protestant church and the pope catholic church now that is something worth getting excited about amen when actually we're totally out of all the isms that hold the people of god i mean we could do a we could do it run around the mountain on individualism as an idolatry as an ism we probably could run around the block and communism and socialism and thatcherism and capitalism and we could probably knock each one of those you know as as demonically laced structures but whatnot well the first thing is you gotta repent of partnering with demonic structures around you in your catholicism and in your protestantism and come out of that suspicious divide that has taken you from the spirit realm to be flesh orientated only i think that is the great evil of the protestant era to totally undermine the spiritual realm um powerful powerful yeah yeah yes and we now think that the only thing in the spiritual realm that's really acceptable is healings or tongues occasionally prophecy we are really shot down to trance's spiritual sight really weighty prophecy at some of the extreme things that are biblical normal biblically normal somebody's adding in their republicanism i didn't say that that's in the comments anything written ism anything with an ism anything with an ism is an idol take this just that away anything with an ism is an idol yep it's idolatry in some form right it's one o'clock ha i think we have said a lot that's controversial so um we actually uh uh you know that we got back into our church last sunday so we did record it we did record the preach um uh we haven't managed to get our full sign system up and working at all but i think that dave is going to publish what i preached uh thursday or friday this week so you'll be able to track with that and we're hoping that our tech systems are robust enough that we'll be able to live stream this sunday uh so i don't want you to say oh my goodness i gotta wait another week till we see you again on par r watch for my preach which is uh interesting one and these girls will say yes and then hopefully uh on sunday will be live and boy am i sturding a word for sunday i was writing it this morning anyway we love you all satan saying under promise promise so we can over deliver look we just pray that the sound system enables us to go live on sunday but certainly you'll be hearing a lot of work team so they might not get there yeah yeah we may not get there but certainly what i preached last sunday you were able to pick up in the next couple of days brilliant see you soon bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so
Channel: Global Prophetic Alliance-Glasgow Prophetic Centre
Views: 13,112
Rating: 4.9519725 out of 5
Id: xFXdfOGx6aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 36sec (3696 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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