Ranking All Otsutsuki Clan Members in Naruto

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hey how's it going youtube this is your boy chosen and welcome back to another discussion video today we are going to be ranking the strongest clan in all of naruto and boruto to date and speaking of boruto since a few of the members here on the list is from boruto i should mention spoilers if you haven't read the manga even if you're caught up in the anime this will still involve spoilers so if you don't want to get spoiled for now this video may not be for you if you're okay with spoilers or caught up with the borto manga then let's begin so how i'm going to be structuring this video is the same way as i did with the sage mode video where i'm going to be ranking all the isuzuki clan members from weakest to strongest some may be more obvious than others but nonetheless for each decision i make i'll also thoroughly explain why they belong at that spot the members we have for this video in no particular order are indra ashra kagia ishiki hagoromo hamura tonity uroshiki momoshiki and kinshiki so let's not waste any time here and start with number 10 and honestly i think number 10 and 9 are pretty obvious and for those two we have indra and ashrae indra of course being at tenth place the main reason as to why i say this is obvious is due to the fact that these two are haguroma's children whose mother is human and even hagoromo himself isn't one hundred percent otsuki as even kagya got knocked up by a man named tenji so due to them not being even fifty percent of suzuki even though usher receives hagrid almost power i still don't think he can take any other tuskegee in battle besides indra by himself the reason i'm putting indra at tenth is due to the fact that not only is he and ashrae the weakest in their clan but like i mentioned before because of india's decision to not work together with the people of the village he was assigned to agung received word that it wasn't near destruction his lack of leadership and judgment towards others is why he was not chosen as the leader of ninshu and because of him lacking the added power that ashrae received that puts him below his younger brother before this you could say that asha was weaker indra is the one who invented hand signs in order to perform ninjutsu but even with intro gaining the mangekyo the power of the six paths is far superior i mean even with their battle the moment arshad awakened six paths indra couldn't do a thing it was shown that he awakened the perfect susano later on in their battles but usher was seen to awaken the three-headed kuruma avatar and i mean at that point i don't i don't think i need to say anything else so yeah 10th and 9th belong to indra and then ashrae at 8th we have rashiki and for those who watch boruto i think this one is pretty obvious urushiki has to be by far the weakest full breed otsusuki in all of naruto like my mess took an embarrassing l to guinea i know they tried playing it off like he wasn't taking them seriously but regardless he's a natsutsuki his speed alone should be naturally way too fast for boruto and shiki to catch up with combine that with his renegade's ability to freely move around the battle through dimensions come on even if he was underestimating them they should have not been able to scratch him because of the fact that he is a natsutsuki actually staying on the topic of a rinnegan he has two other rinigons and a biaku gun the one i mentioned before was a red rinnegan which had similar toneway patterns that sasuke had and the other two are blue and yellow the blue rinnegan allows roshiki to foresee the future so for example with jiraiya juraya tried to sneak attack koshiki from behind but with the power of his blue rinigon he saw that coming from miles away and quickly got behind jaraya and counter-attacked his yellow renagan was only activated by eating his blue rinnegan which allowed him to awaken into a new more powerful transformation in this transformation urishiki was shown to be a lot more faster and stronger jaraya kid naruto and boruto couldn't do a thing which they never should have from the beginning until sasuke came in and naruto used the nine tails but for those who watched you know how it goes basically the reason i'm putting in my eight is because of what went down in time travel art that arc had its moments but power scaling wise it just didn't really make a lot of sense urushiki was playing with his food but even then because of how much more powerful and faster he is naturally compared to everyone else he eventually should have taken the win multiple times if you just look at his abilities he's op anyone can see that but because of his character it cost him a huge drop on this list which is unfortunate at number seven we have tonetti for those who surprisingly don't know tonight comes from the movie naruto the last in that movie tonight awakened a powerful eye called the tensei gun which on top of that also allows him to use a new chakra mode called the tension chakra mode the only time in the entire naruto franchise that we see tonight do anything against anyone is in this movie like how the rinnegan is the evolved eye of the sharingan the tantagon falls off the same concept for the biaku gun now mind that the tensor gun is only acquired by asus clan members nobody else can awaken the tensile gun if i'm not mistaken but eddie unlocked the tensile gun by stealing hanabi's biafra gun and implanting it in himself with the 10 sec gun toniti can use the same repulsive forces that sasuke can use with the rinnegan truth seeking orbs that come with the chakra mode can fly and can hold his own against kcm 2 stage mode naruto tonight's strongest technique is the golden wheel rebirth explosion which is so powerful that it cut the damn moon in half one attack just sliced it completely clean now i'm not going to say kcm2 seismo naruto is weak but the fact that tony couldn't go up against this