How To Play the Old Course St Andrews (Back 9) - Can Iona Break Par?

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[Music] this is where it really begins I once saw Tommy Fleetwood hold a shot from here take the number good swing God I love this game all righty we've got the scotch pie got the hot chocolate making the turn at one overp par Jonesy what's next number 10 you turn and play to different color Flags today they're blue important shot here is the bunker on the right hand side 250 to that okay so in the distance on the right of the blue flag you can see a white flag the seventh yeah on that that line there [Music] great okay just in the light stuff down the left side oh you guys what we going to do now hammera and a cup of tea Scotch pie pie well it's mint isn't it it's like just this is just this is an athletes diet going on the day days where I used to have yogurt and orange juice at the turn now it's just Scottish pies all the way it's not good is it n it's fine yeah good scotch pie is actually quite good for you good bit of protein bit of carbohydrate done we do come to the old course so at turn I'd recommend the sausage and haggus roll sausage roll but the little twist it's delicious I took the healthy option okay 68 to the front 92 to the flag okay very similar to the last one yeah that last one was 6595 this is 62 6892 same shot there's a wee bit a wee bit of help little bit of help from the right I reckon let me just check something my little black book again I used to have a 52 you see right now I've got 54 so I reckon the 54 is going 75 that'll be the club then with this little bit of helping wind W it and a bit of a forward kick yeah plus it's a just might get a bit of a flyer out this L you know just it's not going to spin is it no the way that that we off the Fairway so no it's going to come out hot on the way out we were playing White Flags now we've made the turn we play play blue flags all the way back in but they often make the 18th a different color don't they yes you know usually it's white out red back but on the 18th they put a white flag in there um couple of old stories about it is the fact that if the Sun is setting which it is facing up there you couldn't see a red flag against the big red building Hamilton Hall yeah uh another one was there wasn't a flag in there many many years ago and old Tom Morris's shop is right next to the 18th saw someone ran in there and the first one they come to propped up with a white flag so they put it in yeah right I like that story and the other one the other one for a bit of fun is they say White Flag for surrender had enough yeah right my 54 degree Flags 68 92 92 yards so I'm going to land this about 80 good looking shot looks nice there yep very nice good club that very good okay better right to left and then back yes well you thinking right Edge to start with going up the hill no I'm not thinking a lot really no no cuz it's coming back at the end yeah want that flag I'll have it pulled thank you right put all your focus into this one now okay is that a knee knocker again it's a straight pot yeah they're the important ones they are so pars on the two short par fors feels a bit frustrating however it's just parts that's we had a chance on nine and we had a chance there and you just got to give yourself chances yeah I'm frustrated I didn't hold the one particularly on nine but my mind I'm thinking like what's the point of being frustrated you just have to keep giving yourself chances try again try again one of them will drop soon has to right the par three is a really tough hole like Jonesy this normally plays like for memory I've played this into like a three Club wind before yes I mean some guys playing in the winter months and it's going go anything from a 9 into a driver yeah just getting it there with a a well hit driver yeah you know I've hit a driver here before and being short yeah yeah I think in the in the book it says it's the shortest path fave in Scotland I think that's what they quote we got uh 152 to the front Okay it's a it's a hole that Demands a lot of respect lot of concentration you don't want to be halfway through a bite of your scotch pie you got to see that away down 10 182 to the guy with the golf bag on that looks and the guy holding the flag 182 yeah it's like a that wind's like this angle it's at straight off the right from this angle I think 18 152 to the FR 16 60 clears the bunker 185 total I think a 180 shot is a good shot don't forget got this little bit of wind helping here helping and you can't go long you've got five paces and then it's disaster yeah so you got 25 from the back of the part three Here Again part three was 140 174 all right and we got 152 185 no I think 24 now Jonesy I don't know if you're going to like this I'm thinking this club right give me a number I could hit this I could hit this 185 well that's long long yeah and long is no good at all so the flag is 185 Y and 15 52 front which is left of the bunker 160 clears the bunker yeah my five iron five iron on eight was played for 174 and it was only went like 17 169 yeah it's not going to get there is it no is that that is that a 24 you got to take a bit off of it well I can take a bit off this right I think I can take a bit off this you see if I just hit a grip down so on the full this is 190 but I I grip down I can give you a soft Landing 180 shot right do okay sorry start again