The Life Of Nagato: Pain (Naruto)

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this video was made in collaboration with narutopedia for more information check out the link in the description the life of nagato from naruto nagato was a shinobi of amigakade and a descendant of the uzumaki clan forming akatsuki alongside his friends and fellow war orphans yahiko and conan nagato dreamed of bringing peace to the violent shinobi world however following yahiko's death nagato adopted the alias pain and along with conan began leading a new akatsuki one that would force the world into peace using any means necessary welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of nagato before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos background nagato lived with his parents fuso and issei on the outskirts of amegakore when he was very young matara uchiha secretly transplanted his rinnegan into nagato without his or his parents knowledge some time later during the second shinobi world war nagato and his parents took shelter in their home to avoid the fighting going on around them one day two konoha shinobi broke into their home looking for food and nagato and his parents tried to sneak out unnoticed when they were discovered his parents attacked the shinobi so that nagato could escape the konahan ninja killed his parents in self-defense and upon realizing they were only civilians tried apologizing to nagato overcome with grief nagato used matara's rinagon for the first time to kill them and avenge his parents after burying his parents nagato now an orphan was forced to leave home and begin wandering in search of food and shelter with resources scarce due to the ongoing war no one he met would help him until nagato who had collapsed from hunger was found by konan and yahiko orphans like himself they banded together acquired food to survive through any means and shared dreams of a future where they were in charge and could use their power to eliminate war yahiko was particularly passionate about this point which inspired nagato to adopt the same goal in order to accomplish this the three would need to become ninja with few options to choose from they approached konoha's legendary sani and asked to be taught ninjutsu orochimaru offered to kill them in order to end their suffering but jiraya guilty over his participation in the war offered to teach them how to look out for themselves jiraya found a place for them to live and taught them how to fish but he would not teach them ninjutsu while the orphans were out one day they were found and assaulted by an iwagakare chunin fearing for his friends lives nagato used his rinagon to kill the iwo nin when jiraya arrived on the scene to help them he noticed nagato's eyes for the first time and was reminded of the legends of the sage of the six paths the original possessor of the rinnagon because of this jiraya changed his mind and began teaching them ninjutsu nagato was remorseful for killing the iwan nin but jiraya convinced him that sometimes violence and personal pain was necessary to protect others in time he even shared his belief that nagato was the sage of six paths reincarnation and that like the original sage nagato would use his rinnegan to usher in a world of peace jiraiya trained the orphans for three years because of his rinagon nagato easily mastered everything he was taught once they were able to defeat one of his shadow clones in a fight jaraya decided they were ready to forge out on their own and he returned to konoha confident that they would bring reform to the country the three formed an organization they called akatsuki with yahiko as its leader and begin advocating an end to war their message proved popular and they gathered many followers even jaraya would sometimes hear news of their exploits during the third shinobi world war they were approached by a disguised obito uchiha introducing himself as modera ochiha he offered to help them in their pursuits and show nagato how to unlock the full potential of his rinnagan yahiko refused the offer suspecting toby only meant to use them throughout their quest for peace akatsuki's ranks swelled and became known throughout amegakurei so much so that hanzo of the salamander the village's leader began to feel akotsuki threatened his rule he approached akatsuki offering to work with them to help negotiate with the other warring villages the next day at a meeting to finalize the arrangement yahiko and nagato were ambushed by hanzo and his men with support from konohas danzo shimura using konan as a hostage hanzo threatened to kill her if nagato did not kill yahiko unwilling to let nagato have that on his conscience yahiko impaled himself on nagato's kunai using his dying breath to state his fate that nagato would change the world enraged by yahiko's death nagato took conan back from hanzo though his legs were badly damaged in the process he then summoned the demonic statue of the utter path and upon linking with it used it to slaughter hanzo's men though hanzo himself escaped afterwards nagato severed