The Sims 4 | 2020-07-28

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i just want an interesting intro he goes back and watches this spot hello everyone how are you doing apologies if this is a bit loud it shouldn't be if anything it should be quite quiet i scared you sorry moth [Laughter] scare anyone else hello charlie how's it going um second let me just get this game up for you guys it's your boy sam thank you for the gifted sub also cryptidness thank you for the gifted sub just before i came online appreciate it uh let's see yeah what i can do there we go [Music] perfect oh do i still have the hyperspace thing on one second my apologies our hyperscape thing sorry booming over here um what what is it even doing i'm confused like what's it showing uh hyperscape when it's it's deactivated it should be gone is it i actually set it up so it only comes on when hyperscape is uh is playing but i could i could delete it i guess but it's disabled it's still here huh all right deleted it is that's a shame but i can just get it if i play the game again uh it's gone okay good good good good very good that's great now that's lovely ain't that nice elios thank you very much for the sub appreciate it happy anniversary kev been great to be here it's been great having you now why don't we all just sit down we all just take a seat because we're going to do a bit of building this is going to be a bit different i think i've built one sunstream before but it was a patreon stream where we built a little house for grognek the destroyer um but yeah as i'm sure you're all aware uh the knitting pack came out so you're probably pretty excited about that surprised you're actually here i thought you'd be over playing it yourself um nicole electra thank you for the resub appreciate it kevin should enter the sparked challenge i don't know what the sparks challenge is i actually heard about that show a few months before it came out like three or four months ago um and someone came to me now i don't know if it would have even happened but they said they told me about the concept i didn't really know much about it just told me the concept um and i was like oh it sounds cool but i didn't have too much interest because i i don't really build i don't really make stories like could you imagine me trying to make like a dramatic sad in-depth story or something like that for the show i don't think so and nicole lecture thank you for that sub grandma zappy thank you for the bits yes more sims i love the sim stream so much and i love building the sims too good you can help me out because i'm i'm not good at it i think i'm okay i'm not i'm not that good though i think i'm okay from just the sheer amount that i've played the game um but i'm sure i'm gonna make a lot of decisions that are gonna piss people off and then i'm gonna have to go rats i pissed people off uh jolly thank you for the bits i need me some more hype emotes so i guess i should support you for that you're making it all about you again charlie aren't you um yeah i'm not good at stories creates no religion yeah i could make a story like that but i don't think they'd appreciate it uh kryptonis thank you for the bits hey queeveen i hope you're thriving today i am thriving thank you uh chanting the bits as well um what have we got here chan thank you for the bits i'm still on vacation but i had to tell you a trick typing out thursday to someone i wrote targ's day look what you've done that is good that is good it's really sinking in the brainwashing how is everyone doing anyway i think the alerts haven't really gone out but this has happened before as well it's uh it sometimes is a little bit slow but welcome everyone who's joining in uh monster mod i'm glad you're liking the plushie raul rick thank you so much for three gifted subs that is very kind of you thank you so much oh hello everyone everyone's joining in now thank you we were getting a bit lonely we thought you just were off watching bibson or something back to his roots in retail yeah i just missed it so much winry thank you for the bits hey kevin how's it going finally getting an appointment too uh i don't even know what that is rheumatologist tomorrow so hopefully i'll get some more answers regarding my pain how have your shoulders been my shoulders have been a mixed bag but um i hope that goes well for you winry i'm glad you got an appointment a cheesy christine david the resub tiger lily thank you for the resub and fitzgerald thank you for the result as well and i did have a good day i hope you did too um so everyone just joining us first of all you're right second of all welcome third of all i'm just going to be building we're not going to be playing i'm in the sims world where i am oh this is small that i have to work with uh um should i knock someone else's business i can probably make it work yeah i can make it work we're just gonna be building um we're building a store for the main series that i'm gonna be recording with tomorrow um i've got the new knitting pack i'm sure you're all hyped for that yeah so we're going to be building a little store with a quaint store and then an underground basement where it um it has a space for jim to have prisoners that knit farm so yeah all comes full circle jesus chan thank you so much for 10 subs hell appreciate that a lot thank you so much um and shady tree thank you for 10 subs as well jesus christ appreciate it folks i need to catch up with some alerts here before we get started thank you very much for the support um where was i so so spartan joe with the big toe comic python uh calena and gothic angel thank you very much for the subs chand again thank you so much for 10 subs that is far too nice you're always way way too kind way way way too kind i i appreciate it foxy pop thank you for the bits i really need to see turk knit a little hat for jim i'm sure he will alien boy creations thank you for resub three months as well thank you so much uh oprah oh oh bora whatever binos thank you for the sub uh shady tree thank you for the 10 subs again that was again way too kind of you i really appreciate it uh bye now thank you for the bits hey kev hope you had an amazing day can't wait to hang out and have fun in today's stream i did have a good day i hope you did too uh sharpie man thank you for the resub jazz thank you for the 1000 bits that's free generous can i get a job at this retail store oh no you just lost your freaking job i was just about to say this probably wouldn't be a good job for you because i don't think it pays well but i'm sorry to hear that jazz but jesus don't be giving me bits if you lost your job look after yourself i'm sure things will work out um twice mv thank you for the sub sawyer thank you for the bits and thank you for the kind words as well uh nervous cracking jesus christ thank you for all the support guys nervous cracking the resub try to explain why the frame picture of the dear leader on the wall is my mother she is no less concerned drink the merlin name of the bits these last few weeks have sucked but you don't kevin thanks for being such a bright spot thank you so much uh shin shin thank you for the sub uh box thank you for the sun often thank you for the sub as well lock uh buyer now and little tracy thank you for the subs uh cheesy thank you for the bits that sounds especially like my last retail job that's a bit worrying um but you know thank you for that second uh month of subbing though uh glad you're enjoying the cult uh literal tracy thanks for that sub you've been watching for years i appreciate that thank you so much god i the screen just started going and just loads of alerts were coming up uh winry thank you for the bits uh sorry i don't mean to make you choose between me and max sometimes these things overlapped i've started streaming a bit earlier now so it's not very convenient that way uh mr kaboom nevi is uneasy uh waka oow falconvined uh hey champ patterson thank you for the subs chanting for the bits i'm at 2050 what's a good number to stop at 2 000 no i was going to say 2050 but actually no 5 5 is a good number thank you very much jen uh marwyn matty matty usernames are too stressful otaku of the week uh lenny lexi solas mage ancient ideas h jenkins squid soft ghosting gods thank you for the subs hell magic and kill off thank you for the tip i have a very kind message there as well chan thank you for another gift solve you ruined your even number avian terror thank you for the resub um you accidentally watched a youtube uh video or accidentally watched a youtuber who came across your stream with no context and was very concerned about the cult commentary great uh miranda ample thank you very much for the resell the real kiwi fruit thank you for the sub jazz pancake maybe the bits i have some bits to get rid of so they may as well go to you cheer me up and crap things happen so you deserve it but it might be the last for a while totally understand jazz look after yourself i'm sure you'll pick something up uh quick but please do look after yourself uh luca leo thank you for the sub sugar 21 monkey and 404 username not found thank you for the subs and box thank you for the gift itself jesus christ thank you for all the support god almighty that was a lot i need a drink actually i need i need a nap after all that i'm going to bed thanks for the bits as well haven't been to stream in a while so i have to make up for all the money i haven't given you no you don't that's that's more than enough now thank you very much for that that was free kind of you all right so what uh in the chats i'm not surprised by the title uh jesus fellas thank you so much for the generous tip absolutely love your videos found your channel after breakup but honestly little by little with your videos and therapy i got out better than ever i'm glad to hear that during all the tough times i remember you would make me laugh and i can't thank you enough thank you very much fellas that's very kind to you i'm glad you're feeling better uh some hurt thank you for this resub and good luck with your craft certificate as well hebrews still thank you for five gifted subs back in hell thank you so much abrasil jesus christ you're too kind i came home thank you for the resub you've been tempt disabled for 12 weeks your videos have really kept me going i'm sorry to hear that christ almighty that must be hard to deal with but i'm glad that the videos have helped be a bit of a distraction um and kk thank you so much for the the result and i did not think my madness would reach um brazil no so i'm glad it did i'm glad to have you here all right welcome everyone who's just joined sorry about the amount of reading i just everyone's been so generous out of nowhere i had to catch up at the cyberstorm thank you for the sub as well half a year as well uh thank you for the bits i have a problem can't stop giving and donating you need to like give give a friend your control of your passwords and just tell them to lock you out i think uh wisdom rico and monkey the first name for the subs a mercenary center thank you for the gift itself as well jesus christ it's like we're back to our book club that we were doing uh tn of cabbages thank you very much for the bits welcome back to kevin says thank you for tipping for two hours then it goes home yeah it's sure looking like it i'm gonna try and start multitasking um alien boy creations thank you so much for the bits we like just like to check in and make sure you're practicing your reading skills yeah i think you're just trying to check if i actually can read or not you think it's some ruse that someone's feeding it into my ear so [Music] i think that's what you're doing all right let's let's see what i can do here i'm getting very overwhelmed thank you very much for the support though folks it's very very nice here so we're going to be making a very very quaint little cottage as well as um the nifty knitting i got something very exciting as well i got a laundry day pack so there you go ain't that nice i'm gonna try and make it a very very cutesy little knitting shop such a weird idea for packs um oh my god magic thank you for the tip and thank you for the kind words about my videos uh is he a strange thing for the bits you act like it doesn't happen every time yeah people are way too nice a caffeinated mercy thank you for the bits a little late to the stream is this your dear leaders new store it is i've got a whole storyline planned for it's great maybe i should enter that show kaylee thank you for the bits as well here's some bitties it's been a while since i got a stream lots of love to everyone thank you emma nabs thank you for the sub chan thank you for the gifted sub rubellin yeah terp uh monsanny thank you for the subs lem thank you for the bit script of the state for the bits destroy my cheeks