The "OVERPOWERED" Gleeok Farming Guide in Tears of the Kingdom

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what's up Gamers this is gonna be your guide  for farming every single gliac in tears of the   Kingdom I'll be showing you how to take out each  one showing you all the weapons and making your   life very easy when it comes to farming them okay  we're gonna be going for an overpowered setup to   make your glioc hunting lives a lot easier so the  first thing we're going to be needing is bows now   the bows I suggest that are pretty easy to get  are going to be located in Hyrule Castle on the   first floor so basically this is where the entire  throne room is and you're going to want to climb   up the left set of Steps From The Main Spot facing  the throne and go up those steps and you're gonna   turn on these steps and then you're gonna find a  little statue that's broken over here hop on top   of this and you're gonna see a bow there that's  gonna be the royal guard bow pick up that bow   and you're going to get some arrows here as well  after that you can go ahead and exit out of the   front door where you entered into this Throne Room  foam and walk out you then will see a circular   platform down below this is going to lead you down  to princess Zelda's room so just go down here down   this hole and you're gonna be in her room you're  then going to see a fireplace and another Royal   Guard bow over there go ahead and pick it up and  by the way these will respawn every single blood   moon so weapons will also spawn when you need  them to if you want to ever come back and get   them now for those who've watched my Lino farming  video most of you will have a Lino bow that can   do three shot now once you have your bows we're  going to be heading over to the Alden area once   you're in the outen area we're going to be looking  for a fun creature known as OCTA rocks now OCTA   rocks are going to be really important because  they're going to add enhancements on weapons I   have a full entire video talking about this so if  you want to see all the details of what it does   with everything you can go ahead and watch that  but basically the gist of what we're gonna do is   we're gonna take our Royal Guard bow and because  they have such a garbage durability we're gonna   try to enhance them here so you throw it at the  first OCTA Rock it's going to suck it up Sparkle   and spit it back at you and you're gonna get your  first modifier this could be either white or blue   but we're going to be going for a yellow modifier  go ahead and kill that octo Rock because they   can't do it anymore more head over to your second  OCTA Rock make sure to save in front of it because   you're going to be oranging for a second modifier  that is going to be yellow what you're going to   be aiming for is durability plus which is going  to let this bow last a bit longer during these   fights bows are going to be really important for  shooting gliox in their three eyes so that they   can be vulnerable for you to attack with a melee  weapon so I got myself a durability plus bow now   if you have a Lino bow from the previous video  You're gonna be trying to go for a times 5 shot   so the three shot is going to be turning into  a five shot so make sure you save in front of   these OCTA rocks to try to get a five shot so I  have both of these bows so we'll be using both of   these for the fights with the gliox now let's  talk about a zoning device that you're going   to need a lot of to make your glioc hunting very  easy and this is going to be rocket Shields rocket   Shields are going to be one of the most amazing  things for these fights because they're gonna   help you get mid-air to hit the gliox again once  they recover from you knocking them down beating   them up because they get back up pretty quick so  rocket shows are going to come and clutch for that   you're going to head over to the zonai device  right by Tarrytown located here on the map this   one is going to be able to dispense out Rockets  So This is where I'm going to go ahead grab some   rockets and fuse them to my Shields and keep some  in my inventory at all times next up we're gonna   be needing some armor so make your way over to  kakariko Village over here once you're in kakariko   Village you can head over to this armor shop which  is going to have the clothing item in front of it   and you're gonna see the person talking about I  hope my grandmother's okay this is going to be   cloudy and pretty much when you go ahead and  look at the armor the prices are going to be   really really hyped up in the shop as you can  see like it's like five thousand five thousand   and five thousand so it's a 15 000 armor set and  we're gonna need that radiant set so to get that   at a very discounted rate we're gonna head over  to where the sister is so just along this way by   across this bridge and then you're gonna see the  sister over here who's gonna talk about wanting   to make a porridge or Grandma and pretty much the  ingredients you're going to need is going to be   Holly and rice fresh milk and wild greens and a  secret ingredient pretty much that's going to be   useful now two of the big ingredients that we're  going to need for the porridge is going to be   found right in hatino Village over here so you're  going to want to go past the dye shop right here   and it's going to be the next one over where  this icon is so just head up inside and when   you're in here you can buy the items of milk or 12  rupees and you can go ahead and buy yourself some   Hylian rice you can find Hyrule herbs pretty much  anywhere in the game and the big final ingredient   is gonna be sundelines which you can find pretty  much anywhere in the sky islands and if you find   them on the surface they're going to be anywhere  where you find Sky Island pieces on the floor once   you have all the ingredients you're just gonna go  ahead and cook it right over here so I got my milk   the Hylian rice the Hyrule herb and the Sunderland  so I'm going to go ahead and cook it right here   oh and as soon as you cook it you're gonna get  yourself a sunny veggie porridge and then when   you talk to her again she's gonna mention that  she's getting worse and worse and then she's gonna   realize oh what's that I smell and it's basically  going to be the porridge after that the questline   is gonna just move forward Grandma's gonna be  A-Okay and then armor prices at the shop instead   of 15 000 it's gonna be just 2 400 because it's  800 per item go ahead and purchase the radiant   set because this is going to be important for our  journey so then you're going to get the radiant   set but you cannot