Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Gods of the Realms: Tharizdun

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[Music] hello everyone this is the mighty glue stick and I am AJ how's it going madness decay evil entropy utter destruction nihilism and cold today I'm going to talk about the evil God Pharaoh's tomb created by Gary Gygax based largely on the work of Robert J Koontz appearing in print for the first time in 1982 in the first a feature for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules The Forgotten temple of Terezin is set in the world of greyhawk this adventure features gnomes noir cos creatures from the fene folio and the player characters exploring a dark path to hidden cults finds in and them to an imprisoned God each step closer risks our descent into madness as they must perform rituals and expose their minds to evil and despair anyone who has played a decent game of Call of Cthulhu will know the feeling well there is a kind of exhilaration as the characters are compelled to investigate even though you know it's sure to get them killed in some horrid fashion the urge to know more is too strong for good judgment to overall ferry's dune is directly inspired by the influence of HP Lovecraft on early cosmic horror fiction he is the great old one of D&D and I'm very happy to delve into the history and lore of this figure because it seems like I have mentioned him more than a few times in the past the interesting thing with D&D is that although io io is consider credited with maintaining cosmic law and order nothing has really seen about the creation or origin of the D&D universe the various realms and as is the case with feresten and oberyn's there are beings that predate the universe of dnt things that come from the void beyond space and time first and foremost it's important to point out very clearly that Thoreau stone is called the mad God or God of madness for very good reason he is stark gibbering ly insane his phenomenal psyche is a font of twisted perspectives and brutal conclusions the most corrupting horrors boiled through his every thought nothing is too debased and nihilistic nothing can deter Thera stone from his ultimate goal the destruction of everything and the really gnarly part is that this reasoning is fairly valid from a certain point of view Kosmic coreg works best when the player characters and the stat players have a lead on something fantastic the law may have all the hallmarks of a heroic quest or lead on a lead on an evil cult emerging and the 4-hour trail of breadcrumbs are clues that point toward this secret temple or shrine perhaps a mage finds a timer forgotten spells hidden within the text of a religious a religion long forgotten and these these are powerful pearls spells of destruction one must simply work through the rituals to reveal the hidden law one must simply venture into the deep and unseal ancient barriers one must simply follow the cultists to the ancient stone circle hidden whether vast dark caverns one need only risk a little bit at a time each step bringing new tantalizing rewards but also an incremental price to be paid insanity and safety in an innocence so what form does Feridun zville take what are the motivations of his madness why would he be compelled to dominate all other gods and destroy the entire universe well from his perspective is actually logical to do so nothing has convinced him that this course of action is an error and no amount of resistance is going to stop him in his task but why well there is an answer first though where is feresten now and where does and how did he influence their realms at this time deep within the ethereal plane a crystal formation of deep purple substance over a mile cross drifts through the mists surrounded by a frothing and seething border of dream and nightmare any being whose mind is vulnerable to manipulation must stay away from this place to approach is to invite the loss of one's mind and to potential it eventually beans imprisoned for eternity this is the deme plane of imprisonment created in an unprecedented act of cooperation by all the gods and many primordial Zin a latch turfs last-ditch effort to tap crap Farrah's dune and halt his destruction of reality feresten had used us weapon of incredible power and created a force of unstoppable chaos and is himself a truly immortal being and the other side other gods simply cannot kill him truly this is an action of a man God what possible motive would drive him to not only drive an artifact that tears open and corrupts alternate realities and to the very forge of elemental creation but also use that creative force to spawn a limitless army of soulless demons like ayo there's--in existed before the DND universe he seems to be an almost an exact opposite of ayo in so many ways a dark reflection and looking at the cosmic wheel between the seven rising mountains of silesia in the 666 even ever plummeting layers of the abyss there lies an impossible Tower of neutrality and at its apex the city of CID dual and the mysterious lady of pain are being who denies all access to sickle to any of the gods could it be that just as IO is the ultimate force of law in the DND pantheon the lady is the ultimate force of neutrality and there's-- dune is the alternate force of chaos but chaos is not simply destruction as also it's also creation and change are these three being aspects of the same over God well let's look at the events that led up to Thursday and creating the bus and demon kind there are two or other forces that come from beyond the material plane there the ask will