The SIMPLE Guide to Lynel Farming in Tears Of The Kingdom

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what's up Gamers welcome to the ultimate Lionel  hunting slang video we're going to be talking   about all things lionels in this video and we're  going to be talking about how to upgrade your   Barbarian armor during this Lionel slang video as  well as the Ultimate Weapon that you're gonna be   creating in this game as well as getting Majora's  Mask because all these things surround lionels   make sure to check out the timestamps down in the  description below and let's get into this video so   we're gonna do some prep work before we get into  the Lionel stuff let's grab the best weapon in   the game for Lionel hunting go ahead from Lookout  Landing Tower and fly over to Hyrule Castle you   can glide there or parachute there and if you're  playing this early game you just can use some   Elixir staminos once you're there and you're in  the throne room head up these steps and go towards   the left side of the throne as you climb up that  Throne you're gonna find a statue as you go up the   steps make sure to climb up and head behind that  statue and go ahead and grab that Royal Guards   play more naturally the Royal Guards Claymore is  going to be at 32 attack but when it's about to   break it's going to double the attack this is  good because when you fight linos and you jump   on their back and hit them with the weapon it's  never going to break because you're on their back   okay now that you got your weapon it's time to  get ourselves the Barbarian armor and the reason   why we're gonna do this is because it's gonna have  complete attack up which is going to help us lay   down these lionels as well as we need Lino parts  to upgrade this so let's go ahead and grab it   the first fish that we want to go is the rubella  Wetlands Skyview Tower from this Tower we're gonna   go all the way up here North to this green marker  okay so that's where we're going we're gonna lift   off blast off in the air and as we're up here  we're gonna do a little bit power gliding and   kind of combine it with our Sage to help us push  us a little more forward get your skydiving gear   push that forward by moving a lot faster because  skydiving gear is amazing we're going we're going   get out the paraglider whenever you get closer  get a little wind push over here and keep moving   forward now as you're approaching this area you'll  know you're in the correct spot because down below   are a bunch of grave looking Stones so that's  how you know you're here as you approach shoot   that bloopy get yourself some rupees while you're  here right why not follow that bloopy into the   cave then you're gonna see the Rob drop off Cave  and say there's treasure that sleeps beyond all   the statues here so start heading in the cave and  you're going to turn to the pathway on the right   follow this pathway here continue paragliding here  and this could be a whole circle section of these   statues here all right so then what you want to  do is break the rock once you break through the   rock start heading through that pathway you're  gonna see a little flag pose with some cloth and   then you're gonna continue to go down and the  Temptation is always there gotta get my bright   Bloom seeds continue you're following these  little flags and then you're going to enter   a giant rule with bokoblin so I get up my my bow  and I'm gonna just blast these away also there's   a white vocabulan boss so all right so it doesn't  I'm just taking out the white Pokemon boss here   fantastic then I'm gonna break this big crate in  the set of crater in the center full of rocks and   I'm dropping down there as well here comes some  seeds and I'm gonna continue down this path over   here continue to walk down further after getting  you know your materials gotta get gotta get your   materials and uh yeah just just keep going take  out any enemies in front of you and then this is   where it gets fun we're gonna approach a bunch  of different statues you got a three one and   a five you're just gonna go right over to the  three one and just send and boom you're gonna   see the treasure room and walk over to it and grab  this piece this is going to get you the Barbarian   Helm you got one piece of the Barbarian gear let's  keep going the next spot we're gonna be going is   from Mount laneru Skyview Tower and we're gonna be  aiming all the way down south over there so take a   lift off and let's fly to our location so always  doing a gliding motion first to get some moves   using a combination of the paraglider just to push  us forward there we go oh oh oh shooting star yeah   baby and then we're going to arrive pretty close  pretty close so you see the lab we're by that lab   over here and then we're almost towards our blue  marker and you see the blue marker pay attention   here as we're falling down as you're falling down  by this waterfall and then there's the cave there   we go at any point you need to look look at the  coordinates at the bottom right this is going to   be the Walnut Mountain cave and what you're going  to be doing here is pay attention to the ceilings   you have horror Blends here they're not going to  be too insane but just gonna walk through run past   them make sure to dodge their sticks because  they they do hit pretty pretty hard keep going   and you're gonna notice some ice ice Pieces Just  just hanging out here so just make your way head   towards it and by the way if you're good up  try to melt any other ice you'll notice that   there are stuff in the ice and you won't make that  mistake anyway uh when you see this guy over here   he's gonna be