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[Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we already a little late but he tried it but he did not succeed [Music] when to go live and last night I got a notice that one of the plugs from my internet was out so of course you know we black folks like called and make sure the bill was paid and then got up this morning and knew that everything was okay and I got up and get my studies and went to go live and no Wi-Fi so the one thing I can say about me and I want many of you to probably grab this and that is when you know that God has called you to do something and you know that beyond the shadow of a doubt I am one of the most determined people I know it is like now I know why one of the faces of the cherubim the Bible said was an accident because you have to present strong focus in order to reach this to me and in focus you have to have determination and how do you know that you are operating in the spirit of determination because something comes against it because something comes against it because another spirit comes against it and when I say something I'm not even talking about people because what I was going to minister on today was making reference to the fact of bringing to your awareness not that many of you don't already know this that all things are spiritual everything everything everything everything disability um even when you touch something want you to see this even when you touch something that is solid the reason why it it feels solid is because of all of the electrical charges that is filling the empty spaces between all of the electrons hardens it to give it a hard touch but really it's a spiritual thing and if you do the research on that you'll find out just how deep that is you'll find out just how deep that is and when you recognize that all things are spiritual then you know how to do battle for your destiny because if I know what I am called to do then immediately I am to do the research on the opposite of what I'm called to do because that will be the spirit that will come after what I am called to do not another spirit I don't have to wonder about that are you hearing this because I want you to get this I want you to get this when we started talking last week about about the seven spirits and I wasn't going to go back into this what I needed to we start administering on the seven spirits and why God wanted me to go so deep into this you know I jumped in my car when when they said it wasn't going to work I grabbed all of my things I don't anything nobody knew where I wish I had like about eight minutes to get to Starbucks so I'm using they Wi-Fi a man and somebody we spent enough money there and I ran in got a cup of coffee and I'm parked outside I just said at this point I'm desperate I mean I use everybody's Wi-Fi because I know they're getting forgive me with this work and go forth so we gonna have a car ministry today compliments of Starbucks when I was studying this and I saw this and I saw that Adam and Eve was created as eternal spirits eternal spirits I don't even think we understand the power of that just how deep that is that that that I was created never to that I was created never to be disconnected from God I was created to to always exist everything about me in an age in a eternal formation nothing never to dissipate everything to remain as is and I made a decision to enter into town I made a decision to enter into debt which could be cut off and that's why when you look at the Book of Luke 4 and 18 and it talks about and Jesus having the Spirit of the Lord and the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and he has anointed me that mean the fullness of God the spirit of God is without measure upon him and that's what I was talking about the other day that the spirit of the word is on us without measure which means there is no limit to what you can accomplish I'm talking to you today that you're not limited in what you can accomplish and you say dr. Bynum but I am and I say but you're not there is no limit to what I can do there is no limit to what I can accomplish because of my true conversion if I have been truly converted because we're always dealing and and keeping ourselves really really and please don't don't get me wrong when I say this hear me out hear me out because there are some scriptures and I want you to read that you're like shut off and didn't bring my Bible so I want you to read them for yourself revelation 3 I want you to read revelation to me from maybe one down to price approximately the seventh verse um and in that scripture it talks about the offense of God and God been offended because he's referring to not just sin but he's referring to the sin of incompletion the first thing he says there is that I haven't oughta gives you because you've been given this power in this spirit but you haven't completed what I've given you the assignment is incomplete the job is incomplete the goal is incomplete I have a kind of a difficult job here in this next era of what God has called me to do and that's to help us to bring the spirituality in with destiny spirituality in without everyday life what we have been called to accomplish in life and to show us that the to do less so that we could stop living two separate lives so we can stop living the church life and then get out here in the world life and don't and we just lost don't know where we going don't know how to get there confused about how does operate in this world and should I be in this world and do I leave my spirituality to accomplish what God has