just waiting for this jogger right set yourself again now okay as you say important shock get it right yeah set yourself [Music] where did it go perfect that's got to be long really yeah yeah I didn't even see it land though that's the thing I think it flew the green here it is it's not fantastic but it's not disaster take my 60 like you say just getting it on the green you've got I think four yeah if you get a three so much the better exactly stating the obvious there's plenty of green it's downhill once it's past the flag yeah but get it on the green don't let it hit the top of this hill and let it come back to us and we'll have the same shot again okay going to have to pump like punch it forward like off the bank hit the flag hit the flag front edge of the green two put is that me this will be us yeah just the clubbing oh God I owner just didn't trust it cuz I've always struggled to get it to that to that green right forget that no let's get this one sorted okay let's get a number yeah we'll psycho analyze at the end Let's Get Up Up and Down 46 okay I'm going to play my 54 little bumpy runny one three or four pieces left of the flag yeah concentrate now okay [Music] go on go on very good very good sit it's going to swing from the left e yep left it short go go it's okay mistake two slip away tough tough hole okay so two Slipped Away on that par three and really that was my mental mistake there course management because I was just being greedy you know I felt like I I push I forced the issue trying to get it to that back flag and can't miss it long it's just Alcatraz back there had plenty of green I would have left myself an uphill pot and a three on that hole is a very good score so I've paid the price there but I've also learned a good lesson hole number 12 number 12 this is the one with the bunkers hidden down the center of the Fairway never know where to hit the driver here you got to pick left or right I mean to carry the bunkers today is 230 right into the wind okay Flags C well top Plateau right hand side yeah nothing wrong with coming from the left or the right if you've got a favorite I like the left you like the left y right well at the Sandstone building then that's dead and if it's in the rough down the left that's fine okay cool yeah I like [Music] that very good very nice struck that one nicely are you going to try and run it up that slope I think what I should do is I feel I feel like I I know my young yage is of this length better with my 60 right I'd like to run it up but I just don't feel like I've Got The Touch right now to do it so I'm going to take my 60 it will release okay where you going to play it I'm going to play it like so that it kind of skims up that slope just left of it will it come back off the left I'm think see the two or the three out of bounds posts yeah the middle one I'm thinking left oh that's that far left okay cool yeah I like that what was the number again uh 25 front 59 flag okay right put your thoughts into this one now come on gives you a chance greed greed greed left of center yeah keep it inside the hole Yeah into the breeze outside the hall right forget that now gather your thoughts okay get this one in now gather your thoughts clear the mind that was a big pet woo that was a big part that was a big part to make a bogie off that mistake would have been a huge mistake yeah cuz no matter who you are that would have gone down the next hole yeah and I know cuz I've seen it happen yeah someone once said to me and actually I think this is really good thing to remember is that if you do make a mistake course management clubbing whatever something happens made a mistake a lot of Pros who work with these psychologists they say the next hole I don't care who you are Tiger Woods or not you're aiming at the middle of the Fairway and the middle of the green find the Fairway middle of the green you don't get to take the flag on is what they say yeah so you're like stabilizing the ship yeah trying to steady things again and I think that's actually quite a good I've always said professional golf you can come back from a bogie you're not coming back from double so as you just said pick the middle of the Fairway middle of the green walk right down par job done yeah you can't afford to take it down the next hole yeah okay okay number 13 where the golf course starts this is where it really begins so we are three over par standing on 13 which isn't where I wanted to be but it's okay because I'm learning a lot as we go haven't really had many putts dropped today and that means there's still some out here on the course to be found driver driver yes uh the coffins down the left hand side to clear the last one 240 run up to the bush 280 back to that big massive par five green that we played earlier see the lady in the white yes is that a good line perfect okay finish up there you can see the flag right above their heads now yeah she left of them oh that's fine there that's the other linee yeah that's the other linee nothing wrong with that down there it's a very very safe linee and and I I like it down there yeah I like it down there cuz you especially with this flag as you're coming in using all the Green from left to right I remember a lot of the guys I think the dun Hill take it down yes I mean there's the well you know there's the Open Championship tea back there yeah and I've always you know liked going down the left