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so let's say you're on a neat bakery right you sit down you've ordered a nice big cake they bring out this cake in this neat presentation you have all the Baker's and waiters and all of this staff bring it out in this amazing presentation your mouth is watering you can't wait to taste of frosting and they set down the entire cake on your table you look at it you can't believe what you're seeing if it tastes as good as it looks you don't even want to share so then you take your fork you pick up a nice chunk of cake you take a bite and it tastes like the worst thing ever it's like a cockroach milkshake mixed with whatever gunk they found in the alleyway you spit it out and you demand a refund how dare they trick you but then they tell you but we had this young impoverished boy from a third world country made it you don't want to look like the biggest douche bag by trashing a cake right so now you're left in the dilemma do you respect the kid and decide to not trash the cake or do you talk about the cake regardless being honest well that's kind of what's going on here the biggest question is probably how I got to the conclusion that this episode is the worst episode especially considering that this is an ongoing series well I don't believe Teen Titans go would sink lower than what has happened here so as you can see the episode revolves around this Wally seed character who is this character well he's based on a real person in collaborative efforts with the make-a-wish Foundation he voices himself within the episode quite barely and loves the show so as you can tell from before the episode starts out with patting out his name a lot it's not insightful it's not funny it's honestly just a circle jerk of the kid and look this review is not gonna be fun because it puts me in a tough spot I have no ill will for William Walter Thompson I've never met the kid but I do think him meeting the people who make a show that he loves is a great experience that I definitely think he deserves my issue is not even that the episode revolves around him the issue I have and the reason why I deemed this to be the worst episode of the series by far is that they combined the one thing that makes a lot of people's experiences miserable with the worst time to do it we have a fan are you sure I thought everyone considered us an abomination they do everyone is sad while it does anyone see the problem here they're using their bitterness of critics to push more of this disdain for critics and they must have known by pushing this narrative while under the theme of the episode being about a make-a-wish child that it wouldn't look good do you like Teen Titans or the Teen Titans yeah I don't blame them I mean animation wise it's really no comparison if it were just all of the original cast taking friendly jabs at how the original is better than a reboot that's okay shoot I take shots at how my voice sounds from time to time and a lot of my reviewing peers and I roast each other often but there's a difference between that and having multiple episodes across every season essentially be a way to push this no one likes a self deprecation nonsense that makes fans have to hear about this when they just want to sit down and laugh but also makes critics essentially hear nothing because you never bother to reply to any of the legitimate points raised here's a point guys the next episode is rad dudes with bad tunes why can't you put any of the criticism towards the critics in that episode why did you have to put it in this one why I'm assuming but it's because they must have known that this would have made anyone who criticizes this episode and an on point stay raised look like a big douchebag and they will also have to deal with the fact that they made this for a specific reason the child you essentially controlled vide wall-e T multiple times and then you mix it with a bare-bones plot that's literally all it is and I know I'm spending a grand amount of time on the main elephant but there's just so much to unpack about it so let's just take a tiny break and talk about the other things you are mistaken this is no boy he's oh man [Applause] [Music] got to give props to the kid he got Raven some incarnation of her to do this to a character like his so I guess it's canon now despite Raven also liking Beast Boy and Aqualad Beast Boy never does anything in this episode to show that he's jealous by the way but in other episodes of course he's jealous but not what the make-a-wish kid because then that would look wrong right I guess so an extent it's funny I don't really want to get into the specifics of age I'll leave that to you guys so what is the story you may ask as superheroes fans give us our strength their admiration and support actually creates an energy wave that fueled us without fans and in our case one fan we're nothing that's pretty much it he's a fan he gives power they like power they use power they lose fan they lose power all his loss they gain fan at last minute they gain power they save the day because of fan I don't think that the concept of the story is even that bad I actually think if they just kept to the story and not with this pointless commentary then actually it would have been better than your average episode it would have shown that they do care it would have shown that they do like to have fun and it would show that they would never sink as low to put commentary along signed a make-a-wish kid I can't get over this I think the main reason I'm so disappointed is because there are jokes and parts of the story that I enjoy that way you stay clean while you get clean God if TP was running out because you put that much TP on your hand you are becoming the TP I'm gonna wrap you around my arm and you're gonna experience last night's dinner I definitely think there is some merits of the episode but the child shield is where I draw the line and some of you may think well J you don't really care about the kid you never know the kid you don't follow make-a-wish where's your donation to make-a-wish Foundation what have you done to society well a I've actually have donated foundations and I would love to raise money for a charity also B I don't want this practice to go unchecked if I was under fire for whatever and I shielded the criticisms with visiting a make-a-wish kid that just wanted to see the alpha J show in person I'd be eaten alive this practice is disgusting and ugly [Music] [Music] it feels so good think about how great we'd be if we had more than one fan on a different note I do appreciate the subtlety in voices from some of the Titans and the action didn't seem too terrible I do think gizmos