get the bonus that we're gonna  need unless you get this to level 2. now in order   to upgrade this armor all the way to level two  it's going to take a lot of luminous stones to   get to level one and also to get to level two so  luminous stones to get to level two then you're   gonna need more luminous stones and modeling guts  so pretty much you're gonna be breaking a lot of   Luna stones in order to get it now the important  reason of why you need to upgrade this armor is   because it's going to give you bone proficiency  which means if you use any bone weapons you're   going to get a 1.8 multiplier on top of your  attack when you are using a certain weapon that   has a bone with it it can either be the bone as  a base or it could be the bone as the attachment   regardless of what's gonna happen it's going to  1.8 times the total attack of your weapon there   is an alternative if you don't want to go around  breaking a bunch of luminous stones and that's   going to be the evil spirit armor which I have a  complete video on my Channel showing you how to   get it it's really fast I promise and it's going  to be the exact same thing the only benefit of the   radiant armor is that you can keep upgrading it to  increase its defense while the evil spirit armor   is just going to have that bonus so it's basically  the glass Cannon version of this armor we now have   an armor that increases bone proficiency and we  have some really upgraded bows so we're gonna need   some great arrows in order to do a lot of damage  as well so what we'll be farming are gibdo bones   now gibdo bones are gonna have an attack power of  40 and you're gonna be able to find these things   in the Gerudo desert the best time to farm a  bunch of these is going to be before you clear the   lightning Temple Quest this is going to mean the  desert's going to be looking very blurry for you   and you're not going to be able to see and you're  going to be finding a lot of these just walking   around aimlessly in the desert and they also have  arrows on them so you're gonna go ahead kill them   Farm them and grab some arrows off of them also  during the main story questline for the lightning   Temple you're gonna be fighting a bunch of gibdos  to protect a bunch of Gerudo settlements and as   well as the town and you could use these instances  to farm them as you can get unlimited arrows and   Bows to keep shooting them over and over again  to collect their bones this is what I did I   actually got like 400 gibdo bones when I started  my playthrough by just farming them over here it's   broken it's op and I really suggest that you pick  up as many as you can it'll do so much damage with   the multiplier you get from the radiant armor  or the evil spirit armor now for the weapon   I'm using it's going to be the Scimitar of these  seven and in order to start this question you're   gonna have to talk to Cara who's gonna be located  in the jewelry shop in Gerudo town so pretty much   what you're gonna be looking at is a quest where  Cara's gonna go and tell you to find Isha who is   going to be located in the taruma dunes in the  desert and pretty much a molduga is going to be   surrounding this person so what you want to do  is just head to the desert and grab this owner   from this quest line I don't have all the shrines  unlocked in the desert so I just teleported over   to the lightning Temple and ascended my way up  in this area and from the lightning Temple I I   pretty much started gliding north of it and I saw  a shrine in The Distance by a bunch of sinking   sand so this is my location currently on the map  and from here you'll actually see by the shrine a   smoke distance in the back and that's pretty much  going to be a help signal for where this person   Isha is going to be waiting for you so I quickly  just built myself a vehicle using Auto build to   fly over to that spot and I started heading to  it and you can see the malduga in the distance   as you're approaching this area and this is what  you're going to have to defeat basically you're   gonna talk to Isha and the Quest for the missing  owner is going to update and your job is just to   kill a maoduga what you can do is hit anything  on the ground to bait it so it'll come out   it's then going to jump out the ground basically  if you shoot a bomb Arrow out of maldugo it's   pretty much going to flip over on its belly and  that's when you want to go ahead and take it out   um shooting a time bomb is also a decent strategy  but pretty much that's what you want to do rinse   and repeats have a moduga come out of the ground  bait it and tune it with a bomb rinse and repeat   shoot it as it comes out of the ground with a bomb  go ahead beat it up and then it'll die now in the   desert it's going to be very important to go ahead  and kill a bunch of moldugos since we're going to   be using these bones on a bunch of weapons that we  have specifically the one that we're doing in this   quest line they're going to respawn every single  blood moon here are just four maldugos that you   can Farm in the Gerudo desert and their location  so you can go ahead and just take a screenshot of   this and mark it on your map after this molduga is  dead you're then going to progress the quest and   Isha is pretty much just gonna go back to town you  can then teleport back to town and then head right   back to the jewelry shop where you'll see Isha  and Kara in the front Cara will give you a diamond   and then when you talk to Isha he's just gonna  mention some materials that you need in order   to build this legendary weapon this is going to be  the scimiter of the seven and the daybreaker which   is a shield she lets you know exactly what you're  gonna need so you're gonna need 10 pieces of Flint   which you can just break from from any single cave  you find you're gonna need a grudo scimiter and   a gerudo's shield as well as Four Diamonds pretty  easy stuff to get if you need the two Gerudo items   don't worry there's a really easy way to get it  all you have to do is lift off from the Gerudo   Highland Skyview Tower and then head towards this  location exactly on your map that I'm gonna mark   up for you so right from here I'm gonna mark up  this spot it's going to be a pile of bones right   in front of you fly towards those pile of bones on  the floor as soon as you get to that spot you're   going to find a like in the distance make sure  to go ahead and save before fighting this like   because you're going to use RNG to get the items  you need once you hit the like and you go ahead   and kill it after reloading a bunch of times it's  going to drop the chest and hopefully you get the   exact item