The Movies | 2020-06-06

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[Music] hello how how is everyone doing so um you want to explain this um what's going on or you just wanna just brush past that because we can you brush past it if you want if you if you don't want to address it or i don't know if you want to so it's up to you look at all those compliments something's a bit odd something's uh wrong here but um i think there's the hell is up with my stream elements why isn't it giving alerts catherine thank you for the gifted sub there a while ago what the heck what the hell there's a hype what the hell is going on is it not i'm very confused i don't think a stream elements even knows i'm live yet i appreciate the support folks okay is it realizing it yet oh my god krolsten thank you very much for the five gifted subs [ __ ] hell um okay there's something wrong with stream owners but how come it alerted for that one that's bizarre yeah is something wrong with twitch hello everyone thank you for all the random compliments very very strange compliments how is everyone doing oh there we go and white thank you very much for the sub i think it's fixed now sorry about that i i'm still a bit confused what's uh what's going on it seems to be uh a little bit broken can't seem to log into stream elements thank you for the support folks sorry that what the hell is going on i'm so confused after effects say come on what is it doing what the hell sorry one second i don't know what's what's going on with it it's just stuck loading i think there's something wrong with their website that yeah you can see me it's just the um the alerts and stuff seem to be uh seem to be broken what the hell is my wrists are lovely thank you very much and what weird compliments you guys are dishing out oh come on log me in i mean if they expected me not to murder in the sims they they had high hopes that just couldn't be matched what the hell is going on with my stream elements i just can't do anything my scar looks good today thank you funny enough it usually looks the same it doesn't really look any different oh my god i'm gonna be pissed if this doesn't work okay wait i think we're good i think we're fixed uh okay i what the [ __ ] okay perfect i i think we're sorted i hope we are at least the alerts were fact let me try and do a little test sorry about the uh the delay folks talking about it my beard is very beard today it is very beard usually to be fair okay at least i can actually see things coming in uh okay i think it's trying to catch up yeah i think so so katrin thank you for those subs earlier phoenix thing with the resale better gene thank you very much for the sub crawl stead thank you for those four gifted subs as well andrew thank you for the sub crawl stead thanks for another gifted sub d-bomb thank you for the resub chloe thank you for the resub w finch thank you for the bits and renee thank you for the bits as well and lily thank you very much for the sub there as well apologies if they're um very very delayed it's uh they're coming in they're trying to catch up now pirate flop cat thank you very much for the resell raven thank you for the bits as well um you can recycle gravestones in the new expansion the sims raven just said okay that is very useful information scottish schlins thank you very much for the 1000 bits that's super nice to you chill out fire thank you for the bits as well i love that the sims dev team gave you a code in the hopes you wouldn't murder and then you merged yeah that was the one i read earlier okay great at least i'm getting the old alerts micro nerd thank you for the sub plus meant thank you very much for the sub as well and knocking for thank you for the bits narella thank you for the bits as well jesus christ and and thank you for the kind messages as well you too and metro thank you for the bits too megan thank you for the 1000 bits sorry you can't stick around but uh i hope you have a good evening or day or whatever time zone you're in um and big head woodster thank you for the sub and daryn gene thank you for the sub jesus christ thank you for the kind message there as well okay it looks like uh yeah the the bits the alerts should show up but we're a bit behind my thing is trying to catch up at the moment uh so these are ones that have already been given that they're just coming in now so they're they're kind of fact but i think i think it's fixed at least daryn gene thank you very much for the resub aries thank you for the uh reese the gifted sub even then elliston thank you for the result as well um let me just run a test to make sure that this will come up uh how do i do this um faking out sorry about this for once it's techy shoes that aren't my fault though so that's kind of a nice change but thank you very much for the support guys i do appreciate it um all right alerts where is it oh excuse me sorry i really hope that was just a one-off sneeze because my alert my alerts my allergies have been okay today my alerts have not been okay all right let me do a little test on this emulate subscriber oh jesus what is happening oh [ __ ] i don't know if it's broken or something jesus christ i what is it doing i don't know if i should restart or what um dandelion thank you for the bits as well earl thank you for the resub i can't thank you very much for the reset as well ashley thank you for the bits and thank you for the compliment on my second eyelash from the right on your left eye thank you very much for that mirror and eric stay with the sub uh ink splash thank you for the result jmn pack daddy thank you for the bits and uh andusaurus gundolph and make pie thank you very much for the subs folks i appreciate it your sneezes are very good what what was the plan today just to give me the weirdest compliments you could come up with um i'm just very confused what the hell is going on why is it not showing on my stream god damn it i might have to like restart the stream or something but i because i'm only getting it on this side for some reason navy thank you for the bits there as well and raven thank you for the bits as well and max thank you very much for the raid coming in there i don't know why we're getting like we got the one for gifts but not anything else uh max thank you for the raid and thank you for everyone for joining us i appreciate it unfortunately you joined just as we're having tech issues my alerts are completely broken again but for once not for by my fault it's just that sight seems to be kind of fact uh mono con man thank you very much for the result as well i may as well give you some [ __ ] hype trains as well while we're here i just wish that i could fix this [ __ ] alert thing without restarting but it might require a restart unfortunately can't it can't just be easy can it okay dan the man's thank you very much for the gifted sub i appreciate that like why is this uh why why is it showing that one nighthawk thank you for the resub okay are these the new ones that are coming in uh okay wait we might actually be okay nighthawk thank you very much for the resub i think it might be fixed i think anyway i'm not sure but either way i'm gonna give you a one through four hype train on four you might wanna mute your mic uh micro chaotic thank you very much for the five gifted subs that's pretty kind to you and then the man thank you for those five gifted subs as well okay here we go but you might want to uh turn down the um i put it in rice maybe i should okay yes it's good thank god jazz pancake thank you very much for the cheer as well oh thank you i'm usually so self-conscious about the pores on my nose which you can't see at all but thank you for the compliment okay one through four kroll said thank you so much for the bits we'll mute our mic so level four is that what i said all right do that as well but mute your headset more importantly and glum creature thank you for the result as well as fluffy laser will thank you for the result thank you for the hype guys i appreciate it okay here it comes mel morale thank you for the sub okay wow wow wow we are that was a painful one stops the zombie thank you for the sub there as well i think i already thanked you but hey it doesn't hurt to thank you twice that train was in serious pain the rail will not prevail in this in this specific instance and soda fob thank you very much for the bits as well i tagged you in the muriel painting on twitter i didn't see it could you re-tag me in it um i i'd like uh oh wait just sort of up i'll try and remember your twitter but i think it'd be best if you tweeted at me again um sort of up thank you for those bits though and uh sarah ellie thank you for the 10 gifted subs and ashley thank you for the sub and pogo thank you for the bits as well you're booming is beautiful today okay i know i'm booming but it wasn't entirely my fault for once all right wait where's my megaphone oh [ __ ] where is it oh i think it's behind the green screen and there could be something dangerous behind there i don't know pegasus thank you very much for the bits sunday morning drinks tree oh sorry it doesn't really sync up um ashley thank you for the sub as well uh and uh earn exo thank you for the cheer more ear breaking call me sugar thank you for the sub as well let me get my uh my megaphone if i ah here it is it's hidden you want to say something and do it go oh you're shy all right okay that's fine the real so shady thank you very much for the bits your eyelashes make you look very dough like today thank you so much and raya thank you for the bits as well since you relaunched the jimping jinping simatic universe that's a great i never heard anyone call it that before you should add jim mittens as jim's sidekick to destroy the planet we'll see because it's going to get even more complicated when i do the video with uh gorg from the stream uh it's gonna be super complicated there as well uh mercenary santa thank you so much for 5 500 bits jesus christ thank you so much that is super generous and you're always too generous as it is uh you said hey kevin how's it going it is going well thank you very much for that that means a lot to me um and vlogma vlog must prime oh there you go i got it i got it vlogmas prime thank you very much for the resell but retro boom and thank you for the sub as well twitch is broken today at least it's fixed frost now that's all that matters screw everyone else all right i just paused the alerts for a second because we're gonna [Music] so you might want to turn off your audio if possible you might want to turn it off entirely jesus sarah ellie thank you so much for 10 gifted subs [ __ ] in hell okay we're going to do this i'm going to give you the countdown from three to one when we go zero you want to turn off your audio because this is so [ __ ] loud okay this is insanely loud i'm warning you and if you lose your hearing it's not even my fault okay so we're gonna do this but then when we're done i'm gonna give you a salute so mute now if you want okay two one [Laughter] there's definitely something wrong with that train jesus christ his pain is definitely in pain oh yeah a little salute there for those of you who had common sense and muted because i know if i was on the other end i'd be there like yes give me the pain give me the derailing train retro boomin thank you very much for the sub oh god what have i done no no no no i don't want to start a game what did what did we go into no i i think i would pick the right option but for fx sake it's all cut off at the end the real some shady thank you very much for the bits i assure you though they are not i have shovels for hands i don't know can everyone just do this is this the same like as you say say the name sarah thank you so much for the sub like can you cover your face with your hand i can kind of do that so if you could do that that would be great just telling me give me some feedback beautiful love thank you for the cheer sorry muffin you're still censored i didn't get a chance to fix it i'm sorry a second let me try sarah ellie thank you so much for those 10 gifted subs again all right let me see let me see hold on hold on hold on hold on i can fix this i can fix this i got to do this from often i said i would all right let me see carol thank you very much for this song i am doing well unfortunately my train isn't my train is so hurt right now i really think for the bits as well does this mean grog now oh don't get ahead of yourself now just because you're regulars in the stream doesn't mean you get spoilers now and it's not because i haven't you know totally figured out the thing in my head at all i just don't want to spoil it the real slim shady thank you again yeah i imagine that's what it does sound like when your soul is ripped from your body like when a dementor takes you that's what it sounds like and i thank you very much for this up there as well appreciate it um i'm just looking for the censorship options if i can uh wait more maybe uh oh god maybe this oh god gracie thank you very much for that sub as well um and a b favorite of the bits as well oh that's that is great to hear you in the morning you're going to sound like that train when you're just destroyed you'll wake and do that jazz thank you out of it i'm really sorry oh dear that was probably one of the worst we've had in a while jennica thank you very much for the sum at least you didn't get the double megaphones this time there's always that you know you can you can say you you didn't get it as worse as you could have gotten it um i'm gonna try and change this one second athens thank you very much for the sub as well thank you so much i pride myself on how moist my tongue is uh extreme elements uh since it's turg thank you for the sub um okay let me see uh there maria thank you for the gifted sub as well um spam filters okay there we go sensor there you go we should be here biggie thank you very much for the sub appreciate that um oh [ __ ] sake why is this guy's this guy's name is sensor so i'm looking up sensor it's coming up beautiful muffin thank you for the cheer as well i don't know what i'll do once this meme is that you see you pretended you hate it but um yeah when it's gone you're gonna you're gonna miss it um let's see i honestly you might have to keep it for now because i can't seem to find it but i think we might be [ __ ] stuck with it to be honest uh randa rook thank you very much for the sub appreciate that settings yeah i i found settings but it's not okay you know what i might have to continue to be censored for now i apologize i look for it off stream jacob thank you hey jacob i should say thank you so much for the bits as well um what did you say that i missed it i'm watching on my tv you're trying to scare my cats away you know they won't come back i'm so sorry karina of time thank you for the song but i did warn them to be fair they just wouldn't listen okay so what we're doing today alessandra j thank you very much for the cheer happy birthday to your mom i hope she's had a good day uh we're going to start a new game we're going to start from scratch i need a name for the studio people moth thank you for the bits long archy bargy furby scarf you see i saw these in the chat before i started but i don't understand what you're talking about mary valentine thank you for the the song long live the cult indeed indeed uh fex studio the cult cult productions maybe how about that um uh chats thank you for the bits as well hello kevin so i should say kev out that's such a good idea i think i'll go with the toilet for the picture nixie thank you for the sub thank you for the kind words as well um not occult productions i like that i like that grandma pirate thank you for the bits as well just don't it's bet it's better not a cold production seems to be popular let me go with that adoring faves thank you so much adoring our faves thank you so much for the bits and thank you for the kind messages well that's very nice see um all right what's our name the cult the real some shady day for the bits uh thank you very much yeah i'm i'm thriving for sure um and beautiful muffin thank you for the bits as well hey maybe i should have gone forward a bit viprop thank you very much for the sub i might actually um say i might actually restart that just to put it uh a little bit further what uh jelly thank you very much for the sub as well um i i want to put it a bit further on in the game because it's uh oh oh [ __ ] it saved it uh and dan the men's thank you very much for the bits my thumbs really thank you that was very generous on top of what you already gave at pink pig thank you for very much for the cheer as well your videos are literally haunting my dreams that is always what i strive for thank you very much um i'm i think the toilet is probably our best call for this uh shiny penguin thank you very much for the sub where's the toilet can someone tell me where the toilet is there we go okay can wait there's no option for year really do i have to go into sandbox a jaded sapphire thingy for the bits as well leave me alone okay don't judge my fashion senses down the hall to the left thank you uh yeah i'm gonna just start a sandbox game because there's not enough things to mess with in uh in the normal game when you start in the 1920s okay sandbox great so we'll start in the 60s we'll start with 100 grand actually yeah 100 grand