The speedrun where you make Mario cool as fast as possible

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all right so today we're going to be doing super mario sunshine sunglasses percent now in this category you basically have to get 30 shines as fast as possible because then mario can get his sunglasses and you know look cool that's that's all we really want for him we just want him to look cool so you can actually go ahead and start this one you already have one shine this is just so you don't have to go past all the cutscenes that take like seven minutes and we just want to skip past that because that is not the fun part and i'm not gonna watch seven minutes of cutscenes for sunglasses percent okay let's just get started so on this one you might notice we actually have splits now that's because if we didn't i'd forget where we have to get all the blue coins because we have to get 50 of them in total which blue coins are basically oops well i i just really didn't like that guy i guess which blue coins are basically every time you get 10 of them you can trade them in for a shine so a couple of them are on our way and it makes sense to just get them instead of doing a full level so that's what we do so we can go ahead glitch through there and get to jail usually supposed to use a different nozzle i'm forgetting the name of it but it's the one that makes you go really fast and you know we just don't do that but because of that we also have regular flood for this level so we have to play it a little bit differently than we normally would oh okay yep get our blue beautiful shine after having a near-death experience and that'll be one now for our next shine we're going to be going over to this pipe because again all we need are 30 shines it doesn't matter how we get them it doesn't matter in what order it just matters that we get 30 shines so in this one we can go down here jump right around here and kind of just chill our way down you know we're happy about these fast shines and me not just completely messing up and failing them now actually after those two shines we actually have to do some story progression so i know it's sad we can't just do these easy shine but we're gonna have to actually take care of this monster we can go ahead and hit him three different times and after the third time we're gonna want to run over here and go into here because we want to get that blue coin which we just messed up because i was slow he's probably very upset about us choosing a blue coin over here but you know you got to do what you got to do all right so we can take care of shadow mario pretty quickly and we're going to take a pepper and you know this pepper has a very unique ability and its abilities that lets us just go ahead and glitch the walls so we're going to see that in a second we have to actually go and get some more blue coins which we're just gonna like ignore shadow mario for now because i don't know we just don't like him or something now we can activate his trigger and we can go ahead and place our pepper so with this pepper basically if you put it at a very precise place on this wall you can glitch through the wall instead of having to get this the normal way but okay there we got it all right and now before we enter bianco we're actually going to want to go and do yet another thing this time we're gonna try to get the cutscene for killing this guy at the same time as entering bianco so we're gonna hit him three different times go over here get another blue coin while we're waiting for him to like go through his midlife crisis [Music] and now hopefully oh we just missed it so that's sad because it also gives you a really cool cutscene that looks really freaking weird but you know we just missed it so that's sad if you watch speed runs you know that normally they just switch to bianco too but since we just need to get 30 shines and it doesn't matter which ones we get you know this one's faster than bianco two so we might as well do bianca one all right so we're gonna get two different more blue coins at this level the blue coin route is honestly the hardest part about learning this run hit him again and we're going to be able to get this blue coin that's just right in the water okay we just hit him with like the last second so that was kind of nice and this is actually the only shine we're gonna get in bianco because it's like the only really fast one now we go to pretty much one of the last levels that you do in a casual playthrough so we're kind of going from the first to the last right away but before that we have to get three different blue coins for the first one we're gonna glitch through the floor and we're gonna go ahead and get a couple blue coins these are the sewer blue coins so normally you'd have to like go through the sewer but if we just do it this way it just becomes a lot easier because you know you can just like kind of pop up and then we can get out by like going back into the sewer so it's pretty fun so we're also going to get this blue coin and then we're going to be doing a little trick so we can get up to pianta so we're going to do is this little jump okay or we're just gonna get a tiny jump because in this version for whatever reason they decide to go ahead and change the camera button to be pressing down on the right joystick that just makes it a lot more difficult i actually tried showing you guys through my camera and then realized i don't have my camera on right now all