of The Shield or The Scimitar right  away and I got a girdle shield on my first try   up here so that is one of the items you're going  to need to complete this Quest now right in the   center of this exact area is going to be another  hole that you're gonna break and go down and down   there and then there's gonna be be a bunch more  rocks to break when you're down here in the west   Gerudo underground ruins basically you're going  to be breaking a bunch of rocks down here until   you bump into another like once you find this  like go ahead and Save in front of it and you're   gonna just reload until you get your Scimitar  once you get your scimiter you have your four   diamonds and you have your Flint go back to Isha  in Guru town and Isha will give you this lovely   weapon which will have 28 damage and because it's  a grudo weapon it's going to double the attack of   whatever you attach to this weapon if this weapon  happens to get damaged while hunting gliox or any   time that you hit something with it here's what  you're gonna have to do head over to Tarrytown and   then you're going to talk to the breakdown shop  person over here and then you're going to select   the weapon that is going to separate the molduga  bone from the Scimitar of the seven then what   you're gonna do in order to repair the Scimitar  of the seven is going to head over to the Elden   area now when you're in the Elden area you're then  going to find an Octor Rock if you try to throw   the Scimitar at an OCTA rock it won't repair it  because Legendary Weapons cannot get repaired by   octo Rock what you want to do is fuse the scimiter  of the seven to the base of another weapon so   basically you're holding a regular weapon that can  be repaired and the Scimitar is going to be on top   of that then the octa-rock will suck it up repair  it and spit it back at you after that you can go   ahead right back to Tarrytown unfuse the weapons  and then you're going to fuse back your moduga   bone to a completely fixed optometer of the seven  that's pretty much the workaround so you don't   have to keep rebuilding new ones from Isha every  single time and blowing Diamonds by the way you   don't have to use the Scimitar of the seven as a  weapon choice you can use whatever you want the   only reason why I'm picking this weapon is because  it has a 60 durability so it can last quite a bit   of time versus other weapons and if you find  out any better weapon combinations for this you   can put it down in the comments below now you're  also going to need food that gives you attack up a   great spot to get it is going to be in the bronas  forest over here in this area it's literally going   to be all the way in the south in the farron area  so you can probably head over to this Shrine which   is by this stable and head over to this spot now  exactly the coordinates I'm in right over here   are going to be a bunch of bananas so I'm just  going to go ahead and grab these Mighty bananas   and bananas are very powerful because when you  cook four of them together you get a three up   attack boost and look at look at the spot this  is like perfect for banana hunting there's even   a little spot up here look at that we got some  bananas now here's the cool part so I have my   entire pot here so I can make some attack of food  because the benefit of having a taco food is going   to be huge because attack up is going to be a 1.5  multiplier along with your bone proficiency which   is going to be another 1.8 multiplier and that's  going to get the bonus of being multiplied with   your weapon damage uh so that's gonna be some  crazy stuff going on there so you're basically   going to be stacking your bone proficiency along  with your weapon along with the attack up so it's   gonna be a crazy thing now a really fun thing to  do if you're trying to hunt for a really long time   and you don't want to constantly keep eating  is going to be using Dragon horns along with   your banana so here's the recipe I have right here  I'm gonna throw that in and you're gonna see this   awesome buff of attack up all the way three attack  up for 30 minutes and that's the beauty of dragon   horns cooked along with any bonus food and you can  find an entire video on how to do dragon hunting   and farming for the parts in this video I have  on the channel okay now you got your weapon you   got your bow you got your arrows you got your  food we're gonna go ahead and kill some gliox   real quick if you're enjoying this content make  sure to hit that subscribe button it helps so much first we're gonna be taking on the fire gliox  okay so just to put in perspective before I go   into this fight I'm just using a 28 power weapon  this is the Scimitar of the seven along with the   malduga jaw now I'm pairing this with the bone  armor set that gives bone weapon proficiency I   am aware that in breath of the wild it was a 1.8  times more multiplier damage on top of what it is   I also ate food that gave me attack up and it's  all the way up at three bars so I think all these   are gonna be combining to do a lot of damage  for the monster and the only reason I'm using   a legendary weapon the Scimitar of the seven is  because it doesn't break right away but you can   grab any other weapon that viewer choice that  you may want to use for this fired glioc we're   gonna be jumping off from the Poplar Foothill  Skyview Tower and making our way all the way   towards Lake hylia bridge and as we're going to  the bridge my plan of action is to place myself   in front of this gliac that way I can get myself  in nice view of shooting down its eyes as soon   as they start to land so very good spot and you  might need stamina food as you're approaching as   it's a little bit further out on the way there  and here I am I'm dropping down and I'm entering   Arrow time mode as soon as I'm close to its face  right as soon as I'm there I pop three hits boom   on the bottom one left one and the right one  there we go and all the heads just go down and   this gliac smashes the floor I'm gonna go ahead  and just start hitting it and I wasn't doing as   crazy damage as I thought because I also just  realized I'm hitting its neck and not its eye   and then it's gonna about to get up again over  here and there's a glioc it's back up so I say   hey rocket show time don't want to give it any  chance to get another attack so jump up with the   rocket shoot its eyes with a multi-shot bow these  are just a three multi-shot bow and that's it the   dragon is going to go down the glioc and then  I guess this time I'm going for the eyes which   is gonna take it out and it's pretty much beat in  less than a minute and that's