that's fine or million a million yeah that's great instant movie making uh oh my god my lips bleeding really bad jacob thank you very much for the cheer oh sweden's great i i love it was that good [Music] okay i think that'll do me uh delta thank you very much for the sub appreciate it uh all right i think we're good to go um i i am wanna is that it thank you very much for the sub all right so uh [ __ ] jones thank you very much for the bits jesus christ thank you for all the support guys when can i take my hand off my face not yet it's against everything you've been hearing since this whole culvert thing started you can't take it off uh exolexic thank you so much for the donation yeah i don't understand what's happening with these uh random compliments but thank you uh it tastes a danish stinky thank you very much for the sub hey i'm just going to tweet out the stream real quick and then we're going to we're going to start i am live and making movies uh potluck thank you very much for the gifted sub there as well um let's see uh we need just my link now uh slim shady thank you very much for the cheer i will hydrate my lips with rum in just a second when i pour my drink uh uh dan the man's thank you very much for it cheers corny is thick as [ __ ] god that is a unique sentence if i've ever seen one beautiful muffin thank you for the cheer as well um okay there we go there's my tweet and now i'll just make a post over on youtube i think we're good dirty others thank you very much for the cheer i don't know what to say to that thank her for me i guess trustee mccool thank you very much for the sub and exo lexi thank you for 10 gifted sobs that is far too generous okay that's posted great let's get started making horrible horrible movies together maria thank you very much for the sub okay so what we want to do is get some movie stars and we're going to make i think a lot of small movies rather than one big one um sketchy thank you very much for the bits yeah this is like the ultimate goal of evil um right let's hire some stars uh thank you again next alexi for those 10 subs that was far too generous okay so you can create actor uh and then i think you can also import star so we got jim pickens here we'll get jim pickens in anyway should we try and oh wait you can't make them in the game i would have done it before i was gonna say can we make turg but can't now it's too late uh nikki knox thank you very much for the sub i'm going to pour out a rum in all of your honors okay that's more than a rum it's a bit too much upset go thank you for the bits as well wait i thought i did did i not yeah well people will know that that that that's what we really are when they see the quality of our movies casey thank you very much for the sub all right god i can just taste blood mr cataclysm thank you very much for the donation there and uh and rick richt i want to say thank you very much for the sub as well lovely rum today spiced rum it is coconut rum it's malibu okay so uh we got jog manson monster soda pop thank you very much it's sort of thank you very much for the cheer thank you very much if that was actually genuine thank you pee pee dub thank you for the chair i kind of agree with you i'm not gonna lie um let's get some random stars in you'll be your director you'll be our actor amy jane thank you very much for the bits i love this game as well i've talked to a few people recently who have been like i love this game and i was like i thought i was the only one exolexic thank you so much for the gifted stuff there as well um right so as opposed to how we did them in the youtube videos now this is like an actual studio with a budget so we could go bankrupt so we got to make some good movies and ideally they need to be somewhat medium to short in length because we're going to make a few rather than just one big one because a one big one is a terrible way to play this game if you're actually trying to stay in business it doesn't work so let's get our script going that's the the most fun part and of course watching it at the end uh i just need to get used to the layout of this i've picked a ready build studio so we already are good to go i just need to find out where the script is written i might need to buy um let's see no it's not under that many i need to buy custom script writing office there we go that's what i need how do i turn okay there wait i can't build there okay and there connect that up now doesn't that look lovely beautiful muffin thank you very much if i'm included in the movie as a freedom fighter i will accept this he couldn't have apology for the censorship i'll include you just as a censorship back going across the screen censoring something else um right let's see what we're gonna do so what's our first movie uh genre gonna be guys i need to i need a genre please ah that's a good rum happy birthday i thought that's what you were picking this year that's your genre kelsey thank you very much for the tip and hey kevin i'm sorry i couldn't watch your live stream tuesday hope this helps thank you very much for that also i know you'll make a plot twist that and the chamberlain can be jealous of well that's that's the dream anyway alana may thank you very much for the some horror romantic horror horror romance i'm liking horror romance i think it's an untapped genre there's a gap in the market because well there's no one there uh trevalens thank you very much for the sum okay lead is jim pickens wait the lead is jim pickens there you go you can be supporting now you just got downgraded it's a horror romance everyone uh will jim i guess jim pickens will play the um let's put it under horror but it's gonna be hard on romance we'll do a detailed structure remember these have to be kind of short and snappy so we're gonna make a few of them girl with the plum bob tattoo thank you very much for the bit thank you i don't know why everyone's complimenting me today but thank you guys my ego is inflating you can probably hear that over the mic the compressor might be cancelling it out and so jim pickens is going to be our hero um but i think it makes more sense if uh wait if we can like um put him can we look at that why is it so cut off i might have to change this violet indigo thank you very much for the bits as well uh i had fun on all my streams i enjoyed them all it was uh i i i don't think i've had a bad stream since i restarted doing them why is he so far up like we can't even [ __ ] see what he's doing i i think it would just suit the thing better if he was like a damsel in distress so that's the look i'm going for a beef thank you very much for the bits oh no yeah aren't you better you you awoke something there the the memories that i'd repressed sarah thank you very much for the sub as well okay get rid of the facial hair completely can you stop moving please like i'm oh my god that smile is terrifying like you can't even see his [ __ ] head can i zoom out or something raven thank you very much for the bits or yeah for the bits there i almost said donation thank you very much for the kind words i think i might have to um restart this game uh and i might be better off now uh how do i [ __ ] quit uh mr mckrish thank you very much for the song um because i can't [ __ ] see anything uh let's see okay the the top and bottom are cut off and you save game save game there we go that's easy just to make it a bit easy on ourselves and we can actually see the [ __ ] menu uh den the men's thank you very much for the cheer oh god i'm sorry he probably hates me he texted me very confused well shout out to your brother don't worry it only gets worse thank you very much for the cheer as well there a ghost master was one that i didn't actually see before but uh i really enjoyed it it was a suggestion actually um that i got uh full screen one yeah this game is so old you can't actually um uh you can't just do it on options you gotta do it through the reg edit uh right hopefully that'll be a bit better display capture let's see dora thank you so much for the generous donation that is very kind of you um that's our funding for the movie i think i think we could make this movie on 25 euros thank you very much for that okay there we go this should be fine why paint i just paint in my spare time uh dan the man see mancito is that how you say dan the mancito or dan the man i'll just call you dan the man it's probably the easiest one thank you so much for that gifted song i hope that's your brother you don't be leaving them out um all right this this should be a bit better now lower game sorry about the uh the delay in starting our movies just go with dan the man perfect okay that makes it easier on me right okay here we go so uh come up with a title for me people i need a title and i'm not creative so you're gonna have to do it for me at least they can see everything and it's going to be a horror structure is detailed um and we'll get him back into wardrobe uh my pet wheelchair thank you very much for the sub a bit of a strange choice in pet there but you know whatever whatever does it for you um damsel in distress jim pickens so this is smart yes sorry you're getting censored there but thank you for the bits here are my monthly call dues also this is the first saturday stream i've been able to catch in ages and i'm ecstatic great i love the saturday streams i think they're um i think they're really fun ron trunk thank you for the sub that is a that's a great name for today um when he got round handle the round handle kaylee thank you very much for the bits as well bring that killjoy for a cameo if it was easier to do cameos in this game it'd be great but you can only have three stars have wear the same outfit the round handle is really winning gaming hq thank you for the sub uh so we might go with round handle uh right now we need uh a costume damsel in distress and what shouts damsel in distress j ross thank you for the generous donation i love your streams of videos thank you very much for that i appreciate it [Music] i'm not seeing damsel in distress here i guess the towel maybe that could work 40s dresses is four was 40 dressed there oh wait there you go lovely perfect good call i don't know much about fashion but i'm doing the wardrobe so we can keep a decent budget so i'll figure this out i think that looks good uh ring shore yeah there you go and some tights yeah why not shoes i can't even see i can't [ __ ] see all right we'll just hope they're good uh makeup shape what does that even mean what does the makeup shape mean oh god i think it just looks more scary than anything what if we can change the color there you go uh i think that's good maybe some glasses maybe not change your iris for this movie please there we go now you look cute and nails please thank you for holding them up i appreciate that luke thank you for the donation thank you very much for the kind words as well also i hope you appreciate the one-fifth of my weekly alcohol alerts thank you very much for that right there we go jim pickens as uh let's say scared girl very creative okay and we need the monster she's gonna play the monster shanty thank you very much for the bits as well i'm glad to hear that thank you um why is this in such a suggestive pose like even in the picture pogo thank you so much for the gift itself you're far too kind and chaotic good sim thank you for the sub as well i think chicken the chicken okay the chicken is cow good sim thank you again if you think that's scary i mean it's kind of scary to me i already told you my my duck costume or my duck story i don't have a dog costume i swear um right we're gonna call it chicken nugget uh and this will be the hero of the story uh be it be dinners thank you very much for the cheer as well i'm sorry you're going through a a rough time but i hope you're doing as well as you can be i'm glad i can be a little bit of a distraction for you that's um really nice to hear but yeah i hope you're doing better and if not i hope you'll do better very soon um right we need a hero we're holding out for a hero if you will the wild uh the waldron hulk thank you very much for the gifted sub there as well what's kind of a hero outfit um uh the wandering hawk thank you for the further gifted sub that's kind of cool that's something a hero might wear or like something like that um maybe a cowboy for some reason not really sure why the towel you think the towel would look manly um a beard buddy thank you for the sub and jen m thank you so much for 10 gifted subs that's super kind thank you guys for all the support i appreciate it that's so kind thank you so much okay you really want the towel i'm going with towel cap down uh jenna thank you so much for those subs that is super super generous of you thank you very much uh lou murphy thank you for the cheer as well i am enjoying the malibu i really like malibu where's the towel i must have gotten past it olivia rose thank you for the 10 gifted subs as well fec in hell folks thank you very much olivia that is super kind to you thank you must have passed that so many times because i was looking at the chat olivia thank you very much for that that's super kind to you i'm not sure where we're going with this character charitable coffee maker thank you very much for the sum yeah i i don't know what's going on oh you can change the color of the towel no i kind of like the yellow um there you go is that a hero oh my god what what the hell is that we need him to look cool cool there you go that is a hero let us thank you very much for the self as well appreciate that uh okay that kind of works to be fair given that he's doing a towel and they match and everything teal thank you very much for the donation sorry sorry dill for the the sound there the the screaming it was the hype train said trash goblin thank you so much for the five gifted subs that's super kind to you thank you so much and tasty ruth thank you for the sub and hand jobs thank you for the donation as well and the kind words all right like sake um but sad trash goblin thank you that was super generous of you as well thank you um what was the title again or the round the round wheel don't know how we're going to incorporate this but all right here we go so we don't have as many sets as we would usually have but i think we have enough to make it work we got some horror ones it's great uh megamiss thank you very much for the sub there as well okay so how oh wait what oh the round oh [ __ ] hold on maybe i can still change it i made it the round we oh no okay look it's going to be a spin-off a spin-off you know the round handle all right that's what we're doing till thank you for that donation again uh or different on asian actually thank you so much because 789 thank you for the resub and megamiss thank you for that sub as well okay this is officially a horror i've named it wrong i can't change it now as far as i know so we're stuck with that luke thank you for the donation too also i have an idea for a movie night video get ready airplane mode featuring logan paul oh i don't know that might be too bad to sit through that would be tough uh martin thank you very much for the sub as well yeah we're working on a few masterpieces this isn't going to be that long because we want to make a few of them um all right where does it spawn from the stage is very versatile we could use the stage or maybe how can the the monster appear in an urban shabby hotel room yes perfect that's where he could spawn kimberly thank you for the sub so we'll say hmm loving okay it's the two people the damsel and the the the hero so there let's get some let's get some loving going um so can i is it just loving can i not couple kiss no we need something more more steamy to bring them in wtf uh janelle thank you very much for the sub there there's got to be something like a monster surprise what is that a romantic moment is ruined by a monster that is extremely fitting no it's not what it's no who's crying oh it's just an extra yeah sure throw an extra in there great um and we need what is it the hero here okay great and now the towels make sense you see it all works perfect yummy and there comes the monster which plays the monster again it's her right okay so now you actually get to see more about the actual making of the movies here i don't know it's just an option for an extra to just be lying on the bed i guess i'm going to put them in uh yeah pause put in that ex he it still doesn't make sense yeah to be fair it doesn't really make sense so these are different options you can get so horrific surprise vampire werewolf robot alien a zombie let's see what robot does richard rose thank you for the cheer can you put the same actor in multiple roles you can't unfortunately thank you for the happy birthday ridgid rose the director is like um can you do it less rigid maybe a bit more natural like take two okay all right fine we'll roll with it oh i can use my megaphone now for the the director's speak so every time i'm talking as the director i can use this cut oh my god it's so [ __ ] loud this is the weirdest portal [Music] all right let's see urban shabby hotel room uh angry mom thank you very much for the sum uh let's see can we do lovers break up apply makeup or we're looking for something good here that'll that'll fit in the bedroom are perfect okay yeah i like that the chaos thank you for the song and thank you for