What They Don't Tell You About The Behir - D&D

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quote when most adventurers think of enormous reptilian beasts dragons immediately come to mind however dragons are not the only scaled Giants to instigate fear respect and shear all with their mere presence one such magical beast combines the veracity of an entire pack of starving predators with unchecked draconic deadliness the bahir be shield yet canny predators big ears prowl Broken Hills wastelands and Barrens looking for food enough to fill their considerable gullets with surprising cunning disguise by their monstrous appearance but heroes offer those expecting to face nothing more than a dumb beast only a slow and painful digestion and a quote before we start as always let's go and see what the Monster Manual says about the creature it says that the hero's monstrous form resembles a combination of centipede and crocodile it's scaled high it ranges from ultramarine to deep blue in color fading to a pale blue on its underside and that's all the description we get alongside of course a picture to go with it it says here that they make their lairs in inaccessible places favoring locations where would-be intruders will have to make a harrowing climb to reach them further down it says that if a hears dozen legs allows it to scramble through its lair site with ease when not climbing and moves even faster by folding its legs beside its body and then slithering like a snake and here it says they swallow their prey whole after which they enter a period of Derman sea while they digest it makes sense then why they would pick such a hard place for enemies to reach if they then become dormant and lethargic after eating it's interesting though that down here we actually get an answer to a very old question but here's have always had a strong hatred for dragons a hatred that for the most part was not answered until now it says here that in times long forgotten Giants and Dragons engaged in seemingly an endless war storm Giants created the first big ears as weapons against the dragons and mahir's retain a natural hatred for them that hatred is further explained down here where it says that they never make their lair in the area it knows to be inhabited by a dragon if a dragon comes closed over here is compelled to kill it or drive it off only the dragon proves too powerful to fight the sniffer here back down seeking out a new lair a great distance away so there's that in here we get the stat sheet incredibly fast creatures with an incredible 50 feet of speed alongside 40 feet of climbing speed which is also really good very high perception and stealth immunity to lightning obviously dark vision and interestingly enough an ability to speak as far as attacks go it can bite really hard it can constrict like a snake dealing bludgeoning and slashing damage he has a really powerful like breath attack that is equal in power to an adult blue dragons and you can also swallow its targ in a hole which it makes sense considering that it is not merely a large creature but a huge creature but there you have it the fifth edition entry to the bahir now let's go ahead and talk about what the Monster Manual does not tell you about this monster the first thing that I want to talk to you on it's actually the description of the creature because we don't really get one at least not a real description all we got was that it was a mixture between a centipede and the crocodile and then the collar of its hide and this is a problem that the fifth edition Monster Manual suffers from typically which is that there's just not enough space for a real thorough description if we got one for each monster we would have to double the size of the book which just wouldn't do and that's why they rely almost entirely on pictures to show how the monster is supposed to look and normally this is fine most people will already know how the monsters look and those who don't can just simply see the picture the problem happens when the picture does not accurately tell how the monster is actually supposed to look it doesn't happen very often but when it does well it's just sad it's particularly sad because this art is quality I mean the monster in here looks awesome the thing is if you were an adventurer in looks for a quest and you approached a farming community with here problem let's say that over here has been eating farmers up in the hills if you were to ask them hey how does the monster look so I can go hunt it they would tell you that the monster looks like a dragon without wings and with many legs a particularly savvy person might say that it looks like a blue dragon without wings and many legs and that would be the description that any particular random person would give you if they were to see over here this doesn't look like a dragon at all mainly because for some reason is missing the bandit scales see this is however here is actually supposed to look like and now you can see what I mean a person could mistake this for a wingless dragon you can also note that the horns are very different as well with the fifth edition' rendition having what appears to be ram horns the bahir does not use their horns for attacking at all or for ramming for that matter instead they actually use their horns for preening cleaning and scratching their back in