64 EARLY Game Tips YOU Must Know in Tears Of The Kingdom

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what's up Gamers welcome to tears of the Kingdom  I'm going to be showing you a bunch of amazing   early game tips that'll make your playthrough  almost Flawless so that you can unlock a lot of   things and know about a lot of the mechanics at  the start of the game let's get started as soon   as you complete tutorial Island head over to the  Lookout Landing as soon as possible and talk to   Puro she'll send you over to the castle to talk  to someone it will send you back to her and at   that point Skyview Towers will be visible which  will be what reveals the map and she will hand   you the paraglider allowing you to explore more  locations in the game trust me the paraglider   will make everything easier so get that before  exploring you can actually open up your Pura   pad in the sky and you are skydiving down or  paragliding and you can look around for objects   of interest for you I aimed at watchtowers and  marked them with the little ball because those   look like towers and I looked for any shrines when  I dropped to a lower altitude where clouds weren't   in my face that were the green glowing things  on the ground you literally cannot miss these   things when you are looking around they are right  there so I Mark those with a star choose a good   marking system for whatever you do because it'll  make your life easy and it won't get confusing   because these Maps can get really bad if you don't  know exactly what you're writing or what you're   posting pressing minus will bring up your mini-map  and all information within the game pressing plus   will bring you to all your items your armor your  arrows Shield swords materials all cooked Foods   Zone devices key items that you can't really touch  and use and your system settings when you open up   your system settings go to options and scroll all  the way down to HUD mode when you select Pro and   HUD mode it'll clear everything off of your screen  so you can do this if you want to play the game in   a more challenging way and figure out everything  or if you just want to turn on this mode to get   rid of the HUD so you can take some really nice  screenshots to share with everyone online or   just to document the cool items you found in the  beginning of the game by watching a Philly beat   you video when you get to a shrine that's new make  sure to go ahead and just touch it once because   when you just bump into it you can't really  teleport to it at all but once you tap it [Music]   you'll be able to officially teleport to that  shrine when you complete a shrine it'll be in   Blue on the map and when you touch a shrine and  activate it as a Teleport point but don't complete   it it'll have an orange and blue color until  you complete a shrine they will always have the   green swirly thing on top every light root in the  depths has a corresponding Shrine in Hyrule right   above it and the cool part is if you look above  and below the names are actually reversed on the   shrines so if you're looking to find some shrines  above you can find a light root below and mark   them above and if you're looking for some light  Roots below you can find a shrine you found above   and Mark it there so you can find it down below  it's pretty cool there are a total of 15 Skyview   Towers in the game luckily you already unlocked  one right and look out Landing so that leaves just   14 on your map that you have to do unlocking all  of these will reveal the entire Overworld map and   the sky islands above when you open up your map do  you have pins in the game now these pins act very   differently depending on when you place them if I  place one here on the sky island I can go down and   I also see the pin down below on the surface level  also down in the depths of high viral but you   notice that the pin is going to be fully square  with a glowing top only at the location you placed   it if I go ahead and I place another pin over here  on the mainland and I go up only the pink pin is   going to be glowing because that one was pinned on  top while the blue one is only going to be glowing   because they placed it on the surface and the same  applies for if I place one down in the depths so   whatever one is glowing is the active location on  your map for that level of land so the depths the   mainland or the sky islands those are going to be  how you identify your pins then you can convert   your pins into stamps which will not show up on  the other parts of the map so that's how you're   going to be able to use your pins and stamps  the next one is very big so please pay attention   after you launch from Skyview Tower and talk to  poora Joshua will run down to Robbie and you'll   talk to them to initiate a quest that takes it  to the depths and if you follow that questline   you'll eventually will unlock the camera feature  once this is done Robbie will not progress to do   anything else in order to have Robbie progress  to the next Quest you must unlock Auto build   and must complete one dungeon which is one of the  four locations on the map that Pura tells you it   doesn't matter which one you do you then will be  able to Auto build his balloon and the next quest   line will unlock that gives you access to the  sensor plus that allows you to take any picture   of an object and track it Hero's path mode that  retraces the steps you took in the game and three   travel medallions that act as instant fast travel  locations that you can place anywhere when you   complete your first dungeon the horn statue should  be unlocked in the shelter in Lookout Landing   you'll see this by a lady standing staring at a  hole down there saying I think I hear something   it'll take a heart piece of stamina from you and  give you a hundred rupees for it but if you want   it back you have to pay 120 rupees but you can  decide if you want to change all your hearts   into stamina or all your stamina into hearts or  just balance it out you can