joining me as well steamy what are we going to get oh look at this olivia rose thank you for the cheer this is definitely not safe for work what is that trust jesus christ okay so they start making out and then this guy is uh he's he's upset wait what the hell it's the chicken i see i was like why can we not see okay he's he's upset angry legal weapon thank you for the sub okay so that's the intro to our movie he's very angry so this is actually taking a bit of a turn sir thank you for the sub um sure what's going on [Laughter] charlie thank you very much for the cheer thank you very much um i don't i don't really know what to do what do we do here madison thank you very much for the song okay they have a little fight and then jim or damsel in distress is crying here this person can be pondering over here for some reason this is very intense cranky thank you very much for the sub okay and then they they they get taken away the monsters search monster monsters move monster sneak fight monster monster chase all right um i think we can do a leave okay leave cranky emu thank you very much for the sub um okay maybe i can't uh oh exit exit carry okay great no you're mixing up the rolls on me here okay and then i like i don't know what's actually happening here because the you know what i'm gonna delete a scene i'm gonna i'm gonna remove this one the bedroom romance with the the dock because it doesn't really make any sense even by our standards poor ragnarok thank you for the sub and captain hassie thank you for the bits uh no i don't think the snp live thing would be for me to be honest not really my style um sad yeah there we go so we'll move that it's all making sense now you see you can save a movie in post all right so we'll remove that and then they get kidnapped and then there's a big chase scene that's what's important there's a pursuit now so traveling automobile i i don't know why he just like let her get away like that but that's okay i guess mary valentine thank you so much for the cheer um oh thank you very much for the happy birthday bits even though it is my birthday but i hope you're i i hope you have the money for that i hope you're not giving me something you need um okay yeah i think that that would be a good scene but we need another scene before it and and we need to change some stuff around so jim is driving the car and this will all make sense in post it honestly will okay we'll make we'll make sense of this so this this doesn't make [ __ ] sense at all raven that you really cheered as well it is not my birthday but thank you okay yeah this this this isn't gonna make sense um so jim needs to be driving wait jim come on all right and then that geez monster okay and then that goes in front of that so now he's jogging along next to them i guess and they they they turn up in um um the exterior yeah the the shack exterior perfect yeah because you might want to down your drinks if you want this to make sense okay um violence is there anything my car give me a car oh sorry about that um okay car pull up care stop walk car talk car reveal avery thank you very much for the sub uh car arrive there we go that'll do i think it's a different car but oh well it's a different car actually it might be the same the round wheel it all makes sense because there's a car the round wheel it's called because it's a major plot point that's scared wait what guys thank you very much for the cheer okay and then they have an encounter in the shack uh i guess i'd i don't know i don't really know axe door there we go i'm gonna leave out some points the audience is smart enough to know that they went inside uh and then we need the hero where's the hero he's here god he's gonna be famous after this wait okay he's inside i think yeah he's he's actually knocking down the door from the inside but the audience won't know that they're not smart enough to know there are some issues with this production i kind of like oh they're smart enough to figure it out and then two seconds later i'm like they're not smart enough to realize violet thank you very much for the cheer as well uh you have some rom i have a lot of ram if you want to understand what's going on here um okay monster chase um no that won't work uh use computer i think that's good that's relatable because a lot of people use computers nowadays so he's going to use computer mood is i mean it doesn't really matter because it's a chicken we can't really see positive results okay and let's let's bring oh look at that look at that for exquisite here put this person in the background it just adds a sense to the world why are there so many extras i don't know axmur thank you very much for the sub okay great so then um hold on okay wait i think i think i've figured it out yeah i think i figured it out okay yeah i know where the story is going now yeah okay yeah we've got it we've got it okay so what happens is you you we see him on the computer right actually we we could fill this in to put jim in the background now so they're in the thing this is after they arrive okay okay let's try to figure out his own story i know tara this is a tough one so what we have here is they arrive in the car then it goes to this computer scene because the chicken's setting up a dating profile behind jim's back i don't know why you care and then a guy arrives because he's seen his profile and he's like wow that chick is hot that line's gonna be in the movie and then they uh they kiss so we'll get a loving one here my dexter thank you for the sub so let's see um screen kiss romantic moment uh okay yes that that might be good romantic proposition yes that's good [Music] this is great so then smartass thank you very much for watching for the bits the that is uh it's very funny thank you thank you for that that's pretty kind to you reaction captivated i guess um and the chicken should be this one and now we should have him okay yeah because he comes in i don't know why he cuts down the door still it's me the wong thank you for the resell as well i wish i was a hot chick i mean yeah i mean it's pretty good i'm gonna put wait what was that weird handshake i want to put jim in the background on the paper oh my god what is going on drake thank you for the bits i'm glad you're enjoying it okay and then jim is shocked by this um i guess can i just look at charlotte grammary thank you very much for the the sub there shock damn it um rats vampire trouble thank you very much for the cheer yeah i think so i think so um okay we need we need a reaction to this earl thank you very much for the cheer let's see here marry at the end that's the plan anyway oh wait hold on okay wait yeah actually maybe they could marry now that's a great idea conal thank you very much for the sub okay let's go to the stage and uh mary cozmo thank you very much for the cheer yeah you just have to a weightlifter poser that'll work perfect actually you're just gonna have to go along with this moniker thank you very much for the sub and sad trash goblin thank you for the result as well okay this is the training montage of um i like how you can see the floor of the stage of when the they're gonna get revenge so let's see here goblin thanks again for that uh is it wedding i think it's wedding no not wedding i swear i saw it a while ago let's just try okay maybe it doesn't do parts uh loving i swear i saw it just a while ago uh proposal no waiting there we go okay uh you go there and yeah that's that's just fine um okay yes this is great let's see where's the objection where's the objection oh this person okay that that's gonna be that's gonna be gem so the workout actually comes before before that and then there's the wedding and then there's the big fight because of the um you know the the betrayal because she wanted to marry the chicken all right so there's obviously a big a big fight here elena thank you very much for the piss yeah i think this is um i won't spoil i was gonna spoil something else but i'm pretty sure it's old but i will but uh as a popular show has a wedding like this this is gonna mimic them pogo thank you very much for the gift itself you're very kind as always okay there we go there you go and then there's a big fight uh shack interior this is this is this is good work honestly this is really good uh watch out dog thank you very much for so i imagine it will oh nayuf didn't get any results for some reason let's try a knife instead oh god damn it let's try fight fight monster fist fight no we need a good one let's just try fight extreme oh look at that that's what we want i don't know why they put away the knife again which one are they murdering the monster or the i don't know thank you very much for the sum um yeah i i think that's good actually and i wa i want someone in the this extra spot of the the binoculars and also i want another person to be in that other extra spot of at the window so this is the person looking out the window binoculars and a person right next to them leaving thank you very much for the gifted sub there as well all right do we want that camera that camera that camera oh there we go a nice wide angle shot that's what we want uh i can't read your name with that [ __ ] thing leafy nog thank you very much for the gifted song um all right that's good and then oh maybe a death in arms or something yes yes okay this is great yes perfect so then they're devastated because he died kissing and then um yes okay this is th this is good uh then they go to um the starship i think yeah because the the duck is an alien of course um and then was it wedding i can't remember what that scene was lovely i look in the chat you're like oh of course raven thank you very much for the cheer and [ __ ] got weird i like how it changed it the kitten got weird um uh okay admire baby but before that uh hilda attacks thank you very much for the sub and seagull punch thank you very much for the sub as well so before that they go to where's the hotel we have the hotel we do lefty lime thank you very much for the stop as well um and it was under romance right loving uh suggested off we need oh leave in bed no massage making out um i think this could be like a box thank you very much for the song so they start making out but like i want this to be like really unnecessarily long like super long angry batman thank you for the sub appreciate that oh bad surprise perfect and more loving let's see um i want that in there that could be a cute scene actually um yeah i like that okay we'll put that in there because everyone likes dogs um guys thank you very much for the cheer i will cheers to you oh god bless you if you have to watch this one sober it's gonna be an interesting movie um bedroom romance and i think it gets steamy up in here yeah there we go i think the dog comes afterwards and then more romance uh let's see what else can we do um leave in bed the letter proposal massage yeah there we go oh look at that wait no he's dead hold on you you aren't in the movie anymore what the hell is going on here hi stan sterling thank you very much for the bits okay uh and then they have the baby and oh god i need i i need a scene of the the spaceship flying away but i don't think we have it yet god damn it okay maybe we can do this uh no this won't work at all okay just more loving scenes than instead it's a romance okay this is what people want when they look for romance only one of those 1000 iq will get this movie yeah you honestly you need to be really smart to get it if you don't get it you're probably not very smart so you should probably pretend that you get it um let's see uh more making out i think would be good steamy yeah there you go and i think one more scene in the hotel room will will get us there to where we want to be um okay carry person yeah that's that's perfect no wrong person again and i think we're done yeah i really like this giant thing thank you very much for the sum okay rescue neutral um angry dead no uh there you go that's what i'd like to see because you can get some extras in here cindy thank you very much for the so i'm just gonna have this person here and uh we're gonna have this person sitting here that's great i like that okay perfect we're done ah grace you get it good i don't know why you wrote brackets afterwards you don't get it but i'm glad to see that you got it okay ready for casting and we need what else do we need we need sets we need extras we need crew and a director oh yeah because i put my director in the film i think did i oh no no wait hold on there we go i need some crew please and we'll be doing the voices yeah that's when it'll all really come together then you'll start to understand everything okay now where where's the crew i think i need five all for that one like dolly shot that we had in the shack on the computer for no reason that's where half our budget is going we need two extras um you want to be a janitor no you got moxie kid you're gonna be an extra in hollywood if i can find where to hire you okay over here extra great and then we just need the set so start that starship bridge is usually one scene it's so unnecessary habib thank you very much for the bits no a desperation for physical contact no no no this this is a good movie you like this you're like oh yeah i do actually now that you mention it i really like this film shack interior there we go build that there um god cat thank you very much for the sub um we didn't use that in the end i was going to starship bridge one i think we used this one at least i hope we did it's building it anyway and oh we need this post-production office for our voices afterwards anyway you're gonna love it like we're gonna add in so much context it's actually gonna make more sense than you could possibly imagine when we add in the context they're really really gonna love it okay what else do i need i think oh we need the stage for that again one scene it's so [ __ ] unnecessary uh where is it though stage okay perfect perfect we ready to shoot yes shoot i don't know if they do it automatically i don't think they do so we're gonna have to keep an eye on them okay this i i'll have to connect all these feken sets so they can actually get around but i'll just do it as lazily as i possibly can you like that okay i think they're all connected uh dan the man thank you for the cheer again called propaganda piece perfect that's a good idea he can do that jim pickens standing up against tyranny in all forms okay great now they uh actually wait what is happening to him oh i thought he was drunk or something already i was like jesus christ okay fast forward fantastic this is the type of movie that leaves you unsettled and confused and yet you just want to watch it again and again we'll see if you want to watch it again and again when it's actually made we will really see about that the thing is we're gonna have to figure out the lines and everything usually i just kind of start recording and we'll we'll make it up as we go kind of thing moving around the lines is a bit annoying in this game i probably should have put it on instant for the movie making but i think it's too late for this one now we can always start a new studio after this one if we want to do that for the next movies we could do them instant god damn look at the state of that that chicken on the phone i didn't realize that no i said that extras on the phone not alexa okay good it's stopped it's light now can we have a dvd of all the movies kevin makes i don't think you want that circus cupcake hey can you upload the finished movies to jim's youtube channel it's not a bad idea actually i do want that no you don't sometimes you don't know what you really want and you definitely don't want that we're already done we're on 4 out of 23 so not too bad no we i didn't get the plaque yet i think the whole um covid situation kind of delayed youtube because there was a lot of stuff that wasn't getting done on youtube uh ruber boyd thank you very much for the resub hey kevin love your content [ __ ] loads also facts here you're the kind of person i like you got a spot in my next movie you're like oh [ __ ] i don't know how do i get a refund how do i take it back abigail thank you very much for the cheer as well i'm two tequila shots in i've gotta say that's one hot chick we gotta remember to put that line in wait why is it a military vehicle i could have sworn it was a taxi maybe i'm wrong look at that for realism this is the 60s so maybe maybe that is good i don't know it was a taxi yeah i thought it was who knows slimy people thank you very much for the cheer as well future movie name pitch jim pickens and the knights of the round handle this is a very good name for a movie all right at least no one's like abusing alcohol or drugs or whatever because if they do that the movie production slows down a lot like we are kind of blasting through it to be fair we're a quarter done already ah i stand sterling thank you so much for the five gifted subs thank you so much thank you very much for that it's very kind here violet indigo thank you for the cheer as well yeah yeah sorry i i'm not uh very good at uh you know helping with the trauma or anything i'm just showing how i deal with it and and drink i feel like is a good solution for this movie but maybe it doesn't work for everyone anywhere i can download this game i'm not actually sure cater caramel thank you very much for the song um