called me to do and if I'm over here accomplishing that why am I being made to feel guilty for trying to accomplish that so how do we mess all of this together is it supposed to be together yeah it's called purpose it's called what I've been boring to do it's called what I've been called to do everybody's not called to be a preacher everybody's not called to stand in the pulpit but everybody's been called for purpose and that purpose is to help the engine of this world operate that purpose is for you as a believer to become the possessor that you were in Genesis remember when I said to you that one of the definitions of wisdom one of the definitions of wisdom was understanding watch this this is why the enemy cut the wood cut the Wi-Fi off see because I have to get down to this we got to talk about the bright side of darkness the bright side of darkness the bright side of darkness what is the danger of me not knowing me not being fully aware that I have come all the way into the divine will of God that I am completely made whole that I am I am not fragmented that I belong to God that that my heart belong to God and watch as I'm going to make a statement and I'm going to clarify this statement in a few minutes that the laws of my heart belong to God that's important that's important what is the difference between when the Bible says and when the enemy leaves in the Book of Luke 11 26 through 29 when the enemy leaves he brings back seven more devils greater than the ones before they left so what is what is what is the difference between the enemy leaving and the enemy being cast out because when he leaves I want you to see this the Bible said the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violence taken back force so if there is no casting out where the violence is concerned he wasn't put out he went out and when he goes out by leisure and he's not cast out then there is no indication that he cannot return if I put you out you can't come back if you just leave then I'll just go back and knuckle and dr. bottoms door whenever I feel like it I say hey I just thought I'd drop by to see how you doing but if I put you out there's something in your spirit that's it don't even go down that block don't even knock on that door so let me give you why here is a danger when the enemy just leaves a person so we're talking about stay with me because I need you to get this I really need you to get this weekend at 3:00 with me is not hype I really need you to get this so that we can build we can build not so we can be happy so we can build so we can be converted and what I tell you conversion was when my psyche change when there's something back here that is switched in my direction change the best person's heart still remains the devil's house he calls it his own and he retains his interest in it and yet the unclean spirit is gone out it's gone but he still has an interest in you and he still claims you and your house as his own watch this he was not driven out by the power of conversion there was none of the violence with the kingdom of heaven speaks up he went out and withdrew for a time so that the man seemed not to be under the power of Satan ash formerly in other words he allows you to be good and not delivered he is gone or turned himself into an angel of light so he allows us to be good but how is it that I know that he still has interest in me because I'm not productive because I'm under the offense of revelation 3 I'm not producing I'm not completing the assignment that God gave me my life is not producing anything and I'm not producing at this level I'm producing at the 5% mindset of the world I'm producing at the mindset that the world's that human beings are human beings operate on I'm not producing at the 40 and the 50 and the 60 percent that the Spirit of God produces on and I am I am I am I getting to anybody right now the house is swept from carbon pollution watch this the house is swept but from common pollution listen by a false confession the same bad you don't get saved you won't go to hell so Lord baby Jesus a forced confession of sin like Pharaoh did that was a forced confession of sin he wasn't sorry by a feign contrition for it like Asian well I guess I'll socio God brought down fire and all that till profits by a partial Reformation like Herod these are those who have escaped the pollutions of the world but are still under the power of the god of this world second Peter 2 and 26 for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they are again entangled therein and overcame by the latter end is worse with them than the beginning somebody said well somebody said one why dr. Bonnie because the house is swept but it is not what it is swept but it is not rushed that's why Jesus says if I don't wash you not sleep you not with you if I don't wash you I have no part with you and there's a reason why watch this because sweeping takes away the loose dirt it is swept only from what people can see from what the world can see this is what he told me to write the life is swept but the leprosy is in the walls get is garnished only with the picture of grace but it is only paint and varnish it is not true conversion because it is not producing anything it is it is dancing in church it is praising God but it is not productive Simon was garnish would say Balaam had good intentions Herod had respect for John oh my god the Pharisees had eternal performances but it was not lasting are you are hearing God today I'm talking about the best you can be I'm talking about the best you can be I'm talking about what he's called me to be not