3 Steps To Success | Richard Montanez

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thank you so much for tuning into a wave World Outreach sermon we believe that God's Word will make a major impact in your life so let's get ready open our hearts for today's wording let's say it's a great honor to be here I travel the country but I want everyone here to know that this is my home church and you're my family you know I get to speak it I've spoken me and my wife had been invited to speak at some of the biggest churches in the country 30,000 40,000 and all the bishops and the pastor's are always saying be a part of my church be on my board we want you here and I was like I know you want me here you want my tithes I don't know if you want me but I would tell them as much as I love your church they're good churches the commander has given me an assignment and he's deployed me in San Bernardino under this commander so sometimes it's not a choice you got to do what God told you to do and you got to go where he told you to go you know the other day me and my wife choose my Bible study partner every morning we spend a at least an hour you know with our coffee and you know we start debating and sometimes it can lead into an argument you know but we start and I've known Judy my whole life I saw her when I was 12 years old and I fell in love with her I said I was gonna marry her as a little kid I didn't I wasn't a big dreamer but I dreamed that I wanted a girlfriend there was named Judy and I wanted a blind so I met her and we've been married 40 years we had three and you know young people have said you know I'm not even 40 years old you guys been married 40 years you guys still argue and the truth is we still argue but Judy told me a long time ago she said Richard I was with you when you had nothing I ain't leaving now so we'll be together until the Lord takes us home no question about that and then you know we were as we were walking you know this is true we were doing our walk and I started laughing and she says why are you laughing and I was laughing because I was thinking of something that Pastor Marco was preaching on Sunday a few Sundays ago he was telling her story about buying the the campus downtown and he went to go see an Asian and got Toto and be quiet and then he said Robert you gotta go with me and told Robert be quiet and they were both practice and there be quiet and this is what I thought I said you know what this is good advice for you you know what everybody needs a robber in their life you know that road dog that is just as crazy as you they don't roll with you wherever you gotta go look for those Roberts in your life and you know what I'm talking about my Road dogs is my family my boys are my girls when the devil attacks us guess what we roll up together if somebody wants to attack us in the flesh and the natural guess what you picked the wrong family because we roll up together ask my neighbors asked him hey is that gentleman over there is he a Christian they'll tell you oh yeah he's a Christian but don't mess with him and don't ever yell at his grandkids and that's true I run my neighborhood I run my neighborhood no driving fast clean up your trash if you have a party I better not find any beer bottles on my lawn because the man of God runs this neighborhood listen some of you know what I'm talking about some of you were concentrated you ran the jail cell use that same mentality spiritually you know what I run San Bernardino who runs San Bernardino no way who's changing San Bernardino no way [Applause] [Music] so that's why I love when I'm home with you because we're from the same place there's always somebody getting saved you know we just got back from me and my son my middle son he's my public relations manager he's also my bodyguard and somebody said you need a bodyguard and the places that I go I need a bodyguard the things that I say sometime I need a bodyguard cuz I've always said this you know what if God doesn't show up two things are going to happen I'm gonna get hurt and I'm gonna look ridiculous but guess what he always shows up so last week we were in Denver we were in Virginia Beach I was invited to speak to about 500 world leaders and the CEO called me up and say hey would you come in talking I'm like you know who I am right I'm gonna have a high school diploma I don't know what the high school now we know who you are that's why we want you what do you want me to talk about leadership in an innovation who's going to be there scientists engineers commanders government leaders by the way we got to get White House Clearance for you and your son White House clearance between the two of us we have a stack of felonies and misdemeanors but guess what brothers and sisters the blood of Jesus covers everything as a matter of fact someone you need to stop saying your ex something and start saying what you're gonna be not what you used to be you're not a next drug addict that hasn't been recorded in heaven you're not an ex-prostitute you start telling people what are you I'm a businessman I'm a businesswoman I'm a CEO when you go to work tomorrow I want you to tell everybody guess what I'm a CEO tell somebody next to your CEO here's what a CEO stands for I am the chief encouragement officer I'm gonna encourage everyone so we got through when God wants to do something brothers and sisters not even know Whitehouse can stop you you know that I've had lunch and dinner with every US president for the last 20 years but I think my streak is gonna end now me and my wife had dinner with President Obama a few months before he left office and I had been going to the White House several times and this time they said bring your wife you know and I told Judy she's just so excited I'm you know I'm giving her the whole thing how to do it you know we're gonna have to dress like this we're gonna go into this room that room you know they're gonna check our idea and the security is just really very elaborate security after security after security before you get in if your name's not on the list guess what you ain't getting in so we're in a line and a lot of famous people and everybody knows me hey mr. Martinez are you all richer how are you you know and all because of something ridiculous hot cheetos but I always have to tell people brothers and sisters hot cheetos didn't make me I made hot cheetos so we're getting in line I'm telling her have your