unlock Auto build by   going to the abandoned Central mine located in  the great Plateau here's a bonus tip you should   hit that subscribe button so a link can beat all  these enemies and get to Ganondorf also we'll make   more amazing videos like this as you subscribe  so please hit that button we're gonna go ahead   and just cut the grass and then we should get a  secret reveal a Restless Cricket now we're going   to be collecting about nine of these Restless  crickets here so we're gonna need three to make   an elixir of something so we're gonna collect  nine so I'm just gonna go ahead chop up the grass   okay that's nine crickets now next thing  we're gonna need are some vocabulin horns   we're gonna go ahead and we just need three  Bowl Goblin horns so let's run over to this   Camp real fast that is not a great place  to Shield sir there's another bokoblin horn   and there is another one okay the goblin horns  all done okay now we're gonna head back to Lookout   Landing once you are back in Lookout Landing make  sure to quickly head down here to this underground   shelter over here and if you haven't opened this  up just talk to this guy and it shall open up for   you now once you head down here you're gonna  find the cooking pot which is right over here   with the guy saying down by the cooking pot that's  that's exactly where it is open up your plus and   then what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be  grabbing ourselves one of these and three crickets   one two three and then you're gonna cook it press  X to skip so we can go a little bit faster if you   are ever feeling stuck somewhere and can figure  out what to do use Ascend start making it a habit   to use the scent to get out of any cave use Ascend  in combat just use it everywhere so something that   every player should be aware of is combining both  Ultra hand and recall together to make something   really cool in a combination if I was to example  pick this up with my ultra hand and drag it all   the way over here and then drop it well then if I  was to hop on this and hit recall check this out so just pick up and bring me back to the spot now  you could even do this in the opposite kind of way   when you're walking away from something you're  pushing a button just combine that concept think   about that how to use those two together and  that'll make you figure out new ways of even   completing shrines I don't want to spoil any  of those methods so you can figure those out   on your own but I just wanted to put that in your  brain when you invade enemy bokoblin camps and you   see any cages nearby you can actually put the boss  vocabulin inside of a cage and on top of that you   can throw an electric item on it so that it could  be electrocuted a really easy powerful weapon to   get early game that you can find is basically  the bokoblin skeleton arms that you can find   at night kill two of them and then fuse them both  together to get a plus 40 attack weapon now these   things last for a little bit of time they do  break and don't last forever but they are easy   to make especially because these bow goblins  keep coming out at night so you can stack up   with them and fight some enemies at night or you  could just clear up enemy camps easy in the early   game with this vocabulary amiibos give some pretty  awesome items in the game what you want to do is   hit the plus button and go to options from your  system menu make sure that amiibos are enabled   they start off the game by having them disabled so  you're going to want to click on it and turn it on   CE you're at a point in the game where it allows  you to scan amiibos you should get this icon right   over here by facing there you get a look at  the floor place your amiibo on your control   and go ahead and scan it now the interesting part  is when you try to scan the same amiibo again it's   going to tell you that you can't use the amiibo  again today so what you want to do if you want   to farm your amiibos non-stop over and over to  get items what you want to do is save your game   then completely close out your game   go to system settings down the system date  and time and go to the next date after you   do that open up your game and you should be  able to scan the exact same amiibos again   and just like that you could scan your amiibo  again if you don't have every amiibo don't worry   the special gear from them also exists in secret  quests and spots in the game the only big bonus   that amiibo users get are paragliders this red  stuff that you see by all the chasms or by the   castle or when you go to the underground is known  as Gloom when you step on Gloom it can eat away   your extra bonus hearts and the longer you stay  on here you can see it going through all your   hearts so please be very careful when you are  walking on this if you walk fast enough off of   it you won't lose a heart when you initially step  on it but you have to be really quick before the   heart goes but if you're on it for too long you  can see the hearts just go away now when you're   in the Overworld they do recover and the Gloom  effect goes away but if you are in the depths   these do not recover until you get to a light  route so you can see at the top left of my   screen they are still damaged when you drop  down here they're not looking good in order   to fix Gloom you're going to use a sundeline  recipe pretty much the simple one is going to   be one Sun deline plus a meat that's going  to give you two hearts recovered and three   Gloom Hearts fixed and then if you look at my  hearts and I do eat this food you'll see that we do actually recover some hearts here so make  those Foods if you are in a dangerous situation   in the depths you can find sundelines in the  sky islands above when you dive into a Chasm   always look for a light root in the surrounding  area make sure to dive into every single Chasm on   the map when you come across it to help unlock  the map of the depths because it is absolutely   huge and the depths make sure to