i don't have the case here now but i legit own these games but i still had to download them um for them to actually work and i had to get like a patch or something i don't know it was kind of awkward to get working uh miss bethany's thank you for the gifted sub you're always far too kind thank you very much for that oh oh she's creaky exolexic name for the cheer as well we want you to define us we're serious about wanting you to blind us with the glory of these films too oh my god maybe at some point we can use or maybe in the next one we can have like a character that like i voiced using the megaphone that and horrible panda thank you very much for the sub it's like that's just their voice jesus christ and jolly why are you why are you game shaming me in the chat see this is why i sent jolly hate messages he's talking no stop talking you you're supposed to be shooting the film he's just a [ __ ] oh no he's the director i thought he was the extra in the background as well with so many extras oh yeah this is where he's breaking into the cabin from the inside lord jim jim thank you so much for fighting with these subs you're far too generous as always that's very kindly thank you very much you're always far too kind um yeah i don't know what's going on with that break in with an axe it doesn't make any sense a narrator with a megaphone oh that might be good i just think like it could be like the you know with the with a megaphone some a really stupid character trying to think what our next film can be like genre wise i think the propaganda thing is a good idea round handled thank you so much for the five bucks that's really kind here i love how the clapping sounds when no one's clapping yeah i know right using joe voice i don't what voices should each of these characters have i usually do as a jim pickens with a really monotone bad actor voice but i guess he'll have to have a female voice for this so we'll do like a mickey mouse style voice for him um i don't know what the the monster should sound like just like i guess quacking and in between speaking um and the hero could be joe i think that would be good joe would be good for the chick you reckon should it should it be clocking and uh and joe for the chicken hey thank you very much for the sub there as well so plucking chicken donald duck how does donald duck sailing you're like wow wow wow drowning um who else could we have i suspect i saw you thank you for the bits new drinking take a shot every time you insist let's try too kindly that's far too kindly thank you for the bits i saw the chat just go i'm the joker baby it's like one of my favorite clips that no one's heard of i'm so glad so many of you have heard it because a lot of people i know haven't seen that clip and it's just so funny to me okay how about this then the the hero of the story quacks but the duck does not the duck like joe swanson or at least my interpretation of him and the main character has like a female voice that sounds like a good plan to me lamo thank you very much for the stop okay perfect that's the plan then i like that we have unanimous support on this donald dying duck okay we've got our plan and don't worry the film is over halfway shot now so we're on track to actually make the bloody thing in post-production do i need more booze for this violet yes yes you do you need to go right now and get yourself more drink you're sitting there like seven acre bombs even then you need more just use the computer default voice i wish i could but you need to actually record it and i'd i'd have to like make my speaker why is jim pigeons just floating away what the [ __ ] okay they're drunk by the way what the hell are they doing jim please come on you've been in a dress for one day it's really not that hard okay he's drunk now too great what's the red exclamation point on the left i think when that comes up they're just doing something stupid uh or they're like they're stressed now there's something critical about their situation essentially um jim pickens is an alcoholic on their first first film can't blame them i guess when you're working on that script you're like oh my jesus christ my career is [ __ ] over before it started i'd probably be the same oh god the director's getting drunk too but i think this guy thinks it's going to be a hit he's committing to this where's the chicken where's the [ __ ] director come here there you go looks a bit different he's playing a damsel in distress oh that's where they attack see when we get to the lovemaking scenes they should just blast through them um because uh pigeons gym cool meeting you at insomnia cool meeting you too i enjoy those insomnia meat officers great disabled sausage thank you very much for the sub um but uh what was they saying earlier and yeah they should blast through them because they'll all be in the same set uh architect thank you very much for the sub as well it's all about the tomatoes is that some sort of riddle yeah my lovemaking scene never lasted long either sketchy sandwich that's funny uh hilda retax thank you very much for the bits got my bachelor's degree today so i'm watching a stream celebration with alcohol obviously well congratulations cheers to you congrats wow kevin you're the most viewed streamer in the movie section whoa i've made it folks so this is what it feels like to have made it huh well i better drink to that um moniker i don't know what time i was born i i have no idea i heard the the whole earth shook so whenever that happened uh this guy's getting drunk again oh i'm unlocking more costumes great and i unlocked more stuff sci-fi [ __ ] great a vast number of costumes great because as the timeline goes on you different [ __ ] happens so the round wheel will release in the fifth of july uh we got farming nation gets [ __ ] whatever that means communism spreads in small agricultural country that works for our cold flick uh so we got an action advanced action research pack coming out few years in the game uh high quality tech yeah i wonder what quality or movie will look like honestly the worse the better i think raven thank you very much for the cheers well you're eight years younger than me that was the year that was the quietest ever will you [ __ ] work he's got to drink again where should he be should be over here come on he's like i did not go to theater school to film this man dressed as a lady i'm making love to this chicken for 10 whole minutes of our movie it's like a third of the movie it's called classic oh my god that could be the name of it it could be cult classic it's called you're literally the only person on twitch actually playing this game the rest of the movie streams are people just streaming movies oh perfect's sake god this is a raunchy flick i think this might be rated r okay is there any way i can view the scene while they're doing it i don't think so that's probably best it's a surprise because the thing is when i do these on youtube oh here's the parent with the dog the dog comforts oh i can view it there we go wow that's great i finally didn't go thank you very much for the cheer yeah i'm trying to but i just didn't want to go too far into it because i still want to make it into theaters you know we need to make our money back the thing is the longer the film in these the less money like profit you can make so it's a bad idea to have it as long as we have realistically the longest you should have is like 10 to 15 scenes i think even 10 is probably more right but uh i always make long ones and they they almost flop for that reason oh look at that massage though do you think your saturday was going to go this way russet thank you very much for the gift itself there appreciate it all films need a dog it's just people get emotionally attached to the dog wait who a rifle a rival joiner stage school where wait that oh wait that's the wrong place hold on why would you want to join this kirk thank you very much for the sub why would you want to join this uh studio i don't understand okay what kind of skills have you got looks physique he's good in comedy sci-fi that's fantastic you can be my new janitor winry thank you very much for the bids uh i believe you were supposed to be premature september 93 had a pretty intense earthquake really didn't know that unhappy at doing menial tasks well you know what you shouldn't come join my studio like honestly no matter what job you got you'd be cleaning up [ __ ] here because everything in this studio is [ __ ] like our movies are [ __ ] our scripts are [ __ ] our production is [ __ ] our sets are [ __ ] everything is [ __ ] so no matter what you were doing were going to be cleaning up a mess we're on the second last scene now i mean what is this star rating relationship went down joy thank you very much for the sub i hope you're getting a lot of joy out of watching this oh god horror is going down in popularity that's not what you want to see not what you want to see at all i don't know why this guy was wearing a special effects costume before that maybe he was using in the last scene jedi fire thank you for the bits as so someone who studies film production at uni the way that the crew are operating makes me want to scream they're doing it totally right this game is very very accurate to the real thing you're probably just learning wrong you can just give up on that school i'll i'll teach everything you need to know from the movies trust me all right it's shooting time for the final scene let's go folks wait why are you here oh no i put in the wrong actor okay the character that is dead is now admiring their baby you know what that's fine because in space they went so high into the sky that they they went into heaven and he's there and also he looked kind of pissed at the baby so it all works out okay they just put the baby prop on the floor violet thank you for the cheer so this is both a snuff film and a money laundering scheme it's a snuff film porno and a money laundering scheme all in one okay where is post-production i'm just bring it to post-production and put our flair on it this is where we get real okay so here are options uh no get rid of that music wait no don't delete the scene um oh my god we have this poor quality film okay so do do they talk here so yeah um so this this they'll be talking and then the monster comes in hello very [ __ ] robots his way in okay um how do i voice this specific character or no i mean i think i record it beforehand and then i do it and then i link it okay how does he sound again oh [ __ ] hold on that's recording hold on why is this crying delete okay so what were their voices again he he quacks for some reason and that that person sounds like yeah a girly voice got it okay okay oh [ __ ] you need to play it okay that's the first line oh that's his dial hook and then hers oh honey i love you too i'd only leave you for some serious hot chick great perfect so we have that line there and then you can link their dialogues oh [ __ ] what oh instead a gorgeous voice you like it already good that's what i like to hear so oh yeah hero there you go lip sync it okay so let's see this is always a bit janky until you process the film but wait what the play why stop recording it's missed my glorious take olivia ross thank you for the bits was that mickey mouse no that was damsel let's just see why is it not recorded second this is very upsetting um see where the settings for the audio uh okay no okay once again we should save it first what the hell have i walked into a glorious film in production okay one second let me just minimize a moment and just make sure all my audio options are off because it's not recording i think it might be detecting a different ah yes it is it's it thinks my vr headset is my main mic okay i had a feeling it was gonna be doing something like that uh disable okay we might need to restart the game real quick i'm just going to do it just to save us messing around okay at least i went to check it because if we'd done the whole thing that would have been horrible i really don't think there's ever a good time to walk in on these streams i think the best option is just don't watch them all right uh the movies there we go yes how are you all i am good jacksepticeye fan i'd be even better if you renamed yourself to call me kevin fan three three four i'm only passing i hope you're well too no we don't we don't lose that uh movie don't worry we just have to uh redub it um oops wait there's online all right i'm not sure what that even means i guess you can just share your movies uh this one and post-production here we go again the thing is i like my first take first take is always the most genuine they never come across as well if you redo them all right delete and let's go let's forward a bit okay there's gonna be an okay in there but it will luke thank you very much for the donation you can fall flat with the irish boys maybe q as well i feel like you could be huge paying that game yeah that would be fun to be fair that would be a good option oh honey i love you i wouldn't leave you unless there was a serious hot chick huh the voice changed for sure but oh well and then you have this line that comes in i'll just play it and then move it around hey i'm a hot chick that's that's all the little intros so we'll put that there that there they might overlap a little bit but that's that's just fine uh so we have where's hero oh god damn it they're all renamed now all of a sudden are they offer oh wait no hold on hold on it's fine link that jennifer thank you for the bits i'm glad you like it um now we need jim pickens okay so let's see how it looks the first take mack thank you very much for the sub let's see oh honey i love you i wouldn't leave you unless there was a serious hot chick huh hey peter i'm a hot chick why can't i hear myself mumbling randomly see let's honey i love you i wouldn't leave you unless there was a serious hot chick huh okay so we need fighting noises from both of them yeah it must have been the extra mumbling was it okay that might have been a bit too loud affect why do i talk at the end of okay let's go again why does it make me play is there a hotkey to play there we go and then we need joe fighting why he says like that well that's fine and why he just screams yeah ain't no [ __ ] sense but oh well so sing that off to him and we'll just overlap them makes no sense so just just to recap what we've done so far wouldn't leave you oh there was a serious hot chick huh hey peter i'm a hot chick wait wait okay that's fine that's sad noises even though it just sounded sloppy okay and then play that's insane why does it keep recording like a little bit after i stop the recording okay that's fine um okay so this is jim pickens in the car you can't hear it one second let me turn it on it's it's really quiet as is so let me try this okay let's try that's pretty quiet to be fair hey i'm a hot chick okay that should be fine all right now we're gonna have to do the scene like two characters but you can't i guess i could try and record them at once that that's probably the best way to do this because otherwise it'll take all night so i have to do both characters one is mickey mouse and one is joe swanson like voice them in between it's gonna make no sense and i don't even know where the dialogue goes okay uh all right let's just start recording yep good thing i got away from that chicken earlier and he didn't follow me at all hey guess what i followed you and what's more i got a gun so you better get driving oh my god okay let's drive to my my house which is a shack in the woods and we can like make out and stuff because i actually think you're kind of a hot chick yeah i'm a real hot chick and everyone loves me and i'd like to get a piece of your ass so bring me to your shack yep all right start dialogue right thank you very much sbc right thank you for the sub as well all right you know what we're not gonna look over that one again we're just gonna keep going and then we'll watch the movie at the end together ribs mcq thank you very much for this song okay all right what happens next okay we see they're driving what do they sound like oh yeah they just quack again like it's hard to make a story with our dialogue when they just quack but we'll try oh honey is that you huh i'm being carjacked i'll meet you at the shack if you wouldn't mind saving me after all your name is hero okay that's fine the director's just like sure whatever just downing is drinking what was that i don't know elena man the church is the top 10 lines you didn't know were improv oh my god excel thank you and just saying why uh elementor thank you very much for the sub there as well okay um and now they're in the woods so why is he why does she have a briefcase okay that's fine i carry thank you so much for five gifted subs it's so kind to you and vampire trouble thank you for the bits as well i'm glad you think it's a blurs film that's what we're going for it's a horror romance you know and the cursed part is the horror like so it all makes sense now um oh good we're here i love it also i love that we changed car a while back yep let me just grab my briefcase full of sex toys that i will be using on you you hot chick all right i like where this is going violet thank you very much for the cheer my mom thinks i have a problem but i'm loving this good i'm glad lancaster thank you very much for