hard-to-reach places not something that you could do with these type of horns see it all comes down to the creature concepts for a fifth edition made by Bren Matheny a phenomenal artist by the way he wrote in his blog quote in October of 2013 I was approached by Wizards of the coast to redesign a variety of classic monsters for the newest incarnation of Dungeons & Dragons and quote the word redesign I suppose suggests that the change was purposefully ironic Leah I personally do prefer the new design it it feels more unique like it stands out by itself rather than just being something that looks like a dragon but part of me is obviously sad that they would try and go for a change in any case I will give you the description as to how the creature is actually supposed to look like quote Ava here is unmistakable to the learn once you have seen it it is a twelve legged serpent with each foot bearing three toes that end in razor-sharp talons these talons are hooked like a Raptors but are designed for slashing not for grasping prey the body is covered in band like scales from light to dark blue in color with grey tints along the edges the underside is also light blue and composed of a vertical row of bandit scales the upper scales are very hard and tough and if treated correctly can be made into serviceable Armour the head is long in the narrow mouth is filled with many sharp teeth two backward curving horns project from the rear of the skull each black in collar and three to four feet in length and quote the teeth of the creature are described as needle-like and specifically pointing inward towards the inside of the mouth seebik ears can't actually chew their food they only ever swallow their prey whole and if they cannot swallow it whole for some reason they simply spit it out because they swallow their prey whole their stomach acid is meant to be extra ordinarily powerful acid that gets spooned into the stomach as soon as something arrives the acid is so strong that it has the capabilities of completely dismantling and corroding even metal metal which is actually crucial to the correct functioning of the creature so you could even go so far as to say that metal is actually part of the nutritional requirements of the bahir but we will cover that later on in any case the acid is powerful enough to corrode metal in a few days and flesh and bone in merely a few minutes however the acid is not strong enough that I solve gems or a glass and these are sometimes found inside of the stomach and actually comprise the only treasure that the creature ever possesses so if you're an adventurer and you kill a bahir and try and find its hoard you should always try looking into the stomach this is adventuring 101 fellas every time you see a monster that swallows their prey whole always check the stomach what's particularly interesting though that the fifth edition monster manual left out is that the hairs are actually immune to poison at least certain kinds of poison see the stomach acid is so strong it actually destroys ingested poisons which is interesting in Dungeon Magazine number 156 under the article ecology of the bahir were described the story of a sage and Explorer who actively tries to capture the creature and attempts to deuce by living a carcass on the ground that has been filled with poison the Explorer is attempting to poison them here so as to study it but he goes on to describe how it didn't matter how much poison he used live here seemingly was impervious to it furthermore he attempted to use poisoned darts on the creature all of which were also useless upon further investigation it was revealed that in between the big armored plates of the creature there are these huge layers of fat fat that provides a wall preventing intoxicants from entering the bloodstream this means that the bee here cannot be injected with any substance as the substance will not enter the bloodstream and instead will simply get stuck in the fat I'm not sure if this makes any medical sense this is just the lore that is written about the creature in any case this is why in 1st and 2nd edition monster manuals live here is described as being immune to poison both bahir entries in the dragon magazines also confirm this see this is one of my favorite things about Donnison dragon's lore you find many times that a monster is immune to a very specific ailment or type of attack and often times it is very easy to attribute this immunity or resistance to magic oh yeah the creature cannot be charmed it's just it just has a magical protection against it when in reality often times there's an interesting biological reason why those immunities exist reasons actually explained in the lore I love it the bahir is also described as being immune to being tripped and pruned which makes sense considering that it does have 12 legs and the ability to slay there gracefully through harsh terrain but that's that's more of a common-sense thing also now that we are speaking about the legs in the monster sheet under the ability constrict you can see that it does both bludgeoning and slashing the slashing comes from the legs as it tries to scratch you kind of like how a cat will grapple you and then scratch you I know it is obvious that the slashing comes from the legs but it was not described in the tooltips well I figure I would the lord states that the bahir