thanks for the sub some hurt thank you for the 3 000 bits hell guys thank you so much uh jesus christ kevin may have dropped it to school but at least he learned how to read yeah just about it's my one skill tank girl games thank you for the bits your madness has helped me retain even the slightest amount of sanity thank you kevin no problem cookie code thank you very much uh cookie coy sorry thank you for the bits thank you for your videos and streams you're awesome no problem i'm just glad people are enjoying them for some reason thank you for the type train guys christ almighty it's it's been not thank you very much i can help uh earn exo thank you for the the resub moniker thank you for the resub catesburg thank you for the bits um i'm glad the title is concerning you team of cabbages thank you for the bits going to speedrun sims 4 while working with canadian accent that's oddly specific um do we have any cool windows to put up i want very cutesy you know no windows in these packs okay i'll come back to it um give me some give me some flooring then no no results back all right this is an issue okay i'm sure i can find something else that's fine uh tara and jen thank you very much for the sub uh wake ubu thank you for the it's chad thank you for the bits kevin was mainly manliest man guys don't shame him for laundry and knitting packs there's nothing wrong with doing laundry and a bit of knitting all right uh let's see i will i try and decorate the place first no there's no point i may as well just get rid of these filters and i can put them back on when i'm actually fitting the place out i want kind of rustic that's what i'm thinking so um i think kind of a dark wood like that would be nice yeah that'll do um christ almighty guys i cannot keep up pennywise thanks for the sub i'm on sandy thank you for the gifted sub norwegian last thank you for the tip watching while knitting hashtag grandma great maybe you can give me some inspiration that'd be nice oh that's kind of more rustic even though i normally wouldn't go with the sideways you know foundation oh not a bad idea actually can i add that in afterwards i always forget how to do the foundations hmm am i not able to add it in afterwards does anyone know can i add these in because i think it would be nice pull the building up oh you're genius thank you very much it's so much easier now to to do this stuff um and the sims like two and stuff it was a like a case of well better knock it it's come back awful more there we go um christ almighty uh artsy daisy thanks for the sub lifetime guarantee thank you so much for five gift subs that is super generous of you thank you very much um we need we need a deck wait what is this i just want a deck how can okay can i just get rid of hmm is is that oh it is a deck okay great fantastic um can you add beams to the ceiling and sims cause that's rustic i'm not sure if you can i mean i guess you could do these ones like you could put a wall across that might be a good idea actually good idea we'll look into it um i don't know can i change the style of this deck or can i ah i see indeed indeed indeed very nice um christ almighty guys a lifetime guarantee thank you again for those five gift subs uh morsi thank you for the tip you all say take care of yourselves make sure you take care of yourself i am i am but thank you uh yeah we we do a very wholesome community thank you for the kind words um i'm gonna do a lot of contrasting wood here i think now what one is good yeah there we go and we'll we can extend out this wall here this is going to be so cozy this is strange like doing a building stream i've been thinking about doing it for a while though and it does sync up quite nice um that's too that's too square um because i actually need this for tomorrow when i record the sims so it kind of works does anyone know and plus when i don't know how to do stuff i can just be like does anyone know how to because i don't know how to delete this i want to get rid of the um this thing oh wait can i just no it's grabbing the whole house kevin put down the house ah there we go oh that's a bit of a weird corner now though i push that back oh and you know what we'll take the stairs with it we'll go wild i think this this wall actually needs to come down the store is getting too big now we can play with this as we go though there we go um just do the hammer tool oh good idea i don't build much in this um i forgot i used to love doing it um where the hell was i um jesus christ i i i'm lost one second um uh purple lightning bolt acadian cloud a song heart thank you for the subs mercenary center thank you for the gift subvic uh all the stage thank you for the bits i will not use it for soup though uh pink pig thank you for the resub uh glad you're you're enjoying your time the cult kaylee thank you for the resub sweetie bomb thank you for the resub captain sheepy sheryl and trippit uh rihanna wayne j cole thank you so much for the subs uh dana moratas thank you for the bits god damn uh karochi g thank you very much for the sub as well um looking forward to seeing one hell of a retail store you're gonna make love your stuff thank you very much for that let's put on some windows do i do they have any of those old style like uh oh oh oh damn it that won't work where i've put it now wait ah god damn it [Music] that's all right we'll figure something out um maybe the ones with the shutters on it might look good but i don't know can i match it they're too big i'd like to put two in but i don't think i'm enough space um god i i gotta keep up here i'm i'm falling behind uh the avengers bites the dust thank you for the bits uh carrot cake thank you for the sub as well i'm glad you're enjoying my stuff magic thank you for the tip will you be playing tails from off peak city again it's so weird but fun to watch that's what i might do bb move objects do you reckon i should like i i could physically fit them in i just think it might look weird because it's it's supposed to be like cozy cottage and then you're just putting a lot of windows like that oh wait oh that is extremely cozy ain't it hmm that's quite i don't know something like that might be good if we had some like flowers or something um i could also just extend out to make it look a bit better oh [Music] it's too much i think um oh my god guys thank you for being so generous but i i cannot keep up christ almighty um sandy thank you for the sub sparky sparky uh boom and thank you for the sub as well for free from snail thank you for the resub uh action fire thank you for the bits and happy birthday even though it's a bit late for you um but happy birthday to you uh frosty rose games uh hannah g wow thank you for the sub j cole thank you for the resub fighting lord thank you for the resub guys thank you for all the nice messages as well at dest 2k18 thank you for the sub powerhouse thank you for the sub uh it's foxtail thank you for the tip oh my god i've been going through a rough time for a while i just wanted to see your stream videos help a lot i'm considering going to ireland do you know any nice cities um new york it's not oh you mean like within ireland uh i love cork and galway personally but uh i guess it's it's all personal preference i suppose um i think i i i don't want to spend too much time on this because i could spend hours just picking windows i don't want to do that i'm going to put this in and that's it that's done it's it's done decision made i'm not i'm not spending hours i mean with flowers below it it'll it'll be lovely you'll it's grand i need to be careful here i might wait my time i don't want to spend hours just like we have a whole basement to make we got to be very careful uh oh my god hannah thank you for the bits planky cat thank you for the sub uh ronaldo player thank you for the resub frosty rose games thank you for the bits um caitlyn spelled right there with the resub and thank you for the kind message there as well thank you so much even though you say delete your channel at the end which okay dean of cabbages thank you for the bits kevin my kids are starving how should i budget my money better not giving me money on twitch that's that's for sure i might go with something kind of a bit more wild in the front um oh my god guys thank you so much for the support jesus christ uh planet empire thank you for the bits i'm glad you found me i i'm glad you and your sister enjoy my stuff that's that's good to hear it's always so nice to hear when like it's like it's always nice to hear anyone likes my content but uh when you hear like it's like siblings or a wife and husband or like sometimes even parents and stuff like that watch my videos together it's just so surreal to me um how about just something like that it it could just match nicely or i could go with something completely different and oh actually that's kind of nice i mean on the inside it's a bit weird uh no that won't work i wonder no i'll have to get a single window for there so what if i just go with something like this it's a bit weird but it works i think i it kind of matches the style of those i don't know uh for the bits you can use alt to place off grid really huh oh holy crap i never knew that what the hell oh my god you guys are the best i'm gonna learn so much oh my god i've never seen that one though um that is so cool thank you a tiniest boop called me uh yara uh toby mcdoodle thank you for the subs might be david the bits you can also sort by style oh i could do that as well couldn't i good idea it was a new update ah okay fair enough um at least i don't feel like i've you know missed out on it for years because there have been a few things that are like that i don't know if these are too high no they look kind of okay um this is gonna be too much over here though hmm the thing is i've kind of stopped worrying too much in the sims whether things are symmetrical or not because at the end of the day it's not the end of the world is it and plus that's not really what my series is about anyway it's about making something functional uh uh where the hell am i on these things um frasier thank you for the tip that's very generous of you just wanted to say you never fail to make me laugh also apparently shrek's son survived the bomb yeah some people survived the bomb and i'm not really sure if you click on the fan at the top you can choose other colors of the windows oh yes good point i'm kind of i'm kind of happy with them though we'll see we can see when we put on the the paint and whatnot to see see what it looks like i don't want to go too much into detail either as well because i could i can get obsessive with these things and i used to big time i used to just obsess over certain things like the floor just getting it right and blah blah blah uh norelli thank you so much for the gifted sub loki lockhart thank you so much for five gifted subs you're far too kind all the time honestly you're way way way way way way way way too nice do not deserve it but thank you so much um can we do here we could do a weird tile or we could do wood um hey let's let's try that for now and we can mix things around um now let's see maybe a stone maybe not a stone maybe paneling paneling might be for the best exterior paneling uh but what let me just get it all one color first so i think then does it does it work like that no it doesn't it still thinks it's a different room god damn it um kirsten thank you for the resolve 69 yourself thank you for the sub as well brandon look at us come on this uh and toast melanie thank you for the subs psycho manatee thank you for the resub um you're using jim pickens in your dnd campaign that's amazing what do you reckon hmm thinking what'll i use for this would a brick be nice [Music] i'd be better off going to the back or something over maybe over here or something like that it's just hard to judge when it's splitting them up into two you know it's it's hard to to pick exactly that's kind of nice i kind of like that hmm yeah it's not bad i think we need to mix up what's there to color one tile press g wait let me check that out [Music] um unless i'm doing it wrong i i don't know it doesn't seem to be doing it yeah screen the roof is going to be the problem powerhouse congratulations on the secret gift god damn i i really need to catch up here toast melanie thank you for the resub norellia thank you for the bits glad you made it uh ramping thank you for the sub xd lore thank you for the sub tiny porcelain thank you for the sub as well hannah thank you for two gift subs debbsey b thank you for the result as well um thank you for the sub anniversary uh mom thank you for the tip okay guess who's back just wanted to ask if you could teach me how to play these video games what even are they anyway they're the new popular thing maybe i should learn all the new words