side now if you was over there you would you might just see the top of the flag yeah but this is fine I mean 172 to the front what's the flag 190 we it's our favorite number yeah but this one's a massive green okay golf going on all around us here yeah we're in a nice we spot I like where we are in the field here so 172 call it 170 to the front well I'm not really 1 not really get 178 to those people I think I had 195 to the flag it's on a bit of an up slope so it's going to come out High I think it's the 21° so do I yeah yeah okay we'll give it another chance yeah we'll give it another go we won't fire it from the bag just yet no plenty of green left okay okay that's great all the green is left of the flag okay very good y that's that's a nice bounce as well forward and left outside chance of a birdie here yeah swing from left to right I got to admit with this hole if you walk off with a four on this I think you've done well on this hole it's one of theough always thought that about this hole and usually they put the pin where it is now or maybe a touch further left and there's a sprinkler head just over there yeah and I've always said if you get it between the sprinkler head and the flag you've got a chance cuz it's relatively straightish uphill okay big swing on this one as it's dying huge swing and it's quick in that final third y slow but good Pace easy it's inside the hole but it is going to move yeah concentrate now give it all you got yes very good I I love a four there like I'm chuffed I agree I think a four there is good that that's a tough hole as I say it starts the back the back six holes and that's a tough hole more I'm testing myself continually leaving myself four Footers for par that is not what you want but one of the one of the first coaches I had I remember he always said to me IA if you drive the ball well and you can haul out from 5 foot and in you'll be a good player God feel the pressure mounting you like start to creep more towards the town and you know I'm just it's that point where you're over parar and you your heart is wanting to chase cuz you're wanting to chase it back but the head's going don't do that chasing is never a good feeling like if you're putting yourself you know the gas put on the gas kind of thing so I've just got to keep doing what I'm doing and hope a few pots drop stroking next one stroke index one yeah par five par five great now this is the one with hell bunker yes and that will be in between the guys in the middle of the Fairway and the guys on the left coming into play for the second shot okay so they line off the te's the SP maybe the one on the right hand side of town yeah between the two groups basically Fant finish where the guy is in the orange jumper on the left not quite that far left the two in the middle basically oh yeah just on the so the wom and the white jacket on the right that's too far right yes on the Spire with your little draw okay [Music] perfect yep nice hit thank you nice Hit Bit Of Wind just holding my draw off so it's coming off like kind of straight there which which is nice not doing too badly given I didn't have a driver on the firsty going along thank you to Octon in St Andrews Adam leg and his colleagues for Lending me this driver today I really do appreciate it it's is sitting so nicely on The Fairway the condition of this course is just ma magic 240 to the front edge okay if I land if my three-wood like let's say I flew it 205 210 yes is that is there space there that I could land it and Chase yeah if you recall it's got a little Ridge at the front of this screen going up to the front of it yeah so 240 yeah if you get if you get it 210 and running you got a chance to get to the front edge line is going to be the big red building in town was it yeah oh yeah there's the flag on the left I love it when the Women's Open comes back to Links because you feel like the Open Championship in the Women's Open should really be played on classic links yeah and Walton Heath can play like an inland lyns but they had so much rain in the buildup that it was soft and didn't play links at all so this is going to be proper yeah this is the third time it's been here now isn't it yeah so you were you here when Stacy Lewis won it yes I was the first year wasn't it I was um 2007 yeah in 2013 and now this year and what do you remember about when the Women's Open comes to town is it got the hustle and the bustle you're very much so obviously ston the obvious is not as big as the men's but and don't forget it was the first time had been here then in 2007 so I would imagine now like everything the infrastructure gets more and more and people more interested in it and you know the town the town is buzzing all the time you know it's fantastic and it was lorine Lena Ooa yeah Lorena Ooa won it here Stacy Lewis has won it here and this is where they want to win it this is the crime dealer crime of golf the home of golf if you got this a win at St Andrews on your CV this is what everybody wants to write down isn't it it's what you want this is it nice touch left of it but just a little left Struck it nicely Struck it very nicely Struck it nice you can hear the silence can't you yeah I just have to go with what I feel comfortable with exactly you got to do what you what you know going to come in from the left isn't it at the end yes where you how far you going to pitch it well I'll show you okay oh come on