his ties with amegakore by slashing the village symbol on his forehead protector no longer wishing to be affiliated with hanzo's village now crippled nagato turns yahiko's body into the diva path yahiko's death ultimately convinced nagato that his philosophies about achieving peace were foolish the world would never willingly end the cycle of death and hatred it operated on for so long only through direct experience of war and all of the losses and agonies it brought could anyone ever truly desire peace intending to personally bring that level of despair to the world nagato took on the name of pain as the damage he'd received from hanzo's attack and the link with the demonic statue left him frail and immobile nagato created the six paths of pain out of corpses that he controlled remotely for the diva path he used yahiko's body still wanting him to lead the organization in spirit and for the other five he used the corpses of other miscellaneous shinobi that without his knowing it had met jiraya while they were alive payne began leading akatsuki in a new direction secretly accepting obito's earlier offer of support akatsuki composed itself of s-rank missingnin and started offering its services as a mercenary group the ninja villages earning money necessary to fund its long-term plans years later and still loyal to his own version of amegakurdi payne and conan began a civil war in the village to overthrow hanzo much of the village rallied behind payne believing him to be a god because of his immense power the six paths of pain eventually cornered and killed hanzo earning control of the village but not before expressing his disgust without hanzo had fallen from the man he admired and the fact that he cannot even understand how in his self-preservation his skill and conviction have diminished in order to prevent anyone from challenging him payne proceeded to eliminate everyone even remotely connected to hanzo from members of his family to distant acquaintances because of amigakore's already secretive nature news of hanzo's death never made it outside of amagakure and the village was believed to still be divided by the civil war payne embraced the villagers idea of his being god and single-handedly crushing remnants loyal to hanzo whenever they surfaced every sunday payne would make it rain within amegakure or if he had to be away sasuke recovery mission payne gathers the rest of akatsuki to discuss sasuke uchiha's recent alliance with orochimaru as well as the anticipated completion of their plans three years hence in naruto's footsteps the friend's paths in the anime two years after the akatsuki meeting amigakore is invited to participate in the tuning exams being held jointly by konohagakure and suna gakurei not ready to take akatsuki public yet payne accepts the invitation and sends several teams of genie in to keep up appearances the messenger kakashi haruke later sneaks back into the village to investigate the rumors surrounding it payne immediately detects kakashi and sends guards to capture him forcing him to retreat kazukage rescue mission after gara is captured by daedra and saucery payne convenes akatsuki to begin extracting the one tail from gaira's body konohan ninjas start to convene on their location during the three-day process so payne uses the shapeshifting technique to send copies of kisamehoshigaki and hitachiuchi how to distract them the copies are defeated but they buy the necessary time and the onetail is sealed as the rest of akatsuki disperses payne instructs daedra and saucery to deal with the hot ninja that have arrived outside of their lair akatsuki suppression mission following the captures of the two tails and three tails the three tails is captured later in the anime payne once again gathers akatsuki to seal them because payne summons interrupted a fight he was in the middle of hidan the second newest member demands an explanation of akatsuki's ultimate goal pain obliges him remarking on the state of the world and how akatsuki plans to capitalize on that to take control itachi pursuit mission before akatsuki prepares to seal the four tails payne informs its members of the death of hidan and kakazu as well as news that sasuke uchiha has killed orochimaru shortly after the four tales is sealed zetsu reports the deaths of daedra and toby in a fight with sasuke payne expresses no love lost over toby but encourages the remaining members of akatsuki to mourn daedra as soon as they adjourn payne and conan meet with toby and amigakudai toby instructs him to go after naruto uzumaki the jinshodoki of the nine tails the tale of jiraiya the gallant before he can set out in search of naruto payne senses an intruder arriving in amegakude he cannot identify who it is but from their chakra signature he can tell that they're powerful he sends conan to track down whoever it is while he deploys the animal path a short while later conan sends a report that the intruder is jiraiya surprised payne bids her to kill him if she can while he moves the animal path to intercept on arrival he frees conan from