How to Kill Lynels Zelda Tears of The Kingdom

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welcome back guys Sherry here lionels now if you play breath of the wild you know that these guys were one of the worst enemies to try to defeat however here in tears of the Kingdom things have kind of changed we have a lot more in our Arsenal to defeat these guys so it's really not skill it's just a matter of knowing how to defeat them and what you need to do so so I'm going to show you exactly how to do it and the beauty of this is you can do it relatively early on in the game now I will leave timestamps in the description below that way if you just want to skip forward and see the method that I'm using to kill these guys you can do so however you may miss some really important information because there's a few things we need to do and or obtain before we encounter these guys now the first thing we want to do is make our way to the castle the best way to get there is to jump from Lookout Landing now depending on how much stamina you have you may want to pack yourself a lunch and make yourself some stamina replenishing Foods or elixirs best way to do that is just to cook up some crickets which we can find by cutting grass and we just want to cook up some crickets with a monster part because crickets are considered Critters therefore you have to cook it with a monster part or you're going to get dubious food but the more crickets you put into it the more stamina it's going to refill but I do suggest you pack yourself a couple of those and guys I'm using the Glide suit but you don't have to have it to get here but if you'd like to know where to get it which you can also get it relatively early in the game I'm going to leave a link in the description but we're just going to head right over here on the left hand side of the castle you're going to see this little bridge now you can land on this bridge but be really careful because when you do it's going to break out from underneath you so you may want to try to land a little closer to the opening once we make it into the opening we're just going to drop down and run to to the back where we are going to find a royal guards Claymore and here is the location on the map and it's located on B1 of the castle now let's go back to Lookout Landing now guys when you're in the castle if you go to the map and you're not aware all you have to do is hit the X and it's going to take you back to the world map then let's just go back to Lookout Landing and we're going to jump back to the castle again but this time we're going to go through the front door now when you get in here you don't have to worry about enemies there's no enemies in here so just run straight in until you see these steps run up the steps and then you're going to run up a second set of steps until you kind of see I guess a boulder laying on the steps right behind this Boulder behind some of this Rubble we're going to find another Royal Guards Claymore now if we just kind of run around through here we're going to find a royal guards bow let's get both of these and if you jump down and run up these steps you will end up finding a royal guard shield and a royal guard sword we don't need those but those are some good weapons to grab and all of these weapons will respawn after a blood moon so all you have to do is come back here after a blood moon and you can collect these weapons all over again now once we have our Royal Guard Claymores there's something else we can do we can make our way to the Eldon region and look for these little guys which are called an octorock they suck wind in but they will throw out a fireball at you however if you drop a weapon in front of them they will suck it in they'll shine it up and they're going to spit it out with a modifier now I do highly suggest that you save your game before you do this let him suck it in and see what modifier you get and if you don't get the modifier you're looking for all you have to do is reload your game and what we're looking for is an attack up now guys this was tedious it took several traws and all I got was an attack up three so like I said it's not necessary but it can help because I'm getting ready to show you how we are going to double the damage from these Royal Guard Claymores now I also want to mention each OCTA Rock can only do this once so that's why I think it is vitally important to save your game before you do this then reload it if you don't get the attack up modifier now there are several of these octorocks scattered throughout the Eldon region and each one of these can do it once once they do it you might as well go ahead and kill them that way they can respawn after a blood moon and you can do this all over again now there are a couple more things that you're going to need and I'm just going to assume that you have them and that is the bomb flower puff shrooms and sundelion now the bomb flowers and the Puffs rooms we get these in the depths I do suggest you set your sensor to them and then use your Ultra hand because they will glow and you can find both of these right under Hyrule Field in the depths now the sun to Lions you're going to get those on the sky islands however you can collect the sun to lions in Hyrule Field there are some that grow there but you need to get yourself all three of these and these will respawn so just check back often and you can always find more and one more thing you're going to need is a rocket now guys you're probably only going to need one which we can get right here from this device dispenser and it's easy to get to from the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower now before we go battle these guys let's get ourselves set up so I'm gonna recommend that you cook yourself some food now you will need some stamina replenishing elixirs so make sure you still have a couple of those