right so we're going to take all these guys and give them a nice little bath remember always be kind to your pets guys as flood says and before we go we're gonna get one last blue coin that's just basically you have to spray right in there and you can go ahead and get it all right and now we have a race with one of the fastest people alive piantissimo we also have to disrespect him even though he's so fast we have to disrespect him by getting three blue coins during the race so he's gonna be mad but you know we gotta do what we gotta do so we're gonna get this one first of all just because it's a nice and easy blue coin you know we're already nervous mario's probably sweating up a storm right now i'm not even gonna lie and we start going first of all we're gonna get this blue coin that's just right in the sign for some reason we're gonna get this one right behind this tree oh my god we might have lost the race jesus christ okay yeah that sucks all right well we're gonna go ahead and get this and i'm gonna quit out of the level if you make one mistake within this level you're probably going to lose the race so now we can just like any percent raise him which isn't as fun it's not as dynamic of a race yeah we kind of just slide i mean he's still the fastest man alive but i guess mario's just he's probably taking performance enhancing drugs i took racing steroids i'm sorry man all right now we got pianta 3 which is one of my least favorite levels to speedrun in this game so basically we don't have flood so that means we have to get past all this goopy inferno without flawed i mean as a kid i remember this level actually being really fun for me i know a lot of people complained about it but i thought it was fun because like you had to like use water from the river and stuff and it was it was cool i'm pretty sure like everybody had a different way of solving this level plea please mario okay let's just just chill out okay okay i'm gonna get a coin just in case all right and now we can get flood and before we leave we actually want to go ahead and get a bunch of blue coins so first we can go right over here get this one there's one that's just like a red m in the in the ground which we can also get then while we're here we might as well get this other red m and we have to save this guy who you know but before that let's go in the water so we can actually get some more water so we can actually have water to save them kind of feel bad for him and i i kind of even feel more bad that none of the other fiances are doing anything they're just like looking up in the sky which is kind of not the nicest move in the world and then also for the final one that's just down here we're gonna get this one in the river i actually get an extra blue coin you might see on my splits that you know i i'm supposed to have 21 but i actually get up to 22 here and that's just because i mean i can um it's only a little extra time and i'd rather just have an extra blue coin just in case i like mess anything up because i don't always do everything perfectly i would say all right so we can get that guy and go and spray the moon and the moon doesn't feel like being generous for some reason there we go now we can spray the moon all right and that is another shine spray so in chain chomp bath you know how we had to deal with those smaller chain chomps before well now i guess they like formed a conglomerate and they're now just a gigantic chain chomp so what we can do is basically hold his tail until he gets right over here now we're gonna let go of it we're gonna go right over here he can go in the direction that we want oops oh god all right dude chill out chill dude we're gonna have to pull this guy a little more than i would have wanted to all right there we go a little bit of a time loss but that's okay all right another shine to add to the box and now we get to do just the hub world shines which are kind of some of my favorite ones we have like the box game and we have like these just bell shines we have some pretty cool shines so right away for our first one we're gonna head over here and just go to a bell so we're gonna platform our way up here and then kind of just like spin our way right over to the spell clean the bell off so we can make it be nice and happy and then we're gonna have to go through this game's intricate sewer system that's like way more intricate than it probably should be i wonder what they have to use these sewers like to get in that plate i guess for cleaning or something now we have some of the best shines in the game the box shines i love these shines so we just go right over here to this box guy and basically if we can beat his game within a certain amount of time limit and we can break all these boxes he'll give us a prize so doing this you know we do it the only way we know how which is ground pounding on them now there are strategies to do this really quickly i'm not the greatest in the world so i i do it kind of slow but we still finish with a bunch of time on the clock we can go ahead and take that shine then we're going to come right back to him and do another box game all right you can see the boxes are kind of put in a different area so for this one oh god can i please can i mario you can actually time these so right after your first ground pound you can do another one we can get that complete all those boxes and now we did two box games the best part of the run honestly oh and i realized i actually forgot