hmm yeet i'ma hit the dab wow i feel so young you start to sound like me you don't want to listen to me if you want to if you want to sound uh sound young all right let's see what paneling can i get something quaint something nice and quaint oh yeah perfect um we need like something like that with a lower split would be nice that it's too much dark wood but maybe something along those lines um like i can always change the the wood let me i want something just really tacky and all like country style uh oh my god jesus christ wake up thank you so much for 20 gifted subs christ almighty that is far too generous thank you so much for that wake up let me let me get through these alerts i've got to attend to get through and then i'll try and focus down um chloe thank you for the bits and thank you for such a kind message i'm glad i'm glad you like the community so much and my content i told you thank you for the bits my grandma loves your videos she's gonna love this then she wants to make sure you're taking breaks not burning out i tell your grandma i am doing fine she also wants to adopt you tell her your grandma she can't i'm too much high maintenance i'm narcan thank you for the resub i hope that you're recovering from surgery well jesus christ hope you're right caitlyn spelled right thank you so much for 1600 bits that's super generous of you it's imax thank you for the resub gummy lord thank you for the bits um i'm so sorry to hear about your dog though jesus christ i'm glad the content is helped as a bit of a distraction but i'm i'm sorry to hear your dog passed away yesterday i'm sure you'll get a lot of cult hugs as well um but i'm really sorry to hear that oh that's kind of tacky um that kind of works it's working out oh my god lucky luck thank you so much for the five years it subs i need to catch up um where was i uh hannah thank you for the gifted sub morsi thank you for the tip just over five months and we get a yearly fable episode i was thinking about that recently sandy thank you for the bits and i'm glad you got to catch the stream uh lenny lexi thank you for the bits last weeks were kind of hard but i always look forward to your streams i'm glad to hear their help a bit but i hope you're doing better uh elena artists thank you for the sub the bean 543 thank you for the bits uh away goo thank you again for 20 gifted subs that is far too generous of you i i don't know what to say to that but that is very very kind so thank you so much i i can't i don't really know what to say but thank you um let's try and change by style uh no i styles okay so what would it be um [Music] what would it be called french country hmm wait why am i in fridges i thought i was in surely there's there's nothing [Music] what is going on here i i'm confused um the bean thank you for the bits uh it's tato thank you for the tip as well do irish people really walk up to you if you're alone in the pub also thanks for making me feel like i'm good at games i think it depends like people will small talk with you in general in ireland i think um but it's very small talk untick the filter um i was trying to get country stuff though but i guess i can do without it i don't even know how to do a shop can someone tell me um the style tags are useless oh okay can someone let me know like do i need specific things like to show to show off products do i need like an actual countertop or a specific table like this or can i use any table because i preferably like any table um duchess catherine pickens thank you for the result i love this episode of how it's made knitting prison edition annie table okay perfect i'll just get some tables then [Music] um wait what are these oh these my my new things that's a little big that's a little big that's a little ugly so much for that idea um i i don't think i want any of those um if i can help uh hannah thank you for the gifted sub team of cabbages thank you for the bits make sure you stay hydrated looking a bit pale there no that's just who i am but i will keep hydrated bison cherish thank you for the resub i'm glad you're enjoying the streams mary milan thank you for the tip jesus christ 50 euro christ almighty thank you so much love the content man and they finally added knitting so you can finally make use of the elders and sims not only that and make use of the young as well kids can knit let's try it out there let's get a counter for the knitting table or for the let's get a counter i'm not even gonna bother trying to correct that derp um oh that's kind of that's kind of fitting i don't know if i need one of these tables or can i just use a that kind of works yeah that's nice it kind of kind of fits in yeah there's gonna be a lot of children knitting down here i might just take back my children uh mermelin thank you again for that tip though that was way way way too nice you're very kind thank you so much you're always so supportive um uh hi uh hi w thank you for the resub samuel kennel thank you for the result miriam please thank you for the sub call me crazy thank you for the sub as well um i'm glad you're enjoying the community knitting and laundry may be weird ideas for packs but they were voted for by simmers that is true i thought that grim reaper job one would win but no knitting beat it psycho manatee thank you for the bits no problem at all about inclusion of sea cows and destroy all humans um let's see i need some uh need some tables rustic tables i'm gonna give it a save actually uh where was i uh kpo thank you for the result and thank you for the very kind words and best of luck on the job search oh this is nice well it's not but you know it's like the theme that i'm going for might try recoloring a few of these as well at some point they're a little too copy-paste i mean it is exactly what i did but i'd like to mix it up with some more oh now that that is what you need a stump right in the middle of the shop that goes over there look at that that's quirky i like it i'm not even sure what can go up there some prized possession jesus christ wake up thank you thank you again for those 20 subs i'm overwhelmed by the support that was way too kind of you um i'm almost caught up thankfully glitchy pixie thank you for the resub um and congratulations on the job as well squishy thank you for the bits just dropped and say hello provide to complete three assignments for uni before tomorrow best of luck for that thank you for dropping in uh call me aaron thank you for the resub hope you're keeping well i am indeed keep up the good work your videos and stream bring so much joy to many people thank you very much for that um little tables like this might be kind of corky um yeah i need to remember that all thing you guys are correct that's a very high table for some reason um oh that's that's for once we're not gonna be selling any of them uh oh park bench outside might be nice um sometimes i find things and i'm like i'll throw that out and deal with it later oh oh that's what you need i wonder can you use those in the corner oh you can i'm just kind of throwing stuff there because i wanted to be kind of a bit mismatchy and a bit all over the place so it kind of works trying to visualize what shops like this would be like in real life just again kind of all over the place this matchy kind of thrift store kind of style i think it's okay drawers are facing the wrong way i don't really want to use the drawers though i just want to use them to display stuff so i'm just using it as a display counter and i don't think that matters mannequins i'm not sure how that will work actually good idea with the mannequins um american oh my god they're creepy as um public favor the bits yesterday got stuck heated at me by a customer jesus christ and hell today i did a 100 mile round trip to deal with 719 boxes of stock transfers just got home and everything a retail build you cannot escape it's retail all the way um we might try and just leave it like that and see what the are you know what i will put in mannequins i'll put them here so you can see what the knitwear looks like before you buy it classic family there we go that'll do they're so scary um i'm not sure if i should have like a stairwell in the shop because it won't really work with the way it is i could extend this wall back a bit and have a stairwell or if i should have like a shed going down what do you think rugs are a good idea yeah sure oh ladders good idea santa maria jesus christ that is a good idea i forgot about them um back in hell where was i uh okay winter night thank you for the tip this is for the cold hog remote fun i really need to get it sorted fat kid game thank you for the bits i'm glad you're enjoying the content and you hate soup madame thank you for the bits yeah you actually sell knitted items on plopsy in this pack it's like etsy i did see that but i'm assuming i can still have items and sell them uh in the store like physically put them down and if not i figure i'll have the retail lot anyway because i have kind of an idea to like the story-wise or what they do and we can just make them here and sell them on the other thing um but yeah i was looking at that on the trailer um where was we apparently not a bot thank you for the sub sword mini thing over the resub three months as well imagine harrah's thing for the bits idea for a future video during the bomb wipe jim gave us it opened a rip to the new world with your amazing cat creations need to get that started as well i have clips from that that i want to make into a video um tina cabbage just taking the bits your store is looking a bit like a yankee candle now i'm not sure if you got those in ireland it's pretty much just candles yeah that that's exactly the kind of volume i'm going for even though i didn't think of them specifically but just super country quirky kind of thing um is default gonna be in the sims series call me era i think so yeah uh it's foxtail thank you for the two gift subs is fizz warm trooper and youngs thank you very much for the subs uh wake up thank you for the bits i'm working from three to nine a.m tomorrow and all i'm doing is stalking iron this is a good prep for that i'm sorry you just can't escape it don't just catch and pick and stay for the tip alt works on all objects and the square back brackets make objects bigger or smaller useful for curtains oh good tip i can't wait to see the finished prison oh i'm in shop thank you for that cat thank you for the tip as well i applied to the fbi is a meme and now i have an interview on thursday you're being serious that is hilarious all right let's uh i just spotted something down here shelves as well for underneath i might put some shelves there oh too big oh wait wait wait hold on ah your tip came just in time second bastards how do i put on uh testing sheets true is that what it is uh bb move objects okay there we go good idea uh pascal thank you very much for the resell uh and thank you for being so kind about my content i hope you're feeling a bit better now because you said it helped through the rough times hope you're feeling much better oh look at that little drain pipe oh ain't that lovely now that's lovely you pump the water right down into the foundation that's nice um this is going to be so overboard that that is kind of suiting the building you know what i should do i should do the oh oh that's unusual tgg girl i'm glad you're liking my build i'm always a bit iffy on my bills because i'm like i can't do them well but if people are okay with them i'm i'm happy with that um i could put in like a porsche like this i'm considering just having the whole thing covered but i'll leave it like that for now i could do a bit i have a more quaint one but we're kind of affected by the windows here uh back it it'll stay like that for now usually when i say stuff like that though i just don't i i don't come back [Music] i'm not really sure what colors i'm going with yet so i'm i'm just kind of doing them basically and then i can always correct them later here's the part where you'll see where my builds fall apart the roof so i don't know how to build roofs in this game i'm already like what do i do i just don't know how to do it like i what do i do to that you never build a roof yeah that's probably a better plan just let them rain rain down upon them right let me try this and just see how it goes because i usually just build standard roofs because i just cannot be fact getting depressed from my horrible horrible roofs um [Music] if i can combine that in to just use the edge like look at this [Music] it's so upsetting like what is going on here no roof no floor only wall i'm actually tending to agree with you on that one i feel better about my roofing now thank you good i'm glad like what do you do with a shape like this i guess i could do a sideways like little panel how do you turn it