but we're also going to need a couple of other things if you want to get a three times attack power you can cook yourself up five Mighty bananas and that will give you an attack power for four minutes and 10 seconds however I'm going to be using the Barbarian armor and each piece has been enhanced once by a fairy so if you don't know where to get that I will leave a link in the description now we're also going to need some Gloom resistant food that's what the sun delions are for now if you cook up one Sunday line you can mix that with an apple or some meat or a piece of chicken whatever you happen to have but if you cook up one of those it's going to recover three Gloom Hearts because if these guys hit you you're going to get Gloom damage now if you cook up two Sun on the Lions it will recover six Gloom Hearts so just cook up however many that you think you may need and make sure and have yourself some regular food that will just recover regular Hearts because when you recover Gloom damage it's not going to fill your hearts so just make sure and have yourself some regular food as well now of course we can also cook ourselves up some hearty food if you have some hearty truffles or hearty bass then it will give you a full recovery plus some extra Hearts so just cook up whatever you kind of think you might need as far as recovering Hearts okay so now let's get our weapons set up let's equip our Royal Guards Claymore and what we're going to do to this guys is we're going to fuse it with an item now I'm going to try to use an item that I think most of y'all might have but you can sort this by fuse power so just use something strong but I'm assuming that most of you all probably have a diamond so I'm going to fuse this one with a diamond and as you can see it went from 32 to 57 but we're not finished yet guys we're actually going to double this now what we want to do is literally slam this weapon on the ground just hold down your attack like you're going to do a charge attack until link slams this on the ground and we're going to keep doing this until we get the notification that our weapon is badly damaged now once you get that notification you can actually slam it on the ground two more times before this weapon is going to break and once we finish slimming It On The Ground now you can see it has gone from 57 to 114. now that's some significant damage with a weapon so now depending on how many Royal Guards Claymores you have and how many you want to use I would suggest you at least have two in case you break one just do the same thing fuse it with something strong slam it on the ground until it's about to break or it's badly damaged and then you're going to end up with double damage on this thing on my next Claymore I did a stall Knox horn and I ended up with a damage of 100 122 so just play around with your materials and see what you can come up with and don't forget guys you can always save your game before you fuse these items to your weapons that way if you make a mistake or you don't want an item fused to your weapon you can just go back reload that game and fuse something else now the last couple of things we're going to do is let's make sure and equip our Royal bow and then let's take out a shield and let's fuse a rocket to a shield but unequip that shield and use a different shield when you first start engaging with these guys because we're going to use that Shield at the very end and once you have yourself completely set up this is very important I feel like you need to save your game because this is going to take the anxiety away from losing anything or dying that way you can kind of practice and then just go back and reload your game and here is my location on the map guys the best place to find these lionels is at the floating Coliseum in the depths and it's right underneath the Coliseum ruins if you're looking on the surface and one of the best ways to get there is you can drop down in this Chasm the great Plateau North Chasm and you can kind of make your way around and reach the floating Coliseum okay so now I know some of you are saying well Sherry this weapon is completely damaged if you hit him it's going to break well yes that is true but I'm going to preach what I preached in breath of the wild if you mount these guys your handheld weapons will take no damage and they will not break now if you slam this on the ground or you try to flurry Rush him it's going to break in one hit as you can see right here I'm mounted on him and my weapon is not breaking but then I accidentally slam it on the ground and it breaks in one hit so this is why you might want to save your game and just practice this because it's very easy to come off of these guys and accidentally slam your weapon on the ground and this is why it can also be very beneficial to have more than one weapon but let me show you how we're going to do this guys this requires no skill at all whatsoever to defeat these guys now there are a total of five lionels in this Coliseum but when you first run into the Coliseum the first Lionel is going to come out of this gate right in front of you and what you want to do is just shoot a puff shroom at this Lionel and then make your way over to the cloud of smoke and you can keep up with the Lionel because he's going to have an arrow above his head that is flashing and what we want to do is make that Arrow turn into a question mark he just kind of stands there because he can't see you and you want to keep the cloud of smoke in between you and the Lionel as you can see it was so easy to kill that first Lionel now you want to throw some puff shrooms as soon as you kill him at your feet because we want the bow that he drops and as soon as he dies another Lionel is going to come out so make sure and keep the smoke in between you and the second line vinyl that way in case your bows are full you can