the restraints to rye has placed her under and sends her away although jiraya does not recognize the body jaraya assumes that pain is nagato because of his rinigon jiraya expresses his disappointment that nagato has turned away from his once righteous path towards peace by leading a criminal organization like akatsuki payne asserts that as a god his plan to liberate the world through destruction is the definition of righteousness in response to all of the animal path summons jiraiya summons gamaken to hold them off while he prepares himself from the safety of his chameleon payne sends a multi-headed dog drill beaked bird and giant ox at them but jiraya is able to successfully enter sage mode with the help of shima and fugusaku shima locates and neutralizes the chameleon forcing payne to summon the predepath and human path into the fray jariah quickly blinds the human path then attacks with sage art goemon which the predepath absorbs he makes separate attempts to attack the human path and animal path from behind but both block him suspecting their shared vision jiraya withdraws the three paths pursue jaraya they eventually hear the signing of shima and fukusaku as they ready again jutsu the paths track them down and try to stop them but jaraya is ready for them after confirming that they do indeed share vision jiraya distracts the predopath and immobilizes the human path allowing him to fight the animal path one on one long enough for shima and fukusaku to cast toad confrontation singing while the paths are caught jiraya stabs them with stone swords and believes they and by extension nagato are dead as he leaves the asura path attacks him from behind severing his arms the full six paths of pain with the three he defeated restored by the naraka path face jariah he recognizes the diva path as yahiko causing him to question the assumption that pain is nagato after a prolonged battle jiraya retreats into his barrier toad gourd prison the animal path follows him but ends up getting captured as its last act it stabs him with a black receiver jiraya contemplates returning to konoha with what he's learned but decides this is his only chance to discover the secret of pain he returns to the battlefield with fukusaku and draws the remaining path's attention and in doing so figures it out the asura path crushes his throat before he can tell fukusaku what he's learned and the other paths stab him but leaving him dead they start to leave but jiraya uses the last of his energy to etch a coated message into fukusaku's back the paths try to stop him but fukusaku escapes and jiraya's body sinks into the sea pain then holds a moment of silence for his passing six tails unleashed pain replaces the animal path jaraya captured with a new body in preparation for finally going after naruto in the anime he is first sent to kirigakode to capture the sixth tales the new animal path summons the multi-headed dog to scout the area where the six-tailed jinchiriki urakara was last seen when it comes across a group of hunter nin led by surugi it slaughters them all udacada eventually comes looking for sarugi but instead finds pain who quickly captures him the six tails is later extracted from urikata's body pain's assault the six paths of pain and conan arrive on the outskirts of konoha and eliminate all the border guards payne explains the plan of attack the asura animal and preda paths will destroy the village's infrastructure and draw the attention of its ninja while conan and the diva human and narcopaths try to find information on naruto's location the animal path infiltrates the village by itself so that konoha's censors will think there's only one intruder and once inside it summons conan and the others they scatter immediately afterwards and begin fulfilling their assigned roles early in the diva path search it is found by kakashi haruke who has guessed that the misdirection pane is employing knowing by reputation that kakashi poses a threat to akatsuki's plans the asura path arrives to help the divapath fight him the two nearly defeat kakashi but konoha reinforcements arrive in time kakashi has already discovered the recharge time the diva path needs between attacks and coordinates konoha's forces to create a window for him to strike the asura path uses itself as a shield to take the attack creating an opportunity for the diva path to level everything and everyone in the area the diva path leaves victorious after it's gone a badly injured kakashi sends choji akamichi to the 5th hokage to tell her what they've learned about the diva path the still-functioning asura path attempts to stop choji but kakashi intercepts it with kamui in time dying from exhaustion in the process across the village the remaining paths continue their tasks the preda path locates the animal path that shiraya captured and collects as black receivers the diva path locates the hokage and encourages her to surrender naruto the animal path assaults the building where a prisoner jiraya captured is being interrogated killing him in the process the human path discovers