cannot use their claws though for attacks unless they have a creature grappled they just don't have the necessary muscle function for a good slashing attack otherwise anyways so far we have talked about the stuff that's specifically conflicted with the fifth edition entry now let's just talk about the bahir what is ava here how does it work how does it think what does it do all day let's get into it first of all but here's our active during the day and sleep during the night this is not always the case but it is 99% of the time that is because peers share many features of reptiles one of which is it's cold blooded body the ears need the Sun to get energy and they become incredibly sluggish during the night quote because of the reptilian nature but here's become extremely sluggish when temperatures fall below the freezing point especially if the weather is cloudy thus called producing spells such as cone of cold and ice storm reducing the here's movement by half for two to eight rounds if the low temperature can somehow be maintained then here will go nearly dormant seeking only to defend itself from attack and escape the cold by whatever means possible and quote when it comes to prey they are carnivorous and they can eat basically anything thanks to their powerful stomach acids their favorite food tends to be medium to large mammals like boars though they are perfectly fine snacking on humans elves or even ogres their appetite is said to be quite large when they are hungry being able to eat multiple large creatures in a single eating rampage they can't have too many individuals being swallowed up at the same time but during a whole day eating spree well they are quite voracious the downside is though that like many reptiles once they have had their fill the ears are forced to spend several days actually recovering from their glutton Eve as they digest their meals this is why the ears take great care to make their lairs as high up as possible as hidden as possible in places where you could only ever reach if you had godlike climbing abilities it is because the bahir is mega sluggish during the night and because it has to recover from eating for many days at a time furthermore they also hibernate during winter eating and fattening up before the season and then sleeping it through the whole time this is also a big reason why beers prefer to hunt away from their nests and why they never bring any dead prey to their nests they don't want the scent of the dead creature to lure any monster injure their hidden layers another reptilian quality they possess is the fact that they never stop growing hypothetically speaking if you somehow made a bur here immortal it would just keep and keep and keep on growing forever fortunately though for all of us the lifespan of a pig here is actually not that long most of them can only survive for up to forty years some who are lucky make it to 60 but not much more than that typically those who make it these ages make it to about 40 feet long on size on average though explorers have an earth ancient bahir skeletons of up to 60 feet long in size speaking of prey but here's our incredible hunters in spite of the fact that they are not as intelligent as humans they have incredible cunning when it comes to ambushes and hunting this is actually where their stealth and perception proficiencies in fifth edition and actually come into play because they're not very intelligent their capabilities to speak it's actually fairly limited yeah they do have the ability to speak but not all of them really do quote but here can be trained if caught within a year of their hatching for this reason young bahir and the here eggs can be sold on the open market for 500 to 750 gold pieces such training takes about two months for a skilled animal trainer after which the bahir can understand and speak common as well as a five-year-old child could and quote one can imagine that with even further training you could probably increase the speaking skill somewhat but it is very unlikely that you would ever see huge big improvements like with anything magical however there are always exceptions and in dangerous dungeons especially those were mad magical scientists have had their way you might find special but here's that can speak perfectly and might even be very intelligent if you are however thinking of training and befriending a bahir I should warn you quote it's natural tendency towards treachery can never be removed there is a 50% chance to be here will abandoned its current master for a new one if approached properly by its tenth year a bahir will attempt to free itself and will become unmanageable in all respects it is possible to Train bahir if captured while only months old such bahir can be taught to understand simple commands and even to speak a few words of common but they are capricious and wicked by nature respecting only power and this loyalty usually lasts from one meal to the next or until a more powerful master comes along the ownership of a bahir can be a double-edged sword in here that is much larger than its owner is certain to strike out and become unimaginable and quote further when it comes to dealing with a wild bahir quote butthere's possess the capability to negotiate but only do so if they believe that for some reason they cannot take what they desire those who must frequently