blowing it's like he's protecting  something this like that's shooting ice turn   towards that like and fly right in there and you  can see an iced up treasure spot so I'm just gonna   go ahead here and select my flame emitter which  is a pretty useful thing here activate it and it's   just gonna it's just gonna blow some heat and look  how easy it is to melt that thing all right cool   now that that's done I'm just gonna open this  up and we're gonna be getting our next piece   which is the Barbarian leg wraps heck yeah another  piece of the gear I I look very Barbarian actually   without any I I kind of dig it I look pretty I  look pretty cool all right let's go to our next   piece the final piece is gonna be the easiest  one because I'm saving the easiest one for last   you want to go from Lookout Landing Skyview Tower  pretty simple and head right over to that location   so we're gonna Sky Glide we're gonna power glide  Skydive Sky Glide I I mixed up all these things   just continue to head towards the marker that we  have you see a shrine over there as we're flying   towards that spot you know do a quick mix of  diving and paragliding that way you can save some   stamina or Free Falling whatever you choose to do  and then we're going to arrive at this exact spot   look at the coordinates on my map that way it'll  will be a little more obvious for you I'm going to   go ahead and boom just just break that even though  there was there was no need for me to break that   but you always want to break stuff and there's a  bunch of bats that I totally forgot to take out   because those are going to be good for getting  some nice arrows anyway this is the creno hills   cave and you can see there's a lot of luminous  Stone here come back here again whenever you can   because luminous Stone hunting is phenomenal  anyway these flag posts pretty much are your   guiding signal to like hey there's something in  this cave that is probably going to be your armor   always use that as the keep now when you arrive  over here uh be a little cautious there is a Talus   here and there it is it is coming right out the  ground it's a Luna Stone one you can take it out   if it's a little Annoying um that's totally up to  you I'm going to go ahead and just just take this   down wearing my two pieces of Barbarian Gear Baby  nice little spin here breakthrough oh look at all   these rare gens coming out of it that way this guy  doesn't bother us all right it's down Stone Talus   adios got a cool fuse heart looking Stone on my uh  my back making my armor look really cool all right   so now you're gonna see that luminous Stone right  up here and what you want to do is just go ahead   and bomb arrow that that's going to break and just  go ahead and climb up there once you're done once   we get up here you'll see a little a little  little secret passageway so just climb up and   start walking in here then you're gonna find the  final piece of treasure which is going to be your   entire Barbarian armor congratulations now we have  our hunting armor we need to continue on with this   adventure and you have all your attack up look how  cool I look let's go let's keep going once you've   collected the entire barbarian set the first thing  that we're going to be doing is heading over to   the Great Fairy Fountain now you can go to any  single one you want but I like the first one that   you can find at the military training camp and  I've also put up travel Medallion at the spot so   I can show up here any single time that I want now  the first upgrade for the of Barbarian armor is   gonna require thistle three per every single one  and thistles are pretty simple to get in the game   um some great spots to get thistle are going to  be in the Faron area another spot that you can   find some thistle is going to be from the rubella  Wetland straight forward in the coat Pond area   running around this area that's where I got some  Thistle and you'll also find some by some stables   in the game you probably already have enough  thistle if you've been collecting and running   around in different areas so go ahead and just use  that to upgrade to Star One let's start off with   the red Lino now that we have our armor upgraded  here's an example alright so right at this spot   is our red basic Lino so I'm just gonna go ahead  and go for the face shot here there's a hot shot   and I'm just gonna use our Royal Guards Claymore  hop on that one two three four five six whatever   Arrow you have should be fine and this guy's done  so this guy's gonna drop some Lino who's a Lino   maze horn a Lino sablehorn some arrows gives you  a nice Lino bow as well if you want to pick that   up all right so pretty much this one is going  to be located right here so it's going to be a   straight fly from lindser's Route Skyview Tower  right over here before the tanagar canyon that's   the one we just killed now interestingly enough  across the area in the tabanta Hills area right   across the canyon is going to be another red Lino  if you are higher leveled in your game and have   higher experience mine actually ended up being a  silver as you can see in this footage over here   so if you're early game you're probably gonna have  a red one or as you're progressing it's probably   going to level up so this one doesn't look like  it's going to be the standard one the other one   is going to be in West Hyrule Plains this is what  it looks like it's another red one roaming around   you can go ahead and defeat this one to claim  some more loot off of it because you're going   to need a total of pretty much of nine of these to  be killed in order to get all the parts for your   upgrade three