um oh god the side the size thing doesn't work with this i'm just going to explore with things and just see see how they work out how small can you make these you can't make them small enough unfortunately oh wait we're actually getting there oh my god it's it's one or the other isn't it it's like do you want this or do you want that there's no in between i mean you could just leave it like this that's enough right uh you just tried trimming along the edge i might just try and overlap this um let's try to see how it looks when i just overlap it [Music] how do people design roofs in real life i wonder i hope they get paid a lot it's a stressful job let's let's try it um i don't even know if you can do this in one part but i i always do them in parts and just try and make them line up this might be my best bet i think uh make a garden on the roof that would be nice use the shift button to change a side huh what do you mean by that let me see oh you mean i'm not really sure what you mean me not big brain i just hate roofs i hate them so much you see my frustration here you just can't make something look nice you know you can't have everything in life and this is what i can't have um oh my god i gotta catch up here pascal thank you very much for the resub um and thank you so much for the kind message alchemy fox thank you for the result as well swirls barkley thank you for the resub ps can i get a bimpson not yet later on can't thank you for the tip i'm not kidding i have a skype interview with four special agents oh god maybe it's a trap maybe you've done something in your life that's finally caught up with you and you're not even aware of what that is but now they're coming for you hope i helped it was good uh no the only reason i want to change it is so i can modify the height with this roof because the other one was that was sticking out through the top so with this one i can change whatever height i want because i think this is what i'm going with it's about as good as i can get can you just hmm can i just can i just hmm i do you know all right let me try placing this a bit again and this time i won't overshoot it there we go might actually work it's a bit odd because that should that part be smaller or should they be the same no one's ever gonna look at this roof ever again why why am i bothering no one's ever going to see this oh god it looks even worse from that side what does this do oh yeah that's nice oh my god look at that that is nuts um press alt while moving the roof is smoother oh okay thank you i'll keep that in mind put a chimney over the bump oh you could do that uh let me take a look oh little window oh yes for my quaint cottage there's a big aircon unit over the door um let me see i need something a bit more tidy you know oh that's nice it might just even just dress it up a bit you know can i move this down or no you can't okay just gotta sit okay well that's a problem why is it going down what i'm getting a new one this one is faulty um i kind of like that one i think it looks okay it's like it's it's not great but it's okay um let's try let's see if we can get anything that would fit here a little bit better now hmm see you guys are too supportive yeah even if it looks absolutely garbage you'll be like oh sweaty that's nice can i get rid of this one there we go uh jameson jesus christ thank you so much for the 10 gift subs that is super kind of you thank you so much i really really appreciate it thank you so much hell um wait why can't i change the top oh i see can i change this to oh i can't change that um yeah i think definitely different tiles but i'm not sure which ones um it doesn't look bad and it does actually match that one let's leave it asleep oh sweaty that's so nice [Music] it's moisty thank you dandelion ellie that's exactly what i'm going for i'm an architect that specializes in modern moist kind of fields and i really feel like we can make your house much more moist with my expertise i didn't know you could use roof tiles on floors okay only certain ones interesting now i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not when you're saying it's nice um where was i uh jesus christ i i need to catch up um fecking help i let me let me minimize for a moment um i saw another thing with the resub hannah thing with the bits do you accept tenants sir this house is gorgeous i do in the basement loki lockhart thank you for the bits the more distracting the build the less obvious the slave labor inside will be exactly the old razzle dazzle tea bag feet thank you for the tip love your stuff just my need after a long day working from home thank you very much the nessie as scandals traveler on dying cat thank you very much for the subs chip sandy thank you for the sub urinator that's a great name for this stream thank you for the sub as well pop black paint for the bits i should have clarified i was fine after having stock eat it at me sorry i'm not fine after moving the boxes by myself yeah that to god that is a horrible thing to do though regardless if you're fine to actually physically throw something is it's crazy that is that is insanity like someone's just doing their job what are you doing um okay i'm happy enough with how it's turning out if you turn off the roof it's you know what i'm happy with i'm proud of what we're doing here i just had to look back didn't i i just had to look back to see this why is that so off like i don't know if there's another type of roof that would allow me to uh let me check like the pitch is going to be way off i think i'm best just leaving it you know just always knowing there's a serious issue with the roof there will be no leaks add a window yeah maybe maybe i can just hide it it's not a bad idea uh that light is just a massive vent ah problem solved uh a big billboard kind of ruins the queen college look i think we'll just try not to look at it ever again will we um like i'm not really sure [Music] what wait can i no close this this feature is kind of cool though isn't it oh yeah it's cool feature it's uh it's nifty why does it not give you preview that is slightly better if i could get rid of this tip here i don't know if i'm making it better or worse of course the answer is worse we'll just accept that there's a bit of overlap back there we're never gonna look at it anyway it's fine it works the opposite way with domed roofs ah okay um let me let me just catch up with some of these and then we'll get back to building inside um call me crazy thank you for the bits will you make your sims wear the forbidden sweater what the hell is the forbidden sweater for avoider thank you for the sub ever frosty tribal emily and staunch whisper thank you very much for the subs it's fox tato thank you for the for the tip the sims triggering people's ocd like roof yeah exactly jazz loves pink thank you for the resub forcing my boyfriend to watch your stream tonight with me please don't do anything too weird we'll see just loves pancake thanks for that uh p.f austin bob thank you for uh p foster bob is it thank you for the sub team of cabbages thank you for the bits just build an eternal tower to heaven instead of a roof i probably should have uh jameson thank you again for the 10 gifted sobs if you really want to get weird in you know jameson thank you for that uh till wj thank you for the sub jonah tran uh green eggs i'm trying so hard thank you for the subs um so obi-wan kenobi thank you for the bits you really are doing amazing sweaty thank you you've what uh you vo vosino thank you for the resub i told you thank you for the bits my granddaughter uh and i so enjoy your work it's a special treat during this never ending quality and that is so nice thank you so much that is very sweet i hope you're enjoying my little retail build um noah mckay thank you for the tip long time no stream did i miss most of rezzy2 just wanted to say you're a great person you deserve to be happy no thank you so much that is very kind of you um pretty generous tip as well but uh we didn't actually manage to to finish resident evil i think i still will i just have so much i want to stream like i was going to stream pokemon today but then i got this mad idea and i was like yeah this this is it um all right i think it's kind of okay now inside uh i just want to dress it up a bit with little quirky things um i don't know if opening curtains or not let me just take a look to see oh you can do little curtains like that let me oh that is that is tacky i love it um what do we go with oh that that is awful i love it that's like a very old person choice you know that's like sake really that's uh like what my house used to look like with all stuff like this just awful stuck in a time warp not like even like this thought the actual orange like i had really really similar um curtains uh when i moved in but they were so horrible and dusty and just pure orange they were awful um i might just leave the front ones waiting on oh my god bristol thank you so much for the five gift subs that's very kind to you lizzy7 thanks for the sub hannah thank you for the bits will you do another video like i can't help falling in love i'm i'm trying listen i'm getting better i've been practicing it every now and again um my fingers are going really callous because this is this is going to be the first song i've learned in full on the um on the guitar because i know like little bits of bob little bits and bobs like uh free falling wait free fall is kind of kind of like that but hurt by johnny cash is like what i'm trying to currently learn so it goes like this hurts my fingers i literally hurt myself today my fingers cannot heal i can't mix up the words and try to actually try it uh to play it let me let me try one verse but this hurts i don't know if you'll be able to see my fingers probably no it's out of focus and my camera is auto focus all off one second all right let me try the first verse if i can but i find it really hard to play and i'm trying to sing as well and i lose track of where i am and i do things wrong all right i hurt myself today to see how does it go again let me try again one second sorry i'm quite new i hurt myself today to see if i still feel i focus on the pain [Music] the only thing that's real the needle tears a hole the old familiar sting tried to kill him all the way but i remember everything and what have i become my sweetest friend and everyone i know [Music] goes away in the end and you could have it all my empire [Music] and i would keep myself and i will make you hurt and that's about as fair as i've gone i did a lot of mistakes in that one i couldn't do it a lot better earlier it's it's really hit or miss because i'm so um inconsistent with it and i place my fingers wrong and then the chords sound bad or i like miss a beat and stuff like that um but thank you very much for the kind words but i'm gonna keep practicing and if i can i'm gonna do a full video on it if i can but uh thank you for the kind words you're very very kind um jesus where am i with the alerts thank you for all the support guys you're way not too nice thank you very much um but yeah hopefully i can start to get a bit better at it yeah i think it would be a nice song to know as well um oh my god where am i i'm so lost uh uh floor thank you very much for the bits pubs thank you for the bits as well um tiny poof thank you for the resub i love the groove gameplay i'm quite enjoying it uh [Music] thank you very much for the kind words jesus christ uh trippy thank you for the pits make your prisoners i mean employees listen to bibson i should mr meow thank you for the sub s uh s ben thank you for the bits kai gold thing you're the result um and thank you for the tips on the roof leslie the great thank you for the tip i've been watching youtube since 2018 finally caught you live i'm glad you did thank you for joining and i'm glad bimpson's stuck in your head i told you thank you for the bits again i appreciate that um thank you for being so nice folks jesus christ my fingers are i really want to practice more um but my fingers get a bit rough uh they're very callous now and they're all kind of torn the first three very fitting to be learning a song called hurt when it's it's just really hurting my fingers um is that too much uh maybe just one um are you gonna post that as a cover yeah i'm hoping to do a cover on it i just need to get better at it because like i um i feel like at the start like when i was learning it day to day i was making massive leaps and getting way better and now i'm like progressing so so slowly because i'm getting minorly better and picking up little bits and getting a little bit faster and knowing when i should sing and when i should swap guard and all this um but it's really slow progress i guess because it's just trying to get better and better but yeah it's it's