break any  rocks you see as they contain zoneite this   will be used for Creations via Auto build zonite  can be traded for zonai charges which are used on   various zonai dispensers that look like gumball  machines throughout all of Hyrule that give you   parts that you can use to build whatever you want  in my opinion you should not be trading zoneite   for zonite charges because you should actually be  farming them from constructs in the sky trading   zonite for crystallized charges is a much better  because it can be used to upgrade your battery   that you have when activating Zone eye Parts the  batteries on the character over here this vendor   appears at Lookout Landing as well as in the sky  Island at nachoya Shrine indicated by this battery   symbol on the map when you're down in the depths  make sure to also collect any of these blue flames   that you see very important because you'll be  using these blue flames to purchase some OP armor   later on that can give you Gloom resistance and  even some previous amiibo items that you scanned   in the game collecting pose you can start the  Quest for it by talking to this rock actually   at Lookout Landing The Rock will talk to you and  say I am the one who returns pose to the afterlife   where they belong then give it a PO then he'll  give you a dark Clump and then you'll be able to   purchase things from its own shop with your pose  the more of these you find in the underground   statue the more things that unlock on its menu he  mentions his Brethren who are underground and the   more of them you find the more options that open  up in that shop when you're in the depths make   sure to find these flowers and collect them model  buds are very good on bows and arrows when you   approach a group of enemies take out your arrow  aim at them and select the muddle bud this is   going to confuse them but aim for the strongest  monster in the group first and then they'll all   just start fighting each other and watch it go  into chaos so this is a white one which is a very   strong and he's just gonna go for all the other  ones clearing out all the other enemies for you dang he landed a crit on him he mad though and  the cool part is even when you're close to the   enemy they won't attack you when you hit them with  a muddle button they will be focusing on the other   enemies being absolutely confused so definitely  use this in a very dangerous situation at every   single stable you find in the game you'll find  this character with a big backpack go ahead and   talk to him this is Beetle and Beetle sells  you tons of arrows that you can buy and the   cool part is beetle is in every single stable  you come across so if you're running low in   arrows you want to buy some you can buy it off of  him buy some other things as well and Beetle also   buys your item so if you need to quickly sell  something and you're on the road you can also   sell your items over to Beetle here Beetle will  probably also spend a little bit of extra money   if you get a beetle that's why his name is Beetle  so yeah just just letting you know about Beetle   whenever you're walking around the world you'll  see these Stones fall down from the sky it almost   feels like these Stones Fall as you're heading to  an objective what you want to do is hop onto the   stone use the recall ability and you'll watch  should go right back to the sky and if you're   heading towards a direction that requires a lot  of movement well you can use the height of that   rock rising to your advantage and continue  forward to get an objective I used mine to   hop inside of a tower to reveal the map this one  is actually game changing if you're by a cooking   pot or have a cooking pot ready to go and you're  ready to make some food open up your plus menu   and look at some of your materials right if you  click on one of your foods you can select select   for recipe and then click on the exact recipe  that you want so for example steam meat boom you   have all of the food right there and you don't  have to individually select it to cook the food it just saves you saves some more time  than individually selecting it over   and over again which breath of the Wild that's  all we did but now you can just select the recipe   also be aware of recipes will only show up for  ingredients that you have used in a dish there   are a lot of strange markings on the ground called  geoglyphs in order to start the geoglyph quest   line you have to go over to the new Serene stable  by sinakawak Shrine this is going to be by Hyrule   Ridge basically to the west of Lookout Landing  so directly west over here and impa is actually   going to be here and you go ahead to talk to her  and begin that questline and then you'll uncover   all the various stories and information about  these geoglyphs in the locations korok seeds   are located everywhere in Hyrule and in the sky  islands make sure to do these there are a hundred   cariakora quests to his friends which rewards  you with two Clorox seeds and 800 normal Korra   quests that are hidden throughout the game that's  a total of 1 000 korok seeds in the game when you   get some korok seeds you can find somebody over  here this is hestu hesto is someone who is able   to do a few upgrades with you this is the first  location that you'll be able to find has to win   and if I open up my map and show you you can see  that I am located right over here and you can see   from this position that that is a stable which is  new Serene stable right over here right down here   so all you got to do is just follow that road  up new Serene and come up this hill and you can   look at my map at the exact coordinates to see  where exactly this is so you're gonna do a quest   for him after you do the little side mission for  has to you're gonna have an interaction with him   ETSU mentions that he needs one Clorox seat  in order to expand your inventory after that   still will do a dance your inventory will expand  on the one that you selected and there you go you   can