what I have settled to become not old well but in spite of do I have anybody outset today that is ready to become spin spider that's why I sit on this page I sit on this page to show you that in spite of in spite of that I I have to wash you said the Lord because because I gotta get the leprosy out of the walls I gotta get the cancer out of the walls because if not if not you won't be able to produce I want you to hear something want you to hear something I said it on last week Mach 4 and 12 that's saying they may see and not perceive not become aware not become aware cuz everything that we do everything that we do we do it out of our subconscious we do it out of our subconscious out of our subconscious we do it out of my subconscious our subconscious that's the sub that's below us that's below us that's below us we do things and automation that's me Louis like right now right this very second right this very second you're breathing in and out you're not telling yourself to breed right now your blood is running through your veins you're not telling your blood to run through your veins right now some of you just you just looked off you just bring your eyes you're not telling your eyes to do that there are things that you automatically do that's in yourself that's beneath you that's in your underlying and just like your blood does that just like your heart does that just like your eyes does that there are characteristics about us that we do that has become our sub that is in the lower part of us that has become so automatic that we're so used to doing it that is it is a stronghold it is your hold back and you don't even you're not even aware of it and it comes so natural until we work in a natural defeat we'll walk it in natural interruptions we're walking in natural interferences because it's a part of the sub we don't see it and so now the spirit comes to speak in the in the ear of the Spirit it comes to speak to the spirit it comes to speak to your spirit it comes to awaken your spirit so you can hear what the Spirit is saying the Bible said quicken me O God it comes to quicken you back to life it comes to awaken you so that you can hear what the Spirit of the Lord is designed from you are you hearing that watch this watch this so let's go back to the scripture that says in the Book of Luke 26 is said we bring back several more Devils worse than us set them on death seven more devil seven more Devils let's talk about that for a minute seven more Devils seven seven more Devils he brings back seven more Devils he brings back further more Devils so now I understand why Jesus said in the 29th verse of that same chapter when a woman is said a woman jumped up and said blessed are you and blessed is the woman that gave you milk from her breast and Jesus said No blessed is the man that hears this word and obeys it and moves in it and observes it observe it me observe it mean take it as a part of his own life and do it hear it that's when you blessed so then he said seven more so I said God woody what are you trying to tell us here cuz he said 'listen he could have said and the devil gonna bring back 20 more devils and he's gonna bring back 16 more doubles and he gonna bring back 45 more devils and he gonna bring back 65 modals while he said seven so then he says when you're reading wanita Isaiah the eleventh chapter and the first two third verse and it talks about the seven spirits of God and the Spirit of the Lord you know came upon him and it was the Spirit of the Lord he said I want you to look at that and and he said the job and I wrote this down the slide jumped in my car that's why I jumped in my car I said they gotta get this today because you know what the first thing I said is you know I was in the bathroom when I was doing my makeup and when they came in and said I don't think they we're gonna be able to go on because the internet is out you know my first of all my first thought was well I guess I'll go on the morrow and then I said no determination is something about this word that the enemy don't want them to hear and this is why I jumped in my car nobody's paying me to jump in my car do this it's just time it's just time for you to get it next time for you to go beyond just saved you in that same scripture that I told you to read in Revelation it talks about you're still not saved but it also talks about that incompletion so those are you who are not saved the scripture said I'm offended by you because it says not all of you all have a waiver and gone into sin I'm not talking to everybody but I'm also talking to you all who are not in sin but yet you have offended the Holy Ghost because you have not you have now completed your business assignment you have not completed that you have not become disciplined you have not gotten on the ball you have not gotten yourself involved and what God has called you to do you're not in it you're halfway in it you're part of the way in it you're blaming other people for why you're not at it and nobody can stop you from being in it if you're really in it if that's where you want to be nobody can stop you so why does it get a me bring seven more devils because this is what God gave me to write he said the job of the enemy once he knows that you have made a decision that I want to go with God or I want my destiny or I wrote down a plan oh I'm desiring to be more than I am right now I want you to get this watch this the minute he knows that there's something in your psyche that have changed that you are no longer going to tolerate then anybody else's puppet being anybody else's flunky then you're