travel through abadeer's territory find that offering a large amounts of food such as a cow or a horse along with a healthy amount of self-deprecating flattery is a good way to keep a beer from attacking and equipped now beers are solitary creatures never really communing with others of its kind except for the purposes of reproduction meaning typically takes place in early spring with the pair choosing a secluded cave in which to live during this time the female will lay sometimes up to eight eggs though typically only about four of the eggs are actually viable and will yield a baby these eggs are blue green in color with a leathery texture to them they are about two feet in length and will generally be buried under a light layer of sand or dirt the time it takes for the eggs to hatch is a contested variable some say that they have seen the eggs hatch as soon as four weeks after being buried while others said that it takes as long as a two months regardless the mother will always stay in the lair to protect them while the male will hunt for food for the pair after hatching it will not take long for the parents to shoo the baby away though it'll maybe only take them a few weeks before they use their lightning bolts to scatter the babies away before of course then both parents will also go into their separate ways quote parental attitudes do not last long as the young are quickly driven from the lair after hatching and must fend for themselves few survive to adulthood as any number of other monsters and foes not the least of them being adventurers will slay the young at any opportunity and equipped newly hatched baby the ears are about two feet long and will only possess six to eight of their legs they actually grow the remaining legs as they grow which they do at a rate of eight feet per year that is eight feet in length every year that they grow not that they grow eight legs per year the speed of growth the severely slow down though Wazza start reaching their full adult size of 40 feet long and weighing over 4,000 pounds then it'll be fully matured by age 10 at which point it'll be ready to mate on its own you can actually tell how old a purr here is by how long the horns are which is the metric that sages in D&D used to gauge that sort of thing now lastly let's talk about the electrical capabilities of the creature how exactly does it work in the fictional book creatures of the Wilderland written by the fictional character the sage raddimus he described his theories on how the creature produced electricity he did experiments on the ears by studying a dead one and seeing how his organs functioned quote the most dangerous aspect of the bahir however is the ability to generate a bolt of lightning perhaps in the same manner as a blue dragon this bolt is roughly 7 yards long and is directed from its mouth upon studying the remains of the bahir I finally managed to obtain I have discovered a few clues to how this might be done but nothing conclusive a large organ with an unusually high concentration of metal lie adjacent to the stomach this Oregon is connected by a system of nerve structures to another smaller organ in the back of the mouth again this smaller organ has a high concentration of metals the hypothesis is that an electrical current is produced in the larger gland by some as of yet unknown method then stored in the smaller gland until discharge the bahir seems to have complete control over this ability and is able to fire this bolt as often as five or six times per hour perhaps to supply these organs bahir ingest fairly large quantities of metal preferring copper and silver over all others few items of metallic nature are found after a bahir has slain a victim occasionally a bahir can be distracted by a great amount of copper or silver coins allowing passage or not attacking but only if the bahir is well fed beforehand the high metal content in the behaves bodily systems seems to have an added advantage in that they are themselves unaffected by electrical discharges in any form exactly how the bahir uses the metal it needs or how it is involved in the generation of and resistance to the lightning is unknown but i plan to continue my research into this interesting phenomena and quote it is interesting though that the mechanism on the lightning creation of the pierre was further explored in a different place in Dragon Magazine at number 333 is an entirely different article but they further explained how it works and it said this quote a portion of the energy but here is generated from there food goes to fueling a number of strange almost glassy organs that run below the thickly armored plates of their necks far different from the Draconis fundamental organ that produces the breath weapon of true dragons these cores formations are arranged in a state of constant friction shifting and colliding against one another as the bahir moves this constant friction gathers with several chambers inside the v here waiting to escape in a bolt when the creature opens a specialized chamber within its mouth sometimes this energy escapes in ribbons that ripple over a Basheer's tongue or a crackle over its spines especially when the creature becomes agitated or otherwise excited these formations require almost exactly one minute to generate enough friction to create a blast of electricity deadly enough for a