the sub as well all right and now we're gonna keep going here we got the computer that is like missing half its screen it's a weird [ __ ] computer okay well why do why is he looking um okay now that i've came and conquered i better start looking for a new potential mate i hope i can find someone as attractive as me [Laughter] i was just like i gotta fill up this empty space so he just screams for no reason i like the phrasing as well but now that i've came and conquered okay and now we gotta make angry quacking noises whatever that sounds like where's my life come to round handle thank you so much for the donation just a little something so you can afford a shelf for all the oscars you're going to win thank you very much round handle uh falcon thank you very much for the bits mr started the stream due to food but so glad i tuned when i did you came at the best part oh jesus christ okay that's fine and the thing is they might not even sync up well because i don't want to re-watch them we want to watch it all together okay so oh no it's a conversation with this dude again i have a guilt thank you very much for the [ __ ] i live by myself and i'm still turning down the volume deep fried quasin do you ever stop and wonder what is your career a lot trust me something after thank you for the bits as well this is amazing when is it releasing on blu-ray i mean look at the quality of it i don't think it's you a remaster or anything um mikey thank you very much for the sum as well it's really kind of new okay so we got some quacking and then i guess joe has to fill in all the blanks from the quacking because there's no [ __ ] dialogue why yes i'd love to marry you you are so attractive and i can't wait to get under that towel there's some extra space to talk here okay that was the case at the end i had to stop myself from talking each time oh my god renee thank you very much for the cheer as well there was a spider cricket black male gold supply i survived i'm glad because you're really gonna need it oh welcome what did i join to it's a comedy or no it's not a comedy there's nothing funny about it it's a romantic horror okay there's parts that are hiring it's spooky you just have to deal with it okay um we're going to need two recordings for this as well so we're going to need some uh music but i i it can't be copyright so we have to go to the zulu perfect that's our music for the scene perfect and now we can we record over that i assume we can well time for my training montage if i want to stop that wedding which i know i must i gotta use these you hear those gunshots those are my biceps and if you can't hear them it's because my biceps are in the way of your ears because they're so freaking huge watch me approach this but probably not lift it that's that scene thank you very much for the bits i'm so confused but i guess i'm in for the long haul at this point you gotta wait for it for the release here nevi thank you very much for the bits i'm glad you see it as a masterpiece i'm worried it might be a bit ahead of its time because this is the 60s after all and the candy soon thank you very much for the i think this is the best the movies movie yet i don't know i set the bar pretty high like they're all kind of masterpieces okay wait i just need to make sure this starts at that time okay that's good enough oh my god how the hell am i gonna set like a dialogue from them all oh my god okay this is fine this is fine i gotta do dialogue between this priest this this doc and then well it's just joe i gotta call him joel so i remember the voices then the doc then the priest again then this extra and the doc which is joe and then they're gonna make out and then there's a freak out between okay this is great this is just fine so what can the priest sound like uh i think he could have well she could have quite a manly voice so hi kyo thank you very much for the song so he could maybe sound like this that might be nice yeah we can give them really terrible voice all right shaggy you think it's shaking this is winx okay the priest is now shaggy oh like the zoinks i can't believe you're about here today like getting married can you believe it scoob i'm so happy for you forgot this voice i forgot what character is doing all right let's try another take i hate second takes but i might just have to do it i can't even remember what i said all right like zoinks i'm so happy to be here marrying my two best friends and you would know that because it was all like hinted at through the movie scoob yeah i can't wait to marry this steaming hunk you said it honey like i now pronounce you a man and doc unless anyone has any objections please can you give me the ring oh i got the ring right here chief i'm gonna give it over to you now mr joe well thank you you've always been my best friend as was set up in the movie i love you too honey you are the light of my life i now pronounce you a man and other possible man in that duck suit wait i can't stand here and let this happen look i choose that the duck is mine i'm gonna stab you now that was so long jesus christ oh christ almighty okay that's i'm dead i guess pink thank you so much for this pink bunny i appreciate that oh my god i need a drink i need more drink for that raven thank you for the cheer applause well done thank you my most challenging work yet i love all the extras as well oh [ __ ] hell i kept forgetting where we were going like what character was coming next and to swap to their voice and [ __ ] pogo thank you so much for 50 subs pogo that was way too kind thank you so much i'm going to give you a cheers thank you so much for that that was way too kind of you i appreciate it you're always far too kind this movie is dedicated to pogo at the very end it'll come up like in memory of pogo they'll be like he died no it's just like like in memory like to remember him [Laughter] so smart i like thank you for the tip a while ago new bird thank you for the tip as well even though that whole dialogue was cursed i got it i gotta give it to you and nailing it thank you new burden that's a very generous donation pogo thank you again that was far too too much super generous of you violet thank you for the bits as well i take back what i said earlier drinking makes this one hundred percent better i still learned smart and smart i like thank you for the tip earlier i just remembered that the first videos of yours that i ever watched were the movies oh that's awesome which somebody translated into long-term support also the movies was before it's time the movies were so good oh sweet jesus okay so it wait oh [ __ ] i didn't realize in this scene he gets back up but i guess he's dead anyway in the next scene oh thank god i can stop doing that quacking it's actually awful pogo thank you so much i've been moved by your vision and performance thank you a lot of people don't understand my hat so i'm glad you get it oh my god i just realized there's like a full what is it like minute of sex scenes that i'm gonna have to voice oh it's gonna be so awful okay um oh so we have this dead scene no i don't know how it's gonna go oh honey i can't believe it you're dying and you're coughing but it's silent for some reason because i imagine quacking in a cough must be really difficult but oh my god i can't believe that you were dying you're still dying okay you're dead i can't believe it oh my god okay so there's they come in and then they start making out i think in this scene i'd be better off just doing the joe parts and then doing the mickey mouse okay let's see here oh [ __ ] i do have more quacking thick all right never mind there's no sense why he's actually he's actually there in the end but um all right ethan thank you so much for the sob i appreciate that so we're gonna voice joel first wow i hope you're ready for this hot chick to get in your bed because you're about to lay lay an egg and you're going to realize who came first the chicken or the egg i can't wait to to kiss you now which is what we're gonna do in this prolonged scene hold on i'm still trying to man up the nerve to kiss you oh my god this is so good oh hey hey jim you're so good oh yeah that's nice oh that's the spot oh my god there's so much tension up there you know my kind of people which are ducks or chickens or whatever this is how we get pregnant [Music] yep i'm probably pregnant i'm taking you away now because you are dead hey you want to look at my baby we're in heaven now by the way that's the end all right now i got a voice the gym is bad i like how everyone in the chat is to say please make it stop all right i think i'm gonna voice the dog as well so we'll have to go over that again because you're about to lay lay an egg and you're going to realize who came first the chicken or the egg i can't wait to to kiss you now which is what we're gonna do in this prolonged scene hold on i'm still trying to man up the nerve to kiss you come here you i love how you're so feathery this is so good oh hey hey jim you're so good oh i haven't denied that he kind of cut over my lines there but i can't believe this is how my career in hollywood went i just oh god i hope this doesn't make the movie i i really just i don't really feel defeated i i'm gonna go nowhere and i i think i'm gonna turn to heroin pupper i'm sorry oh yeah oh you got a lot of stress up here oh that's the spot oh my god there's so much tension up there you know the right kind of people with your ducks or chickens or whatever this is how we get pregnant [Music] yeah i'm probably pregnant i'm taking you away now because you are dead hey you wanna look at my baby it's all okay hey you wanna look at my [Music] baby renee thank you very much for the cheer there i appreciate it no amount of alcohol or therapy could ever on traumatize me from this film this says on the chat wow kevin good job of making me want to die pop luck thank you for the bits as well kevin i'm having a breakdown and drinking does not help please do not voice my cameo as the dog mary valentine thank you very much for the cheer oh my god this is pure madness i'm crying that's great to hear cr24680 thank you for the very much for the sub as well and james thank you for the bits as well kevin i hate it um i missed some as well there i i hope that i thank you for the resolve something after thank you for the bits just saying we need an old priest and a young priest right now winry thank you for the bits uh spooky thank you for the resourcing them that is some hot voice acting thank you very much means the world to me if you got any jobs let me know ethan thank you for the sub back there as well oh my god nevi thank you for the bits as well brb you gotta get my bottle of vodka god knows i need it all right i'm gonna voice the dog what would the dog sound like i'm just gonna wing it you're so good oh [Music] as far as i'm aware pogo thank you so much for the cheer i don't know if i want my name on this hot smart you do can i enter text how oh can i put in text i could put anything in the end like this that's my focus thank you very much for the bits can you christopher walken now he can be in the in the next movie i think can we add text oh we can add text okay um dedicated to and endorsed by pogo okay and where does that come up so let's see [Laughter] i'm gonna put that over the last scene i'm taking you away now because you are dead hey you want to look at my baby all right we're done exporting can we save it i don't i'm so scared now i can't lose this one second save enter uh interest thank you very much for the song sorry i uh i messed up your your name there the round handle there we go i re you see i even corrected the name in post okay now we gotta wait oh god oh jesus christ oh please don't play the audio we don't want to hear the audio okay oh no no no no no no there we go see you can't hear it now can you no we we'll watch the movie properly because this isn't this isn't correct or can we do with this actually yeah maybe we can actually it might save some time if we watch it now that would make more sense actually i'm stupid sorry all right let's see okay export update audio okay you ready settle in folks you ready for this not occult production productions the round wheel we didn't correct that in post wow oh honey i love you i wouldn't leave you unless there was a serious hot chick huh to the premiere the boys that sad noise yep good thing i got away from that chicken earlier and he didn't follow me at all excellent what's more i got a gun so you better get driving oh my god okay let's drive to my my house which is a shack in the woods and we can like make out and stuff because i actually think you're kind of a hot chick yeah i'm a real hot chick and everyone loves me and i'd like to get a piece of your ass so bring me to your shack yep oh honey is that you huh i'm being carjacked i'll meet you at the shack if you wouldn't mind saving me after all your name is hero oh good we're here i love it also i love that we changed car a while back yep let me just grab my briefcase full of sex toys that i will be using on you you hot chick okay now that i've came and conquered i better start looking for a new potential maze i hope i can find someone as attractive as me yes why yes i'd love to marry you you are so attractive and i can't wait to get under that towel there's some extra space to talk here well [Music] uh [Music] like zoinks i'm so happy oh here comes my killer scene marrying my two best friends and you would know that because it was all like hinted at through the movie scoob yeah i can't wait to marry this steaming hunk you said it honey like i now pronounce you a man and doc unless anyone has any objections please can you give me the ring oh i got the ring right here chief i'm gonna give it over to you now mr joe well thank you you've always been my best friend as was set up in the movie i love you too honey you are the light of my life i oh pronounce you a man and other possible man in that duck suit wait i can't stand here and let this happen look i choose that the duck is mine i'm gonna stab you now very good scene that is my oscar-winning scene i think oh no oh honey i can't believe it but it's silent for some reason because i imagine quacking in a cough must be really difficult but oh my god i can't believe that you were dying i'm still dying okay you're dead i can't believe it oh my god this is so i hope you're ready for this hot chick to get in your bed because you're about to lay lay an egg and you're going to realize who came first chicken or the egg i can't wait to kiss you now which is what we're gonna do in this prolonged scene hold on i'm still trying to man up the nerve to kiss you come here [Music] this is so good oh hey hey jim you're so good i would annoy that he kind of cut over my lines there but i can't believe this is how my career in hollywood went i just oh god i hope this doesn't make the movie i really just i don't really feel defeated i i'm going to go nowhere and i i think i'm going to turn to heroin [Music] oh my god there's so much tension up there you know my kind of people which are ducks or chickens or whatever this is how we get pregnant [Music] yeah i'm probably pregnant i'm taking you away now because you are dead hey you want to look at my baby we're in heaven now by the way pogo you endorse some weird stuff but i gotta say that was that was good all right i think this is gonna be a box office hit to be honest with you i really think this is gonna do it wait how is it exported correctly did i save it is everything good yeah okay overwrite i don't know where the dog's voice went which is a big shame i feel like that that kind of ruined that section but it's fine now let me attack a few people before i get my oscar because i got a few bits in there as well so where where were we last thank you very much for all the support guys i really appreciate it um where was i uh excel thank you for the bits so many regrets so little time uh accra acrorable thank you very much for the generous tip there as well even your craziest and weirdest things help me thanks for being amazing brightening my date thank you so much for that peanut butter princess thank you for the resub what did i just walk into like it's hard to explain even with context nikki thank you for the thousand bits you and tequila have made this the most interesting saturday i've had in three months alexandra thank you for the tip as well i'm having a sunglasses whiskey because of this we're knocking further thank you for the bits kevin i don't think there's enough alcohol in the world to survive this you glorious blurs man abigail thank you for the bits right here 100 on rotten tomatoes it's gotta be uh exo-lexic thank you for the bits as well my internet died after he came and conquered he was trying to save me vampire trouble thank you for the bits so do you need an artist for the movie poster because i don't volunteer i think maybe something after thank you for the cheer there i gotta tell my kids this was the notebook raven thank you for the bits kevin this hurts so much i'm going to bed love you and take care have fun good night good night thank you for joining shader thank you for the sub as well oh my god thank you for all the support that's coming in guys sketchy sandwich thank you for the bits i'm not drinking a breakfast i'm just celebrating the release of a movie with my cult i mean