three and three this one is located  over here right before the tanagar canyon and this   is a fast travel point this Shrine over here and  basically you want to get this Shrine and be able   just to walk right up to this guy over here so  that way you can kind of chain four of these in a   row if you're a little bit in the earlier game in  this area now if you're later game like I said you   can chain only three as this one has become silver  now the final one or the fifth one on the top of   the map is going to be this one over here located  west of the akala ancient Tech Lab so there's a   shrine right over here below that Tech Lab and  then from here you can drop down to this Valley   and you're gonna be able to fight this Lionel and  this is what it looks like in this area as we have   the gameplay footage for that once you're done  beating this Lino all you have to do is pretty   much just go ahead and fuse that sablehorn to your  Royal Guards Claymore now if we open up the Royal   Guards climber right over here it is at attack  54. now in order for us to damage it a bit we   have to Boom so then you're gonna have yourself a  108 Lino blade which is basically using the Lino   saber horn as well as the Royal Guards Claymore  combination so you're pretty much set over here   so pretty much to upgrade your Barbarian armor  pieces all to level two you're just gonna need   six Lino Sable horns and six Lino maze horns now  I showed you five to kill on the Overworld map   if for some reason you were not able to get them  you just have to wait for a Blood Moon they will   all respawn and then you can hit them again until  you have the parts you need now Razer shrooms are   also going to be pretty much a available on the  map if you take a picture of them if you find   them a great spot is actually where I am by the  military training camp right by this great fairy   fountain so you can search around this area for  razor shrooms it's gonna be pretty easy another   great spot where you can get it is going to be in  the korok forest area if you have this unlocked   they sell these in there as well and you can find  a couple around the area so once you're able to   see one Razor's room just like I'm showing you  here make sure you are taking a picture of it   because it'll help you find them on the map so you  just need 15 of those after that you're gonna have   your Barbarian armor marked all the way up at  upgrade level two and now we can move on to the   next part which is hunting blue linels all right  here's a blue one that I'm going to take advantage   of I have my red weapon but you always want to  really jump from the top to get that initial   shot on them there we go he's down I'm gonna hop  on this and we're gonna use the red weapon [Music]   there we go power and then I am a bow and then  you hit it and then we jump on his back and then   smack it one two three having stamina is probably  really good for this and then it just it's dead   that's the real key I mean it's not too crazy to  kill a blue one when you have your red weapon and   here we go we're gonna pick up the items here  so the blue Mains Lionel saber horn that is the   blue Lionel mace horn and then we're gonna get  some Hooves some arrows and you're gonna get a   better bow which you should go ahead and equip  as well as a shield if you want to get these   shields so I'm at one of the spots where we're  going to be killing blue linos and this one's   gonna be pretty much located on the map right  over here fastest Skyview Tower is going to be   the Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower to get over here  I'm very leveled up and this one maintained blue   in this area now there's another blue Lino all  the way up in this area the hebra West Summit   so you want to be aware of this one there is a  shrine close by at this area so when you need   to get a fast shower to come here you can go  ahead and fight it it's going to be very cold   up here in this area so you're gonna want to eat  a couple of peppers so yeah you weigh you are warm   you have a cold resistant and you can go ahead  and fight this Lino to get yourself some more   blue parts now these are three other spots where  you have blue Lino so this is going to be pretty   much where Lookout Landing is and you're gonna be  able to see three in a row here now one is in the   lineru wetlands and this one's gonna be located in  The Sandbar area so this is what this one's going   to look like this is the blue one here you can  go ahead and fight this one now there's another   one in the Rabia planes that is supposed to be  blue but here's the footage of what it looks like   for me as someone who's higher leveled this one  actually ended up being a silver one because of   my experience in the game but if you're early on  this one should be blue for you this one is going   to be a blue one located in leneru Heights this  is what it's going to look like in that location   just so you know what it is and that's already  five blue linos that you can take down now let's   go over the last two now all the way down South  by the Highland stable right to the west of it is   where this one is going to be in the harfin valley  so this is what it looks like for me in my map so   you can go ahead and defeat that and further west  from that in the Wetland area right over here   is going to be another lineup now in my gameplay  as you can see over here this one is actually   silver like I mentioned I am leveled up so keep in  mind this is a great spot to get silver later on   if you have higher experience but if you're lower  this is a great spot to go for blue so these are   the seven locations that you