bahir to use as a weapon and the quote the reason that it specifies that it takes exactly 1 minute for the mechanism to generate the require electricity for the attack it's because of here has actually always needed a full 10 rounds for it to be able to recharge its lightning bolt ability in first edition it required 10 minutes to use the ability again after being used in same in second edition and then once again in third it actually wasn't until 5th edition where they revamped the ability for powers to recharge using a d6 role at every round it's also very interesting though that this electrical circuit that runs throughout the body of the bahir it does more than simply be a format for the creature to produce blasts of lightning in fact the reason that the hair behaves the way it does is because this circuit is in there in fact most of the way you should roleplay the Beast the Beast will completely change thanks to this understanding of the creature see the charged structures in the body of the B here are actually not too far from the creatures brain especially the Oregon that holds most of the electricity near the mouth the Lord describes that because the brain is so close to this organ the creature suffers violent mood swings far flung leaps of reasoning and spasmodic muscle actions since the brain is constantly being jolted with constant volts of electricity furthermore it is also the reason why B hears live fast and burn out quickly rarely living more than 40 years that's thanks to the electricity that constantly runs uncontrolled within their bodies that actually harms them because of the inherent magic of their body though on their strange apparent creation by the strong giants it is possible to see extreme variations in this though you do see many in fact most Bakr's dying of old age at age 40 but somehow been seen to last hundreds of years to add to this external sources of electricity excite them almost like a pump of energy in their bodies because of this they relish roaming or climbing to the peaks of high mountains amid thunderstorms in the hopes of being blasted by lightning those that haven't had a chance to mate by spring end up mating by the hottest days of summer thanks to these thunderstorms quote during such times the Swift popping bellows of bahir mating cries mingle with regular crashes of thunder travelers should be extremely wary of wandering through an agitated Basheer's territory during this time of year and especially in the middle of such a storm and quote you do not want to find a group of but here mating trust me now to finish of the video let's talk gold what can an adventurer or society in general get out of a be here well I already mentioned before that I be here egg or a baby Bahia can go for 500 to 750 gold pieces but different pieces of the creature can also be individually valuable Armorer's and smith would pay from 500 gold pieces to even 1,000 gold pieces for a fully grown but here's hide in good condition that's because one I can actually make beautifully banded male with it it doesn't have any special properties other than being just extremely luxurious as the colors of the Bahia are actually quite unique it does take however two to four weeks to construct such an armor and it costs an average of two thousand gold pieces to make it in total one can make up to three man-sized armors like this with the height of a single slain bahir you can also create various useful links for Scrolls using the body of the creature the horns of the hair can be used to brew the ink for the popular lightning bolt scroll you can use these sharp talons to make the ink for a neutralize poison scroll and lastly you can use the heart of the bahir to make the ink for a protection from poison scroll I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Walker motley sack bowel ricotta fan berry mask and 5e magic shop Daniel Umar rusty rain Morgan Johnson biotech no frag Daniel Luna doc feeder Terry Cole Baracus law Omega skills Caracas de bulwark Ozel sound tech zero Alex Cookson square chicken Ariel Nelson Benjamin boss ters IO is awesome fall key 951 jacob Crozet Griffin Pierce Z Ron King Brad Salazar Sabine Kershaw solar Ensis Sean Reynolds Tesla coil Michael s William slatted Raiden troll skull dude mr. salty Adam a silent shopper the role-playing junkies thumb is hunt and Jericho Dark Star for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patreon calm slash mr. Rex do support I actually do want to mention as well a really big thank you to my $10 patron subordinates for actually voting on what type of video I was going to make and they voted on our monster videos so I'm gonna be spending probably the next three or four videos maybe even five videos and just talking about monsters talking about what they don't tell you about a plethora of different monsters in the Monster Manual so a big thank you to them as well and with that said guys thank you so much for watching thank you so much all of you for supporting me on patreon and for just watching the video and liking and commenting I appreciate it all I obviously really really do and I will see you all next time bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
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Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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