it's tough but it's it's rewarding um oh my god guys thank you so much for all the the support confused crow they are the tip grew up with johnny cash always loved hearing his songs yeah i've become like a a pretty big fan of johnny cash now because when i started ring of fire i liked johnny cash's songs but i wasn't that big of a fan but now i've legit become a fan i like a lot of his music um stacy thank you for the result sounding really good would love to see more music related content this time next year you'll have your own album we'll see you with that but thank you a pinky thank you for the bits just so you know i'm honest your roof is meh but the song was beautiful and your voice is great those compliments mean nothing to me everything in my life revolves around the roof no thank you very much uh myself thank you for the sub only brain dead thank you for the bits surely a needle would puncture not tear a hole i guess if you're using it right overjoyed world thank you very much for the sub dandelion ellie thank you for the bits thank you for the singing can't wait for the full video yeah i'm hoping i can do a decent job on it zoeby thank you for the bits making me simp said get it like vincent thank you zobie uh it's fox tato thank you for the tip i can't imagine i'm the only one who wants to call me kevin album that was really good thank you very much castro thank you very much for the tip kevin you're a diamond in the rough on youtube your sense of humor never fails make me laugh it's quite sharing that you're so wholesome and kind irl especially after watching you play the sims thank you justice thank you for the resub appreciate you and uh you say first time catching stream nice singing by the way thank you call me crazy thank you for the gifted sub shannon thank you for the result can't believe it's already been four months of crazy streaming i know it's flying hobbs jesus christ almighty pops thank you so much for 50 gifted subs hell thank you so much that that is way too kind i will thank you again let me just get through these alerts and i'll get back to you but thank you so much um shannon thank you so much for the sub there and being so kind about the nice community i guess the tron thank you for the sub monkey needs the dance thank you for the resub uh zobey thank you for the bits can i book you for my non-existent wedding i don't know about that let's just say yes the crimson devil thank you for the result during your videos uh have you heard the nine inch nails cover the song hurt it was actually the original funny enough uh johnny cash's cover uh is a cover hurt it's it's crazy hilda takes thank you for the bits learning fire for the meme it's easy let me let me try um hell i'm so overwhelmed by all the support thank you um gay winter night thank you for the tip are we rebuilding your past at cex that is what we're doing here hi bristol thank you so much for the five gift subs um and lizzy7 thank you for the sub there as well uh a camel gamer thank you for the sub dwayne the breck johnson thank you for the sub and pubs thank you for those 50 subs christ almighty that is way too kind i did not see that coming thank you so much for that though jesus christ that is way way too kind um you see the problem i have with guitar especially is the um is the strumming so like the chords are easy here i can see the g c g which are very easy chords um you got g and then oh c g it's it's easy that way but it's hard to strum so we got down down up down up up down down up down up down but i just don't i can't see how that works in like looking at it on paper i don't know how to sing and play that so like i could i could do it just one strum where it's like love is it burning thing and it makes a fiery ring bound no what is it bound by wild desire i fell into a ring of fire and so on so on and you know then he goes down down down you know that kind of thing so the chords are easy but the strumming patterns i just can't i can't figure it out in my head for some reason but it would be fun to learn for the meme uh pubs again thank you so much for that i don't know how to thank you that was way way too kind but thank you very much for that um i i don't know what to say but thank you very much um i have a feeling this would be a place that would have like oh yeah ornaments in the wall and i think you know just a quaint little cottage that has ornaments in the wall what is this oh yeah and that why not in fact that might work somewhere um burger i love burger and i i don't know what i'm doing i'm very just overwhelmed thank you very much for the support i i appreciate it and can you make the cats look judgmentally at anyone coming in i mean he does kind of look like he's judging oh no that's that's for food i wanted something like that but there's unfilled signs like what good is that um life of fish let's dress up the walls a little bit maybe a few rugs that kind of thing um hell guys thank you so much for being so nice i don't know what to say um oh that's a nice rug it's just newspaper clippings um uh pops thank you again for that uh dread servant thank you for the result the fat kid gabe thank you for the bits it's my favorite johnny cash so i need to check out i hung my head by him i don't know if i know that i will i will look it up though i know my hand um oh what's that that god's gonna cut you down is a great song as well i need to look that up um because i don't know what that well that is a bit creepy actually i don't know if i like that one no we need more country maybe the styles thing would actually work for this the filter um yeah this would probably work oh my god that's that's scary if only i could put up live laugh love kind of wondering would it be kind of nice to have them all like not oh my god that's terrifying just wondering would it be nice to have them actually like kind of all over the place kind of works because i just want that kind of weird quirkiness feel to it um who knows what's in there um i'm very overwhelmed today bor ragnarok thank you for three sub lambs or pod thank you for the sub as well thank you for the kind words canarian coal mine thank you for the bits great name watch this later i'm in mourning at the moment she's i hope you're all right i can help watching all the streams has been helping me sleep i hope you're all right canary whatever is going on uh elf the elf thing with the result link rothman thank you for the sub brandy thank you for the bits pottery kate thank you for the sub sandy thank you for the bits as well you could put a huge tree behind the shop to hide the roof that is a great idea don't fix your mistakes just hide them that is a live kevin tip right there i need to check on my video as well oh wait no it's not gone up yet has it no no no it's not okay why did i have an alarm set um one second my mom has texted me you're not playing video games again are you son no no i'm not mom um okay um uh of the health thank you for that resolve again link rothman thank you as well um rost uh ross clower thank you for the resub it's always nice to see kevin ruining lives instead of 2020 yes indeed a bit small oh my god how big is that tree i've never seen those ones not tropical this would be a danger to the house this would concern you that would hide it and then we can put something around it we'll leave that there for now i wanted to put in a tree or shrub or something here as well nice oh my god i can't keep up with his generosity today thank you very much folks i appreciate it um where was i on order please alien boy creations name for the bits i struggle with the same thing when trying to play songs in ukulele i don't have the big brain for destroying patterns from people i've taught i've talked to it's just literally a matter of committing and just keep trying and trying until you'll eventually just kind of get the hang of it in your brain but who knows um i was going to say should i try and corner off the back but there's no point because it's just a completely open line oh my god it's a little bit overgrown what if i lower the size [Music] hmm bad so many flowers it's like obnoxious hello anna um it's obi thank you for the gifted sub loki lockhart thank you for the bits you're all just kind of speak for all of us when i say we'd love a bimpson cover i think there's actually cards online as well um let's put some wait i just realized that bit's not painted what that which one i used what happened there did i never actually paint it okay now it's wooden all the way around that looks kind of quirky i like it that would also work i think yeah that's fine i think anything would really work with this to be honest that is quite nice that is more my style let's go with my style for this this little section i'm this is very not my style this whole house i'm just trying to make it fit the aesthetic but it's it's weird because i wouldn't really build a house this way um where was i now um archie the mad uh anna marie thank you for the subs dr bond thank you for the resub uh potluck thing with the bits your wonderful thing made me forgive you for making retail you have a beautiful voice thank you so much poplock um radioactive roses thank you very much for the gift sub and lastly but not leastly pubs thank you for the bits been sold on youtube for years it's only fair to give back definitely worth every penny keep being you thank you so much that's very kindly and queen wall thank you for the sub there as well um right i think i'm kind of happy with how it's turning out um i might put just like uh how do you put in terrain tools for water how do you put in water um i'm sure there is a way is there no like i want to do a pond pools cool water styles pool tool is it cool okay so it's just pool you can do so i can't you can't make puns that's disappointing what if i just do one small i don't know how i'm just gonna manage this do something like that size maybe and then can you rough it up a bit to make it look like it [Music] hmm a fountain is there a fountain ah ah so i could like ruffle up a bit with that ah look at that i forgot move objects is on sewer water yeah it really does look like it oh wait no that's gonna take up room from the basement we can't do it we cannot do it that is a shame i just thought of it all right you know what we're gonna leave the back garden for now that doesn't really matter uh let's throw a few more decorations up and then get started on the underneath uh amber martini thank you very much for the resub rawric favor the gifted sub imagine harrison over the bits i support you because from the first day i've seen you feel like family you might be the crazy uncle but you're our crazy uncle called life thank you very much for that there we go i could spend all day just like adding in little quirky things that i find it's just very satisfying put that back up there just picking up random things oh we ow a megaphone can you actually use that i'm guessing no but ain't it nice i had a washing top outside oh that's not a bad idea that's a quirky country thing i actually got rid of um an old when i lived in my old house got rid of an old bathtub to a guy who wanted the first garden just like you can just have it i was happy to get rid of it uh i don't know if there's anything rough enough looking it's the only problem let's let's try and do something similar to what he did i'm gonna add in let's see can we change the no you can't oh that that makes it look a bit older it looks like the pipes have rusted instead of like a darkened um oh i don't think i darken like brass i guess it is just wondering can i put like plants inside it [Music] make it kind of reclaimed you know there's a bathtub in the plants tab what really and i thought it was being all clever second um it's not what i want plants so how do i is it under this one [Music] shrubs maybe does anyone know what's called right there that doesn't help unfortunately because i've already gone off it there's a delay is it in this one [Music] oh i like that kind of thing as well i'm guaranteed to be going over right right there uh ah okay there we go thank you very much i kind of want to make this whole section just overgrown take that away there we go might add in a few shrubs or something um is that the same yeah that is the same way uh where's the shrubs in oh a few rocks would be good i love rocks there we go get a few flowers going nope too big there we go maybe one more oh that's like a proper weedy one very overgrown now push that back yeah that looks kind of cool looks kind of quaint huh that's a nice boulder i agree that is a nice boulder smaller no not that one for there and a bit smaller perfect yeah i like it the work we put into this is impressive i get a bit carried away like i have a whole dungeon to build here i need to cop on and get started maybe a bench