friends attend the man thank you for the bits poco is going to be held credibly liable for this pogo thank you for the cheer he came in right after dan's and you just said time to go off the grid toaster scribbles thank you for the result there as well bite my ankles thing for the tip i've been suffering from depression for now five years and nothing has ever made me want to die more than seeing this movie oh my god that is stack i hope you're joking but if you are genuinely suffering i hope you i i hope you do not right like on a serious note but um yeah if that's a dark joke then it's fine peanut butter princess thank you for the bits as well i don't think i want the explanation anyway okay that's good ashley thank you for the cheer as well kevin i've never before wished so strongly that i was at the legal age to drink i have been forever traumatized and no amount of therapy will help nonetheless i cannot deny that i laughed harder just now than i have all week thank you for forever scaring me and thank you for the bits as well i joined a truly haunting time thank you for scaring me or scaring you as well oh my god the support keeps coming in thank you you must have loved that [ __ ] movie christ almighty as jesus christ guys uh shannon thank you for the cheer uh hilde uh hilda ticks hill terror attacks i think it is thank you for the bits about to smash my head into a wall so i can rewatch this mastery piece for the first time again renee thank you for the bits as well how did you get my sex tape trolls a hammer thanks for the sub violet thank you for the bits i have no idea if i like this because i'm drunk or because i've gone insane navy thank you so much for five gifted subs that is way too generous of you thank you very much uh mary valentine thank you for the bits ladies and gentlemen the new david lynch and 20 scooters thank you for the resub and jfs thank you for the bits the last one how was your day my day has been good i mean how can it not be when i just won an oscar i'm so happy with this let's get this released for the public like you saw it on the pre-screening but god damn this is gonna make bank nobel peace prize yeah i think i deserve more than an oscar homie simp joined and just said thank god i missed it you're probably better off oh my god jesus christ novelty value super herb i wonder why round handle thanks for the donation and say i really love the name of the movie it was endorsed by pogo so you can thank him okay so it cost 133 000 to make i don't know if that's good or bad it's not a film that's unlikely to enjoy much box office success bottom drawer direction but we get some good things like the sets used in this movie we're in good condition a movie back to the originality the cast was passable uh stephanie smallwood's appearance is perfect for this horror role not a cult production should build on the promise shown by its first horror flick a few quality moments shine through and otherwise predictable plot a predictable plot come on he didn't watch it he's just cashing in on the paycheck that he's phoning in the job okay let's see how this keeps going here except the moses thank you so much for the sub oh my god so it's a scenario thank you for the bits as well thank you for that work of cinematic magic not a problem i do it because it's out of passion and pogo thank you for the 1000 bits thank you so much you just said slander pogo you did it all right i'm sorry that you endorsed a movie that's likely to flop at the box office it might hurt your credibility but i think the history books will look kindly on you for that [Music] jfess thank you for the bits and again my day has been going well again like when you make a movie like that you can't help but have a good day because you know you've made a difference in the world and the public are just amazed by by what you've created and it's all about like being an artist is finding that idea in your head and just sculpting it it's like clay that you sculpt into a marvelous idea that it translates your thoughts into a beautiful work of art that everyone can understand and digest and really feel something out of it you know yes falling stream thank you so much for the gift it's all yeah it's um it you see the thing is is like if you didn't understand that i i feel sorry for you because you really have an uncultured mind but like if if you understood it could you please say in the chat that you understood and loved the film uh if you didn't understand it then maybe you should say that but you might look kind of stupid if you didn't understand it because i think like big brains understand that that movie so maybe maybe you should say that elementary thank you very much for the cheer i understood and loved the film it's like that's on rotten tomatoes every customer review it's just i understood and loved the film it's like this wasn't paid for at all man thank you for the cheer okay cult members i think it's time to let these critics see what happens when you badmouth the cult socks and locks baby oh my god did we make a profit we've made 80k which is better than i expected all right should we make example did you understand [Laughter] looking forward to this thanks i'm so glad to see so many people understood and loved the film this is definitely not a cult so that's it in the chat mary thank you for the bits this is a five star movie those critics are just ignorant fools with no sensibility exactly exacto mundo uh how how's our movie doing now i'm wondering should we do like another movie that length or like maybe two shorter ones uh i don't care if you quit all right you can quit i don't care i've ruined your reputation already you can't go anywhere else oh my god two shorter yeah i think maybe two shorter okay we'll try and make like 10 scenes or something okay so we'll do um i saw a suggestion there that was quite good as well in the chat um so we could do the call propaganda one and um we could do uh one that is about gorg and the gorg father like we could do a remake of the gorg father um in in our own vision i think that could be quite quite good so i i was thinking about those but we'll start off with the cult one anyway i'm hoping we make a profit on that movie like even though the production cost was 155 we're already down 350 thousand dollars let's let's get into the production so i guess we're just gonna need jim pickens as the the lead as the cult leader oh my god that is a hefty rom jesus christ okay let's get jim in the starring role where are you you're gonna need a bit of a makeover too jim i'm just gonna go with the same stars uh let's see um this person i wish you could put in more roles like you could add in more because then you could have just a lot of different characters but you can only put in three which always pissed me off i don't know how to do anymore i don't know if there's a way okay this is an action i guess um and what was the thing with it yes okay 91 of people understood my film now that's what you call a good film when ninety-one percent of people understand it that is a new record perhaps um it wasn't a difficult film to understand good good uh jim pickens as evil none cult member evil non-called men that'll do and nikki as uh a gucci flip-flops thank you very much for the sub uh nikki as who um i i don't i i guess nicki from app nana yeah that's a good one nikki from appnana there we go that's what you like to see okay let's get you into wardrobe uh let's see things when i was a kid oh they're perfect when i was a kid i used to make like serious films like i try and make actually cool films with stunts and like plot twists and all this julian thank you so much for the resub just wanted to drop in and say hi i hope you're having a good day i am julian thank you very much and uh hilda tax thank you very much for the vids as well i understood and loved the film it's the spiritual successor to i love your videos i watch it all the time i gotta agree there's a hefty rum hold on i need more coke i hope you guys are enjoying the stream i'm really enjoying it i you were a weird kid i kind of was i think i'm weird now um yeah i hope you guys are enjoying the stream because i'm really enjoying it and i i think it's a fun one but uh it i know it's a weird game it's definitely strange but it's something different you know it's a little bit different gen bug thank you very much for the sum um did i miss anyone there i don't think i did um coraville thank you for the bits as well i'm making edited the most chaotic moments of your streams and god this is going in the notes for the edit along with painting those poor cats oh god be sure to tweet that at me uh when you're done it i'd love to see it okay let's zoom in here and lilith thank you so much for the sub and sandra thank you for the sob and skalovan thank you for the sob lots of subs there appreciate it okay i think we need just his normal haircut if we can find it uh sandra thanks again for that sub let's see come on there we go color pogo they are the bits as well i lost my entire investment best experience in my life pogo you gotta spend money to make money all right and i think that film could come back in a few years it could like re-release and make a lot of money so i think you made a good choice today um right facial hair uh come on give me a beard give me a beard all right that there you go that's what you like to see perfect okay that's jim pickens and then we need his glasses uh failures thank you very much for the sub and a hype train incoming i'm going to give you a bit of a we ow a bit of a christopher walken hype train because i think he's going to appear in this movie so got to be ready oh we unlock new glasses great none of them are nice though none of them kind of work honestly the default ones probably worked better than this but where the hell are they okay wait there we go uh fatties thank you very much for the sub hey kev hey to you too how are you doing okay so we got jim pickens time uh lillis thank you so much for five gifted songs really appreciate that that is super nice to you and little i will thank you for the sub as well evil non-cult member okay we gotta make him like an absolute slob there we go little owl thanks for the sub as well i know i already thanked you but you know what i who who cares if they get a double tank that's just being double double thankful then the man thank you so much for five gifted subs you've been so supportive i really appreciate it uh what makes them look the roughest maybe this one i just want them to look really rough rene thank you so much for the bits there as well i just so you know my name is pronounced uh rene of rini is that it either way thanks for curing my depression sorry for mispronouncing your name uh yeehaw and thank you for the sub as well kevin i'm drunk but i just want to say you've made my week and i love you thank you very much uh can we get a tattoo on their face like a skull or something no okay that's disappointing j ross thank you so much for the 10 gifted songs that are super kind to you thank you very much that is far too generous thank you very much for that i really appreciate that thank you um okay i think this is pretty good so far i'm trying to just make them look disheveled okay that that'll do this person will look normal bubble gum thank you so much for those 10 gifted subs as well jesus christ that was super kind to you j ross and bubblegum thank you very much for 10 gifted subs each that is far too kind and you know what i'll give you a little bit of uh a and a level three we ow pogo thank you so much for 25 gifted subs i think you just endorsed another movie thank you so much pogo that is super kind pogo bubblegum and j ross thank you so much for all that support i appreciate you endorsing my movie pogo thanks so much for that though that that you're super super generous you're always so supportive i appreciate it um all right we need this person to just look normal esl janet thank you so much for the sub and lord jim jim thank you for the five gifted subs again always way too generous really appreciate it thank you so much um there we go that'll do they just need to be normal um all right this is uh what was the name we were going to go with i'm sure we came up with a name already a poco endorsed production mermail and thank you so much for 20 gifted subs as well [ __ ] hell i this movie needs a [ __ ] credit scene or it just has all your names crediting you called classic oh that was the name of it yeah called classic there we go uh knocking for thank you for the gifted sub as well jesus christ gang thank you for all the support jesus christ almighty we're already up to level five all right you know what before we start uh mary thank you so much for the cheer yeah you read my mind we ow we should um i think do do our uh are we oust you know cyber thank you very much for the cheer there as well so what we're going to do um i'm going to do the we owes as loud as i can one screaming and then one coming back with a megaphone so um you might want to get ready so i'm going to count three two one on my fingers you might want to mute your audio and i'll give you a salute when it's all clear i'd advise you to mute because it's super freaking loud like you won't believe how loud this is all right so here goes our hype train you ready three two one it was a loud one it was a long train it was carrying a lot of freight boys my ankles thank you so much for the donation there as well now i feel bad for making everyone worried i actually have that sickness but seeing you make horrible sounds over a guy in a chicken costume making out with jim gives me that sweet sweet happy chemical well bite my ankles i hope you're doing all right i hope you feel a lot better soon um genuinely i really hope you do but uh thank you for the kind words as well i appreciate that you you like what we're doing here in our community it means a lot to me i had to do a little salute yeah i did a salute of mid-sentence i realized i didn't do it sorry just two two heroblade thank you so much for the cheer as well um all right so i think a lot of this should take place in a field um we don't have any sort of church or anything pogo thank you so much for the cheer that's your director yelling we out you through the megaphone amy chain thank you for the five gifted subs as well [ __ ] hell that's very kind to you thank you um okay uh i'm trying to think of where it could be a battlefield it could start in a battlefield yeah i wish there was like a superhero uh thing luke thank you very much for the tip there and orion thank you for the sub luke you said before we start i think i need to start smashing back the heavy home proof maybe hello sunny day thank you for the sub alessandra j thank you very much for the five gifted subs there as well that is super kind to you musty seller you like the musty seller okay and then the man thank you for the cheer as well kevin three year in the infantry has already destroyed my hearing oh jesus i'm sorry but don't destroy it more um let's see uh take a bow bounce what can we be doing murder scene rock baby monster howl monologue yeah i think monologue would be a good start deaf and me daddy sketchy thank you for the bits that's a weird angle there we go jfs thank you so much for the cheer oh my god i'm sorry jesus christ uh parallel thank you for the sub as well and mary thank you for the five gifted subs as well jesus christ thank you very much [Music] mary that's very kindly thank you very much i think a medium length this is going to be a long spiel i don't even know what i'm gonna say for that entire thing um musty seller so someone's he's gonna have to come in and be like aggressive and just you know a bad person essentially um sneak flashlight maybe that'll work okay and which one is it is it this guy emma thank you very much for the sub appreciate that okay flashlight mood angry there we go and then what can happen next vampire bite yes okay great vampire bite yeah good suggestion no [ __ ] wrong one is it her i think that's the one oh my god stop it wait why is hold on do i have someone else in this role i don't know all right fine just wear whatever it's totally fine and then him i don't know why he's a vampire thank you very much for the stop um i don't know where this is [ __ ] going all right musty where's musty musty cellar and then there's monster um fight monster there we go which one's the monster i mean that was jim pickens so it could be either wait okay i think that might be the okay yeah i put the wrong person in but you know what that's fine now you can have a re if i can uh watch him call it a makeover i'm not a vampire and then she thanks him for saving where can they be okay wait okay i got an idea i got an idea how we can do this okay um so you know what they're not even going to fight that's just like he's dealt with for the moment so then loving um vader thank you very much for the donation no problem at all it's the least i could do but i was so proud of what we accomplished on tuesday and thank you for the kind words too uh let's see proposal yeah that sounds about right i'm guessing it's this way around well i don't know yeah there we go okay it's perfect and then we get to the where is it why am i blind oh yeah there we go then we get to the love making scene [Laughter] you're like again [Laughter] let's see