no longer going to just settle for working for somebody else when you know that if I can make you Millions I can make me Millions the minute he knows then you'll get rid of to become 1000% involved in the ministry that God has given you and taken it to a spirit of excellence now if he sees that you have not cast him out you have not made a declaration no more you have not said to him you can't come back here no more I cash you out of my mind I cast you out of my thoughts I put you out there's no more room here for procrastination and nothing else because let me tell you how serious this is let me tell you how serious this is the minute there is a resistance then there is a strategy put in place what did I just say what'd I just say somebody put that up on the screen the minute there is a resistance there is a strategy automatically put in place the enemy now has to strategize on you because you ain't stupid normal you used to be stupid you used to be the wandering Christian you used to be a dealer mean the devil you did you're not stupid anymore because the minute you say ho wait a minute whoa whoa then there's a strategy put in place against you and then here come here comes the 7 now the 7 is not just some wandering spirit that's not what that is and I'm not in I'm not on here to teach you demonology that's not what I'm doing that's not what I'm doing because first of all we need to train the body of Christ how to operate in this world that's what we need to do that's what we need to do we need to teach you about the power of God the power of the Gods you serve and the power that's in you the power of movement in this world because that's what I live my life but I can talk about you I can't talk about what nobody else do I can only be an example we could teach a whole lot of stuff but the best teacher is what somebody see you do I don't know becoming a closet I didn't go from the top to the bottom and back to the top in a closet I did it in front of you survival is possible overcoming is possible getting it all back as possible if you ain't got a question nobody why are you coming back so if the seven spirits of God is the spirit of a lower the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of strength the spirit of knowledge the spirit of reverential and obedient fear then here we go then here we go so being what skin what happen is now I got to fight you strategically I have to fight you strategically I got to hit you where it hurts so I'm going to bring back seven spirits to attack you they got to be counter spirits to what you go in after I have to counteract the spirits that God has promised you because if I ever let you get them seven I've lost you for good is anybody listening is anybody listening I just want to know is anybody missing because I told you last week about wisdom I told you last week about wisdom so then how do I know because we all know that everything is connected we all know that angels don't work alone and demons don't work alone right right there's a choir of angels and demons don't work alone so ain't no one demon gonna come to nothing you gonna bring several so here we go so if God has promised us wisdom if he's promised us the Spirit of the Lord then the first thing the enemy got to make you feel is the spirit of the devil that's the first thing you got to make you feel the spirit of the devil the fear of Hell the fear of uh something gonna happen to me because the Spirit of the Lord is life and more abundantly the spirit of the devil is among us somebody gonna kill me I'm scared I'm scared to drive I'm scared of the dark I'm scared to go downtown I'm scared to get on the train and what if my mama god what if my cousin God and what if my daddy dies and I'm not talking to anybody today am i talking to anybody today that what you fear the most shall come upon you am I talking to anybody today that's the spirit of the devil that's the spirit of the devil that is a spirit of the devil that is a spirit of the devil in i rebuked that that's the spirit of the devil he's come to counteract the Spirit of the Lord which I promise you life and life more abundantly I am the way the truth and the life any man believeth on me though he was dead yet shall he also live Satan comes to kill to steal and to destroy what if I don't make it what about failed to test what if I don't get the job what if they don't like me what about you fat I'm sorry big girls is winning we was talking about that the other day what you're talking about what do two fat skinny girls came out to get no man big girls and took over so what I'm too fat what am i hair too short what about what what is what it is I'm scared what if my son dad what did my daughter that you can't even work your job and perfect your life in the work business pochamma where this masseur school what didn't you rebuke that because he comes to counteract what you have been promised the spit of the Lord number one number one the Spirit of the Lord I want you to say I received the Spirit of the Lord I received the Spirit of the Lord I received the Spirit of the Lord for the Bible said what I have not given you the spirit of fear if you got it it didn't come from me that's how you know you are legal to rebuking if you have the spirit of fear I didn't give that to you because let me help you with tomato oh wait a minute just didn't say that is feared that doesn't that's not back that fear does it mean scared it means all it means that all of the Lord I am in wonder of him I am in reverential obedient all of the Lord in other words my fear for him is that he is so