but moderate took him out as a regular ninja like i know naruto the last even in just kcm is stronger than he was in the war arc when he was just in kcm but still come on mater was human at that point and took out naruto who was fighting alongside with other people at number six i'm giving this spot to hamura honestly hamra is the associate that i knew the least about before making this video and that's because he's one of the least talked atuci clan members in the whole universe from doing a bit of research what little i know about hamra is that he of course wields a biaku gun but even then when being controlled by kauya hamra with the intent to take down hagoromo still lost his quick battle against his bro agurao was even holding back at first before deciding to take him out so that alone clearly shows who's stronger between the two besides his fight with his bro the only thing we can really scale hamra off of is his battle against his mother alongside hagoromo with hakuromo unlocking the rinnegan i don't think it's a stretch to say that he carried the fight but regardless he wouldn't have been able to see okay without hamra the only other time we see him in the universe is in the last when he gave his power to hinata to stop toniti and the giant tensei gun but even then she still needed naruto's power to actually do anything last thing on homura is that he also wields a 10 sec gun like toniti meaning everything tonight was able to do applies to hamura but because he was able to assist his bro against kagya whereas tonity lost to kcm to naruto pretty quickly too and in one punch that is what puts him above tonight number five now this is when it starts to get pretty tricky because all the remaining susquehannas are rather pretty close in power or just haven't been explained enough so from here on now it's more of a personal opinion than a fact at number 5 we have kinshiki kinshiki is a bit of a weird one because we literally only see him use his chakra weapons which he forges from his back now even though this may be his only unique ability the man is not weak in the data books khinshi was stated to wield power that can split world and obliterate all things some do say that the data books like to stretch things and yeah maybe not split worlds in like one strike but give it enough time in a battle going all out yeah i can somewhat see this hinchik's biggest moment was his battle against sasuke and even though there are two versions of the same battle i'm gonna fall off of the anime for this one now even though kenshiki was doing pretty good against sasuke people need to keep in mind that sasuke had already teleported which most know takes a lot off him then uses single jutsu besides the heavenly hand power and fought with one arm sasuke biski fought kinchiki one armed with just a sharingan basically and sasuke enhanced his speed with lightning style which he did against a fuse momoshiki actually using the jutsu to take him down and didn't have to worry about saving up the chocolate to open up a portal to escape that fight would have gone down differently regardless i'm not going to take everything away from kinshiki but the size the man is really fast and like i mentioned before he has great raw power i guess tonight and hamura one on one i'd honestly put my money on kinshiki and don't forget because he's in a suitsuki he contains impressive natural abilities kinshiki contains a biakugan amazing sensing abilities the ability to absorb ninjutsu and the ability to use spacetime ninjutsu like sasuke more importantly karage was in the works of building an army out of fear from momoshiki and kinshiki with all this kinshiki definitely deserves his place as number five on this list at four we have hagiromo and the hakuna i'm referring to is the post kagya fight version the one that became the host of all nine-tailed beasts the one that fully mastered his rinigon can perform jutsus without needing hand signs but yeah you guys get with the point after his battle with kagya hagoromo became the first average in judoki as he split the power of the ten tales into nine souls which is where each tailed beast originated from auguron was also the one who invented ninshu which he created as means of bringing peace towards the world but uh that clearly didn't go was planned haguro with the rinagan was able to master all five chakra natures and also contained both yin and yang release even before his death hakuromo used a super advanced planetary devastation that allowed him to seal the ten tails on the moon in his fight against kagya hagaram was also seen to awaken his perfect susano which he was able to use with his rinnegan after he completely skipped the steps of the mangekyo after taking down his brother hagoromo completely skipped the mangakyo and went straight from her sharingan to a rinnegan there are a lot of things i could talk about for hakunomo but i don't want this to be too long so the last thing i mentioned about hagorama was the fact that he on top of everything i mentioned before also contains sen jutsu which he learned by a toad named gamamaru sage mode combined with his powerful chakra and renagon allowed him to use six pass sage mode so kind of imagine hokage naruto in six pass stage mode combined with two rinnegan's has all the tail beast chakra and now times his already massive chakra reserves by two that's basically hagaramon short as powerful as hakuromo is he himself did state that his mother was more powerful than him so due to that i had to put him on the kagya which leads over to that number three spot at number three we have kagyatsuki and the main reason as to why i'm putting her under momoshiki is mainly due to the fact that she is not the best fighter kaguya not only lost to her two sons that were not only weaker than her but were also half at suski but also lost to naruto and sasuke with the help of a few others just like a rashiki the abilities are all there but she lacks the strategic