how the flame Glock   is a joke because this one didn't lift off or do  its special attack so if you're able to get it   right away it's probably the best thing you can  do you don't want it going up in its attack so   getting the jump on it is very important now uh  the drops are pretty much just going to be gliac   flame horns and glioc wings and the flame horns  are going to be a nice Elemental damage to have   on your attack so yeah there you go that's how  we take down a flame gliac and if you're curious   what it's final attack is it's gonna go all the  way up in the sky watch this then it's gonna make   this giant Fireball there it is it's gonna shoot  it out and this thing is just gonna plummet down   it's literally going to explode that is the final  oh my gosh that is the final attack that creates   a wind and that wind is going to be able to  get you up to fight the glioc so just in case yeah that's gonna be crazy okay you can fly above  it but yeah that's pretty much what that's going   to look like and what you're gonna have to do  in order to survive that this gliac is going to   be located by the gerudos canyon Skyview tower all  you gotta do is just launch off of here and you're   gonna be in the air and you're going to spot a  rock once you see that rock you're just gonna head   over towards that one and fight to this gliac and  it's kind of hot here so I just got a Nedra Spike   and I attach it to a shield that way I don't die  of this heat anyway once you're there you're just   gonna lift off of this Skyview Tower and you're  gonna be looking for a stone when you're flying   up in the sky here I'm in the sky and you can see  that stone right there straight ahead of me that's   exactly where the flame Gilead is going to be  waiting for us on top of that so this gliac is not   gonna be flying around it's gonna be a stationary  one but at an elevated distance on a rock when you   get close enough to it position yourself so  that you are in front of the head over here   so I'm gonna go around he doesn't notice me yet  and then I'm going to drop and shoot an arrow now   for this I'm showing you this being done with a  royal guard boom really simple one with 50 attack   and his head's gonna drop here and I fall under  here now the problem with this one is its head is   going to be really like not in hittable distance  with your weapon so what I'm doing with the bone   weapon here is just going and attacking its  body as much as I can and then at that point   I'm going to jump off now the gliac is gonna  scream at me here because it's not even under   50 yet and it's going to start to figure out its  attacks so I'm just moving around here and I'm   gonna grab a rocket Shield because I'm like wait  it's not really attacking me there's a flame Ball   but that's all I was able to get off of me and  then I just go ahead with the Royal Guards bow   and that's that's it it's just dropped here  then I'm just gonna take my bone weapon and   go ahead and finish it off so the goal is  to really get it off of that rock and take   it out not leave it there because it's a little  annoying on the initial drop in but I'm sure you   guys will figure out a better way of doing that  in order to bring it down but I'm just showing   you how simple that was this is what the flame  glioc looks like with a royal guards Tamer so a   two-handed weapon and it is the coolest thing when  you charge it up look at this foreign flamethrower and the flame doesn't run out at all you  just don't want to get hit by like a bokoblin   he's a little protected over there but just keep  look look how long this keeps going especially if   you're standing up there you go so for this one  you can take the Gerudo Highland Skyview Tower   and head north over here and there is a shrine  that you can activate called The gasas Shrine   now this is where I'm going to start off in the  gameplay because this is my closest vantage point   to getting over to where this gliac is located  at the ancient columns so from this Shrine I'm   just gonna make a quick auto build and I'm gonna  head all the way towards this high mountain area and as we get up slowly to the top you're gonna  notice there is a grassy pathway now if you take   that pathway up the gliac is going to see you  walking in from the front and I don't want to   approach the Glock from there so what I'm going  to do is try to get a higher Advantage as using   a height here climb up these rocks and then I'm  gonna just go in for the Glide but this Glock is   kind of smart and notices me a little bit earlier  than it should there it is it noticed me but it's   good enough to get some Arrow shots off of it so  I'm gonna go ahead and knock it out right here   and it's going to drop then I'm going to switch  over to my moduga weapon and the bone damage is   just gonna be insane as I hit it directly in the  eye and can we get this in one shot yes we can   and the flame gliac goes down just like that  so for this flame glioc you're gonna want to   head over to the Alden Canyon Skyview Tower once  you launch from this Elden Canyon Skyview Tower   you're then going to look for the platform that  has the shrine start to Glide over towards that   Shrine as soon as you are in the air if you need  to get there faster you can use your Sage to push   you forward in order to get to that spot and then  once your North turn right and head down to this   platform on this side from this point you're  going to want to jump off and then start to   Glide now this is going to be my like I said my  favorite flame gliocunt ever and I know a lot of   you are going to get some cool hunting points  by doing this so you want to basically just   Glide over to a certain spot so keep going  forward and then you're going to dive down probably at this point where I am  on the map paraglide a little bit   if you need to and what we're going to be  finding is a flame glioc that is actually   flying right in front of us and it's  doing rotations now this flame glioc   is technically semi-sky semi-surface  and the reason is because it's going   to be able to fall down to the surface so I'm  gonna pull forward on a full Skydive and then   hit this thing in the face so three shots  and then it's just gonna completely plummet and look how hard it just Dives it's  gonna it's gonna take fall damage here   boom hits the ground gets a little bit of  fall damage and you're gonna have to go   after it pretty quick and then I'm just  gonna go ahead and do a cool attack here   there we go and I'm on I'm on low health so  just go ahead and start hitting it and the   moment it starts to get up if it does there like  just okay it was not