ID ready and you know step by famous people around us in the walking in or look she's looking beautiful I'm looking pretty you know pretty cool myself and get in and you said Oh mister Montanez they spelled your name wrong it's like don't worry we know who you are you're getting but it's gonna be a little while then weak you have to respect that so if there's something wrong this is true brothers and sisters not making this up if there's something wrong and they're gonna check in if your name not on the list forget it but if they're spelled wrong they put you in a cage an actual cage and there's a cage right here secret serviceman and everybody and I can see you and what's the hot cheeto guy everybody knows him and they had to go correct it but I had to wait so well Judy's turn welcome mrs. Montana so Judy says Richard I'll catch you inside I [Applause] knew exactly what that was about that was God telling me you need to understand that one of the reasons your soul accepts successful is because you got a wife that prays and I like to always tell people that she does have a she probably gets embarrassed when I share this but she has something that I called the holiest of holies she has a walk-in closet and every day she goes in and this is true she doesn't come out for 2-3 hours I don't make any noise I don't knock on that door and people say what's in there I go I don't know I've never been in there says why don't you go in this and know that's the Holies of Holies yet to tie a rope and put a bail out and make sure I come out once in a while I've peaked dinner but I love it because I know that when she goes in there I know that I'm on top of the list and this is what she's this is what she has done man find yourself a godly woman because a godly woman can take her nobody with nothing and transformed him into a somebody with stepped in but I also want you to understand I hope that you're taking notes I hope that you're writing things down because here's what I want you to understand I don't mean to bolster anything so all my bolting is about what God has done I don't have a degree in the wall there's so many stuff that I don't I don't have but I do know my role and my role is to be an ambassador and a king this auditorium is filled with ambassadors and with Kings first of all what is the role of ambassador you know that the role of an ambassador he has and she has authority it's to release Authority and it's to bind Authority so right now I want to step into my role as an ambassador and I'm gonna release everything that belongs to you I'm gonna release success and I'm gonna take the authority that's been given to me as ambassador and I'm gonna bind every destructive theme that's been set your way not in my power but in the power that he's given me you have to do the same thing for your house you are the ambassador you're out you need to stand up and say I bind everything in this house and I loosen everything that belongs to me that's what ambassadors do what does a king do I'm a king choose somebody said we'll make up your mind you're an embeddable all right I'm both I'm whatever I need to be at the moment to make sure I get my victory so let's talk about a king what are Kings do they do two things they kill Giants and they bring offering how do you know you're a king if you're paying offering regular people pay tithes Kings bring offerings Kings kill Giants so if you're a king do two things kill your giant and bring the offering matter of fact I know that God has some great things for you he's gonna send you finances you had no idea where they were coming from as I was saying people are paying me listen to this world leaders some of the biggest companies in the world are paying me what people make in six months they're paying me that in one day I never wanted to be rich I just wanted to be happy I never planned it how am I gonna make money all I wanted was God all I wanted was to be in the church I didn't want nothing else I wanted to take care of my family I wanted to take care of my kids I wanted to be the best worker out work I never said I was going to be this now once but because I did all those things God said I'm gonna make you somebody I have something big for you I'm gonna give you your wildest dreams as a matter of fact you don't even know what I have for you Richard and that's what I want to tell you brothers and sisters I'm no different than you what he's done for me he's done for you so you got to claim it there's some blessings that you receive and there's some blessings that you claim you receive salvation you don't claim it you receive it financial things claim it you got to go get it I guarantee that it follow anyone in here wins the lottery you're going to go claim it and if you're playing the lottery I hope you win just don't forget to pay the tithe don't tell us you want just pay the time we won't ask so remember that what I'm about to share with you see sometimes we come to church and we don't come prepared see I'm not talking to you on an average I'm talking to you exactly the way I talked to world leaders people are paying for this stuff and we come to church and we think because it's free there's no value in it because what I'm given to you is thousands of dollars but you're thinking you're getting it for free because there was no cover charge but it cost me something every time the pastor gets up here it's free to you but it cost him something it cost him time away from his family their custom is so there is a value in it so from now on don't come to church without a pencil and paper and don't ever think that it's just free because it's not your salvation cost somebody in their life so what I'm gonna be talking to you about today is some of the presentations that I've given to world leaders CEOs and world leaders will tell you let's go do three things now for let's just do three things and I love that because three is one of God's favorites no but it's not as eloquent or as famous as the number seven cuz everybody knows that but the number three is so important to God it's in the Bible I don't know how many thousands of times and the number T represents wholeness complete Father Son Holy Spirit God uses the number three so much so many times you know Jesus Christ was crucified on the third hour and he died at 3 o'clock and he rose on the third day when God talks about three angels by name Gabriel Michael and Lucifer so we