shizune and from reading her mind finally learns that naruto is at mount miyoboku though their mission is complete payne is frustrated by the hokage's refusal to cooperate combined with the numerous examples that konoha's ninja are starting to understand how the six paths of pain work payne decides to destroy the village and show it true pain he has the animal path summon conan and all but the diva path to a safe distance while the devapath performs a large-scale shinra tensei as the smoke clears the diva path finds naruto has arrived in the village with several towed allies after the naraka path restores the asura path the other paths join the diva path conan withdraws to attend a nagato when the hokage angrily confronts payne for destroying the village the asura path moves to kill her but is destroyed by naruto before it can land a blow the remaining paths take formation around the diva path during its prolonged recharge the animal path sends its summons to attack naruto but the toads confront them instead using sage mode naruto quickly neutralizes the predapath the human path is destroyed getting the animal path out of the way of naruto's rasen shuriken and the animal path is shortly afterwards trapped within gamabunta's mouth and defeated with spiraling serial spheres naruto begins focusing on the diva path he nearly succeeds in hitting it with another rasan shuriken but a restored predopath absorbs it seeing what the naraka path can do naruto prioritizes it distracting the diva and predopaths while he hits it with another spiraling serial spheres although the naraka path is gone the devapath's powers are restored it expels the larger toads from the village and helps the predepath capture naruto as the predopath absorbs his senjutsu chakra to immobilize him it finds itself unable to balance the natural energy and turns into stone shima and fukusaku meanwhile prepare to cast a genjutsu like they did before the diva path kills fukusaku and in the same motion pins naruto down with black receivers with naruto no longer able to offer resistance payne lectures him on the cycle of hatred the world suffers under and the endless conflict that it produces his plans to gather the tailed beasts will be used to cause overwhelming destruction and achieve peace through fear because peace is what jiraiya who both of them trained under always wanted payne asks if naruto has a better solution but naruto does not respond as they talk payne is attacked by hinata hyuga who makes a desperate attempt to save naruto the diva path deals with her easily and apparently kills her her seeming death enrages naruto causing him to enter a version 2 state unprepared to fight naruto in this state the diva path leads naruto closer to nagato's location so that it can use chibaku tensei naruto enters a nearly full-tailed beast mode and escapes its confines forcing pain to let the chibaku tensei dissolve having regained his senses naruto attacks the diva path he takes one of its black receivers and briefly interfaces with it in order to trace nagato's location as his attack continues he has numerous disguised shadow clones emerged from the rubble of chibaku tensei and attacked during the diva path's short cooldown but they don't make it in time and it repels them with so many clones however the narutos are able to resist the shinra tensei enabling naruto to strike with the resengan now that all his six paths are defeated nagato permits naruto to come meet with him he shoots naruto with a black receiver as soon as he arrives and tries to control his body but naruto successfully resists him naruto has been thinking about the question he was asked earlier about how he would accomplish peace he thinks he has an answer finally but first wants to hear more about nagato especially since they both trained under jiraiya yet turned out very differently curious nagato indulges him and tells him about the tragedies he experienced in his life and how they drove him to seek peace through pain naruto understands nagato's logic and even sees some merit to his conclusion but rejects it his method to achieve peace is to no longer continue the cycle of revenge that fuels the shinobi world although he's angry with nagato for killing jiraya and destroying konoha naruto will not harm him as that would only cause others to seek revenge against him and repeat the cycle nagato is amazed by naruto's answer and is reminded of not only jiraiya but himself when he was younger he does not know if naruto's solution can succeed but nagato decides that he will place his faith in it as a sign of this faith nagato uses samsara of heavenly life technique over conan's protests to revive everyone that died during his attack as his life fades from performing the technique nagato cautions naruto over the challenges he will face on the path he has chosen but wishes him all possible luck nagato dies with a smile on his face wondering if perhaps all the circumstances that led him to this end were the work of a real god power in the anime kabuto yakushi reincarnates nagato to be