can hunt blue ones  down all right so after you kill this Dino you're   pretty much gonna be having your blue mained Lino  saber horn this is what you're going to be fusing   to your weapon next but if you don't want to break  parts of your weapon and use them very well we're   gonna be heading over to our lovely area known  as Tarrytown so I'll see you right there so when   you're in Tarrytown we have our boy here this is  my favorite character in the game Ellison and when   you talk to Palace and pellison's job by group  mentioned in other videos is basically supposed   to break down certain weapons so when he breaks  down a weapon he's gonna grab that part and the   weapon piece you attach to it and pretty much  restore it so we're gonna go ahead waste all my   money and break it down just for the sake of this  video after you have broken It Down You're Gonna   collect your Royal Guards Claymore you're going to  collect the Lionel stable horn and you're going to   take a look at the weapon here so as you can see  it is still pretty damaged and he did separate   it so what I'm gonna be doing now is grabbing the  exact part that we hunted down which was our blue   mained Lino Sable horn from the blue one so we're  gonna go ahead and drop that here after that we're   then just going to go ahead and fuse this weapon  and now we have a much more stronger weapon at 130   damage look how cool that was look how simple that  was and with the 130 weapon we're then going to be   able to attack the next tier of lionels which is  the white vinyls but before we do that I'm going   to also mention how we're able to upgrade the  next piece of gear so as I mentioned there are   seven blue linos if you're in the earlier game in  the overall if you have progress like me it's not   as easy to get blue linos because some of them  have become silver but if you have them go ahead   destroy them wait for the blood moon to come back  go fight them again if you need more parts and   then you're gonna head back to our fairy fountain  so to upgrade at the Great Fairy Fountain to the   next tier you're gonna be needing nine Lino saber  horns from the blue ones and nine Lino maze horns   from the blue ones you're also going to be needing  nine razor claw crabs these crabs are going to be   located all the way pretty much North from Mount  linderu so if you go to mount Lanier Wisconsin   Tower and drop down and run around this Bay Area  this entire area pretty much I collected a bunch   a bunch of these crabs and was able to upgrade my  armor to the next tier palestin's gonna break down   your weapon and then you can get that Blue Rhino  part back in case you haven't upgraded your armor   and you just needed that for the armor upgrade  this will bring your Barbarian armor up to level   3 and you officially have farmed blue linals and  upgraded your weapon and collected these crabs   so the fairy's gonna do all that and you're gonna  move on to the next tier now that we are ready to   go we upgraded our armor we got ourselves the next  tier weapon let's put that on we're gonna go and   attack this white rhino now don't goof with the  white Lino too much because we know it's a white   Lionel because of its horns versus the silver  liner which is the next one after this anyway so   when you approach a white line oh pretty much the  same thing right get a height distance if you can   and start off by of course all the time that was  don't do that hit the shot there we go we get the   crit we should not have done that okay and then  we're gonna hop on this guy and then Whack Him   and when your stamina is done we're gonna  hold the arrow again shoot its head and do   some damage luckily your lineables you should  have picked should be fine all right so he's   gonna come at us with this great broadsword  and different ones kind of react differently   with the weapon so there we go Parry that  hey man him head jump on him foreign s and then she should be done here all right he's  done that is pretty much how you take down a   white Lionel the conservative way without weapon  durability getting wasted so there you go he's   gonna drop the parts and you're gonna get the  white main Lionel and all these parts and the   drops are gonna be the white maned Lino mace horn  and the white mained Lino saber horn this is the   one that we're going to be attaching to our weapon  after this but before we do that let's go over the   spots on the map where we can find these white  ones so this is gonna be one of the ones we find   in the Kama Plateau pretty much you have this  footage as you can see it here this is always   going to be white I have not gotten any different  ones that haven't been white the other white one   is going to be located all the way up here in the  resoka snow field by the Gerudo Highland so you   can take the Skyview Tower there if you want but  there is a quick Shrine teleport there so anytime   you want to come and fight this guy just walk  from the shrine to this make sure you also stay   a little bit warm here because it is cold so have  some food to give you some cold resistance here   and the final white Lionel that you're going  to be able to find is going to be all the way   Lope located over here is going to be located in  the ukuku plains and the closest Shrine that I   could find is the one located right over here so  you can take that to the spot if you would like   um it's pretty much right over Zora's domain  so you can drop down and fight this one this   is what this area looks like this is what the  Lino fight looks like so you can Farm these   three white rhinos take them out fight them again  and collect the parts okay so now at