something we were supposed to get a coin over by the box game i guess we can just go over here and where we should have gotten it so we can go pick up this coin and then head over to our throw guy friend now this guy for just the good price of one coin he'll just throw us i he he don't care he doesn't care where he throws us he'll just throw us why not now we have one of the most interesting and infamous levels of sunshine so yeah we can go right in here and now we can do the pachinko machine so there's actually a pretty cool strategy for doing this first we go right here then we start hovering and we get this angle now we can start sliding and do that we basically change the camera around so it like lets us do the thing that we needed to and now we can go over to this one and get this one as well but it's not over yet if i can do this correctly because now we can hover right here and hopefully ah we just missed it okay that's sad all right we'll try switching up the strategy a little bit come on oh my god okay let's just do this so we can kind of like finesse our way over here you know we'll just take the little time loss at least we've got pachinko without dying all right and now we can just fall right into here hopefully not die i am always scared of dying on this level i'm not even gonna lie now we're finally going back to a level we got all of our hub world shines it's time to go see some actual level shine so first we're going to the special in gelato but before we do that we have to take care of one of these other goop monsters because for some reason there are just a lot of these here this is kind of just cutscene i'm gonna be completely honest oh i forgot i have to actually spray that we're gonna do is first pick up this blue coin that's just like in this hut for some reason and then we're gonna pick up this special shine that's just kind of in the ground for some reason yeah that's a shine i had no idea that was a shine when i was a kid i'm not gonna lie actually maybe my brother told me i i don't remember and what we also want to do is go ahead and get some of these blue birds all right we got one of them might as well get the second one as well all right that one decided to fly away to wherever he wanted to go we have the right amount of blue coins so we're just gonna end with this and now we're on to gelato skip so this is a pretty infamous trick i don't really have to say too much about it but before we actually do it we got a lot of blue coins we have to collect we're just gonna get the blue coin that's from this m we're gonna go and get this triangle blue coin as well but while we're on the way we're also gonna hit this guy get a blue coin out of him and we'll just collect that later okay i was so close to not getting that for a second we're gonna go ahead and get this blue coin so now we can get the blue point in this triangle if my water spring is going to do anything for me and then we can get the blue coin that we made up here earlier because we hit the red guy so we can get that one and now we can go ahead and we can get ourselves a coconut so we want to take this coconut all the way over here so we can throw this coconut before we actually use it we want to pick up yet another blue coin you know i i think you guys already realize the the blue coins at this point and how many we have to get all right so we can line ourselves up with this line our camera up go ahead and grab this melon or coconut or whatever the hell it is oh that was so close i should have had that one i just completely choked it [Music] okay there we go that should be good and we can glitch through there get the final shine of the level that's actually the shine you get when you do gelato eight what this does for us is it unlocks all the levels including gelato seven and because gelato seven is really quick we can just go ahead and do that one instead okay we got him i'm i've never been the greatest of this fight especially now that i'm out of practice but we got him pretty quickly we can get this blue coin we're waiting for the shine to come we can just go ahead and get this all right so we're getting to the end now there's a lot of stuff we have to do in rico rico is probably like the most populated level that we do for this entire run all right anyway what we were supposed to do was just go right over here and get the speed shine [Music] so after getting this one we're just gonna teleport and we're gonna be finishing out the run it's pretty much all enrico now blooper one is very blue coin heavy so we can start out right away getting this blue coin right here with this shady guy so first of all we head over here head to this blue coin that's on top of these cranes then we can go ahead and use that movement to go right over here to this other blue coin that's on top of these cranes and then we can get hit and ruin everything um that's fun i guess and this blue coin is kind of annoying because you barely have any time to do it so if you mess up at all it's just gonna like fail we're gonna go ahead slide our way over here and hopefully be able to get it on time that i just jumped over it i just went and jumped over that's fun [Music] all right and now we can get this x one but on our way we're gonna go ahead and get this fountain one and now i'm hope that took a while so i'm hoping i have enough time all right i have more than enough time all right now let's try and actually doing this one right this time maybe okay we barely