don't kick left thought it would come in from that side yeah that's why I asked if you if you said to me you was going to pitch it there which should have been a club length on the right right well this is hble because you can see this little Ridge here kicks it that way from this sprinkle ahead yeah all goes that way got you got you I thought with that club in your hand you were going to pick it yeah yeah nah this is this has got body written all over it of course it has come on mate and I think this is a straight PA I agree yeah [Music] yeah no how is it done that can't pot just cannot buy a pot I cannot buy a pot today and it's disappointing wasn't a good part Jonesy it was too steamy yeah is it it's a shame it's one that got away yeah it's definitely one that got away no damage done full 15 cart gate driver definitely yeah finishing in line with the white house that you can see in the distance just started a little to the right of that yeah those bunkers in the middle of the Fairway they're not coming into play today down the right yes yeah 125 yeah nice wind straight across from the left perfect wedge helping wind a bit isn't it I wouldn't say it's helping no no just across just across from the left that's even better then because that's just a smooth wedge excellent well it kick from left to right when it lands yes just bear in mind that little bit of Breeze from the left now yeah wedge one 125 okay perfect come on don't go there right difficult to see pulled it Miss the green it's the old age it's like missing your mouth with your fork it's just inexcusable so very tough shot here woo there's there's an echo in this bunker that's that's how big it is that's how deep it is yeah get over that over the top a so nearly perfect that everybody's going to say it but I mean that was I don't know a foot shorter perfect yeah cuz it would have been nestled down there we Dre a part this is my part this is nothing but net I'm holding this part come hell high water just like this massive slope you know I had the world to the right to miss it got greedy but the good news is I can hold this part this is the infamous 16th hole you got out of bounds all down the right and you don't want to be too far left cuz there's rough over there so you got to try and play a little fade off these bunkers down safe line is left of it though I mean the rough isn't too bad yeah I just okay that's fair it's good to know you when I mean they're trying to grow it up you can see the roped off area yeah I reckon just a little fade off this bunker straight in front of me okay yeah don't forget you got a little bit of Breeze coming from the left straight across from the left yeah so I think if I just hit it straight at that and let the breeze take hit it at the bunker in other words yeah yeah come on baby might have cleared them did it come over it yeah seeing it bounce okay so this is where got to really focus you know this is a tough finish to the the old course in St Andre you got to just double down this way in because there's so many traps and pitfalls now just waiting to catch you really really happy with that drive I caught it beautifully I was a bit nervous about this bunker but I've got away with it such a narrow portion here you can see the rough down the left is not too bad so Steve said I was it if you go left it's not the end of the world but I do think it creates quite a tough angle into the green so I'm really happy with this approach shot that we're looking at now 112 141 I got yeah 41 so really you want to be landing it in that up slope yeah it's uh 15 to the top of that on this angle so it's 127 to the top eight IR is 141 that's what a nine 131 I like nine then yeah yeah cuz that's going to get it on the top got 129 127 to the top of the hill there that's a nice shot thank you yeah how' your fany calling apart about time we've got one in the can from last hole we're on a roll let's find another just looking around and imagining how this is going to feel come the week of the AIG Women's Open and it's this part of the golf course 16 17 18 where it starts to get really close in on you and I just got butterflies in my tummy thinking about it just can't even imagine IM what it would feel like I know there's going to be grand stands here and Hospitality all around and I'm convinced there's nothing like this in the world of sport I've been to Wimbledon I've been to you know Six Nations rugby they've got their own kind of magic but here at the old course in St Andrews when the open or the AIG Women's Open arrives and come the stretch on a Sunday there is nothing like that in the world nothing if you can get yourself here this summer please please come along it's going to be magic I'm thinking right Edge that's fine slightly up the hill yep into the breeze yep go on yeah the Road Hole 17th of the old course yeah Infamous around the world some say the toughest par 4 in World Golf you got to drive it over the Old Railway shed the line is always up for debate yes yeah I mean bit of Breeze coming from the left today over the word old yeah which o l or D oh yeah it's amazing when you stand here and you look at that you're like no way that if I hit it over there it's it's gone so far right you get around the corner and you see how how much room you have it's mental so over the over the old [Music] yeah nice over there oh perfect very good very thanks nice swing on that one yeah