this point   once you're done disassembling it you're gonna  want to go ahead and just fuse the royal guard   Claymore to this white Lino weapon which looks  absolutely phenomenal it literally looks like   a monster hunter weapon this is what we're gonna  be using to attack the next couple monsters and   the Damage output from this is 152 because our  poor bass blade is gonna be staying damaged so   this is something really good to use when we're  moving on to our next tier so in order to bring   the total Barbarian Helm armor and leg wraps  you're gonna need a total of nine white maned   Lino saber horns nine white Mane Lionel mace horn  so basically nuking nine of them there's three at   the at the surface level so you would have have  to probably weigh two extra blood moons and then   Farm them if you don't want to go down to the  depths and then same thing when it comes to the   second part of it with the other horns and then  the bladed rhino beetle the reason why I haven't   upgraded that part yet is because I'm one broke  right now in this game and two I have not been   able to take the time to gather The Beatles but  according to my compendiums so you guys can see   exactly where it is this is the information for  finding this bladed rhino beetle located in West   Dakota and East nakuta and you're going to want  to find these around the tree areas for that so   when you're hunting those go for it it takes a  bit of time and they fly away so and if anyone   has any great spots to farm these please let me  know down in the comments below but that's pretty   much what it's gonna you're gonna need to upgrade  to the final tier of Barbarian armor now let's go   ahead and head to the depths because this is  where the fun is going to begin okay so here   is some pictures of the lionels down in the depths  something good to mention is that these linos are   all by light Roots which help a lot so you just  have to be right underneath the shrine from the   surface come down here and these are the markups  for them so just feel free to mark up on your map   or when you get here to do it quickly before we  go down to the depths go ahead and teleport to   the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower we're just gonna  NAB something from this which we're going to need   in the depths because there is a different type  of Lino down there that actually wears armor so   we're gonna just pick up something because we need  to break armor in this game you can have some if   you have bomb Arrows with you that's also going  to work explosives things that just blow things   up or you get a weapon type that can smash it  up and in front of me at Hyrule Field Skyview   Tower is this lovely thing over here so I'm just  gonna go ahead get the weapon I want out just some   kind of weapon put it on this thing right and  then bye to this guy and I'm out of here dude that's it we're done we're gonna be heading  Coliseum over here but not the above Coliseum but   the one down below now the chasm that you want to  take is going to be located at the great Plateau   North Chasm where to come down this great Chasm  we're going to approach this light root Shrine   and then if you want to unlock the area you can  hit this one to the west of this and the one to   north of it which will kind of reveal the area in  a good amount but the way you would go is kind of   around here and then you would climb up the side  of this giant big circle you'll see it it's gonna   be really obvious when you get down here as you  unlock light shrouds or you can literally just   walk to this exact spot in the dark and then climb  up here what I like to do is when I climb for the   first time I made sure to place down a fast travel  point which was on this side so pretty much when   you get here if you're here for the first time  you're gonna notice on this platform there's a   chest so here's some old footage with me looking  down here with the chest here and you're basically   going to be fighting in a Coliseum battle for that  chest which is going to be very very interesting   so we got our weapon we're good to go and then  we're gonna land here so in my copy it's gonna be   exact same thing when you revisit here every  single time on a blood moon so let me go ahead   and equip our special weapon which is our 152  weapon this is the one we've worked in this video   for so here we go we got a guy coming in here and  as he approaches let's go ahead and you keysight   it pretty easy because key size are pretty good  on these Dinos from a distance and I'm just gonna   hit this guy with our Lino on the back and then  we're gonna shoot some arrows to clean this guy up   and the red one's done now if you come here  and you don't even want to do anything else   but just come down here from the start to  quickly get your silver Lino weapon hope you   can just immediately grab the red Linus parts  and fuse it to your sword next up is our blue   Lionel and that one's terrifying so oh I did  that again but I broke my belt all right let   me head to this guy real fast get on top of  him and here we go go hit it and it's halfway   done I have a bow here there we go he's gonna  come in for the hit all right so go ahead and   start facing it hold your shield down and Harry  Hold Your Weapon up in the face jump on the back   give it a nice whack and then you can bullet time  it or Arrow time as they say as soon as you get   launched off and then the blue one comes down  just like that now he's gonna also drop parts   so you can go ahead and pick them up now it's  advised to save as soon as you take them out   just in case you get knocked out so you can  go ahead and save real