mindset and had it not been for black setsu her fight with naruto and sasuke probably would have ended quicker because it was literally him telling her what to do she relied on him more than trusting her own gut however if we were to just look at her abilities alone kaga can summon bone and launch them as projectile attacks which immediately disintegrates her targets she can use her hair as chakra needles combined with her biaku gun to strike a user's chakra points like she did with sasuke kage can also perform the 80 gods vacuum attack which kind of like naruto allows her to summon giant chakra fists the strongest move kage has in her arsenal is the expansive true seeking orb which is strong enough to completely one shot the entire planet she is in kaguya also contains abilities that don't really do any damage but are more so considered hacks kaguya with her renaissance is able to perform infinite tsukiomiyas anyone who possesses a ring shotgun can perform this technique she's also able to easily move through dimensions and when i say easily i mean probably easier than any one of the naruto verse to date most people need to go through portals but if she wants she can activate this technique which also teleports everyone around her instantly in her battle against her two sons kageya combined herself with the god tree in order to take her chakra back from her two sons so kargya was basically fighting naruto sasuke hagorom on hamra with the enhanced power of the god tree and that says a lot but this is also why i only put her at number three the fact that she contains all this massive power and still falls to her sons still foster two demigods and three humans and relied on black zetsu to help her take down naruto and sasuke just proves that kagya isn't really a great fighter she has the power but somehow lost to her sons and injured ashra's reincarnations like a rashiki this is what puts momoshiki above her at number two we have momoshiki and momoshiki is one of the tricky ones because it's like do i give him the transformation or not without the transformation i'm not 100 sure if he can handle kagya but i feel like he probably could because momoshiki after all this someone kaguya feared so much that it made her kinda lose her mind which resulted in her attempting to control the world and take down her own children in the border treatment exam arc momoshiki made his appearance the problem with this is that i can't really scale anything here because naruto was holding back in order to not blow up anyone else sasuke even stated that naruto could easily counter that giant projectile attack but chose not to for the sake of the village when sasuke and the other kage teleported to save naruto there wasn't much fighting going on moshiki was just keeping his distance and even kinshiki was taken down by sasuke and two others at that point after he was completely surrounded and it made it seem like he was going to lose and honestly that's probably what would have happened had he not transformed the moment he transformed he completely destroyed everyone in the area even naruto sasuke at first but the moment naruto sasuke got serious it wasn't even fair the music itself was the indication alone that he was going to get clapped and that's naruto and sasuke at around 50 chakra for as cool as this was to see the thing people need to understand is that naruto and sasuke as adults are way stronger than they were fighting kagya had adult naruto and sasuke falcao instead of momoshiki kagi would not have lasted nearly as long as momoshiki did with the transformation i definitely give the second spot to momoshiki but without it who knows and at number one which for those who have read the borto manga no this is completely obvious we have ishiki otsuki i don't want to be one of those guys but i've already made a video explaining everything about ishiki so i'm going to keep this one brief and if you want to see an in-depth analysis on ishiki link to that video will be in the description ishikiyasuki is known to be a high chair member of the clan meaning that alone already indicates that he's easily one of the strongest members the biggest reason as to why i'm putting ishiki first on this list is because of how we handled naruto and sasuke naruto and sasuke going out loud couldn't handle a weaker version of ishiki and when i say he couldn't handle i mean they got beat so bad the first thing you would see on a porn site is their battle because they didn't even land a single good blow against them now at full power it's it's just sad to see as a naruto fan and crazy enough shiki proved to be so much of a threat that he forced naruto to undergo a new transformation that came out of nowhere ishiki is so damn powerful that he forced sasuke to sit on the sidelines and literally watch because that's all he can do surprisingly people think kaguya actually has a chance against ishiki because she cut him in half but for some reason they completely missed a part where it says she cut him behind his back meaning he didn't see it coming at all but yeah ishiki 100 deserves his spot on number one i know i didn't go deep into this because again i've already made a video explaining him so if you're interested it'll be in the description down below and that everyone is going to sum up today's video if you enjoyed and want to see more discussion videos be sure to hit that like and subscribe button if you disagree with anything i had to say let me know why in the comments down below and i'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Chosen
Views: 487,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Boruto, Otsutsuki Clan, Otsutsuki, Strongest Otsutsuki, Isshiki, kaguya, momoshiki, toneri, urashiki, hagoromo, hamura, explained, abilities explained, indra, ashura, vs, naruto vs isshiki, naruto and sasuke vs kaguya
Id: tTqJs6Nf6eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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