used against team 7. the summon fails almost immediately afterwards causing kabuto to wonder if the impure world reincarnation was still incomplete 4th shinobi world war countdown when the 4th shinobi world war looms kabuto approaches toby offering to join forces to that end he reincarnates nagato and four other dead members of akotsuki as offerings for toby's war plans fourth shinobi world war confrontation when the fourth shinobi world war begins nagato is mobilized with the rest of kabuto's collection of reincarnated ninja still unable to move even in his reincarnated state nagato is carried by itachi uchiha they discuss akatsuki and how little they particularly nagato actually knew about the organization both were only pawns kept by toby because of their dojutsu and now they've been revived so kabuto can use them for the same reason nagato is at least able to sense where kabuto is controlling them from which he communicates to hitachi nagato and itachi are found by naruto and killer bee nagato is glad to see naruto has finally gained control of the nine tails but is not actually surprised since they both trained under jiraiya kabuto forces nagato and itachi to attack them with nagato summoning various animals to help him move around because their personalities are intact nagato gives naruto and b advice about how to counter his summons and jutsu and warns them about hitachi's own itachi is able to implement a failed safety left on naruto before his death which frees him from kabuto's control fearful that nagato might also break his control kabato suppresses his personality and sends him into battle against the trio itachi joins forces with naruto and b against nagato nagato hides within his chameleon so he can move around undetected and attacks b with shinra tensei b immediately counters with a version two lariat resulting in nagato absorbing b's version two chakra the eight tails chakra he absorbs has a rejuvenating effect on him restoring his mobility he begins removing naruto's soul prepares to kill b and readies the king of hell to restore them to life when kabuto is ready for them itachi interrupts him with susano releasing naruto and b needing to deal with all three at once kabuto has nagato use chibaku tensei itachi naruto and b simultaneously use their strongest long-range attacks to destroy the growing planetoid as kabuto's attentions are distracted by its destruction itachi stabs him with susano's sword of tatsuka which also restores his consciousness to him nagato apologizes to naruto for not only this fight after death but his actions during life believing his story was unworthy of following jiraiya's he expresses his hope that naruto's story will conclude so spectacularly that nobody will remember the disappointment of his own he bids farewell as his body is sealed legacy toby feels personally betrayed when he learns that nagato gave his life to revive the villagers of konoha believing the samsara of heavenly life technique should have been reserved exclusively for his eye of the moon plan he is also confused believing nagato to have been very firm in his convictions and thus not likely to give up so willingly he tracks down naruto not long after nagato's death and asks him what he could have said to sway nagato but is unmoved by naruto's claim that nagato truly did desire peace with nagato gone toby is forced to seek out his corpse and take his rinigon to fulfill his ultimate plans when he finds nagato smiling at him he interprets it as if nagato is continuing to mock him even in death conan followed through with nagato's change of heart vowing hers and amigakore's cooperation with naruto in his future pursuits of peace she takes nagatos and yahiko's bodies back to amigacore and creates a secret shrine for them laying their bodies on beds of flowers she breaks away from the akatsuki that toby has corrupted trying to fight for the ideals that the organization originally represented she tries to kill toby when he comes looking for nagato's rinagon only to die herself after being forced to reveal the location of nagato's body naruto is deeply affected by his encounter with nagato and is compelled to start trying to achieve peace and end the ongoing desires for revenge between ninja he forgives nagato for all the missteps he took during his life thinking of him with as high a regard as he thinks of jiraiya did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 1,077,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pain, Nagato, naruto, shinobi, Amegakure, Uzumaki, Akatsuki, Yahiko, Konan, Fusō, Rinnegan, Madara, Uchiha, Jiraiya, itachi, Konohagakure, Anbu, Sasuke, Mikoto, Fugaku, World War, Hashirama, Obito, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, uzumaki, madara, shippuden, rin, rin nohara, minato, namikaze, anime, manga, team 7, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, fire, first, Kakashi, Hinata, Sakura, Itachi, Yamato, Sai, Sarada, Shino, Izumi, Chūnin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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