get into your inventory swap out the bows but it's just a lot easier to use a multi-shot bow which is what these guys drop than using a single bow now I still have my Royal Guards bow equipped but I would suggest that you go ahead and equip the multi-shot bow because just in case you can't get close to the Lionel when he is in a cloud of smoke we can actually use a kisi eyeball and that will help us in getting a head shot to stun him and then we can mount him just in case he's not going to stand still for us now sometimes like right here he might have his back turned to you and it's a little harder to get a head shot on him even if we are using an eyeball so you can kind of just walk up to him and get a little bit closer to him but you don't want him to see you because if he sees you he is going to come after you and I just kind of want to show you guys like right here I run up on him and there's no smoke smoke around him when he sees me he's going to start to do an attack now the best way to get away from that is just to run back into the cloud of smoke where you can throw some more puff shrooms and then sometimes you can kind of tell where his face is through the smoke so you can easily just shoot him with an arrow you can use an eyeball whatever works best for you but once he is stunned and he is kneeling then we can mount him now right here when I jumped off of him there was no smoke so he saw me and as you can see he's starting his attack so when you get thrown off of these guys the best thing to do is to shoot some puff shrooms at your feet and I'll do that on the next one I'll show you guys how to do it but you just want to keep this cloud of smoke around this Lionel and it just makes things so much easier and I cannot stress this enough guys once you kill one immediately throw some puff shrooms around you because the linals that are coming out of these Gates if they see you while you're trying to gather these materials they're going to come after you so just make sure and throw some puff shrooms as soon as you kill one and look right here I still have my Royal bow equipped so make sure and try to equip one of those multi-shot bows it is so much easier to get a head shot I tried two or three times here and still couldn't get one with an eyeball until I changed and now I have a multi-shot bow and right here this is what I wanted to show you guys when you are mounted on one and they throw you off the best thing you can do is immediately shoot some Puffs rooms at your feet it's going to help you so much more than anything else and something else just like I did here in the beginning you don't always have to have a head shot to stun them and mount them if you have enough smoke around them and they're standing there just kind of looking sort of stupid or they've got a question mark above their head you don't have to stun them you can easily Mount them just with them standing there okay so that was the third Lionel we've got one more Lionel until we get to the very last Lionel so I'm gonna go ahead and skip to the last Lionel because it's a little different than any of these first four linels okay once you kill this fourth Lino now you can throw some puff shrooms at your feet if you want to just in case you might want to collect the bow or the materials or you can just leave your materials on the ground it really doesn't matter but I do suggest you grab the bow because it's a lot stronger than the previous linals dropped but what we want to do is let's take out our Shield that is fused with a rocket because this last vinyl he is covered in armor and we want to bust the armor off of him now he is going to have a little yellow bar above his head when that yellow bar drains down that is when his armor is completely gone and this is also where your stamina elixirs may come in real handy because if you're up in the air and you're starting to run out of stamina and maybe you just want to hit him some more with some bomb arrows drink you one of your stamina elixirs that will replenish your stamina and you can just kind of stay up in the air and just keep pelting him with bomb flowers and guys we can use the traditional methods just like we did in breath of the wild where we can do the flurry rushes and the pairing on these guys but this is just such an easier way it doesn't really require any skill using these Puffs rooms but if for some reason you would like to learn how to Parry or flurry Rush these lionels I will leave a link in the description and I'll show you guys exactly how I taught myself now it is a breath of the Wild video but the mechanics still apply here in tears of the Kingdom the mechanics are exactly the same the only new move that these lionels have is if you get too close to them they have a head butt maneuver which it can be flurry rushed and it can be parried but now if you would like to find out where you can get the Zone eye armor which will allow you to use Zona devices and it won't use so much of your batteries click here and I really appreciate you guys watching if you have any comments please leave them below if you're new to the channel I hope you consider subscribing and I will just catch you guys next time oh yes
Channel: WTF! Gaming
Views: 434,382
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Keywords: lynels tears of the kingdom, lynels totk, how to kill lynels tears of the kingdom, how to kill lynels totk, tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, how to kill a lynel tears of the kingdom, how to kill a lynel tears of the kingdomow to kill a lynel totk, lynel totk, lynel tears of the kingdom, lynel, lynels, defeat lynels totk, defeat lynels tears of the kingdom, how to defeat lynels tears of the kingdom, how to defeat lynels totk
Id: z2o5xjzPcL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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