see elemental chaos ethereal plane or the celestial or infernal realms and that's the far realm and the dying universe that spawned the nightmarish oberyn's the Oberon found a way to break out of their reality and enter the dean d universe into the realms the crystal spheres and in doing so as far as there's-- Doom is concerned they ruined perfection they destroyed the law in order in past ultimate authority over the realms from AO to Thurston himself as far as he sees that reality was broken law was no longer dominant the universe was now ultimately ruined and fated to fall to entropy and chaos the domain of the mad God it's true eventually the stars will burn out and plunge into black holes the light will diminish the worlds will become frozen and dead there will be only a nearly eternal night a void of endless despair this era of void will last so long as far as there's--in concern is concerned it is the normal state of the universe thanks to the opens filling it up it has already did it's just a matter of time so why prolong this process why not just get it over with and clear the slate ready to start anew restored and perfected universe free of the over at the plate well to the other gods of course they have many arguments against this they say what of life what of these souls these precious worlds our worshipers are faithful we need them to survive there is Denise no worshipers nor does a own nor does the lady of pain also thanks to the pan dimensional nature of the greater God's Terezin exists and his history exists on more than one realm so on with oh wow I really don't like how that's pronounced let's just call it gray Hawk wiith jeez here's opposed by a paler and the Cobb gray Hawk is a fascinating realm and that is a geo system not a solar system the Sun orbits the world of Grayhawk is not the other way around but anyway there's-- Daan's action are part of the nature of the span dimensional awareness and presence the Oberon 'the trapped in the lasting light of the eight Univest tapped into the mind of thursday or one of his many aspects within different realities and using the object known as the shard of ultimate evil tore their way into the DNT Material Plane and offered up their corruption and malice to Thurston who is now driven to his relentless drive towards destroying that and recreating the universe anyway the O breath urged him to take the shard and plunge it into the astral sea and through the link to all living thought corrupt and destroy the gods in render all mortal beings hopelessly insane however feresten may be crazy but he's not stupid so instead he went to the heart of the elemental chaos and drove the shard so hard into it it blasted right through hundreds of alternate realities a pan-dimensional cross fold rift of the epic proportions that is vast on the scaled the wand beyond what you may have once assumed you're gonna get to that a second each of those layers of the abyss is another universe that feresten broke into and corrupted which in turn drove his counterpart in that dimension turned to madness and relentless drive the destruction and the horrific evil ever evidenced on each of these myriad domains of nightmare and torment is merely the various death throes of other universes which have fallen to their own made card of chaos have they also got their own version of the abyss is there any end to this destruction or it is a disaster that is destroying every reality reality in the entire multiverse could it be that this is part of the reality that IO the lady of pain and there's-- doing existed on a scale on an order of magnitude greater than all the other gods 13d realms such as the nature of dimensions you get into thinking of the largest thing that encompasses all other things inside it and then step up another notch and you are now looking at a higher dimensional reality that is just very difficult really comprehend and it seems like madness and it is by now you're feverish investigations had left your character physically and mentally corrupted a mutant horror perhaps even a convert to there's-- dooms twisted cause reality has broken all must be destroyed for it to be creating a new reality free of corruption step step step just another crazy cultists twisted evil and senselessly violent they delved too deep into forbidden lore and now the grip on reality is busted so the gods both good and evil trapped Pharaoh's dune physically he can not leave his crystal assists in the ethereal realm but there are ways to free him there are 333 gems each an artifact crafted by celestial and infernal beings prime Orioles and Lords of Fae and shadow these gems are like the keys each a component to a ritual to and do a kind of a lock all of which combined can be used to open the door which is the DME plane of Thera stones prison a portal into a young another universe this one completely subsumed by his own version of the abyss this universe is called void her hair oh and nothing exists in that except there is known and the occasional avatar of himself creates like a God version of muttering to himself within void herro feresten has all of his powers intact and sometimes between his insane ravings he has a moment of clarity during which he will set in motion possible means of escape are cruel he is incredibly intelligent during one of these thing these times of lucidity he created a persona known as the elder elemental eye and this guy's he communicated with the evil Arco elementals MX ogre boch Younce eben al Hydra in the prayer the princes of Elemental Evil convincing them that they were his creations thereby gaining their