able to get up so you can   do that it is possible and that's how you take  down the outed Canyon fire gliac that is so fun   that was my favorite one now let's move on to the  Thunder gliox now this electric Glock is going to   be very easy you're gonna have to launch off from  the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower and it's not even   going to take that much stamina to get over to  the Coliseum so pretty much you want to take your   time flying over to the Coliseum and as you get  close you want to make sure that you're aligning   yourself properly with the edge of it you don't  want to walk directly in the middle you can if you   want a challenging run but you know you don't have  to now you can see I'm approaching the edge right   over here in this clip and I am right above it and  here I'm going to enter bullet time as I'm facing   it so I'm gonna go shoot its eye I'm gonna shoot  the other eye and I'll go for the third eye I   missed on that one so I'm gonna take another shot  so having stamina is going to help quite a bit   and as soon as it drops it's this time I'm gonna  nicely hit its eyes perfectly with my weapon and   it's it's I actually miss one time so the speed  can actually be a lot faster but I'm actually able   to take down this thunder Glock in exactly one  straight attack line after knocking out its eyes   and dropping them to the floor so that's a very  easy way of taking out the Thunder Glock in this   game so you're gonna be getting glioc thunderhorns  and the gliac wings now if you're curious what   the Thunder Glock does when it's about to  die and do its ultimate attack here's what   all the way up to the sky here and for the sake  of this demonstration let me put on my thunderhelp   and basically it's gonna create these updrafts right there they're gonna strike the ground  and create these wins basically that's gonna   allow you to get up towards it so if you have  any weapons that are going to be able to be   caught up in electric attacks yeah you don't  want to be on them so yeah Dodge those it's   just explosions everywhere and that's what's  gonna happen pretty much when you're facing   the thunder gliox so you want to keep  hitting wind sources that keep going up   and then you're pretty much going to want to take  your shot at it if you can but that's pretty much   what's gonna happen so for this thunder Glock  we're gonna be going from the JoJo Shrine and   pretty much from here you're gonna just follow  this pathway and hop down these paths jump across   this area and then you're going to be climbing up  this rock keep going across the Rock and then you   will be able to see a good distance where we can  go and attack this thunder gliac now something I   do want to point out I'm going to be using the  royal guard bow the one that we get pretty much   right from the castle when we're approaching  this one so the Royal Guards bow is the one   we showed that is going to be 50 damage per one  shot and this has durability up from the OCTA   Rock so this is the exact same one so this is as  far as I'm getting close to these Thunder Glocks   and the rain and thunder begins and uh this is  where it gets a little dangerous so I'm gonna   rock it up in the air here shoot my first shot and  realize okay let's aim a little bit higher because   of the drop so we get one and now look at that  look how Pro become then I'm just hitting them   with all three shots so you can see that a royal  guard is enough that bow to take it out and then   you just rush over and you start wailing on  them with the bone uh Scimitar that we have   that is just look at the amount of damage and  I wasn't even right next to it when I dropped   it so yeah just a straight up whack quack quack  and that is a total of 92 damage and taking it   out with the bone multiplier and the attack mode  supplier and the Thunder Glock here is down okay   this is what the Thunder Glock weapon looks on a  two-handed weapon here we go watch this watch this literally amazing so yeah Thunder Glock weapons  basically any glioc weapons are just insane and   you can just imagine the ice one is going to  function the exact same way this next Thunder   Glock which is located right over here is going to  be located over at this area by the akala Citadel   ruins this is going to be right to the east of  the South akala Plains Chasm now this Shrine   where I'm at north of it is going to be a very  good vantage point to look at where it is and   you can get a good surprise attack over here so  I'm gonna pop my attack food which got my dragon   horn on it it's gonna give me a 30 minute buff  and we're just gonna fly over now for this clioc   it's not gonna be too bad to head over to this one  because you kind of have a sky Advantage but they   do spot you pretty quick so Thunder glitch spotted  me and I pull out my bow and immediately grab some   gibdo bones now the gibdo bones you're gonna  see on this one is gonna do some damage because   your boy is gonna miss the eyes but look at the  damage it did on the body I did so much damage I   miss again here and this is probably why you want  to bring some keysights to this fight moment just   under gliac goes down you can go ahead whip out  your bone attack weapon and just get to work on it   no matter what damage you're doing even if it's a  little bit of a lower tier weapon keep hitting it   and then when it goes up I'm gonna just grab an  arrow and shoot one eye and that should be able   to take it down if it had more HP and you're  not able to Arrow it from the ground you're   gonna definitely want to just at that point  go ahead and use a rocket Shield but Yep this   is how you take this one down really simple and  you guys definitely are all gonna have better aim   than me now let's move on to the frost gliox for  this gliaki you want to head over to the Paquita   Skyview Tower which is going to be located over  here in the hebra mountain region turn around   and just walk right behind the Skyview Tower you  don't even really have to dive off of it you can   just Glide right from behind here and this is also  another very cold region so if you want to stay   warm you're going to need to have a weapon that's  warm or a shield that's warm or you're going to   have to have the clothing that's worn but that's  not gonna really work here because we want our   full attack bonus so we're just gonna go ahead  and full send this one with our hearts dropping   and here it is we're gonna approach this one over  here it's flying around this one's not stationary   on the ground so some of the gliox are going to  behave very differently so stay still and some fly   this one's gonna