know that the number three is very very important to him so I'm going to give you the three steps to success there isn't seven there isn't and as a matter of fact listen to me be careful when you buy these self-help books be careful who you're listening to this is your church you have one leader who is speaking life into you and I've been around the country you've got one of the best ever but there are some pastors out there brothers and sisters there are some pastors out there that I have no respect for because I know what they're doing they're growing but the congregation isn't growing we move together or we don't move [Applause] as a matter of fact let me tell you this there's a couple of you in here I don't know who you are you're thinking about giving up you're thinking about backsliding but guess what we're not gonna let you we're not gonna let you you're part of this crew you're part of this clue you don't show up we're gonna start knocking on your door we're gonna start looking for you you're not gonna fail your brothers and sisters because we're going to do it together that's why I love this church so let's go with the three steps to success so remember even though it's free to you it's still a value it's still a value when you are successful with God this is how he does it he will give you one revelation that will lead to a revolution write that down what is a revelation a revelation is something that was always there but it's been revealed to you hot cheetos was always there but it was revealed to me God used a ridiculous idea to take me from mopping floors to flying on a private jet a janitor created one of the biggest brands in the world which sells about a billion dollars a year a no education nowhere in the Bible where you find that it says get an education for success it says get wisdom and I know that might offend teachers but it's the truth its wisdom that will change your life not that degree but I love to tell people this look I don't have an education look how far I got just imagine how far you can get with one I still believe in getting educated I'm just telling you that there's no guarantee for success you won't find that in the Bible but you do find everyone talking about wisdom get wisdom and you will be successful so we know that as I said there's three steps to success you put that up there and what's the first step the first step is towards Jesus you got to get stayed you got to be saved first your first step should be towards Jesus you have a stock of dreams you have a strategy you got a plan but you got to go to Jesus first the second step is towards God once you get saved you got to start spending time with God here's why when you find out who God is you find out who you are when you find out when you find out what God has oh you find out what you have when you find out what he had you find out what you have you have a blank check your bank account that you have that you can draw from you need to learn that and understand that you need them you can only get that by spending time with God you know in the Garden of Eden there's no such thing as working too hard it's no such thing as working too much you were built and designed to handle work and the Garden of Eden there was four streams that Adam and Eve were able to draw from and that's a message for a different time but each one of those trees represented something one stream represented gold another one over floored another one power another one authority you should have four streams of income okay four streams I have four streams I have income that's coming for this I've income that's coming from this from this and from that at one time all I had was my job because I thought that was it but I got it because I took a step towards God and I spent time when God and God began to tell me Richard I have all these things you see it brother and sister isn't about Wall Street Wall Street isn't gonna do anything for you as a matter of fact know this when the numbers go up on Wall Street 2% of the country's richest people just got richer if the stock market goes down 20% of the richest people got affected but for the average had nothing to do with you you're not gonna get rich off Wall Street all you may have a 401 a little nest egg but that's all that is is a nest egg he doesn't want you to have a nest he says he prepared a table for you it's good to plant a little bit in your retirement but you better have more you weren't designed to live on barely enough you were designed and created to live on more than enough so these steps the third step as to the Holy Spirit this is key you've got to be baptized in the Holy Spirit you need to have the Holy Spirit in you why here's why let's go back to it before you were even born you see the thing about being an ambassador and a king God gives you privilege to see things that other people can't see so on the day that they were ready to send you down to earth you were ready to be born God the Father God the Son and the Holy Spirit had a conversation about you had a conversation about you and this is what they said give her strength give her finances give her wisdom give her abilities gifts and talents and it was encrypted in a language that no one could understand God and Jesus Christ we're having that and the Holy Spirit was riding it down so when you get baptized with the Holy Spirit it all comes to life everything that was implanted in you is birth that's why you've got to be baptized in the Holy Spirit a good example as I said the success is not a calling it's a commandment see many times people will say well God's called you to success he didn't call you to be successful he called you to be faithful your success is in your faith your success is actually a commandment you've been commanded to be successful it's already been predestined for you again me and my wife were walking they were talking about the Lord we were talking about like yeah you know sometimes we go to unchartered area and she looks at me and she said you know what Richard you haven't been there it's uncharted to you but Jesus Christ was already there and it dawned on me that's my life my success was already there I had to step into it I had to walk into it there wasn't anything that I had to do other than just show up ain't nobody was gonna pick me I quit school but wouldn't want anything to do with me that I always wanted to send me to the special classes I want her