at the side though might be nice you see my problem here um let me see bench bench quickly quickly quickly everyone's judging you kevin go go go go how do you start my room again um comfort i can i can do it this way this is fine that's nice you know what might be nice a little arch just over over there so you could have a nice little bit of shelter um i ain't that nice now you see oh isn't that lovely i don't i don't know what to do i'm getting too um too into this you know what that's fine that's oh that would be nice with some flowers down though like over here or maybe a little shrub either side or something thank you very much loki locker that's very kindly thank you that's very kindly thank you you're always way too supportive i appreciate it um there we go this is getting too much i just i'm going so much in depth like i never i never do this stuff anymore but this is how i used to build uh houses and just get super way overboard it's it's not necessary i wonder what's like lighting be nice outside i'm glad you guys are liking it at least that's good at least it's not all for nothing um lighting second let me just wait how do i oh ain't that nice that's lovely now that's that's gorgeous isn't that lovely after jesus you wouldn't mind sitting out there would ya um i wonder could i put something in here that's kind of nice it lights it up a little bit yeah and that's nice i just looked over and i saw a little out just going i would so sit on that bench if i saw that bench oh that bench would be so sad huh i gotta catch up with some um alerts here jesus christ thank you so much for all the support i'm i got so carried away with doing all these little things uh look just to spoil it a little bit for you let me show you the roof again there we go not so cute anymore is it just kind of ruin it let's put that away um where was i um uh rory thank you for the gifted sub amber martini thank you for the resub zoe thank you for the bits about to rage quit my sub after watching tinker with a pond for it to be deleted yes sorry cat dad sims thank you for the the tip show hidden objects then show live edit objects to get a world decor pond ah that is cool tip thank you attention thank you for the sub test pad thank you for the bits are you going to turn this into a video not this but this building is going to be used in a video that i'll be doing tomorrow so i'm glad you guys are liking it it's just so much so much good feedback on my little cottage i'm so happy it means the world to me i thought everyone would just be angry at me as i built because of things going wrong um oh there's already a light there god damn it ruining my aesthetic um i just i just want to keep decorating this thing that's all i want to do what is this just all sculptures okay make sense i guess oh plain wing nice happy gnome garden pal i love the amount of gnomes that they have oh that's nice i don't know why it's there like it doesn't really make much sense because it's a shop and no one's gonna be using that but oh well that's nice um you see more decorating here we're just going to end up decorating for hours um where was i uh nico ayo thank you for the sub call me crazy thank you for the bits there are puns and debug if you want again very good tip thank you elderness thank you for the resub i'm glad you're enjoying the stream uh uh ambi abbey thank you for the sub there as well there's a plant bathtub with strange world thank you i wish you saw that sooner my chef banana thank you for the bits this is the first stream i managed to catch for more than an hour and i've loved every second you're hilarious and such a genuinely caring person and the community is just freaking amazing uh well i'm sorry i missed you you said you were going off to dinner i hope you're still here but thank you very much for that and that's that's very very nice of you thank you oh that's a christmas tree i thought it just had logs underneath it i was like that would kind of work um i'm still trying to catch up with all these alerts uh broken board thank you for the bits oh no i missed over one hour of quality content don't worry it was a lot of just meticulous building and stuff so you're probably better off you know i i've enjoyed it a lot i hope you guys have because this has been really enjoyable for me not i'll ruin it i can't put that in um what what is this out of this world mailbox old country mailbox no that would ruin it as well wouldn't it i could put it like there but no i don't like it i will just get no mail it's fine these ones are kind of nice too that that actually kind of works but i don't want it um i think [Music] i think i'm kind of done it's a quaint little cottage i really like it we can do more with the back at some other point um the last thing i want to do is just do a light oh wait no that's too that's too much make it a bit softer there we go and i want to do a little trail here no that is terrible i need to make it harder one second to do and a square would be nice smaller square would be nicer [Music] that's good yeah that works i like it i like it um all right let's drop a save and i'll catch up with the rest of these alerts uh cosmo cola thank you very much for the gift sub dana mlb thank you for the result flame phoenix name for the bits loki lockhart thank you for those five gifted subs it's way too kind to you you're way too nice uh lifetime guarantee thank you for the bits and the tip about moving objects i appreciate that thank you very much chloe thank you for the bits uh i'm chanting terry glow in my room staring at your build what have you done to me it's okay that's normal seagull review reminder thank you for the result flabberg thank you for the sub kaylee thank you for the bits the kevin titchmart show i don't know who titch match is but i assume that's an insane compliment thank you simone david the resub it's beautiful and the cottage is quite nice as well oh you're talking about the bathtub yes it's a beautiful beautiful bath amazing someone threw it out flame phoenix thank you for the tip riley thank you for the tip what happened to bitlife i was going to record that today but i changed my mind i will be doing it this week though uh wayman crowder thank you for the resub uh m lickism thank you for the sub seagal review reminder thank you for the tip how are you doing doing some sims 4 asmr here kind of um sk galway thank you for the sub uh cryotic boyfriend thank you for the reset as well it's a mia mario so hypermore sims 4. glad you are and dandelion ellie thank you for the bits love building streams so relaxing to watch it's been really really fun actually i've really enjoyed this stream i liked it a lot i thought it would be a bit more stressful i thought people would get a little bit um upset like with the way i build like i know you guys are supportive but i thought there would be a minority of people who might join in off you know just the category and just get angry because i'm not building the way they want to or i'm not that good at it or whatever but no it's it's been lovely i've really enjoyed it um i'd like some outdoor lighting just out here somewhere um i'm just thinking maybe fairy lights or something are there fairy lights no thank you very much for the kind words folks uh let's see i don't know what i want to do here i don't i don't know what it looked weird if they were on the wall but they kind of look weird if they're on the ground the one thing i could do is put let's space them out more put down some lights and then put a little shrub around them that actually looks kind of okay but i'll just put a little shrub around them or something to make them look nice uh this tip was great about these little but these little plants [Music] um are just about changing the the size of them in general it was a great tip good idea about moving into the uh move objects thing as well there that's all right what is this amusing amazing music playlist this is just um the sims music it is great isn't it um uh elena wolff child david the resub uh and austrian thank you for the result master scout that you're the sub as well peachy angie thank you for the bits so the restaurant i work at is known for their unlimited soup and i feel like i've betrayed you you definitely have and be thankful for the tip hi kevin you're beautiful i'm currently building with you in the sims and i want to know what color i should do the outside of my house a lighter wood or a darker wood or all white black rainbow i would love your opinion it's windenberg by the way i think i'm more drawn to darker woods but i'm gonna go with light wood if it's the outside that's my opinion all right folks we're done the cottage before i go any further basement time the fairy lights are in parenthood pack okay i don't think i have that all right it's gonna be like triple the size of the cottage um but it's gonna be really industrial i think so there won't be as much work put into this even though it's way way bigger this is just gonna be slap anything down uh what is this oh it's like sound fabric or something all right we just need to figure out a layout so we need a ladder going down i'm just wondering should i get rid of this and make a little stock room stock room you know like kind of like that oh it's in the middle of a window isn't it oh sugar i'm messing everything up the whole cottage is destroyed start over yeah i think it it looks a bit odd because we've just uh we've just got so used to this but i think it works actually um wow no one has died i'd be amazed if someone died when i've been when i was in build mode uh can i recolor this it's still gonna be that but yeah that kind of works it's just a solid door um [Music] and then a ladder down why did this change or did it just not change earlier um you have to make the outside door look nice do you think so i was making it kind of look a bit uh oh wait this is kind of nice well i like it it fits the theme i hope everything functions okay when i actually go in and try and make things work uh there we go yeah that that fits use the secret door bookcase that could be a good idea as well i don't think i have it here do i i can't be bothered using cheats to catch now i don't think it's there unless i'm just not seeing it which isn't entirely possible oh my god they've got a big door now this must be part of the knitting pack for ultra secret knitting i actually don't really like those doors they're a bit too much effort um where's the ladder stored at all right oh there's a subsection in stairs i see how am i supposed to get this right oh just like that apparently oh um okay i think i want it in the corner so i'll just put it next to it not bad you can add lighters and the sims what wow yeah cryptic boyfriend this this is a new thing in equal life i love it it's so good um i wonder can i get can you get closed curtains uh ah you can i wonder if you do this does it bring you to the there's none matching is there i could just get one of these actually and put how do i do it again uh how do you go up it's just trying to go on that side what can i use why is it i'm so confused it's not working oh zero and nine to to raise okay you guys are geniuses ah much better okay so now it won't look like odd from the outside i've never really done that before why haven't i thought of that before um right what was the downstairs thing yeah um all right this is like some sound proofing thing apparently so i figure it might be a good use can't hear the screams you know um we're gonna have to have a separate door here as well so that no one can actually get up god this place is huge you're learning so much today i really am helena um uh kid o'clock thank you for the result spice lemons thank you for the bits uh chiefs r j sucks hamatek and i cannot thank you for the subs um fairy lights are in toddler stuff pack i have the toddler one are they called something specific master scout thank you so much for that tip that is very generous of you thank you very much someone said remember when it was wholesome like 10 minutes ago yeah remember that folks that was nice um i'm using the alt trick that you guys taught me i think i actually prefer that over there look at that that kind of brightens up that area that's cool i'm loving this i wonder what people will think in the video like the fact that it's gone so in depth is unlike me i spent a lot of time building the old house um how can i describe it you know i had like the brown brick it was like a three-story one and it had the balcony up the top with the the master bedroom where jim had the coffin and stuff spent a lot of time doing that but i don't think it was that good of a build it was just too much so it took a long time to do but it was just too much to get that detailed um right we need very clinical lighting here so i don't really care if