pick up another weapon so after two expansions  of whatever you choose Hester will then head east   after this you're going to want to teleport  all the way back to Lookout Landing as soon   as you arrive and look out Landing you can head  straight and you'll find hestu right over here   you can increase your inventory here again and  after a couple more expansions hesta will then   leave this area and probably head to the korok  forest but that's gonna be a whole nother video   whenever you come across wooden barrels or crates  make sure to break them for arrows you're going   to be using a ton of arrows in this game so  please do that to make your life a lot easier   when you're in Lookout Landing head over to the  underground shelter if it's not open up you're   just gonna talk to this guy and it'll slide open  when you drop down here in the underground shelter   you gotta look for the goddess statue it is right  in front of your face you can go and talk to this   and redeem any single shrines that you may have  gotten lights of blessings from so if you finish   four shrines you get four lights of blessings  that means you can get one entire new heart or   one-fifth of a new stamina bar I suggest you go  for stamina bar cars because stamina is going to   be really important for traveling early on in the  game Star fragments are back in this game and you   can catch the mid-air while you're falling down  star fragments are very useful for some recipes   and also for upgrading your special armor if you  ever come across someone in trouble fighting an   enemy or monster in Hyrule make sure to go ahead  help them and fight the enemy after you defeat   the enemy go ahead and talk to the person and  they might just reveal a secret about a certain   treasure spot or a clue that'll help you find  something really spicy in the game enjoying   these tips just hit that like button real quick  that's how you tip me with likes thanks in the   rain because it's really loud you can sneak up  on enemies and perform a sneak strike on them the best time to cook will be during a blood moon  when you notice the weird sounds happening in the   background make sure you're paying attention to  the moon and make sure to pay attention to the   time so from 11 30 up until the blood moon starts  when you cook you'll be able to have elixirs that   have longer time and the Buffs will last longer  on the meals that you cook as well as the bonuses   from the food once it turns 11.50 you want to go  ahead and head to a shrine as fast as possible   once you're at a shrine just walk in and then walk  out until the blood moon is gone and when you go   back outside it'll be after 12 the blood moon  completely skipped and it'll come back the next   night and you can rinse and repeat and cook again  and do this over and over again until you want to   trigger the blood moon right before a blood moon  if you kill a bunch of enemies and then the blood   moon triggers all the enemies will spawn back as  you can see I took out a white basketball Goblin   and then all of a sudden after the blood moon the  way was there again in all his minions weapons   also respawned in the game when this happens if  you are ever exploring your world and you come   across a cherry blossom tree make sure to always  always go to it and when you are in front of that   tree you want to walk up to the front of it where  you're going to find a little altar that you can   offer something up to what you're going to want  to do is open up your inventory select an apple   hold that Apple it doesn't matter if it's a golden  apple or regular Apple place it down on that and   as soon as you place it a cutscene will trigger  once this appears on your map and the cutscene   happens you're gonna see all these glowing spots  be revealed from these Secret locations and what   these glowing spots indicate is these are where  caves are located on the map you'll be shocked   to find out how many caves are just hidden away in  just places you would have never expected so make   sure to do this everywhere you go whenever you  see a bloopy make sure to follow the direction   it's going in because it's going going to lead  you to a cave when you find a cave it'll show   up on your mini-map with a little symbol of a  cave when you go inside of the cave and find   the glowing frog and shoot it or kill it however  you want to do it'll drop a gem and when you get   that Gem and go back to your map it'll show that  the cave is completed so make sure to be looking   to not confuse finished caves with unfinished  caves by finishing up the frogs by the way you   want to collect all of these gems in every single  cave you can find because these will be redeemed   for some special clothing items later on in the  game from a special Merchant if you find yourself   in a position where you can't break any rocks  properly with the weapons you have just look   for a rock on a cave floor that you can fuse your  weapons with once you fuse your weapons with this   rock you should be able to easily break the items  you can also use spiked iron balls attached to a   weapon to break rocks or you can even use Cobble  Crushers as well to break rocks whenever you go   into a cave and you find these ore deposits make  sure you break them so that you can get rare items   like rubies sapphires diamonds topaz Opals and  the other common drops you can also have a better   chance if they are gold and sparkly to get the  way better items from this you can use these as   Elemento arrows or you can just sell them for a  lot of money whenever you're walking around the   world of Hyrule or go into caves and you see  this monster hanging from a ceiling or on the   side of a wall make sure to take it out because  that monster will always drop a chest and there   could be some goodies in that chest look at that  I got a nice night shield in this one one of the   most powerful Arrow attachments in the game are  gibdo bones in order to form these you have to   head over to the desert now please