bedroom romance cheeky no wait wrong person hold on like another oh look at that raunchy raunchy stuff okay perfect daniel thank you very much for the song okay now we gotta go to the field i think or maybe the beach yeah the beach yeah the beach is a good call actually for another lovemaking scene i think uh we could do a couple skip yeah that might be nice yeah that's good that's great [Laughter] and then they go to the field i don't know where this is going where will i go with this to help plea help please violent thank you for the bits i assume your message is positive i don't have time to read it i'm sorry um all right so then we get attacked yeah very good we get attacked in this field i gotta remove her from that so she's just gonna be there oh my god okay perfect um we're going to have to have a fight scene fur daddy thank you very much for the sub uh kung fu shot 3. perfect you can be just oh [ __ ] and where's this dude he's coming back he got he's like oh i didn't actually die more than finn thank you very much for the sub um let's see uh geekbond thank you very much for the stop as well more okay so then they fight and where do we go from here thanks palomas thank you very much for the resolve uh okay and then i think oh wait i think i've got an idea um let's see where could it be yeah it could be back on the beach i might get rid of the earlier beach scene or maybe i could move it around actually okay because i think after this fight after he wins i think there needs to be another love making scene um all right let's see drink there's no love making on the beach tiffany thank you very much for the song i'll ride into sunset that can go at the end anyway um so there's a fight what actually happens in this previous kung fu nothing oh yeah there we go that's more like it um let's go back to that field this movie's checking all over the place where's the field come on give me a field there we go um wasn't this wait i thought oh yeah battles in that's that's what i wanted okay perfect yeah perfect graveyard we're going to the graveyard next um zombie walk perfect this is the when he gets revived again and then they have a shootout on the wild west street so yeah there we go crouch shoot there you go we're building an entire set just for that he gets shot people just going i'm lost again no you'll you'll get it don't worry okay good shot jesus christ there we go and he gets shot and then then we just need a scene where she wants to join the cult sleepy beep thank you so much for the cheer oh thank you so much that's very nice to you uh they have been the highlight of my days recently and always make me smile thank you so much for that um okay we need to show more skin if this is gonna sell but how are we gonna do that bathroom okay great no not shower attack what no i just want someone to shower bath maybe bath horror bat drown no i just want the jim pickens to have a bath for us uh okay i guess they'll just have a love scene in here again um let's see stage run there we go he can be there there you go boshi jones thank you very much for the bits i'm scarehoused i think that's a fair statement i think we're all a little scare ours now we folks there we go oh my god he even has the book this is perfect he's literally reading from the bible what is he doing in the background all right that's fine and okay drink i think we'll get rid of the wait okay wait actually there we go perfect okay we're done i want to put him in again so he needs more screen time he's a famous hollywood actor and he needs more screen time also you jan no you're gonna quit actually i don't want you in the movie we're gonna leave that i was gonna put him in the water drowning okay there we go that's the script uh let's see now begin casting perfect okay we got to build a lot of sex tropical beach in the cellar um there's your cellar oh my god we gotta be careful with our money uh we need the grave here don't or did we use that we use the field for sure oh my god that set is huge so we need the beach and that's it is that all i thought we needed one more the music is good in this game isn't it oh my god these sets are [ __ ] huge oh wait don't we need the wild west set as well even though we only used it for one scene [Music] yeah we do need the graveyard actually i understand and love this film well thanks for all the feedback guys i appreciate that it's good to know that you understand it before the dubbing's even added that's a really good sign with these movies i think it was street wasn't it wireless street in the subway carriage oh my god we're spending so much money on these sets and we're not even [ __ ] using them oh wait no don't build another one jesus christ i want to bankrupt myself um subway carriage there we go oh my god suburban bathroom lead by example thank you for the bids please can read this out i've watched your videos for ages now and have always wanted to be noticed in a video hope you have a great time thank you very much for enjoying the videos i appreciate that uh really appreciate those of you spend your free time watching some of my stuff god knows why after seeing some of these films but i appreciate it nonetheless even if it is out of pity okay we've got all our sets built i'm kind of worried about the budget uh we need a director um mcmu thank you very much for the sub appreciate that you're direct actually you know what i should hire a new director because this guy was just getting drunk all the time uh but i don't have you know what you where are you you one who wanted to be a janitor you're a director now married mad girl lolly thank you very much for the sub your director honestly this you wanted to be a janitor and this movie is trash so please clean it up just fix it for us oh my god this film this [ __ ] film happy birthday thank you for all the happy birthdays in chat or is it to sauroverse sorvers happy birthday i thought it was just to me so big headed okay the scene or this movie isn't as long anyway how many scenes are there come on assemble assemble please i need to know how many scenes there it's not all about you sorry candy okay 16. okay this isn't bad and a lot of them are short some should be a bit better manny thank you very much for the solve appreciate that thank you very much oh god this music really sets up the movie doesn't it we're gonna have to pick the voices as well who are we gonna pick uh so we got jim i think that can just be my voice but just kind of grandiose like the the cult leader kind of thing and uh for this guy he can just sound super rough i guess and i think the the potential cult member can be christopher walken so yeah i think archie bargy voice yeah that could work for the the guy the rough guy he's out like this like he's always breathing in when he talks i think that could work nikki can sound like uh christopher walken we've all got agreement here this this will be the voices uh we're three out of 16 already i'm just gonna run to the bathroom while they're filming this i'm gonna let you watch here while uh while they're doing it hopefully they won't leave here soon will they yeah the next two scenes are in here too so you should be good i will be right back folks don't talk about suit please i'd appreciate it's a that [Music] [Applause] actions nobody's watching it anymore [Music] your attention please a star from a rival studio shush guys andy's coming all right they just finished here uh revenue 107 000 guys the round handle officially made a loss tell me more about our finance well that's not why you want to see it oh jesus christ movies around the handle oh no all right let's just get out of this i don't like this that's because it was called the round wheel not handled to be fair if we re-release it under the new name i think it could do a lot better this movie is supreme uh you should be the one streaming with jokes like that i really hope we don't run out of money i'm slightly worried don't have to keep on top of things i don't know was it in my last video i think it was my last one or maybe someone has to say i'm the joker baby maybe we'll have someone say that um what was i gonna say i think it was the last one where uh i forgot to move that scene it's just gonna be in there in the middle of nowhere now but uh i was making the movie and they ran or no they didn't run out of budget it was actually someone was quitting uh mid movie and i had to really try and rush it but they kept quitting and i had to keep restarting over and over and over again until we could actually get a complete and just rush it as much as possible like i was waiting like at the scene like this and as soon as it was over i'd just grab them and like pull them to the next one and land them there and just start grabbing them all and pull them over and i just about clinched it it was awful it took so long i think it was in the last one some people remember it oh yeah jim was retiring that was it and the whole movie just shut down you couldn't just put it into editing and remove the scene it's just the whole movie cancelled so it goes back to the beginning and like this is a movie with 16 scenes that one had about 40 something it's like so long the movie soundtrack is great the only thing i'm concerned about is money which we're blasting through um i'm gonna fire this dude because he's not in any movies just trying to save a bit of money okay i don't know where to fire him can i fire him elsewhere okay fired let me archive this bye bye [Music] oh stereo sound great that's what you like to see i want something missing i'm just going to start pulling them because i'm a little bit worried we should be okay yeah we should be this is 1916 and we blasted through 100k but um i don't like chili chili is not for me i just need to keep forcing jim to wait [ __ ] sake they didn't fill the extra rolls so now it's just him in the field just panting for no reason abigail thank you so much for the sub is this the tommy rizzo movie no this is a kevin original okay we just went to drama school landing is a together it seems astronauts have driven around played where are we going pizza and watch the game on the surface is he in this scene oh no he's not is it it's just the other dude this guy yeah god jim is such a drunk that poor soul always relying on drink you hate to see it i think we're heading to the wild west now [Music] neil bern thank you very much for the sun [Music] wait oh coming in over here okay 12 out of 16 we're good we're good to do [Music] your best spot thank you very much for the song [Applause] what la does the celebs sake and then i immediately dropped the 10th they literally just opened and then they're like well you're 10 out of 10 now really i'm trying my best oh this is the scene where that the guy does that this is dramatic we can't let this get leaked because this is a serious scene in the movie it's a big plot twist where are we headed now folks uh are you needed you are are you needed possibly uh oh my god that's intense music all of a sudden tom holland would spoil it luckily for us tom holland would not consider our offer of being in the movie i did offer it to him but his loss may i have your attention please you all need jesus cereal is not soup thank you especially if you eat it dry like me so you've lost your argument right there with me when you're saying cereal is soup because i eat it's all cereal dry check and mate dandelion thank you so much for that generous cheer not quite following the plot at the moment but i do love and understand great that's all that matters it's getting pretty intense but don't worry only two scenes to go i'm worried that our director is going to quit i think she's realized what box office bomb she's in maybe she was filming it and you know the way they they film scenes like out of order uh in movies sometimes she was like filming them away and then someone said to her no this is actually like in order like this this is how the movie goes he shoots and then the guy gets shot on the subway and then she's like oh my god leah thank you so much for the cheer the last you just remind me i meant to ask you do you ever hear from tommy rizzo by collaborating he left a comment on your video about him um i i contacted him on twitter and i guess his personal assistant or twitter manager whatever uh replied i think i can't remember his name but uh that's kind of irrelevant anyway but oh my god look how stressed out everyone is where are we going now what are we filming um jesus christ everyone's going to quit uh but he was like oh yeah maybe a pedestal thank you very much for the sub he was like oh maybe yeah maybe we could do that he was like i'll get to tommy he was like in the meantime can you promote some of her dvds and whatnot and link this in your video and i was like well no i was like like if he does another video with me i'll just take up like half hour of his time we'll do the video together we'll play a game uh i'll set up the whole thing so i'll be random thanks for the sub i'll do all the editing and everything like that so it'll just take half an hour's time to actually join in and play the game and then he can promote whatever he wants on the channel he can plug everything that he wants to plug and uh i think it'll be it'll be great so that he can promote whatever he wants and then they're like okay we'll get back to you if he wants to do it he just never got back ezreal thank you so much for the sub um but yeah it's disappointing but not unexpected because everything i've heard about tommy wiseau is he is extremely flaky like even when he agrees to do stuff he just doesn't turn up so it's uh it's not unexpected but i'm sure if we got enough tweets at him he would accept it he's he's gotta imagine me playing hardcore minecraft with tommy rizzo um all right cult classic i the credits are [ __ ] weird there's just an army one standing jim pickens is jim pickens okay uh so we got that uh okay let's just wing it let's just start going ah yes a movie and not propaganda at all i would not do that and this is not propaganda but i would like to mention my cult which is legally not a cult will be featured in this film but do not fear it will not be a focal point whatsoever okay great that's just to set up the scene jolly johnson thank you very much for the cheer only 20 more days until i get my yearbook with your senior call oh my god be sure to tweet it at oh me that's just affects sake all this [ __ ] all right can i chop this off can i chop it i can't okay there's just gonna be i forgot about that okay i can't chop the holiday thanks sake okay so this guy what does he sound like again [ __ ] i can't remember i know the woman was christopher walken and he was oh he was rgberg yeah i am not in the cult and because of that i am a despicable individual who is sneaking around very good very i good not a cult member and i would like to suck on your neck and only the cult could protect you but they are not here let me suckle on your neck now and no one can save you except the cult who might appear but we won't know until the end of this long stream you're fine by the way you're not dead even though this scene might suggest it that voice is so horrible not dead even though this scene might suggest it i will now get you as you were also not in the cult presumably and now back to him adjust it i will now get you as you were also not an cult presumably why yes i am okay we'll have to dial back this audio a little bit so this goes back here this goes back here let me just see why yes i am yeah way too loud that's perfect it's just audio balance so horribly yeah oh my that was like great okay so let's see uh so she wants to find out about the cult okay great yeah this all makes sense perfect i am oh yeah christopher walken how the hell am i gonna do this lily thank you so much for the song hello i'd like to find out more about this cult and if you could make love to me i would love that okay great how does christopher walken sound like when he's kissing king clueless thank you so much for the donation um i've been struggling with mental health for a while now and was in a dark place when i discovered your army rp series give me something to look forward to every night it means so much to me i don't know where i'd be without your videos thank you so much king clueless i appreciate the tip and the the kind words there i hope you're doing a lot better now that's the main thing and that chips thank you for the bits as well and sometimes i think about my sister who i finally got to sub to you watching this and i i don't even know let's thank you for the tip as well uh until you play this game on youtube i was convinced no one else knew about it i adore this game surprisingly deep and funny yeah it is very deep no genuinely is a really good game okay we need some christopher walken kissy noises i i would love that mwah oh my oh it's so good um michael thanks for the sub i know you did it for the crystal walking kissy noises okay i think it's time for a rebrand of the jim pickens voice at mid film he got recasted ciao welcome to the stream oh yes i am hello i'd like to find out more about this cult and if you could make love to me i i would love that oh my child i would love that oh my oh it's so good it needs to be more irish hold on i need to get rid of that wait which is the off feck which is oh [ __ ] which is the ah no that's the