quick just in case you   know it's it's probably advisable I love key size  by the way hop on this guy and then we whack it so this is the white one going for a few more  shots I'm trying to do this in all one go for you   guys there we go I'm gonna get my arrow out and  hit it I'm gonna jump on his back again whack it a   few times Arrow time there we go hit in the head  all right nice and the next one goes down just   like that all right at this point the silver one's  pretty much next so I'm actually gonna go ahead   and save here it's getting a little dangerous but  the best part is to pick up the items then save   okay here we go here we go grab some items here  and I'm gonna once again grab some key side balls   and hit that guy so we already get advantages  with the key side ball so hit in the back and   you're gonna go bullet time mode get a few hits  here okay and that's all I got for now and he's   gonna come in for a wind-up get ready and parry  and then put your bow out again hit it in the   head jump on his back whack it a couple times  just like this bullet time as soon as in the air   this is basically like a very rinse and repeat  Strat okay and I'm gonna get my shield ready to   go here he comes and Harry and get your arrow up  again Barry or Shield up Shield up showed up there   we go there's another Parry whoa that was close oh  man okay we did not get the head shot he's coming   in he's coming in another Power here at least we  get to see some attacks all right this guy's down   all right now after this comes the big guy please  save after this one if you haven't saved yet pick   up what you need if you're doing this for the  first time uh upgrade so at this point here's   here's something really interesting right this  one that I just bought already dropped a silver   line of horn so if you choose at this point to  get rid of the white mained Lino sablehorn on   this weapon you can immediately equip the one  that just dropped from the silver Lino you just   killed this would give you an attack power with  your weapon of 174. so this is totally up to you   if you want to do this if you don't want to do  this totally understandable and you could save   it to after the fight but if you really want to  get in Crazy damage you can do it go ahead and   do that anyway at this point you're probably  gonna want to save your game this armored guy   is going to be a little difficult and now you're  seeing this one for the first time what we want   to do is break the armor on this guy so I'm gonna  switch my weapon up here to this because this is   gonna be what breaks it so I'm getting a little  worried here I whack it it's a boom boom boom   and then I'm gonna just dodge you and I break  it all right and then we're gonna hop on and I'm   gonna switch my weapon it's it's pretty simple it  really is and I'm gonna make sure that because the   sake of the video use the 152 weapon and you're  gonna rinse and repeat exactly what we did before   and as he throws you in the air aim at its head  shoot your arrows if you want to have if you have   attachments use that to get even more damage  okay and I'm gonna get my shield ready to go   be careful of any weird attacks it does so this  one's gonna be a I didn't get the Parry on this   guy okay he's coming in for something I'm watching  out gotta watch out there we go a nice powery and   for the face shot there we go and get on its back  again but the time as it jumps up okay and I'm   good there gotta watch out for what it's gonna do  here he comes there we go nice parry and to the   oh Shield up you can power these Fireballs  too by the way everything very fun instead of how to do this at a pro level there you go  and then all the loot falls down the door's   gonna open up and in the other gameplay the the  chest opens up here and you're gonna be getting   Majora's Mask which allows you to pretty much  walk by any enemies without them attacking you   unless you attack them now when you're on  the floor make sure to attach these armor   shards to your Shield very good stuff to have  get the bow that he drops very good to have an   extra bow and if you're like me and and didn't  die you're gonna have all these items on the   floor and if you're a smarter player you say  it before every fight just in case something   happens so yeah Lino fights are really that simple  they're very repetitive they'll do a little bit of   variances like some of them will run up to you  and explode if they have the chance but you're   gonna be seeing the new attack patterns getting  used to them and that's what's gonna happen now   after this you can go ahead and go to Tarrytown  if you want and upgrade the weapon and listen   this weapon goes to even the next level in the  190s and I'm going to show you how to get your   weapon to there but also how to upgrade your  Shields to the most maximum amount as well as   your bows and getting them to five shots so  please check out this video to see exactly   how to do it now that you already got your  silver liner horns all right go go click on it
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 457,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of the Kingdom Gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom Guide, TOTK Guides, TOTK How to, Tears of the Kingdom How to, Unlock Tears of the Kingdom, DO THIS NOW TOTK, TOTK, Lynel ultimate farming guide, lynel farming totk, lynel farming guide TOTK, The ULTIMATE Lynel Farming Guide in Tears of the Kingdom, royal guard claymore totk, barbarian armor totk, majoras mask totk
Id: 3ZPWC_TlDtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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