The Episode That Destroyed Fairly OddParents

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Fairly Odd Parents if you remember watching this cartoon as a kid you probably remember it being pretty good right well there's this old saying in the entertainment business that a TV show is only as good as its worst episode now you might be thinking a single Bad episode isn't really a good metric to criticize an entire series off of and you're right it's actually not which is why I made this say up but do you ever stop and think about why some people talk trash about shows like Game of Thrones The Office hell even SpongeBob well I think it's because even though they're generally really good shows they all have a couple St ERS towards the end that completely ruin the reputation and that's what this video is about the stinkers it's kind of like when you get a brand new iPhone at first it's all amazing and fast and you're super Fragile with it but then by the end of its life cycle it's super boring and slow and you're whipping that brick around harder than homelander playing catch my point is that every TV show has some Bad episodes so I thought it would be a good idea to go over a show that I really really love and remember being awesome and watch its worst episode of all time naturally finding the worst Fairly Odd Parents episode is actually pretty easy one search on IMDb Reddit or like even just Google will reveal That season 10 is really when it went downhill so today we'll be looking at the first episode of season 10 which is often cited as the reason Fairly Odd Parents fell off listen I absolutely love the show as a kid I've watched every episode but this will be my first time watching this specific episode so I would love to know why does everyone think it's so awful is it really that bad I don't know what to expect so grab your cardboard cutouts and your Jeff denim hand puppets and let's begin Watching Fairly Odd [Music] Parents [Music] treat what no me [Music] Al I think I know why everyone hates this now this episode is called the big fairy share scare and if you can't tell it's it's it's not good our adventure begins with Timmy Turner he's the main character of the show I'm assuming everyone knows him fun fact despite being a boy Timmy Turner is voiced by a woman named Tara Strong she's great she's awesome I just find it funny that if you look up a video of her doing the the Timmy voice it like kind of sounds fake at least to me it does I don't know I just always thought it was a boy as a kid I guess I don't know I'm Timmy Turner and I sure wish Cosmo and wander were here we know I think who cares what you think you're a girl anyway Timmy's hanging out with Cosmo and Wanda if you don't know these are his two Fairy God Parents they Grant him all the wishes he wants but they have to disguise themselves as animals or objects to avoid being seen we wouldn't want some Hunchback weirdo with an ear on his neck to find out that would be horrible so turns out Timmy wished for his very own meca suit that's super smart and knows all the answers to an upcoming quiz or something so Timmy jumps in and can now watch TV while the robot Aces the class for him that way he doesn't have to do any work I'm not sure why Timmy even needs to be inside this thing like you could have just wished for some AI replica to do everything than like go home and play fortnite or something but whatever he's watching a cartoon and I'm I'm watching him watch a cartoon I should also mention here since it'll be important for later Wanda is the reasonable and responsible one and Cosmo is basically an idiot skipping class now and we meet one of the main antagonist of the entire series Denzel Crocker or Mr Crocker if you're playing he's Timmy's school teacher he's always suspicious of Timmy and he's officially described on the wiki as a mentally unstable 40-year-old how relatable probably you could have been a doctor and you could have been a lot more patient anyway we find out that today is a special day because there's actually a new student joining the class the new Student's name is Chloe and we learned that she's a really nice person like super nice and turns out she even saved the world from a monster at one point I guess the monster had a splinter in his foot and she took it out or something don't worry about it it's a little random what's clear on this first dat is that Crocker really likes Chloe and really hates Timmy surely this won't cause any conflict in the [Music] future so not only is she nice but turns out Chloe is just perfect in every way so perfect that she just calls the president for no reason she has gift cards for everyone because she's so generous she even mentions her exotic animal collection that everyone in class can come see but then Timmy must be a really big fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion because just like shinji's AA his Mech malfunctions horribly Timmy doesn't really like Chloe right now because his Vibes are just kind of off but that's okay because Timmy says no matter how much smarter she is than him he'll always have his very god parents which is something she doesn't have I've still got something Chloe doesn't have my theories oh no she's going to get her own fairies isn't she I don't like this a little later now and Timmy goes home and finds out that both his mom and dad just I don't know love Chloe for some reason I guess Khloe told both of them about Bitcoin so now they're rich well you know at least until the value drops in two weeks also turns out Chloe actually lives right next door she's Timmy's neighbor now so we're going to be seeing a lot of her from now on which is yeah [ __ ] yeah let's go let's hype dude a little later now and Timmy is still mad turns out Cosmo and Wanda both went to one of Khloe's parties earlier and they both agreed that she's an awesome person but don't worry because like Timmy