kissy noise that's fine wait hold on make love to me okay yeah that goes back there that one gets deleted uh poplock thank you for the bits kevi when you make it big in hollywood please use the name kevin original you're welcome thank you for that uh ffs she's thank you very much for the sub uh michael thank you very much for that song again okay um i saved you my childhood hello i'd like to find out more about this cult and make love to me i i would love that oh i'd love to [Music] oh my god oh jesus oh lovely that's nice now okay green in the name of the cult and the jim pickens i'd love to make out with you come here give me a little kiss now come on okay that's that one i can't just see the chat like why not so nasty jolly thank you for the fit careful please think of the children yes my child i always do my child i am father pickens oh i love you my child come on [Music] the power of the cold compels ye i will destroy an unarmed combat and your bodies will simply disappear what the [ __ ] is that noise that that character makes there's a lot of my child throughout this how does he sound again oh yeah i'll just make a pain noises for him of course when he's getting beaten up that's pain noises [Laughter] let's just see if that landed [Music] very good yeah that's perfect that is a pain [Music] oh thank you father for taking away all of the bodies and saving me the digging once again this is a blessed day to be father pickens thank you my child [Music] not sure why that noise happened oh come on thank you actually gifted some music nightmares thank you for the bits as well how does it feel having 3k people shout super you every time you go to the toilet that's great i just like to be part of us all all right i'm coming back from the dead i think it's time for another rebrand of the jim pickens voice not so fast tex the cult will stop you there we go perfect gen mel thank you for the cheers as well you know kevin my nightmares didn't need a soundtrack so thanks for that still love you though [Music] oh jesus okay and now we have to explain why he was excuse me on the subway so we're gonna have to do a little explanation here it's just like subtle explaining of the plot like little hints that you can fill in the rest of the blanks with thank you for the bless you stop he used a special cult gun that can shoot anywhere in the world which is why you should join his cult or fear his wrath as i have done and now i am slain see what i mean you just fill in the blanks okay time for a re-rebrand to go back into the previous character okay now i have to do both voices here at the same time again sorry my child i just had to lick my fingers for the pages and then the lord said join the cult why don't you sure it'll be fun wow you really make a convincing argument i think i'll join this cult laboratory thank you so much for the sub okay and then we got this long beach scene of them okay very good well aren't you so glad you joined the cult now my child one second let me take a sip of my drink sorry thank you very much for the bits i don't know this confused yet aroused in my life if you want to join a cult [Music] okay it was a it was about here thank you for the bits i've missed you too no update on the cult robes just yet but you will be the first to know all of you guys on twitch if if i do update it vampire trouble thank you for the bits as well well kevin you did it even though i love your vids i still loved soup until i heard the cursed noise now i too hate soup that's why i hate soup it sounds like that sip of my drink [Music] wow this cult is really amazing i actually pity anyone who wouldn't join it like this is not propaganda but your life is probably horrible if you don't join this cult cheers i can hear the other guy growling health is really amazing i actually pity anyone who wouldn't join it like this is not propaganda but your life is probably horrible if you don't cheers cheers very good i actually pity anyone who wouldn't join now comes the outro but your life is probably horrible if you don't join this cheers cheers i know my child would you mind joining me in some slurping before i ride off into the sunset oh endorsed by pogo that's on the credits roll but we gotta have double double slurping but thank you for the bits you're an amazing actor i really feel the emotions thank you so much at lea by examining you for the bits as well you can't make a film like this here kevin haha film noises he goes oh my god i can make a really good folia artist thank you for the sub and shani thank you so much for the tip i wake up at 5 a.m every morning to watch your videos with love from australia thank you so much that's so kind i can only assume my movie is having an impact on you guys since you guys are all supporting me right now cybernetic thank you for the bits as well tommy was always give this really a thumbs up damn right he would genmail thank you for the bits as well i would totally buy a cult robe and turk socks to complete my nightmare attire get it on the merch store and finally thank you for the bits as well why are you punishing the call with those cursed slurp noises if you join the cult you can't hear them that's the part of the propaganda it's also plenal you know steve thank you for the sub there as well i know my child would you mind joining me in some slurping before i ride off into the sun sure a slurp slurp oh endorsed by pogo i'm the joker baby that's like our film thing that's how it goes out you know pogo thank you for the bits speechless stephen thank you for the sub there again as well all right you ready for this all right let's let's go let's save it first cult classic and export it yes ready okay i'm going to be mostly quiet through this enjoy it now irelia thank you for the bits thank you for the support appreciate that it's definitely number one or number two maybe number two to my last one the last one was a hit this from bottles on something ah yes a movie not propaganda at all i would not do that and this is not propaganda but i would like to mention my cult which is legally not occult will be featured in this film but do not fear it will not be a focal point whatsoever i am not in the cult and because of that i am a despicable individual who's sneaking around i am not a cult member and i would like to suck on your neck and only the cult could protect you but they are not here let me suckle on your neck now and no one can save you except the cult who might appear but we won't know until the end of this long stream you're fine by the way you're not dead you're going to see what you just said you as you were also not in the cold presumably why yes i am i saved you my child hello i'd like to find out more about this cult and if you could make love to me i i would love that [Music] oh it's so good in the name of the cult from the jim pickens i'd love to make out with you come here give me a little kiss now this is so bad oh i love you my child come on hey the power of the cult compels ye i will destroy an unarmed combat and your bodies will simply disappear [Music] oh thank you father for taking away all of the bodies and saving me the digging once again this is a blessed day to be father pickens thank you my child i'm coming back from the dead not so fast tex the cult will stop you he used a special cult gun that can shoot anywhere in the world which is why you should join his cult or fear his wrath as i have done and now i am slain sorry my child i just had to lick my fingers for the peach and then the lord said join the cult why don't you sure it'll be fun wow you really make a convincing argument i think i'll join this cult well aren't you so glad you joined the cult now my child one second let me take a sip of my drink wow this cult is really amazing i actually pity anyone who wouldn't join it like this is not propaganda but your life is probably horrible if you don't cheers i know my child would you mind joining me in some slurping before i ride off into the sunset sure slurp slurp oh whoa whoa endorsed by pogo i'm the joker baby oh my god jesus christ that was terrible oh it's gonna be a box office hit i bet though oh sweet jesus all right release oh god okay where were we uh norelli thank you for those bits just before the movie started i bet you regretted them uh zero favor the bits as well just saying i'm in pain circus cupcake thank you for the bits too and we get called bat robes soft warm and culty that was the plan but we'll see pogo thank you for the bits i wish you a public apology to the community to my parents and to god olivia rose thank you for the bits kevin i left to make dinner what the hell did i come back to a masterpiece violet thank you for the bates is saying i dare you to use this is your channel trailer oh my god oh let's see how the reviews came in oh my god the stress levels are off the charts okay superb condition sets a brave first attempt at an action flick with ties that could snap a spines man in two nikki is a perfect for action roles like this a refreshing and adventurous approach to making movies an action movie script that shows plenty of promise the cast and directors seem pretty content working within one another jim pickens performance stinks like an obese man's armpit a solid film that's unlikely to enjoy box office success you have to squint to find a star name and this like the overall quality of acting in this movie is appalling i like how they blame the actors and not the script days thank you for the bits as well brought a tear to my eye i appreciate that it did for me too uh the mumble thank you for the cheer as well that's so kind of you oh thank you so much i love to see feedback like that in the chat saying i understand and love this film it's just great to hear things like that what was the budget for that actually can i see the finance on that hmm maybe oh wait i think i need to move the other one dave's freights thank you so much for the sub cult classic the budget was a hundred and forty thousand okay can it make that back oh look at all the people who understood and loved this film it's great really thank you so much for the sub or the bits even a spines man you say did i say that sorry the mum below thank you so much for the bits as well and megs thank you for the five gifted subs that is very kind you must love this film charlie johnson thank you for the bits as well the gorg father you're welcome and are now legally obligated to make it i think i will make it but i think i'll have to leave it for another time because i'm afraid i'm gonna hurt my voice doing all these voices but i don't think i can do another one tonight as much as i'd like to but we'll definitely play more during the week and make some more icky thank you so much for the sub what you're drinking rum and coke oh sweet but jesus okay i'm just seeing how much this is 74 it's not gonna make a profit but it might do slightly better than the last one let's see how how are how is my studio and movies doing okay my highest is 27th oh my god 52nd what page are they oh my god 50 52nd and 15th heard in hollywood from movies jesus christ we're the only studio to score a movie under two stars jesus christ well that's disappointing oh that's sad actually i'll put it new safe game stream even though i think that studio will have to be trashed and we'll have to make a new one because it's going to go bankrupt jolly i think it's a great idea trust me i really want to make that one jazz pancake thank you so much for the cheer i loved and understood this film that's the main thing that's what i want to hear about my films that they're loved and understood it's the most important thing it's the first thing they teach in film school is to be loved and understood and it's quite hard in movies you know it is a tough job to bring that thought and idea in your head to the big screen you know it takes a lot of skill intelligence uh humbleness a lot of humbleness like you possibly need to be the most humble person alive which i gotta say i probably am to really bring those things to life it's just what i like to to see with my with my movies coming out i understood love this film but i really really wish i didn't yeah jesus that is uh that is probably the most truth truthful thing that has been said all night jesus christ all righty oh folks i think um i think we might end the stream there for today because [ __ ] hell my um as much as i'm enjoying it that uh those movies took it out of my voice and i i don't want to destroy my voice it's like slightly aching now so i i don't want it to be uh absolutely killing my voice especially if we want to do um has some more uh uh whatchamacallit sorry uh if we want to do more streams tomorrow and whatnot but uh i'm not sure what i'll do tomorrow i don't think we're doing any irish live stream navy thank you so much for the bits um i'm sorry you were having a bad day but thank you so much for uh for the kind words and for the bits as well it was super generous of you and violet thank you for the bits as well this is the most fun stream ever thanks for the nightmares thank you so much violet and call me laura thank you for the bits as well in your opinion the sim cities are eco uh sim city or equal lifestyle best is that the city expansion you mean or sim city the game um either way i i really love simcity by the way i think it's a great game we might play that someday if we can i'm not sure it's a long game um but i think eco lifestyle so far is one of my favorite expansions now keep in mind i've only played it once um but i really like the look of it i think it adds a lot of stuff and the game just feels totally different and i'm so happy that it's finally an expansion that's not like oh it's pets again or like what were the sims 2 ones and like the sims 2 brought in a lot of new ones but also reused some sims 1 expansions but after that sims 3 and sims 4 just tend to copy them uh but this one seems very different the closest i could relate it to sims 2 seasons which was one of my favorite expansions of all time my ginger flight thank you for the sub and your best friend thank you for the tip as well that's very kind to you as well that message um yeah i think my favorite ones of all time are sims 2 seasons and sims 2 open for business i've really liked those um but yeah uh guys i think i'm gonna end it there a little bit shorter than the usual uh saturday streams i know i apologize it's it's still been three hours and 20 minutes it's like my short streams are like there are many others long streams uh i do get a bit carried away once they start i sometimes i'm like i'll do a bit of a shorter one now today because you know i'd like to get some stuff done i'll do a shorter one and then i'm like i'm planning on doing like two hours and i do like three hours regardless it's just like i carried away because once you start going you just get so into it it's so fun uh hanging out with you guys and playing some games um but yeah we'll be back tomorrow i don't stream mondays but we'll be back tomorrow i posted a video today which is quite a unique game if you've not seen it i think it's worth a shot there's a youtube banner underneath uh and if not i guess i'll see you tomorrow on the stream probably about seven or eight bst uh yeah probably about then uh hopefully and um what was i gonna say i won't be streaming monday i should have a good video of tomorrow by the way i think tomorrow's video is really good i really liked it uh well i i haven't done the proper edit yet but i think from the recording sometimes you just feel like it's good and it's something a little bit different it is a game it's just a video game but it's different style of game you know i don't want to spoil it too much um but yeah i hope you guys enjoy that and i hope i'll see you tomorrow um i'm gonna drop a little raid but guys thank you so much for the support uh not just today but through the week uh with a massive charity stream on tuesday absolutely massive it really felt amazing to do like something so big as a community and so much support came out both in terms of donations and in terms of just general like i don't know community it was it was just like a bonding experience just seeing how supportive everyone was and how united we were as a community i guess but uh yeah we're super super nice community it's really amazing um but yeah i think i i think this week has been pretty amazing for that stuff for for just really a feel of community um not called community but yeah i'll thank you for tonight as well for all the subs gifts bits donations and everything um lead by example thank you for the bits tonight kevin nice chat night to you too um we're gonna do a little raid and uh i hope to see you tomorrow we're gonna raid i has a beard i've rated him before he's just got partners so if you can give him some support that would be great just be super nice really nice dude insane setup really really cool streams music streamers so yeah we'll see you soon um but yeah that's about it for now folks so bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye kev out
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 22,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Id: A8Fbmn4mpIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 49sec (12169 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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