awesome and he is beyond my comprehension that when he speaks I obey Him I'm not scared of him that's a psychotic mixture how can I be scared of somebody I'm supposed to love spirit of the Lord dis upon me that's what I want you to walk around safe a spread of a Lord is upon me I know what you're feeling trust me I want you to get this I know what you are feeling my mother is getting up in age she's getting older and the devil used to torment me like that all the time what if your mama dad you know mother banning and what is she what is she going down and what and I had to tell the devil she is gonna die and when the Lord call her to close her eyes he promised her 70 years she's past that I love her dearly she has lit all Holy Ghost saved like my whole life and when God calls her all her home prepare my heart but one day she Gaga and you're not going to admit me with that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me and she going home to be with the Lord where she wanna be and I love live life so I can see her again and you gonna get out of my ears about what if my mama died Who am I speaking to today Who am I speaking to today spirit of fear tormenting you God then gave you plans that you can't even work fear well what if what if what if what if you got the power I was reading something not too long ago about two people two groups of people that they took in surgery and they had knee problems severe knee problems and they took the people in the surgery and half of the people they did a severe knee surgery on the other people they made three incisions on the knees and sewed them back up and took them both in recovery and everybody healed and was told the surgery turned out wonderful gave everybody walkers and everything took everybody to therapy weeks later everybody's walking good coming on for the canes and everything walking normal got some tenderness but they're coming on through it the people that had bad knees knees begin to reconstruct themselves and was told you never had for surgery I'm telling you fear is a dangerous thing drill will mess your mind up it will make you think you got something you ain't at and feel would make you keep something that should have been gone a long time ago I'm talking to somebody I'm talking to somebody Who am I talking to the counteracting spirit he didn't want me to come home he didn't want me to come on and give you this but I had to I had to I had to come on and give you this no fear no fear no fear now you know what he asked for counteracting spirit wisdom I gave you wisdom the last time and we going on join me tomorrow join me tomorrow internet and working around be right here in front of Starbucks with a cup of coffee eating up day Wi-Fi so then the opposite of wisdom it's imprudent meaning reckless and carelessness and neglect it means inability incompetence weakness impotence powerless incapacity disqualification insufficient failure shortcomings unfitness lack do anybody see any of that in him do anybody see any that in yourself if you see any of what I just read recklessness carelessness neglect to handle your business neglect to handle what you're doing and let me go and hit this on you we gonna eat this right here because I know some of you all got your own you should be getting your look your Bibles this is a signature stamp right here I ordered this signature stamp almost three months ago and they wanted me to put that signature stamp on the last 207 Bibles and I wouldn't do it I was sick in 2/6 to sign the Bibles and I was away in Tobago and I refused so I requested that PayPal give everybody back their money and they did and I mailed off the Bibles and I said here and find them myself last week so all the Bible's went out and a lot of people got their Bibles and they got their money back so whoever told you that I stole people's money they're lying wonder I refused to put a signature stamp on Bibles for people that have waited some people were kind enough to million of money order but if you don't send it in god bless you because you waited long enough for it because I'm not going to be counterproductive of anything I'm not going to give the devil a window for nothing and when it's the truth I'm our own it and when today i'ma call the devil the liar that he hit y'all gonna get your mind with this week I have to look at it in film incompetence nope vibrating weakness no and my impotent nose and my powerless no am i disqualified no am i insufficient no am i a failure no do I have shortcomings yeah okay so I gotta fix that gotta fix that unfitting as well I need to get back in the gym I've been sick but I know you've edited an excuse cuz I had dropped up I'm going to the gym before I had a long problem I'm not fat but I'm not sick so somebody can join me on that one boom right there pack you it I'm not fat but I'm not fit you're not fat but you're not fit and even if you are you can still be fit you could still be healthy I'm determined to do the book I'm determined not to let severloh Devils come to counteract the seven spirits of God who born with me anybody going with me you going with me throw some hearts up there you're going with me throw some hearts up in we're going to the next one tomorrow the spirit of understanding I love this fork our life you'll be happy you'll be free the most of all don't forget to be here I love baby [Music] [Music] okay [Music] and a
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 23,328
Rating: 4.9502826 out of 5
Id: KClEkUbN7ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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