States again he's got fairies so he'll always be one step ahead of her I still have one thing she doesn't and it's the a timy no stop saying that she's going to get her own fairies dude I know she is oh this guy all of a sudden this big boss fairy shows up and let everyone in the room immediately know that due to an increasingly high demand in fairy god parents and an unfortunate shortage of fairy god parents Timmy will now have to share Cosmo and Wanda with another kid I'm going to kill I'm assuming for long-term FS this moment is kind of sad and goes against everything Timmy fought for in the last nine Seasons but [ __ ] it we're at season 10 we had a good run let's ruin our show for no reason might as well I'm not going to drag this section out like the show does here it's not really a cliffhanger the person he has to share Cosmo and Wanda with is Chloe because you know obviously it is so I'm going to be honest now it's a little more clear why people really hate this episode but I'm going to a fair shot because I don't really know Timmy and kloe's dynamic yet but obviously a change as drastic as this one feels really different TV show Executives have to understand that people don't want exciting change we want something we're familiar with and then we want it spoonfed to us forever that's all we want just just continue doing the same [ __ ] we love that's it anyway Timmy questions why Chloe even needs fairies since her life is perfect boss man replies by saying there's a reason for everything please stop spamming the group chat with angry emojis so everyone teleports to Chloe's house to tell her the big news she obviously freaks out a bit because a 6'7 Army veteran with PTSD just spawned in her bedroom this scene again goes on for a while but eventually Chloe is pretty hyped about it and then calms down sorry I want a little cray cray there but I'm good now one thing feels don't say cray cray do not say that so now it's official Timmy and Chloe both share Wanda and Cosmo Chloe is about to make her first wish ever when Timmy jumps in out of spite and wishes to be as far away from Chloe as possible cosmon wand to oblig and send Timmy to the Center of the Earth which turns out is labeled the realm of the Hideous mole people how unfortunate also I just want to say that this wish doesn't really make any sense at all like first off they can definitely just send him in space somewhere like galaxies away but the universe is forever expanding so I guess that's a tough sell for a cartoon I understand but at the very least they could have done that cartoon thing where they like send them to China or something you know the other side of the planet instead of I don't know in the center of it listen I got season math okay sure but I'm pretty sure the diameter of a circle is always longer than its radius damn 11 years I've had this Channel and I finally used the information I learned in math class I guess it really is useful obviously Timmy doesn't want to F die so he escapes his Journey to the Center of the Earth which is a great movie by the way but only the one with Brennon Fraser the gang finally reconnects and Timmy says that he thought of a good way to compromise basically he's going to let Chloe pick a day of the week and she can have the fairies on those days specifically honestly this seems fair why not Chloe says that she wants her fairy godparents on Friday but it was actually a trap and Timmy pulls the biggest 300 IQ Sigma gamer move imaginable he immediately wishes for Friday to not exist what could go wrong the gang teleports outside to see a bunch of anti-fairies flying around causing a bunch of Havoc Timmy and caus Mo wonder how a wish as small as no more Fridays could set off a chain of events like this which is when Wanda explains that every Friday the protective wand in fairy land gets recharged and that's what's protecting the human world or something I I'm not really understanding I'm going to be honest I kind of checked out mentally a couple minutes ago excuse me I'm on duty anyway a bunch of evil fairies are destroying everything now doesn't really make sense Timmy wishes for Fridays to exist again since I guess that'll stop everything from happening but before the wish goes through an evil fairy named foop appears fo tries to kill them with some scorching hot breast milk Jesus Christ what happened to the show before anyone can get eliminated boss man randomly shows up and hits f with a fatality to stop the Chase he then returns Fridays back into existence which I want to mention that he does on his own like without anyone wishing for it so like I don't know why did he wait this long he should have just done it right away when he knew something was wrong but whatever Timmy finally admits defeat and figures there's no way he's going to be able to not share his fairies with Chloe and his last ditch effort to not be lonely and forgotten forever he wishes for a fairy robot that'll do all the stuff that he doesn't want to do that way if Cosmo and Wanda are with Chloe at least the robot fairy will keep him company what a good wish I can't see anything going wrong I will'll give the show props here because this scene actually did get a good chuckle out of me I wish for a fairy pot that will do all the stuff I don't want to do boy that's a whole lot of stuff Timmy gets sent away which is when Chloe is finally alone with the fairies and it's here when she finally decides to make her first wish you see she feels bad that Timmy doesn't like sharing so Chloe decides to do something that she thinks is very generous and wish that everyone in the world shares everything everything that's that's the wish so the wish comes true and we get a quick bit where Vicki she's a bad person it's not really important right now gives her chainsaw to Jason Vorhees I would probably be laughing more at this if it wasn't so like nonsensical like you're