these are that symmetrical because you never actually really see them um god just looks like a warehouse it's perfect thing is i don't really know what goes into the knitting part so i'm not going to actually detail this one too much i'm going to do this when i'm doing the video because i don't know what's the best setup i haven't even looked at the knitting stuff i need to look at it um you have to crawl through no one with dignity would try and crawl through and escape to freedom oh there was the bookcase after all that i'm wondering should i let's try it that kind of works it matches the counter as well the door looks nice as well though hmm what do you think keep the door let's see guys we're gonna have to have a pole get someone do a pole for bookcase or door this is the most important thing we've done so far all right what i'm gonna do is you guys do the poll and i will be right back i'm gonna run to the bathroom can someone grab a pole for me there we go the age-old question um kb taylor thank you very much for our uh kb tyler sorry thank you for the result the drunken irish thing with the bits wait it was hold some of the sims is that a first i guess so current uh colonial envy thank you for the sub and kimmy joyce thank you for the sub as well i will be right back best of luck with the fall oh all right what won it i'm not even done yet why are you talking about soup i didn't even bimps in here i thought we were being friendly today and drunken irish thank you for the bit so where is bibson chad thank you for the solve and uh jacob thank you for the sub as well what's the elephants say to the naked man how do you breathe through that tiny thing oh dear i want who's winning who's winning this uh thing the bookcases okay in bookcase it is i'm glad i asked is that it it's hard to tell sometimes i assume you oh wait you can move doors like that too oh my god that elf tip was amazing thank you um what was i gonna oh dear no put that back um what was i going to say uh sometimes it can look like it's a 50 50 in the chat which that really did look like and then it turns out it's not at all it's definitely not um what um well they have two hidden bookcase stores there we go the classic plastic basement door um all right i don't know really what to do with this let me take a look what's in the knitting pack uh nifty knitting and just just everything i just want to see everything how do i how do i get to everything show all there we go that's it really that's disappointing um crafters delight desk [Music] hmm i guess it's more than the additions that's most is hidden in debug a lot of the build you have to knit okay well that makes sense yeah it's a lot added in with the gameplay elements i guess um debug so how do you go into the debug stuff uh nasarad thank you very much for the resell keeping awesome my gf and i love your content thank you very much um so how do i do it bb show hidden objects is it ah there we go thank you guys uh call me crazy thank you for the bits i'd say it's more suspicious to walk through a bookcase than a tour true i guess the idea is you don't want anyone seeing you going in there but you'll see how it works out okay so this is all the stuff they can make i guess um okay all right i'm gonna build a half wall oh there's my video going up stop there we go [Music] wait why is it not a half wall i thought i did a half wall [Music] what am i doing something wrong here the the bookcase works better in a police radio i think you're right uh a green sweet thank you for the sub uh min kale thank you room our mink ale is it thank you for the result uh katie monkey day of the bits i'm currently working my night shift so you can't stick around just drop by say hello thank you for dropping by um and i told shane thank you for the result i love your workbook on twitch and youtube as well the amazing community of spawns thank you very much untag the filter is that affecting it um ah okay thank you that's weird um no there and full wall across here with glass i do love a bit of glass and then big big door yeah that might work oh did that door completely change when i clicked that or have i clicked on a different one oh my god little pet doors adorable get it adorable there not bad um jacob thank you for the bits i've been taking viagra for my sunburn it doesn't cure it but it keeps the sheets off my legs effects say um [Music] move that along a bit there and then we're going to get nifty anything back and show all there we go um so what are these for is the do you need something to knit with or is it just and anything is fine um like do i do i need anything specific any bags in their inventory you need the basket okay i want to that is great it's just like a load of knitting supplies we're going industrial i love it so this is the only ones they can actually use but uh i want to just put in loads so it's just like we will never run out this is a stockpile i hope you like it i'm glad you guys seem to um oops wait are they different i don't know what i picked oh well [Music] gonna match that either side there use alt good point oh god that's gonna be annoying what have you done to me now i'm gonna be trying to match everything up perfectly just like gap [Music] what have you done this is your doing your fall there no it looks good thanks [Laughter] oh use out for the knitting baskets as well good point [Music] um there we go that looks amazing [Laughter] oh god um where were we um broken board thank you for the bits it's a normal wall it's always been hype we're still thank you for the bits i gotta go but it's been a lovely stream can't wait to see it complete have a great evening thank you very much and thank you for being so supportive as always um uh put the pusheen sorry thank you very much for the sub amber martini thank you for the gifted sub at xenons thank you for the resub westminster abbey thank you with the tip we need supervisor gnomes lining the basement walls to gently motivate the knitters to do wonders for productivity will it though will it um a dense floor [Music] what's this beginner's yarn basket i wonder what that bunny would look like if it was huge uh we need another wall coming out there let's see uh flp gaming thank you very much for the sub yeah that should do um all right show me everything give me it all nifty knitting what this this might be nice put that up that's lovely what's this little house shelf no don't need um what was the thing i was looking for i had something in my head oh yeah this i want to see what this looks like huge christ almighty all right let me see oh [Music] see if we can change this around a bit a little bit different unfortunately not really but that'll do i can't believe i didn't know about this all thing you've just damned me though you've damned me to doing this um all right can we put anything in the middle of that i don't really think so no it's it's fine as is and i think we need to um paint the walls we need to there's bound to be someone who did um that mr burns thing don't forget you're here forever there's got to be a custom design that i can put in like that plastered everywhere um oh that is obnoxious i don't know is it too much though like to the point where it'll annoy me that's all right i just don't want to be annoying um alt is only new for windows and doors it's worked for years on everything else i can't believe i didn't know it um all right something something with color in it i don't want it white down here but i don't want it to look that friendly either something like that maybe i want it to look like you know not good what should i do tiles maybe oh my god that's bright university carpet fake grass that's not bad actually but it's a little bit obnoxious still on the eyes that's bad oh that's good that's good that's just like a plain carpet but it's like not obnoxious um all right and there's gonna have to be like living quarters as well but i don't know who's coming in here and what the plan is so i might just leave it for now you're making a crash yeah it does really seem like it i mean i do plan on having kids working down here so we'll see i do want to separate it out because i don't want them getting in bad moods because they won't be as efficient so maybe i will have like i could put i can put some cubicles here for the toilet um right let me see there's actual cubicles but you can't use those oh these might work if i actually get rid of that wall should i just have mount me open no you know what i'll be really nice i'm feeling super generous today let's see where's the wall i want the wall the wall give me the wall please there we go yeah let me let me do something with this i don't you know what i don't need three oops oh who gets the bigger bathroom though that's the real question you know what for the sake of it just to be symmetrical let's just get rid of it and you're going to allow them to knit their own shackles you know they'll be knitted by jim out out of steel and then just a little sink that won't be too bad um what'll i get for the sink this diy sync perfect let's get all the tools underneath and everything um one of those horrible lights that i have everywhere um you're gonna heal that thank you very much for the sub and taser thank you for the sub as well zolby thank you for the bits yeah those crisp lined up edges oh yeah i guess i'm freaking symmetrical oh yeah uh rory thank you for the bits as well is the jim pickens plushie coming back hoping to get some dear leader merch for my birthday next month i don't think so unfortunately but we do have other stuff planned down the line so don't you worry there will be more but i'm sorry they're they're going away um right we will need beds and stuff i don't think that's a big issue uh simon patrick thank you for joining us goodbye for now um let's see we just need those cot beds where are they that might do oh this is perfect oh whoops it's even more perfect if it's not in the wall i should move this down god damn it but i have to move everything that fine fine you know what no no no i'm gonna leave it because i'm not sure exactly what i need so i'm just gonna leave it like this for now rather than doing all these minor adjustments when i don't know what i even want i'm liking it though but it does look a bit like a crash showers oh good point i can can i fit one in there will they be able to use it i mean i don't really need sinks do i or i could just have one out there that works um wait how do i get rid of the light there that was impressive i stole the light without even meaning to um i really want to see the roof max i'm never showing it to you no i'll show you in a moment uh i'll just put these ones on the wall there we go that's not bad i can't actually like the idea of having it outside there because it's like we couldn't even bother putting in another one you know um second i want to see can i get uh i forgot i had this in my game now i think i found uh i think i found something to go in the middle there we go that is fantastic that is beautiful that is absolutely beautiful do you like it it's motivational let's see oh my god it's like the worst mirror ever it's for children but i guess so well i love that that is great i totally forgot i put that in my game now um i can't remember who made it on uh on the website jesus all right that is lovely all right i think we're kind of done for now because as i said it's not it's not done done but i need to kind of mess with it in game and see what i'm actually doing i might have to move this over as well can i move that over with the stuff the other stuff just got deleted hmm can i just no okay i can't all right never mind i'll leave it for now you need a chair or something to knit oh okay i had the toilets but i i'll add something else um oh i never actually checked in my video jesus christ um okay it seems to be going okay i'll take a proper look at it in a moment um what was i in the middle of the chair that was it uh where'd my music go come back i need it all right i'll just add these back or add these in for now let's say add these back but i never added them to begin with i wonder will they be able to use them put them here one at the end of each bed really like the chair placements but it's not the end of the world um yeah i can mess with them for now it's not too bad oh you can put in the knitted stuff and everything you'll definitely have to dress it up how to eat i mean that's a problem you'll have to figure out yourself maybe google it um but that does remind me we're going to need a way to eat for the sims um we can have a little mini kitchen here i mean it might not be bad if they don't have their own rooms it's just like all one living space it might work out okay um uh the gengar king thank you for the bits be careful of the kids hiding in the box and back small rascals