to put me on that ugly bus I don't want to ride the ugly oh please I don't want to go into that class this is what happened take this test you know today I tell people I ain't taking another test because every time I take that test you tell me to get in that line I ain't gonna have that I'm gonna get in the line of my choice Felton was sharing a story about me that I want to share real quickly I remember when I got bus to uh all-white school from a Latino school this was during the civil rights movement in the 60s put me on the bus they brought an ugly green bus and I'm like I don't want to go to that school and I remember I'm telling my mom we lived at the labor camp your mom's getting me ready for school and I'm crying she says she won't bouquet your ass cry baby why you crying poor gay no kid oh yes the squalor cuz I don't want to go to that school but can't know me who or why not son but kept others out learning glass because everybody speaks English it's not right mom so I went in his ugly green bus you would ever see we got on that bus and it was shaking and popping we got to school teacher was talking and we were like and he said what her say there was like eight of us you know no entiendo Ricardo I don't know but there's one sound and that sound as international every kid knows this sound you know what that sounded sound of the recess Bell so about eight of us we got we got our lunch we walked outside sat down you know it's 1962 whatever was pulled down my lunch ready to take a bite everybody's staring at me I was embarrassed I got my lunch and I put it back in the back I remember I went home so mad my mom's washing dishes I went so mad I walked right up to her I said mama Iseman Oh Oscar and bologna sandwich cupcake applause ultros mama make me a bologna sandwich a cupcake like the other kids because I don't want to be different I don't want to be this color I don't want to ride the green bus I don't want to speak this language I don't want to eat this food but my mom God was using her that's why I thank God for women ladies I said this I'll take the leadership of a woman any day as a matter of fact ladies let me tell you this when God created women he was showing off so I get home not telling my mom all that and all of a sudden she says no this is who you are so that day the next day she made me two burritos and she said here's one for you and here's one to share with a friend well Wednesday I had my burrito nightmare Thursday I shared a burrito with a friend Friday I was selling burritos for 25 cents apiece [Applause] now here's what I like to say contrary to popular belief Taco Bell didn't introduce the burrito to the world me my mom did but the truth was I didn't want to be different I wanted to fit in I wanted to be like everyone else but even at a young age God was telling me this is whatever everyone in the room I want you to understand this this is what God was telling us that as much as you want to fit in he wants you to know that you weren't created to fit it you were created to stand out young people that's why you never can fit in because it's not your role your job is to stand out your job is to be different your job isn't to be like everyone out because guess what what you're going to get is not for everyone else let's skip a little bit and let's go down to three levels of leadership can you show that slide three levels of leadership well Ryan this down real quick well let me tell you there are three levels of leadership once you become successful the first one is everyone at some point is a pioneer what is a pioneer you know that the word pioneer comes from two places comes from the French and it comes from the Latin and the friendship means soldier in the Latin Amin's big feet so what is a pioneer some a soldier with big feet because pioneers go to places that other people can go pioneers are soldiers with big feet somebody said if you want to know if you're a leader turn around and see how many people follow you that's not true because as leaders you turn around nobody's following you because you're crazy you're crazy I'm not gonna follow you I'm not gonna follow her she's crazy that's a leader the second thing that you do you become a settler somebody pioneered this work but you're not a pioneer forever you came in the settlers pioneers map out new territories for the settlers to come in what a settlers do they build infrastructure you have to be a pioneer then you have to be a settler and you got to teach a cloud you got to serve buddy you got to be an ostrich you got to be a something that builds the community the third and what I call the ultimate what I what I am I'm not a pioneer anymore nor am i a settler what am i the ultimate leader purposeful leader and what is a purposeful leader a purposeful leader is someone that helps other people find their purpose and what happens the cycle who started all over again a pioneer work a settler a purposeful leader thank you so much for tuning in to the way World Outreach sermon would you allow me to pray for you in this moment Father I thank you Lord that you have given us a word and I pray that our hearts were opened for that word Jesus I pray God that your child knows that you love them that you are here for them that you have an amazing purpose for their lives I pray that right now they receive you as our Lord and Savior they know that you died on the cross for them God and they know that without a shadow of doubt that you love them and you have a calling for that God and Jesus name we pray thank you so much would you do one more thing if you would like to make a difference in someone else's life would you join together with us by going to the way world outreach dot org slash donate so you can make a difference in someone else's life thank you again god bless you and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: The Way World Outreach
Views: 1,967
Rating: 4.6981134 out of 5
Keywords: churches located in San Bernardino, Churches in the inland empire, On fire churches in San Bernardino, Sunday services in San Bernardino, wednesday services in San Bernardino, Pastor Marco Garcia, Pastor Robert Cuencas, The Way World Outreach, The Way Outreach, World Outreach, Jesus, God, Christian Churches in the Inland Empire, Christian Churches in San Bernardino
Id: e0a1I5sVPGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2018
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