be the flying one around these  Stone pillar areas so I'm kind of waiting for it   to Circle right where I can get a good face shot  and then the frost Glock is gonna notice us here   so then we're gonna get close enough and at this  point gotta shoot I shoot my arrow it's a little   too short so then you just aim higher it's pretty  much how you I don't want to do it key size work   lovely here or just really aim high with the five  star bow or a five arrow belt then this is gonna   drop down and you're gonna go ahead and just start  wailing hit it knock it up Smash It To Pieces   go for the face because if you don't hit the face  it's a lot harder to get some damage off of them   there we go and then it's about to get up  at this point you want to get your rocket   Shield right so get your rocket Shield going  but if you're too late it's gonna do a push   back and if its Health starts dropping low  this Frost glioc will move to the ultimate   attack so you can see the frost glioc form this  really huge cloud above you and these lines are   just gonna drop these icicles now the thing  is these icicles can be sent back up right   and that's the only way you can get an advantage  to get over to it so that's one way you can go   underneath something but if the icicle hits you  you're going to die pretty much from it if you   if you're trying these icicles or slip off  so that's also not a viable option so the   other option in this specific area is to just  get on top of one of these rocks over here and   then jump onto an icicle so that's exactly what  we're going to be doing here I'm going to hop on   this rock get on this icicle and then I'm going  to just recall this and take this right back up   now this is going to lift you up pretty high right  where this gliac is so then you're gonna get that   spot you're gonna fly up Powerglide right to it  he's gonna try to shoot you in the air to freeze   you but you're a lot smarter than him so you're  gonna go ahead and just use your arrows use gibdo   bones if you can and go ahead and do some massive  damage and then it's just gonna pop to its death   or either way if it's not even plopped to its  death it'll fall down even with its remaining   HP and take that fall damage and just like that  you have nuked the Paquita Skyview Tower gliac   okay this ice Glock is going to be located close  by to the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Towers you're   going to want to make your way over to this one  and from here we're just gonna launch North and   head over there so let's go ahead launch and when  you're up in the sky you're just gonna be looking   for a group of stones oh it's right actually  in front of us as we jumped up right over there   and we're just gonna head towards it now you're  not gonna really see it render in that quick   but as we get a little closer we should be able  to see it and it is cold so make sure you do uh   take your preparations with your clothing but  I don't really like to because I like to kill   the glioc real quick with all the good stuff  all right so there it is there's the ice guy   right over here and as I get close I'm gonna  just pop my food real fast because I gotta eat   and then I'm just gonna power glide so I can  get a good enough shot on it when I drop down   so want to position myself in a way where my  arrows are gonna hit it pretty good and we're   just going to drop about here and that's when I'm  gonna open up my arrow time and I'm gonna select   give dough bones because they do a lot of damage  there we go on the first one that's one that's two   and that's three so these guys are just  gonna fall down over here like this   and it's gonna be a little  tough over here to do some hits   and right now I'm using my master sword fused  with a maldugo bone so I'm not doing any like   crazy all right so as soon as he gets ready to go  I want to put my shield up and go for a hit there get a shot there and then this one  and then this guy's gonna drop again   and then just finish it off very simply  [Music] and that's all with the master   sword that's not even that complicated  not even using a crazy weapon for this one   done that's how easy it is okay here is what  the ice gliac horn looks like on a two-handed   weapon this thing is gonna be probably the  most fun we're ever gonna have here we go he's just gonna go here we go look at that look at the look at that and  then we're gonna go ahead and go again whack oh it's so cool for this next Frost glioc  we're going to be going from the Ross pro   pass Sky View Tower and heading all the way up  North here by the Byron snow shelf so I'm just   going to mark that up and what you're going to  do is you're going to launch off this Tower and   once you're up in the air you're gonna look  for a little Sky Island that's going to give   us a little bit of an advantage point instead  of just us flying directly to it so when you're   in the sky you're going to be looking for a sky  island that is going to have a construct on it   and there you go you see that one over there and  you're gonna make your way right towards that one when you land on here just go right over to  this spot here and then you're just gonna jump   off north of the sky island to where this gliac  is and You're Gonna Wanna Have a advantage over   it by being up in the sky now this one also is a  glioc that likes to rotate a bit so it's gonna do   its little turn and You're Gonna Wanna time it  again where its eyes are going to be facing you   so I'm just gonna wait for the exact moment  where I can get the best strike on it   I see its eyes it's facing me and  this is where I'm gonna drop and at   this point pop up my arrow take my shots  at it give the bones to do more damage   and it's going to drop and the little drop is  going to give it a little bit more damage there   you go so it takes fall damage that's the beauty  of that and then you go ahead and just beat it up   whatever bone weapon you got take it out smash it  to pieces and you can actually get this one in one   sitting there we go done Frost Glocks are a joke  I just hate the cold here now it's time to fight   the king gliox the first king black is gonna be  found in the depths in order to get to the first   king glioc you're going to want to head over to  the typho ruined Skyview tower on the typho ruined   Skyview Tower you're then going to want to fly  over into the Drennan Highlands Chasm once you   go down into the genuine Highlands Chasm you're  basically just gonna follow the exact Pathway to   get into the area where typhoon ruins is as you  can see the map is going to mimic it completely   so when you're in the depths