got that one [Music] all right and now finally after all of that we can go and actually do a boss fight all right so for this guy there's actually a pretty cool way of doing this so you can just hit all the goo off his face and then just kind of grab his nose uh yeah he's a lot harder in casual play through than he is in speed runs yeah we can kind of just take care of him really easily and that is another shine and now we have everybody's favorite part of the run blooper races these are they're just fun but before we can get to our beloved blooper races we have to get some blue coins you know i know all you guys are just waiting in excitement for it to happen so you're very sad but it's okay and then important thing always take the green one because this one gives you the most control it lets you go fast or slow the other ones they only let you go one or the other so always take this one so you can go ahead get a couple more blue coins and now we can make our way to the blooper races so this is a pretty cool strategy called blooperless where yeah you just don't use a blooper because basically for this race oops okay well that was that's kind of awkward you don't actually have to be throughout the course there are just certain different checkpoints that it checks and make sure that you're on the course and like pass through those so as long as we make sure we actually go through and pass them there's like no reason to actually do the blooper race you can just cheat we can then get our time and you know he just doesn't care that we just didn't use the bloopers that he loves so much but we're not one for animal cruelty okay now for this level you normally have to do a lot of different work but you know i'm lazy i don't have time for that so instead we're just gonna go ahead and kind of get the thing so first we're gonna pick up this blue coin like i said and now we're just gonna spin jump over here and kind of just grab onto the grate yeah it's that easy rico for you know it's just a secret level it's just basically not dying when i used to speed run any percent for super mario sunshine this was definitely my worst level but we're actually doing pretty well we've made it this far i just need to not die okay there we go that's pretty much the last kind of difficult level on this so that's good so we get to fight gooper blooper again which yay everyone loves that it's kind of the same thing as last time all right yeah we got the shine sprite oh good job me now we're on the ricoh 6 which is another blooper type of thing but this time we have to get red coins again always make sure you take the green one best one to take because you just have all that control since we have an extra blue coin i'm actually going to go ahead and not get the blue coin that we usually do in this level because like why now rico seven here's where we have to fight shadow mario one last time and you know the shadow mario fights are usually you know fairly difficult kind of at least in the casual play especially this one you go around all these different cranes and stuff it's a pretty difficult one what if i told you you could just run forward i started spraying too quickly as i was saying what if i told you you could just run forward and yeah he's dead okay and now what we want to do before we finish this off is we have to get our last two blue coins so we can have five blue coins just from this thing so we ground pound these dude hello there we go that's that's what i need okay punch that guy and yeah that's gonna be about it that's all of our level shines now with our 50 amazing blue coins that we collected throughout all these levels we can go ahead and get scammed so we talked to these raccoons now we have 30. we did our job and now we can look cool so we can head over to our boy you can see him just chilling out he's also looking cool and can i talk to you all right so he's like oh you did it and he finally gives us sunglasses so yeah we're both looking pretty sweet here i would say mario and the boy we're both just like chilling together and that's how you do it that's how you make mario look cool as fast as possible in super mario sunshine you see now we can get all the ladies he doesn't even have to worry about peach anymore he has his sunglasses all the ladies are gonna come right to him but i like to thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed the video make sure to leave it with a like and only a small percentage of people who actually watch my videos are subscribed so make sure you're subscribed if you enjoy the content i make plenty of different speedrunning content so i definitely recommend checking out my other stuff and yeah that's pretty much it enough shilling thank you guys so much for watching i will catch you guys next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,116,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, Mario, Mario cool, Mario Speedrun, Super Mario Sunshine, sms, speedrun, speedrunning, super mario sunshine speedrun, sms speedrun, super mario 3d all stars, super mario 3d all stars speedrun, mario sunglasses, mario sunglasses speedrun, super mario sunshine sunglasses, sunglasses mario, mario world record, super mario sunshine world record, mario any%, sunglasses%, sunglasses percent, mario sunglasses%, super mario speedrun, super mario any%, sunglasses% speedrun
Id: s4NcvAVfSss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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