there i wish i could send my future children to this place jesus christ uh let me just tweet out the video because uh it's gonna just take me two minutes and it's going to annoy me if i don't it's going to be on my mind i posted some fall guys it wasn't the one i streamed it was i did an independent video of it afterwards the next day but it's a really fun game really really like it i really enjoyed that stream on uh saturday as well um all right i'll just paste that in very unprofessional i know but what can you do um there we go tweeted um max still talking with the roof he really wants to see it doesn't he it's a shame you never will no i'll show you shortly uh i want my music back it's it's gone oh thank you i hmm some countertops wait no i thought these going underneath do they not if not i have no interest there we go that'll do nicely uh oops that's a little bit too small that's a little bit too flammable that could cause issues um what if i put this in the middle it just looks a bit odd it does it helps separate it a little bit that's kind of nice wait why is that there and not here why is it doing that oops no can't do that why now you know what you'll never notice it after today stoves are not for children they of course they are one would fit in that no problem what are you talking about use common sense kids can only use the microwave okay good point let me put this uh there oops let me try that one there we go okay it's a little bit crowded but it's fine when i figure out what i'm actually doing i might be able to do a better job of the kitchen but i just don't know what i'm doing or how many people are going to be down here so it works for now as a temporary kitchen and if you're going to be knitting you might need some coffee as well [Music] no the kitchen's getting too crowded i'll put in a table or something at some point bin is missing oh yeah good points that's something that might be needed um but how are they going to empty it i could build a little room like an actual trash room like i assume this is infinite it'll just all go in there right trash you can i put a trash shoe will it just disappear does that work back into the fridge the leftovers i gotta know does that work it it's i mean it costs zero so it's the debug menu it probably will it works fantastic the trash just no no leftovers allowed everything goes back in there um jesus where where was i uh an arena thank you for the sub uh china chan thank you for the sub as well richard rose thank you for the bits mary's divorce kevin thank you very much floating present thank you for the sub erie the first time the bits hi kevin my mom started to watch your streams because i introduced you to her she thought you were funny so we were both watching now that is so nice thank you thank you for indoctrinating your mom into the cult [Laughter] she's wrong like hmm this is the point where i start to get worried you know most people who are in cults don't realize they're in cults just saying right i think we're done which means first of all we save and second of all we have to show max the roof so let's take a little look so this is the cottage max this is what you're met with when you go up and don't look at the roof i think it's quite nice we've got everything down from um we're doing a little fly through now it's like we're trying to sell max the cottage we got a little garden we got a bathtub there filled with flowers there's like lights hidden in there so it lights up a little bit the back is fitted out with some lights and nice shrubs there to make it look a little more fitting and we got some logs out here which are not used but they're there for decor we've got a little bench here for no reason you missed it but that was put on there and it it looked nice these are the windows we spend a lot of time doing the windows and getting all cottagey and you fit with some baskets here to put like your teeth in and uh yeah we got the little cottage here in the little entrance to the the basement it's actually one of my favorite lots that i've built in so long i really really like it um i think it's really nice everything apart from the roof now the roof isn't as bad as it was it actually turned out okay in the end it was a bit of a disaster like this part is a little bit annoying it sticks up but i can't really fix it and this tree is also hiding like a weird overlap here um why do i have a nighttime this weird bit that sticks out but we got the tree to cover it so you can't really see it um put it on the gallery i will put it on the gallery oops um so that you guys can get it as well if you want i mean it's pretty much been a group project anyway um i meant to put like some ventilation and stuff uh but oh well um i'm just wondering can i oh no that's a bit that's a bit much just wondering can i find anything to hide it with i wish it was a paint tool just a paintbrush so you could just paint it and make it look it would fit in more you know what does this do oh i don't know um no you can't do anything use alt um you could add roof trims i think it sticks up a bit um yeah it makes it stick up a little bit unfortunately i don't i didn't actually know this was a thing to be honest with you this is actually quite cool how did i not know this was a thing what if i added a black one i might actually add a roof trim uh let's try that in white oh no it up that too bad okay no no no no get rid of it it's fine uh boomer lower the roof i did but then the the pitch is off so even then there's still a bit but like i mean it's not too bad now that it's hidden by the tree i guess i think i still preferred it the other way oh god we got a hype is it al can i move it so slightly with alt oh i didn't know you could use that on the roof ah i know this is kind of hidden i might just move that tree a bit more inside the house probably not the best thing to be doing but you know yourself sometimes these things have to be done oh you can't use alt on that okay i think that's as good as we can get it um i just saw someone say rocking chair and i don't know where you actually mean but a rocking chair out on this area might look quite nice so maybe that's what you're on about but now there's not enough space really oh there's space up here up there no i don't i don't think it'll fit unfortunately um there's a hype train because i'm gonna have to end because it's it's been going on very long now building so i really have to go eat um i i don't think we can fit in this rocking chair unfortunately but thank you so much for causing the hype train wait hold on that doesn't look too bad does it yeah that looks okay that is that is that cottage all right i guess we're done and how do i save it to gallery i'm so proud of this um john's team for the bits i love and understand this tour of the serie a merch store every the first day of the bits and pops thank you for the bits as well hannah cf thank you for the bits you figured out how to use alt on the roof and discovered roof trim no sarcasm i'm actually happy for you yeah they'll be good for future guys thank you for the support i'm sorry i can't stick around longer especially when you did let's trigger a hype train i'm sorry about that um use this okay how do i how do i i don't know how to upload it do i do it from the the world menu um rory pay for the bits kevin harkin thank you for the resub as well thanks for the stream we'll download i'm glad to hear that thank you um jordan rents thank you for the the sub there lucky low card thank you for the bits azalea thank you for the sub pannuna thank you for the sub as well and faye helm thank you for the sub 2. appreciate it the folder with arrow huh this in here you mean all the spark challenges my library and then i don't understand there's got an arrow here um oh god it's going too fast the top of the screen oh up here save to my library save lot okay thank you oh yeah it's called innocent knitting shop why why is it like the options for the picture like the back of the house the back of the house the knitting dungeon or this why why is it this all right you know what i'm gonna go with this i'm gonna go with that it's got two bath and three beds that counts as three bedrooms and share a lot to the gallery i guess um let's save a lot to my library and then i'll load it to the gallery i think it is backwards but i think it it doesn't really matter when it's on the street like this does it um all right let's see now we can share to the gallery wait does it already i don't know yeah i guess that the house is backwards technically i guess yeah it turns out but only it really matters when there's like a street here does it i don't know it doesn't really matter you have a mailbox i don't probably should put one in somewhere but oh well it doesn't matter all right you can rotate the whole loft can you how do you do that move lot and house lot and house this is scary oh jesus christ go back this is really scary what move lot not house oh okay ah okay thank you very much geez you're very helpful all of you you know that i don't know what i'd be doing without you but it sure as hell wouldn't be as nice um the only thing is i would have swapped these around if i had known that but you know what it don't matter all right let me see now i have to save it again can we get a nicer picture one that doesn't show the roof i'm still in the same predicament this looks the pictures make it look awful all right fine you know what the basement i'm upset i wish i could pick it i'd do a nice like i think it looks best from this side i think like something like that yeah like there would be nice oh it's not going to show up because the turk poster isn't oh wait no the turk poster will just get removed i think so it's not too bad um all the pictures will show okay all right you have to click another button to upload it just why is it so all over the place share a lot to gallery i i don't understand yeah moving target 1811 is my um my thing if you want to download it i'm going to quit out of that i'll fix it tomorrow if there's anything else uh yeah you have to show lots with custom content for it but it just won't download the turk poster so you'll be missing on that um yeah i'm very out of sync with the chat so it's i'll upload it um i i did the bottom left uh share the gallery thing but i'll fix it tomorrow because i i have to go and i can't understand i think i'm very delayed with the um uh with the chat but some people are saying i have shared it so it might be okay um let me catch up here jesus uh ashley thank you for the bits this cheer goes out to the chat you're wonderful wholesome amazing community i just day today and they've helped me feel so much better thanks for all that you do and much love to you in the community thank you very much that's very kindly i'm sorry you had a rough day though uh chyna chan thank you very much for that bit sneaky booty the resell ginger cable thank you for the bits and bye now thank you for the bits as well yet again thank you for the lovely stream from the reminder always put yourself first and take care of yourself thank you very much um rory thank you for those bits earlier and kevin harkin thank you for the sub as well this this has been a fun stream thank you so much for joining me you've been very kind i very uh very much enjoyed um oh uh your company today it's um it's been good um let me see here i found someone yesterday that i want to drop a raid on so let me put that there yeah it was a bit of a longer stream wasn't it two and a half hours um but yeah this was a blast so thank you so much for joining me if you missed my video because you didn't want to leave the live me passed me uploaded a video uh at eight there about half an hour ago if you want to check it out you can click the youtube banner it's on fall guys i think it was fun so you can check that out if you want sneaky boot thank you for the bits i'm sorry you missed the stream that sucks hopefully we'll see in the next one i'll be streaming it thursday is thank you sir flocky for the resub thank you for the hype appreciate all the support and in the chat as well you've been so nice i really appreciate it and we're going to drop a raid uh i was watching this person yesterday and i was really enjoying it some background music so we're going to drop it right there and uh yeah we'll do more builds in future because this has been fantastic it's been really nice but uh yeah guys thank you again and i'll see you next time bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye [Music]
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 18,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: lOCJjNm5PbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 1sec (8881 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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