either overanalyzing stuff like me and this makes no sense or you're watching this air on TV as a kid and have no idea who this guy is probably because you're too young I'm guessing it just seems like an out ofpl joke to me but the Friday the 13th movies do go hard so I guess I'll give it a gold star it's not all bad though because sharing is caring and for every chainsaw and dead Pizza there is to share there's a wife that decides to share her beauty routine that foxy she devil that lives with us now shared her beauty tips with me the parents are goated dude I love the parents so obviously the town is in complete chaos at this point even though the wish said to share everything it's basically turned into everyone stealing everything which you know is a very different scenario all of a sudden everyone's outside now which is when hold up is that a Breaking Bad reference okay so stay with me here because this next part is a little stupid and kind of difficult to explain Timmy wishes to unwish Chloe's wish but Wanda says that it's against the rules to unwish someone else's wish so Timmy asks Chloe to unwish her own wish Chloe is a little bummed out that her wish was absolute trash so she wishes for her wish to be unwished but then as Cosmo and wander are about to Grant the wish some guy takes a fire hydrant which I'm not kidding splits the ground in half and allows the mole people from earlier to Rise Up from their home this is when the wands needed to Grant the wish falls into the abyss obviously it's at this point in the story when everyone's at their lowest everyone's about to get eaten aled everyone's very sad but here's when we find out the truth about Chloe and before you get your hopes up the truth isn't that she's not real and won't be sharing the fairies that part is very true unfortunately now it turns out Chloe isn't as perfect as you might think remember when she saved everyone from that giant monster at the very beginning of the show Well turns out that after she took the splinter out of the monster's foot she didn't actually save anyone that just allowed the monster to destroy even more of the city her intentions have always been kind but actually Chloe screws up most of the interaction she has because she's too nice what a fun character to add to your show of 152 episodes man really do you want to be my friend uh sure so after Chloe admits everything Timmy finally apologizes because he Figures it's the right thing to do also turns out Chloe is just some girl who probably has crazy ADHD so you know you can't stay mad at her forever all these feelings don't stop the old people from attacking though so Timmy and Chloe go down into the hole in the ground somehow and then get the ones they throw them to cosmon Nanda and then Khloe wishes to unwish her previous wish I'm not saying all that again she undoes everything her new wish finally goes through and everything seems back to normal the ending scene is some of the most [ __ ] I've ever seen by the way Chloe tells Timmy that after everything that happened she's okay with giving up her end of the bargain and just giving the fairies back to Timmy full time so at first you're probably thinking this was like a one-off episode with Chloe but no Timmy decides that he's finally going to be a nice guy and tells kloe that he's actually going to share them with her forever but like she said you can have them and then you said no you you can have them too we were this close Timmy okay th this close and that was the worst Fairly Odd Parents episode ever apparently so here's the the thing if this was a one-off experience and everything in this episode was just a silly Adventure that happened one time I don't think it was honestly that bad the problem with this episode is that it changes the formula up too much and was the first step to change the rest of the series entirely up to this point we were all used to Timmy being silly with Cosmo and Wanda sometimes the boys would team up against Wanda sometimes everyone would be going through their own thing but now there's another person involved and although I think it probably could work if done right it just doesn't it feels a little off and a little undeserved I guess if you actually watch the show a bunch you'll know that it felt like Timmy went through a lot of personal stuff with his fairies and even though he still acts like a dumb kid most of the time he has matured and learned a lot in the last couple Seasons so to have a character like Chloe come in randomly just feels like the show is backpedaling a bit I guess like Chloe is just a main character now she's part of the rest of the show so anyway that's my two cents it's honestly not that bad it's a cartoon just enjoy it or don't doesn't matter but yeah if you enjoyed the video check out my playlist I have a bunch of videos just like this one it's in the description you'll love it like and comment if you have the time and become a member if you can afford it and want your name on the screen here look at the names on screen right now wow Isn't that cool this could be you Paul Abdel scores this one a solid two wands out of 60 probably and yeah thanks for [Music] watching and you could have been a little more patient
Channel: Darzii
Views: 102,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Darzii, Darzil, Funny, staydank, cartoon, movie, tv show, review, walkthrough, rating, film student, editor, explination, timeline, facts, where to watch, nostalgia, was it good, old cartoon, new cartoon, free online, full episdoe, watch along, reaction, video essay, fairy parents, odparents, cosma, wando, remake, brand new, downfall, what happned, funny scene, new girl, timmy girlfriend, best moment, worst moment, worst show, kiss scene, fairy when, big wish, girl wish, make a wis
Id: 27BzxfpWZVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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