do not finish  the desert storyline at all or the desert temple   or the lightning Temple that is in the desert  because that'll end all the gibdos that are   roaming around in the overall if you do decide to  start the lightning Quest there's going to be a   lot of story instances where gibdos are going to  be unlimited you'll be getting unlimited arrows   10 unlimited bows to fight a bunch of them so you  can use this opportunity to farm them and I really   suggest Farm the heck out of it since it has  an attack power of 40. a cool trick to create a   bunch of Elemental arrows basically interchanging  them is the first arm a bunch of blue shoes in   the Hyrule Field area blue shoes are almost like  the base element that you're going to be using to   transform into other ones and they're the most  common ones we'll find in the beginning of the   game collect a lot of them when you need specific  elements of different types you'll find fire shoes   in the volcano area you'll find electric chews  in the desert area video and you'll find the ice   chews in the snow areas now the cool thing about  chooses and when you throw down all the blue shoes   here you can throw electric at it and they will  all turn into electric ones you can pick them up   attach them to your arrows and now you have even  more electric arrows the same works when you throw   down ice and you throw it on fire onto those shoes  as well you could also interchange between ice   chews and electric chews and other chews so you  can switch to one entire element until you don't   need any more if you use this method if you ever  find yourself out in the wild and you need to do   something in order to speed up the time of day or  change it or just rest in general because you just   want it to be nighttime and maybe you want to farm  something at night go ahead and just chop a tree   and then what you're going to do is you're  going to take a piece of wood you're going   to take a piece of flint that you can get from  a cave or those rocks throw that on the ground   and then you're gonna strike it with something  metallic that's then going to start a fireplace   and then you can go to the fireplace sit down  by it and wait until whatever time you want   and that's how you use a fireplace while you're  also exploring the game make sure to not ignore   Wells you can actually go down these Wells and  find some secrets that are possibly there always   always jump down Wells when you see them when  you visit any stable in Hyrule you'll be able   to get a point just for visiting them for the  first time you can also get points for sleeping   at the stables and registering horses as you  get more points you can read a book that is   located on the side of the stable that's called  the pony points Ledger and you can receive your   reward these rewards will help you customize  your horse with various things like Saddles and   wagons and other things you should probably do it  because this also is something you might need for   your Great Fairy Quest the great fairies in this  game refuse to come out unless they hear music   in order to get the quest line started for them  you must start the lucky clover Gazette Quest by   Rideau Village and then proceed over to Woodland  stable where you will find musicians that's when   you'll start to unlock the fairies who will  be very very useful for upgrading your armor   if you ever come across fairies like this make  sure that you sneak up on them and grab them   they're very very very useful take your time  there's no rush let them come down to you and   then when they're close enough there you go then  you grab them that way if for some reason you ever   fall or take damage you can get your hearts  back so watch what happens when I get hit   here we go whack oh and then the fairy is  gonna bring me back to life that's why you   should get the ferry okay I'm out of here  fusing a ruby with a weapon allows you to   stay nice and warm in the game so it'll raise  Link's body temperature so if your character   is ever absolutely freezing all you really  gotta do is put on some archaic warm Greaves   and you can grab a weapon grab yourself a ruby  use that with your combo Crusher so uh so archaic   griefs plus a warm weapon will keep you toasty in  the coldest areas of the game well just a weapon   on its own or arcade Grieves on its own will  keep you warm in the like desert areas fusing   a sapphire on a weapon allows link to not take  any damage in hot weather and actually cools him   down if you fuse an opal to a weapon you'll be  able to get really awesome water properties like   being able to throw water across this entire lava  Chasm and cross it fusing a topaz to your weapon   will give you electric properties allows you to  shoot some beams out and when you use electric   properties on enemies they disarm them completely  so they won't have any weapons at all this is the   location of hatino village on your map it is all  the way on the east side of the map underneath   Mount lanero And the reason why as an early  game player you probably want to come over here   is because there is a Dye shop here and in that  dye shop there are tons and tons of dies that you   could put on your outfits as well as being able  to change your paragliders that you get in the   game that way your link doesn't have to look like  anyone else's link and can be completely different   so go ahead and go on customizing another big  tip is that you should probably click on this   video over here because you're probably going to  learn something just like you did from this video
Channel: PhillyBeatzU
Views: 602,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, TOTK, Early Game Tips TOTK, 64 Early Game Tips You Must Know, Beginner Tips Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, I wish i knew earlier tips Early Game Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Id: QGY1Fu1aiBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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