allegiance Colts to the elder elemental I are far more common than Colts devoted to Thursday under his true name and pop up every now and then usually associated with evil factions that resort to using demons to further their plots for power and dominance the cults have legends of lost artifacts and holy sites of the chained God they have one remaining scripture called the lament for lost thursda and pinned by his last cleric Wong yes there is also the horn known as the whaler of Thera stone the sword of drun nayeth nayeth front drum drum heads boys hard to pronounce and the sphere of sorrow the scorpion crown was gift of him to the last king of soul and ultimately ended up destroying that kingdom and the weeping hexagram is in the hands of the Scarlet brotherhood there's also the three artifacts called the theo parts one of law one of neutrality and one of chaos that's from a book series by Gary Gygax I would suggest these to be deeply ensconced in the clutches of some of Thera stones monstrous worshippers the Eveleth the growl and really the Neo Geo labors I'll get to doing a monster video on them soon those who do know if there is don't refer to him euphemistically as the chained court most of thousands followers are elementals all those that have ties to elementals and refer to him as the elder elemental I the majority of the elder elemental eyes cultists including thousands occur excites don't even know he is a God thinking of him instead is a powerful primordial through cultists of Terezin are frightening lean nihilistic s-- their rituals are often unpredictable and features senseless acts of violence in wanton destruction of his cultists including murdering people for no reason and just destroying things these are hallmarks of cult activity of Thursday their doctrine is simply the destruction of all there is every action of theirs which disrupts and destroys is seen as a sacred action they babble nihilistic statements such as emptiness as peace and always seek out to destroy things earthly so there's no trace remaining there's-- Dean's temples are always hidden in the darkness they usually take the form of a black a ziggurat and one of his holy symbols as an inverted black cigarette to symbolize his inevitable triumph over his imprisonment which he is inevitably going to get free I mean entropy is unstoppable his main holy symbol is a black Sun with variegated grace or the single eye symbol of the elder elemental I wallets warlocks can take on the pet of the great old one worth there is demand he's a perfect candidate for it the mad God created an avatar called Sora got at the time of the twin cataclysms the avatar was thought to have been destroyed but in reality it only when a dormancy and recently freed soft regard hopes to collect the 333 gems of Thursday and set its master free it will probably do so both personally and by using invoice such as player characters who've been duped into following these leads feresten is described in Dragon magazine 294 as a pitch-black boiling and morphus form his portfolio's include madness force evil destruction and chaos he's got quite a few really good for spells that you can delve into and although he has his full powers within void Harry he if he ever stepped foot outside of his prison he would drop to the capacity of an intermediary god however demons come and go at his beck and call any is basically the creator and master so he has amazing powers of destruction cultists of feresten will seek out trapped and prison demons and deliberately free them it was there is dense corruption of the elemental chaos with the creation of the abyss and the subsequent rallying of the Prime against the gods of the astral see that which was the cause of the cosmic conflict we know as the dawn war so yeah there are still a great many prominent primordial themselves in prison for millennia who would jump at the chance to free Thurston after they freed themselves just to carry on their senseless destruction so that's Thurston for you if you have any questions about Thoreau stone feel free I think I've pretty much covered most of the bases there he makes an excellent aspects of cultists in your game and yeah there's particularly the real mad evil ones the guys who just pointed them and go yet destroy them all bit crazy but again there's that sick reasoning at the heart of it that makes Sarah's dance so compelling that nihilism of like well we need to destroy the universe to make a new one because this much broken which essentially that is if those of you who have commented on my videos before saying well there's so much darkness and DND yeah there is for a good reason the universe has been broken evil things broke in from outside and and messed it up and their only hope of does restoring order and and and stuffers destroying everything and creating a new universe so yeah great okay I'll be back soon with another video shortly folks I've got the script I've written already and that's on the astral dragon in the astral sea I'll catch you can soon
Channel: AJ Pickett
Views: 77,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, TMG, The Mighty Gluestick, AJ Pickett, Dungeons and Dragons, DnD, D&D 5E, Monster, Monsters, Monster Ecology, Monsterology, Forgotten Realms, Faerun, Lore, Tabletop, gaming, role playing game, RPG, pen and paper, pantheon, avatar, mythology, Ao, Tharizdun, Elder Elemental Eye, Temple of Elemental Evil, Chained god, Dawn War, Obrynth, Abyss, primordials, arcomental, Yan C Bin
Id: J1l4nyOrTMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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