make sure to follow  this pathway and then you're going to arrive in   the king gliac Den make sure that you have all  your rocket Shields equipped you got your bow   and your bone weapons are all nice and ready and  safe to go during this fight so what we're gonna   do is we're gonna approach the area and you  can be like where on Earth is this guy and it first time because this one also has Gloom on it  there's also a treasure chest here so beating this   will unlock that treasure chest in front of us so  what I like to do when I'm in the depths I would   like this guy to First spot me when it's when it  first locks eyes on me so there you go King gliox   sees me and what I do immediately when the king  gliox sees me I didn't want to run up to it and   Rocket showed it just in case it uses its attacks  so I kind of baited towards me and you're gonna   see it's gonna shoot off a fire attack an ice  attack and an electric attack right and hiding   behind a little ledge here is what's gonna protect  me then I'm gonna rock it showed up in the air   get my shots on it just like that and once you  get all those eyes it's gonna drop right pretty   simple pretty straightforward and then you're  just gonna wail on it completely hitting it as   much as you can and really trying to really  hit the eyes that's the most important part   when it comes to these gliox and then the  moment it gets up what you want to do is   again get another rocket Shield ready to go  lift off freezing the air shoot all the eyes   just like that and the last one and then it's  gonna drop again and then you're just gonna take   out your your weapon and just hit it so it's  all about timing when they're about to get up   to stop them from doing any kind of ultimate  attack we're just gonna make it a lot harder   for you it's all about reacting pretty quick so  even with lower weapons this is possible now if   you're curious to see what a king gliac final  attack looks like here is what it's going to do it's all the way up it's rising and then we're  gonna see if it's gonna be an RNG so here is   it's doing electric and ice at the same time so  that means ice and electric should be falling   there's the ice so that's gonna be yeah wow so  there it is then the icicles are gonna fall down   and what you want to do here is  pretty much you can drop on this and Rewind one of these and then you  can kind of see what's happening here   like right above you it's like this crazy  thing happening kind of go right above it   and you can see icicles that are getting ready  to drop over here and then it's gonna shoot a   fire giant ball right after that so that's a  triple attack you can see that and the fireball   is just gonna go and explode wherever it's aiming  at and it does aim at you too so if you're in that   ultimate attack that's pretty much what you should  expect and then you can go ahead while you're in   the air and try to finish off these guys and that  should be the way to take it out if it does happen   to reach ultimate attack but I know you guys will  not be dealing with that because you're so much   better and then after that this chest is gonna  unlock and then this chest is going to be one   piece from the Twilight set the cap of Twilight  now we're gonna be moving on to the sky island so   take down three more King gliox to get to this  kinglyak we're gonna be going over to the wind   Temple and from the wind Temple we're going to be  making our way across this area to this Shrine now   from this Shrine we're gonna make our way all the  way over to where the king gliac is located over   here so for this King gliac You're Gonna Wanna  Go ahead and teleport over to the wind Temple   it is a little cold so maybe if you're smart you  want to equip something that's going to keep you   a bit warm now from the wind Temple we're pretty  much gonna make our way off of this thing because   the wind Temple is much higher so this is why we  are going over here now to get angle you open up   your map and hit X and you can look to see where  you're supposed to go and you can see that little   platform down there and you can see all these  ships above here but here's what exactly the   strategy we're gonna do we're gonna head over to  that Island down there that has a shrine that's   gonna be our point where we're gonna make our way  there so I'm just gonna go ahead jump to the ship   and from here we're gonna equip our Sage that's  gonna help us push with the gust that'll bring   us to the spot once you arrive over here make sure  to activate this Shrine that way you can just see   where you have to go so then right from this point  pretty much is where we're going to have to fly   directly to the gliac as it's marked the other  Island that you see is a lot lower so we don't   want to go all the way down there we're gonna fly  over with a flying machine and make our way there   and we fly once battery runs out make sure to  go ahead and use your power glider and use the   gust to push you forward now this one you want to  time yourself where you can be right by its head   sometimes you're gonna fall a bit early and uh  it's gonna be a little harder so my first shot as   you can see here I'm using the five shot bow I'm  gonna shoot and completely Miss which means I have   to aim a lot higher so I got one shot on it gonna  aim again so because I missed it I'm gonna use   a rocket Shield to kind of get a nice Advantage  again in the air so there we go there's one shot   I'm not facing its eyes so I have to drop a little  bit further there's my second shot on the ice   one and there's my third shot on the electric so  remember when you always mess up here you want to   compensate with a rocket Shield rocket Shields  are going to be key to helping you on these   there we go and I'm just  gonna keep whacking its head   seeing if I could do it in one shot so the moment  I see that movement I'm immediately gonna quit   my rocket Shield jump up and before they can  blow me away go for these shots on the eyes   there we go easy to drop again and then  you pretty much go here for the Finish   and it's done just like that and that's how simple  it is to take down a sky island King gliac really   simple with this stuff here and the first reward  of the sky island glioc is Sage as well alright   nice to get to this kinglyak You're Gonna Wanna  head over to the grudo Highland Skyview Tower   launch from there and then head directly up in  the sky and then just make your way down to this   platform over here so for this one you're pretty  much going to have to launch up from the grudo   Highland Skyview Tower and head over to this  giant land mass over here that is