motivations was pretty generic in a sense of he didn't have any he's just a supervillain who wants to do bad things for the sake of doing bad things in fact he's done this whole giant robots tactic in laundry day another episode in which he just seems to do bad things for the sake of doing bad things I don't even think the pot - the commentary is the worst execution it's definitely bare bones but if they had more comedy and less commentary this would rise up to be a decent episode and to anyone new I am a fan of some sections of Teen Titans go I've made a 90 minute video talking about episodes that I enjoy and I believe I am the first in that department I am a big critic but I'm also a big fan defender and supporter I do think that season 3 is the worst season of Teen Titans go because it was then when they were the most arrogant the most shameless and the most bitter I wish I had more time to discuss season 3 in detail but that's for another day let me know if you're interested in that but getting back to this we get one of the main reasons I wanted to talk about this this scene here is accumulation of everything wrong with Teen Titans go in general we shouldn't risk losing the fan we already have by going after new ones there's only one proven method for getting more fans focused testing we are going to show you a series of images if you like what you see hit green if you don't hit so now that you have gone a taste of the commentary in this episode it revolves around them believing that people believe Teen Titans go is a horrible show that has no fans and that they don't care because the only people who truly complain or people who are nostalgic for the original who should move on because this is a show for our demographic kids who actually do enjoy the show now while I do feel there's a section of people who truly would have never given a show a shot because of how much they loved the original and do truly want story driven plots with a darker calmer atmosphere a large majority of us have just been burnt I did enjoy a lot of season one despite my least favorite episode before this being gorilla but where's that and this episode differ is that I didn't like the story in whereas here I don't like the morals that this episode stands behind I don't enjoy what I see or the intentions behind it beginning back to this they shamelessly pander to Wally tea and the skin both in story and meta is most pathetic scene I've seen in all of my two years of reviewing animation oh yeah you're right oh yeah that one was pretty bad actually okay this is the second scene the most pathetic scene I've ever seen it's definitely the most pathetic scene I've seen from Teen Titans go wall-e left no time to reflect on our terrible actions of ruining someone's childhood it's not even about integrity or having chained or giving a crap about being something more than a cash grab my conversation is with the people behind this I don't want to see you guys bitter I want to see you guys have fun with animation it's a strenuous process it requires a ton of manpower money and cooperation just for in this demographics case children's entertainment this isn't fun or if it was the well has run dry when it comes to this type of humor I do get some enjoyment out of critic all our episodes if done well which in many cases they are but looking back on this end of years to come it's going to look pathetic the staff and the fans are essentially talking at each other because of the disconnect of TV not being a personal experience unlike a youtuber the creators and anyone else who's responsible for the show can hide behind the Cartoon Network brand and although I'm sure they're great people I have tons of respect for the staff who have worked on all these superhero shows I don't think this cheapness the cheap plots the cheap shots the cheap jokes the cheap looking animation at times does the appeal of Teen Titans justice Teen Titans has the power to be funny if it was written well so on both the morality side and even pushing wall-e T away the commentary makes no sense a lot of us want Teen Titans go to be a good show and succeed but that comes from focusing on what people like and enjoy instead of using your platform to air out non arguments from critics because the actual arguments you're afraid to answer mr. Rathman because our fan has left us it was your idea I mean Raven has died like what six times so does depth really matter real fan never leaves no matter how terrible we become a true fan will stick with you out of a sense of obligation and duty I know they don't mean this I hope they don't mean this you can't even give me but you're giving them promotion this episode aired in May 2016 I honestly don't know how to explain this any simpler your commentary directly contradicts the goal you want for the show you want to be silly then be silly you want to be fun have fun you want to be comedic Telugu you don't need to respond to critics through episodes but if you really must and it's your duty and you absolutely need to then all I ask make a point the reason I care and take this seriously is because this kid doesn't need to be involved any critic in their right minds know that children care about Teen Titans go but what does a make-a-wish kid have to do with your commentary and fiber critics nothing so keep your charitable actions and underhanded slick shots separate and anytime I see this disgusting practice again I'm airing it out screw this song at the end screw it a way to use this kid and screw season 3 in general and I hope I never have to have this talk again so as you can see I'm doing a Teen Titans sort of themed week of videos and it gave me the perfect chance to talk about this episode it's been on the back burner for so long I'm glad I got to it I'm not sure how this is gonna be received but I stand confident in this being the worst episode but what do you guys think let me know in the comments down below social medias and the video for requests is in the description below and until next time now if out
Channel: Alpha Jay Show
Views: 459,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teen titans go wally t, teen titans go wally t review, teen titans go wally t song, teen titans go wally t episode review, wally t review, wally t episode review, wally t teen titans go, wally t teen titans go review, wally t teen titans go episode review, wally t teen titans go song, wally t teen titans go rant, teen titans go wally t rant, teen titans go episode rant, the worst episode of teen titans go, worst episode of teen titans go
Id: 3SM9AWeAhU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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