that felt pure I just trusted that you know and you get a bit of momentum and suddenly you just feel like you're going but just pick the line and the way you go yeah the solid shots today it's just been to stay patient for the pots but we've still got two more chances yeah got a couple of chances coming up now can't have seen many birdies on 17 in all the rounds you've done no no more sixes than fours yeah and count on a couple of hands with threes let's see if we can bring one to the party today should we what do they say play it as a five and you might get a four play it as a four and you'll probably get a six H something like that I think that's golf in general isn't it yes yeah play for the pars and the R will come that's what they say Fairways and greens the old things isn't it yep 165 to the front edge 165 so my six iron is 162 let's have a little look flag 183 183 183 to the jar yeah so it's about getting it on that front and then bit of release isn't it yes you're going to be looking 173 what do you think about a smooth 24° hybrid yeah that's okay yeah mean you got to get it up that little Ridge cuz I don't need to force that do we no cuz that's the 177 shot 177 that'll be perfect then yeah what are you thinking on that white car yeah 24 yep 24 go on sit stop over the back load yeah caught a fly yeah come out of there hot didn't it it was right d it we're on the road the Road Hole the trouble is it it bounced up the hill it didn't run up it yeah if it had run up it it took a bit of pace off it yeah I should have gripped down it a bit really oh on the road as well on the road I once saw Tommy Fleetwood hold a shot from here did come on over Tommy yeah so I've played this a couple of ways I've I've used my Potter and I've used a wedge i' I've like used a Potter to kind of bump it up yeah I mean that's that's the the safest shot is just over where these daisies are between the flag and our man with the camera yeah P it up that hill premium get it on the top level give yourself a chance if it comes back down there's no chance the other option is just bumping a wedge into there yeah yeah that leaves a little bit of but I just I don't part of me doesn't want to scratch my Potter that's my most valuable belonging it's the most valuable thing I own what do you think for this but bump off that yes i' be thinking somewhere around and hope it scoots forward yeah that's the shot isn't it not bad that's the premium shot going to need a new wedge ouch be nice to see this one go in yeah it's be a great one to haul left Edge yeah up the hill yeah BOS what a par what a par very good one hole to play Let's go so it's all really really good learning to this point 17 holes on the old course just one hole left to play and it feels for the first time today like it's straight back into our face here yeah into now to just a little from the left probably where's the flag I don't see it oh there it's camouflage it's right in the middle of the green right on the edge of the shop there yeah yeah so for so really do we want to be down the left a little bit we want to go with the clock on the RNA yeah red face clock okay perfect on the clock on the clock yeah nice and smooth okay that's the one go [Music] oh it's over the road over the road that's a good hit today that she would not my driver yes last Drive of the day got to say with my standing driver it's performed pretty well I felt quite confident with it in my hand I've been able to swing at it give it a good rip so yeah huge thanks again to OCT loonies this is 95223 Into The Wind a 9 99 is the club just going on what we got in front of me yeah it's straight into it and it's just going to spin up there's no prizes for hitting the top of the valley and coming back no softly softly great shot great shot thank you that's how we do it pick the number good swing God I love this game through the valley of sin no valley of sin for me today no Constantino rocker but off onto the green it's going to be wonderful just imagine the AIG wom's open all the grand stands around here and the fans it's going to be unbelievable okay chances this is what it's here for [Music] yep right Edge no more than that more yeah dying in the hole Pace I'm going to cup on the right okay yeah I can see that more than now I look at it okay Cup on the [Music] right smashed it through The Brak just the pace that beat you yeah what a chance that was right make sure you put your effort into this now let let that one go okay this is the only one that counts okay okay only shot 4 [Music] hours what a part story of the day thank you so so much absolute joy to have your company out there today thank you very much and it won't be the last time that we play together I hope so I hope I really hope so thanks so much for watching guys if you made it this far I feel a bit lost for words to be h on us which doesn't happen very often 18 holes on the old course any day any time of year is so special but in the buildup to the AIG Women's Open it feels even more special that is a day I'll remember for a very long time [Music]
Channel: On the Road with Iona
Views: 41,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iona stephen, st andrews golf, old course st andrews, golf trip, st andrews old course, golf tips, top 100 golf courses, golf, St Andrews
Id: bm3yDCTCMdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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