in the sky   now I suggest that you have your stage with you  to help push you forward because that's going to   help a lot also another quick suggestion while  you're in the sky when these islands are really   far is to have stamina food because as you get  closer it's going to be a lot easier to load   up that way you can do the arrow time in the air  now for this one I got pretty close and I didn't   have enough stamina to be right by it to shoot  arrows so I figured at this point I have to drop   down and try to recover my stamina somehow also  I totally forgot about rocket Shields and yes   this is me about to fall but I do jump up with my  last HP bar try to get behind this rock but the   king glioc does spot me on this one so pretty  much what I do really quickly is I fuse three   rockets to my shield because that was the Strat  I told you earlier and the king glioc is coming   in by using all its three attacks to do the beams  at this point after it does its electric beam ice   beam and the fire beam simply just go ahead  and do the rocket shot shoot it three times   on all its face parts that should be easy it drops  down and then go ahead and whack it it takes more   damage when you hit the eyes directly if you don't  hit the eyes directly it won't do as much damage   and then as soon as it gets up rocket showed up   before he yells in your face that's what happens  when he yells in your face can anybody get the   rocket as fast but I quickly get up and I go  for the shot there we go blue eye and yellow eye   and this cling gliac is going to drop and  then just go ahead and whack its face as   you can see I do miss some of my shots which  is pretty pathetic here be more better than   me and when you miss those shots you lose that  opportunity again just rocket Shield anytime   and if you add your gibda bones along with  this bone armor it's gonna do a lot more   damage as you can see and then I gotta aim  for the electric one up there and it's done   there we go so a five shot bow give dough bones  and this kinglyak is down and on this island you   get yourself a sage will now that's gonna power up  your Sage's attack the next king gliac is gonna be   located right above Evan tide Island over here  and now the best way to get over to it is by   launching up in the sky from the rubella Wetlands  from the rubella Wetlands once you're in the sky   you're gonna make your way over to this Sky Island  over here and you can tap over at the kuma Mayan   Shrine you can go over to this island over here  and tap this Shrine so that way you can make it   a save point at this point you're then going to  spin the device until you're facing this platform   over here so you could have a better Advantage  once you're at this platform you're then going   to fly all the way to evantide Island so that  is going to be quite a chip using a sky machine   combo along with your gust pushes from your stage  friend the next glioc is going to be located right   above Eventide Island and we're gonna have to do  a jump here so you want to go from rubella Wetland   Skyview Tower over to this Sky Island right  above now this sky island is going to have a   little pushy thing and you're going to want to  pay attention to where it's angled so what you   want to do is you want to twist this completely  so you're facing this land mass over here so you   want to twist this thing that launches you over  to this spot right over here so I look at my map   I'm making sure I'm aligned with where the gliac  location is going to be and just go ahead and then   you're going to twist that just like this and you  see that little island above you that's what you   want to aim for so that'll give you much of a  higher jumping Vantage so you can get there so   I'm just gonna hop on here it's gonna lift me off  right here and that puts me at a better spot than   just trying to fly off from there now over here  I'm just gonna go ahead and make a flying machine   because that's the easiest thing I can do there  we go my hoverboard 1.0 yes I am using the 1.0   version I just like it is this something about the  1.0 the new one is gonna have a 45 degree angle so   you can get there faster but I'm still a little  old school here and I still have to make that one   so I'm just gonna place a rocket on here and I'm  gonna lift off here we go right to that Island and then I'm just gonna start going close close  as I can to this island again if you don't have   enough battery make sure you bring enough  stamina food Talon's gonna help you a lot   as you get close and then when I ran out of  battery pretty much just jumped on my power   glider and got my burst in the air to push me  forward in the wind now once I was close enough   I just waited kind of for the gliac to angle  itself as close as possible to me so I could   get the best headshot so I waited and right  about here I drop he didn't even notice me   yet and that was the angle I could shoot all the  heads so I go for the electric one I shoot the   fire one that drops and then this blue one with  the ice one just drops take this one out just   like that it drops down and then I ran out of  stamina here so stamina is pretty important so   I'm a little bit slow here but gonna just hit it  as much as I can that's a missed hit over there there we go every time you hear that Ding that  means we got a crit so that's times two the damage   we had and I'm gonna just jump on on the rocket  Shield jump up on the rocket shield and just go   for the shots on all the head and then the blue  ones under here this one's a little tricky to get   redhead is just blocking me okay there we  go that blue one's still there missed it and   shot all of them dropped so just whip out  your weapon again if you need to lock on   that could help and you're done this one was  like less than a minute of a fight another   glioc down in the sky this one is also going  to be giving you a sage as well so it looks   like all the ones in the sky will be  giving you the same rewards congrats   now you're a professional glioc Hunter  but do you know about this click on it
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 674,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of the Kingdom Gameplay, Tears of the Kingdom Guide, TOTK Guides, TOTK How to, Tears of the Kingdom How to, Unlock Tears of the Kingdom, DO THIS NOW TOTK, gleeok hunting guide totk, The OVERPOWERED Gleeok Farming Guide in Tears of the Kingdom, Flame gleeok totk, thunder gleeok totk, frost gleeok totk, King Gleeok totk, king gleeok location totk
Id: y3K0Qcuv-C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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